S2.E10: Positive Self Talk

This is an episode you'll want to download and listen to again and again! It is full of positive affirmations, and not just the typical ones you'd expect. Kayla shares positive affirmations for body image, happiness, parenting, and more.

I'm just the girl next door, who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. 

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla rain, and welcome back to attract it with ease today. I'd like to start with some gratitude. And the first thing I'm grateful for today is soft lighting. I'm grateful for lights in general, but it's so nice to have dim lighting or the ability to dim lighting. I appreciate the ability to change the lighting on my phone so that when my husband falls asleep before me, I can turn the light down on my phone and stay on my phone and do research or look at things and not have this glaring light in my eyes or his eyes while he's sleeping. 

I also love the mood that is set with soft lighting and in our tiny house is such a small space. It's nice to have options for the bulb wattage or the type of lighting that we have in our home, because if it was always just stark white, bright lighting, we would rarely want the lights on. And of course we need to be able to see things from time to time. So I'm super grateful for adjustable lighting and of course, soft lighting. Second thing I'm grateful for is email communication. 

I haven't really thought about that in quite some time, but it's so nice to be able to just send an email and forget about it, especially when dealing with people overseas. And the reason that I'm thinking about this is that I've ordered a couple of things online recently, some of them from other countries, and it's nice to be able to shoot an email to somebody who's maybe on a completely different time zone in a completely different part of the world and be able to send them a communication and know that it will be there and that they can respond back to me at a time that's convenient for them and not have to rely on the phone. 

I do remember when email came out and back in the nineties, when the internet was a whole new thing, I remember thinking, why would anybody use that? You could just send a letter. Why would you want to like type an electronic note to someone? But of course that was when it was new and no one really knew what it was. And, and I definitely appreciate that feature in today's world and the ability to communicate people with people electronically and not have to use our phones to do that. And the third thing that I'm grateful for today is inspiration, daily inspiration. 

And I get daily inspiration from a number of different resources sometimes from reading, definitely from the notes from the universe. If you're not familiar with those check out Mike Dooley, and you can sign up for those@tut.com. But I love those emails that I received Monday through Friday from him. And I also love the inspiration that I received daily, just in my social feeds. I try to follow people that uplift and inspire me. 

And it's so nice to be able to get on Instagram for example, and just see these uplifting messages and thoughts. And I definitely only follow pages that inspire me. I try and get rid of the drama. I try and get rid of anything that would pull me down, but I love being able to go online and have daily inspiration. So inspiration is kind of in the direction of what I want to talk about today. I actually want to talk about positive feedback or positive self-talk and really in the realm of affirmations. 

Now I've talked about affirmations before. I've not really had an, a whole episode on the topic, but I've been thinking a lot about it, especially as I've been getting my tattoo sleeve done that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago or a couple of episodes ago. I haven't had a tattoo this large done ever, and it's been multiple sessions. I still have a couple to go and it's in some really painful spots like my elbow and underarm and, and it's, it's not been the most exciting experience to go through, even though I'm excited to get it done and over with. 

And as I've been going through the pain of getting a tattoo and hours and hours under the needle, I've found that affirmations are really mentally, was helping me overcome and get through the experience. And it's funny because when I almost can't even think what is going through my mind is you can do this. You can do this, you can do this, you got this, you got this, you got this. And I constantly think the affirmation I am strong. I can do hard things. 

I am strong. I can do hard things. And if my mind can't even focus on that many words, I'm just like, you got this, you got this, you've got this. And I just say that to myself over and over and over again. And it, it helps me tolerate the pain and helps me get through the experience where something that I actually really want. And so I've been thinking a lot about that and how we have the ability to uplift and inspire and motivate ourselves simply by our thoughts and the words that we use and affirmations is a great way to do that. 

A lot of you have probably heard that strong affirmations are written, starting with the words I am. And there's a lot of research, even books written on the concept of I am. Because if you say the words I am, anything you say after that defines who you are and your beliefs and your thoughts, it defines who you are as a person. So if you say I am strong, you will believe that you are strong. 

And the more that you say I am strong, I am strong. I am strong. The more you'll believe that if you start saying, I am weak, I am weak. I can't do this. I can't do this. The more you'll think those things as well. So I am are some of the strongest, greatest affirmations. However, affirmations don't have to start with. I am affirmations could be. Today is a great day. Today is a fresh start. Today is the beginning of whatever I want. My thoughts become my reality. 

I love myself. I believe in myself. I choose to be happy and I love myself today. My possibilities are endless. So I'm sure you can see that your affirmations don't have to start with the words I am. But when you put the words I am in front of them, you're defining who you are. So today I want to share with you a whole bunch of different, I am affirmations and other affirmations in different themes or categories. I really want you to think about how speaking positively to yourself. 

