S2.E34: Rituals, Habits and Superstitions

In this episode Kayla explores common rituals and habits that people practice to enhance the law of attraction, and also shares some fun and easy rituals and superstitions she’s been trying recently. This episode is chuck full of practical applications and good ideas as to how you can implement rituals, habits and superstitions into your daily life to support your manifestation journey as well.

I'm just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything begins with ease. If, you believe in miracles than happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you.

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to Attract It, With EASE. In this week's episode, I'm going to talk all about Rituals, Habits and Superstitions. I'm going to get into those, how they shape our beliefs and our mindset, and I'm also going to talk about how they can actually align with the law of attraction.

But before I get into all of that, I would like to start out and share with you my gratitude this week. The first thing that I'm grateful for this week is some much needed time off to reset. Today is my last day of a week long vacation from work and my husband and I had made plans to go traveling, and those plans kind of fell through. So we pretty much spent our vacation as a staycation at home. And wow, was it awesome.

We were able to get some projects done around the house. I was able to spend some time on some side projects. I'm working on kind of my gigs or side hustles, some ideas I've been trying to work through. I was able to spend some time on that and we were able to spend quite a bit of alone time together, and it was just amazing. It was a great opportunity for me to just decompress, get some rest and relaxation, and reset my mindset and attitude in order to go back to work and be more effective.

The second thing that I'm grateful for this week is something that I've talked about recently, but it sure hit home to me last night. And, that is my loving, caring husband. And the reason that it really sat with me last night, or I should say all of yesterday, is that someone very close to him was going through some things, some family drama, some marital drama, some situations at home, and the situation escalated to the point where we were concerned that maybe the authorities might get involved.

My husband dropped everything he was doing, even though it was the last day of our vacation, went and swooped up this person that he cares about so much, brought the person to our house, sat with them, counseled them, encouraged them, fed them, tried to get them to rest, and literally took care of that person hand and foot, even though it was technically our last day of vacation. And I really sat back and I thought, you know, I could be really frustrated about this.

I could be upset that this is how we're spending the day. And quite frankly, most of the day, I wasn't involved at all in what was going on, but I kind of felt like I had to quarantine to my office or the bedroom just to give some space and be out of the way while they were dealing with whatever was going on. But rather than feeling sorry for myself, I chose to look at the situation and just be so grateful for my loving husband, who is a person that people can turn to that takes care of people.

He just has a heart of gold. And to be able to say that this is the person that I'm married to, the person that I'm spending my life with, folks, I just cannot tell you how blessed and grateful I am for this person in my life. And the third thing that I'm grateful for this week is just the ability to cleanse my home. After the situation yesterday with this close friend of my husband's being in our space and just the chaotic energy that they brought with them, I felt like I needed to just cleanse everything So I went through and I saged the house.

I washed the sheets, I did the dishes. I just did everything I could to kind of reset the energy in my home. And not only do I feel like it was effective, but it really got me thinking about Rituals And. That's why I wanna talk about that this week. But I'm also so grateful that I feel that I have tools and resources available to me in order to reset my mind, change the energy that's around me, and create a space that feels like home.

So that's it for my gratitude this week. Let's talk about Rituals, Habits and superstition. I'm gonna start out talking about Rituals and Habits, and I'll get into Superstitions in just a few minutes. So first of all, I wanna talk about the fact that Rituals and Habits actually shape our mindset and behavior. Let's just think about it for a minute. Let's think about or talk about some common Rituals or Habits that people practice.

And you know, when I say Rituals, Rituals are something that maybe someone doesn't do on a daily basis or a regular basis, whereas a habit is something that you do on a consistent basis. And that's really in my mind, the difference between those two things. But I'm lumping them together in this conversation because there's things that people do that are a ritual or are a habit that they believe shapes their life. And some of those things are your morning routine.

I have a whole episode about morning routine, how you get up and what you do when you first get out of bed. Do you take a shower? Do you get dressed? Do you have coffee? Do you say your prayers? Do you have time for gratitude? Do you do visualization or are you the type of person that snoozes your alarm five or six times, jumps out of bed and just runs out the door because you're running late? Whatever you do in your morning, your morning routine, that is a habit.

