S2.E17: Manifesting Quickly

In this week's episode, not only does Kayla share some of the amazing things she's manifested, but also breaks down what to do (or not do) when you want to manifest something quickly.

I am just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. 

Hi there, I'm your host, Kay Lorraine, and welcome back to Attract It With Ease. I'd like to start today with my gratitude and the first thing that I'm grateful for today is living near the mountains. I have always been a mountain girl. I love the beach, don't get me wrong. I enjoy vacationing near the water, near the ocean, but I just am obsessed with the mountains and we've been enjoying a lot of snow this winter season. 

And the mountains just look so beautiful when there's snow covered. And we recently moved into a new home that we're so excited about and the view is just stunning. And every night and every morning I get to look out my window and see this incredible view of the mountains, and I am so grateful for that today. The second thing that I'm grateful for today is my ability to choose my thoughts and my emotions, that I can literally shift my energy just by having an awareness of it. 

And the reason that I've been thinking about that is that yesterday I was at work and there was this crazy snowstorm, like one that we haven't had in probably 20 years, at least that's what I'm being told. I haven't lived here for 20 years, but in any case, it just snowed all day long. And the people that I was surrounded with at work kept complaining. They kept complaining that we didn't close early, that they didn't get to leave, that they had to be there. We have some commissioned salespeople and they were complaining that they weren't making any money and how the company didn't care about them because they weren't sending them home, even though they weren't making any money. 

And I was just surrounded by all this negativity for the entire day. And I sat there and decided, I'm not gonna let this bother me. I'm have this firsthand view of this incredible snowstorm. The building that I work in is almost all glass, and I just was surrounded by this white, glorious falling snow. And I chose to focus on the beauty of the situation and the fact that I was warm and cozy inside. 

And even though I was at work, I didn't really have to do much work because it was was slow. There were very few customers, and I got to sit there and enjoy the day and the beauty of it, instead of being negatively impacted by everyone else's bad attitudes. And I'm so grateful that as humans, we have that ability to choose our thoughts and choose our emotions and shift our energy just by making that conscious decision. That's the second thing that I'm grateful for today. 

The third thing that I'm grateful for today is a new collaboration. I am so excited about this, you guys. When I first was nominated for a Signal award back in December of last year, when I found out that I was a finalist, I just could not help but think that what was going to come of this experience was that I would have the opportunity to network and collaborate with other podcasters. 

And I didn't know what that meant. I didn't know if it would be a new project. I didn't know if it would be a new podcast. I didn't know what would come of it, but I just had this strong feeling, this overwhelming thought that I would be approached about a collaboration. And then when I went to New York for the awards party, I really felt like, okay, I'm gonna network. I'm gonna find this thing that's just been hovering over me, this idea, this concept, this collaboration, and it didn't happen. 

And just this last week, I was reached out to by another Signal Award winner, the Skeptic Meta Physicians, and this is a couple who have a podcast, and they were also Signal Award winners. They actually won listener's choice in my category. They got the most votes from the public, which says a lot about their podcast and a lot about their content. But they reached out to me about joining a network of positive, uplifting podcasters so that we can network together, share what each other's doing, inspire each other, help lift the vibration of the universe. 

And I have to tell you, I am so honored that they would reach out to me. But so, so excited about this project. I am literally bursting at the steams. I just got off the phone with them. Well, it wasn't the phone, it was Zoom, but I just got done talking to them just before recording this podcast episode. And I am so excited about networking with other people who believe the same things I do, who want to inspire others, who want to lift the vibration of the world. 

And I am so excited about being able to work with people who are just positive, inspiring, uplifting people the same way that I aspire to be. So that's my gratitude today. And that leads me into this week's episode. And today I wanna talk about manifesting quickly. And I've kind of touched on this in various ways on different podcast episodes, but I don't think I've ever had one episode where I've just kind of narrowed everything down into bite size, like step-by-step, here's what you do to manifest quickly. 

