S2.E23: The Purpose of Life

Ever wonder what the purpose of life is? Well Kayla has it all figured out and in this episode Kayla's going to share it with you. This 30 minute listen could change your life!

I am just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. 

Hi there, I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to Attract It With Ease. Have you ever wondered what the purpose of life is? Why we're here? What's this all for? Well, guess what? This week I'm gonna let you in on a little secret. I have it all figured out. I know what the purpose of life is and I'm going to share that secret with you. But before I get into that, I want to start this episode out by sharing my gratitude. 

I have so much to be grateful for. The first thing that I'm grateful for is the comfort of home. And here's why. It's been on my mind because I have been traveling for the last three weeks. I've been on a business trip to Portland and Portland's great, but it's not home. And staying in a hotel room for three weeks, not being able to sleep in my bed, being away from my husband, it's a lot and it's so nice to come home. 

I'm sure you know what that feels like. I'm sure you know what it's like to go somewhere to go on vacation and come home and just be in your own bed, in your own sheets with your significant other loved ones, and to be able to reunite and be able to be in just your home. It feels so good and I'm so grateful to have left and be able to have that feeling again. It's been a while and it feels so good to come home and it smells like home and it feels like home and it feels comfortable. 

I'm just so grateful to be back home. The second thing that I'm grateful for this week is some new upgrades to my podcast studio. Now, I know this doesn't affect you and it doesn't affect the podcast, but it sure makes me feel good when I'm recording, when I feel like the space that I'm in feels like me. What I mean is I have my own decorating style and for a while my podcast studio, since I've moved into the house and out of the tiny house, it's felt bare. 

And you probably don't know this, but when I record, I actually record video. And for the longest time, I say the longest time, it's only been a couple of months cuz I've only been in the house a few months. But since I've been in the house when I record, there's just been this big white wall behind me. And just since I've come home from Portland, my husband helped me hang a living wall behind me and it is gorgeous. I also got a neon sign that says, attract it with ease that hangs in front of the living wall. 

And so now when I'm recording episodes and I'm looking at myself on camera, it actually feels like me. It feels like my style. It feels fun and fresh and it feels good. So I'm really enjoying the upgrades to my podcast studio. The third thing that I'm grateful for this week is spring weather. Man, did it feel like it was never gonna come this winter? This past winter was so long, and then the last three weeks being in Portland, it rained literally every day. 

And I know that that shouldn't be any surprise because Portland is known for the rain. The Pacific Northwest is known for the rain, but for me not living there, it's been a lot. It's been a lot for me emotionally. It's been terrible for my hair. Oh my gosh, you don't even wanna know how bad my hair has been the last few weeks and it feels so good to come home to spring weather this weekend. It was 70 degrees out and I just finally feel like spring is here and I'm grateful for that this week. 

Okay, so I can't hold back any longer. I'm gonna share with you the secret of life. Are you ready? I am going to share with you the secret, meaning the purpose of life. Why are we here? Well, are you sitting down? Because I'm gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you straight up. The purpose of life is now. Yeah. 

Now it sounds so simple and it sounds so dumb, and you're like, Kayla, I don't get it. Let me, let me tell you the purpose of life is now. Here's what I mean by that. The present moment that we're in and that moment is constantly changing because time is moving, right? So as we move, the moment we're in is the purpose for being here? Let me explain that a little bit deeper. The human experience is what we're here for and experiencing that in the moment is the purpose of life. 

So what I mean is there is so much that we experience in this human existence that we take for granted. And our purpose for being here is that human experience. It's being present, being in the moment and appreciating what it's like to be human and what it's like to live on this planet and what it's like to live this life. Being present and being here right now is the purpose of being here. 

Let me get into that a a little bit further. Let's talk about nature for a minute. I think everybody can say that they love nature. Now, there's probably different things that we love. Some people are mountain lovers, some people are beach lovers. We can debate that all day long. But people love nature. And why do we love nature? Well, not only is it generally scenic, but it makes us feel alive. It makes us feel amazing. Think about it. Think about how the breeze feels on your skin. 

