S2.E32: Be a Doer Not a Dreamer
How often have you had an amazing business or invention idea, and how many times have you actually acted on it? In this episode, Kayla talks about how to know if the thoughts you have are inspired, and encourages you to take inspired action. Not only that, but Kayla shares some tips on how you can use current AI technology to help you accomplish your goals.
Iām just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If, you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you.
Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to Attract It With EASE. In this week's episode, I'm going to talk about how to take inspired action, essentially how to be a Doer and not just a Dreamer. I'm going to break down how to know if the thoughts you're having are inspired, and I'm gonna talk about some examples of how you may be missing out on inspiration that's being fed to you or coming your way.
And my hope is that in this week's episode, you'll be inspired to take some action towards achieving your own dreams. But before I get into all of that, this week, I want to talk to you about my gratitude. And this week's gratitude is all the feel good stuff. And what I mean by that is the three things I'm grateful for this week are rainbows, butterflies, and flowers. So let's talk about rainbows. I've been seeing rainbows a lot this past week because it's been rainy here where I'm living, it's literally rained every day and we keep wondering when's the Rain going to stop?
But the best part about the Rain, aside from the smell and the sound, is that with the Rain comes rainbows. My middle name is Rain. That's why I go by Kayla Rain. And growing up, my parents called me Kayla Rainbow. And my mother passed away in the year 2000. And when we had our very final conversation, she said to me, Kayla, whenever you see a rainbow, know that I'm looking down on you. I'm looking after you. I haven't left you, and it's my way of showing you that I'm proud of you.
So every time I see a rainbow, I am just filled with love and gratitude. And of course, I think of my mom. The second thing I'm grateful for this week is butterflies. and I don't mean butterflies in my stomach, although I really like those. But with the Rain, for some reason this week I've just had a number of butterflies in my yard. Most of them have been yellow, but just big, huge, beautiful butterflies just fluttering around. And this weekend I spent a lot of time on my back patio looking at the view we were entertaining my in-laws.
And throughout the time that I sat out there over the last few days, there was a multitude of butterflies that just kind of flew through the yard and made their presence known again. It made me feel like it was a sign or a message from, I don't know, my mother or the universe or something, just a feel good moment that makes me think that things are on track. Life is good, things are going well, and I'm grateful for those reminders.
And the third thing I'm grateful for this week is the flowers that have come with all this Rain and the spring we're renting the house that we're in. It's our first year in it. It's amazing to see all the flowers that have been planted. We have roses and tulips and irises, and just so many beautiful flowers that have been springing up. And as soon as one seems to kind of take its turn and start to die off, another flower seems to bloom.
And my yard is just absolutely stunning. And I'm just so grateful for the beauty that I'm surrounded with and the beauty that comes with this season. So that's my gratitude for this week. Let's talk about taking inspired action. So this week's episode is called Be a Doer Not a Dreamer. And here's what I wanna talk about this. This week. I've been talking to a few close people in my sphere of influence about a couple projects I've been working on, and one of them said to me this past week, Kayla, I get those kinds of ideas all the time.
I get great business ideas, but the difference between you and I is that I just sit around and I think about things I'd like to do, and you actually do them And. that was honestly one of the best compliments I could have ever received, is I am a Doer. and I never really thought about it that way, but that's something that I'm actually really proud of, is that when I have a thought or when I can't let go of a thought, I find a way to make it happen. The podcast is absolutely evidence of that.
But when I think back to so many different things in my life that I've wanted to do or I've wanted to learn, I'm just a crazy person that goes and figures out how to do it, and I will get it done. I don't just talk about it. I actually do it. and I, think about so many things that I've self-taught myself. I mean, I used to be an extreme couponer. I literally was one of those people you see on television that can get a cart full of products, go through, use all their coupons, and not only not pay anything, but actually leave the store with the products and making some money.
I used to do that. I taught myself how to do that. That's a lot more work than it's worth, which is why I don't do it anymore. But I can tell you there are so many things in my life that I have just grabbed the rains and said, I'm gonna get it done. And today I wanna talk to you about that because when we're talking about fulfilling our dreams or manifesting the things that we want, we can't just sit back and think that millions of dollars or the dream job or the dream relationship or the dream car is just gonna show up on our doorstep, doesn't typically happen like that.
