S2.E24: Law of Attraction Basics

This week Kayla gets back to basics, simplifying the Law of Attraction to 10 basic principles. Kayla discusses each principle in detail and references previous episodes she's released that also cover those topics. This is a great starting point or refresher episode for anyone interested in the Law of Attraction!

I am just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. 

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain and welcome back to Attract It with Ease. In today's episode, I'm going to break the law of attraction down into 10 basic topics and you'll be able to come away from this episode knowing what you need to work on in order to get the law of attraction to work for you. But before I get into those 10 basics, I want to start by talking about my gratitude. 

The first thing I'm grateful for this week is animals. If you've been listening to me for any amount of time, you probably know that I recently moved into a new house and we are in the foothills of the mountains. And because of that, we have so many animals around us and I absolutely love it. My husband and I don't have any pets, but we call the animals that live in our yard, our pets, because we do try and send them scraps of food and we look out for them each day and we, we just enjoy when they cross our paths. 

Some of the animals that live in our yard, we have a bunny, which I've talked about before. We've lovingly named him Benny. Benny the bunny. We have a big fat squirrel, Earl the squirrel. And every time we throw scraps out for Benny, it seems like Earl's the one that gets to them first. But we have a really fat squirrel that just cracks me up every time I see him. And we recently discovered that we have about 20 little quail that are living under one of our bushes, and occasionally we see them running across the yard with all of their little babies, and it just makes my day. 

On top of that. We have wild horses in the area, and I don't get to see them all the time, but sometimes when I'm coming or going from work, they're just kind of trotting down the road and I have to go really slowly around them and sometimes I make eye contact with them and they just are beautiful, wonderful creatures, and I'm loving the exposure to the animals and wildlife around me. The second thing that I'm grateful for today is time, and that seems so obscure, but I am so grateful for the amount of time that I have and the amount of time that I feel I have because I know that time is fleeting and we really don't know when our last day will be. 

We really don't know if we're gonna get tomorrow, but there are so many things that I want to accomplish, so many things I want to accomplish today and in this week and in this year. And I am so grateful for the time that I have and the time I have had because there's so much to do in this life, and I love that every day I wake up and can express gratitude that the universe has given me another day. The third thing that I wanna express gratitude for today is that the universe brings me things in bite sized pieces. 

It brings me things in an order that I can digest things. I don't have to accept everything all at once. As nice as it sounds to get everything that you want all at once and just have everything fall out of the sky, I think it would be overwhelming and hard to deal with. And I love that the universe brings me ideas and brings me answers and solutions in just little itty bitty bite-size pieces because I'm able to take one thing and connect it to the next thing and connect it to the next thing, and I'm able to digest it as I'm ready for it. 

And as I've explained in several previous episodes, sometimes I don't even know how one idea is going to bring me to the end result, but when I can look back in hindsight and say, oh my gosh, that conversation with this person led to this and that led to the next thing and the next thing and the next thing until it turns into this amazing, wonderful thing that I never could have imagined. And I just love that the universe brings it to me in a way that I can receive it and not be overwhelmed. 

Hopefully you can relate to that, but I wanna kind of move on from my gratitude this week and get into the law of attraction basics. I've been thinking about it a lot, and people that are new to my podcast, if they just pick up an episode and they're not listening from the beginning, they may or may not have a full understanding of the law of attraction, and they may not know how the things I'm talking about relate to each other. And I've really thought about that in the sense that when I first released the podcast, I started out with releasing 10 episodes at the same time. 

And with that, I created a workbook. It's still available, it's on my website, attract it with ease.com. But that workbook was designed to go along with the first 10 episodes of the podcast so that those who were unfamiliar with the law of attraction or who hadn't really been using it to intentionally attract the things they wanted, could really just jumpstart into figuring out how to make the law of attraction work for them. And that's what I called it. I called it my jumpstart module. 

And so in those first 10 episodes, I really get into some of the basics of the law of attraction. But those were over two years ago that I released those episodes. And I've realized that I've been talking about so many things for so long that to me it feels like I've covered everything. And to someone who's finding my podcast and only listening to current episodes, they're probably missing out on the basics. So today I want to talk about the basics of the law of attraction. How does it work? What can we do? 