So I'm going to talk about that today. I'm really excited because it's so easy and so simple. But before I get into how to manifest something quickly, I want to give you some background information about some of the things that I've manifested in my life. And I know I've talked about a lot of my own manifestations on different podcast episodes, but I know that I get new listeners who don't necessarily go back and listen to me from day one or maybe don't have some of the backstory. And there's probably things that I have manifested that I'll share today that I've never mentioned before, either because I've never thought about it or because there's just so many other things to talk about. 

So I just want to give you some of the things that I've been able to manifest in my life to give you an idea of why I love talking about the law of attraction and the ability to manifest your dreams and the ability to create the life that you desire. Because I have so frequently manifested these things that most people would consider just undoable, like impossible, just these things that I'm, I'm, I've created things that never existed before. 

And I'll give you some of those examples. But hopefully it will give you an idea of the possibilities of what you are able to manifest in your life. But also give me some credibility as to why I feel like I'm able to speak on this topic and help you understand how I've learned over the years, how to be able to manifest something quickly. Alright, so in no specific order, and I don't have this written down, so hopefully it comes out really easily and effortlessly, but I'm just trying to think of some of the things that I have manifested. 

So for starters, years ago I was in a relationship and we moved in together a little bit prematurely, and we did it for financial reasons, meaning that the guy that I was dating was struggling financially. So I talked him into moving in with me and I was really excited about it because I thought, you know, this will be the next big step in our relationship. But turns out it was something that he wasn't really ready for and he did it because he needed to essentially. 

But I thought our relationship was progressing and I was so excited, you know, we're, we're now living together this whole thing. Well, then he got back on his feet and once he did, he no longer wanted to live together. And I didn't realize that that was where his head was at This whole time that we were living together. I thought, oh, we're our, our relationship's progressing, right? So where the manifestation comes in in is I found myself where our lease was up on the place where he moved in with me and he decided he was gonna get a new place, but he didn't want me to move in with him. 

And I just was shell shocked and didn't know what to do about the situation. I felt so lost, so hurt, so unknown about my future. My lease was ending. I thought, do I renew here? Do I find somewhere else? And I just really felt like I need to get away from this guy. Like I can't even deal because I thought that he loved me and I thought we were in this same place together and, and to find out that we weren't and he didn't wanna live together. And he wanted to separate after living together, not separate, like not date anymore, but just physically separate. 

That was so hard for me. And so I thought, I need to manifest something that gets me, gets me out of this, gets me away from this. And so I manifested a job outta state. And what I mean by that is I sat down and I wrote out my goals, and I just was listening to Tony Robbins, and I love Tony Robbins by the way. He was inspiring me to kind of put what I wanted or state my goals in the present tense. 

And so I'm sitting in the mountains just listening to Tony Robbins and just writing out on a notepad all of these things that I wanted, but I was writing them in the present tense. I want a job that does this. I want a job that does this. I want the security of, you know, being able to take care of myself and not having to rely on someone else. And I wanna get away from this situation and this relationship and have some space. And not even two weeks after writing all of these things down on this piece of paper, I had this thought to reach out to a prior employer. 

And, but I, I'm trying not to complicate the story, but essentially reach out to this company that I used to work for and see what other opportunities might be with them. And it was a large company that had locations all across the us. And long story short, I was offered a position in California at the time I was living in Utah. And this position that I was offered made more money than, or paid more money than I had ever earned, and gave me the opportunity to move out of state, gave me the income I needed to be able to live in California, but also get my own place. 

And literally just took the situation that I was in that I felt like I needed to get away at, from run, from, give me a break from this hurt and heartache, from this relationship that I was in and completely just handed me on a silver platter. Everything that I was asking for, everything that I wrote down on this notepad about what I wanted, but I had written it in present tense as if I already had it. And I suddenly got this job in California. 

Now it's crazy because once I got into this position and was working in California, I realized I didn't love the job and I wanted to be doing something a little bit different. And I thought, you know what? I really would love a job that travels and I would love to be like a district manager or a regional manager. And it just wasn't something that really existed in the category of the job that I was in. 