Think about how the ocean sounds or how the waves crashing up on your feet or your legs. Feel. Think about the crisp morning air in the mountains. Think about the beauty of a sunrise or a sunset when the sky is popping off and there's just color. I mean, we all grab our cell phones, don't we? We take pictures of it because it is so incredible, those feelings. 

That is the purpose of life. And what I mean when I say the purpose of life is now is in any given moment, there's things for us to appreciate. There's things for us to experience. There's things we're taking for granted. But that is what we're here for. We're here to feel our bodies move. We're here to feel deep breaths. You know how good it feels when you take a big deep breath when you inhale and exhale, it feels so good. 

That is part of the human experience. What we're taking for granted right now is the ability to breathe, the ability to move, the ability to move our bodies, to be able to get up and down, to be able to go for a walk, to be able to stretch. And I'm trying to do it right now, but just move. Just get your body moving. It feels so good and it's part of the human experience being in your body. 

You are not your body. You are in your body, you're housed in your body, but your spirit, your mind, your soul is not your body. Experiencing that human body and what it feels like to be able to touch, to be able to use our senses, to be able to see, to be able to smell, to be able to taste, to be able to hear. That is the human experience and that is what we're here for. And when I say the purpose of life is now, it's being present in this moment. 

In this moment, what do you hear besides my voice? I'm gonna be quiet for a second and just stop and listen to what you hear. What is the sound going on around you? What do you see? What sights are in front of you? Who's in front of you? What's around you? Are you in your car? Are you at home? Are you at work? What do you see? That is the purpose of life. 

The purpose of life is family. It's the people that you love. It's being present. It's being here. It's being in the now and appreciating the people that surround you. Now, some of us don't have great relationships with maybe our parents or our siblings or our children, whatever the case may be. But I promise you that if you don't have a family that you were born with, you have created a family with the people you surround yourself with. 

And that is what I'm talking about. That is the now. Who can you appreciate? Now, who can you love? Who makes you feel loved? That is the purpose of life. Okay? I'm a foodie and I talk about food all the time, but that also is part of the purpose of life. Think about all of the things that you love. Think about the things you love to eat. Oh my gosh, I just went grocery shopping today and I bought all kinds of fruits and vegetables and it felt so good to buy healthy food. 

And I'm so excited to eat the food. I bought grapes and I bought strawberries and I bought cheese and I bought eggs. And I am so excited for the salads I'm going to make and the chicken lettuce wraps and all of these yummy, delicious foods. And I think about all of the delicious flavors in life. Now, again, this is one of our five senses, but this is what we're here for. We're here for now. 

The purpose is now, when was the last time that you ate something that you actually stopped and thought about how wonderful it was to be able to taste that food? When was the last time that you just savored every bite? When was the last time that you ate something because you enjoyed how it tasted instead of you were just famished or starving or just out of habit? 

We tend to mindlessly eat. We snack all the time and we tend to just do other things while we're eating. And we're not actually appreciating the food. We're not appreciating the nutrition. We're not appreciating what it's doing for our bodies. But that is the purpose of life, to enjoy that. Do you know that that is part of the human experience? Do you know that enjoying food is part of why we're here? Food and drink. Now, I love to drink like wine is one of my favorite things in this life. 

I am a red wine lover and I'm a little bit of a wine snob. I'll admit it. But I will tell you, there are times when I open up a bottle of really good wine and that very first sip, I just go, that's amazing. And it's easy for me to do with wine, especially really good wine. But you know what the purpose of life is to enjoy all food, all drink that same way. And now there's going to be foods and things that you don't like. 

And sometimes we eat things that we don't want to. But the purpose of life is to enjoy, to be present, to be in the moment, to stop and think, to slow it down, to enjoy the taste and the flavor and savor it. When was the last time you ate an experienced food or drink like that? All right, let's talk about our jobs. 

The purpose of life is not to work. I think we can all agree on that, but work is something that has become part of life, right? So most of us go to a job every day. So how can we say that the purpose of life is our job? Well, it's the enjoyment we get. And if you don't get enjoyment, then you should listen to some of my other episodes because I will talk to you about how to change your situation and how to attract a better work environment. 

