S2.E9: Speak It Into Existence - with Adria Sha

Kayla is joined this week by her sister and Co-Host from Season 1, Adria Sha. Together they discuss the power we all have of speaking things into existence and even share some experiences of instant manifestations.

Speaker 1 (0s): I'm just the girl next door, who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. 

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla rain, and welcome back to attract it with ease. Hey Adrian. Nice to see you again. So happy to have you join us. How are you? 

Speaker 2 (47s): I'm so glad to be here. I'm great. Thank you. 

Speaker 1 (50s): Tell me what you're grateful for today and why 

Speaker 2 (53s): I am grateful for, you know, I have, so I've been away from home for several months for my new job. I've been away from home and all three of these are related to that. I've been living in various states. I'm grateful that my gym has locations all over the country and that I signed up for the slightly higher membership that lets you go to other locations, 

Speaker 1 (1m 16s): Love it. 

Speaker 2 (1m 17s): I didn't even use it for the first year. And I thought what a waste of money, but I was finally able to work out in Louisiana by just by going to a chain from this gym. And I'm very grateful for that. That helped me feel more like myself. 

Speaker 1 (1m 28s): Ah, good. 

Speaker 2 (1m 30s): I'm grateful for the friendships that I made. I was living and working with complete strangers and was able to make a couple of friendships that will continue even now that I'm back home. So I'm very grateful for that. And then while I was living in Louisiana, I went to several different museums, which I absolutely loved, but one was the world war II museum. It's quite famous and it's a Smithsonian affiliate and takes up multiple buildings. And I only got to explore a part of it because I was only there for one day and it's a multi-day adventure, but I am so grateful for the, those who serve in the military and their willingness to sacrifice and defend our freedoms. 

Speaker 1 (2m 16s): I love that one. That's a good one. All right. Well, once again, you out shine me by giving some real deep thought to your gratitude and mine are pretty superficial, but my first bit of gratitude is our mask mandate has come back to Nevada and I am so grateful for cute masks. I have a bunch of raid done mass and I love them and get positive comments on them all the time because they actually say positive things on them. 

So I have one that says, think positive, and I have one that says be kind and I have one that says smile, and I want to have one that says, oh, I can't even remember something about positivity. And so I love that since I have to wear a mask, I, now that I have something that's cute and the hopefully brightens other people stay when they see it. So I'm so grateful for that. Number two, it has been over a hundred degrees here for gosh, it feels like six weeks. 

I think it probably has been around that and we see no break in the future. And this is unheard of climate for the area that I'm in. Usually we have about maybe two or three days a year, that break a hundred and we just have not been able to break the heat here. And so what I am so grateful for is my sun shade visor in my car. They're nerdy. I feel like my car looks like a grandma car because I've always thought, you know, you put a metallic sunshade in your windshield and you just look dorky, but it definitely makes a huge difference. 

When I get into my car after it's been sitting out in the parking lot at work all day and it's a hundred plus degrees out, my car is much cooler. And when I turn the air down or on it cools off much faster because of that sunshade. So I'm so grateful that I have one of those and the somebody invented that. And then the last thing that I have is I am someone that loves to write stuff down, whether it's grocery lists or budgeting or notes for podcast, episodes, or journaling or whatever, I am so grateful for cute notebooks. 

I probably have a bazillion of notebooks. I found another cute one this last week that I bought because it was only $3, but I just, I love having cute notebooks. And it's funny, but it's, it's, it feels different to open a nice notebook. That's spiral bound and hardcover versus the 10 cent kind you get when your school's shopping, which those work great too. But it's so nice to have something nice to write in. And I'm grateful for my notebooks. 

I love those. And I'm going to add, I'm grateful that I don't live in Nevada right now. It's over a hundred degrees. It's ridiculous. It's so bad, but we're surviving. Yes. All right. So Adrian, this week, I want to talk about something that's in the vein of a lot of what we've talked about. I mean, everything we talk about is law of attraction, but we have talked about the power of positive thinking and we have talked about flipping the script, meaning whatever you're thinking this negative, turn it around and say the opposite. 

We've talked about expecting things to happen instead of begging for them to happen, right? Expect don't please state it like you have it versus asking or pleading for it. We've talked about the power of ease, meaning taking the pressure off things. Stop trying so hard to stop trying to make something, work out, stop trying to figure out how or get something to work out a certain way. Just take the pressure off. 

And so today's topic is in the vein of all of that, and that is speak it into existence. So to me, speak it into existence fits all of those other topics, but it's not necessarily exactly the same thing, because speaking it into existence is just saying something and getting it. It's making it happen. It's just using your words. And I want to talk about words for just a minute, because before something can come out of your mouth as a statement, it has to first be what, obviously it needs to first be a thought, yes, I set you up on that one. 

