S2.E29: Believe and Receive

When you think about the thing you desire very most, what are your emotions about it? Do you feel desperate, anxious, and needy? Or do you feel happy, hopeful and excited? In this episode Kayla discusses how our belief or lack thereof in our ability to attract our desires, that it is possible, and our belief that were are worthy are what either allows us to receive, or keeps our manifestations from us. This is an episode to bookmark!

I'm just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you.

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to Attract It With Ease. In this week's episode, I am going to address the topic of belief. What do you believe? What are you asking the universe for? And do you believe not only that it's possible for you to receive it, but do you believe that you are deserving of it? Belief is a key component to attracting the desires of our hearts.

If we don't believe in the things we're asking for, we're never going to be able to receive them. So that's what we're gonna talk about this week. But before I get into all of that, I'd like to share with you a few things that I'm grateful for. Number one, yesterday I got to go to a retirement party for my neighbor across the street, and my husband and I were so excited to be able to just go to an outdoor barbecue in this beautiful 80 degree weather we're experiencing here.

And low and behold, it started down pouring rain, like torrential rain, crazy rain. There was hail and it just continued and it continued and it was actually pretty crazy. It's the first time I've been to a barbecue like that, and we literally sat in the rain under an umbrella at a table for quite some time before the whole party eventually ended up moving indoors. But why I'm grateful for this was not only the fun experience of being able to experience this crazy rain with a group of people, but I actually got to meet a bunch of my neighbors that I've never met before, and they're all such kind loving people.

They were offering to make banana bread and to help set up each other's security cameras. And just seeing the way that our neighborhood and these people interacted with each other, it just warmed my heart and it made me so grateful to be living in such a great community, but also to have the experience to meet new people, have new experiences, and to make new connections. The second thing that I'm grateful for this week is that there are so many things to do in this life.

I mean, think about it. If you're a wind surfer, you can go windsurfing. If you like to climb mountains, you can do that. You can go mountain biking, you can garden if that's something that you're interested in. You can go swimming, you can paint, you can build things, you can create things. And I just had the most wonderful weekend with my husband. And when I think back on all the things we did this weekend, we did so many things. We went shopping, he put new lights on his Jeep, I did some painting and some crystal art, and we went to this party and we barbecued and we sat out on the deck and we smoked cigars.

And I just think about how wonderful and full life can be and life is, and how awesome it is that there are so many choices and so many different experiences and so many things for us to do, so many more things to do than there is time to do them. But I love the variety of life and I love the choices that we have and the ability to take the free time that we have. And I say free time, all of our time technically is free time, but when we have time that we can use for just enjoyable experiences, how many options there really are available to us?

And I'm so grateful for that. The third thing that I'm grateful for this week is my relationship with my husband and the fact that it is an interdependent one. For so much of my life, I have been in relationships where I was completely dependent on the other person. And what I mean is not so much financially, but just that I lost myself in the relationship. I gave up who I was and the things that I was interested in to basically just be everything for this other person.

And before I met my husband, I made the conscious decision that I was no longer going to do that. I was going to not lose myself, but maintain my interests, my personality, who I am, and that the right person would come along and would love me for who I am and not want to change me, not want me to give up those things. And I would want the same thing of them. And so the intention that I went into this current relationship that I'm in was one of an interdependent relationship where we could each have our own interests, our own goals, our own things that we wanted to do, and then sometimes we would have things in common and things that we could do together.

And this weekend was the prime example of that. It was so cool how I could spend half of the day yesterday in my art studio just creating. And at the same time, my husband could spend that same time in the garage working on his Jeep, installing some rock lights, and neither of us were putting pressure on each other to hurry up and finish what we were doing or put pressure on each other to have to hang out together or do everything together. We were both home.

We were both enjoying the things that we wanted, and yet we were able to support each other in our own interests and then come together later in the day to go to this barbecue and enjoy some time together as a couple. I'm so grateful to have a healthy relationship, and I'm so grateful that I am at a point in my life where I'm no longer dependent on the other person in the relationship to fulfill my needs. All right, that's it for my gratitude this week.