How can we use it to benefit our lives? But also to reference some of those older podcast episodes so that if you as a listener have something that hits home to you that I point out today, you'll know exactly which episode or episodes to go back and listen to that will bring that home for you and give you some actionable items that you can work on to help make the law of attraction work best for you. So first of all, let's start out with what is the law of attraction? 

Well, to simplify it in layman's terms, the law of attraction states that what you put out is what you get back. It's kind of like karma. The energy that you put out into the world is what you receive back to you. And so a lot of people don't realize it, but law of attraction is a universal lot. It's like gravity is something that is always there, it always exists. Whether or not you believe it, it's always occurring, always happening. 

And we have the ability to either use it to our benefit or just ignore the fact that it's happening and just have to deal with whatever life throws at us. And my feeling is why would we not intentionally try and create the things that we want instead of unintentionally invite the things that we don't want? And so to me, that's the value in understanding the law of attraction is understanding it is gonna happen no matter what we do. 

We're always going to be creating our future based off what we're thinking and doing and saying today. And so we can either put intentional focus and energy on that being positive and creating the life that we desire, or we can just sit back and not put any effort into it and we can just go with the flow and then we have to deal with whatever comes as a result of that because we just didn't intentionally decide it. I personally would rather create the life of my dreams and intentionally focus on the things I want instead of just deal with what life throws at me. 

Hopefully you're in that same boat. So let's get into these 10 basic law of attraction principles. Now, these are not in any specific order. I wanna point out that none of these principles are necessarily any more important than the other. And it's not that you have to work on them in this order. I have just sat down and tried to identify 10 things that I feel are principles of the law of attraction, things you can can implement, things you can work on, things you can do that can make the law of attraction work for you instead of against you. 

So as I go through these today, I want you to try and think about where you are with each of these principles. Is it something that you've got nailed? Is it something you are working on? Is it something you hadn't even thought about? Is it something you want to work on? And by the end of this episode, I would like you to have narrowed it down to one or two items that you would like to work on from these principles or you're currently working on. And I'm actually going to share with you episodes that you can go back to, to listen to, to get actionable items that relate to these principles so that you can work on these principles of the law of attraction and start or continue to create the life of your dreams. 

So number one, this is something that I talk about on literally every episode. I have already addressed it on this episode. It is so big and so easy, and it is the magic. It is the magical key to how to get the law of attraction to work for you. If I could simplify it into one thing, it would be this. And that's why I put it as number one. And that is gratitude. Gratitude is the magic that helps the law of attraction work to our benefit. What do I mean by that? 

Well, by focusing on our gratitude, we shift our thinking to one where we are appreciative, we're happy, we're enjoying. When you're thinking about your gratitude, when you're thinking about the things you love and the people you love, the things that you appreciate, the best parts of life, you can't do that and feel bad at the same time. It causes you to have a good feeling. It causes you to put positive energy out. 

And what that does is not only makes you realize how good your life really is because you're focused on it and you're thinking about it and you're expressing gratitude for it, but it also attracts more of that good. It sends that goodness back to you because you're putting that positivity out. So it does two things. Number one, it makes you feel amazing when you're thinking about how amazing your life is. But then number two, it also brings you more of that amazing because that is the energy that you're putting out into the universe. And like I said, the law of attraction says what you put out is what you get back. 

That's why we're constantly creating our future. We're constantly creating what we're getting in return. And sometimes it's an instantaneous return, but a lot of times it's not. We could be taking the energy, we're putting it out into the world today, and it could be creating our future a year from now. It's not necessarily an instant return. So focusing on gratitude is the very first, easiest, simplest thing that we can do to get the law of attraction to work for us. 

So I talk about the law of attraction at the beginning of every single podcast episode, but guess what? I also have a number of episodes that are entirely focused on gratitude. It is so big that I have at least three episodes on it. So I'm gonna list those off right now. The three I'm thinking of, the first one is from season one. It's episode 32, and it is called Sincere Gratitude. That whole episode is focused on being sincere with your gratitude, not just being grateful, not just saying thank you, but actually having sincerity behind the words. 

