S2.E28: Money Mindset

What’s more exciting than manifesting money? Kayla not only talks about how to manifest money, but focuses on having the right mindset towards money to keep the flow of abundance coming. This is an actual How-To episode chuck full of great information! The episode ends with an actionable item to help you start manifesting more money today!

I am just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you.

Hi there. I'm your host, Kay Lorraine, and welcome back to Attract It With Ease. In this week's episode, I'm going to talk about manifesting money. What's more exciting than manifesting money? In season one, I had a whole episode about manifesting money, and it's been a long time since I've talked about it. In this week's episode, I'm not only gonna talk about how to manifest money, but I'm really going to get into a money mindset.

What we're going to discuss today is how your emotions and your thoughts about money are a direct relation to how much money you have and experience in this lifetime. But before I get into all of that, I wanna start this week's episode out by talking about my gratitude. The first thing that I am grateful for this week is my child. Yesterday was Mother's Day. Maybe not when you're listening to this, but when I'm recording this, yesterday was Mother's Day, and I have to say that every year one Mother's Day comes around.

It is a challenging and difficult day for me. This year. Mother's Day was not only the holiday, but it was also my child's 25th birthday. Can you believe it? I have a child that's 25 years old. I don't talk about my child much on the podcast. And the reason for that is that we have been estranged for around 10 years, and it is one of the most difficult things I deal with in my life, and it's easier to just not talk about it, not focus on it, besides the fact that because I've been estranged from my child for so long, I can't really speak to how they feel, and I don't want to misrepresent them by speaking publicly about them.

But I just want to put it out there, put it out into the universe that I love my child, and I have such fond memories of the times when we were together when they were growing up. That's something I will never regret. I'll never be able to let go of. And although I am estranged from my child right now, I hold on to hope that one day we will reconnect, we will reunite, we will have a good loving relationship.

And I just want to publicly put that out there, that my child is everything to me and I'm so grateful for them. The second thing that I am grateful for this week is sunsets. And I've said that a number of times, but yesterday was such a difficult day for me. Like I said, it was Mother's Day, it was my child's 25th birthday. But on top of the challenges I have in my relationship with my own child, my mother passed away in the year 2000.

So it's been almost 23 years and a couple of months. It will have been 23 years since I last held. My mother spent time with her, told her I loved her, and it's so hard to be reminded of the people that you miss and what other people have that maybe you are lacking. But you know what? I will always be grateful for the time I experienced with my mother, the way that she raised me, the things that I've learned from her, and how as I grow into a mature adult, maybe I'm not that mature, but as I grow into a mature adult, how much I tend to act like her, think like her, even look like her.

I am so grateful for my mother. And moving back to the conversation of sunsets yesterday was so hard for me. It is hard for me every year. And yesterday after a long difficult day, there was just this incredible sunset. The sky was popping off, let me tell you. It was just so gorgeous. And I've said so many times that since my husband and I moved into the house, we're living in, we have this amazing, incredible view off of our backyard of the mountains and the city, and now the trees have leaves, and it's just this gorgeous, beautiful setting.

And the sun setting yesterday was just a reminder to me that even difficulties can have happy endings. Even my difficult day that I struggled to get through, I made it, and the day ended with the most beautiful sunset, and I am so grateful for that. And the third thing that I'm grateful for today is not nearly as emotional, but I am grateful for summer cocktails. I found a recipe online for a summer cocktail with some Malibu rum, some Prosecco pineapple juice, grenadine and amino cherry.

And oh my gosh, is it delicious? And I am just so grateful for new experiences, things that bring me joy. Adam, I'm so grateful that spring is here, summer is coming, the weather is beautiful, and it's so nice to enjoy a summer cocktail. All right, that's it for my gratitude this week. Let's talk about money. I love talking about money and I love manifesting money. And like I said, in season one, I had an episode called Manifesting Money.

It's season one, episode 23. If you have not listened to it, I encourage you to go back, find that, listen to it. There is some gold in that episode, and the action item from that episode, I'm telling you, will change your life. But this episode is not just to repeat everything I already talked about in this episode. I wanna talk about a money mindset. A money mindset is so important because the way that you think, the things that you say, the emotions that you have attached to money and the thought of money and the conversation of money are a direct correlation to the amount of money that you experience in your life.