Not only can give you the encouragement or the strength that you're looking for, but they also can set you off on the right foot for the day. So here's some, I am affirmations to get started. I am happy and grateful that I'm living my best life. I am happy in the abundance of great wealth. Life is so good. I am open to love and support from others. 

I am successful in everything I do. I am active and attractive. I am worthy of love. I am flourishing. I am attracting fun to my life. I am patient caring and understanding. I am blessed with peace of mind and prosperity. I am a magnet for good things. I am open to making my best memories. 

I am brilliant and beautiful. I am terrific tantalizing and totally wonderful. I am fabulous and funny. I am clever and courageous. I am so proud of myself. I am worthy, capable, and deserving. I am now ready to accept a happy relationship. I am full of abundance in all areas of my life. I am keeping a gratitude mindset. 

I am well, whole and strong. I am vibing with only positive energy. I am blissful. I am able to do the things that I love. I am the greatest of all time. I am willing to receive with ease. I am willing to live my dreams. I am. Relisting about my dreams. Everything I want is possible. 

I am rich in love and kindness. I am at the right place at the right time. I am grateful for everything I have. I am joyful in expressing and receiving. I am the right choice for this job. I am an open channel to every blissful blessing. I am freed from the burden of low self-esteem. I am not only one in a million, but I am a once in a lifetime kind of person. 

I am worthy, brilliant and powerful. I am constantly amazing. I am a shining light in my life and others. I am amazed by all that I can do. In one day, I am talented. I am transformed. I am motivated. I am fit for this project. I am the right match. I am worthy of greatness. 

I am getting better every day. I am a person of worth and value. I am free from fear. I am of the world's finest. Okay. Let's share some affirmations that are more theme-based. Here are some affirmations for confidence and self-love. I am full of energy and optimism. I am ready to find joy. 

Today is the day for change. I can overcome negative thoughts and situations. I choose to be positive. I have been given many talents today. I will use them. I possess the qualities I need to be successful. All I need is within me. Now I am worth it. I will be present. I will be positive. 

I am courageous. And I stand up for myself today. I am thankful for new experiences. Today is the beginning of whatever I want. All right, here are some affirmations designed around a self care. I will honor my need to rest and recharge. I am committed to finding me time today. 

I embrace my best self. Today. I choose to live in a way that will bring peace, joy, and happiness to myself and others. I choose to let go of the old, my new path is before me today. My new life begins. I persevere. I am relentless. I keep going. I have released all my negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. 

Okay? Here's some affirmations for healthy living. My body deserves to be taken care of. So I feed it. Nourishing food and energizing exercise. I am healthy, happy, and radiant. I have abundant energy, vitality and wellbeing. I am filled with energy for all the daily activities in my life. I love to smile. It is my gift to the world. 

My body is healthy. My mind is healthy. I am ready to start the day I radiate positive energy and vitality. I have plenty of energy to get through this. All right, here are some affirmations for building positive thoughts. I will not worry about tomorrow. I will be present first. I will enjoy this day before me times may be difficult, but it's a short phase of life. 

Nothing lasts forever. Things can get better. Things will get better. Challenge helps us grow stronger and makes us tougher in the face of the next challenge. I can get through anything. I have the power to change my story. This is not how the story ends. I choose to respond to this challenge with grace and positivity. I choose positivity. 

I choose happiness. I see that both are all around me. I am grateful for the lessons I will learn today. I am grateful for learning new skills. Okay? If you're a parent, here are some parenting affirmations for you. I love myself. When I make a mistake, I forgive myself and others just as the needs of my own children matter. 

So do my own. I trust my intuition to make intentional parenting choices and decisions. I am the exact parent. My child needs to blossom, so I don't need to compare myself to others. I am learning to be a better parent with each new day today, I will notice the positive aspects of parenthood. I will let go of how I think today is supposed to go and accept how it unfolds with grace and positivity. 

I deserve time for myself and can attend to my own emotional, physical, and spiritual needs without guilt or apology. I am doing the best I can do. I need to give myself credit for what I do every day. It takes a very strong person to do what I do and I should be proud of myself. I am patient. I am present. I am positive. Okay. 

Here are some affirmations for staying strong and fit. I love feeling fit and strong. I choose to eat well and exercise regularly to fuel my body. Finding new ways to eat healthy is empowering and puts me in control. My body is one of the most precious gifts I will ever receive. I will take care of it. I am grateful for my body. I will treat it with love and respect today. 

