S2.E41: The Secret To Happiness

Ready to uncover the juiciest, most uplifting secret to unlocking your happiness? Buckle up, because in this episode, we're diving deep into the wondrous world of intuition – your very own inner GPS to a joyful life!

Who needs a treasure map when you've got intuition lighting up your path? Kayla’s debunking the myth that happiness comes from piling up gold or racking up passport stamps. Let's get real – it's all about that whisper in your heart, those spine-tingling vibes that guide you towards your true desires.

Join me as we explore heartwarming stories of how intuition has been our superhero, steering us away from disaster or propelling us toward unexpected wins. From avoiding that dodgy sushi joint to landing your dream job, your gut feelings are like a cosmic hotline to your higher self!

And here's the cosmic cherry on top: we're wrapping up with an oh-so-simple tip that's gonna supercharge your intuition muscles TODAY! Get ready to tune in, tap in, and turn up the volume on your inner wisdom.

So, what are you waiting for? Plug in those earbuds, grab a cozy spot, and let's unravel "The Secret To Happiness" together. Your joy-filled journey starts now!

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to Attract with ease. In this week's episode, I'm going to share with you the Secret of Happiness. That's right. I'm going to share with you how to be happy. There's one Secret. There's one way and I know. You're probably sitting there thinking, how is that even possible? Well, because it's a Secret. But I'm gonna share that Secret with you in this week's episode. 

Trust me, this is an episode that you don't want to miss. But before I get into the Secret of Happiness, I'd like to start this episode out with my gratitude because as we all know, the key to attracting everything we want in life is to be grateful for what we already have. So I have a few things I'm grateful for this week. The first one is that I'm so grateful I got to spend this past weekend with my husband. Now, having a weekend with your spouse might not be a big deal to you, but it is to me because my husband and I don't actually get a ton of time together. 

I have a crazy schedule that's changing week to week, and we both have so many things going on that the amount of alone time we get together is actually pretty minimal. But we had this whole past weekend together and it was awesome. We actually went to an outdoor concert, which we've never done together, which is crazy to me, but it's true. And we went to a really cool outdoor concert. It was free, it was in our area. 

We brought some wine and some lawn chairs and listened to good music and hung out with friends. and I am just so grateful for the time that we were able to spend together this weekend. The second thing I'm grateful for this week is that I have just had a flood of new ideas just coming at me like crazy In fact yesterday my husband even said to me, are you okay? and I was like, yeah, why? And he goes, you just seem like you can't sit still. And it's so funny because for the first time ever in my life last night, I thought to myself, this must be what it feels like to have a D h D to not be able to focus because I have so many thoughts and ideas and things that I'm working on and things that I wanna try and things that are partway in progress going through my head right now, that it is really tricky for me to focus on anything because I wanna do everything and, and it's something that I'm grateful for. 

I'm so grateful to be inspired, and I'm so grateful to have these resources, and I'm so grateful that instead of feeling like I'm stuck in a creative slump, instead I feel like I have too many things to do and not enough time. That's a good problem to have. And the last thing that I'm grateful for this week on my list is just where I am in my life right now. and I say that because I shared last week that I just passed off a training program at my work and I'm ready and available for a promotion. 

And, that promotion very well may mean that we move from where we're currently at. And if you'd listen to my podcast for any period of time, you know that I love freaking love the house I'm in. I love the view, I love the porch, I love the neighborhood. I love everything about the house. And so the idea of possibly moving, it's kind of heartbreaking to me. Now, I know that if I can find something this wonderful here that if I have to leave, that only means that there's something equally as wonderful or better somewhere else, but it doesn't make it any easier for me to want to go. 

And so I'm just taking time right now while I'm in the in between, so to speak. While I don't really know where I'm gonna end up or how my life is going to change over the next few months, I am really taking time to stop and appreciate what I have right now, where I am right now, and what life looks like because it's pretty dang good. So that's it for my gratitude this week. Let's talk about Happiness Happiness. Let's talk about Happiness. 

Oh my gosh, this is something that I feel so inspired to talk to you about this week as I was thinking about content and topic. Every single week I sit for days before I record and I think, what do I want to share with my listeners? What is on my mind right now and what is so important for me to get across to them? And often the topic that I do talk about is because it's something that's been weighing heavily on me or that I have been kind of dealing with for the past week or two. 