Let's get into our beliefs. Let's talk about beliefs. I don't even think I've had an episode that's completely been related to beliefs, and when I think about that, that actually kind of stuns me because it's such a big piece of the law of attraction. So you've probably heard the saying whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right. What does that mean to you? What it means is that whatever you believe to be true is true for you.

And that's something that I say all the time. I say that all the time because I believe that so many things that people believe are true for them, whether or not it's actually true. Think about when people do studies and some people take the real pill and some people take a placebo, and yet some people that are taking the placebo can have the same results or similar results to the people taking the actual pill. Why is that a thing? It's because the people taking the placebo don't know that it's a placebo and they believe that it has the same ingredient and they're able to have the same result.

That is how belief works. What you believe to be true is true for you. I say that all the time when it comes to religion. Different people believe all kinds of different things. Some people believe in God. Some people believe in all us. Some people believe in a number of gods. Some people believe there's no God and there's no life after this one that this is all we've got. I don't know what's right or wrong, but I'll tell you what. When it comes to our beliefs, what we believe to be true, we can find evidence of in our own lives, someone can tell you the complete opposite of something that you believe and you will stand firm in your conviction that they are absolutely wrong and they can show you evidence and you will find evidence that what you believe is actually right and that is how life works.

What you believe to be true is true for you. So how does that relate to the law of attraction? Well, like I started saying in the very beginning of this episode, what you believe determines what you attract. What I mean by that is that our thoughts produce an electric charge. I'm talking quantum physics right now, okay? And I don't mean to talk over your head, I'm gonna make this as simple as possible, but when you think something, it creates an electric charge that goes out into the universe.

There is an electricity in our thoughts. Okay? So our thoughts create an electric charge in the quantum field, but our feelings produce a magnetic charge in the quantum field. So when we think something, it sends an electric charge out into the universe. When we feel something, it is a magnetic charge, meaning what we feel, our emotions, what's going on inside of us, the vibration of our bodies, our emotions are what we're attracting.

So when we're talking about belief and we're saying, do you believe it? What you believe is what you feel. You can say anything that is not true, but at your core, your body knows whether or not you believe those words coming out of your mouth. In fact, when they talk about body language and they talk about someone committing a crime and then their body language, when they're being questioned, they say that your body cannot lie.

Although your words can, you can physically lie, but you will notice, test this, test this out. When someone is lying to you, almost every time they will say something and their body will react in the opposite way. What I mean is someone will tell you something that's not true and instead of shaking their head and trying to get you to agree and say, yes, this is, this is what happened, this is what happened. Instead of shaking their head yes, they're telling you, they're affirming what they said, yes, this is absolutely what happened, and their head is shaking, no, watch for it.

It's a real thing that occurs in body language. When people are lying, their body often will respond in the way that is accurate, meaning their their head will shake left and right, it'll shake no while they're saying something. That's yes, it's a funny thing that occurs, but that is what happens with belief. When you say something that isn't true, deep down in your core, you know whether or not you believe it. And so when we're talking about manifesting things, let's say that you wanna manifest, I don't know, a new job.

You wanna manifest a new job and you say, going into the interview, I got this, I'm gonna get this job, I'm gonna nail it. I'm gonna kill it. And if inside what you're actually feeling is I don't think I'm good enough, I know that there's a lot of competition, I am probably under experienced. What you're doing is your belief is working in the opposite direction of the things that you're trying to accomplish.

If you don't believe it's true, it's not true for you. You're not going to be able to attract the things that you want until you believe that you can have it. You believe that it's possible, but you also believe that you are deserving. So let me ask you this question. What is the difference between manifesting a parking spot and manifesting winning millions in the lottery?

Think about that for just a minute. How often have you manifested a parking spot almost even without trying? How many times have you pulled up to a business and got a front road Joe parking spot? It's probably happened to you all the time. It's probably happened to you within the last week. When was the last time you won millions in the lottery? Think about it for a minute. What is the difference between those two things? Why is it so easy to manifest a parking spot and why is it so hard to manifest winning millions in the lottery?

