S2.E33: Trusting the Process

This episode is all about how to cultivate your belief in the Law of Attraction and trust that things are working out for you. When manifestations take a long time to show up, it's not uncommon to start thinking they're not happening, or that something is broken. When we allow doubt to creep in, feel worry, despair, or even disappointment we're out of alignment and unable to receive the very thing we've been waiting for. This episode will help you to trust the process.

I'm just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If, you believe in miracles than happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you.

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to attract It, With EASE. In this week's episode, I'm going to talk all about Trusting the Process, and what I mean by Trusting, the Process is believing in the process and having faith through the process no matter how long it takes for your manifestations to unfold. I'll be honest with you, I've been having a rough time lately, and what I mean by that is I am working towards some really big things and those things are taking what seems like forever and there are days that I just doubt myself, doubt the process and just get frustrated with how long it's taking.

And I first want to put it out there that I acknowledge that that is a piece of the process And, that when you're working towards something big or if your manifestations are taking a long time to kind of unfold and come together for you, I get it. I absolutely feel for you and I have those moments too, but that is a part of the process. I think that that really is part of the learning experience, And that is part of getting to the other side, and so we're gonna talk about that today and I'm also going to break down some actual action items, things you can do to actually cultivate your trust and belief in the process of the manifestations.

Before I get into that, I would like to start this episode out by talking about my gratitude and the first thing that I'm grateful for this week is our friends, Brian and Christie. Brian is my husband's best friend since he was 18 years old. They have been friends for well over half of their lives. Brian was the officiant at our wedding. He and Christie were the only people in attendance besides our photographer, and although we don't see them often, their people that we care a lot about now.

Brian and Christie just got married this last week. They've been together 20 years and have three children, so it was so fun to be there and support them and get to witness their union after they were able to be there and support and witness our union, and I'm just really grateful to have had that experience and to be invited to the wedding and be able to attend. The second thing that I'm grateful for this week is that I'm self-published.

Can you believe it? I have wanted to publish a book for as long as I can remember, and I didn't actually write a book, but I have self-published some coloring books. Now, if you've listened to my recent podcast episodes, I've talked about utilizing AI technology to help some of your dreams or manifestations come about. One of the things I'm working to manifest is being financially independent and I strongly believe that the best way to get there is to have multiple sources of income.

So. I have currently been leveraging AI technology to try and come up with additional streams of income, and my first attempt at doing that is publishing some coloring books. They're available on Amazon, and this episode isn't about promoting those products. You can go find me If you want, but I'm just really excited that the time and energy that I've been putting into trying to build some side gigs is actually turning into some real tangible results.

The third thing that I'm grateful for this week is after six months of waiting, my signal award finally came. It's a real thing. It's so exciting to have the trophy sitting in my office. It's across from me as I'm recording right now. It is a constant reminder to me that my work is worth something. I'm not just out there talking to myself, but I'm actually impacting the lives of others and there are people out there who appreciate my podcast And that the work is valuable and it inspires me to continue to want to create content for you.

I'm so thrilled and honored to have won that award, but also to be able to have a trophy that sits in my office as a constant reminder that I am making a difference. All right, that's it for my gratitude this week. Let's jump into the topic of Trusting, the Process. Now, like I said at the beginning of the episode, I've been having a rough time lately. I really have. I have just struggled with trying to stay positive.

I have felt stressed. I've had so many things going on. I've actually been working on so many things between the coloring books and my crystal art and my Etsy store and the podcast and my full-time job. And I've mentioned that I'm in the process of working towards a promotion. I'm going through a senior manager training program at my work and trying to time it right so that I graduate from the program at the same time that the opportunity I'm trying to get hired for or promoted into becomes available and I just have so many things on my plate that honestly when I stop and think about it, my negativity and my struggles with the law of attraction or my belief in what's happening probably is actually less related to is it really working and do I really believe it and why is it taking so long?

And more so related to burnout and I wanna make that point because If, you are in the same head space that I am where you are tired and you're discouraged and you're questioning your belief and you're wondering if the time and energy that you're putting in or all of the work you're putting in or just the belief that you've had, if you're wondering if it's paying off or if you're feeling like it's taking too long or you're feeling like it's not happening or wondering if something's broken, If, you are broken.