We have to help these manifestations along. And it's not a matter of trying to force the outcome or figure out how to do it. It's a matter of sitting back, being relaxed, believing that it will happen, and waiting for a sign that it's time to take action. And when we receive that sign, we need to take action, and that's called inspiration. When we receive inspiration, it is our job to act on it. And that's what I wanna talk about today.
So the first question is, how do you know if the thought you're having or the thing you're thinking about is an inspired thought? How do you know if it's inspiration? Well, that's an easy one. If, you can't let go of the idea if it just keeps eating at you. If, you think about it over and over again, If. you lay in bed at night and you're thinking about how you could do it, or in conjunction with that, maybe you continue to get messages about this.
What I find is that particularly on social media, I will get the same message over and over and over again. and it may be that I'm engaging with posts, So, I, get more posts like that. I don't know. I may be causing it to happen, but I find when the same message hits me day after day after day after day, that causes me to not be able to stop thinking about it. It's just on my mind. And when I run into those situations, that's when I stop and recognize there's a reason that this message keeps coming at me.
There's a reason that I keep seeing this again and again and again, and there's a reason I can't stop thinking about it. And that's because it's inspiration. So again, If, you can't stop thinking about it or If, you start seeing it over and over and over again. It's not coincidence. It's the universe trying to say, knock, knock, hello, pay attention. I'm trying to get you to notice this is something you are supposed to act on.
And. that is when we take inspired action, I'm gonna share with you some things that I have taken inspired action on over the years and some of these things I've mentioned on various podcast episodes. But I wanna share with you some things that I have seen or have had thoughts of consistently over and over again to the point where I couldn't take it anymore and I had to do something about it. And I wanna share some of those experiences and how they led to various things, because some of them resulted in big, wonderful things that I was looking to manifest, and others of them didn't really turn into anything other than I walked through a door into a room which opened more doors.
Meaning if I hadn't taken that inspired action, I wouldn't have met the person or been in the situation to move to the next step that moved me towards the thing I was asking for. I hope that that makes sense. So in no specific order, I'm gonna talk about some of these things that have been on my mind that I almost pushed away as, oh, that's silly, or this doesn't make sense, or That's too hard. But yet, when I got the idea or the thought over and over again and I couldn't let go of it, I finally took the action and it resulted in something positive for me.
So the first thing that comes to mind is in early 2020, I was looking for work. I had hated my job. I quit without a plan because it was just so awful. and I was working ridiculous hours. I had nothing lined up, but I decided I'm gonna quit And. that will give me full-time hours to look for something else. and I did. I looked for all kinds of jobs, and at the time, it didn't seem like there was a whole lot available, but I applied for so many different things.
I just wanted a new challenge. I wanted something new. I wanted new opportunities. And So I was applying for all sorts of stuff that were in completely different fields than what I had been doing for the past 20 plus years, which was sales. Along that time, I kept seeing a job posting to be a train conductor, And. That sounds crazy. And the first few times I saw the job posting and I read it, I was like, that's crazy. It would never take someone with a sales background and make them a train conductor.
But oh my gosh, doesn't that sound fun? Sounds fun to travel. It sounds fun to have new experiences. It sounds fun to learn new things and challenge myself. I love a good challenge. And I'll tell you, I applied for so many other things before I actually broke down and decided I'm going to apply to be a train conductor. And when I did it, I honestly thought, I'm never going to hear from these people. They're not going to be interested in me. Who am I and what do I bring to the table that would make me be someone they would be interested in?
But after seeing the job posting over and over and over again for days, if not weeks at a time, I finally couldn't let go of the thought. And I thought, you know, what does it hurt? So? I applied. I applied to be a train conductor, and lo and behold, they called me for an interview. And not only did they call me for an interview, but I nailed the interview, I got offered the position, and I was floored. And If, you've been following my podcast since the beginning. Then you know, at that time, I actually had received multiple job offers from multiple different jobs that I had applied for.
One was for a bank, one was for a car rental company, and then this one with the train company. and I was at a place in my life where I just had to decide what was most important to me. Was it the schedule? Was it the pay? Was it the challenge? Because all of the jobs were good jobs or I wouldn't have applied for them, but they all brought different positive aspects. Long story short, I accepted the job to be a train conductor.
