S2.E39: The 12 Elements of Being

This episode is all about balance. How balanced really are you? Did you know there are 12 elements of being, essentially 12 different categories that together make up what human beings need to be fulfilled?

In this episode Kayla walks you through the 12 Elements of Being, describing them in detail and asks you mentally evaluate your personal satisfaction in each category on a scale of 1-10, 10 being optimal satisfaction. This exercise brings to light any "gaps" between where you are and where you want to be. The closer all of your scores are to the same value, the more balanced your life will become. Listen to this episode which includes a free downloadable worksheet for the exercise, and you'll have a map you can use to create a plan of action towards living the life of your dreams!

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Lorraine, and welcome back to Attract It, With EASE. In this week's episode, I'm going to be talking all about balance. How do we stay balanced? I'll tell you what, I'm gonna get into some real nitty gritty. You may think your life is pretty balanced, but in this episode, I'm going to take you through 12 different areas that you should be paying attention to and you're going to evaluate yourself in each of those categories, and we're really going to find out just how balanced you are and how you can work to be more balanced in those areas. 

But before we get into all of that, I wanna start out this week with my gratitude. Now, If, you're not familiar with my podcast then You don't know that I actually start every single podcast episode out with gratitude. and I want to talk about why that is. When it comes to the law of attraction, gratitude is the magic. It's the key element that absolutely attracts more into your life. 

Gratitude does so many healthy things. Not only does it shift our perspective, it raises our vibration. It helps us recognize how good our life already is, exactly how it is with everything we have. And yet it also puts us in a state of wellbeing. It puts us in a state of happiness. It puts us in a state of joy, and all of those emotions help Attract more of all of the good stuff. 

And so because of that, I start every single episode out with my gratitude. And this week I have a lot to be grateful for. The first thing on my list this week is so generic, but it is so big And. that is that I'm grateful for this life. I am grateful for my life. I've talked about this on various episodes, but literally every single night as I am starting to fall asleep, I lay in bed and I. 

Think about the good things that happen during the day. And when I review the day and I think about all of the good things, I can't help but focus on how wonderful my life really is. And not only does it help me sleep better, but it actually puts me in a state of recognizing all of the positive attributes from the day. Instead of focusing on all of the things that I would've liked to have gone differently or I would change if I could, I literally fall asleep thinking about the positives in my life. 

And I am so grateful for my life, I have so much to be grateful for. The second thing on my list that I'm grateful for this week is that I've recently had several opportunities to give back to my community. and I'll be honest, that's not something I am actually very good at or do on a regular basis. I don't have little children, so I'm not engaged in opportunities and fundraisers very often, but I am privileged enough to work for a company that likes to give back to its community. 

And in the past couple of months, I have had a couple of different opportunities where I have been able to give back. One was actually a clothing drive that I kind of took under my wing, and we were able to collect a ton of professional clothing for women who are underprivileged and need to find work clothing for them to go to interviews and clothing to help them in the first few weeks of their job until they get their first paycheck. 

And I have to tell you, that was such a great feeling and such a great event to oversee and be a part of. The second opportunity that I've been able to connect with is really actually a bowling event. That's a fundraiser to help raise funds for children's school supplies, backpacks, notebooks, pens, pencils, crayons, you name it. I am so excited because tomorrow I get to participate in that event and my husband's actually going to be the photographer for that event. 

and I just love that we have opportunities to give back to our community. And the third thing on my list this week is that I have a major life-changing event Coming up this Friday, I have talked a couple of times just briefly about how I have been going through a training program at work in order to take on a big promotion while I have finally finished that training. And on Friday I have what's called a capstone event. 

And essentially a capstone is the very final piece to cap off everything that I've learned where I basically talk about all of my takeaways and demonstrate my key learnings that one event will literally change my life. and I know that that sounds like, oh my gosh, that's so huge, how can you say that? But once I pass off my capstone, I will have doors of opportunity open to me through my current job. 

and I am so anxious and nervous and excited, and I'm so grateful to have that opportunity to have gone through the training that I've experienced and to be literally on the forefront of some big changes coming in my life, my life. Well, that's it for this week for my gratitude. Let's talk about balance. Now, this episode is not called balance. This episode is called the 12 Elements of Being. 