If you're having those emotions, I want to start out and say maybe it's burnout. Maybe it literally has nothing to do with the law of attraction and it has nothing to do with the manifestations not working and maybe it has everything to do with you need to take some time for yourself, you need to slow it down and you need to do some self-care because quite frankly, as I have evaluated everything I'm going through, that's what I've determined.

That is actually the root cause behind how I'm feeling. Now, all of that being said, that is not to take away from the fact that people do get discouraged and we do lose faith and we do start to have negative thoughts and it's hard to keep those out and it's hard to stay on track and it's hard to constantly stay in alignment. And, that is why I wanna talk about that this week because it could literally be that you are questioning things and I wanna help you.

If you're there and If you're not, then bookmark this episode because I guarantee there will be a time in life when you are there And. that would be a great time for you to come back and review this information. So let's begin by talking about the basic principles of the law of attraction. I mean, if you're listening to this episode or If, you've been listening to my podcast for any period of time, you probably know the basics, but let's just review them. The law of attraction states that like attracts like.

What that means is in the whole universe, in this whole life, whatever you put out is what you get back. Now, most people have heard of karma. Karma is kind of essentially an easy way to sum up how the law of attraction works. The kind of person that you are and the things and energy that you put out into the world is what is reflected back into your experience. A positive person lives a positive life, a negative person lives a negative life.

Those are some of the basics of the law of attraction. But with that, another basic is that our thoughts and our emotions actually create energy. They have energetic vibrations and we live in a vibrational universe. We live in an existence where everything, everything around us, including ourselves, are made of matter. And what is matter? Matter is energy.

So everything our bodies, our chairs, our houses, our food, our cars, our bed, everything we own, everything around us is energy. Everything is energy. And so because we live in an energetic universe, when we're talking about our thoughts and we're talking about our emotions, that is energy that we are putting out. So when I say that like attracts like, or what you put out is what you get back is the energy or the vibration that you are vibrating at.

What you are putting out, your frequency is what is returned to you. In other words, the things you think are what show up in your life, the emotions you feel is what shows up in your life. And. That's why it's so easy to find evidence of things, even if it's negative, you can say, today sucks. And someone else could say, no, it doesn't. And both of you can be right.

You can find evidence of why today sucks for you. And the person who says no, it doesn't can find evidence of why it's amazing. And it's because that's where they're vibrating. They're vibrating at, it sucks or it feels great. And so whatever they're vibrating at is what's returned to them. Okay, one last basic principle I want to address is that in order for manifestations to work, you need both belief, belief that it's possible, belief that you're deserving and belief that it will happen.

You need that, but you also need alignment. What is alignment? Well, I have a whole episode on alignment, but basically the energy or the frequency that you are putting out into the universe has to be a vibrational match to the thing that you're asking for. What does it mean to be a vibrational match? Well, it means if you're asking for something big and happy and positive, and that's how you'll feel when you receive it, you need to feel like that before you receive it.

You need to be a match to the thing that you're asking for If. you want something amazing and wonderful to happen to you. You have to feel amazing and wonderful and think amazing and wonderful things before it happens to you or that will never find you. You won't be aligned with that thing you're asking for. Being in alignment is just being your true authentic self who you are without all of the filters. Because I promise you, when you take the stress away and you take the judgment away and you take away the should haves and the would haves and the must-haves and you stop putting filters on yourself, and you just are yourself truly authentically.

When you're entirely alone, if you're not judging, you are pure positive energy and pure positive energy is what you want to be in order to Attract the things you're asking for. Okay? So that's the basics of the law of attraction. So how does this tie into today's episode? Well, if your thoughts and emotions are the energetic vibration of what you're putting out into the universe, And, that is what is returned to you, well then Trusting.

the Process is exactly your thoughts and your emotions. If you're Trusting it, you're relaxed, you're letting go, you're allowing it to happen. You're not worried about the timeline, you just trust. You believe it's gonna happen, and you just go about your day. It's easy, breezy, If, you're not Trusting. If you're not believing, that means you're in your head. That means you're questioning things, you're worried about it, you're stressed about it, you feel stressed, you feel overwhelmed.