But let's just talk about our jobs for a minute because I guarantee there's probably some people there that you enjoy working with. Some relationships you have, coworker relationships are almost like our second family because we tend to spend more time with the people we work with than we actually do with our own family or our own friends and loved ones, the people we choose to surround ourselves with. So our work relationships are something that we can appreciate. When was the last time you thought about your work bestie and how much you appreciated them and what they do for you and how they help you get through your workday? 

I'm sure you've had moments where you have just had a good laugh with someone or several people that you work with, a good belly aching laugh where you guys just joked around. That's what work should feel like. That's what life should feel like. But when was the last time you stopped and thought about it and appreciated it? That is the purpose of life. It's being present. It's being in a state of gratitude. It's being grateful. It's stopping and slowing down, being present, enjoying what's in front of us. 

All right, let's talk about our homes. I started this whole episode talking about my appreciation for my home. But your home is your space. Your home is you. You get to decorate your home. You get to decide what your home looks like, where you live, how you live. You get to put the furniture where you want. You get to have the furniture you want. You get to decide what's hanging on your walls, what's not. You get to decide. Do you want area rugs? 

Do you want throw pillows? Do you want none of that? Do you want plants? What does your home look like? When was the last time that you stopped and appreciated the fact that you have a space? Now, I don't know how big your space is, maybe you rent a room from someone, so that's your home, but you have a space that is yours. It's entirely yours. And you get to decide what goes into that space and how you decorate that space and how you represent yourself through that decor, through that design. 

It is a representation of you. You get to decide. And even if you live in a bare space and there's nothing there, I guarantee you that that is by choice, either by choice, because you don't wanna spend the money on things or by choice because that's your decorating style. And you know what? If that's not your decorating style and you're sitting here saying, Kayla, no, you don't understand. I wanna be able to decorate and I can't afford to decorate. Well, guess what? The fact that you have your own space, the fact that you have a place that you can call yours, and I'm not saying you necessarily own this space, but it is your space. 

It is your room or your home. It is you. It's an expression of you, and I'm telling you, it's why we're here. Okay? That gets me on another subject, which is expression or let's say creativity. That's a big piece of why we're here. The purpose of life is now. How are you expressing yourself right now? 

Well, let's just talk about that for a second. We express ourselves through the way we dress, through the way we do our hair by our look. We could have tattoos, we might have piercings. Do we wear makeup? Do we not wear makeup? Do we shave? Do we not shave? There are so many ways that we express ourselves, and it's not just in our appearance, and it's not just in how we decorate our home, but it's in the car we drive, it's in the job that we have. 

It's in the things that we write and the things that we read and the things that we create. Now I realize not everyone creates things in the way that I do. I say that because I now make crystal art and I create podcast episodes and content, and I feel like I consistently am creating things and I have this creative spark and energy that's something that I, I truly kind of live for. If you are not doing those types of creative things, I can still tell you that there are ways that you express yourself, the way you speak, the conversations that you have. 

There's ways we express ourselves, and that is the purpose of life. That is what we're here for. We're here to be in the moment. We're here to enjoy the human experience. We're here for the now. How are you feeling right now? How is your body feeling? How does the air around you feel? How are your emotions? What is your emotional state? 

That is part of the human experience? Emotions, being able to feel those emotions, to be able to feel love, to be able to feel pain. Now, I'm sure you're thinking, Kayla, why would I appreciate pain? Well, you should appreciate pain because it makes you feel contrast. What do I mean by contrast? If we didn't have contrast in life, life would be boring. We need some of the bad to appreciate the good. 

We need the rainy weather to appreciate the nice weather days. We need to have those sad moments to appreciate our happy times. We need the pain to appreciate the release of the pain and what it feels like to feel no pain, to feel good, to feel great, to feel wonderful. How are you feeling right now? What is going on in your life that you can stop and appreciate? What is going on in this moment that you can stop and appreciate? 