Let me say that again. Your feelings, your thoughts, your words about money, and the conversation of money is a direct correlation to the amount of money you experience in your life. So stop for just a second and think about your financial status today. Right now, what is your financial status? How do you feel about money? How much debt do you have? How much savings do you have? How is your lifestyle?

Is it what you want it to be? And even if it's amazing, all of us probably still want more, but I'm betting there are some people listening to this podcast right now that as I say, that they're kind of cringing a little bit and they're thinking, my relationship with money is not what I would like it to be. If you're listening and you are saying your relationship with money is not what you would like it to be, then this podcast episode is for you.

Let's talk about money for a moment. When I talk about money, when we talk about money, when people talk about money, how does it make you feel? This is a real question that I want you to stop and consider. When you think about money, how does it make you feel? It's a serious question because if the idea of money gets you excited, then you're probably on the right track. But if the idea of money makes you stress, makes you think about bills, makes you think about debt, makes you think of all the things you don't have or all the things you need to pay, or how much more money you need or want or desire, and then we've got a problem, and today's episode is gonna help you fix that.

So the first thing that I want to talk about is the idea of when you're manifesting money or when you're trying to manifest money. And I say trying, we don't try to manifest. We do or we don't, but we feel like we're trying, right? So when you are focused on manifesting money, are you thinking to yourself, I need this? Are you trying to manifest money because you feel like you need it because you're behind on your bills or you have credit card debt you're trying to get rid of, or you're trying to save up for some major purchase like a wedding or a vacation or a surgery or something?

Do you feel like you need the money? Because I'm telling you right now, as long as your emotion is that you need it, you will never get past needing it. And I don't like to say never. I don't like to make things absolutes, but let me tell you that if your emotion continues to stay in need, you're going to continue to lack. The emotion has to shift from needing it. So needing is this desperate situation.

I talk about drinking water from a garden hose all the time. That's my best visual that I can come up with is when you turn on the faucet, the water starts flowing and it does take a second to get, when you turn on the faucet, it takes a few seconds for the water to come through the hose and out the end where you're waiting for it. And that's how the law of attraction works. You put in your request and you turn on the faucet and it's rarely comes instantaneously. It takes a little bit of time, but you're standing there looking in the end of the garden hose and you're waiting for this money to come.

And if you're saying I need it, if you have a desperate emotion about it, you are literally holding the end of the garden hose and you are squeezing it. That's what desperation does. And when you're looking through the end and you're squeezing the hose, is that water going to come out? Absolutely not. You're gonna just continue to wait. You're gonna keep waiting as long as you're squeezing. But if you're able to let go and stop squeezing, guess what happens?

You let go and suddenly the water spurts in your face and everything you've been asking for comes flooding to you. That's what we need to do when we're trying to attract money, is we need to stop the desperation. We need to stop squeezing the garden hose and let the money flow. Now, we don't want it to come in this big spurt. We want it to be a consistent flow. That's what we desire in life. And that's one point that I really wanna make now, and I'm going to reiterate in a little bit at towards the end as well, because it's so important.

The idea of money is that we want money to continue to flow to us. Rarely does what we desire come to us in one lump sum just here you go. Now, there are people that win the lottery and there are people that get these large inheritances, but it's super rare. And when you're trying to manifest, that's not generally the way that the universe is going to bring it to you. The universe is going to give you what you want in bite size pieces.

The universe is going to give it to you in ways that you can easily digest it. You can easily accept it. You're not gonna turn into a millionaire overnight. And I promise you that's not actually what you want. You want it to come easily. You want it to flow effortlessly. It's going to come in bite size pieces. So remember that. So going back to the conversation of your thoughts and your emotions about money, we've gotta move away from the words and the thought I need so we move that to the side.

Even if you feel it and you can't get rid of that feeling right now, stop saying it. Get rid of the words from your vocabulary. Stop saying you need. So where most people move from I need is, okay, well I want it, I want that and sounds a lot better. It's not nearly as desperate, but let's talk about, I want, anytime you ask the universe for something and you say, I want this, what you are really saying to the universe is, I don't have this.

And what that means is the message that you are putting out, the vibration that you are putting out into the universe is lack. I don't have it. I don't have it, so I want it. Well, when you're vibrating is I don't have you continue to, don't have, because that's what the law of attraction says. What you put out is what you get back. So if what you're putting out is I don't have it, I don't have it, I don't have it, but I want it. I don't have it, but I want it. I don't have it, but I want it. Guess what?