Your emotions are not positive, they're negative. So are you in alignment with the thing you're asking for? Absolutely not. But also your thoughts are part of that vibration. Your thoughts are energy and you're thinking negative things. If you're thinking negative things, you're not in alignment with the thing you're asking for. So this is a key element to getting what you want. And my point is that if you're not Trusting, if you're not believing, if you're questioning, if you're worried, if you're stressed, you are actually standing in the way of receiving the thing that you want.

So it may already be taking a long time, but then because it's taking a long time, you stop and you worry and you stress about it, and you start going, maybe it's not happening, maybe it's not real, maybe it doesn't work. Maybe something's broken. Maybe the law of attraction isn't real, and all of those thoughts. Now, whatever was already in progress or moving towards you, you have put a big red stop sign in front of you and said, just kidding, don't come to me anymore.

Slow your roll. Stay back because I'm no longer in alignment and so I'm unable to receive. Is this making sense to you? I want to 0.1 thing out, and I've said it many times before, but the bigger the ask, the longer it can take. And what I mean by that is that if you're asking for something huge like If, you want a million dollars.

A lot of things have to be orchestrated, people have to be put in places, conversations have to happen. One thing needs to occur for the other thing to occur for the next thing to occur. And just like my promotion that I'm looking for at my work, the job's not even open yet. So, I can be sitting around frustrated that I don't have this promotion, but there's not even an opening. So there are things that occur in order for the thing you're asking for to happen. And the bigger the ask, the more of those things have to occur.

And just simply because of that, the more time it can take. Now, that doesn't take away from the fact that you can have instant manifestations, And, that does happen. But you'll notice that happens more with things that feel easy and things we take the pressure off of like manifesting a parking spot. When you believe that you can find a front row parking spot, it's really easy to manifest that instantly because your belief is so there. You're already there and you have evidence that it's happened before. But when you're thinking about manifesting a million dollars, your belief doesn't feel like that.

You're not already there. You're questioning it. You don't know how it's gonna happen. You feel like it's gonna be hard. And so it is hard. So understand that your belief is a big piece of how long it takes, but also the bigger the ask, the more pieces are involved. So just by nature it can take longer. All right? There's also something to be said about divine timing.

Now, I wanna be careful about how I address this point. I am not a person that believes in fate and I am not a person that believes that there is a life plan. Because to me, that thought takes away all of my ability to control the outcome of anything or to manifest anything that puts it in the hands of someone or something else. But there is something to be said about so-called divine timing, meaning when you ask for something, the universe almost every single time will bring it to you in a way that just drastically exceeds your expectations.

And the reason for that is that the universe has access to all people, all resources, and can put things together and orchestrate things that you could never have even imagined because you don't know these people or you weren't aware of this possibility or this situation. So in your mind, you have an idea of how it could have come about or how it can come about. And yet the universe has millions of other ways that it could make it happen. And what the universe comes up with is even better than what you imagined.

And so when you look at it in that aspect, sometimes we feel like things have to occur on our timeline because we see this one opportunity and we think that's how it's gonna come about, or we think that's the best route for us. But the universe is working on something completely different. That is not what we had in mind. It's far better than than what we had in mind. It's not on our radar because we're not aware of it. So we feel like we missed out on an opportunity, or things are taking too long, or you're frustrated or stressed because the one way that you think it might happen or could happen, the timeline has almost come and passed and you're like, oh my gosh.

But if these things don't work out in time, then that I'm gonna miss that opportunity. And the universe is like, haha, no way. I've got this way better thing happening on over here. You just can't see it yet. The way I describe it is it's like driving at night and having your headlights on. You can only see what's in the light of your headlights. There's a whole world going on outside of the light. You can only see the beam of headlights, a certain distance in front of you, but you can't see what's going off to your left and going off to your right.

There's everything out there that the universe has access to and can see, and you're just looking in your headlights and you're feeling frustrated. When I say divine timing, what I mean by that is when you trust in the process and you just let it happen, when it eventually does happen, you will feel like it's divine timing. And what I mean is when it happens, it will make sense why it wasn't when you thought it should have been, why it wasn't the thing you thought it should be, why it occurred in the way that it did.