That's exactly what I want to do to say we think at first, and when we have a thought, that's what ties into our emotions and our emotions are what we're vibrating. So whether we're verbalizing it or we're just thinking it it's kind of one in the same, but when you speak it out loud, you're taking it a little bit further. You're, you're, you're putting it out into the universe instead of just thinking it, but either way, you're vibrating at that vibration of whatever you're speaking. 

So today we're not going to talk about, you know, make sure you speak positively today. We're going to talk about, speak the things that you want, say it, and take the pressure off. And there are so many things in life that I can think of that have happened. Like almost effortlessly for me. So many things I didn't even try for, or didn't even have an emotion about. And when we talked about the power of ease, when we had that episode on ease, we talked about how sometimes when you don't really care, if you get something or don't get something, is when you actually get it, because you just take the pressure off, right? 

Sometimes it's like, well, I am I work out or am I not? I don't know. And he just kind of let it go. And so you stop squeezing the garden hose. And so then the water flows, right? So when I think about things that come easily for me or have happened easily, almost everything that I can think of is something that I either didn't really care about. Whether or not it worked out, or I just didn't put any effort or energy into the thought. I just thought it, it could be something like I see an ad on Instagram for something. And I go, oh, I'd like that. 

And the next thing I know, somebody gives me something similar as a gift or the next day I have 40 extra dollars and I go, oh, I'm going to buy that thing. Like it could be manifesting a parking spot. We've talked about that over and over again. It's something you don't really care about. You're not going to get upset if you don't get a front row parking spot, but sometimes just saying, I'm going to get a front row parking spot. Someone's pulling out right. As you're pulling in. And it just opens up for you. So I have a list of some things that I've kind of put out there that I've spoke into existence. 

Some of these are similar to what I've already said, and it's just a short list. But Adrian, I want you to think about some things that maybe have happened for you or that you said would work out for you that did. And I want to just kind of get into this conversation a little bit. So some of these things I've talked about, I talked about getting permits to have a super high falls and I never questioned whether or not I was going to get them. I just said, no, I'm going to get them. I never questioned it. I didn't stress about it. I didn't worry about it. I didn't freak out like, oh my gosh, what if I don't get them? 

But I talked about that a lot on an episode, but I said I was going to get them. They're extremely hard permits to get. I got them now flip side to that, getting permits to the wave. I don't know if you're familiar with the wave. The wave is a sand stone structure. And it's in the area right in between Utah and Arizona. But I believe it's a state park. You have to get permits and they only give a set number a day and they do it by a raffle. So I've tried to get permits for the wave more than once. 

And I've never been able to take the pressure off. I've always been like, oh, please, please, please, please, please pick my name. And I've never got permits to the way one day I want to go one day, I will go. I'm going to speak that into existence. I'm going to go to the wave. I'm going to get a permit. All right. I got reservations to Gordon. Ramsay's hell's kitchen. Somebody told me about it. It's like the hardest restaurant to get into because it's brand new it's months out. And I said, I'm going to get reservations. And I got reservations. 

No problem effortlessly. Very cool. When I needed to get wedding permits for Yosemite it's I had to request them more than six months out. And they have a set number of people they allowed to get married on at any given day at any given location in the park. I said, this is what we're doing. This is what we hired our photographer for. This is what submitted my permits. I heard nothing for four or five months and got my permits. 

It was no problem. Got them. I mentioned on a podcast and I'm not sure if you were on this one, maybe you were Adrian. But my tattoo, my sleeve that I got it is so intricate. So detailed, lots of fine lines. It is for those of you that haven't seen pictures, it's supposed to kind of look like henna. So if you can think of what a henna tattoo looks like, lots of details and went to a guy I'd never been tattooed from before and just said, you know what? 

It's going to work out. Perfect. I'm not stressed. I'm not worried. And it did. And it's, it is beautiful. And, and the linework is incredible. And not a week goes by that someone doesn't grab me by the arm to look at my tattoo and say, who did that? Where did you get that? I need a good tattoo artist. It just worked out front row parking spot. I mentioned, I do that all the time. I've mentioned this. I've said, you know what? I'm going to get good news today for the day's over. 

I'm going to get good news. And it's so generic. It could be anything, but that happens all the time. You know, I just wake up. I say, I'm going to get good news today. And I do. I get good news. I look for good news. I get good news. I said this on a recent podcast episode. I said that I start my day with the intention. That today is going to be a great day. And then I changed that. And I said, no, today already is a great day. 