Because I'm telling you, this is what you are here for. You're here to be able to listen to music. You are here to be able to listen to these words. You are here to be able to read, to be able to write, to be able to learn, to be able to grow. This is what we're here for. So I've hit on several of our senses. I've talked about tasting good food, drinking good wine. 

I've talked about listening. Listening to music, listening to podcasts, listening to the sound of loved ones. You know, especially if you've had someone close to you, pass away. You know what I'm talking about. You know how much you miss their voice. And if you have any type of a recording, maybe you have an old voicemail that you've never deleted because you wanna listen to it over and over again. Or maybe there is a video of them. 

When you hear their voice, it just touches you. It's so amazing to hear their voice once they're gone. But we can enjoy their voice. We can enjoy our loved ones. We can enjoy our friends and family members and our significant other. We can enjoy the sound of their voice before they're gone. Let's talk about smells because there's so much that we can smell in this life that is part of the human experience. 

What are some of your favorite smells? Do you like the smell of flowers? Do you like the smell of popcorn? When you go to the movies? Do you like the smell of fresh baked cookies? Maybe you like the smell of your perfume or cologne. Maybe you like the smell of the perfume or cologne of your significant other. Do you like the smell of fresh, clean clothes? What are the smells that you can appreciate in this moment? 

What do you smell right now? Stop and smell. What do you smell? And if you smell nothing, or if you smell something that smells clean, maybe you just smell chemicals or cleaners or something because I don't know, wherever you're at, maybe that's what you smell. But how can you appreciate that? Isn't it nice to not smell something bad? And when you do smell something bad, isn't it so nice when that smell goes away or when you're able to move away from that? 

Maybe it's the smell of a skunk. It's so nice to be able to get away from that smell. But that is part of the human experience. That is what we're here for. We're here for the now to be present in the moment, to be completely, entirely present with our five senses. That is what we're here for. So one of the senses I haven't really touched on yet is touch. 

Think about it. Think about the things that you touch that feel amazing. For me, one of my very favorite ways of feeling touch is when I first washed my sheets. I have fresh, clean, shaved legs. And to have my legs on my brand new fresh sheets, that is one of the most amazing feelings to me. That is one of my favorite feelings in life. 

There's probably some feelings you can think of that you don't enjoy, like, oh, I'm kind of giving myself chills right now. But like when you scratch on a chalkboard, not only does the noise get to you, ugh, I've got chills. I'm just thinking about it. But just that feeling to me, just the scratching. Ugh, I can't stand that. But there's the opposite. There's so many things that feel great. It feels great to be in my husband's embrace, to be in his arms, to have him give me a big bear hug and squeeze me and just make me feel protected. 

That is one of the best feelings that I can experience in this life. There are so many feel good feelings. And I'm saying touch. I'm not just talking about emotional feelings. I'm talking about physically feeling things. What can you touch? What can you feel? What does that feel like to go for a walk? To have the earth under your feet? What about being barefoot in the sand or barefoot in the ocean or barefoot on grass? 

Cool grass. Think about those feelings. What does it feel like to have the wind blowing through your hair or the sun on your skin or sitting under the shade of a tree? Those are some of the best feelings in life. And that is what we're here for. We're here for that. We're here for the sound of the rain. We're here for the smell of the rain. We're here for the feel of the rain on our skin. 

We're here for the wind, we're here for the sun, we're here for it all. That's the purpose of life. What are you enjoying? What are you taking for granted? What can you appreciate in this moment? Because this is now and now is all you have. And now is why we're here. We're here for now. Stop for a second and think about what you can appreciate right now. 

What are you experiencing right now? How are you feeling right now? Think about your five senses. What are you seeing? What are you smiling? What are you hearing? What are you touching? Being present in each moment? It's hard. It's hard to stay present because we get caught up in thinking about the future or thinking about the past, planning our dinner, thinking about our drive home, thinking about work, whatever. 

It's hard to be present, but in every single moment there are things to enjoy and things to appreciate and things to stop. And notice if we slow it down, slowing it down, being present, being here, being now, enjoying the human experience. That is the reason that we're here. That is the purpose of life. The purpose of life is now. 

