S2.E40: The 3 Beliefs

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of manifesting your wildest dreams? Join your host, Kayla in this transformative episode where she dive deep into the core beliefs that are essential for becoming a true master of manifestation: Belief in the Law of Attraction, Belief in Divine Timing, and Belief in Yourself.

Join Kayla as she break down these three fundamental beliefs in a clear and simplified manner, making the Law of Attraction accessible and actionable for everyone. Get ready to take off on a journey of transformation, aligning your mindset, energy, and actions to manifest the extraordinary into your life.

Tune in now to become a master manifester and start attracting the biggest desires of your heart! Don't miss out—subscribe, listen, and watch your world transform.

Hi there, I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to attract it with ease. In this week's episode, I want to talk all about Belief, and I've talked about Belief on prior episodes, but this week we're gonna dig deep. We're really going to get into Belief and what Belief means and the kind of Belief that you need to have in order to manifest your desires. And when I say the kind of Belief that you need to have, it's Belief in three separate things. 

Those things are Belief in the Law of Attraction, Belief in Divine Timing, and Belief in Yourself. I'm going to get into those three Beliefs in today's episode. But before I jump into all of that, I'd like to start this episode out by talking about my gratitude. And if you've followed along for any period of time, you know I start every episode out talking about gratitude because gratitude is the magic that fuels the fire. 

What I mean by that is if we wanna manifest our desires, we need to start being grateful for what we already have. And by focusing on our gratitude, we put ourselves in this powerful, energetic space where what we put out into the universe is just literally pure positive energy. And when that's where we're vibrating, that's what we get back is pure positive energy. 

So like usual, I wanna talk about what I'm grateful for today. and I have three things to share with you. The first one is that I am grateful for Divine Timing. I literally am, and I've talked about this a couple of times recently, and the thoughts behind this piece of gratitude this week is different than when I've talked about it recently. But I'll tell you what, sometimes the universe literally has to hit me over the head in order to get me to pay attention. 

I ask for all kinds of things, and then I look for signs, and then the universe gives me signs. And I'm like, yeah, no, I don't like that. Not that. and I recognize that I've been doing that for a while. And where this all comes into place is that I have been asking for certain guidance for a while. I say a while, like maybe a year. I want direction on where I should take my life, where I should take my career, where I should take the podcast, what I should be focused on, how I can achieve everything that I desire. 

And I've been asking for inspiration. And almost a year ago, the universe gave me inspiration. And when I got it, I was like, yeah, no, not that. and I tabled it, and I just kind of have ignored it. And the funny thing is that this same message keeps coming around and coming around and coming around, and every time it does, I go, yeah, no, not that, that's, that's not what I wanna do. That's not how I wanna go about things. And I've literally just turned a blind eye and tried to pretend that it's not messages from the universe, it's just coincidence. 

And yeah, no, I want nothing to do with that. And it's funny because the universe will just continue to push and push and push because if it's the answer that you're asking for and you continue to ask, the universe is gonna keep giving you that answer, even if it's not the answer that you want. And so when I say that I'm grateful for Divine Timing, it's because the universe literally keeps hitting me over the head with this thought that I've been turning away from for the last year. and I finally was like, okay, enough's enough. 

I'll look into it, I'll consider it. And as I have looked into it, I have found connections that tie all the way back to the research and the ideas that came to me a year ago. Literally the exact same information, the same content, the same people, the same venue. And now I'm looking at it going, okay, I'm a little more open to it. Okay, I understand why you keep bringing me this thought. 

And then I'm kicking myself going, why did I wait a year to do this? Why did I wait a year to get started? And that's when I recognize that it's all Divine Timing. I wasn't ready a year ago, even though I asked for it, the universe gave it to me. I just said, no, absolutely not. And here I am a year later being told the exact same things and I'm finally in a mental head space where I'm willing to take a second look at it and recognizing that this really could be the answer to my requests. 

and I am just so grateful that the universe does not give up on us And, that when the Timing is right, we will always be in the right time at the right place in the right moment. And I'm so grateful for that today. The second thing that I'm grateful for this week is that I passed off my training program that I've been talking about at work. I've been talking about how I have a full-time job and I have been going through this training program to get a huge promotion. 

