S2.E42: Angel Numbers

In this mind-expanding episode, we're unwrapping the mystical meanings behind the numbers that often make you go, "Wait, is this some sort of sign?" From the angelic trio of 111, 222, and 333 to the celestial symphony of 444, 555, and beyond, each digit holds a unique vibration that your intuition can tap into for guidance, alignment, and, of course, a little dose of universal magic!

And that's not all, folks! We're delving into the significance of every magical digit, from the trusty 777 to the completion-oriented 999. Plus, we're debunking myths, sharing personal stories, and unveiling practical tips for harnessing these cosmic breadcrumbs in your day-to-day life.

So, whether you've been spotting these numbers on license plates, digital clocks, or even your morning latte foam, this episode will empower you to decode the universe's cryptic language and manifest your desires like never before.

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to Attracted with ease. In this week's episode, I'm gonna be talking about signs from the universe, and I've talked about Signs from the Universe before actually a few times, but here's what's gonna be different this week. This week I'm gonna be talking about very specific signs, so specific that I'm gonna be talking about One type of sign that the universe gives us in a way that the universe communicates with us. 

And. that sign is what people refer to as Angel Numbers. Now, I've never talked about Angel Numbers on the podcast before, and you may already know what they are. You may already recognize them, you may already believe them, or you may know what they are, and you are a total skeptic. You also could be someone listening who's like, Kayla, I have no idea what you're talking about, no matter where you sit. I encourage you to listen to this episode because I think it will help give you some clarity on one way that the universe works to communicate with us and give us messages. 

But I also challenge you to open your mind to the possibility that when you see these signs, it is the universe trying to communicate with you. So before I get into Angel Numbers, I want to start this week's episode out just like I do every other episode, and that's by talking about my gratitude. Now, the reason that I talk about gratitude every single week is when it comes to the law of attraction. 

Gratitude is the magical key that unlocks all the doors to everything that we're asking for because when we focus on gratitude, it raises our vibration. It shifts our energy. There is no way for us to feel bad or be upset or complain at the same time that we're being grateful. And so by focusing on gratitude, we're literally vibrating at the same intensity of the things that we're asking the universe for. And when we sit and we focus on how great and amazing our life is right now, today, in this moment, and we say, oh my gosh, I love that. 

I appreciate that Thank you so much. When that is what you're telling the universe, what you're doing is you're vibrating out of frequency that tells the universe, bring me more of all that good stuff. So let's talk about gratitude. I have a lot to be grateful for this week, but I have three things on my list specifically to talk about today. The first thing on my list is that this week I had the opportunity to make a pretty significant investment in both my education and my personal development. 

Now, I don't take large investments lightly and I have to say that part of my appreciation this week is not just in the opportunity, but in my husband's support of me taking this opportunity. I talk about it a lot, but I'm constantly working to manifest some really big things. And when I say really big things, one of my goals, which is probably also one of your goals, is to be financially independent, to be able to work for myself, to be able to work from anywhere doing what I love, not have to worry about bills, be able to afford my nice home, pay off my car, have no debt, vacation, travel the world. 

This is what I'm talking about when I say I'm working to manifest some big things. And I'm not just talking about manifest a million dollars. I'm talking about manifesting financial independence and just significant wealth. So, I have this opportunity to make an investment. and I believe that by walking through that door, taking advantage of this opportunity, I am stepping into a room that is going to open all the doors to everything I'm asking for. 

I 100% absolutely believe that. And I'm just so grateful for that. It feels like a milestone because even though I'm not there yet, by taking this action, by acting on the inspiration, I know that the universe is saying, Kayla, this is the way to get there. And do you know how I know that? Because the universe has been hitting me over the head with a stick for months, if not over a year saying, hello. 

Is anybody in there? You keep asking for the same things and I keep telling you, this is how you get there. Well, like I kind of alluded over the last few weeks, I'm finally starting to listen and I'm taking that action and I'm excited and grateful for the opportunity. The second thing that I'm grateful for this week is that I had the ability to lift someone's spirits. This week, someone very close to me has been going through a very difficult time. They have lost someone very close to them. 

And when someone is going through that, it's next impossible to come up with a way to support them or do something for them. There's nothing really that you can say to make things better. All you can really do is let them know that you're there for them. But I was inspired to send a care package to this person, and not only was I inspired to send a care package, I was inspired to send a very specific gift. I knew that this was a gift that would likely bring them some comfort, but I had no idea how much this gift would actually help them. 