It really breaks it down into how can you take something from just being like, oh, thanks. And turning it into, oh my gosh, I really appreciate that because the emotion behind it, the energy, that's the key here, folks. The energy behind the words or the energy behind the thoughts is what the universe is responding to. It's not the physical words. The universe doesn't speak English or whatever language you speak, the universe responds to vibration. 

Now, vibration is how we put something out and get it returned. So when we're thinking about our gratitude, we're putting a certain vibration out into the universe. And when we're talking about being sincere with our gratitude, we are putting that higher vibration out there. If we're just saying, ah, thanks, think about how that feels versus, oh my gosh, I really appreciate that. 

And I'm not just talking about the tone of my voice or the words that I'm saying. I'm talking about the feeling behind the thought all the time. Someone opens the door for us and we go, thanks. And we don't think twice about it. That's a form of gratitude. But the times that we sit down and we actually get emotional because someone went out of their way for us, like I'm telling you, my husband just two nights ago got a call in the middle of the night from a friend at work whose husband was in the ER with a heart condition. 

She was freaking out and needed someone by her side, and my husband dropped everything he was doing and went and sat there with her all night long. And and I think about that and not only I'm sure was she grateful for it, and I'm getting emotional talking about it because I think about my gratitude for the fact that my husband is that kind of a person. My husband dropped everything including his sleep, and spent the entire night in the ER with this person, this friend of ours because she was so worried about the life of her husband. 

And to me, the feeling that I'm feeling right now about my husband and the feeling that I'm sure she felt for him being there, that's sincere gratitude. Not just saying thank you, but being real and having real emotion behind it. Another episode I have on gratitude is season one, episode 34, that one's called Remember to Say Thanks. And I just talk about some really great things that are going on in my life at that time, season two, episode four, that one's called Five Years to Live. 

And that is one of my all time favorite episodes I've recorded to date because in that episode I talk about the fact that my mother passed away in the year 2020 when she was first diagnosed with the cancer she passed from. She was only given five years to live. And in that episode, I reflect on what that must have felt like for her to get that prognosis from her physicians, for them to say, look, you only have five years to live. 

What would that feel like? And in that episode, I walk through all of the things I appreciate in this life that I'm gonna miss when I'm not here. And if you've never taken the time to have that experience, to think about what it's like to be in the human experience, to be feeling what you are feeling and how one day when we're gone and we're not in this life, what will we miss? That to me is the epitome of gratitude. 

And I touch on so many things from the things we see, the things we feel, the people we love, the tastes we enjoy. That to me is gratitude. So that is the first basic that I wanna share with you of the law of attraction is focusing on gratitude is the magic key to receiving everything you desire. If you do nothing else, if you listen to nothing else on this episode, I will tell you that one thing will change your life. 

If you focus on gratitude daily, it will change your life. Change your life for the better. You will live a happier life. You will live a more fulfilled life. You will desire less, but you will receive more. So number one is gratitude. Number two, this is a big key to the law of attraction because we all have a tendency to wanna control things. We all want stuff, but we also wanna control how we get it. So number two, the second principle to getting the law of attraction to work for you is letting go of the how. 

What does that mean? Letting go of the how, letting go of the how means that it's not up to you to figure out how it happens or when it happens. That's not our job. And knowing that it's not our job is so relieving. It takes a lot of stress off of you when you realize you don't have to figure it out. But yet we just naturally have this tendency to want to control things. We want to figure out the outcome. We want to make it happen a certain way. 

We feel like we see how it could come about and we try and manipulate that experience. We try and force that to happen When we try and force things to happen, what we do is we actually create resistance. And in most cases we actually stop that thing from happening or occurring. But when you let go of the how, what you're doing is you're opening yourself up, you're releasing, you're showing faith in the universe and you're saying, I don't know how this is going to happen. 

I really don't know, but I trust you. I trust the universe to bring it to me. And when you let go of the how the universe can open up. So instead of trying to find that one person you think is the right person for you, or instead of trying to give you that one job or that one raise or help you win that one prize or that one award, instead of pigeonholing it into one idea, the universe then has millions and trillions of people and options and experiences that it can present to you. 

The options are endless. The way that something can come about is endless. When you let go of the how, when you stop trying to control it and you say, universe, figure it out for me. And you just step back and you let it go. That is amazing. That is magic. And I keep using the word magic because it's kind of like it's unexplainable. It just happens. It's like it occurs. It's like this spark happens and when we release it, when we get out of the way and we just say, universe, I trust you. 