So what I really want to get into is what all of that means. Years ago, almost 20 years ago, I worked for a company that actually hired a business coach. And as one of the managers for that company, I got to have literally one-on-one coaching with someone who not only helped me with my business life, but helped me with my personal life. And almost 20 years later, I still to this day have access to those coaching documents because they helped me learn so much about myself. 

and I was thinking about those documents today, and I remembered this thing that we covered that was called the 12 Elements of Being. I'm gonna describe it to you and it may be hard for you to visualize, but I have some good news for you. Everything that I'm going to be talking about is available to you in one single one page P D F document that you can download from my website completely for free. So don't worry about trying to conceptualize everything that I'm talking about because it will all make sense when you look at this document. 

But essentially, the 12 Elements of Being are the 12 most essential things that a human being needs in order to feel fulfilled and in order to be balanced in life. So what I'm going to do today is talk about these 12 different elements, what they mean, and then I'm actually going to have you go through the exercise of evaluating yourself in all 12 categories. 

And by doing this, you are going to be able to quickly see, visually see how balanced you are in your life. Now, before I get into that, I want you to think for just a moment what it is like to ride a bicycle. Think about what a bicycle looks like. Think about the two wheels. We're not talking about training wheels, we're talking about a regular two wheel bicycle. Probably almost every person listening to this podcast knows how to ride a bike. Now, as you learned to ride a bike, you also know what it's like to get a flat tire, I'm sure. 

I want you to picture that you are on a bike ride and you hit a giant rock and you get flown off of your bike. I know that's awful, but when you pick yourself up and you go to pick up your bike, you realize that your front tire is bent and I want you to think about what it would feel like to get back on the bike and try and ride that bicycle with your front tire bent. 

I want you to picture the wheel, not as an actual circle, but by having a big chunk kind of not really missing but dented in so that every time that wheel turns is like a thunk, thunk funk. How uncomfortable would that ride be? I honestly believe that you would probably not continue to ride the bike, but you would just walk your bike home. Well, that is what the 12 Elements of Being is like. And. that is the exercise I'm gonna walk you through today because the 12 Elements of Being, and this document that I have as a P D F document on my website is designed as a wheel. 

It is a circle with 12 different sections, and you are going to take every single one of those 12 sections and you are going to rate yourself on a scale of one to 10. You're literally going to fill it in like a pie chart. You're gonna fill it in, and you will be able to visually see how well you're doing in these categories, and you will be able to quickly identify if your wheel is balanced or If, you got on that bicycle and this was your front wheel. 

If that wheel is so unbalanced that it's going to throw you off, So I. Wanna get into all of that today? Let's start with the first category, number one on the wheel of the 12 Elements of Being, the 12 essential categories that we as humans need in order to feel fulfilled and to be balanced. That first category is wellbeing. So let's talk about what wellbeing means. I want you to think about wellbeing for a moment. 

What does wellbeing mean to you? Because in the 12 Elements of Being wellbeing is the physical element. Now this involves how you eat. Are you eating good foods? Are you taking care of yourself? Are you getting sufficient rest? Are you sleeping well? What does your relaxation look like? What does your stress level look like? Are you taking care of yourself physically? Are you working out If? you were to rate yourself? 

On a scale of one to 10, what does your personal wellbeing look like? And quite frankly, most of us tend to take our bodies for granted. We will eat all kinds of crazy, unhealthy food. We will stay up late. We will allow ourselves to be exposed to tons of stress, and we never really think about what kind of effect that has on our physical body until something breaks down when we get sick or something stops working. 

That's our body's way of telling us that something isn't okay. And So, I really want you to think what is your wellbeing like If, you were to rate your body and your health and your physical nature, the condition of the food you eat, the condition of the rest you get If. you rated that on a scale of one to 10, what would that rating look like? Okay, so the second category on our wheel is fun and recreation. 