And it's something that I just feel like I have to get out there. This topic is also that same case. So it's not to say that I haven't been happy, I've been very happy, but I've really been thinking about this specific thing over the last few weeks. I've been thinking about how this thing just keeps coming around and keeps coming around and keeps coming around for me. and I thought, how do I put this into a podcast episode for my listeners? How do I get across to them in a way that makes sense, in the way it makes sense to me or in the way that I've been experiencing it in the past few weeks? 

And that's how I came up with this episode. And the more that I've thought about it, I've thought, you know what? This one thing really is the key or the Secret to all Happiness If. you can do this very one thing consistently, you'll live a happy life. and I thought that to me is powerful. That is something I think people will listen to. If, you tell them that you have The, Secret, To, Happiness. I guarantee you someone's gonna wanna know what you think that is. 

So have I held out long enough in telling you? Are you still listening? Are you still interested? Because I really believe that this one thing If you do, it will make you happy. If you don't do it can ruin your life. That one thing is listening to your intuition, following your intuition. So not just listening, but actually paying attention and acting on it. 

And here's what I mean by that. There are so many times that we get a sense about something where we think, I don't know, maybe I should do that or maybe I shouldn't do that. you know what it's like to have a gut feeling. I guarantee you know what it's like to have a gut feeling. In fact, you probably could stop for just a second and think about a time in your own personal life where you had a feeling about something that you couldn't really explain. 

You weren't really sure why, but something in you said yes or no. And oftentimes when we're talking about intuition, it's a no. But it's not always a no. But so many times someone might invite you to do something or you meet someone for the first time and you just get a feeling about them. There are so many times in life that our gut tells us, follow this, do this or don't do that. Stop, don't go. 

And as I was trying to think of some examples, sadly enough, I actually thought about nine 11 and how in all of the stories that have been broadcast, there are a number of people who have said that the morning of the nine 11 event back in 2000, they just had a feeling either not to get on the plane or not to go to work. There were so many people who were saved that day whose lives were saved because they didn't get on the plane because they didn't go to the office or they decided to call out sick or they decided to work from home, or they decided to go in late and they avoided being caught up in that tragic event. 

Now, that doesn't mean they weren't caught up in it, so to speak, because it really impacted all of us. But what I mean is they're still alive today to talk about it because they followed their intuition. Now, does that mean that every single person who was impacted or who died in that tragic nine 11 event, that their intuition told them not to do something? Not necessarily. But I will say that If, you can be so aligned with the messages that your body is giving you If, you can get in the habit of listening to that gut feeling and acting when it tells you to do something or when it tells you not to do something, you will experience the best life that you could actually have. 

And what I mean by that is it will at times keep you from painful, tragic experiences. And other times it will cause you to act on things that will improve your life because you did it. Another example that I can think of, and this is kind of funny because it's all made up, but I can't tell you how many times I've watched a scary movie and you see the girl, she's in the house by herself and somebody rings the doorbell and you're like, no, no, don't answer the door. 

Or the phone starts ringing, right? She's in the house alone. you know there's an ax murderer in the house and the phone starts ringing and you're just watching her take these stupid actions, which is what they do intentionally because that's how those movies work, right? But the phone is ringing and she's babysitting, and the kids are in bed and she's already freaked out. And what does she do? She goes, and she answers the phone, and you're like, you don't answer the phone. There's a serial killer in the house. There's an ax murderer on the other line. 

They're trying to freak you out, right? That to me, is an example of not following your intuition. And the reason I say not following is every single one of us watching the show is saying to ourselves, don't do it because our intuition would know, duh, you don't answer the phone. You don't answer the door. If you're already freaked out, If, you already feel like you are in a scary, uncomfortable situation. 

You don't escalate the situation by answering the unknown phone call in a weird stranger's house, right? That's our intuition telling us don't do it. And that's where I'm saying, when you start to learn to listen to your gut and take action, that is The, Secret, To, Happiness. Because your body and your intuition will guide you towards the things you want, the things you need and the things that you desire most. 

Here's an example of that. Whether or not you realize it, your body knows when it needs to eat, how much it needs to eat and what it needs to eat. Now, you may disagree with me, but I guarantee there's been times that you have craved something. You've craved something salty, or you've craved something sweet or you've craved water. That was me yesterday. Last night I was having dinner. My husband poured us a glass of red wine and it was delicious. 