Well, I'll tell you, it comes down to our belief. It comes down to our belief in the possibility. Is it possible to manifest a front row parking spot? Absolutely, we do it all the time. Is it possible to manifest winning millions in the lottery? Absolutely. But do we do it all the time? No. Where do your beliefs stand on the two topics? Think about your thoughts. Think about your feelings. Now, like I said, when we're talking quantum physics, our thoughts produce an electric charge.

Our emotions produce a magnetic charge. We're talking about the emotions here. This is our beliefs. Our beliefs is how we feel. It's how we feel about the topic. It's how we feel about the issue. So if there's something that we want and we don't feel that we're deserving or we don't think it's possible, we're never going to achieve or receive it, it's just not going to happen. And sometimes our belief starts out strong, but the longer that the manifestation takes, the more we start to believe that it's not possible.

It's not happening, it's not going to happen. And it doesn't matter where our thoughts and beliefs were in the beginning, if it hasn't occurred yet, whatever the emotion we're sending out is what we're attracting and what we're pulling back to us. So when that emotion shifts, meaning if we start out believing it's possible, but it hasn't come yet, and our emotion shifts to start doubting and thinking it's not possible, it's not going to happen, it's not happening, then we shift it so that we are no longer able to attract it and pull it to us.

I hope this is making sense to you. Now, I'm going to share something with you that's going to probably upset some if not all of you listeners. I was in a long-term relationship with a person who was not a very good guy. And for years of the relationship, I didn't really realize that part of that being that we had a long distance relationship for many years. So I just wasn't around him all the time.

But it did get to a point where I was around him a lot and we moved in together, and then his true colors started to come out. Here's where I'm going with this conversation. This guy was not a great guy. He took advantage of a lot of people in a lot of ways. And the one thing I'm gonna focus on in this explanation is that he took advantage of people financially. This is a guy who is very charismatic, very outgoing, very likable person, and he would find ways to get people to give him money often to invest in a so-called business that he was starting.

Well, rather than taking that money and applying it towards this startup business and turning it into the things that he promised these so-called investors, he would just spend it on himself. And a lot of what he spent it on was gambling. He had a gambling problem. And so this went on and on for years and years. And I used to wonder, how in the world does this not come back to bite him?

Why does he get away with this? Why did these people not take him to court? Why are people not suing him? Why has this not blown up? And why is he not in jail, if not prison, for the way that he is hurting people, the way he's taking advantage of people? And I used to ask myself that question all the time. And then at one point I had that conversation with a close friend who knew him well enough to know some of the things that he was doing. And I asked her, why is he able to continue to do this?

How is he able to continually attract more and more money? And how can he continue this lifestyle when he's putting so much negativity out in the world when he's hurting people, when he's taking from people, when he's taking advantage of people, when he's lying to people? How is this possible? And what she said to me is, Kayla, he believes that he can attract it. So he does.

And he does not believe that he is a bad person. He does not believe that he's hurting people. He justifies and rationalizes to himself that he will pay people back and he will build this business. And it dawned on me in that conversation that right or wrong, the things we want in life all come down to our belief in our ability to attract it, to receive it, and our belief in our worthiness.

To me, that is evidence that your belief is the magnetic energy that brings you the desires of your heart. So I know at this point what you're thinking is, Kayla, I get it. If I believe I can have it, I can receive it. If I believe I'm worthy, I can receive it. So what if I don't believe? How do I change that belief? Well, guess what?

I'm gonna help you with that. I'm gonna share those ideas with you as soon as we return, but right now, I'm going to take a break for our sponsors.

Welcome back to attract it with ease. We were just talking about belief. We were talking about your belief in your ability to manifest the desires of your heart and also your belief in your worthiness. Are you worthy of the things that you're asking for? And what I was explaining is the things that you believe to be true are true for you, whether or not they're true for everyone else. I was also explaining quantum mechanics and that our thoughts create an electrical charge.

When we think something, it sends an electric charge out into the universe. It sends that request to the universe. When we think about how we want something, how we wanna achieve something, how we wanna manifest something, how we wanna obtain something that is an electric charge. But our emotions, the way we feel about that thought is the magnetic charge, meaning how we feel. Our vibration is what is coming back to us.