And for several days in a row, the person that I sent this to has just reached out to me multiple times, just telling me how amazing it was for them to receive this and how much it really is helping them through their grief. And I'm not saying this to be like, oh, I'm this amazing person, and look at me. I helped them in their time of need. I'm only mentioning it to you because once again, the universe called me and said, Kayla, this person needs you. 

And not only was I in alignment to be able to hear that message, but I acted on it. And so many times we hear messages and we don't act on it, and we miss those opportunities to be there for somebody else, to support them, to help them through things. and I am so grateful that the universe called me and gave me that message and said, there is a way that you can support this person. And not only did I receive it, but I acted on it. 

And I'm grateful that I am in tune and listening because I really see that it has helped them. And I know that what goes around comes around, and there will be a day that I need support and the universe is gonna be whispering to someone else. And that person hopefully will act on inspiration and be there for me as well. The last thing that I'm grateful for this week is I asked the universe for a sign, literally like I was having a really rough day. 

I've got a lot of options and opportunities on my plate right now, and at times I feel super overwhelmed with all of the things I'm trying to take on between the podcast, my full-time job, this new experience that I invested in, and all of these side things I'm working on. I feel often like, oh my gosh, I don't even know where I'm headed or if I'm in the right direction. And then if you've been listening for the last few weeks, you also know that my husband is currently not working because he left his job. 

So there's a lot of just unknown elements out there in my world right now. and I just was sitting outside in nature the other morning. It was a beautiful morning. I was off work and I was just sitting, looking at the trees, watching the birds, enjoying my morning coffee. and I just thought, give me a sign. Give me a sign that everything is gonna be okay. and I didn't say it out loud, I just thought it to myself, but I thought, give me a sign. 

And no more than five minutes later, I received a sign from the universe. And I've talked about signs a number of times. And usually when I ask for signs, the universe will show me a rainbow or a prism in some sort of fashion because that has a particularly special meaning to me. But this particular morning, as I'm sitting outside and I ask for a sign, this giant hummingbird out of nowhere, just flies right in front of me, like literally just flies right by my face, and I'm like, holy crap. 

Now, I've talked about all of the animals and nature that live in my backyard. We have bunnies and we have quails, and we have squirrels, and we have wild horses that walk up and down the street. So I'm not unaccustomed to nature, and there's a lot of activity going on in my backyard. I see butterflies all the time, but since I have lived in this house, I have never seen a hummingbird in my yard, not once. So this hummingbird zooms past me, and instantly I know that that's my sign. 

and it was without question exactly what I was asking for, but here's the most amazing thing. I recognized that it was my sign, and as soon as I thought to myself, oh my gosh, there's my sign, the hummingbird kind of turned its path, turned around and kind of came back towards me, and then just fluttered flying in the air, probably like three feet from my face for what felt like a couple of seconds. It was probably like two seconds, but it literally just like hung staring at me in front of my face, like to acknowledge that I had acknowledged that it was my sign. 

It was the strangest thing, and I was sitting out there by myself. No one else saw it. I didn't have anyone to share it with. and I just felt that that was such a special, amazing thing, right? So the story doesn't end there. About 10 minutes later, after this hummingbird disappears, my husband comes outside and joins me with his cup of coffee, and we're sitting and we're talking, and I, don't tell him about the hummingbird. And just maybe five minutes after he sits down, the hummingbird comes back, and the hummingbird, no joke, hung out in like a 10 foot space of the backyard that's literally directly in front of us in between two trees, two large trees. 

And it just kept flying back and forth for like 20 minutes. It started eating bugs off of one of the trees, and it just like hung out. And my husband said, that's so weird. I've never seen a hummingbird back here before. and I thought to myself, yeah, exactly. Neither have I. And so at that point, I told him, you know, what's funnier is I asked for a sign and not even five minutes later, this hummingbird showed up and he keeps coming back. Well, then it gets even crazier. 

Not only does this hummingbird hang out for about 20 minutes, towards the end of that 20 minutes, two more hummingbirds show up. Now, I Googled and found out that hummingbirds are very territorial. I had no idea that that was the case. So it looked like the three hummingbirds were playing with each other, but I think they were actually fighting. I think they were fighting over whatever bugs might have been on the bark of the tree that this hummingbird was apparently trying to eat. 

But it went from me never seeing a hummingbird in my backyard to seeing three, and they literally just hung out for for like 30 minutes. It was incredible. And so my whole point in saying all of this is that I am so grateful that I can ask the universe for a sign, and without question, the universe gives it to me. And not only does the universe give it to me, but it gives it to me in a way that I don't even question whether or not it is a sign. 