The universe will come up with so many different ways for something to come about than we could picture. I'm telling you the how, letting go of the how. It's a big one, it's a big principle, and I'm kind of talking about it conceptually. So let me get more specific. Let me think of something that you might want. Maybe you want to change jobs and you know the career you wanna be in, but you don't know how to get there. 

Well, guess what? When you release it and you trust, the universe can introduce you to new people, it can give you new ideas, it can bring you thoughts through your advertising, through your conversations, through your social media. It will bring you answers and solutions and connections and resources. And it may sometimes just literally hand it to you on a plate, like maybe just having a conversation about something. Somebody goes, oh, here you go. I have one of those. 

I need someone that does that. I know someone that's hiring. And it could be that simple, but other times it's the universe gives you a thought or an idea. And that thought and that idea, if you act on it, leads to running into the person who then introduces you to the next person who gives you the thought to go apply here. Then you apply there and they say, well, you're not a good fit for this, but maybe you're a good fit for that or they recommend you to someone else. It can be a whole process, but that's where I'm talking about when you try and orchestrate it, when you try and control it, you could never put all of those people and places and things and conversations together to get the end result that you want because you don't have those resources right now. 

But guess what the universe does? The universe has everyone at its disposal has everything at its disposal. And if you can say, universe, I trust you. I'm letting you figure it out, you're taking that pressure off of yourself, you're releasing that and you just get to sit back and you just get to feel good and focus on your gratitude and sit around and wait for it to happen in the universe. We'll drop those little answers, drop those little ideas, we'll drop those people and resources and conversations and everything that you need right into your lap. 

That is the second principle. And the best episode that I have on that is actually one of my very first episodes is from season one. Episode number five is called the control Freak in You needs to hear this. And that whole episode is about how we try and control things, how we try and manipulate that outcome. Like I just said, it's not up to us to figure it out. Alright, number three, speak about what you want, none about what you don't want. 

That is the third principle we need to talk in the way of what we want. In other words, don't talk about the things you don't want. Why put energy into what you don't want? When we can put energy into the things that we do want, I was talking about how there's emotion behind the words we say when we think a thought, there is emotion behind it. And so when we say something positive, we usually have a positive emotion behind it. 

When we say something negative, we usually have a negative emotion behind it. So instead of sitting around talking about all the things we don't want, why wouldn't we instead flip that conversation and talk about the things we do want? This is one way that we consistently get in our own way. We tend to talk about all the things in our life or all the things in our day that happened that we didn't appreciate and we didn't like and we were upset about. Instead of focusing on all the things that went well and all the things that we want and how we're grateful for the things that we have. 

Do you see the difference? This is what I'm talking about. When you speak about what you want, you're putting that positive energy out into the universe and the universe is going to match that positive energy and send it back to you. But as humans, we love to complain. We tend to talk about all the things we don't want. So I have two episodes on this topic. First one that comes to mind is season one, episode 16, and this one is called If You Don't Have Anything, nice to Say, lie. 

And I'll be honest, this episode has fewer downloads than almost any other one of my episodes, and it's probably because of the way I named it, which I thought it was funny. But essentially the idea behind this episode is that you're not gonna talk about what you don't want. Speak as if it's happening, talk as if it's occurring. Speak in the manner of what you want. So if you wanna lose weight, instead of sitting around and complaining about your weight and complaining about how bloated you are or how hard it is or how it used to be so much easier, think about the energy in those words. 

Instead, talk about how you feel great and you're on a journey and you are releasing the weight and you're on your way to your goal weight. You're on your way of being there, you are there, it's happening. Talk about it as if it's happening, talk about it even if you have to lie. And I don't mean walk around and tell people a bunch of lies I'm talking about when you verbalize something, say it the way you want it, not necessarily the way it is. 

If you don't want it the way that it is, talk about it as if it's happening. Talk about it the way that you want. So episode 16, from season one, if you don't have anything nice to say, lie, that's what I'm talking about. I'm talking about say what you want and speak about it as if it's already happening, as if it's already occurring. And you will be surprised and amazed and overwhelmed at how it started out feeling like it wasn't honest, started out feeling like a lie, and now it has become the truth. 