Stop for just a second and think about your life right now today. How do you feel about the amount of fun and recreation that's in your life? If, you were to rate that category of your life. On a scale of one to 10, what does it look like? Now, fun and recreation can mean different things to different people. It can literally be getting back to like your childhood and having fun and playing and running and swimming and dancing, but it doesn't have to be that. 

It can literally be going for a walk at the park. It can be playing with your dog, it can be playing with your kids. It can be playing board games with your family. It can be hanging out and having drinks with friends. But take a second and think about the amount of fun and recreation you currently have in your life and If you were to rate that portion of your life. On a scale of one to 10, what does it look like? Okay, category three is community. 

Now I just talked about my involvement in my community, but community doesn't have to be involvement in actual causes. Community is your neighbors. It's your postman. The u p s driver community is every person you interact with that lives around you. What is your feeling with society? How do you feel about the relationships that you have? 

How do you feel about the community? and you can sit and think about how you give back or how you don't. But If, you were to take this section of your life and rate it on a scale of one to 10. How do you feel about your community? How do you feel about your friends, your neighbors, your colleagues, your coworkers? How do you feel about the postman and the u p s driver and the teller at the grocery store? 

How do you feel about the person that helps you at the bank or the person at your local bakery? How are these relationships? How do you feel in your community? How well connected are you to the people you love and the people who help you? Think about that for a moment and give yourself a ranking on a scale of one to 10. Okay, the fourth section on our wheel is family. 

Now all of us have family in some sense. We are all either born into a family. Well, technically we're born into a family, but we all either have family that we're born into or we're adopted or we receive family through legal purposes. In any case, I want you to take a minute and think about your family. Think about the relationships you have to your parents, to your siblings, to your cousins, to your aunts, to your uncles. Think about the relationships you have with your children. 

What does family mean to you? When was the last time you called your parents? When was the last time you sent someone a letter or a gift or thought about them or gave a random phone call or text message? What level would you rate yourself in your 12 Elements of Being on the spoke for family? You're ranking yourself on a scale of one to 10. 

So from one to 10, how do you feel right now today about your relationships with your family? Give yourself a number. Think about that. Okay, category number five in the 12 Elements of Being. The fifth category on our wheel is career. I want you to stop and think about your career right now. Are you fulfilled? 

Is this something you can see yourself doing for the rest of your life? Do you love what you do? Does your job provide the economic means in order to support the lifestyle that you want? When we accept a job that comes with a job description, it comes with an agreement of things that we will do for a certain amount of money. How, are you fulfilling on that commitment? Think about your career for just a moment. 

And If, you were to rate that. On a scale of one to 10, how balanced are you feeling? What number would you give yourself in regards to your fulfillment in your current career? Take a second. Pick a number, write it down. Okay. Category number six is education and development. Now, education and development is not just your level of education. 

You can think about whether or not you finished high school, whether or not you finished college, whether or not you have a degree or multiple degrees, but education and development is ongoing through your entire life. As an adult, we are constantly learning, we're constantly growing. We're constantly having to stay up to date with new technologies and new advancements. Think about ai. Think about all of the technology that has changed during your lifetime. 

How do you feel about your level of education? How comfortable do you feel with current technology? How do you feel you are staying up to date on literally being able to do your job and being able to stay up with the rest of the world? If, you were to rate yourself on a scale of one to 10 in the category of education and development. How fulfilled do you think you are? How fulfilled do you feel you are? 

Think about it for just a minute. Rate yourself on a scale of one to 10. Okay? We're now halfway through the wheel and all we've really done is looked at half of the categories and thought about how we feel or how fulfilled we are in those areas of our life. What we have not discussed is what we do about it. And this is not just an exercise to evaluate yourself and make yourself feel bad. 

This is actually an exercise to identify areas of opportunity because so many times we look at our life and there's things that we want, things we desire, and that's what we focus on with our manifestations. We focus on an amazing relationship. We focus on a new career, we focus on more money or a bigger house or a nicer car or the dream vacation. We focus on all of these things, but we are often missing out on some of the elements that we really should be paying attention to, like our health and our mental wellbeing and our family and our relationships and our community, and all of those things are important to us. 