And so I'm, I'm in California, I'm working this amazing job, I'm making really good money, and I'm thinking, I really wanna be doing this other thing. I wanna, I wanna do something else. So what I decided was I'm gonna create a new position. I'm just gonna make up this, this job that I want. And I'm being pretty vague about it because I don't wanna get into too many details that don't have anything to do with what I'm manifesting and still trying to explain the situation. 

But essentially I was kind of like a, a store manager or a location manager and I wanted to be more of a district or regional manager. And it, it wasn't something that there was a need for in what I was doing. So I decided I'm gonna create this new position for a regional manager in a more specific field. So essentially I was kind of working in sales at the time that I was working essentially as a location manager. And I decided I'm going to come up with this need for the company to have essentially a marketing manager. 

And we need this for all of the locations. So I basically designed this new job and sold it to the company and said, and I'm your girl. I'm the person to do this. So it was this job that didn't even exist before that I essentially made up. And within about maybe 90 days of me coming up with the idea that I wanted to do this, they actually created the position, hired me to it, hired a couple other people so that we had multiple people covering all of the different locations. 

And now I essentially had, at my time, my dream job, I was able to travel. I was no longer in one location doing sales. I was able to earn the income that I wanted. And it was just crazy how everything kind of came together and how quickly it happened. From the time that I'm in Utah, heartbroken, devastated about my relationship, feeling like, oh my gosh, I've gotta get out. I've gotta start fresh. I need to get away. 

Manifesting this job outta state, manifesting this crazy amount of money to me at the time. And then later getting in and not loving the job and manifesting this new job that didn't even exist before. Like I know that it's hard without all of the details to grasp everything that I'm saying, but at the time that this was occurring, that was the first time in my life that I recognized I have the ability to create the life of my dreams. 

And the reason that I felt that was that I made up this position, this job that didn't even exist and was able to make that happen. It was incredible. So that is one of the most amazing, just unheard of things that happened for me in my life that really helped me understand and research and look into the law of attraction, but also solidified the fact that manifestation works. 

And over the years I have learned that there's dos and don'ts and things that will work against you, things that will keep the manifestations from happening quickly, ways that you can get into your, in your own way, ways you can self-sabotage. There's definitely things that you can do or not do that will keep you from the life of your dreams. But I recognized and no one can change my mind at this point. I have just done so many different things and manifested so many amazing things that no one could ever convince me that it doesn't work. 

And it's not true. It's just not a thing. It's just not a thing. The way that some people can say that their faith in God like cannot be shaken. That is my belief in the law of attraction and the ability to manifest or create the life of your dreams. So other things that I've manifested, obviously just little stuff like when I first read the book, the Secret, it encourages you to manifest little things just to try it out, you know, manifest a check in the mail, manifest a parking space. 

And I've absolutely done that. I continue to do those things on a regular basis. I'm regularly manifesting a front row parking spot. I've manifested winning contests. There was a time that I was a Yelp Elite when I was living in Vegas, I was a Yelp elite. And if you don't know what that is, and if you're not from the United States, you may have zero idea what that is. But Yelp is a way, it's a platform or an app that people can use to rate services. 

So that could be restaurants, nightclubs, spas, any type of service that you use, any business that you go to, you can rate your experience, whether it's the people, the food, the customer service, the prices, the atmosphere, the ambiance, whatever. So when I was living in Vegas, I used Yelp so much and wrote such high quality reviews that I was nominated to become a Yelp elite. 

And the elite are considered the people that lead the community, the people that had the best reviews, the people that you look to the most, like if you're researching a, a Mexican restaurant to go check out in the area and you don't know which one people that are Yelp re reviewers, their reviews move to the top on the app. So they're the first ones that people see, but also they're considered to be more reliable reviews. But when you become a Yelp elite, you actually get to attend all of these various specialty events. 

But oftentimes these events are, have a limited number of invitees. So maybe 12 people can attend one event or 25 people can attend another. But there might be 50 or a hundred Yelp Elite in one particular city or area. So there were all kinds of like just fun activities and events that were coming up in Vegas. Things like being able to meet the founder of Smashburger and get in the kitchen and make a smash burger with him. 