How about visualization? I talk about visualization all the time. If, you have integrated that into your life. If, you're doing that on a regular basis. I would consider that a habit or a ritual, depending on how frequently you do that. Next on my list is affirmations. How many people take time to just say positive things to themselves? Like I said, I have affirmations on my mirror at home. and I. Don't daily say affirmations out loud.

Well, that might not be true. I probably do actually. I don't have a time of day that I say affirmations daily, but I do find ways to say things to myself all the time. For example, I've been telling you folks that last year I told myself every day that I was a 2022 gold signal award winner. And guess what? Now I am. So guess what I'm doing this year? Every day I'm telling myself I'm a 2023 gold signal award winner.

and I entirely expect that I will be. That is a habit. And if I wasn't doing it daily, I would say that that's a ritual. How about taking time to express gratitude? This is a habit for me. And oh my gosh, has it changed my life? When I say that Habits and Rituals shape your mindset and your behavior, gratitude absolutely without question is the Prime example of that. The more that you focus on gratitude, the happier you are, the more fulfilled you are, the better your life is.

The more that you Attract, the more you look for positive things around you, the more you're able to allow stress to just roll off of you. When you focus on how good your life is and everything you have to be grateful for, it's almost impossible to focus on anything negative, at least not at the same time. So gratitude is a wonderful, very common ritual or habit that people have, or at least people that are working on the law of attraction and trying to manifest positive things into their life, right?

All right, another common ritual or habit is journaling. Now, journaling is something that I would say is more of a ritual for me than a habit. I've tried to get the habit and every time I tend to break it when my routine changes, what I mean is I used to journal. Every night I have a line, a day journal where you just write down one line, it's so simple and I, keep it right next to my bed. And you know, for probably five or six months, I was perfect about it.

But all it takes is a couple of nights away from home when you don't bring your journal or your journal's, not where it normally would be to get you out of that habit. Journaling is a great one though. And when we talk about shaping our mindset and our behavior, journaling is a great way to just mind dump what's going on inside, positive or negative. And you can keep those journal entries if there's something that you wanna reflect back on. Or you can literally just journal in a notebook or on a piece of paper and then burn it or throw it away.

But it so therapeutic to get your thoughts out. Especially If, you feel like you have nobody you can talk to. Journaling is a common ritual or habit. and I think you can see how some of these Rituals and Habits actually align with the law of attraction. Here's another one. Now this is not a habit for me, unfortunately, and I say that because I would love to say that I'm the kind of person that does this every day, but let's be honest, I'm not.

And that's working out. A lot of people work out every day or work out multiple times a week and are in a routine for their workout program. For me, it's more of a ritual. If, you can even call it that because I'm pretty irregular about my workouts. But you can see how there are certain things that people do because they believe that it will inspire them or improve their lives or help them reach their goals, things that they practice on a regular basis because it is therapeutic, because it makes them happier, because it uplifts them.

Rituals and Habits can absolutely align with the law of attraction. Now, that's not to say that every person's Rituals or every person's Habits automatically align with the law of attraction. Someone who say an alcoholic or abusive, obviously those are things that don't align with the law of attraction, but you can 100% use Rituals and Habits to help bring about the desires of your heart to help inspire your manifestations and help keep you motivated and inspired.

And on that train of belief where you're expecting things to happen when you support that manifestation with Rituals and Habits. Now, I want to talk a little bit about Superstitions and Superstitions are generally culturally significant. Now, not always, but a lot of times the things that we believe as Superstitions are things that we were raised to believe and sometimes is cultural to a certain part of the country or a certain part of the world.

In any case, I'm sure when I say the word superstition, there are a lot of things that come to your mind. Some things that I thought of initially when I think of the word superstition, are people that have lucky socks or a lucky shirt. Guys who sit down to watch a game of their favorite sport or their favorite team. And they believe if they wear a certain pair of socks or a certain shirt that that team will win. I also know people that are superstitious who say, I can't watch because every time I watch they lose.

And to me, I actually find that rather humorous. But those are superstitious that people have. And there's strong belief behind the actions that these people take. Other Superstitions, some people believe that if they carry certain crystals with them, that it'll have certain effects. For example, whenever I travel, I like to carry black turine with me. I usually keep it in my purse, and sometimes even when I come home from traveling, I forget to take it out and it just sits in my purse for months.