And so as we talk about the law of attraction and we talk about living the life of our dreams, I think it's important for us to also consider balance because life is not fulfilling. If, you have a big house, but you don't have a nice relationship or someone to share it with. Life is not fulfilling. If, you have all these amazing things, but you go to a job every day that you hate, that you can't stand, and you're just giving up your life for something to pay the bills. 

Balance is what we're seeking. Balance is what we should be seeking. And as we talk about the law of attraction and how to Attract the life of our dreams, it's important that we focus on areas that are not as balanced or not as fulfilled. Not just taking categories that already look good and figuring out how to make them better, but actually paying attention to the pieces of our life that are suffering, that are struggling, areas that we haven't been paying attention to, and recognizing that we need to put more effort and emphasis on those areas so that when we get on our bicycle, that front wheel spins like it should. 

We're not thrown off the bike. We have balance. We feel complete, we feel fulfilled. So we're halfway through our list At this point, I wanna take a quick break for a word from our sponsors, and when we come back, I am going to cover the last six Elements of Being from the total 12. We're gonna evaluate those and then I'm gonna talk a little bit more about how you can become more balanced in the areas that right now are suffering, all of that when we return. 

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Speaker 1 (23m 34s): Welcome back to Attract It, With EASE. At this point we have been talking about the 12 Elements of Being and I have covered the first six categories. Those categories are number one, wellbeing. Number two, fun and recreation. Number three, community. Four is family, five is career, and six is education and development. We are now going to get into the last six categories. 

And just like before, I want you to really stop and think about how fulfilled do you feel in these six areas of your life. and I want you to rate yourself on a scale of one to 10 because when we're done with this episode, I want you to go to my website and you are going to get this actual graphic that you can print out from home and fill in each of these categories with the number that you came up with and you'll be able to clearly see how balanced you are in your life. 

And If, you visualize this as the front wheel on your bicycle, you're going to see if you're able to get on your bike and drive down the street or If, you have to walk your bike home. So let's jump right back into that. And number seven is a biggie. Money. Now money is a lot of things. Money is not just how much money you have, it's not a number. It's not the number in your bank account, it's what that money does for you. Are you feeling stressed about money? 

Are you able to cover your bills? What does your debt look like? Are you able to invest? Are you able to save? Are you able to buy some of the things that you really would like? Like that dream vacation How are you feeling in the category of money? If, you were to look at that one area of your life and rate yourself on a scale of one to 10, what number between one and 10 is the level of fulfillment that you feel right now today in the category of money in your life? 

And you have a feeling for most of us, this is going to be one of our lower categories. and I don't mean because we don't make good money. So many of us do make good money, but I think this is often where we feel stuck. We do make good money, but we don't know how to get from where we are to where we want to be. We don't know how to get all of that debt paid off. We don't know how to jump from making good money to being financially independent. Think about that for just a moment. Give yourself a number on a scale of one to 10, okay? 

Category number eight is a big one. This one is personal value. And there's different ways to look at personal value, but the way I want you to look at personal value is I want you to look at it in the terms of two words. That first word is integrity, and the second word is dignity. Now, there's different definitions for the word integrity. And when I'm talking integrity in this case, I'm not talking morality. 

What I'm talking about when I say integrity is I want you to visualize a bridge, an actual physical bridge. And when every component is working together on a bridge, when all of the chords and the structures and the pedestals and all of the pieces are holding together, you would say that it has structural integrity. I want you to think about yourself in that same aspect for a moment. 

When you talk about your personal value, I really want you to think about how all of the pieces come together. Do you have structural integrity? Now you can make your own declaration of who you are and who you wanna be and where you're going, but integrity is doing what you say when you say you're going to do it. And you know we set those standards for ourself. 

Those are standards that we must live by. But take a second and think about your own personal integrity and think about whether or not you would rate yourself high or If. you would rate yourself low. And the second piece of personal value is dignity. Now, dignity more relates to how other people think of you, how other people would describe you. Your dignity is how you're perceived in your community. 