Well, this program has taken me literally nine months. It has been a big, big deal. It's taken a lot of my time. It's taken a lot of my energy and it's something I've really been working towards. And just this past week, I finally passed everything off. I am green-lit to go forward. I'm now looking for new opportunities. and I am so, so grateful to have that behind me, but also to have that experience. and I am so grateful for the growth that I have had and what it will do to kind of kickstart my career or take me to the next level in my personal development. 

The third thing that I'm grateful for this week has to do with all of that. And that's the fact that we just have unlimited options. Sometimes we just feel stuck. Sometimes we feel like we can't make choices that maybe we want to because our kids are in a certain school and we don't want to uproot them, or we have a job in a certain area and we don't want to leave, or we've got the mortgage and how will we sell the house? There's just so many factors that come into making big life-changing decisions. 

And over the years I have found myself in this place so many countless times. But here I am again where my husband has left his job. He's kind of what he would call a free agent in the fact that he can go anywhere, he can do anything, he can be anything. And now that I have finished this program at work, I am feeling the exact same way. and I am just so grateful for the doors that are open and the opportunities that we have in front of us. And I'm so grateful to be in a place in my life where I get to decide where I want to go from here and to know that opportunities are just abundant. 

I just get to decide what path do I want to walk down. And that's just an amazing feeling. And no matter where you are in life, as you are listening to this, you may feel stuck. You may feel like you can't leave because your kids are in school or you can't leave 'cause you have this amazing job or your spouse or your significant other has this job that they're tied to and you're tied down. And I'm not just talking about moving, physically moving, but If, you take all those filters off, every single option is available to us in life. 

And to me, that is something incredible about the human existence, but it is something that I find such a blessing about living on planet earth. That's it for my gratitude this week. Let's get into the topic of Belief. Now, I told you there are three things that you have to believe in order to be able to successfully manifest your desires. And those three things are Belief in the Law of Attraction. 

Now, that doesn't mean that you can't stumble across the things that you want, If, you don't believe in the law of attraction. People probably do that every day. They just don't know that they're doing that. They still Attract their desires, but they don't necessarily believe that they did it. Yes, I think that's possible. But I do believe that in order to Attract the big things to be intentional with our manifestations, to turn rags to riches, so to speak, that is where Belief in the Law of Attraction is going to take you from zero to 60. 

It's just gonna change things overnight. So success first comes from Belief in the Law of Attraction. The second Belief that you need to have in order to successfully manifest your desires is Belief in Divine Timing. Now, Divine Timing is the hard one because we just wanna control everything. We want it to be on our terms, we want it now we're ready. It's like, come on, when's it happening? Why isn't it happening? And we just want to control. 

And what I will tell you is the law of attraction is like a river, and we're just sitting there on a boat and we're floating downstream, and we cannot control how quickly we get to our destination. We cannot control how fast the water moves. All we can do is control the direction of our boat And. that is literally what I'm talking about with Divine. Timing is sometimes the universe will bring you something and you're not ready for it and you'll miss it. 

And sometimes we think we missed out on an amazing opportunity because it didn't turn out the way that we expected, or we had our eyes set on a particular outcome, or we literally tried to manipulate a situation and force something to happen and then it doesn't. And we're like, oh my gosh, that was my one opportunity. But that's not how the universe works. And when you believe in Divine Timing, you know that if that opportunity came and went, all it means is that there is an equal if not better opportunity on its way to you. 

We just need to have the Belief in what we can't see and know that it's in process and know that it's on its way to us. The third Belief that is required to be a successful manifester is Belief in yourself. and Belief in Yourself is probably the one that I struggle with the most. And that's not to say that I'm not a confident person because I'm actually a really confident person. In fact, some people would probably say that I'm overly confident and I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing thing. 

But my point is that Belief in yourself is fundamental. These three Beliefs are fundamental. And as I started thinking about what I wanted to talk about today, this thought came into my mind because years ago, like it feels like another lifetime ago, I was a regional manager for a company, and I did all kinds of training. And in the new hire training on day two, the second day of your new hires working for the company, we trained them on what we called the three Beliefs. 

Now, the three Beliefs were a little bit different than what I just described, but I assimilate them in the same way. The three Beliefs that we trained on in my past life was Belief in the concept, Belief in the marketing system and Belief in yourself. Now, that feels like a lifetime ago that I trained on that, but training on the three Beliefs was one of my absolute favorite parts of training new hires. 