The universe is going to continue to say, you don't have it, but you want it. You don't have it, but you want it. So that doesn't work either. You can't say I need it, and you can't say I want it. And maybe that's what you're feeling and you're sitting there thinking, Kayla, but that's how I feel. I do need it and I do want it. Fine. Stop saying it though, because the more that you change your language, the more you shift your thoughts and shift your behavior, you will start shifting the emotion behind it.

So it's okay if that's how you feel right now, but if you change the verbiage, you will eventually change the emotion behind it as well. So what is it that you say? Well, if you're not gonna say, I desire it, I need it, I want it. What you're going to say is that you have it. And I know that sounds like you're lying. And I know so many people struggle with this because they're like, I can't believe that.

I can't believe that I have something I don't have cuz I don't have it and I know I don't have it and I know that I need it and I know that I want it. I get it. So maybe you don't really say the words, I have it. Maybe you're not walking around saying that you're a multimillionaire, but who cares if you do? First of all, who cares? Why not just say you're a multimillionaire if that's what you want? Because the more you say it, the more you'll start to believe it, the more you'll start to attract it. But if you can't wrap your head around that idea, try this on for size.

What if you say, I'm a money magnet, I am a money magnet, I am a money magnet. I attract money. Can you wrap your head around that idea? Is that something you can buy into? And maybe you don't have any evidence of it yet, but I'm gonna tell you, you are a money magnet and I'm gonna prove it to you in just a moment because today's action item is going to prove to you that you are a money magnet. But even if you're sitting here listening to this and you're like, Kayla, I'm not a money magnet.

I promise you it's going to be easier for you to say that and wrap your head around that idea than it is for you to say that you're a multimillionaire. If you just start thinking and saying, I'm a money magnet. I attract money. Money is attracted to me. I am a money magnet. That's the same thing as saying that you have it. It's the same thing as saying all of the things that you want without saying that you want it, without saying that you need it, without acting desperate, without focusing on the fact that you don't have it, you're actually implying that you do have it because you attract it.

I am a money magnet. That is a powerful statement. Let me give you another one. Money flows to me and through me, money flows to me and through me. Now, this is a big one because we don't just want the money. We don't wanna hoard the money. That doesn't work when we're talking about attracting money, when we're talking about the water flowing through the garden hose, what we're talking about is a constant flow.

We don't want it to just come and then we hang onto it. We want it to keep coming. We want it to keep flowing. So the way we keep it flowing is we receive it and then we release it and we receive it and we release it and we receive it and we release it. And guess what? If you have enough money, you're gonna wanna spend it. You're not gonna wanna hang onto it. That's the whole point of money, right? It's not the point of having a physical, tangible dollar bill is the point of what you can buy with the money that you have.

So by focusing on money flows to me and through me and to me and through me, you are the universe that you are a money magnet. That money does come to you. And when it comes to you, you're willing to let it go. You're willing to let the flow continue. It just is this constant flow. It comes to you, it flows through you, it comes to you, it flows through you. Can you feel the ease in that statement? Money flows to me and through me.

Money flows to me and through me. Money flows to me and through me. When you think about it in that sense, it makes it so much easier to let go of money when you do receive it, instead of finally receiving it and hoarding it. That does not attract more money. It has the exact opposite thing. All right? Here's another wonderful money affirmation for you. I always have plenty of money.

I always have plenty of money. I always have plenty of money. That is the same thing as saying that you have money. It's no different than saying you're a multimillionaire when you say, I always have plenty of money. Because if you always have plenty of money, you can always afford the things you want. You never have to worry about spending. You're not stressed about your bills, you're not stressed about the finances or the expenses that are down the road. You're not stressed at all because you always have plenty of money. Well, if you always have plenty of money, that means you're able to let it go.

Do you understand that part of a money mindset is not just receiving, but it's being able to release the money as well, letting it go, letting it flow. So those are three wonderful affirmations. Number one, I am a money magnet. Number two, money flows to me and through me. Number three, I always have plenty of money. Now, I've already hit on this, I've already addressed it.

But if we're talking about a money mindset, we're not just talking about attracting money, we're talking about being able to attract money that we're comfortable spending. We don't just want the money. We want what the money brings. We want what money means. We want the lifestyle that we can afford when we have the money that we desire. So you have to be willing to spend. Now, this is huge because you have to be willing to spend right now even if you don't have the money that you feel you need.