And as soon as I started eating, I instantly got up and got a glass of water. And he said, is it too salty? I said, no, it's not too salty. I don't know, I just felt like I needed some water and I down an entire glass of water before I sat back down and continued eating my meal. It was just that my body said, you need water and I know that you've had those experiences. Your body knows what you need. But here's the thing, we don't always listen. 

A Prime example of following your intuition is, I remember years ago when I was working to lose weight, I was on a carb cycling diet, which I am obsessed with carb cycling, by the way. I don't currently do it, but I absolutely believe in that process. It worked well for me back when I used to do it. But when you're carb cycling, you are eating high carbs on certain days and low carbs on certain days, and you go kind of through this cycle, it's not the same cycle every single week. 

But what you're doing is you're restricting the carbs for your body. But then when your body starts to feel like, oh no, I don't have any carbs, and so it starts to hang on, that is when you actually give it an excess of carbs. So then you trick your body and your body is like, oh my gosh, all these carbs, I guess I can let go of all that extra weight. I know it sounds crazy. It's a thing. And for me, it worked. So I, remember carb cycling? And it's a very scientific process where you are supposed to have high carbs on certain days, and you are supposed to really restrict your carbs on other days in order to make it work. 

and I, just remember getting to a point a few months into my carb cycling where I felt stagnant. I felt like I wasn't making the progress that I was early on. and I was just like, I feel like this isn't working anymore. It's like my body has caught onto the fact that I'm tricking it. and I was just craving carbs like crazy. As you get into carb cycling for an extended period of time, you start to have more low carb days than you do high carb days, and it becomes less and less of the high carb days because you're trying to restrict more and more. 

And I remember feeling stuck and just wanting carbs so bad. I was craving, I think it was chips and salsa, what I really wanted. and I just kept trying to talk myself out of it, saying, I can't. I can't do it. It's not a high carb day. and I finally gave in, which I think is what happens to a lot of people on diets. It's like, you can only go so long and then you finally give up and you wreck everything, right? And that's how I felt. I felt so guilty, but I was like, screw it. 

I am going to eat carbs. and I, remember just kind of overindulging, just having carbs and carbs and carbs, and then I was like, screw it. I already messed up. So then I had candy and I had all these other things that I really was trying hard to not eat or only eating on specific days. And here's the funny thing, I guilted myself like crazy over that. That day I felt awful. and I was like, I'll restart tomorrow. I woke up the next day and had lost several pounds. 

And when I think about that experience, that's when I recognized my body knows better than I do. My body knows what I need. And if I was craving those carbs for days and days and days, yes, it was because I was restricting it so much. But my body was actually trying to meet me halfway and say, Kayla, you're trying to lose weight. Give me some carbs. So I can let go of this excess fat, this storage, because right now you are withholding it from me. 

So, I feel like I have to hold on. and it was such a learning experience to me to see that yes, there can be science in ways to do things, that diet is very specific and scientific, but I also learned that I'm not like everybody else, and everybody's and everybody's body is different. And when I listened to my body and actually gave my body what it was asking for, I got the result that I wanted here. 

I felt like I was having this crazy cheat day, and I was guilting myself like crazy. and it actually was exactly what my body needed. My body needed those carbs. And when I fed my body, the carbs, it let go of the excess weight. It was amazing. and I, think about that, not often, but when I do think about how my body knows what I need, that experience often comes to mind. Another way that your body will tell you what you need is when it comes to sleep and I. 

Think this is an area that we have a tendency to guilt ourselves in. Also, because we feel like we're lazy. If we're not doing something, if we fall asleep on the couch and took an afternoon nap and we wake up and we wasted the whole day, we feel bad about it. But your body knows when you need rest. And they say that when you don't give it rest is when you get sick. You get sick because your body's shutting down saying, okay, I'm taking a time out. 

If you're not going to give me the rest I need, I'm gonna make you give me the rest that I need. Sleep is another way that your intuition or your body tells you what you need. And not just sleep, but actual just rest, like sitting, not doing anything. I know that as I age, I have less energy than I used to, but I also know that there are some days where I can just go and go and go. And there are other days when I get home and all I wanna do is sit on the couch. 

Like literally all I wanna do is sit on the couch. There are days that I feel like I don't even have energy to make dinner and I guarantee. There's other people listening who can relate to that feeling. But it's funny because it's not the same day to day. It's not that I literally have zero energy. I often have a ton of energy. I often have so much energy, I can't turn my mind off at night. But there are times when I just need to stop and rest. And it's something that we need to listen to our body to. 