I was so passionate about the three Beliefs, and as I really had this idea pop into my mind in the last couple of days, I recognized that those same concepts translate directly to being successful at anything. Being successful at selling something or marketing something takes the same effort and energy and Belief that it does to manifest something. And so that's where the correlation for me comes in instead of believing in the concept. 

Well, to me, the concept is the law of attraction. You have to believe in the law of attraction to want to live by and follow the law of attraction and control your thoughts and control your words and direct your thinking and be intentional with the things that you say and intentional with the way that you act and intentional with your manifestations and your visualizations and your affirmations and all of those things. To me, Belief in the Law of Attraction is Belief in the concept. 

And when I used to train on Belief in the marketing system, well there's not really a marketing system when it comes to the law of attraction. But to me, Belief in Divine, Timing is essential. Understanding that you don't have to control when you don't have to control how you just have to believe. You have to be steadfast in that Belief that it's going to happen. That to me is the second essential. 

Belief Belief in Divine, Timing If, you understand that everything will happen in Divine Timing, everything will happen as it should, when it should. You can take the pressure off and you can just sit back and relax and wait for it to happen. And then that third Belief Belief in yourself, Belief in your ability, Belief in your worthiness. I've talked a lot about self-worth, but understanding that Belief in yourself is a core Belief. 

These are the three core Beliefs. The three core Beliefs are Belief in the Law of Attraction, Belief in Divine Timing and Belief in Yourself. And when I used to train on the three Beliefs for my business years ago, there was a phrase that we used and I wanna share it with you today because to me, this is exactly the level of Belief that we're talking about, that I'm talking about, that I want you to work on, that I want you to have. And it's the same level of Belief that you need to have for all three of these core Beliefs. 

And it's a phrase I want you to really listen to and really understand. And I'm gonna break it down for you. The way that I used to break it down for my new hires and this phrase is that you need to have a cast in stone, unwavering, non-negotiable fortress of conviction. Belief, you need to have a cast in stone, unwavering, non-negotiable fortress of conviction, Belief in the Law of Attraction. 

You need to have a cast in stone, unwavering, non-negotiable fortress of conviction, Belief in Divine, Timing. You need to have a cast in stone, unwavering, non-negotiable fortress of conviction, Belief in yourself in order to successfully manifest the big, big desires of your heart. These are the Beliefs you need to have so you don't just stumble upon the things that you want, but you intentionally create them. 

You create the life of your dreams. Now I wanna break down that phrase The. first thing I said is it needs to be cast in stone. So, I want you to think for just a moment, what does it mean when something is cast in stone? What do you think of when you say something is cast in stone? Now, I'm not a super religious person, but I was raised in a Christian household. And so when I think of the phrase cast in stone, the first thought that comes to my head is the 10 commandments. 

And Moses being given the 10 commandments from God, and they were cast in stone, they were written in stone, meaning they were written by the finger of God in stone. You cannot change them, you can't edit them, you can't cross them out. There's no white out, there's no backspace, delete, nothing. Cast in stone means these are just it, the end, the end all be all. It is cast in stone. So when you say that you have a cast in stone, Belief, that means that nobody can change your Belief. 

There is nothing anyone can say, no evidence. Someone can bring you nothing that will change your mind when you are talking about your Belief. in the Law of Attraction, it needs to be cast in stone. It needs to be so strong that no one can turn your head. Nothing anyone can say can change your mind, and I can tell you without a doubt that I have a cast in stone Belief in the Law of Attraction. 

I've said that before. I haven't said it in those terms, but I have said before on this podcast that there is nothing, absolutely nothing that someone could say to me that would change my mind that the law of attraction is not real or it doesn't work because I have so many countless examples in my own personal life of ways that I have manifested the most unbelievable, incredible, crazy, phenomenal things. 

and I have so much evidence backing up that this actually works. That it's a thing that we have the ability to control the outcome of our lives, that we can Attract the biggest desires of our hearts. I have a cast in stone, Belief in the Law of Attraction and I want you to think right now. Take a second. Think about your Belief in the Law of Attraction, and would you say that it is cast in stone? 

Think about it. Alright, the next portion of that phrase, it's not just cast in stone, it is unwavering, an unwavering Belief. What does the word unwavering mean to you? To me, to think of something that's unwavering. It's easier for me to think of something that is wavering and I. Don't know why, but when I think of the word wavering, I picture just grass or weeds or even pussy willows next to a stream and the wind blows and everything just blows in the wind. 