And even if you don't have the money that you desire, you still have to be willing to spend money today because if you are not willing to spend money right now, you are telling the universe, I don't trust you to replace this. If you have a little bit of money and you are hoarding it, you are holding onto it and you're choosing not to buy the things that you need or you're settling for less than you want. If you're buying generic cereal because you don't feel like you can afford the expensive name brand cereal, you are hoarding your money.

I'm telling you that 50 cents or a dollar difference is not going to make a big difference in your life, but it will make a big difference in how you feel when you're eating it. And it also relates back to the mindset of how you feel about money. If you're not willing to release the money, you're not going to receive more of it. If you're holding it, if you're holding onto it, if you're hoarding it, you're not allowing the flow. We're talking about a constant flow.

We want it to be constant. And by making it constant, we have to let go of the money that we have when we receive it because we trust and we know that the universe is going to replace it and it's going to keep coming to us. We have to let go of money. We have to be willing to spend money, and we have to be okay with spending money and have a good emotional experience with spending money because that tells the universe, I trust you. I'm not worried about it. I know more is coming.

I know it's on its way to me. I know I'm a money magnet. I know that money flows through me. I know that money will continue to flow to me. You have to be willing to spend. All right, I'm gonna take a break for a moment because I'm gonna shift gears and talk about another few things in relation to money mindset. And I'm also going to prove to you that you are a money magnet when we return. But right now, I'm going to take a quick break for our sponsors welcome back to Attract It with Ease.

We have been talking about a money mindset. I gave you three really strong affirmations that you can use to help you attract money. Once again, as a reminder, you've gotta let go of needing the money, the thought of needing money, and you need to stop saying you need it. You need to stop saying you want it because what you do when you say that you want it is you're focusing on the lack. You're saying you don't have it, so you want it. What you need to do is act as if you already have it. You need to have the confidence that it's coming.

And you do that by using one or all of these affirmations. Number one, I am a money magnet. Number two, money flows to me and through me. Number three, I always have plenty of money. When you're focused on money constantly coming to you in a constant stream, that is how you attract money. Now, I ended the first half of this episode talking about how you need to be willing to spend the money that you have.

So let's talk about that for just a minute. What I really mean when I talk about spending money is you need to have a relationship with money that makes you feel good. How do you do that? Well, you don't just spend your money on bills. You don't just spend your money on getting buy. What you need to do is find ways to spoil yourself. And I'm not talking about going into debt by making these outrageous purchases that you can't afford, but what I am talking about is having a relationship with money that makes you feel good when you spend it.

So buying the name brand cereal versus the generic, that's gotta make you feel good. If you let go of the thought of the extra couple of dollars you're gonna spend, I promise you it's gonna make you feel good that you can afford the name brand cereal. Let's move away from cereal though, and let's talk about real things because spending your money on things that make you happy is how you attract more money is how you start feeling good about money. Here's an example, I got a year end bonus and after taxes, it was only a few hundred dollars.

So it's easy to take that and say, Hey, I have some credit card debt. I should pay that down. Or I have this bill due, or I should pay this off, or I should put it towards this. None of those things make me happy. This is unexpected money, and it was expected in the sense that I expected a bonus, right? But your bonus is always not guaranteed and you don't necessarily know how much is going to be, especially after taxes. I didn't really know what the amount was going to be until I actually physically received it.

So what I chose to do with that money is I chose to decorate our guest bedroom. We just moved into this huge house from a tiny house and we've filled it with all kinds of furniture. But the one room that was never important to us was the guest bedroom because it's not a room that we spend any time in. So here, we've been here for basically five months and have had this empty room in the house. But when I got this bonus check, let me tell you, it was so fun to start shopping for furniture, to have this whole blank canvas, this whole room that I get to decorate.

I got to buy a bed, I got to buy bedding. I got to buy nightstands and lamps and a ceiling fan and plants. I'm still not done decorating this room, but it is something I get to share with others because the guests that come to my house will get to enjoy it. That is far more exciting and more fun when it comes to spending that unexpected money than it is to put it towards a credit card. Do you understand what I'm saying? Saying I wanna be very clear that I'm not saying don't pay your credit cards, and I'm not telling you to go into debt by buying some things that make you feel good.