But black turine is believed to be a protective stone. It's believed to dispel negative energy, and it's believed that If you wear it or carry it on you or have it around you, that it will protect you. Now, there are a lot of people who don't believe in the power of crystals, and I'm not here to try and change your mind if that's the case for you. I'm just trying to explain that there are certain Superstitions that people have, And that people practice, that have strong foundational beliefs in them, meaning what you believe is what you do or how you act.

And a lot of times, Superstitions play into that. Another common superstition is this is one that my stepmother tells me all the time. She believes that if a woman puts her purse on the ground, she will lose money. In other words, never put your purse on the ground. She tells me all the time, never put your purse on the ground when you're in a restaurant or bar. Never put your purse on the ground when you're in a public restroom.

Now, obviously that's kind of gross and hopefully there's a hook in the restroom, and if not, she says, hold it on your lap. But she believes that If, you put your purse on the ground, you are bound to lose money. That is a superstition. Now, when we talk about Superstitions and the law of attraction, I'm sure you can see that if your goal or your manifestation that you're working on is to Attract money to increase the wealth or abundance in your life, If, you believe that setting your purse on the ground is going to impact that and you accidentally set your purse on the ground, you can see how that belief can actually affect your belief in your ability to Attract the things that you're looking for.

On the flip side, there are certain Superstitions or Rituals that you can implement that maybe you've never even tried. That If you believe in them and put intention behind them can actually help build your belief in your ability to Attract or manifest the desires of your heart. So. I'm gonna take a brief break here for our sponsors, and when I come back, I'm going to talk about some of the unique Superstitions.

I have actually been trying some Rituals that I've heard about or read about that I'm trying to use in order to help cultivate my belief in my ability to Attract the desires of my heart and the things I'm trying to manifest. I think you'll find some of them interesting. I think you may find some of them humorous, but I'm gonna share those with you when we return. I'll be right back.

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Speaker 1 (17m 9s): Welcome back to Attract It, With EASE. We have been talking about Rituals, Habits, and Superstitions. We've been talking about how Habits or things that you do on a pretty regular basis, if not daily Rituals are things that you do somewhat regularly. And Superstitions are deep founded beliefs that If you do things or don't do things, you will get a certain outcome. and I've been talking about various common Rituals and Habits and various common Superstitions and how you can actually use these Rituals, Habits, and Superstitions to align with the manifestations that you're working towards, that you can actually use them with the law of attraction to help build your belief and help manifest the desires of your heart.

So as I promised I said that I was gonna share with you some of the Rituals or Superstitions that I have personally tried in the last, we'll say couple of months I keep finding more and I keep thinking, well, what does it hurt to try it? And it's actually kind of fun to me to try new things, but I really 100% believe that anything that you do with intention will get the result you're looking for.

Now, sometimes you have to work on your belief in order for that to occur, but there is so much power in intention that when you do something with a specific intention, when you believe I'm going to do this and this will be my result, you are putting that out into the universe and saying, universe, I am doing this with the intention of it resulting in that. and it is literally commanding the universe to give you what you want.

So as silly as some of these things may sound that I'm gonna list off for you, I 100% believe that if I do them with the intention of the outcome I desire, instead of just doing them laughing and giggling and thinking they're silly, that I will ultimately get the desired result. Now, one of the things that I have really been working on personally is my manifestation to be able to be financially independent, to be able to work from anywhere I want to work when I want, and to be able to cover all of my bills.

In other words, I would love to be able to leave my full-time job and I would love for my husband eventually to be able to leave his full-time job. And whether we travel or we just enjoy time together at home, I would love to be financially independent. Now, that could happen in a number of ways, thousands of different ways, and I'm leaving it up to the universe to guide me towards the directions that will actually take me down that path.

So I'm trying all kinds of different things, all kinds of different side hustles. But in that I am working on manifesting money because that's the biggest piece in quitting my job and my husband eventually quitting his job is I need to feel that I have some financial stability, either from regular income coming in or from large sums of money coming in that I can use in between other sums of money coming. Is this making sense to you?