And when you receive it, you will be so grateful and so thankful that it didn't come about in the way that you thought it should happen. Because the way the universe orchestrated it was so much better. Okay? We've talked about how doubt is just a part of life, how it's so easy to lose faith and to lose trust and to question if something's wrong, or if the law of attraction is not real, or if it's broken, or if something's wrong with you.

That is a reality. and I feel it too. I feel you when you're there. We've talked about that, but we've also talked about how your belief and your alignment is an essential part for your manifestations to occur. So it's like this catch 22, because it can take a while, and the longer it takes, the easier it is to lose that belief, And that alignment. So then the question becomes how do you cultivate trust and belief?

How do you overcome that? How do you get through those moments like what I've been going through? When you just let those negative thoughts creep in and you start doubting yourself and doubting the process and doubting if it's worth it and doubting everything, how do you cultivate belief and trust? Well, I'm gonna take a quick break for our sponsors, and when I return, I'm gonna answer that question. I'll be right back with you.

Welcome back to Attract, It, With, EASE. We have been talking about Trusting in the process. Trusting the Process of however long it takes for your manifestations to occur. I've addressed that. It is 100% a real thing that manifestations can take a while, And, that it's human nature to start to let doubt creep in and to feel ity or question things, question yourself, question the process that is a part of life.

So what do we do when that happens? How do you cultivate trust and belief in the process when the process is taking a long time? That's what I wanna talk to you about now, and there's a whole bunch of things that you can do. I came up with a list of a few of them and I wanna talk you through them, but there's probably even more things than what I came up with. But as I talked about in the first half of this episode, your belief in the process, your belief that it can happen, your belief that it's going to happen, the belief that you're deserving, as well as your alignment, being in alignment, being a vibrational match to the thing that you're asking for, those are two essentials in order to recede.

So when you know doubt creeping in, because it's going to happen at some point in life, when you notice it, when you notice that you're feeling stressed, when you notice that you're overwhelmed, when you notice that you allow negativity to creep in or you become a negative person or you start saying negative things, well guess what? You're no longer in alignment to the thing that you're asking for and however long it's taken already, you're just putting up a red stop sign and you're keeping it from occurring at that point.

So you need to recognize that. You need to recognize that you're in that state, and I'm going to give you multiple things that you can do to shift and cultivate or reignite your belief and your trust in the process. Okay? Some of these are pretty no-brainer, but the first one is affirmations. Now, affirmations feel silly, especially when you're saying things that you don't really believe at the time. Because think about it, if you're feeling down, you're feeling negative, you're feeling stressed sometimes saying something completely opposite of that, saying something positive just feels fake.

It's a thing, I get it, but you'd be surprised If, you actually try it. The more you say it, it does start to lift your mood. And even If, you don't believe you're saying it. The more that you do say it, you will begin to start believing it. And when you start believing it, then there's emotion behind it. And now we're tapping into that alignment. We're shifting our vibration. So affirmations and positive self-talk, lifting yourself up can be huge. and I'll tell you one way that I do that, because sometimes it's hard to just shift my mindset and make myself do that or put myself in that state or remember to do that.

Just have positive affirmations sitting around. I have positive affirmations on my bathroom mirror and I. Know that sounds cheesy and silly, but guess what? If I'm in a bad mood and I walk up to my mirror and it has a post-it that says, you got this, it instantly changes my mood, instantly makes me shift my thinking. Now, it doesn't necessarily take me from a super unhappy, negative, stressed emotion all the way up to, oh my gosh, my life is amazing.

It doesn't work like that, but it does raise my frequency, it does raise my vibration, and it does shift my thinking just a little bit. And the more that you can do that, the little you tick that shift upwards and upwards and upwards tell you do become that vibrational match when you get back into alignment. And sometimes all it takes is just a little phrase, a little word, a little reminder to shake things up for you to go, what am I doing?

I'm screwing this all up. Why am I speaking this way? Why am I thinking this way? Because when you remember that the words you speak and the thoughts you think and the way that you feel create a vibration out into the universe, they are energy. When you recognize that and you realize you're putting negative energy out into the universe, even though it's maybe unintentional, it probably is unintentional. But when you recognize that you're doing it, it's real easy to shake up and be like, whoa, who am I being?