My body will become stronger. My mind is focused and ready to get in shape. I am strong, confident, and motivated. Here are some affirmations for joy and happiness. Happiness is everywhere. I choose to see it. I choose to be happy and grateful today. My future is full of light and laughter. I am at peace with my past. 

I have the happiness love and positive energy. I need to have the most amazing day. Don't ruin a good day by thinking about a bad day yesterday, let it go. I'm going to make the rest of my life. The best of my life. I accept happiness into every moment of the day. I am worthy of feeling happy. My happiness comes from within me. 

I create my happiness by accepting every part of myself with unconditional love. I see so many positives in my life. I will find joy in everything I do. I feel happy today. I will share my happiness with others. Following my joy reveals the path to my best life. I am meant to live a happy life. I am willing to find happiness in each moment. 

My happiness is reflected back to me in everything I attract. My inner joy is the source of all the good in my life. You know, sometimes I think when people think about affirmations, they think it needs to just be a couple of words or a sentence and an affirmation can be an entire thought. It can be anything that's positive that you say to inspire him and uplift yourself every day. Here's a list of some that would be great ones to use on a daily basis. 

I feel the love of others who are not around me. I am an amazing gift to myself, my friends and the world. I'm too much of an amazing gift to feel. Self-pity I love and appreciate myself. I am who I am and I love myself. I do not need the company of others to feel complete. I am more than enough. I enjoy being in my own solitude. The past no longer matters. 

It has no control over me. What only matters is the present. What I do in the present will shape my future. The past has no say in this, everything that I need will be provided to me at the right time and the right place. When something is meant to happen, it will happen. It is too early to give up on my dreams. It is always too early to give up on my dreams. I will not give up until I have tried everything. 

And when I have tried everything, I will look for other ways to try. I believe in myself and I believe in the path I have chosen. I cannot choose the obstacles in my way, but I can choose to continue on my path because it leads to my goals. I am not only enough. I am more than enough. I also get better every day I live tomorrow. I will be a better version of myself than I was today. 

I will not criticize myself. I will love myself for who I am and for what I have become. I will award and praise myself for my accomplishments. I will not dwell on the praise of others for my own praise is more than enough. I will not compare myself to anyone else because everyone else is on their own personal journey. My journey is unique and cannot be compared. I will only compare myself to myself. I know what greatness I can accomplish. 

And I will only hold myself accountable to that. I will not look at the darkness in the world around me, but instead at the light that is within me, I am happy with who I am. I am happy in my own skin. I am enough and I do not need to be someone else. The answer is always in front of me, even if I have not seen it yet. As long as I continue to search, I will find the answer. 

Every problem I ever face will have a solution. There has never been a question without an answer. I just need to discover the answer. I am a smart, capable, brilliant person, and I have everything I need to get through this. When I make it through this, I will be better for it. I am safe and I am well, I am healthy and I am loved. I will follow my dreams no matter what happens around me, the only person who can prevent me from a cheesy achieving my dreams is me. 

Those who love me will always love me. Even if they don't fully understand my dreams, true friends and family will love me, regardless of what my dreams are. False friends will love me because of my dreams. I will accept people for who they are and will support them as they continue to follow their own dreams. Even if I do not understand, I will always support them. I will let go of my worries. I can not control. 

I will focus my energy only on what I can control. I am fully in charge of my future. I am the only one who can dictate the outcome. I fully trust my ability. I trust my ability to provide for my family. I trust my ability to care for my family. I will participate in the day to the greatest of my ability. I will give today my very best. I wake up every morning with hope for the day. 

I will start my day out with joy as joy is what I want to give and what I want to receive. Only my thoughts are my reality. I will focus on the good and the joyful and avoid the negative. I will relax my mind and I will stop thinking of false stories. I will allow my mind to unwind and be at peace. I enjoy the work I do. I know the work I do will help the greater good. 

I will always strive to put in my best every day, regardless of what is going on around me, I will ask for meaningful work and I will do my very best. I will find reward with whatever I do. I can change the world with what I do. The more effort I give, the more I'll get out of it. I do not need anyone else to thrive in this life. I do not need to depend on anyone else to be successful in this life. 

I am all that I need and I am enough. I am beautiful and smart. Everyone. I encounter sees me as beautiful and smart. I can leave any negative situation. Whenever I choose. I will choose my friends who love me for me. Those who do not love me for me are not my friends. And I need to let them go. I will surround myself with people who love me and who care for me. 

My friends do not judge me. My friends will not influence what I do in my life. My friends have my best intentions in mind. Every hardship I go through will make me better for the future. The hardships helped prepare me and hardened me. I can do greater things because of these hardships. My family is a gift. We do not always agree in that is okay. Each family member is their own person and has their own lane of thinking, but that doesn't stop us from being a family. 