So what I'm getting at is the Rituals or Superstitions that I have been working on recently very much are aligned with attracting money. So here's the first one I heard about Bank dirt. Now you're gonna laugh. I'm sure you're gonna laugh. If, you're not familiar with bank dirt. My husband laughed at me when I told him about bank dirt. Bank dirt can be used in a number of ways in various Rituals or Superstitions in order to Attract money.

So what is bank dirt? Well, bank dirt is when you literally get dirt from your bank. I know it sounds crazy and I have to admit, I am a little bit crazy, but I heard that If, you collect dirt from the very ground that your personal bank is sitting on from the earth. The land that your bank is located on, that there is power in that dirt because that is where your bank and your money resides.

I also heard that the most powerful time to collect bank dirt is under the light of a full moon If. you think about the power of a full moon, and we're talking about Superstitions here, the full moon is supposed to add additional powerful energy to any intention that you put out. During the time of the full moon So. I went out during a full moon recently, in the middle of the night, I say the middle of the night.

It was about 10 o'clock, but it was dark out. and I went and collected bank dirt from my bank. I'm sure I looked crazy. I half expected the cops to stop me or to show up at my house afterwards. I absolutely believe that I was on the cameras at the bank, but I had a little jar and a little spoon, and it took me a while to actually find some dirt that I could dig up because I live in kind of the desert. So the flower beds and ground around the bank were actually pretty hard, but I was able to collect some bank dirt.

Is that illegal? I don't know. I've never heard of someone being arrested for taking dirt, but you never know. In any case, I collected the spank dirt under the light of the full moon. So here is how I'm using it. I also have heard a superstition that If, you put a bowl of rice next to your front door that it will absorb all negative energy coming into your home.

Now you're supposed to put a lid on top of the rice so that the energy cannot be released. Now, how does the energy get into the rice if the lid is on there? I don't know. I don't really care. But what I did was I took this bowl of rice and I mixed the bank dirt into it. And the whole idea is that you say money affirmations as you mix the bank dirt in, and you then mix it into the rice, put the lid on it, put it through your front door.

And not only is the rice supposed to collect any negative energy that walks through the door, but the bank dirt is intended to Attract large sums of money through your front door. Do you see where I'm getting at? They say to take this rice and bank dirt every six months and go bury it outside in the ground, meaning you're not gonna keep that same rice that's full of this negative energy in your home forever. You wanna change it out every six months.

But I literally have a jar next to my front door that has rice and bank dirt in it. Call me crazy. But you know, when I look at it, I think, what can it hurt? And it was fun to do it. It was a little adventure. And to me, it's a superstition that I can get behind because it's easy and it's powerful and it's something that I feel that I can do to help move my manifestations along.

I feel like if I can do anything to help Attract money, even if it's working on my personal mindsets and belief in my ability to do it by taking some kind of action that helps me feel like I'm moving there, there's no harm in that. And again, when you're doing it with intention, I 100% believe that if your intention is pure, that you're putting that statement out into the universe.

Universe, I am doing this with the intention of attracting large sums of money through my door. I guarantee it's gonna work. I don't know how long it's gonna take. I may have to do it multiple times, but you can use certain Superstitions to align with the law of attraction and Attract the things you are trying to manifest. Okay, here's another superstition or ritual I recently did in order to Attract money.

This one's a little bit easier, but I heard If, you take a glass of water, you put three coins in it and one bay leaf, and you put it in the corner of your house for 21 days that you will get rid of all of your financial debt. Now, I don't have a lot of debt, but to me, manifesting money is probably something everybody's working on.

Even people with a ton of money want more, don't we all? And it's not really the money that we want, it's what the money means or what we can do with that money. But if I could be debt free, that would be so freeing. It's on my vision board right now. The words debt free are on my vision board, so I'm trying it. I have a glass of water with one bay leaf and three coins sitting on the floor in the corner of my podcast studio. And my husband asked me the other day, what is that?

And the water looks green from the bay leaf, but they say after 21 days, put those coins in your purse or pocket, spend them on groceries, dump the water in a plant and burn the bay leaf. Now the bay leaf is gonna be soaking wet So. I'll probably have to let that dry out before I burn it, but it's a superstition. What harm is there in that? It's fun to try it.