What am I doing? Because you're getting in your own way, you're stopping it, In fact, you're not just stopping it, you're starting to Attract the exact opposite. So we need to catch it as quickly as possible. So affirmations and positive self-talk is the first thing on my list. The next thing people rarely do And. that is visualization. Visualization is not dreaming. Visualization is intention. It is finding time to close your eyes and intentionally controlling the visuals going on in your mind.

And what are you visualizing? You are visualizing the, you already have the thing that you've asked for, not that it's coming, not that you are receiving it. You visualize that you have it, meaning this is what life looks like once I've received it. If you're looking for a new job, you're visualizing what it's like to be in the job not to get the call. That's the job offer. You're visualizing having it. And as you visualize having it, you are thinking about how does it feel?

What does life look like? Now that I have this thing, how do I dress? Who do I hang out with? What does my schedule look like? What are my finances? How do I spend my free time? Because I imagine If, you want a new job, you're also anticipating that that pays more money and maybe it has a better schedule and maybe you like the people you work with better. And If you don't. Hopefully you at least like what you're doing better. So you're a happier person. This is what you're visualizing. You're visualizing the feelings and what it looks like.

Once you have the thing you're asking for, it's so much fun. It feels so good because in those moments you already have it. So you shift your thoughts from thinking about, oh my gosh, this is taking so long. It's not working. Maybe it's not worth it. Maybe I'm not supposed to have it. Maybe there's another plan. Maybe the law of attraction doesn't work for me. Maybe there's something wrong with me. It shifts all of those thoughts and removes them to Dun, I have it.

My life is amazing. I have the very thing I wanted the most, and it feels so good and it is everything that I wanted and more. And you just get to feel that for a few minutes for as long as you want. That is visualization that will help you with your belief. It will help shift your vibration. All right, the next one is to surround yourself with supportive people. Now, If, you don't have supportive people or you feel like that's not a possibility.

Then what you can do is support yourself with resources. I guarantee you there are people out there or resources. This podcast is one of them, but I'm sure there's YouTube videos, there's gotta be audio recordings. There's other podcasts, there's other people, there's networks, there's Facebook groups, and I'm not a fan of Facebook, but there's people that use them. There are resources out there to encourage and uplift you, and it can be that you literally reach out to someone.

You can send them a direct message or you can join a group or a club, or you can just use those resources to inspire and uplift yourself, but surround yourself with that support. The next thing is something that's been on my mind, And, that is mindfulness and meditation. Now, I'll be real straightforward with you. I struggle with meditation, struggle with meditation for the same reason that everybody does.

Your mind wanders. And so for me, I often prefer to visualize than to meditate because I can let my mind wander when I visualize. But meditation for me is such a challenge because I either fall asleep or I feel like I fail because my thoughts just drift. But I know for a fact that not only does meditation reset your energy, it actually has huge health benefits for your mind and your emotion and your body.

There are scientific studies that show that there are health benefits, that people live longer, that they're healthier if they spend time regularly meditating. And meditating doesn't have to be a half hour, it doesn't have to be every day, but If, you can just meditate for 10 minutes, maybe two or three times a week. You'll have drastic improvements in your health, in your mindset, in your emotions, in your life.

And I recently, literally just last night, had this kind of slap in the face where I thought, Kayla, what you need right now is some meditation. You need to clear your mind and let go of all the crap, all the negativity, all the thoughts you're thinking, and just release it and just be, because when you release everything and you just clear it, you're literally resetting everything.

It's like starting fresh. It's like starting over. And when you come out of that meditation, you get to choose the thoughts you think. You get to choose your emotion. You're not just going with the flow or letting whatever had happened earlier in the day. Control your emotions. Meditation is challenging. I acknowledge that, but it is so worthwhile, and that's one thing I'm gonna be focusing on in the coming week. All right, along with meditation, this is an easy one, and this is one of my favorite focus on the present, be in the moment because most of the time when we are not Trusting the Process, it's because we're not focused on the now.

And I'm sorry, this is making me emotional because again, I'm recognizing my areas of opportunity. But when you're stressed and you're thinking it's not working, you're not thinking about your current moment, you're thinking about the future and you're thinking about how it's not happening, how it's not occurring, maybe something's broken. You are not sitting present in the moment thinking about how wonderful this moment is.

and I talk a lot about gratitude on this podcast, but being present, there's, there's just no way. You can't be grateful when you stop and you focus on your five emotions. You think about what you smell, you think about what you can see, you think about how you feel, how your body feels, you think about what you can taste, what you can hear. Last night, I was sitting on my patio with my husband.