So I have an action item for you this week that's going to help you with this, help you stay more present, help you appreciate, help you focus on the now. But before I get into that, I'm gonna take a quick break for our sponsors. Welcome back. So I promised you that I had an action item that would help you stay more present, would help you appreciate more, help you take advantage of the moment that you're in. 

This is something that I talked about on a previous podcast episode, but it's been almost two years. So I think it's valuable to bring it up again because I guarantee it's something that most, if not all of you listeners have forgotten about, or maybe you didn't even hear that episode. But this week's action item that you can implement today to help you live a better, happier, more fulfilled life is to start what I call my positive life list. 

So what is my positive life list? Okay, you know this about me already, I'm sure, but I am a total list person. I love lists. And my positive life list is literally a list that you create. And I recommend doing it on your phone, but it's a list of how great your life is. It is this ongoing list of gratitude of all the things that you can be grateful for now. 

And when I say it's an ongoing list, like I said, start a note in your phone, call it My Positive Life list, and just start listing off all the things you can think of in this moment that you can be grateful for. And the reason it's ongoing is this is something that you can open up at any time that you want to be more present or you want to be more grateful, or if you want to be more enjoying the moment, this is a way to do it. 

You open up your phone, you open up the note you've created. It's called My Positive Life List. And you list off all of the great things in this moment, all of the things you can be grateful for. And it's okay if you repeat stuff because there's going to be things that you can be grateful for. And we should grateful for the same things over and over again. I'm grateful for my husband every day. I'm grateful for my body every day. I'm grateful for good food and my comfortable bed and the wind in my hair and the sunrise and the 70 degree weather. 

I can be grateful for all of those things every single day. But this positive life list is this ongoing list of everything you can think of in that moment that you can be grateful for. Now, I'm not saying spend 30 minutes listing off everything you can think of. What I'm saying is take three minutes, take five minutes, just take some time to be fully present. Stop in the moment and start listing what you have to be grateful for. 

And the easiest way to do that is to focus on those five senses, to focus on what you see, what you hear, what you smell, what you taste, what you touch. It's so easy when you focus on your five senses to really start thinking about things that we're taking for granted. What are you taking for granted that you could start appreciating today that could make you more present, that could make you be in the moment, that could give you some purpose to this life? Because I'm telling you, the human experience is just now. 

It won't be here forever. You won't be here forever. We're all going to pass away at some point. And our souls, our minds, our thoughts, we're still going to be alive, but we won't be in this body anymore. And there are things that we experience. There are things that you experience in your body that you will miss when you're no longer in your body. That is what you are here for. You're here to be in this body to do things, to create things, to experience things, to appreciate things. 

And one day it's going to be gone. One day it's going to be done. And we don't know when that day is. It's different for each of us, but every single one of us has a limit on how long we will live. And when we reach that moment where we're no longer in this life, I promise you, you're gonna miss the moments. You're gonna miss, the things we take for granted. You're gonna miss that sunset. 

You're gonna miss the smell of popcorn. You're going to miss your toes on the cold grass. You're gonna miss those things. So start slowing it down. Start appreciating, start enjoying, start being grateful. Start your positive life list in your phone. Be grateful, enjoy, stop, and appreciate. That's my action item for you this week. 

Now, as a reminder, I have a weekly giveaway for each person that is willing to leave a written review of my podcast. You'll be entered into a weekly drawing to win one of my custom manifestation journals. And if you're curious about what those look like, I have some photos of those on my website. Attract it with ease.com. While you're there, you can subscribe to my newsletter. And if you're not already following me on Instagram, I now do a daily inspiration in my Instagram stories. 

So if you want more inspiration, follow me there and I'd love to hear from you. That's it for this week. I've shared a lot. I've shared the whole purpose of life. I mean, what else is there? But the purpose of life is now. So enjoy the now, enjoy the present and let me know how that goes for you. It's been great talking with you, and I'll talk to you next week. Have a good one. Bye-bye.

S2.E24: Law of Attraction Basics


S2.E22: Quiet The Noise