And, that leads me into this week's episode because I wanna talk about signs. And like I said, I don't wanna talk about just any signs. I don't wanna talk about rainbows. I don't wanna talk about hummingbirds beyond my gratitude for this week. But the universe does communicate with us. And sometimes we look at things and we chalk it up to just coincidence, when really it's synchronicity when really there is something behind the sign and we really just need to be looking for them. 

And when we see them, we need to acknowledge them, we need to recognize them. And sometimes the universe is just reaffirming for us. Like in my situation, I was asking for reassurance, and other times the universe is actually trying to tell us something And. that is generally the case when it comes to Angel Numbers. So let's talk about Angel Numbers. What are Angel Numbers? Angel Numbers are individual numbers that re are repeated in sequence that a person sees on a consistent regular basis. 

So it could be like 1, 1, 1 or 1111, it could be 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5. You get the program. Now, a lot of times people see Angel Numbers on a clock. That's probably one of the most common ways that people see Angel Numbers. I'll say every time I look at the clock, it's one 11, or every time I look at the clock, it's 1111. And if you're anything like me, when I am going through some stuff, meaning when things are shifting for me, the universe tends to communicate with me in numbers. 

And oftentimes the only numbers I see when I look at my clock are consecutive numbers and I. Don't know if it's just like my subconscious knows what time it is and tells me to look at my clock. And that's the case. I don't know what it is, but I'll tell you, there are so many days when I look at my clock and it's one 11, and then the next time I look at my clock, it's 2 22. And then the next time I look at my clock is 3 33, and then the next time it's 4 44 and so on. And it's this strange phenomenon that I recognize I don't really talk about with other people. 

I don't really, you know, get into, but it's something that I recognize. And when I see that on a consistent basis, I know that the universe is trying to communicate with me. Now, the clock is not the only place that you can see Angel Numbers. Sometimes you'll just see a particular number everywhere you go. It could be on street signs, it could be on license plates, it could be on anything really. It could be your mail. 

You'll often see repeated numbers when the universe is trying to communicate with you. So what I want to do is talk through various Angel, Numbers and their meanings. and I don't wanna go into a lot of detail. I just want you to have an awareness of them and an awareness of what they potentially mean, because it's quite possible as you're listening to this right now today, that you're already seeing Angel Numbers. And maybe you haven't even thought about it or realized it, and maybe you don't know what they are. 

So let's talk about some Angel Numbers. The first one I wanna talk about is 1, 1, 1. Now, 1, 1, 1 and 11, 11 are very common. Angel Numbers, but they basically mean the same thing. So it doesn't necessarily mean anything different if there's three of them versus four of them. But when you see a repetition of the number one, so 1, 1, 1 or 11, 11, that is considered a very powerful number. 

and it is thought to symbolize new beginnings and alignment with the universe. So a lot of people say that when they see 11, 11 all the time, it's a way for the universe to tell them, you're on track, you're in alignment, everything's going as it should be. So it's really kind of like confirmation or affirmation that everything is on track. You're where you should be, things are progressing, but it also can be a sign of new beginnings. So that's super positive and exciting. 

But when you see it, just remember that you're being encouraged to focus on your thoughts, And, that you have the potential to manifest things because you are in alignment. 1, 1, 1, and 11, 11 are truly powerful manifestation numbers. So watch out for those. All right, 2, 2, 2. The number 2, 2, 2 or 2222. This number is associated with balance, harmony, and cooperation. 

So it could be a sign that you're on the right track, but that you just need to trust the process. 2, 2, 2 is balance. So again, it's a very positive symbol, but when the universe is showing you 2, 2, 2 repetitively, the universe is just saying, trust me, I got you. I got this. Everything's, everything's going as it should. So 2, 2, 2 is a very positive number. And the next one is 3, 3, 3. 

Now here's the funny thing about 3, 3, 3, right before I made that investment that I started out this episode talking about, I had two nights in a row where I woke up in the middle of the night and I turn over and I look at my phone. And both times it was exactly 3 30, 3, exactly like on the dot, two nights in a row. and I was like, oh my gosh, this is crazy. And this is part of why I decided to talk about this this week, because I'm like, the universe is telling me something if it's waking me up in the middle of the night at the exact same time, two nights in a row. 

So here's what 3, 3, 3 means. 3, 3, 3 is supposedly a message from your spirit guides. And it indicates that they are there to support you. Meaning, I got you. We have your back. You're not alone. You're taken care of. So it's an encouragement to embrace your purpose and remain open to their guidance. In other words, like pay attention to your intuition, listen for messages, look for other signs because your spirit guides have your back. 