Okay, the last superstition I'm gonna share with you, this is when I just did today. Again, it's in relation to attracting money. I took a green candle, a taper candle, just a small one. I carved my name in it. I carved a certain amount of money that I want to Attract and I carved in the reason that I want that money.

So I've carved my name. You could put any amount of money that you want. I put $100,000, and after I put it, I questioned myself, should I have put a million? But if we're talking about belief, I probably believe I can Attract a hundred thousand dollars faster and easier than I can Attract a million, although that probably isn't true. But I carved my name and I carved $100,000, and then I carved down payment for a house.

I carved that into a green candle today. And they say after you carve it, hold the candle to your chest, set your intention, say what you want it to do, and then you light the candle and you let it burn completely, meaning all the way down. You don't blow it out. This is something you need some time for. That candle burned for several hours. But you know, like I said, where is the harm in that?

What does it hurt? Will it work? I think it will because of the intention behind it, because I'm putting it out into the universe, I truly believe that I can Attract or earn or be brought down the path towards a hundred thousand dollars. I 100% believe that. I believe I can be brought down the path towards 1 million. But I believe that by incorporating this superstition, by just the act of the ritual, I am not only using my intention, but I'm working on my personal belief.

Because no longer am I sitting on the couch just wondering when it's going to happen, how it's going to happen, wishing it to happen. I'm actually physically doing something to help that manifestation along. Now, some people could say, well, that's not gonna help Kayla. How does burning a candle help? And if that's how you feel, that's probably going to be your result. But If, you do these things with intention. You can use your Rituals, your Habits, your Superstitions to align with the things that you're trying to Attract.

And you can help your manifestations along. You can build your belief and you can physically do so that not only cultivates your belief that it's possible, but makes you feel that you're one step closer. And like I said, I absolutely believe that anything done with intention will get the desired result. Now, call me crazy. Maybe you think the things that I've explained sound too far out there.

Again, you don't have to do these things. You can do anything that aligns with what you believe in your lifestyle. But that leads me into this week's action item. Because in order to integrate Rituals, Habits, and Superstitions into your daily life, they have to be things that you commit to, that you do with consistency or you do with intention. And they have to be things that align with your belief. If, you think that going out and collecting bank under a full moon sounds witchy, And.

that just doesn't resonate with you. Don't do it. Wear your lucky socks. Do something that you feel fits your lifestyle and your beliefs that can help move your manifestations along. So this week's action item is for you to find one new ritual or habit that you can integrate into your daily life that does align with your beliefs and also aligns with what you're trying to manifest.

So it could be putting coins in your window seal to Attract money. It could be starting a daily workout routine. It could be journaling or visualizing or setting up a specific morning routine that gets you on the right foot, gets you jump, starting your day, gets you in the right mindset. It could be focusing on gratitude, it can be anything. But choose one new ritual, habit, or superstition that you can integrate this week into your life that aligns with your belief, that will help build your belief and will help ring to pass the very thing you're trying to manifest.

That's it for this week. I wanna remind you that I have a weekly giveaway for our listeners. Anyone listening to the podcast who feels inspired to leave a written review of the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, audible, any platform you can leave a written review on, you will be entered into a weekly drawing for one of my free manifestation journals. Now, these journals are custom made. They're beautiful. You cannot buy them anywhere else.

The covers are made out of wood. For every journal that's given away, one tree gets planted. These are custom manifestation journals designed by me that you cannot get anywhere else. I have photos of them on my website, If, you wanna check them out. But please leave a written review of the podcast and you'll be entered into a drawing to win one of these journals. Now, I'll tell you, I don't get weekly reviews, so the chances of you winning a journal If, you write a review are pretty good.

But if you're enjoying the content, if you're getting anything out of this, if I'm inspiring you or uplifting you or helping you improve your life, I'd love to hear from you. Leave me a review. It's been fun talking with you this week about Rituals, Habits, and Superstitions. Have a good one. I'll talk with you next week. Bye-bye.


S2.E35: The Code of Possibilities


S2.E33: Trusting the Process