What I am saying is the universe is going to continue to provide you with money at various times that you don't expect. And when the universe does grant you these gifts, find a way to use that in a way that makes you feel good. And maybe you spend part of it towards the bills. Maybe you spend part of it on something exciting for yourself, but you need to figure out a way to have a positive relationship with money.

And the more that you can buy things that make you feel good, rather than just having the association that money covers your bills, money covers the food, money covers the rent, money covers the mortgage and the car payments and the insurance and all of those things. None of that is fun. None of that is feel good stuff. We have to get used to spending money on things that make us feel good. And it doesn't have to be large sums.

It can be the extra couple dollars for the more expensive cereal or the name brand cookies. It can be buying yourself a new shirt every once in a while. It can be going out to dinner and treating yourself. There's ways that you can spend money that make you feel good, that don't get you in debt, and don't take money away from the bills that you do need to pay. Is this making sense to you? Alright, I wanna shift and talk about how money is not generally going to come to you in one lump sum.

I said this earlier. Most people are not going to have the answer to their prayer be the fact that they won 10 million in the lottery. That is not generally how the universe is going to fulfill your need. Remember, when we're talking about the water flowing from the garden hose, we don't just want a big lump sum. We want a continuous consistent flow. The universe is going to bring you things in bite sized pieces.

The universe is going to bring you things in a way that you can easily digest it. So here's what you need to do. You need to be open to all the different ways that you can receive money. Now, if you're trying to get money, if you're trying to earn money, if you're trying to come up with money for a major expense or a bill or something that you're desperate for, there's countless ways that you can earn 20, 30, 50, a hundred dollars.

There's so many ways that you can earn that. But what I'm also explaining is when you're just asking for extra, when you're asking for more, when you're asking for the garden hose to just continue to flow the water to you, you want the money to just keep flowing. You need to stay open to all the ways that the universe brings you money. Think about the last time somebody just gave you an unexpected $20. You could have got it in a birthday card you received in the mail.

Maybe you did somebody a favor and they paid you for gas. Maybe somebody just went out of their way and tipped you for something because you were just a kind person or you did something that helped them. Maybe your neighbor paid you for mowing their lawn or maybe somebody tipped you for picking up their groceries. I don't know. But I bet if you stopped and thought about it, you could think of sometime that somebody handed you $20 that you were not expecting. Now, you may or may not have accepted it, you may have refused, you maybe didn't take it, but I bet you can think of a time when somebody tried to give you $20 and you did not expect it.

That happens all the time. The universe can give you a lottery ticket. Winning. Somebody buys something from you, somebody sees something you made and they want you to make them one. I don't know. There's so many ways that the universe can bring abundance into our lives, and it happens consistently. And so when I told you you are a money magnet, it's the truth.

You are a money magnet. You maybe just haven't recognized it yet. Because if you literally sat down and started thinking about all of the money that you have received in your life or in even the last year or the last five years, all of the money that you have received that you were not expecting, you would start seeing how money just consistently falls into your lap. Some of the things I've experienced, I've sold things when I wasn't expecting to. Like my crystals on my Etsy shop.

I have no idea when they're gonna sell, but occasionally just one sells and sometimes they're large purchases. And so I can overnight come up with three to $500 that I just wasn't expecting. That's one way the universe just randomly brings me money. My husband's a professional photographer and he works a full-time job for a company and he takes photos for them and he oversees their photography. But because he's a professional photographer, occasionally people will just reach out and say, Hey, I need photos of my family, or I want someone to shoot my wedding.

Or, Hey, I'm starting a new business and I need some product photography. Would you be willing to do that? And literally overnight, he goes from not having this extra money to, sometimes it's a thousand or $2,000 for some photography gig. Now, I understand you may be listening and saying, Kayla, I don't have a net sea shop and I'm not a professional photographer, but I'm giving you examples that there's things that we each do and skills that we have and things that we own, things we could sell or times that people just bless us.

I have a sister who loves to send care packages and probably four or five times a year, she just randomly ships me something in the mail. And guess what? Almost every time she does, she sends 20 bucks. She'll send a card with all these candies and gifts and whatever, and she'll just send me 20 bucks and she'll say, take yourself to dinner or put this towards a dessert for you and your husband. And it is so kind and it is so thoughtful and it's never expected. And it happens all the time, and I am so grateful for it.