I will always show my family how much I love them by how I act and what I say. I will always trust myself to make the best decisions for myself. I will listen to my mind and let my gained wisdom, help direct me down the right path. I will always love my own family. Even if they do not understand the decisions I make or the directions I take. Okay, here are some affirmations on body positivity. 

I deserve to feel safe, comfortable, and confident in this body. I accept myself the way I am. My body is perfect. The way it is, I am at peace with my body. I allow love to fill every inch of my skin and I will embrace the warmth. This love gives me. I am grateful to be living in this divine body. Even though I may have felt ashamed of some of my body. 

I commit to changing how I feel. If my body requires healing, I will take joy in doing it. My body is a tremendous gift and I will treat it with love and kindness. My body is my responsibility and I will do what's best for me. My body is perfect. The way that it is, okay, here are some on spirituality. 

All my words, thoughts and actions are divinely guided and protected. The universe will guide me on anything and everything. Divinely. My mind and body are in complete alignment with the universe. The universe is healing. Power flows through all the cells of my body. I will fill my heart with peace of meditation. I will pour heartfulness of my joy into peace, thirsty souls. 

Today. I am centered in my heart and closer to the universe. The universe has my back. Always. I opened my mind and heart to the perfect love of the universe. I am more than what I see, feel and think the wisdom of the whole universe lives inside me all is well in my life. I am immensely blessed. 

As you can see, you can have affirmations for anything, but the idea is to have positive. Self-talk positive conversations with yourself. This is one of those podcast episodes that if you save it or you download it, you can refer back to it any time you need. Just a pick me up. There's a meditation that I listened to. That's kind of an, I am affirmation and it just constantly repeats. 

I am this. I am that. I am that. And I love to listen to it while I'm driving. I often don't listen to anything while I'm driving, but if I'm going to listen to something, I love to listen to that meditation because I can just feed my spirit, feed my soul with positive energy, positive thoughts. And I don't have to come up with the words. I can just listen and try and think and feel the things that that meditation is saying. And because I've listened to it so many times, essentially, as I'm listening to it, the words just flow in my mind at the same time. 

It's like I haven't memorized. And I say those things in my mind to myself at the same time that the meditation is saying it. And although this podcast episode is not a meditation and definitely doesn't even feel like a meditation. This is an episode that I think you can refer back to again and again. So I encourage you to save or download this episode so that you have it in your toolbox for any time that you need some uplift or some positive self-talk for yourself. 

So this leads me into this week's action item and beyond saving the episode or downloading it for yourself for the future. I encourage you to come up with a few positive affirmations for yourself and to post them somewhere. When I say post somewhere, write them on a post-it note and stick it on your mirror, or put one as like a screensaver on your phone, or schedule some alarms or reminders for yourself so that you get these pop-ups or notifications on your phone with these positive messages, but come up with one or two or three things that really resonate with you really give you some inspiration towards what you need in life. 

If you're not feeling good about the way you look, write some affirmations that are positive body focused. If you're feeling like you don't have enough need or love in the world or from your partner or in relationships, then write some affirmations that focus on how your own self love is enough and how the universe loves you. And you're never alone. If you need some guidance or support, or pick me up for something difficult that you're going through, just like I do with my tattoo appointments, focus on you got this and how strong you are and that you can do hard things and that nothing lasts forever. 

Come up with a couple of affirmations that help you and put them in an area where you'll see them frequently. Like I said, on your mirror, in your phone, anywhere on your fridge, maybe anywhere that you'll see it on a regular basis, I hope that these affirmations help you. And I hope that you begin to start practicing speaking to yourself positively. I just want to remind you that I do have a giveaway this season. If you leave a review of the podcast, you'll be entered into a weekly drawing to receive one of my custom limited edition manifestation journals. 

These journals are made by wood Chuck USA, which is a company that makes wood products. So the journals are wood. They're really nice. And the company plants a tree for every pot product purchase. So your journal, if you get one, we'll actually have a card that tells you where the tree was planted on behalf of that journal being purchased. But the journal is super cool because it's kind of like a scrapbook. You write down the things that you want to manifest and some thoughts about it, what you can do to try and get started towards attracting that. 

And then it has a spot for you to write down when you achieve it, the date, your thoughts about that achievement, how it came about, and then a place to post a picture. I'm really happy to have shared these affirmations with you today. And I hope that this podcast is beneficial for you. Leave me a review, let me know, subscribe. And I look forward to talking with you next week. Have a good one. Bye. Bye 

S2.E11: The 1%


S2.E9: Speak It Into Existence - with Adria Sha