Get to be able to try all of the different menu items, bottle service at a nightclub, and just being able to review the nightclub and have like a v i p experience. I, I'm trying to think of some of just the most amazing things. Being able to go to cir dis delay shows and have free access to the shows, get to meet and interview the aerialists and acrobatics and and so forth. 

Just, just crazy, incredible thing. And a lot of times, because the events were limited, they would do a drawing and they would draw from their pile of Yelp elites to decide who gets tickets or access to these events. And consistently, I would win, consistently, I would have my name pulled and I would win just the access to these incredible, incredible experiences. 

And sometimes at the events, there was one that was at a very fine steakhouse. So not only did I get this amazing steak dinner and got to bring a date and, and got to experience this incredible steakhouse experience, an ambiance, very romantic. But at the end of the experience, they gave away gifts and everybody got to go home with chocolates and got to go home with, you know, coupons and whatever. But they did some giveaways where they gave away gift cards for future visits and bottles of wine and things like that. 

And I won the, the main prize at, at that event. So not only did I get to attend, but I won the, the giant giveaway with like a $200 gift card and a, you know, a hundred dollars bottle of wine and all of these things. And everybody in the Yelp Elite group at the time would kind of just bicker and complain and be like, oh, of course she wins, she wins, she wins everything. She, she just, you know, she takes it all. It's always her. Why can't it be somebody else? She always gets it. She always wins. 

And, and it's just, when I think back to that time in my life, partially because people told me that I was a winner and people reaffirmed it by saying, oh, she always wins. She wins everything. I really believed that I was a winner. And so I got on this winning streak where I just felt like anything I wanted, I could have anything I wanted, I could win. And it was manifesting in my life. As these opportunities and these experiences came about, I was able to win literally everything. 

And it's been years since I've regularly said to myself, I'm a winner. But as you know, I recently won first place. I won Gold in the Signal Awards, the 2022 Signal Awards for my category. I won gold. I'm a winner. I feel like that is something that I manifested. And I talked about that on a recent episode. I talked about kind of my thought process from the time that I found out that I was a finalist to the time that I won gold and kind of where my mindset and my head went from, you know, doubting myself and and comparing myself to others and wondering if I was as high quality or as deserving as them. 

And yet I won. And I didn't just win. I won gold. And it's amazing. You know, I think about some of the other things that I've manifested. I've manifested places to live so many times, like ridiculously. I mentioned on a prior episode, I know that when I was moving to Sedona, I accepted a job and I had two weeks to find a place. And leading up when I was going through the interview process before I'd actually received the offer, I had started researching the area and trying to find someplace to live in Sedona. 

And there were almost no rentals. You essentially had to buy a house there, which I wasn't in a position to buy home cuz I was starting a brand new job. But of the rentals, almost all of them were started at $4,000 and up. And they were these giant 3000 square foot homes that I did not need nor desire. And I couldn't afford a $4,000 monthly rent payment on top of utilities and everything. And, and so when it came time for me to move and they told me, you have two weeks to get here and I didn't have a place to live, I just decided I'm gonna find a place. 

And literally I found a place this cute little 1100 square foot home that was in this quiet little private community. It was almost like a retirement community, but it wasn't. But just this darling house with every amenity I needed. It had a garage, it came with a washer and dryer. It had two bedrooms, two baths, full kitchen, walk-in closet pantry, everything that I could have asked for in just a very small condensed space. 

And I found it for $900, $900 when everything else in the area was 4,000. And literally it just happened almost overnight. I found this ad on Craigslist, which you never can really trust Craigslist, but I reached out, I saw it within an hour of it being posting, I reached out to the owner of the property. It was a private owner, it wasn't like a real estate firm or anything, but I reached out to him and I said, Hey, I'm relocating to Sedona. 

I'm in Vegas right now. It's a five hour drive, but if you will hold the property until Monday, I will drive out there and I will come look at it and rent it from you. Cuz I'm looking at the pictures, I'm thinking it can't be, even if it's, it looks worse than the pictures, it can't be that bad for $900. Like I'll take it, I'll take it, right? But I need it to be able to go out there to see the property, to sign a lease, to give a deposit. 