And whether or not you believe in spirit guides, think of it as the universe has your back. So when you see 3, 3, 3, it's like, hello, trust us, you have our support, you're gonna be fine. Everything's gonna be okay. All right. So the next one is the symbol. 4, 4, 4. Now 4, 4, 4. I see a lot. I would say probably the two numbers that I see the most outside of those two nights when I was seeing 3, 3, 3. For me personally, I see a repetition of the number one. 

And I see a repetition of the number four, but that may not be the case for you. 4, 4, 4 is a symbol of protection and guidance. I love seeing 4, 4, 4. That one just makes me so happy. It is just a sign that you are being supported by the spiritual realm. And it's a reminder to trust your intuition, And, that your decisions should be aligned with your inner wisdom. 

It's just a highly protective, we got you kind of number. It's a good one. Alright, 5, 5, 5. Have you ever seen a repetition of 5, 5, 5? You probably have. 'cause you probably see it on the clock all the time. But this number is linked to change. So some people might not enjoy seeing the repetition of 5, 5, 5, but when you see it, it means change is coming. 

You're going to be going, or you currently are going through a transformation. Now all of the Angel, Numbers are a way that the universe communicates with you and tells you, Hey, I got you. We got this. You're on track, right? They're all just slightly different messages. But five is like, Hey, guess what? You are gonna be going through a transformation or you're currently going through a transformation. And guess what? 

Embrace it with an open heart because it's intentional. You're in the right place at the right time. This is intended for your better. Good. So 5, 5, 5. Even though most people don't enjoy change, it tells you, just embrace it. Go through it because everything you're asking for is on the other side of change. Okay, so we're about halfway through the Angel Numbers. I'm gonna pause right here for a quick break to hear from our sponsors. 

And when we return, I'm going to finish going through the Angel Numbers, and then I'm going to give you an action item for this week as well as introduce you to one of my good friends, podcasts, all of that when we return. Welcome back to attracted with ease. We've been talking about Angel Numbers, and we've gone through the first 5, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4 and 5, 5, 5. 

Well, now we're gonna get into the one that a lot of people are fearful of. And. that is the number 6, 6, 6. Now, if you're not familiar with 6, 6, 6, it's a scary number to a lot of Christians, a lot of people because 6, 6, 6 is often considered the sign of the devil. But the number 6, 6 6 is also an Angel number. So it's not something that you need to be afraid of if you're seeing it on a consistent basis. 

What I'm saying is, If, you keep seeing the number 6, 6, 6 repetitively. I promise you, it's not the devil. It is your spirit guides or the universe or the angels or whatever it is that you believe in trying to communicate with you. So let's talk about what 6, 6, 6 means. So 6, 6, 6 actually is a suggestion to find balance between your material pursuits and your spiritual growth. 

So 6, 6, 6 is basically saying you need to focus more on spirituality and your connection there than focus on material things. Keep an eye out for 6, 6, 6 because it is a message from the universe or you're spirit guides when you're seeing it on a consistent basis. All right, let's talk about lucky number seven. A lot of people love sevens. Seven is my husband's favorite number. So if he saw 7, 7, 7, he would be so excited. 

Now, these numbers 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9 and so forth are numbers you don't see as commonly because you don't see them on a clock. You're not gonna see 6, 6, 6 because once you get to 60 minutes is now a new hour. But like I said, there's various places that you can see it. You can see it in advertising, you can see it on license plates, you can see it on television, you can see it in phone numbers, you can see it in credit card numbers. There's so many places that you can see repeating numbers. 

And so you will see these numbers from time to time, even though you're not going to see them on your clock. So lucky number seven, let's talk about what that means. 7, 7, 7 is associated with spiritual alignment and enlightenment. It's a reminder to stay connected to your inner wisdom and trust your journey. So lucky number seven says, listen to yourself. Listen to your inner wisdom. Trust your intuition. 

Let your own body, your own inner being, be your guide. You got this All right, 8, 8, 8. This number is connected to abundance and prosperity. Don't we love that? Isn't that what we all want? So 8, 8, 8 could be an indication that your financial or material blessings are on their way to you. It can also be a reminder to focus on positive thoughts and intentions. 

So if you're seeing 8, 8, 8, congratulations, you are being connected to the financial and material goals that you're seeking. Keep focusing on them and keep positive thoughts. All right, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9 is the symbol of the end of a cycle. If, you remember, 1, 1, 1 could symbolize new beginnings. 9, 9, 9 symbolizes that things are ending. 