It went through all kinds of background screenings, physical testing, mental testing, vision testing, health testing, all kinds of different things. And then I had to go to Washington, DC to train to be a train conductor. and I went to Washington DC for five weeks, and I was there training when Covid hit and everything fell apart, the world fell apart.
and I was an in the center of where all of the Covid mess was starting in the US because I was working every day at the Philadelphia train station, and I was living during my training in Washington dc. While long story short, the training center got closed. As we know, the world shut down. I got sent back home. And at that time, because we had no idea how long it would be before life would get back to normal, I was laid off.
I was not even furloughed, I was just laid off. And when I was laid off, I really thought about what was that all for? What came of that? What was that? What was the point of all of that? and I really thought at the time that one day I would go back and work for the railroad again. But as time moved on and months moved on before I was offered my job back, it opened new doors for me. In other words, the next job that I actually accepted, the biggest reason that they even called me for an interview because I seemed so over experienced for the job that I had applied, which truthfully, I was.
But the only reason they called me for an interview was they were intrigued at the fact that I had been training to be a train conductor. Now, I'm not doing that job today either, but that job actually led me to this podcast because I got exposure to podcasting through the job that I took through Covid. So not only did that job as a train conductor lead me to my next job, but it also led me to starting this podcast, And.
that job was something that I just did not enjoy, mostly because I felt so underappreciated. So that job was kind of a stepping stone, and I felt like that job brought me to the podcast. But that job took me to the job that I'm in, which I absolutely love. And I'm working on a promotion. And so it was like walking through the door of applying for the position of a train conductor, took me in a room, a metaphorical room, not a real room that opened the door for me to take on my next job, which helped me become a podcaster.
And. that job or my frustration with that job then led me to the job that I'm in. and I feel like none of that would've happened. None of that would've been orchestrated had I never applied for the train conductor position. If I had just gone and worked at the bank, I'd probably still be working at the bank, and I'd probably have a great schedule nights and weekends off, but I'd probably be well underpaid, well over overqualified for the position and probably frustrated and feel like I was in a rut.
Instead, I'm in a position where I feel like I thrive and I have this podcast, and it's something I'm so passionate about, and I'm so grateful that I took the inspired action to apply for the train conductor position. Alright, how many times have you had a thought about a business idea or an invention and your thought I should do something with that? I should turn that into something. And how many times have you done it? Probably none.
I think we all have these stunning, amazing, wonderful ideas of things that would help move life forward, great inventions or great business ideas, ways you could improve upon what other people are already doing. And yet, we have those ideas and we know they're great ideas, but we're either too busy or we don't know how to raise the seed money or we don't know how to get started. And so we just think about it and we talk about it. It comes up at dinner parties, but we never do anything about it. and I can tell you, I have some of those experiences.
The one that I can think of isn't anything to do with me, but my mother, when she was alive long before day planners were a thing, she used to plan her day on paper and she used to write out her goals and her to-dos, and she was just a very organized person, and she'd fill in her calendar, and she basically was the originator of a day planner, but she never did anything with it. And years later, Stephen r Covey came up with the Covey Planners.
Now, I don't know if you're familiar with that brand, there's so many other planners out there today, but back in the nineties, Stephen Covey planners were the end all be all in the planner world. And my mom used them for years, but she used to always say, man, I should have done something with that idea. I could have turned this into a multimillion dollar business if I had just done something with it. and I can think about so many ideas that I've had that I've never done anything with.
And If, you think about some of the conversations I've had on some of my podcasts, then, you know, you know that I keep telling you about great business ideas, and one that I've shared over and over again is digital downloads. I have been so inspired to do digital downloads, and yet I haven't been passionate about it. So even though I felt this inspiration and I can't let go of the idea, I just haven't been able to get myself motivated to get started. Well, we're gonna come back to that in a moment, but that is inspired action.
When you have those great business ideas or those great inventions and you just can't stop thinking about it. Even If, you don't know how to get started. Even If, you don't know where to come up with the money or what to do, If, you can't stop thinking about it. And you keep getting that idea. I'm telling you, the universe is inspiring you and wants you to take action. All right, how about entering a contest or entering a giveaway?
The best example I have is the Signal Awards, because when I first saw advertising for the Signal Awards last year, I talked myself out of entering over and over again. So many times I just felt like, who am I? I have this pity little podcast. Why would I even put myself out there on display to be judged or looked at in that context? Because I thought, I have no backing, I have no experience.