And when I do that, it is a great day. I just speak it into existence. I just say, no, it's a great day. It's going to be a great day. Andrea Bocelli is one of my favorite musicians, one of my favorite artists and depending on where he's playing and when it can be extremely difficult to get tickets, to see him years ago, I wanted to see him. I was living in Vegas, but he wasn't coming to Vegas that year. And I found out just through social media that he was going to be performing in central park and that tickets were going to be free. 

But there was a limited number of tickets. And I said, I'm going to get tickets to Andrea Bocelli. I didn't know how I was going to get to New York. I didn't know how I was going to attend. They were free tickets. So I'm like, well, they're free. So that part's easy, but because they're free the whole, world's going to try and get these tickets to see Andrea Bocelli and same thing. You had to be on a website. They went live at a certain time and they were, I mean, it was tens of thousands of tickets, but they were gone in like under three minutes and I got two tickets to see Andrea Bocelli. 

Now the flip side of that story was I broke my leg and didn't get to go, but I did get the tickets. And later I also got to get some, when Andrea Bocelli came to Las Vegas, I finally did get to see him. But at the time it was like the hardest tickets to get free tickets, to see Andrea Bocelli and central park, literally like three minutes and they were gone. I got them. It was incredible. I can remember a Thanksgiving when we were supposed to get together with some friends and then their plans fell through and they were supposed to be doing the Turkey. 

So it literally was like a day or two before Thanksgiving. And I needed a Turkey and I didn't have time to get a frozen one. So just saying, you know what? I don't know. Who's going to have one. I don't know how I'm going to find one, but I'm going to find a fresh Turkey somewhere and walking into the grocery store. The first place I checked had one fresh Turkey left and I got it. Wow. That is just like the effortless things. I didn't have to go from store to store to store. So these are some things that are just like top of mind for me that it's just like, I just say, and it's again, there's no emotional attachment to this because if it doesn't work out, it's not like my life is going to be devastating. 

It's not like I'm trying to make something, work out like an offer on my house or, you know, planning some big thing. It's just like, if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. But the fact that you take that pressure off that we've talked about with ease and you speak it into existence, you just have that expectation. We've talked about you don't plead for it. You just say, look, this is happening for me. This is working out for me. This is happening right now. I'm going to do this. I'm going to get this, I have this, I am doing this. 

You just make those statements. And it's amazing how the universe goes, okay, here you go. So after I realized that I didn't prep you for this episode. So I'm putting you on the spot a little bit, but is there anything that's come to mind for you, for me talking that you can think about where you just kind of had a thought and then that thing somehow sort of manifested for you. 

Speaker 2 (15m 51s): So there's one that comes to mind and I'm going to say, and I know you'll agree with me. Be careful what you say, because sometimes you get what you say. 

Speaker 1 (16m 1s): Yes. 

Speaker 2 (16m 2s): When I found out that I was pregnant with twins, everyone talked to me about how twins were going to come early. They were going to be early. They were going to come to newborn ICU. Someone said, you know, you'll just be cooking at the stove one day and boom, they'll fall out. You won't even have known you were in labor. And it was really important to me to go full term with my twins. So every time I heard a story like that, I always said, no, I'd like to go to about 39 weeks. And I didn't. I mean, you know, I hoped that I would go past 36 weeks, but my answer every time was, I'd love to go to 39 weeks. 

I think I'll go to 39 weeks. The downside is because my twins were full term. They were huge. And so from about 36 and a half weeks, I was begging my body every day to go into labor. I was doing everything I could think of to try to trigger labor. I was talking to my kids, you know, I was talking to my unborn babies. I tried every trick in the book and they came at 30 while I went into labor, I think about 39 weeks. But they came at 39 weeks and two days if I remember right. 

So exactly what I had declared all during my pregnancy. I just wish now that I would have said 37 weeks, 39, 

Speaker 1 (17m 14s): Well, what does it matter now? Like, that's just so far behind you. I was like, 

Speaker 2 (17m 18s): It's true. It doesn't matter now, but you know, those were some hard, last few days. 

Speaker 1 (17m 23s): Wow. That's incredible. You know, I, I could probably think if I spent a lot of time on it, of hundreds of other things that have just manifested easily. And like you said, you gotta be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. I can think of things that I've manifested that I didn't want. Oh, I think I said this one to you. Oh my gosh. If not is repeating or I need to say it if I hadn't, but if so, it's worth repeating. 