It's just waving back and forth. It's just like the slightest little breeze and it's moving back and forth. To me, that's what wavering is. So if I'm gonna say that something is unwavering, it's gonna be the complete opposite. Complete opposite. It is. It is firm in its foundation. It is unmovable. It is untouchable. There is no force that can come against it, that will make it move. 

There is nothing that will change its mind. There is nothing that will make it shiver or shake. It is literally just solid firm foundation. Do you picture what I'm saying? And when I talk about needing to have a cast in stone, unwavering Belief in the Law of Attraction, this is what I'm talking about. You can't be going back and forth about, well, I don't know, maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. 

Maybe it's real, maybe it isn't. You can't be on the fence. You can't be that wavering twig. You can't be the reed of grass that's being blown in the wind because If, you can't decide how you feel. That is the vibration that you're putting out. There's no consistency. How in the world are you going to be a vibrational match to the things that you're asking for if you're wavering on whether or not the law of attraction is even real? I can tell you that I have a cast in stone, unwavering Belief in the Law of Attraction. 

So the third part of that phrase, it's not just cast in stone, it's not just unwavering, it is also non-negotiable. What does it mean to be non-negotiable? Non-negotiable means nobody is going to talk you out of it. Nobody's going to get you to meet them halfway. Nobody is going to change your mind or make you come up with a concession. There's nothing anybody can say that's going to change how you feel about the law of attraction. 

It's just non-negotiable. It's not open to discussion. It's not something that they can change your mind about because it's cast in stone, it's unwavering and it's non-negotiable. I have a cast in stone, unwavering, non-negotiable Belief in the Law of Attraction. So the last part of this phrase, this powerful phrase that really helps you visualize where your Belief needs to be in order to be a master at manifesting is it's not just cast in stone. 

It's not just unwavering, it's not just non-negotiable, but it is also a fortress of conviction. So think for a minute about what it means to be a fortress. What do you picture? When I think about a fortress, I literally think about a castle. A castle from the medieval times with a moat and like a big huge wall. 

And there's cannons and there's spears, and there's an army just waiting to defend. It is literally an impenetrable fortress. You have all of these people and pieces in place to defend you, to defend what you have, to defend your Belief when you have a fortress of conviction. What is a conviction? A conviction is just firm. It is solid, it is absolutely unchangeable, unwavering, all of these things that we've talked about. 

So when you add all of these adjectives and descriptive words together, and you say that to have a cast in stone, unwavering, non-negotiable fortress of conviction, Belief in the Law of Attraction, stop for a second and ask yourself, is that how you feel when somebody asks you about the law of attraction? Or when you think of the concept of the law of attraction, when you think about the idea that your thoughts and your emotions create your outcomes, create your future, create your life, how much do you believe in that idea? 

How much do you believe in that concept? Is it so cast in stone that nobody can change it? Is it so unwavering that you are not on the fence? You just absolutely 100% every fiber of your being believes it? Is it so non-negotiable that no one's even trying to talk you out of it? You are trying to get other people on the bandwagon because you know that it's so true that they're getting in their own way. 

What about the fortress of conviction? Do you have a fortress of conviction in the law of attraction? Do you have this force filled around you? Do you have these walls build up where no one can change your mind? you know it's a thing you preach, it's a thing. And I'm not talking about really being preachy. What I'm saying is that if somebody attacks your Belief, you are there to defend it because there is 100% without question, an understanding that the law of attraction is real and the law of attraction works. 

That is the first core Belief. The second core Belief is Belief in Divine Timing. So let's go through that again. Do you have a cast in stone Belief? in Divine Timing? Do you 100% believe that even when you can't see it, even when you can't control it, even when it feels like things are not going your way, that everything is actually falling into place? Is that how you feel about Divine Timing? 

Do you 100% believe that things will work out and things are working out and everything works out in your favor? Do you have a cast in stone Belief? in Divine Timing? Do you have an unwavering Belief in Divine Timing? Man, that's a hard one when you think about it, Divine. Timing is so hard to not, question is so hard to not lose faith. It's so hard to not worry when we see opportunities passing us by. 

When things are taking longer than we want or taking longer than we expect is so hard to be unwavering. It's so hard to not question, but to manifest the big stuff, If, you wanna be a millionaire If, you wanna travel the world If. you want passion and love and riches beyond your wildest dreams. These are the things you need to believe. You need to believe in Divine, Timing. You need to be unwavering. 