That is how we receive. We receive by making sure that our vibration and our emotions match the desire that we're asking for. In other words, if we don't believe it's possible, if we don't believe we're worthy, we're never going to attract. We're never going to receive the thing that we're asking for. So as I promised, I said I was going to help you take something. Maybe you're questioning or don't fully believe and change those beliefs into a way that you do believe it.

So let's talk about that for a second. Let's talk about some things you may be trying to manifest. Maybe you're trying to manifest weight loss. Maybe you've been losing hair and you're trying to manifest regrowing hair or having more hair. Maybe you're trying to manifest a new relationship or a better relationship or a healthier relationship that in the relationship you already have when you're working on these things, when you're thinking about what you really want, what is your belief about it?

What are your thoughts about it? What are you thinking? Let's break it down for a second. Let's say you wanna lose some weight and that's what you're manifesting. Maybe you're manifesting losing 30 pounds. 30 pounds is a lot. And when you think about it and you really stop and you dissect your thoughts and your feelings about it, how does it make you feel when you think about losing 30 pounds? Are you feeling like, oh my gosh, I've been trying so hard.

This is impossible. I've been doing everything. I've been eating right, I've been exercising. I'm just so tired. Nothing gets consistent results. Everything's taking too long. I'm just getting older. My body's changing. My metabolism isn't what it used to be. What are you thinking? What are you feeling in regards to losing 30 pounds? Because I promise you, if you thought it was easy and you had this happy go-lucky, uplifting emotion about losing 30 pounds, you'd already be losing it or it would already be gone.

So if you're sitting there saying, I want to lose 30 pounds, I need to lose 30 pounds. Ugh, I feel so gross. Ugh, I feel so heavy. None of my clothes fit me anymore. It's not as easy as it used to be. Maybe I should just resign myself to being the size. Even if you're not saying those words out loud, if that is the emotion that you are carrying around with the thing you're trying to attract, you're trying to attract losing 30 pounds. But the emotion is, oh my gosh, I feel so heavy.

Oh my gosh, this is so hard. I've tried everything and nothing's working. Even if you're not saying those things out loud, if that's how you are feeling about it, that is your attraction point. That is the magnetic energy that you're putting out into the quantum field. You are saying, it's too hard. I can't do this. I've already tried. It's not working. Nothing works for me.

Are you seeing why some of the things that you're trying to ask for aren't manifesting? It's your thoughts and your feelings about it. Let's look at a relationship. Maybe you're trying to attract an incredible relationship. Let's say you're single. Let's say you've just not had any luck. You've been dating, you've been trying, you've done some short term things. You got burned, you got hurt. That person left you. Now you're thinking, I want an amazing, healthy, loving relationship.

And you list out all the things you're looking for. I want them to be attractive. I want them to be healthy. I want them to be kind to other people. I want them to love their family. I want them to love my family. I want them to love animals. I want them to be financially stable. And you're putting all of these things out there that you're trying to attract. And then think about what are your thoughts about it? What are you thinking? Are you thinking all the good people are taken? Everybody's got kids or baggage?

I really don't want someone that's set in their ways. I don't wanna have to take care of somebody. Oh, I'm so tired of dating. I'd rather just be single. So much work, so much work to go on first dates because you keep having the same conversation over and over and over again and you're not getting anywhere. I'm never getting second dates or I'm never meeting people that I like. What are your thoughts? What are your feelings about this? Because I promise you, if you were excited and you were motivated and you were just ready to get out there and turn your cab light on and say, I'm single, I'm ready.

I'm looking to mingle. If you are out there doing that, you would be attracting all kinds of options and energy and people and things and situations. But if you're not, I guarantee it boils down to your belief. Do you believe it's possible? Do you believe there are any good people still left? Do you believe that you are worthy? That's a big one. Are you worthy of the thing you're asking for? Are you worthy of this relationship?