So it might signify that a chapter in your life is coming to a close and it encourages you to embrace new beginnings with a sense of completion and wisdom. In other words, we don't always like when things end, but everything does end. And most of the time to get the things that we're asking for, the things we're working to manifest, we have to let go of things. Things have to change in order for them to get better, right? So there's going to be closure. There's going to be ends of cycles, and 9, 9, 9 is a sign that that is coming or you're going through it. 

So look at it as a positive thing and learn to embrace the endings. So you would think, okay, that's it for the Angel Numbers, and that's really the big ones that people talk about. But guess what? There's one more. And truly there's more than one more, but there's one more that we're gonna talk about today, and that's the number we haven't discussed. That's the number zero, the big O. When you see repetition of the number 0, 0, 0, 0, this is a highly spiritual valuable number that people often overlook. 

The number 0, 0 0 is often interpreted as a symbol of infinite potential unity and oneness with the universe. It signifies the presence of the divine and a connection to the spiritual realm. This number can be seen as a reminder that you are aligned with the higher forces And, that you have the power to manifest your desires and intentions. How cool is that? Now, 0, 0, 0 is not a number you're gonna see real commonly not in three or four numbers at a time, but it is so powerful because it means that you are connected with the spiritual realm and you have the ability to manifest. 

Tell me, that doesn't make you wanna see this number. So that is it for the Angel Numbers this week. It's just short and sweet. All I've done is kind of introduce them to you and explained them to you and I, hope you paid attention and If you didn't. Maybe you'll go back and review this episode so that you can understand what the meaning of these various numbers are because they're similar, but there's a difference in each of their meanings. It's the universe communicating with you, trying to give you messages. 

And sometimes we ask for messages. Sometimes we ask for signs, and you might get Angel Numbers as your sign. The angels might say, Hey, it's okay. I got you. I'm here to support you. The universe may say, you are good, you're everything's on track, like just trust your gut. But other times, we're not asking for these signs, we just start seeing them, and it's the universe knocking on the window saying, hello, I've got something to tell you. And this is when we need to pay attention because it will help guide us towards the things that we're asking for. 

So that leads me into this week's action item. And. that action item is to look for Angel Numbers. Look for them. You might already be seeing them on a consistent basis, and you might completely resonate with what I'm talking about this week. You also might be saying, I have no idea what she's talking about. This is so weird to me. I don't know what she means by Angel Numbers, but I promise you, If, you start looking for them, you'll start noticing them. We tend to see what we focus on. 

So if you're focused on repetition, you're gonna find it. Pay attention to what numbers you see on a consistent basis. and it could be all of them. It could be like I experienced it at times where every time I look at my clock, I see 1 11, 2 22, 3 33, 4 44, 5 55. You may run into that And. that means the universe is totally connected with you and it's telling you all of these wonderful, good, amazing things. But other times you're only going to see one set of numbers continually repeated on a consistent basis. 

Pay attention to what the universe is saying and act accordingly. That's my message for you this week. I hope that you are being communicated with with the universe. I know you are. and I hope you recognize that and I hope that it helps bring you comfort, it helps bring you inspiration, it helps bring you guidance towards everything you're trying to manifest this week. I just wanna wrap up this episode by telling you about one of my friend's podcasts I've mentioned before that I am a member of the Ethereal Network. 

Now, the Ethereal Network is just a group of like-minded podcasters that are working together to support each other. And every single one of us in the Ethereal Network has a podcast that talks about something in the metaphysical or spiritual realm. Now, I'm not as far out there as some of these other podcasts, but that's not to say that they're not worth listening to because there is so much that If you open your mind to and just consider. 

There is so much out there beyond what the naked eye can see and beyond what the traditional person believes. So this week I want to introduce you to one of my friends. Her name is Dr. Maria Rothenberger. And Dr. Maria has a podcast called The Reluctant Medium. And in a moment, I'm gonna play just kind of a short intro to her podcast so you have an understanding of what it's about. But I love the name of her podcast because she is a medium, but like so many other people, she was skeptical about it and didn't want to really acknowledge the gift that she had, or the fact that the universe or the spiritual realm was calling to her and saying, Hey, you have this gift. 

So she's been very reluctant about it and very reluctant to share it. and I think that that really sums up who she is. But her podcast is on all kinds of different topics. Check it out. I think you'll enjoy it. That's it for this week. Have a good one. I'll talk with you next week. Bye-bye. 

S2.E43: Overcoming Fear of Failure


S2.E41: The Secret To Happiness