But I promise you, whatever your situation is, you have had those kinds of experiences. You have had times where people bless you. Maybe you earn a gift card at work. Maybe you want a drawing or a giveaway at the grocery store or on Instagram. I don't know. The universe continues to bless us with abundance. And here's the key. We need to recognize that that happens and is happening. And when it happens, we need to show gratitude for it.

We need to stop and say, oh my gosh, here, I've been focused on manifesting money. I've been saying I am a money magnet. I've been talking about how money flows to me, and here it is, I received it. And guess what? So much of the time we just don't do that because we're focused on being millionaires and somebody gave us 20 bucks, and we're like, so what? It's 20 bucks. But guess what? It's the start of more. If you handle it the correct way, if you spend it on something that makes you feel good, if you stop and express gratitude for it, if you stop and recognize, oh my gosh, I've been asking for money and here I have received it, the universe has answered my call.

And the more that you recognize that that is happening, the more you start believing that it can happen, the more you start expressing gratitude for it, the more of it you will attract. And it will start out with $20, and then it'll be another $20, and then it'll be $50, and then it'll be a hundred dollars. And then one day you'll get a random thousand dollars. And I'm not saying to stick it in your piggy bank and save it up until you make the million. That's not the goal. The goal is to spend, to have the lifestyle, to have the things that come with the money.

So $20 isn't gonna be a big deal, but make sure that you feel good about it. Make sure you acknowledge it, make sure you express gratitude for it and spend it on something fun. Don't just stick it in your wallet and forget about it. If somebody sends you $20 to treat yourself, find a way to treat yourself. Go out and buy an ice cream. Go out and get a Starbucks. I don't know. Treat yourself. Do something that makes you feel good so that you can have those good feeling thoughts associated with the concept of money.

We've got to move away from the stress. We've gotta stop thinking about what we need. We've gotta stop focusing on what we don't have and we need to start speaking and thinking and living as if we already have it. Is this making sense to you? This leads me into this week's action item. I want you to pick one of the three affirmations I gave you in today's episode.

I want you to pick one of them. It's so easy. Just start saying it every day. Just start saying, I am a money magnet. Or start saying money flows to me and through me or start saying, I always have plenty of money. Pick one of those three affirmations. Start saying it every day. But here's the second piece of it. Once you get in the daily habit of saying it, I want you to keep track, an actual list, a real list, a physical list.

It can be in your phone, it can be on a pad of paper, but I want you to keep a list of every single time you receive money you were not expecting, no matter the amount. If you get a credit on a bill, I want you to document that. If somebody sends you $20 in the mail, I want you to document that. If you win a gift card at work, I want you to document that. I want you to keep track of every single time that you receive money that you were not expecting to receive.

Because as you start keeping this list and your daily saying, I am a money magnet, I am a money magnet, or money flows to me and through me, money flows to me and through me, or I always have plenty of money, I always have plenty of money. As you start saying that affirmation every single day, and then you start recording evidence of it happening, I'm telling you, your belief in your ability to attract the money is going to skyrocket.

And the more that you actually believe those words when you say them, and the more that you have physical evidence, because you have this physical list of all of the times that you've received this money, you are going to prove to yourself and prove to the world and prove to the universe you are a money magnet and money does flow to you and through you, and you always have plenty of money and you will continue to attract more money. I hope this has been a valuable conversation for you.

Money is so fun when we make it fun, when we take the stress off of it and focus on having a positive relationship with money and focus on being able to spend and focus on being able to buy things that we enjoy and experience things that we enjoy and not hoard the money, but let go of the money. That is what life is about. That's what we're here for. And I'm telling you, the more that you do it, the more it will become your norm, the more you'll receive more of it.

It has been so fun talking with you this week. I hope you got some good information. Let me know how it goes for you. And just one last reminder. Anyone who leaves a written review of my podcast on any platform, apple Podcasts, Spotify, audible, any of those will be entered into a weekly drawing for one of my manifestation journals. They're custom made. The only way you can get one is by leaving a review, but you'll be entered into a drawing to win one. I have one winner every week.

If you wanna learn more about those or learn more about me, check out my website, attract it with ease.com. Have a good one. I'll talk to you next week. Bye-bye.


S2.E29: Believe and Receive


S2.E27: Big Joy vs. Small Joy