I was working a sales job and had to work with a guy and he never put a seatbelt on. Have I told this story on this podcast? Oh my gosh, this is a good story. And it's so true. He would never put a seatbelt on. And we're always in these newer cars. So of course it's like dinging every couple seconds and it's driving me crazy because it's like, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing, Bing. You know? Cause it wants you to put your seatbelt on and it's so annoying that it makes you put your seatbelt on. Well, he refused to put a seatbelt on because he says nobody is going to tell me what to do. 

So we, everywhere we drove on the sales calls. He wouldn't put a seatbelt on. And I got so frustrated that I thought to myself, I hope one day he gets in an accident. No joke, 15 minutes later, we get T-boned and right in my side of the door, the car's totaled. But we get in this terrible accident, the guy was not wearing his seatbelt, but the car hits my side of the car. So I'm actually the one that takes all of in bag. Thankfully, I had my seatbelt on, but I remember thinking to myself, oh my gosh, I literally just said, I hope this guy, some big it's in an accident. 

And next thing we know we were in an accident. That's awful terrible. Joe. Wouldn't think those things that's speaking into existence. I can think of times where, you know, I wanted a light to stay green. And generally speaking, when I'm like, please, please, please stay green. It almost never does. But if I'm just like, now I'm going to hit all the green lights. I tend to, you know, hit all the green lights. It's it's that taking that pressure off. I'm trying to think of some other things that have, have worked out sometimes it's, you know, I wanted to buy something online and you know, they, they only have so many left and I'll say like, oh, it's, it's going to be available in the color that I want. 

And it is. And I get the last one or whatever. I don't know. I, I mean, there's just so many things and because they're so effortless and we've talked about this on a podcast before, sometimes we forget to say, thank you for the little things that do work out because they come so easily. We don't, it almost seems like coincidence versus something working out for us. It seems like, oh, that was so easy that you just kind of, you let it go and you don't spend any time focused on it. But the more that we spend time being grateful and being in a grateful state, the more of those things will continue to manifest for us. 

I have a quote that I wanted to share with our listeners. Let me pull it up here. It's kind of on that vein, but it says a fast way to get yourself on the frequency to receive is to say, I am receiving now. I am receiving all the good in my life. Now I am receiving, fill in the blank now and feel it, feel it as if you have received it. And we've talked about that with gratitude, that the feeling is what's really the juice that makes it happen. 

It's not just saying thank you, but it's feeling grateful for those things. But it's the same thing. When you're speaking something into existence, if you believe it and you feel it and you believe you already have it, or it already is on its way to you, that's the vibration that you're putting out into the universe. And when we talk about vibration and we talk about what the law of attraction is, is the universe bringing your vibrational match to you? So it's not like your words have power. I mean, they do, but it's not simply because you said it, that it happened is because you're vibrating at that vibration. 

And the universe is saying, oh, here's where your vibration is. We'll hear something that matches that vibration. And it's not like a matching game. That's not how it works. It's said, and I talked about this on a recent episode, positive people want to be surrounded by positive people. Negative people want company, misery loves company. When somebody's negative, you don't want to be around them. Your detracted from that when someone is happy and positive or uplifting and inspiring, you want more of that. 

That's what I'm talking about. That's the universe matching things up. That's just human nature. So if we want to be around the things that match our vibration, understand that everything is made out of energy. Everything is made out of matter. All energy wants to be matched with what is vibrating at. So if you're asking for something, you need to be a vibrational match for that. And so that's why just taking that emotional pressure off of it because the pressure is the squeezing, the garden hose. 

It's like, oh, I hope I hope I hope. But if you just say something like, I'm going to do that, I'm going to go get this. This is on its way to me. Oh yeah. Well, I'm going to get that. No worries. And it's that, stress-free no pressure vibration that you're putting out into the universe of the universe is bringing you that same vibrational match. Does that make sense? Adria is, I feel like sometimes when I talk about vibration is when some people and I wouldn't say our listeners, but some people who listen or, or learn about the law of attraction go, yeah. 

I don't know if I believe that. I don't know if I buy into that. 

Speaker 2 (23m 11s): Yeah. I get what you're saying, but it does make sense that like attracts, like I think we see that everywhere in the world. 

Speaker 1 (23m 19s): Absolutely. And I think when you dumb it down into simple terms, and like I said, on a previous episode, when a negative person walks into the room, they don't even have to say anything. You can feel that negativity like just resonating off of them as yucky. You've probably had someone sit down next to you and you instantly go, I don't want to sit by this person. You know, you can just feel their energy. And so even though energy seems like a new age thing, and it's like, I don't know if I buy into vibration and energy. 