It no longer will be a lie, it will become the truth because the universe will match that vibration. The second episode that you can listen to in relation to speaking about what you want is season two, episode nine, speak It into Existence. That one is with my sister Adri Shea, who is my co-host from season one. She comes back in season two, and we have a good conversation about focusing on the things that you want and speaking it into existence by being intentional with your words. 

Number four, the fourth law of attraction basic principle is to choose a better feeling thought. What does that mean? Well, it means exactly what I was saying earlier, the energy that you put out is what you get back. And when you say something, there's emotion behind it. But guess what? When you think something, there's emotion behind it. So when I say choose a better feeling thought, this is literally stop thinking about the things you don't want. 

I just talked about stop saying the things you don't want. Well stop thinking about it too. Stop focusing on all the negativity. And sometimes it is literally just avoiding it, just ignoring it. And that sounds so unhealthy, and I don't mean like never address your problems, but what I mean is spend a minute on it and then guess what? Shift your thoughts, shift your mind, shift your energy to something that feels better. Focus on something that feels good, and that can be as simple as focusing on your gratitude. 

It could be visualizing what you want. It could be anything that feels good. It could literally be just turn off your mind and take a nap. It could literally be just turn off your mind and turn on some comedy, something that feels good, because when you shift your emotions, you shift your vibration and you shift your attraction point and you shift what the universe is responding to. Now, that's not to say we're never gonna feel bad, and it's not to say that we shouldn't ever feel bad. 

Contrast is part of the human experience, is part of what we're here to experience. The contrast between the good and the bad is part of the human experience. And if things were always just roses and daisies, it would get boring and it would be hard to be in a state of gratitude because we wouldn't have anything to compare that to. So it's okay to have the bad days. It's okay to have those thoughts. It's okay to have those moments, but we don't want to stay there. We don't want to attract the things we don't want. 

So a principle of the law of attraction, a way you can shift that is to change what you're thinking about. And literally it's sometimes is just avoiding that thought. Just just ignore it. If it can't go away, if you can't do anything about it, stop thinking about it, think about something else. And sometimes it's just pivoting that thought to a better feeling, thought about the same thing, or the person, let's say you're fighting with your significant other and you can focus on all the things you didn't like about the conversation or all the things you don't like about what they're doing, or you can shift your mind to thinking about what you love about them and the reason you fell in love with them and the reason you're with them. 

Pivoting can be choosing a different thought, but choosing a different thought can also be just thinking about something that feels better. I mean, come on, how easy is that? It doesn't that sound way more fun. And I know it doesn't sound like self-care, but I promise you it is because what you're doing is you're doing something good for yourself. You're not only feeling better in the moment, but you're putting out a better vibration into the universe that the universe can respond to. So when I say number four is choosing a better feeling thought, check out season one, episode eight, do it because it feels good. 

Now, this episode is not a feel good episode in the sense that this is probably my most raw and emotional episode that I've released to date. In this episode, I talk about my struggles with depression, and I talk about a suicidal episode that I had that ended me up in a mental hospital. It's a difficult episode to listen to, but I share with you how choosing a better thought changed my life and got me out of that state of mind. 

The next episode that I would recommend on this topic is season one, episode 22. It's called pivoting, and that's exactly what I'm talking about, where you can take it one thing that you're not feeling good about and pivot and focus on the opposite. The opposite thought of that same thing, just like I was talking about with your significant other, you can focus on what you don't like or you can focus on what you do like and you can pivot your thoughts in that sense. Alright, number five. 

The fifth basic principle of the law of attraction is visualization. And I briefly mentioned that talking about other things previously, visualization is one of my favorite things that I can do to not only increase my vibration and feel better, but actually only takes a couple of minutes. And it's probably one of the most underutilized tool tools that people can use to make the law of attraction work for them. 

And visualization is easy. It's literally like mentally window shopping. It's as simple as closing your eyes and imagining things exactly the way that you want them. And it could be an experience or a situation that you're in that you don't like that you wanna change, or it could literally be just like this imaginary life. It could be just closing your eyes and picturing yourself on a tropical beach with an amazing body, with a yummy cocktail in your hand with, I don't know, just whatever, whatever you can think of. 