You need to understand that even though right now it doesn't make sense, there will come a day in the future that you will go, aha. That's why it didn't work out the last time. That's why it took so long. You need to have that unwavering, that cast in stone, unwavering Belief in Divine Timing. How about non-negotiable? Can people just talk you out of the fact that things won't necessarily work out or they're not working out or talk you out of believing that even though it doesn't feel like it's working out, that everything is, I'll tell you what, sometimes the people we surround ourselves are our worst enemies. 

And it's not intentional, but they don't understand, they don't believe like we believe. And it's so easy for the people around us to create doubt in our minds to say, yeah, you said that was gonna happen, but look, it's been however many months. It's been however many weeks. Like it doesn't look like it's happening. And then we allow that doubt to creep in and we let it sabotage us, and then it changes our vibration and it changes our attraction point. 

And then when the thing that we want comes by, we're not in alignment with it. And so it misses us. And I'm not saying that it will never come by again, just like I talked about at the very beginning of this episode, Divine Timing is a thing. And if you're not aligned with it when it comes around the first time, there will be more opportunities. It will come around again when you are ready for it. But you have to believe that you have to have a cast in stone, unwavering, non-negotiable Belief in Divine. 

Timing. How about the fortress of conviction? Belief, do you have a fortress of conviction? Belief in Divine. Timing. I'll tell you what, that's hard for me. It's hard for me. Here I am sitting on my pedestal preaching to you about the Beliefs. and I can be completely honest with you that that is something that's hard for me. It's hard for me to have an unwavering, non-negotiable fortress of conviction Belief in Divine Timing because so many times it feels like it's not working out. 

and I don't know if the universe is testing us. I don't really believe in test, but sometimes I think just our ability to show that we're ready is our ability to show patience, our ability to just be steadfast in our Belief. And having that fortress of conviction where nobody can attack you. And if they do, you're gonna come to the defense. You're gonna say, look, you don't have to understand. You don't have to believe it's not your life. You're not in my shoes. 

You can doubt all you want, but I'm on this train and I know it's headed in the direction that I wanna go. and I know that things are working out for me because things always work out for me. Everything is always working out for me. When you have a cast in stone, unwavering, non-negotiable fortress of conviction, Belief in Divine, Timing, things will always work out for you at the perfect time, in the perfect place with the perfect person every single time. 

That is the second core Belief. And the last core Belief is Belief in yourself. Now, Belief in yourself is probably the hardest one, and I've had a few episodes about believing in yourself and believing in your worth and believing that it's possible and believing that not only can it happen, but it can happen to you. But just like the other Beliefs, you have to have a cast in stone Belief in yourself. 

You have to believe you're worthy. You have to believe it's your birthright to have the life of your dreams, to live the life of your dreams. Look at all of the people around you who have achieved the things that you desire. Look at all of the people around you who are not trying as hard as you are, who don't care as much as you do. And why in the world are other people achieving the things that you want? And yet you're sitting back questioning whether or not you can do it and questioning whether or not you're deserving and questioning whether or not you have the ability or you just were meant to be there or do that. 

And so many times we resign ourselves to thinking that it's not possible, thinking that we're not worthy thinking that that's a life for someone else. And those might not be the verbatim thoughts going through our head, but we self-sabotage. We tend to discount our worth. We tend to get in our own way and we need to have that cast in stone. Nobody can change it. 

Nobody can tell you you're not good enough. No one can tell you that you are not worthy. No one can tell you it's not gonna happen or that you are not that person or you don't have what it takes because there is nothing, absolutely nothing in any person on this planet that someone else has that is more deserving than anything you have. We all are made of the same material. We all are given the same rights and privileges. 

Now, I understand that there are countries in this world that maybe have more freedoms than others, and it's really easy for me sitting here in the United States where freedom is just prevalent to sit and talk about how we all have the same abilities. But at the end of the day, humans are humans and we're all made up of the same stuff. We're all made up with the same energy, and we all have the same powers and we all have the same abilities. And If, you can have that cast in stone, Belief in yourself, If, you can be unwavering If. 

you can literally not let other people's thoughts and other people's comments and other people's opinions change the way you feel about yourself, the way you feel about your abilities, the way you feel about your ability to deserve, your ability to Attract, your ability to manifest If. you can have that unwavering Belief, oh my gosh, are you unstoppable? And it's not just that cast in stone unwavering, it's the non-negotiable. 