And when I say that intuition is the Secret of Happiness, when you do get the rest you need, when your body says take a time out, you'll feel better. You'll be happier, you'll have more energy to do the things that you actually want to do. That is what I'm talking about when I'm talking about listening to your intuition and how it's The, Secret, To, Happiness. So I'm gonna take a quick break for some words from our sponsors. 

And when I return, I am going to help you understand how all of this relates to the law of attraction. And of course, you know I have an actionable item that you can use as a takeaway this week to start getting in the habit of listening to your intuition, all of that when we return.

Welcome back to Attract It With EASE. We have been talking about the Secret of Happiness and If, you were listening up to this point. You now know that The Secret, To Happiness is listening to your intuition. It doesn't have anything to do with money, it doesn't have anything to do with travel, it doesn't have anything to do with material things. It's all about listening to your body and acting. When you get a message, a message like, oh, don't go there, don't do that. 

Stop. Don't, don't, don't do it. Don't get on that plane, don't answer that phone. And then also doing things when it tells you like, Hey, I need some water over here. I need a nap. You need to take a break and sit down for a minute. Chill, dude. That is what I'm talking about with listening to your intuition. So I said that I was going to explain how all of this relates to the law of attraction. Well, it absolutely relates to the law of attraction because we are all connected. 

When you talk about the so-called universe, what is the universe? The universe is everything. And everyone, it's a combined energy. The universe is not a singular being or a thing or a conscious thought. The universe is all of us, you, me, your kids, your parents, your neighbors, your children. 

I said, children, it's all of us connected. It's every single person who's ever lived, whoever will live. It's all the plants. It's all the animals. It's all that energy combined into one force that is the universe. And so when you're asking the universe for the things that you want, the things that you want to manifest, you're actually also kind of asking yourself, because you're a piece of all of that. That's what actually gives you the right to be able to ask. 

You are the universe. You're part of the universe. So you have every right to ask for the power that's already within you to provide you with the things that you want. So what does this have to do with intuition? Well, if you're part of the universe, If, you are part of source energy. That means it is flowing through you, your body, your soul. You are the universe. And so when the universe will say, tells you to do something, you should probably do it. 

You should probably act on it. And when the universe tells you not to do something, it's like, whoa, hold up. I don't recommend that. That's a bad idea. You should listen to that too. That is how this applies to the law of attraction. and I will tell you that when you're asking the universe for things, you're working to manifest. When you're asking for big, big things, when you're asking to heal cancer, when you're asking for that house on the hill with the view, when you're asking for a loving, amazing, perfect, healthy relationship, you are asking the universe, which is also yourself for these things. 

And part of the way that the universe communicates is through your intuition, through your body. That is one way that the universe communicates with us. When you feel like you should be doing something, and I'm not talking when other people guilt you, I'm talking about when internally you have a gut feeling about something, do it. When internally you have a gut feeling about not doing something, don't do it. 

Even if it doesn't make sense, even if it's not logical. Even If, you can't explain it. This is literally The, Secret, To, Happiness. And when you're asking for some of those big huge things, the big dreams on your list, the really huge things that feel impossible to manifest following your intuition is going to be key to getting there and how quickly you get there. Because if you're not paying attention to the signs, if you're not giving your body rest when you need it, if you're not showing up when it tells you to show up, you are just delaying the inevitable. 

You're just putting off what you're asking for, which is not what you want. But what we have a tendency to do is we sit around and we try and use logic and we go, well, that doesn't really make sense. Well, I don't know why I felt that way. Well, you know, that just seems silly. I don't need to do that. I don't need to go there. I shouldn't do that. I shouldn't eat those carbs. I shouldn't have that candy. I shouldn't have that dessert. I shouldn't go to bed early. I shouldn't take an afternoon nap. I've talked about shoulds and shouldn'ts on other episodes, but there's no such thing. 

It's literally listen to the messages your body is giving you. And when you do that, you will find Happiness. It's that easy. So I was thinking about some examples of when I have followed my intuition and when it seemed like crazy stuff and how it worked out for me. And two things that came to mind almost instantly were times that I posted ads to Craigslist. 

Now, Craigslist isn't as prevalent as it used to be, meaning there are so many other ways to connect with people and sell things than Craigslist. A lot of people use Facebook or other social media. There's even things like Angie's List and some of these other things out there. And of course I'm referring to things in the United States, but I'm sure that other countries have similar sort of communication channels as well. But I can remember when I was in my previous relationship, my boyfriend at the time had moved out of state and I felt just lost. 