Maybe it's possessions you want, maybe Ferrari in the big house, or maybe it's the amazing relationship and the person that's sitting next to you in that scene. Maybe you wanna travel. I don't know what it is you want, but it's closing your eyes and picturing this incredible scene and mentally putting yourself there for just a couple of minutes. And visualization is something that is so fun. And literally, if you practice five to 10 minutes a day will literally build the life of your dreams. 

And yet it's something that almost nobody I know does. And the people that I know that do it don't do it on a regular basis. And I will admit to you, this is something that I enjoy every time I take the time to do it, but I don't take the time to do it every day. This is an area I need to focus on. And that's visualization. Oh man, is it fun? So the two episodes that I would recommend that I've released on visualization is season one, episode four. It's called If You Build It, they will Come. 

And yes, that's a play on the phrase from Field of Dreams, but this episode is all about building your vision board and that is a fun activity. And if you've never done that, and I'm sure you know what that is, but that is a fun activity. And in that episode I talk about a really fun, easy way to build your vision board. And it's not collecting a bunch of magazines and cutting out pictures. It's so much easier than that. But I talk about vision boards, which is part of visualizations. 

It's not closing your eyes and making it happen, but it's literally putting the thought and the idea right in front of your face in a way that you can see it every single day. So that episode is about vision boards, but but season one episode 15, it's called Visualization is easier than You Think. In that episode, I break down how to easily just close your eyes and think about the life you want. And by doing that on a regular basis, you will create the life you want. 

So I've covered five of the 10 basic principles of the Law of attraction. I'm gonna break here real briefly for a word from our sponsors, and I'll be back with the other five shortly. 
Welcome back. We're halfway through our list of attraction basics. I've covered the first five and I've got five left for you. Number six is acting on inspiration. Now, I talked about this a little bit in my gratitude and how the universe brings me things in bite size pieces, but the universe will give you thoughts and ideas. And as much as I'd like to say that everything you want if you just close your eyes and think about it, is gonna show up on your doorstep, but that's not how you get the Ferrari, and I'm sorry, I'm sorry to be the bearer of that bad news. 

You actually have to take some action. Now, it's not up to you to control how it happens, but when the universe brings you that thought or that idea, it is up to you to act on it and your action will create the next little piece falling into place and tell that Ferrari shows up in your front yard. Now, the bigger the desire, sometimes the more pieces there are to it occurring. So your Ferrari may not just show up by you doing one simple thing, but if you focus on that thing you want and you express gratitude and you control your vibration and you pivot your thoughts and you focus on what feels good and you visualize the Ferrari, eventually the universe is going to give you enough little bits of information, introduce you to enough ideas and people and resources that that Ferrari will one day manifest in your life. 

And so acting on inspiration is a big piece of it. We don't have to figure out how it happens, but when the universe brings us the ideas of how to make it happen, it is up to us to take that action. And the first episode I'll recommend on that is season one, episode 14. What you can do right now, and this is a big one because this is literally talking about something you can do today right now to get your manifestation started. 

And this is one topic that really gets my juices going, and it's so much so that my other episode, season two, episode 11, the 1% is all about the same thing. What is the 1% of everything that you could be doing that you could do right now today? Because I promise you, no matter what you're trying to manifest a better relationship, a bigger house, a new job, travel, weight loss, better health, there is something right now today in this moment that you can do to start that manifestation process. 

And it's not controlling the how, it's just saying, okay, I know this is a piece of it. I know this has to be done. I know this is a part of it, so I can at least work on that part until the rest of it figures itself out until the universe gives me more answers and connects the dots for me. And so acting on inspiration is a huge one, and if you're going to listen to one of those episodes, I promise you it will inspire you and it will help you. It will help you start attracting the things you want to manifest into your life. 

Number seven is to have fun. And honestly, as I was coming up with this list, I was kind of surprised that I only have one episode on this specific topic. That episode is season one, episode nine. Are we having fun yet? But having fun is all about the energy. It's all about what we're creating. We love to enjoy life. We love to do the things we love. That's what we're here for. That's what we want to spend more of our time doing, but yet we don't spend enough time for it and we don't plan it. 