It's just me out there doing this. I'm sure people have better music and better audio and better sound effects and better people and scripts and all kinds of things. And here I am just talking off the cuff, who am I? And yet I continued to see these advertisements and I finally decided, you know what? I'm just gonna do it. I don't care. I'm gonna do it. And then over time, after I had entered, I started believing that I could win. and I started saying that I could win.
And as you know, I ended up being a 2022 Gold Signal Award winner. But if I had not taken the action to actually enter my podcast to submit it, I never would've won. They wouldn't have found me. They don't go out and look for podcasts. You have to submit your work to be recognized. To me, that is a big example of how taking inspired action has paid off for me. Okay, the last example I'm gonna share with you before we switch gears a little bit.
I'm going to remind you that my husband and I used to do a lot of co-branding and partnerships with big brands in the outdoor world. We have worked with some of the largest names in refrigeration, footwear, backpacks, camping gear. We have represented some incredible brands. But I have to say the way that that got started is that my husband and I bought a vintage teardrop trailer that we wanted to renovate, and we didn't really have the money.
So I said to him, well, you're a professional photographer. I wonder if we could reach out to some brands that we'd like to get free product from or discounted product and just offer to do an exchange, offer to do photos in order to get free product, offer to promote them on our social channels and all of these things in order to get free product. And he thought I was crazy, but I couldn't let go of the idea. I didn't know how to get started. So, I started doing some research. I found a blog of this couple who built an entire house with green materials and they were able to get sponsorships or companies to give them products, so many free products, but some was discounted products because it was brands who wanted to be involved with the program or the mission that they were on, which was to build an entire home Green.
And I learned from this blog that they had put together what they called kind of a pitch letter. It was like a form letter where they just customized it for the brand that they were talking to, but where they basically pitched them the idea of, Hey, we are doing this project. We'd love to have you involved and we would love to advertise you and promote you as one of our sponsors, and here's what we can do in return for you. They also, one of the two of them was a professional photographer.
They had a big social following and they were able to get almost all of the products for an entire house build free. And when I read this, I realized, you know what? If they can do it, I can do it too. I didn't know where to begin. I didn't know what their letter looked like. I just knew the foundations of what it was. and I also knew the more you put yourself out there, the worse someone can do is say no. Right? The worst response you can get is a no. But you could get a yes, or you could get a maybe, or you could get a negotiation started.
and I realized the more brands you approach, the better your chances are for a yes. Somebody's bound to say yes eventually. And So I took that inspired action, and I wrote our form of a pitch letter, which I've evolved over the years, but it was like a magic letter, a magic email that we sent to brands. And not every brand says yes. A lot have said no to us, or a lot have not even responded to us. But I can tell you, we did the entire remodel of the vintage teardrop trailer and we sold it.
And then we have used that moving forward to be able to work with some brands that we wanted free product from, or that we wanted to represent, or we wanted exposure with. We wanted to be able to work with them. And we have been able to do so many amazing things and travel and create amazing content for brands. Now, we don't do much of that anymore. So I almost view that as a past life, even though it's only been about three and a half years since we stopped. But again, if I hadn't had the idea to do that, and if I had just let that go by the wayside and said, that sounds too harder, I dunno how to get started, we never would've had those experiences because a lot of these relationships with these brands, we had to go out and approach them.
They didn't find us. They didn't know how to find us. We had to decide who we wanted to work with and reach out to them to create those relationships and get that started. So those are some examples of ideas that have come to me where I literally was like hit over the head with them because it would just come over and over and over again to the point where I finally was like, okay, okay, enough's enough. I get it. Maybe I should do something about this. But I'm telling you, you as a listener are having that same inspiration come to you and you just may be ignoring it also.
Now, kudos to you, If. you are taking inspired action. But I can almost guarantee you there is something If you stop and think about it. Something in your life that is on your mind that you would love to do, that you know could make you a fortune, that you know could be an incredible business or a great invention or a great something. And there's something stopping you from doing it. and it might be money, and it might be time, and it might be know-how, or it might just be that you don't believe in yourself enough that you are the person to make it happen.
But there is likely something that comes to mind when I say that to you. So what I'd like to do right now is just take a quick break for our sponsors, let's hear from them. And when I come back, I'm actually going to talk to you about how you can use current AI technology to take inspired action and start moving forward in the direction of your dreams. So let's take a quick break and I'll be right back.