And the owner, the landlord, he took a chance on me and he said, well I'm showing the property this weekend, but I'll tell you what, I'll interview people, but I won't make a decision until Monday. If you promise me you will be here Monday, I will wait to rent it until I've had an opportunity to meet you. So I did. I drove the five hours out there just to look at this one property. I said, I'll take it. And he said, well, I need to have a conversation with my wife. We've interviewed other people. 

Give us about an hour to discuss. If you wanna go have lunch somewhere, whatever, we'll give you a call. So of course I'm like, oh my gosh, please pick me, please pick me. And an hour later they call me and say, we would love to rent the house to you if you wanna come over and sign the lease. And it was just incredible. It was amazing. It was unheard of because like I said, four weeks I had been researching real estate in the area and I had not been able to find anything close to that price point. 

And then of course for him to be showing the property that weekend and for him to be willing to hold it, for me to come out so he could meet me in person and then after meeting me, select me above everybody else that came and looked at this property, which I'm sure was a lot of people because there's nothing for rent in that price range in Sedona. And to be able to get that home and solidify that and be able to move to Sedona, like I cannot tell you how amazing and incredible it is to manifest something like that and to manifest it quickly and to take something that feels impossible and turn it into something that is absolutely tangible and real in your own life. 

These are some of the things that I have manifested for myself that I can say, guys, it works. I tell you, you may think I'm a nobody. You may be like, who is she to speak on this topic? But I could go on and on and on about the crazy amazing, incredible things that I have manifested simply by believing it was possible. So I'm gonna stop my list of manifestations cuz I could go on forever and maybe I'll have another episode where I'll just share some of that because it's so fun to talk about the positive things that we bring into our lives and the ways that they come about and the ways that the universe just literally opens up and drops things from the sky into our laps. 

And I've said this so many countless times, but when the universe brings you what you're asking for, it is almost always in a way you never could have imagined. And what I mean by that is, if we were to try and orchestrate our own manifestations, if we were trying to control something or make something work out, we would look at the people and the experiences and the things that are in front of us and we would pick one of those and try and force that or manipulate that or control that to where it worked out to our benefit. 

But the universe has so many more options than what's right in front of us than what we can see. There are millions of people in the world that could be resources that the universe has access to that you don't. They could introduce you to someone, they could show you an ad for something. I say they the universe. I don't know if the universe is a they, but I like to think of the universe as a they because I, I, I think of us all being the universe, all of us collectively, everyone that's every lived, everyone that will live, all of us that are here now, we are the universe. 

So to me, the universe is a they. So I apologize if that sounded weird, but in any case, the universe can access all of these people, all of these resource sources, these websites, these YouTube videos, just finances, opportunities, just networking. And the universe can access all of that and find a way to orchestrate situations and scenarios to put you in the right place at the right time to meet the right person over here, the right conversation, read the right thing, listen to the right audio, hear the right podcast to give you an idea or give you a connection or give you a collaboration that you could not have come up with on your own. 

And that is how the universe brings us these things. And that is what is so exciting about manifestation and so exciting about the law of attraction, is that we don't have to do the work. We don't have to figure it all out. We don't have to know how, we don't have to push or force or do anything to make it happen. We just have to have the desire and we have to ask for it. And we have to believe and we have to be in alignment to receive so that when the universe brings us the thing that we're asking for, not only do we recognize it and act on it and take advantage of it, but we actually are in alignment with the thing that we're asking for so that we have that connection. 

It works out for us. It happens. And so that leads me into how do you manifest something quickly? Okay, here's the meat and potatoes of this episode, and I encourage you to take a minute and write these things down. Literally write them down, write them down on a piece of paper, write them down on a note in your phone, write them down because this is juice. This is the stuff, this is how to make it happen. 

And I'm handing it to you right now. Number one, take the pressure off. Be easy about it. My podcast is called Attract It with Ease, because that is the key to the law of attraction. That is the key to manifesting and having everything you want is to be easy. And that is easier said than done. It's not easy to be easy. 