It's like, don't even talk to me about it, In fact. How dare you talk to me about my worthiness or my abilities? How dare you? You have not walked a mile in my shoes. You don't know what I think. You don't know how I feel. You don't know what I've experienced or what I'm working on. All you see is your perception from your viewpoint. That is where the power comes. And then again, it's that fortress of conviction. 

When people attack you and they will attack you, they will attack you with their words, they will attack you with their thoughts, they will cut you down. And do you know that the biggest reason that people will attack you Belief in yourself is because of jealousy. People are frustrated that they're not getting what you are getting or they're not empowered the way that you are or they're afraid. And so they will try and cut you down and bring you to their level. 

But when you have a cast in stone, unwavering, non-negotiable fortress of conviction, Belief in yourself, it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks, you are freaking unstoppable. and I can tell you right now that no matter If, you believe in Divine Timing. And no matter If, you believe in the law of attraction If, you literally have a cast in stone, unwavering, non-negotiable fortress of conviction, Belief in your yourself. 

There is absolutely nothing, nothing in this life that you cannot have, that you cannot be, that you cannot achieve. But If, you put your Belief in the Law of Attraction behind all of that. Oh my gosh. Don't let anything get in your way. and I hope that my passion and my emphasis and the way that I feel about these three Beliefs comes through in this conversation because I feel so strongly in your abilities. 

I don't even know you. And yet I know you have every bit inside of you that anybody else has. You are a powerful being. You are deserving. It is your birthright to have wealth. It is your birthright to be happy. It is your birthright to Attract all of the desires of your heart. That is part of why we are here on this planet. 

I hope that you feel my Belief because I don't just believe in me and my abilities. I believe in you. I know that everything I have you have, I know it. I hope you know it. I hope you believe it. I wanna take a quick break to hear from our sponsors. And when I come back, I'm just gonna give you one powerful tool that you can use to help you build your Belief, your Belief in the Law of Attraction, your Belief in defined Timing and your Belief in yourself. 

I have one easy fun action item that you can take away from this week's episode and use today to build your Belief in the three core Beliefs. I'll get into that when I return. Welcome back to Attract It With EASE. We have been talking about the three core Beliefs that are essential to be a master manifester. And what do I mean by master manifester? 

You can manifest all kinds of things without even trying. You can manifest parking spaces and checks in the mail and you can get somebody to call you just by thinking about them. I mean, those are little itty bitty things. But the things that we really care about in life is our home and our lifestyle and our relationships and our careers and our finances. Those are the things that are important to us. And when I talk about being a master manifester, I'm talking about your ability to Attract massive wealth, your ability to Attract the family of your dreams, the lifestyle of your dreams, the toys and the pleasures and the clothes and whatever it is that you want to Attract. 

That is where these three core Beliefs really come into play. And when I've talked about the three Beliefs, those Beliefs are Belief in the Law of Attraction, Belief in Divine Timing and Belief in Yourself. And when I talk about these three Beliefs, I've talked about how you have to have a cast in stone, unwavering, non-negotiable fortress of conviction, Belief in these three Beliefs in order to Attract these massive things that you desire, the things that set you apart from the famous people in the world or the people that you look up to. 

And maybe fame isn't what you want. I can tell you right now, fame is not one of my desires, but what I want is all of the things that the famous people have. I want the wealth and the riches and the financial freedom and the ability to travel and I want to be able to help my friends and help my family and make an impact on the world. And I, have a feeling that those are the things you want too. And So, I'm going to end this week's episode with one easy actionable item that you can implement today to help you start working on your Beliefs. 

Here's how it goes. I want you to pick your biggest desire. I don't care what it is. Maybe it is that you want to be a multimillionaire. Maybe it is that you want to buy a house in a particular place and have all of the features like I want, you want property, you want a view, you want, whatever. Maybe it's a magical relationship. Maybe it's the ability to have children. 

I don't know what your biggest dream is, what your biggest goal is, what seems so far out of reach for you. But I want you to pick that one thing. The first thing that comes to your mind when I'm saying this to you. That's the thing. That's the thing I want you to focus on. And here's what I want you to do. I want you to take some time today to close your eyes and visualize already having that thing. And the reason that I say today is so many times I say, do it this week. 