Your dignity is how you are viewed in the eyes of others. And so when you stop and you take a second and you evaluate your personal integrity and you evaluate your personal dignity, you can put those things together and that's your personal value. And If, you were to rate yourself on a scale of one to 10 for your own personal value and your fulfillment in this category. How would you rate yourself? Are you a 10? Are you an eight? 

Are you a five? Are you a two? Take a minute and assign yourself a number. The ninth category on our wheel is spirituality. Now, spirituality is your core. It's your center. It's your commitment to your value system. Now, this is a very private area of your life and it's a very important one. It draws upon the sources that inspire and uplift you, the things that tie you to the fiber of all humanity and taking care of your spiritual domain. 

It provides leadership in all of your life. Now, some people find spirituality through prayer or meditation, while others, they might read scriptures and they may go to church. It doesn't matter what you view as spirituality, but spirituality is your connection to your inner being. It is your connection to a higher power. It is your connection to all of life. If, you stop and you think about how spiritual you are. 

and I don't mean spiritual like do you go to church? I just mean If. you were to rate yourself on your connection with your soul in your fulfillment in where you are spiritually. If, you were to give yourself a number on a scale of one to 10, how fulfilled are you in the category of spirituality? Stop for a second. Think about it and assign yourself a number. 

Category number 10 is love and romance. Now, a lot of people confuse love and romance with infatuation and sexual attraction, and that's not what we're talking about here. I am talking about literal love and romance. What is your communication like? Do you have somebody who understands you? Do you have someone in which you have mutual respect? Do you honor each other? 

Do you share a partnership? Do you have a loving relationship? How do you feel in the category of love and romance? Do you go out of your way to do nice things for each other? Do you go on date nights? Do you take each other for granted or do you look at each other and recognize that you value each other? You are two of each other's most important assets, most important people in each other's lives. 

Where do you feel in the category of love and romance? If, you were to rate your love and romance. On a scale of one to 10 in regards to your level of fulfillment, where would you be? Do you have that partner? Do you not have that partner? If, you have that partner? Is your relationship better than when you first fell in love or has it kind of taken a couple steps back? Take a minute and evaluate where you are in regards to love and romance and give yourself a number or a rating on a scale of one to 10. 

Okay, up to this point, some of these have been pretty easy and you're probably saying, Kayla, I'm so balanced, I can't even believe it. Here's the one where I'm really gonna get you. Category number 11 is your environment. Now, environment includes a lot of things. It's your physical surroundings, your home or your apartment, your office, your vehicle, any of your storage areas, your closets, your drawers, everywhere you keep things. 

Your desk, are you organized? How impeccable is your space? Is it clutter free? Does it have a good feeling? Does it feel comforting? When you go to your office, does it make you feel stressed? When you walk into your closet, does it make you feel good or or are you overwhelmed? Creating an environment of order and impeccability, that is what makes us feel calm and comforting. 

That's what makes us want to come home when our space is clean and neat and tidy. That brings us a feeling of EASE. Take a minute and think about your environment, and like I said, your environment is not just one space. It's not just your house, it's not your living room. It's not just your bedroom. Think about your bathroom and your vehicle, and like I said, your closets and your office and your workspace and your drawers. How organized are you? How neat and tidy are things? 

Can you find things when you need to? How much clutter do you have? Take a minute. Assess yourself on a scale of one to 10, how fulfilled are you with the impeccability of your environment? Give yourself a rating on a scale of one to 10. Okay? The last category of our 12 Elements of Being is attitudes and perspective. 

Now, I would like to think that any person listening to this podcast has a pretty good attitude and perspective. I mean, I would hope so, right? We're talking about the law of attraction, but that doesn't necessarily mean that that is the case. Your attitude and perspective has everything to do with your thoughts. It has everything to do with your attraction point. It has everything to do with your conversations, your conversations with others, your conversations with yourself. How do you feel about the economy? 

How do you feel about the world today? How do you feel about life in general? What is your attitude? What is your perspective? If, you were literally to sit down and take your attitudes and perspective and rate it on a scale of one to 10 in order of fulfillment. If, you were to say, I am fulfilled X amount, 50%, 80%, a hundred percent. What is the number you would assign your attitude and perspective on life? 