It was dark. We had a fire lit. We got in an argument. And the reason we got in an argument is because I've been so stressed. And when I stopped the argument, we sat there in silence because we'd been arguing, but it caused me to be present because we weren't talking. I started noticing the sounds of the wind in the trees, sounds of the crickets, hear birds chirping.

I see beautiful city lights with our gorgeous, amazing view off of our back deck. I'm sitting next to a warm fire. I literally became present and instantly it shifted my mood. I went from fighting with my husband minutes prior about how overwhelmed and stressed I am to sitting in that moment and feeling like my life is incredible If.

you can just stop and be present in the moment. You will find things to appreciate If you stop and take in the incredible beauty that surrounds you, the people that surround you, the people that love you, how wonderful this life is If, you stop and you do that. It will help bring you back to a space of alignment.

It will reset your emotions and it will help you believe that everything has a plan. and it will help you believe that this life is amazing, And, that it is all working out for you because it is all working out for you. Everything is always working out for you. And when you get, when you catch glimpses of that by being present, it makes it so much easier to believe that no matter the timeline and how long things are taking right now, it's working out for you.

It is working out for you. All right. The next thing on my list is to practice self-care. Now, this is an obvious one. When you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed and you're sad and upset or feeling negative, the best thing you can do is call a timeout. And by calling a timeout, it's doing something for yourself that makes you feel better, that raises your vibration.

Self-care is about joy. And self-care can be go to the spa and get a massage. It could be take a bubble bath. It could be doing something you absolutely love, something creative, painting something, drawing something, writing something, journaling, singing something. It doesn't have to be creativity. It could be go on a walk, do something entirely for you, stop, take a time out and do something that makes you happy.

When you do that, you will shift your vibration, but you are also cultivating trust and belief because the happier you are, the easier it is for you to believe that life is working out for you. Your manifestations are working out for you. Everything is happening for your good. When you feel good, it's easy to believe that. And guess what? It's not just a matter of believing it. It's actually true.

Life is working out for you. Sometimes you just lose sight of it. Okay? I talked about focusing on gratitude, and I've said that by being present in the moment, that's one way to do it. But simply by stopping and thinking about what you have to be grateful for, whether that's keeping a gratitude journal, keeping a list of your gratitude in your phone, or just acknowledging in your mind all of the things that are going well for you in life, life that helps cultivate your belief, it shifts your vibration.

There is absolutely zero way that you can be in a negative mindset and be in a grateful mindset at the same time. Those things are in complete contrast and If. you choose gratitude. You're choosing to give up the negativity, at least for the period of time that you're focused on your gratitude. And the longer that you focus on your gratitude, the more that you will lift that vibration. And when you do start thinking about something else or come back to the moment and become present or get involved in whatever's going on around you, your job or your home life or your kids or your spouse or whatever, you'll feel better.

Gratitude is one of the quickest, easiest ways to build belief, to cultivate trust, and to raise your vibration. Now, the last thing on my list, and this is something I've said before, is when you are questioning, does it work or you're questioning, is it broken? Am I broken? Why is it taking so long?

One of the absolute best things you can do is to make a list. Or if you've taken my advice and you've already started a list, pull out that list of things you have already manifested. Now, you may be thinking, Kayla, I've never manifested anything. I guarantee you that is not true. If, you take time to sit down and think about things you currently have in your life that you didn't have before, that you wanted, that now you have, I guarantee you manifested it.

It could be your significant other. It could be the place you live. It could be the job you have. It could be the clothes you're wearing. It could be the medication you're taking. It could be the vacation you're going on or you just got back from, or the honeymoon you had or the wedding you had, or the birthday you had, or the party you had, or the friends that you have. These are things we attracted into our life. Every single thing in your existence, every person in your existence is there because you attracted it.

and I know that that is a difficult concept to wrap your head around because sometimes there are things in our lives that we don't like or we don't want, and we say, there is no way I would've attracted that. That is not what I wanted. But guess what? We Attract things all the time that we don't want by simply doing exactly what I started out this episode with by being negative, by complaining, by worrying, by stressing. When we're in those states and when we're in those states for extended periods of time, we Attract more of it, and then we find evidence of it and we go, see, I told you, I told you it sucks.