And it's easy to forget. I don't want you to do it this week. I want you to do it today. And If, you have time. When you finish this episode, I want you to do it now. And I'm only asking you to take five or 10 minutes. 10 minutes, If. you can set a timer on your phone. If, you need to close your eyes and visualize that you have the very thing that you're asking for. If. you want massive wealth. Take 10 minutes, set a timer on your phone so you don't have to worry about thinking about time. Close your eyes and picture it. 

What does it look like? What does it feel like? How do you dress? What do you do with your time? What do you do for work? Who do you hang out with? Where do you go? What do you do when you have this thing that you desire above anything else? What does that life look like? Live in that life in your head for five or 10 minutes. That's the first piece of this week's takeaway. and I promise, you If, you do it. It'll be so fun. Don't let your mind wander. If it wanders, steer it back. 

Focus on what does it look like? What does it feel like? What do you look like? What do you do? Where do you go? Who do you spend time with? How do you spend your money? What does that life look like? Once you have visualized it, write it out. And that's gonna take you a few minutes I, but I want you to write down everything you visualized and I'll give you a trick. You can actually use talk to text to make this happen. 

If that's easier, you can do that through Google, you can do that on your phone. Whatever's easiest for you. If it's too hard for you to literally take out a piece of paper and write it down, use talk to text and talk it out. Describe it in detail. I want massive detail. Explain in writing what you visualized. What did you do? Where did you go? Who did you hang out with? What did you look like? 

Where are you living? What do you do for work? What is life like in this amazing, wonderful existence you're trying to Attract? So you're gonna visualize it and then you're gonna write it down. And the last thing that you're going to do is you're going to get it on a piece of paper. So If, you did talk to text, print it out, print it out. It might be a couple pieces of paper, I don't care. Print it out so you have a printed version of it. 

and I want you to start reading it to yourself once a day, twice a day, If, you can, but at least once a day, carry it with you, put it in your purse, put it in your wallet, put it on your mirror in the bathroom, put it on your refrigerator, put it in your cart. I don't care where you have to put it. Put it somewhere where you will see it and read it to yourself. Once a day, every day, every single day, you are going to read this visualization. And when you read it, you are going to be able to remember what you saw when you closed your eyes and you visualized it. 

And here's the magic behind this. When you first do it, it's just gonna feel good. When you first close your eyes and you're gonna picture it, it's just gonna feel good. It's just a feel good activity. And then when you write it down, you're gonna try and remember and capture all of those details. and I want you to be as specific as possible because when you read it, when you read what you wrote, when you read what you said, you will be able to visually go back to that visualization and you will picture, you will picture all over again in your mind what you saw when you visualized it the first time. 

And If, you start doing that every single day. You will imprint a memory on your brain. And I've said this in prior episodes, but your mind does not know the difference between a visualization and a memory. It's one in the same If. you imprint this memory on your brain as if it's happened. Your body, your mind, the cells of your body will try and make that your existence. 

All of this will build your Belief. The more you read it, the more you see it, the more you will believe in your ability, the more you will believe in your worthiness. You will know it's possible because you've seen it. You'll want it, you'll taste it, you'll feel it. You will see it over and over and over again. And the more that you start believing in yourself, the more that you'll start attracting that Divine Timing, you'll start seeing synchronicities. 

You'll start seeing things fall into place, which will build your Belief in that Divine Timing. And when you believe in yourself and you believe in the Divine Timing, the the law of attraction will just happen. It will come together. It will happen. I can't tell you how powerful this exercise is, but If, you can remember the phrase, cast in stone, unwavering, non-negotiable, fortress of conviction, Belief. 

And you can work on having that in the law of attraction and in Divine, Timing and absolutely in yourself. I'm telling you, it's not a matter of if, but when the universe never tells you, no If, you ask for something, the universe never says no. The universe goes to work and starts to make it happen. The only reason something doesn't happen is because we are not aligned for it. 

Meaning we get in our own way, we stop believing, we change our vibration, we change our thoughts, we change our conversations, we talk ourselves out of it. We don't believe in the possibilities. We don't believe in the worthiness. We need to get there. Those three Beliefs, their core Beliefs. And that's what I wanna leave you with today. I hope that this message inspires you. I hope that you will take my action item to heart and I hope that you will start working on building your Beliefs because like I said, you deserve it as much as anyone else, and there is nothing, absolutely nothing that would make me happier than seeing you living the life of your dreams. 

That's it for this week. I'll talk with you next week. Have a good one. Bye-bye. 

S2.E41: The Secret To Happiness


S2.E39: The 12 Elements of Being