I worked six days a week. I had a crazy schedule. And when he left, I felt like I don't have any friends. Like, who am I gonna hang out with now that he's gone, what am I gonna do? Because all of my free time had been wrapped up and absorbed in him. And then when he moved, I had just thought, man, I don't know where to meet people. I don't go to church. I don't wanna meet someone at a bar. I wanna meet a friend that's a girl. But I don't want it to be this weird, like she likes girl's situation. 

I just wanna meet a friend that I can connect with somebody, I can talk to somebody, I can hang out with someone who has similar interests. and I just sat there thinking, I don't know where to meet someone. I, I, I don't, I don't know. And it's probably still a question today, I'm sure people are just like, I don't know where to meet a friend. How do you meet a friend when you're an adult? Where do you go to meet a friend? You know, especially someone like me. I've been a boss at my work for so many years. 

I can't hang out with the people I work with because they answer to me. So where do you meet people? And this is where I followed my intuition and it's gonna sound crazy. and it felt crazy at the time, and it still seems very crazy to me. But I had this thought post an ad on Craigslist. Now Craigslist, I haven't been on there in years. So I, don't know the sections that they have anymore, but they used to have like a meetup section or a personals section so to speak. 

And you could say what you were looking for. you know, her looking for her, her looking for him, him looking for her, him looking for him. And you could say for, you know, fun or platonic or whatever. And you know, so people definitely used it to find people to hook up with, which is why it felt so weird for me to be posting there. But I put an ad up that was her looking for her for a platonic relationship. and I kind of thought to myself after I did it, this is crazy. 

I'm gonna regret it. I'm gonna get all of these people who are hitting on me or trying to like hook up with me and that's not what I'm here for. But I thought I'll just shut 'em down if, if they write me back. At the very first person that wrote me the very first was this amazing girl named Andrea, literally this amazing, wonderful girl. and I just thought, Ugh, I, now that I'm talking to this girl and we were emailing back and forth, I was like, I don't really know if I would like her. 

How do I know if she's the kind of person I would wanna hang out with? Like, yeah, she might need a friend, but is it the kind of person I wanna be friends with? So, I was asking her some get to know you questions. It definitely felt kind of like dating, which was really a little bit weird. And then here's where it got really weird. I followed my intuition and I asked her for a picture of herself, and I sent her one of me. and I was like, this is creepy. This sounds like we're dating and I don't want to be dating her. and I don't want to give her the impression that we're dating. 

But she instantly sent me a picture and I could just tell from the way that she was dressed, from the way she wore her hair, from the fact that she was outdoors in nature, that she looked like somebody I would get along with. And so we talked about some of our interests. We were both really into wine. We both loved tequila. We liked to party but not party hard, not get drunk and pass out, but you know, have some social events and barbecue and and good conversation. And here's the funny thing, Andrea is the only person that I talked to on Craigslist, and then I took my ad down. 

And to this day, I would consider Andrea one of my very best friends. In fact, I call her my bestie. And we think it's so funny that we met on Craigslist and we've told a number of people that we've met on Craigslist, and Andrea lives in a whole other country right now, and I haven't seen her in years, but she's just one of those people that no matter how much time has passed, we can just pick up like we saw each other yesterday. That is a time when I followed my intuition and I couldn't explain it. 

It seemed crazy. And today it still seems crazy and you're probably listening thinking, oh my gosh, this girl is crazy. Why am I even listening to her? Well, you're listening to me because you're following your intuition and you know that there's truth in what I'm saying. So that is one example I wanted to share with you. The other example that I wanna share with you, I've talked about a number of times on the podcast, but I'm gonna share it one more time, And. that is that when my husband and I moved into our tiny house, and If, you don't already know this about me, we lived in a tiny house, like literal tiny house built on the back of a military truck, like a tiny little teeny house. 

We lived in up for three and a half years. And what we learned when we went to move into the tiny house is that there aren't a lot of zoning laws that allow you to park and live in a tiny house. We struggled, really struggled to find a place to park our house. We had done all kinds of research, we couldn't park it at most campsites. We looked into mobile home parks. And what we kept running into is issues with the fact that our rig, our truck was so unconventional, non-traditional, plus ways so much that every single place we tried to find that we could park our tiny house. 