Were you so broken from the last relationship that you think there's something wrong with you? Do you feel you are not worthy? And that's why it's not coming? Your worth is a big piece of it. So this is why the manifestations aren't happening if they're not happening. Now, that's not to say there aren't manifestations that don't take a long time. I've been working to manifest buying a house for years, but the house that I want is not just this teeny tiny little house. I want a big giant house. And I don't mean big as in size.

I mean, I want something that's my dream home. And it doesn't have to be large, but it has to be perfect. It's gotta have an amazing view and some property and a place to park the tiny house. And I want a good neighborhood and an I want it to be in certain areas, and I have all of these filters and things on it that is taking a long time. I honestly believe that I may end up buying the house that I'm in right now, but have I purchased it? No. Am I still working to manifest that? Yes. But has my belief about it changed? Absolutely not.

That's the difference. Some things take time and you can't lose faith, and you can't change your beliefs because of the time it's taking. But other things shouldn't take a lot of time. It shouldn't take a lot of time to somebody. It shouldn't take a lot of time to find a new job. It shouldn't take forever to lose 30 pounds. And if these manifestations are just not occurring for you, I can tell you right here and now, it's not occurring because of your beliefs, your belief in your ability to attract it, your belief that it can happen and your belief that you are worthy of it.

So how do you change it? I'll tell you, I am a giant fan of Dr. Joe Dispenza. If you are not familiar with Dr. Joe Dispenza, I encourage you to check him out. He was a chiropractor who was participating in a triathlon and in the bike portion of the race, he was hit by an S U v. He was paralyzed. He was told he would be in a body cast for a year and that he would be permanently disabled.

Dr. Joe Dispenza did not want to believe the prognosis that he was given. He wanted to be healed. He did not want to be disabled for his life, and he made the decision that he was going to heal himself. And not only did he heal himself, he did it in a matter of weeks. He went from being a person who was never going to be normal again, who was going to be in a body cast for a year to healing himself in a matter of weeks to the point that he was training.

Again, he learned so much about his experience in healing his own body, that he started to study neuroscience. He now takes quantum mechanics and he explains it in a way that makes sense. He essentially is teaching the law of attraction, and he talks about how there's science behind it and how your thoughts and your emotions create what you experience in this life.

There's science to it. So I'm a huge fan of Dr. Joe Dispenza, and I was watching an interview of his online the other day, and in it, he was talking about how when people work really hard for something, when they put a lot of time and energy and effort into building a skill or working hard at a job or trying to create something, by the time they put all of this effort and energy in their belief is so high, it's so strong because they feel like they deserve it.

They feel like, yeah, I should get that. Yeah, I, I deserve that. Yes, it's coming because look at all I've done. Look at this time that I'm involved. Look at this energy that I have inserted into this. Of course it's happening. Of course, it's coming. And I'm sure you've had those experiences too, where you just know something's going to occur or you believe that something should happen because you know the amount of effort that you have put into it. But the fact of the matter is we don't have to put effort into the things that we desire.

It's just a fact that the more effort and energy we put in, the more we feel we deserve it. How do we get over that feeling of not deserving if we haven't put the effort in? How do you feel deserving when you don't feel deserving? How do you shift that? Here's what you do. You sit down, you close your eyes, and you picture that you already have the thing that you're asking for. It's not a matter of, is it coming?

When's it coming? Are you deserving? You are just going to close your eyes and imagine for a few minutes that you already have the thing you're asking for. Let's go back to the analogy of the relationship. Close your eyes and imagine that you have this amazing relationship. You don't have to think about how it came about, when it came about who this person is. You don't even have to see a face. You are just going to think about what it feels like to have achieved or received the thing you're asking for.

So what does life look like when you have this perfect relationship? What do you do? How do you spend your time with this person? Where do you go? How do they make you feel? What does your life look like? What do you dress like? What do you do in your free time? What do you do with this person? What do you do for this person? What does this person do for you? Think about that and feel it as if it's occurring, as if this is your current existence.

You remove the, if you remove the when and you focus on, oh my gosh, I have this amazing, wonderful thing that I've been asking for, and you stop and you soak in that emotion. You think about the emotion. You think about what it feels like to have this thing that you have been desiring. If you're trying to lose 30 pounds, stop and close your eyes and think about having lost 30 pounds. What does your life look like?