Think about how much fun it is to go to an amusement park. Think about how much fun it is to just sit around and play games with your family or friends. Think about how much fun it is to do something that just inspires you and feels creative. Think about how fun it is to just go on vacation. Why aren't we having more fun? And I'm not saying it has to be something that costs a lot of money or takes a lot of time, but we can make fun in our lives. We can find ways to create fun because fun and the energy of fun, when we put that out into the universe, not only are we enjoying our life right then if we're having fun, if we're enjoying that moment, I mean, there's almost nothing better than that, right? 

But the universe sees that. The universe feels that, and the universe brings you more of that. So you're not just enjoying this moment, but you're creating a fun, more amazing, better moment in your future too. Number eight, expect it to happen. And guess what? This is one that I have five different episodes on, and I didn't even realize that until I sat down and started to try and identify which topics have which episodes that go along with them. 

Expected to happen is to stop asking for it. And what I mean is we have a tendency to say, please, please, please, oh, please, I really need this. We tend to get in these desperate moments, and it can be because we're financially desperate. It could be we don't trust the universe, we don't let go of the how, and we just can't imagine how in the world this could happen. And so we have this intense energy of just desperation. And that is so easy to get in that state. 

Not only when we want something, but especially when we feel like we need something and need is such a negative emotion. But yet when we stop and we expect it, when we tell the universe what we want and we ask for it, and we just sit back and we let the how and the win go, and we just believe and trust the universe, it is life changing and it will come to you fast. But we get in our own way, we create resistance because we stop asking. 

Instead, we just squeeze the garden hoses and go, I want it, I desire it, I have to have it. The deadline's coming. That is what we do to our manifestations. And then we sit around and wonder why it didn't happen. Well, when you squeeze the garden hose, does the water come out? No. That's exactly what's happening with our manifestations. So we have to expect it to happen instead of just pleading for it to happen instead of praying. And I'm not saying don't pray. 

Please understand. I'm not saying don't pray. What I'm saying is stop pleading for it. Stop being desperate, ask for it, trust and expect it. So I have five episodes on that season one episode six, stop saying please, season one, episode 31, faith versus Fear, season one, episode 35, creating, not Wishing. Season one, episode 36, I captain. 

Now I captain, is basically when you think about a captain of a ship, when the captain gives an order, every person on the ship replies back, I captain, and they all step in line. Guess what? That's how your manifestations work for the universe. The universe is like all of the people on your ship so that you give the order and the universe just responds, okay, now we can get in the way of making that happen. But when we just expect it, when we just give the order, the universe will say, okay, and the universe will make that happen. 

And then I also have season two, episode seven, which is called Expect Miracles. That one's with my sister Tara. And we just talk about the miracles that we expect and how by just literally expecting miracles. And this is not even necessarily expecting a certain manifestation, it's just saying, I believe that miracles happen and I believe that they happen for me. And being open to the idea of miracles, the universe creates these miracles in our lives. And that is a really fun episode because we talk about all these wonderful, amazing miracles that have manifested themselves in our lives. 

And those things can happen for you too. All right, number nine, be in alignment. Now, alignment means that you are a match to the thing that you're asking for. Alignment also means that you are being 100% authentic. You are being 100% yourself. And alignment is being aligned with who you are internally. I'm not talking about your thoughts, I'm talking about your spirit. 

I'm talking about who you are at your core. Being in alignment is being who you were meant to be. And what I mean is if you think about yourself spiritually, if you take out everything the universe expects from you, all of the filters and expectations that you put upon yourself, and you just say, who are you? I guarantee you are a loving, giving, kind, receiving, being. 

And if we can find a way to be that person in real life, not just conceptually, but as a human in our body, if we can just be a loving receiving, accepting being, that is an energy in and of itself. But when we're asking for something amazing like, Hey, I wanna travel the world, I wanna go to Europe, I wanna dream vacation, I wanna dream honeymoon. When we're putting that energy out into the universe and then we're just sitting around complaining, we're not a match to what we're asking for. 

And in order to be a match to what we're asking for, we need to be in alignment. And so I have a couple episodes about that. The first one is season one, episode 18, alignment. And it talks about what alignment is. It really explains it in detail, what it means to be in alignment. And then I talk about how to get there. And guess what one of those big things is the first thing I mentioned. And that's gratitude. It's so easy to be a loving being when you're focused on the things you love and the people you love. 