Welcome back to Attract It, With EASE. We have been talking about being a Doer, not just a Dreamer actually taking action on the inspiration that the universe is giving us. How do we know if it's inspiration? Well, when you can stop thinking about it, when it keeps you up at night or when you're just planning it out in your head and you can think of all the ways to make it happen, you just don't know how to get started or you feel like you don't have the money or maybe you don't have the time. That is inspiration from the universe, And.
that is what we need to figure out how to work towards. So as I promised, I have some tips about how you can use current artificial intelligence technology that's available to you right now today, most of it completely free in order to take some inspired action towards the things that you'd like to manifest or the dreams that you're working towards or these ideas you have that you haven't been able to do anything with.
So I. Don't know how much you know about ai. I have no idea what your experience level is. And there's probably some listeners that have actually played around with it and some that are absolutely afraid of it. You've probably, at minimum heard of chat G P T. Now, there are so many different versions of AI out there. It does not have to be chat G P T, but chat G P T is really easy to use. It's really easy to find If. you just go on Google and ask how to access chat.
G P T. Google has a version and it's literally kind of like typing a Google search, but you ask it a question or what they refer to as a prompt. You tell the artificial intelligence what you need help with and they will help you create it. Now, you may need images, you may need copy. And by copy I mean words. You may need descriptions, you might need ideas, you might need a list or a business plan.
But here's the thing. AI technology today can do all of that. and I'm gonna talk about a couple of these things. I earlier in the episode talked about digital downloads. I have to say digital downloads is something that for probably five years has been on my mind because I know there is a gold mine, an actual gold mine in digital downloads. What are digital downloads? It's anything that you can create and sell online where someone can buy it and instantly download it digitally.
It could be a photograph, it could be a printable wall quote. It could be a pattern for sewing or quilting. It could be a game. You could play like a party game. It could be anything. Anything that someone could buy and download digitally. Now, the reason I believe that there is a gold mine in this is that you do the work once and you can get paid over and over again. And most digital downloads probably sell anywhere from 99 cents to we'll say $12.
That's not to say there aren't some that are more, but let's just say it's $2 for your digital download. If. you can sell a hundred thousand of them, or even 1000 If. you can sell 1000 at $2 a piece. That's $2,000, $2,000 you didn't have. But I can tell you, once you've sold 2000, it's going to gain traction and you're gonna be able to sell more and more and more to the point where I say a hundred thousand of them. You could make $200,000 off a single digital download if it's a good one.
Now, there's so many different things you can do digital downloads for, and this is something I've been passionate about for years. Like I said, I've done absolutely zero with it. It's just on my mind. I haven't been able to let go of it. But now today, with current AI technology, you can use artificial intelligence and chat G P T to create the digital downloads. I'm gonna explain this to you, And, that this whole episode is not just about creating digital downloads. I'm just trying to show you how you can use AI to accomplish the goals or to help you with the how when you're getting this inspiration and you don't know what to do with it.
So let's say I wanted to create a digital download and I didn't know what to even start with. You could literally go to chat G p t and ask the prompt, I want to start a business of selling digital downloads on Etsy. Now, it doesn't have to be Etsy, it could be Amazon or somewhere else. But let's just say your prompt says, I want to sell digital downloads on Etsy. Give me a list of 30 different things I could sell as digital downloads done.
Hit enter within seconds, under a minute chat, G P T will give you a list of 30 different ideas. Now, that's not necessarily inspiration from the universe, those 30 ideas that's coming from artificial intelligence. But what I'm telling you is If, you can't get over the idea of digital downloads like me and you don't even know where to get started. You can use artificial intelligence to give you those ideas. And once you have those ideas, you can use artificial intelligence to create those things.
That's one idea. Okay, another idea with artificial intelligence, maybe you've wanted to start your own product and you don't know how to get started. Well, I don't know if you've ever heard of apprenticeship companies, but there are companies out there where you can design a design and put it on a t-shirt or put it on a mug or put it on a calendar or put it on a wall print or put it on anything you can think of. There are companies out there where you do not have to order these products.
You can design it and upload it to them, and they will put it on whatever product you want them to. You can put it on a sweatshirt, you can put it on a t-shirt, you can put it on sweatpants, you can put it on a tote bag, you can put it on a coffee mug. You can create products with your phrase or logo or saying or graphic. And these companies will print the products and ship them for you. So you don't have to pre-pay for them.