What do you do when you've lost 30 pounds? How do you eat? Where do you go? How do you dress? What are the things that you do then that you're more comfortable in? Maybe you finally feel like you can take that tropical vacation because you're not embarrassed to put on a swimsuit. Maybe you feel like you can go out to eat and you can wear that fancy outfit that didn't fit you anymore, that you really wanted to wear it, or you haven't worn in years, and you feel so good to put that outfit back on because you, you, you forgot what it felt like to be that size, to feel that way.

Stop and think about it and soak it in. Think about how good it feels. Feel how good it feels, because guess what? Your mind does not know the difference between a visualization and a memory. When you focus on visualization, it is telling your body that you have this thing. When you're focusing on the feelings and the emotions of what it feels like to be in that existence, when you have received it, when you're focusing on that, when you're feeling that that is your magnetic charge that you're putting out into the universe now, this is what you're attracting.

You don't have to change your belief about it, so to speak. You're focusing on, you already have it. You have it. How does it feel? And when you're in that feeling and not emotion, that state of gratitude is pure gratitude. You need to be grateful. You need to feel it and thrive on it and love it and appreciate it, and think about how good it feels and how happy you are and how wonderful your life is because you finally have this thing that you've wanted, that you've been working for.

Live in that state. Live in that state for five minutes. Live in that state for 10 minutes. Do it once a day. Do it once a week. Do it whenever you can. When you're on your lunch break, go sit in your car, close your eyes and imagine that you have this thing that you really, truly desire. And think about how it feels, feel how it feels. Put yourself in that state. Make yourself feel that emotion because not only will it shift your belief in the ability for it to occur, but it will actually trick your mind, trick your body into believing that you already have it, and you'll be living in that state of gratitude and living in that state of just pure appreciation that is the exact match to the thing that you're asking for.

Do you know how I know it's the exact match? Because it's the way you feel when you have it. The way you feel when you have it is the exact match to the thing that is the magnetic charge. That is how you attract the things that you desire. The more you can do it, the more you can feel it, the more you'll shift your beliefs, the more you will focus your body on attracting it to you. Is this making sense, folks?

I'm telling you this topic alone is goal. It is magic. It will help you manifest anything because until your beliefs change, your situation will not change. How do you change your beliefs? You spend time visualizing that you already have the thing that you're questioning, the thing you're worried about, the thing you don't know, the thing you're, you're feeling unworthy of.

Take all of that off. Remove it. Imagine that you already have it and feel it. That leads me into this week's action item, and it should be obvious. This week's action item is to take five or 10 minutes and visualize the thing you want most. What is the one thing you want most? What is it? Do you wanna own your own home? Do you wanna a healthy relationship? Do you want a new job? Do you want more money?

Do you want more hair? What is it that you want? And before you close your eyes and start imagining, I want you to dissect for a second your feelings about it. How have you been feeling? Have you been feeling stressed? Have you been feeling overwhelmed? Have you been feeling discouraged because you don't have it? Because it's not happening because it's so hard because other people have it? Because you don't necessarily feel deserving. How have you been feeling towards this thing that you really truly desire?

And once you acknowledge the emotions that you have attached to it, set those aside. Take five, 10 minutes, close your eyes and just visualize that you have it. How does it look? How does it feel? How do you dress? Who are you with? Where do you go? What do you eat? What do you buy? What do you do?

What does life look like? And as you're seeing it, as you're feeling it, really feel it and express gratitude in your emotions. This should feel amazing because it's the thing you want most. It should feel so good. Feel that experience that let that vibration flow from you. Let that be your attraction point. That is your action item for this week.

Let me know how that goes for you. I'm telling you folks, there's gold in these messages, and if you just take it in bite-sized pieces and try and apply it to your life, you absolutely without question can create the life of your dreams. It has been fun talking with you this week. I'm looking forward to next week. Have a good one. Bye-bye.


S2.E30: Manifesting What You Don’t Want


S2.E28: Money Mindset