The other episode that I have on alignment is season one, episode 30, emotional scale. And I've hid on that a number of times through this episode. The way that we feel is what we attract. That is the energy we're putting out, and energy is what the law of attraction response to our energy. And so understanding how your emotions control your attraction point also helps you understand how to stay in alignment. 

Now, the last thing I have on my list of basic principles should be pretty obvious because it's in the name of the podcast, and that is ease being easy about what you want, taking the pressure off the things you desire, the things you wanna manifest, the things you even think you need. Being easy about it is another magical key to getting the LA of attraction to work for you. 

Being easy, just letting it go, just having faith, just having fun, stop worrying about when stop thinking, it's not gonna happen. Stop stressing about it. That doesn't feel good. What does that attract? If you're sitting around worrying or stressing or like controlling, that does not feel good. So what is that? Attracting? But being easy and letting it go and saying, I trust the universe and the universe has my back. 

And believing that not only puts that out there, but actually creates that into your reality. So I have two episodes about being easy. The first one is season one, episode 26, the Magic of Ease where I talk about how there is so much magic in being easy. And the other one is season two, episode three, ease. And this one's a fun one to listen to because I recorded this one with my ex-husband. So it's really interesting because we had been a strange for many, many years. 

We've recently reconnected and we recorded a podcast episode all about being easy. So that's it. That's your 10 principles. So your actionable item this week is to take one of those 10, which I'm going to list for you one more time real briefly. Take one of those items, think about what you could work on, something that sounds fun or something that you know you've struggled with or you've forgotten about or you've gotten outta practice with. 

Pick just one of those things to work on. And then I'll recommend one episode for you to go back and listen to so that you can be reminded of the principle, but also have an actionable item that you can implement today to get the law of attraction to work for you. So number one was gratitude. If you wanna work on gratitude, listen to season two, episode four, five years to live. Number two was letting go of the how. 

If you want to learn to let go of the how, or that's something you wanna focus on, listen to season one, episode five, the Control Freak in You needs to hear this. Number three, with speak about what you want, not what you don't want. If that's what you wanna work on, go back and listen to season two, episode nine, speak it into existence. Number four was to choose a better feeling thought. If you wanna learn how to do that or if you wanna focus on that, listen to season one, episode 22. 

Pivoting number five was visualization. If you wanna get better at visualizing or if you wanna make that a daily practice, listen to season one, episode 15. Visualization is easier than you think. Number six, acting on inspiration. If you need some help with that or need to know how to start, I would recommend season two, episode 11, the 1% number seven, have fun. 

Now, if you want to learn how to make having fun part of your daily habits, go back and listen to season one, episode nine. Are we having fun yet? Number eight is expected to happen. Expect it. Stop pleading for it. Stop putting pressure on it. Just expect it. If you need to get better at expecting things to manifest instead of wishing them to manifest, go back and listen to season one, episode 36, I captain number nine, be in alignment. 

If you want to understand more about being in alignment, if you want to work on being in alignment, go back and listen to season one, episode 18 alignment. And number 10 is to be easy. If you need to focus on how to take the pressure off and how to just be easy about your manifestations, go back and listen to season two, episode three, ease. And that's the one with my ex-husband, Scott McKinley. 

It's a good one. So that's it for you this week. I've covered 10 basic principles that can help the law of attraction work for you instead of against you. There's a lot of good information in these episodes and in this episode alone. And if you feel like you're getting something out of this podcast, I will ask you to please subscribe because you'll automatically get new episodes downloaded when they're released weekly, but it also will help the podcast grow. 

And I also want to remind you of my weekly giveaway for a manifestation journal. Anyone who's willing to leave a written review of my podcast on Apple Podcast, Spotify, anywhere you can leave a written review. If you leave a review, you'll be entered into a weekly drawing to one of my manifestation journals. They're custom made limited edition, and are only available to people that leave a review of my podcast. If you wanna see examples of those, there's photos of them on my website attracted with ease.com. 

It's been so fun chatting with you this week. Looking forward to talking with you next week. Have a good one. Bye-bye. 


S2.E25: Make Better Decisions


S2.E23: The Purpose of Life