You don't have to pre-order them, you don't have to warehouse them, you don't have to ship them. You can even use AI to create the graphic or the saying or the phrase. You can use artificial intelligence to create it for you. You get the graphic or you get the saying and you upload it to these print and ship companies and they'll put it on a t-shirt or they'll put it on a coffee mug and you can post that to your Etsy store or you can post it to Amazon or anywhere else you wanna sell it.
And when a customer buys your product, these companies are linked in the back end on the website so that when they place the order, that order goes to the print and ship company. They make that t-shirt or that coffee mug and they ship it out for you. Now they take a percentage, but you just get paid on the sale and all you did was create the design. And you can also use artificial intelligence for the design. Can you see how there's things you've probably been thinking of that you can use AI for?
That can be a replacement for your current job. It can be a side hustle or income you can bring in on the side, or it can just be learning the know-how of how to get there. Alright, one more idea for artificial intelligence. Before I wrap up this episode, I shared with you how I had written this email to send out to brands our pitch email, so to speak, kind of explaining who we are, what my husband and I wanted to accomplish, and why they should work with us.
And through trial and error, I put that email together. Well, today with today's AI technology, you can actually ask AI including chat, G P T or something similar, and you can ask it to write that email for you. You just put in a prompt and say, Hey, I wanna write an email to approach various brands that we want to collaborate with. I want it to sound enticing and appealing, yet humble.
I want to focus on the fact that my husband's a photographer and we can add value to them by creating high quality content that they can use in exchange for providing us with free product. Please draft this email. Now, I didn't word that as a very good prompt, but essentially that's what you would do. and I will tell you what, I used chat G P T for this last week. There are folks that I would like to have as guests on this podcast. People who are experts in the law of attraction and I have been reluctant to approach them because I've thought, oh my gosh, I have such a small following compared to them, what's in it for them?
And additionally, if I bring them on my podcast, I don't want them to come on and just sell their products. I don't want them to talk about their coaching program or their new book that they've released because that's not what my podcast is about. My podcast is about providing quality content, giving people the tools and resources to achieve their goals and create their dreams and create the life that they're dreaming of. I want people to come on and inspire. So I've been really reluctant to reach out to some people that I would love to have as guests because I've just been afraid of how they would think of me and if they would ignore me.
But you know what I did this week? I used chat j p t to draft me an email. Now, I'll be honest, I haven't sent it to a single person yet, but I did. I had it. Write this email for me. And it's amazing. It's so beautifully written and so humble and so incredible, and I'm excited to send it to people and see what the response is. and I know, not every person I send it to is gonna respond and I know not everyone person that I send it to is going to say yes, but I'm just excited at the opportunity and I'm excited for the inspiration.
and I want you to know that there are current products, whether it's artificial intelligence or something else. There are answers and resources available to you to take inspired action to stop just being a Dreamer, to stop being the person that just talks about it and actually becomes the person that's doing it. I want you to take inspired action And. that leads me to this week's action item, which is this week, I want you to identify one thing that you cannot stop thinking about or one thing that you just keep seeing as a message over and over again.
and it might be in your social media. You might keep seeing posts about the same thing over and over and over again. and it could be exactly what I'm talking about. You could be seeing these posts about artificial intelligence and how to make money using it. It might be that exact thing. And if that is what it is that's universe saying, come on, this is your opportunity. This may not be your dream, but it could be the means to the ends. It could be something that brings in the income that funds your dream. It could be something that gets you out of the nine to five and into working for yourself.
I don't know. And again, it doesn't have to be artificial intelligence. It could be anything but whatever it is that you are seeing over and over again or that you can't stop thinking about. My action item this week is to take action and If you don't know how to take action. Use chat, G p T or a similar AI product and ask. Ask for ideas. Ask the universe for help because I promise you, if you're receiving the inspiration, the resources are there.
They are available to you. You just need to be open to it. I know that this episode could be a game changer for some of you. I hope you take this to heart. I'm telling you, this has been such a big week for me. I haven't even shared with you the things I'm working on because I'm keeping that close to the chest right now. I'm doing my own thing. I'm getting my own hustle on. But I am taking inspired action and I want you to do the same because I know it'll be a life changer for you.
I hope it's a good week. I hope this resonates with you. I would love to hear from you. If it does, you can reach out to me anytime at hello at Attract It With EASE dot com. It's been fun talking with you this week. Have a good one. Bye-bye.