And I don't know if I believe that even in the simplest terms, we've all experienced that we know that yucky feeling of, Ooh, I don't think this is a good person. And someone you've just met, you see people engage with animals and the animal loves them or hates them instantly. And I'm not saying that's a judgment of their character, but it could be, it could, the animals sent something that we can't sense, or we didn't sense, you know, someone that your cat or your baby who doesn't like anyone suddenly lets a specific person hold them. 

And the, and everyone's like, oh my gosh, I can't believe they're being so good. They don't like anyone. There's a reason for that. And that's our energy. It's what we're vibrating at. And so when we're speaking something positive or negative, we're vibrating at what we're speaking and the more that we can feel, what we're speaking, we're really increasing that vibration. And so that's kind of just the concept of this episode. It's not a long episode. I just want to remind our listeners that we can speak things into existence. 

We can take the pressure off of it. It's not up to us to figure out how I realize it's the bigger things in life that we are like, I don't know how that's going to work out. I don't know when and I need it now and I want it and I need it. And how's it going to do this? And is it going to be that? And w is it going to be this opportunity or is it going to be something else? And I've been waiting so long. Those are the things that are the most difficult to manifest or those big things, because we put that pressure on it. But the more that we can experience manifesting the smaller, easier things. 

And we had a whole episode about that. We had an episode about manifesting parking spots, manifesting checks in the mail. Like those are things we don't care about. If we can have that same emotion towards the bigger things that we want. If we just put it out there, Hey, I'm going to get tickets to have a suit by the guy next to me is freaking out like, oh my gosh, I gotta make sure I'm logged in at exactly 8:00 AM. And I've got to know my dates and what if they don't happen? He's stressing. And I'm over here. Like, nah, no big deal who got the tickets. I got the tickets. 

So that's the approach that we want to have to everything in life. Do you have any comments or things that you want to say before we wrap up this episode? 

Speaker 2 (26m 11s): No. I'm just thinking that you're right. The things that I have manifested the most easily are the things that like, you're always telling me that I just put it out there and then let go of the attachment. 

Speaker 1 (26m 26s): It's funny how, just by having a thought, you send it out into the universe. You can think something one time and the universe can bring it to you. That's how strong it can be. The problem is that we often think something and then we rethink it and we rethink it and then we try and figure out how to work it out. And then we think about how much we need it or how much we want it or how much we can't afford it or how difficult it's going to be. And then it doesn't come or it becomes difficult or takes forever. 

And it's because, like I said, you know, we've put that pressure on it and we need to be easy. So speaking it into existence is just stating it state what you want. Put it out in the universe, I'm getting this, I'm doing that. I'm going to do this. This is happening for me. Things are always working out for me. Right? Okay. So here's our action item for our listeners. I want our listeners to write down three things that they are working on receiving right now. 

And then I want them to write it down as if they're already receiving it. So in a way that's like, I'm going to get this. I'm going to do that. I want this. This is happening for me. Any of those statements, just write it down. Like it's a, it is a thing. It's not something that's maybe going to happen or you'd like to happen. You're saying it like it is happening is going to happen. It's in process. It's on its way to you. Any of those statements, write those things down. Only three simple things. 

They could be as simple as I'm going to get a check in the mail or I'm getting, I'm going to get money in the mail. It could be as simple as I'm going to get good news today, write three things down. And then after you've written them down, say them out loud, say them out loud and try and feel it. When you say it, just believe it. I mean, if it's something you don't care about, it's not hard to believe it. Yeah. I don't know what it is, but I'm going to get good news today. Something's going to be good news and it could be good news on the news. 

It could be good news from somebody else. If you're not specific about it, it's really easy to find good news if you're looking for it, but put those things out there. Because once you get in the habit of seeing how that works, it's easier to believe that it does work. It is easier to continue to do that. And you gain that momentum that allows you to believe and start doing it on the bigger things that you want. It's just getting in that habit of taking the pressure off, putting something out into the universe, stating that you're going to have it. And then recognizing when you get it and going, oh my gosh, I said, I was going to do that. 

And it happened just like when I was in that car accident, I said I was gonna get, I w you know, I hope he gets in an accident. And next thing I know he's in an accident. And I'm like, oh my gosh, do that. But in a positive way, have that kind of power. I just want to read. And our listeners about this season's giveaway. If you leave a review of the podcast on any platform that can be apple podcasts, audible, Amazon music, pod chaser, and many others, you will be entered into a weekly drawing for a giveaway of one of my limited edition custom made journals. 

Trust me, you want one of these? You can see pictures of them on my website, attracted with these.com, but please leave a review. Subscribe, tell people about the podcast, help us get the word out and help us grow. Look forward to next week. Thank you for joining me, Andrea. It's been great. Thank you. Bye-bye

S2.E10: Positive Self Talk


S2.E8: Authenticity