Okay, that's it. That's the 12 Elements of Being. We've covered everything. We talked about community and spirituality and personal value and career and money and education and development. We talked about environment, attitudes and perspective, fun and recreation, love and romance, family and wellbeing. We've talked about so many things. These are the 12 categories that make up our life, and if we're missing on one of these elements, if we're not balanced across the board, it's like getting on your bicycle with a broken wheel. 

How does it feel to ride a wheel that has some missing spokes or has a couple dents in it? You're gonna be like going down the road and it's not gonna be a a, a comfortable ride. In fact, you're probably not gonna want to ride. You're probably gonna go on and get off your bike and walk your bike because it doesn't feel good. It's not effective. That is what our life is like. So where do we go from here? What do we do now? Well, the first thing that I want you to do is the action item for this week. 

I want you to go to my website, Attract It With EASE dot com, and I want you to find this podcast episode. It's called the 12 Elements of Being. On the page for this episode, there will be a button for an instant download. It's a free download for this P D F document. It is a graphic, it's a will. This will is broken into the 12 categories. 

Each category has 10 different spokes, so to speak, so that you can rate yourself on a scale of one to 10. You can review these categories and you can literally fill it in like a pie graph and see how balanced is your will. And you know what? It's okay if everything's a three, it's okay if not everything is a 10. As long as everything is balanced, your will is going to spin. Well. Now, if it's a three, I would hope that you would work on every category. 

If every category is a three, at least you have some balance. But I think what you're going to find is that there will be some of these categories that you feel are a nine or a 10, and there will be other categories that you feel are a three or a four And. that is not a wheel that's going to be productive. That is not a wheel that is effective, and so what do you do with that information? Well, this whole podcast is about attracting the life of your dreams. 

So the very first thing is to recognize the areas you are suffering, recognize the areas you maybe haven't been paying enough attention to, and stop and think about why you rated yourself that way. If, you gave yourself a one, a two, a three, or a four in any category. I want you to stop and literally have a conversation with yourself in your mind about why you rated yourself that way. Why are you suffering in that category? What are you feeling bad about? 

What needs to change? And then you start building an action plan. And, that action plan can be something simple. You may recognize what you need to do. If, you rated yourself low in family. You may know that you need to pick up the phone and call someone. You may know that you need to write someone a letter or you owe someone an apology. Those are easy things to figure out what to do. But in other cases, if it's career, for example, you may know that you're unhappy in your job, but it's like where do you go from here? 

And. that is where everything else we've talked about in relation to the law of attraction comes into place. It starts with getting clear with what you want. It starts with stating that you already have it. It starts with visualizing the life that you want, visualizing that you have it. What does it feel like? What does it look like? What does it taste like? It starts with speaking as if it's already happened. It starts with taking inspired action. It's all of the things that we have talked about in relation to the law of attraction, but you have to first recognize that it is an area of your life that needs improvement. 

So this week's action item is to go to my website, Attract It With EASE dot com, find this podcast episode the 12 Elements of Being. Download the P d F document with the 12 Elements of Being wheel. Print it out, fill it out, and put together a plan. I promise you that this will be eye-opening and life-changing. If. you really take it to heart, and some of these things I think you already know you need to address and others of them, some of these 12 categories you maybe haven't even thought about or considered yet, but when you put it on a piece of paper and you see how unbalanced your life maybe is, it's going to make you want to make some changes and nothing changes until something changes. 

That's it for this week. It's been so fun talking with you. I hope you find this beneficial. I would love to hear from you. And as a reminder, anyone who leaves a review of my podcast, a written review of my podcast will be entered into a weekly drawing to win one of my free manifestation journals. So If, you got something big or good or beneficial out of this podcast episode, go to Apple Podcasts and leave me a written review. Let me know what you think. I would love to hear from you. 

Have a good one, and I'll talk with you next week. Bye-bye. 

S2.E40: The 3 Beliefs


S2.E38: Get Crystal Clear Clarity with What You Want