We were told no. So we were in a time crunch because I had accepted a job. We were moving to a new state, we were gonna be moving into this tiny house, and we had this whole life plan that hinged around having a place to have the house parked. And we just couldn't find anything. Literally couldn't find anything. And so once again, I had this thought, I'm gonna post an ad on Craigslist. And my husband, he wasn't even my husband at the time, he was probably my fiance at that point, but he said to me, you're crazy. 

Why would you post an ad on Craigslist? What you should be doing is looking for ads on Craigslist. and I said, I've done that. I've looked for so many different like land for rent and RV pads for rent, and I could not find anything that worked out to be a place for us to park our tiny house. And So I thought, well, I'm just gonna post an ad. It worked for me in finding a friend. Why not just post an ad that says what I'm looking for? There are a number of people who do post ads when they're looking for a roommate or looking for something specific that they can't seem to find. 

But I had never up to that point seen an ad that was like, Hey, we have a tiny house and we need someplace to park it. Do you have land and I? I posted it and I really didn't expect it to turn into anything. I just thought, what does it hurt? I followed my intuition. I did it, and I think it was within three days of posting in the ad, we got a response from a guy who said, Hey, I have an RV pad and I've had a trailer that some guy had been living out of there for a while, but he's leaving and the space is gonna be available. 

I think that your tiny house would be the perfect fit. So he reached out to us. It kind of weirded me out when he reached out to us, my husband was outta town. I didn't wanna ride him back. 'cause I'm like, this is kind of strange. I'm gonna let my husband contact him. Well, the stars aligned. It came together and that's where we ended up living for three and a half years. We lived on this guy's RV pad who had hookups. He had power, he had water, he had everything we needed just like we were at an RV park. 

and it felt like our own space because he had this huge backyard and we got to use his hot tub and we had space for outdoor seating and we were able to barbecue and entertain and just we'd literally had our own space. and I think back to the fact that if I had not posted that ad on Craigslist, he would not have found us. We would not have found him because he didn't have an ad posted that I would've found. I had to put it out there that this is what I wanted. 

And the universe said, here you go. This is what I'm talking about when I say this is The, Secret, To Happiness, The Secret, To Happiness, the Secret to manifesting everything you want is to listen to your intuition, listen to your body, listen to the yeses, listen to the nos. Even when it doesn't make sense, even when it's unexplainable, even when logic defies what you're being told, do it anyway. I promise you it will be life changing. 

So that leads me into this week's action item. and I actually have something really easy for you to do to try out and to practice listening to your body. I want you to listen to your body's signal as to when it's time to stop eating. That's right. I want you to listen to your body to know when it's time to stop eating and I know that sounds silly, but there's actually something I learned years ago that every person does. 

Your body knows when it's full or when you've had enough before you actually feel it in your stomach. Your body knows enough is enough. But so much of the time we don't listen to it. We just keep eating. So here's the trick, and if you've never heard this before, you're gonna be fascinated when you try it out. The trick is when your body has had enough, you will stop for a brief moment and you will sigh. 

You'll be eating, you'll be eating, eating, eating, and then suddenly you'll go, that is the stopping point. That is your body's message. That is your intuition telling you you don't eat anymore. You've had enough If, you keep eating, it's gonna be too much If. you keep eating, you're gonna be too full, you're gonna feel sick, or you're gonna gain weight, or whatever the case may be. Your body will tell you, I want you to try it out. 

I want you to try it out tonight. When you have dinner, this is how you're going to practice listening to your intuition. You're going to stop when you recognize you're eating, eating, eating, eating, eating. And you go, huh? When you do that, do not pick up your fork again, I don't care how much is left on your plate. Pack it up, save it for later. Save it as leftovers. I don't care. You are going to stop doing that and then wait, wait a couple hours and see are you full? 

I promise you, you will be. Now, this is something that's so easy to do, but it's also hard because if you're eating something that you absolutely, totally love, if you're killing a bag of chips or you're having a piece of cheesecake or who knows what, you're not gonna wanna stop eating. But this is where you train your body to listen to its intuition. I challenge you to try this. I challenge you to try it tonight and I challenge you to try it ongoing. 

Try it for a week because you will start recognizing that your body knows better than you do, and this will literally teach you to start being in tune with your body signals. That's it for this week. It's been so much fun talking with you. I hope that you apply this one principle because it is The, Secret, To, Happiness. Have a good one. I'll talk with you next week. Bye-bye. 

S2.E42: Angel Numbers


S2.E40: The 3 Beliefs