It sucks because we attracted it and we can get rid of it, we can release it, we can exchange it for something better just by shifting our vibration. So going back to that list of all the things you've attracted, If, you don't have one when you're, you're in these moments or when you're not in these moments, just when you're thinking about it, create that list. Sit down and write down. you know, I wanted the job that I have and I, remember when I applied for it, or I remember when I got that interview, how excited I was, how I really hoped they would call me for another interview where I really hoped that they would offer it to me.

Well, guess what? That's something you manifested. Maybe the relationship you have. Maybe you went through some bad relationships before and you just really wanted that good, healthy, strong relationship. You asked for it and now you have it. When was the last time you sat back and thought about that? How much better the relationship you're in is than the last one you had? And maybe that's not you, maybe that's not the case, but I guarantee there's other things in life. Maybe you really wanted children.

Maybe you struggled to have children. Maybe your partner didn't want children, and it took some time for your partner to be open to having a child. I don't know what your story is, but there are things that you have, experiences you have had that you have manifested, things that you are grateful for, experiences and memories that are your favorite. And when you stop and you think about the fact that you attracted, that you created that, you asked for it, you prayed for it, you put it out there and said, I really want this, and now it's yours.

That is how life works. That is literally the law of attraction. That is the epitome of manifestation. And you can take away your belief and you can say, no, it's not. That was coincidence. It would've happened anyway. I fell into that. I didn't have a choice. You can say whatever you want, but the fact of the matter is you manifested it and you have manifested some amazing, wonderful, incredible things.

Maybe it's the school that you went to. Maybe it's the education that you have, the friends in your life, the possessions that you own, the car that you drive. There are things that you wanted that now are yours or you had, and maybe you no longer have them, but you got to experience them. You got to enjoy them. You have these wonderful fond memories. The more you can focus on what has already occurred for you, you will continue to cultivate your belief that it is possible, that it is happening, that you do have the ability that you are worthy.

I wanna make one last statement today, And. that is that slow progress does not equate to failure. Just because something may be taking a long time doesn't mean it's not working. So when you're in those moments of doubt and stress and frustration and worry, and you're complaining, so important to shift your energy to work on cultivating that belief, work on cultivating the trust And, that leads me into this week's action item.

And you could literally pick anything from my list and have that be your action item. But because this is what I need this week, I have a feeling it might be something you need this week too, and that's for you to focus on self-care. And when I say that I want you to do something for self-care, I want you to do something that specifically makes you happy. So I'm not saying like go work out or go take a shower or use a bath, mom, I want you to pick something that literally makes you happy.

Do it this week, do it for you. And when we're talking about self-care, we're not including other people. We're not including your significant other. We're not including your children. We're not including your friends. Self-care is entirely selfish. It's completely for yourself. By yourself. Do it. Take some self-care time this week. Self-care can be visualization. Self-care can be going on a nature walk. Self-care could be taking yourself out to lunch.

Do something for you that makes you happy. That is your action item this week. Now, before I wrap up, I wanna remind you guys that I recently joined a network of podcasters who have the goal of raising the vibration of the universe. Our network is called the Ethereal Network. And if you've listened to some of my episodes, you know that every few weeks, I recommend one of those other podcasts just to get them exposure, but also because their podcasts are also positive, uplifting, inspiring information that I think you may be interested in listening to.

And so I'd like to introduce you to the podcast since of Soul. Shanna is the host. She's awesome. You'll love her. I'm just going to end this episode with a quick introduction to Sense of soul. Have a great week. I'll talk with you next week. Bye-bye.

Hello, my soul Seeking friends. It's Shana, the host of Sense of Soul podcast, enlightening conversations with like-minded souls from around the world, sharing their journey of finding their light within, turning pain into purpose and awakening to their true sense of soul. Now go grab your coffee, open your mind, heart and soul. It's time to awaken.


S2.E34: Rituals, Habits and Superstitions


S2.E32: Be a Doer Not a Dreamer