What does it mean to be easy? What does it mean to take the pressure off? What does it mean to be easy about your manifestation? Well, here's what it means. We all have a tendency to want something, desire something, feel like we need something. And so we feel so strongly about it that we put pressure on it, we get anxious about it, we try and orchestrate or manipulate situations. We try and figure out how to make it happen. We try and force something to happen. How many times have you been trying to sell a product on Facebook Marketplace or Macari or Poshmark or who or whatever other resource there is out there? 

How many times have you been trying to sell something? Maybe you were trying to sell a car, maybe you were trying to sell. My husband and I, before we were married, we were trying to sell a teardrop trailer and we had people come out and look at it and we wanted so badly for them to buy it that my husband just kept trying to like find ways to get them excited and get them to actually say yes to making a purchase. You know, how many times are you in a situation where you have an opportunity and it's so close, you can almost touch it, but it's not quite coming together. 

So you're trying to force it. You're trying to, well what if I gave you $500 off? Well, what if I threw in this? Well, what if I did this well, what if I, you know, or the people come, they look at it, they leave, they're thinking about it, they're like, oh, we're gonna think about it, we'll call you. And then they don't call. So you wanna call them a day or two goes by and you don't have any other leads. So you wanna call them, you wanna talk them into it. That's what I'm talking about with the pressure that we put on things. We try and control things. We try and make things happen. 

But when we are doing that, we're not opening ourselves up to the universe, bringing us every other opportunity. Every other person, every other possibility that's out there that could bring about the thing that we're asking for that we don't even have in our sight line. That is what we have a tendency to do. So if we wanna manifest quickly, we have to be easy. We have to take the pressure off. How do you do that? 

Well, you just let it go. You say what you want and you forget about it. And you don't literally have to forget about it, but you forget about trying to manipulate it, trying to orchestrate it. You forget about the how. And you just say, I want this. I'm getting this. Think about that. I want this, I'm getting this. Where is the pressure in that? There's no pressure in that. 

But if it's, I need a thousand dollars, I have to figure out how to get a thousand dollars. How can I get a thousand dollars? Where can I get a thousand dollars? When can I get a thousand dollars? I need a thousand dollars by this state. That is stressful, that is pressure, that is what keeps us from manifesting quickly. It doesn't mean you can't manifest a thousand dollars when you're thinking that, but I can tell you it's gonna take you a heck of a lot longer to manifest a thousand dollars when you are trying to figure it out than when you just say, I'm gonna get a thousand dollars. 

A thousand dollars is coming to me. I don't know how. I don't know when, but it's coming. I'm gonna get a thousand dollars. Money comes to me quickly and easily. I am a money magnet. I am so excited the thousand dollars that's on its way to me. Now think about that. Think about the emotion between saying it's happening and believing that it's happening and thinking about it's happening and visualizing or or thinking about all of the different ways it could come to you instead of thinking about all of the ways you could try and make it happen and how you have to make it happen and how you need to make it happen and how need. 

Need is a negative word need. When you need something, you are squeezing it, you're putting that pressure on it. That's the exact opposite of what you should be doing. You shouldn't need it. You should be receiving it. You should be saying that you are receiving it. So that's number one. The first way to manifest quickly is to take the pressure off. Okay? This is kind of in the same realm of that, but the next thing, the next way to manifest quickly is to release the emotion about it. 

What do I mean by that? Well, oftentimes because we're trying to f to make something happen, because we are trying to orchestrate it, we are trying to control the situation. We feel like we need it. So we're invested in a certain outcome. We think it needs to be a certain way. We think this person needs to be the end result. Like when we're trying to sell our teardrop trailer and the one person who seemed the most excited about it, all our eggs are in that basket. We want that person to buy it. You have an emotion about that. 

Emotion is what orchestrates our thoughts and our vibration. And we talk a lot about vibration. Vibration is really what does the manifestation, where are you vibrating? What energy are you releasing out to the universe? Because that is what the law of attraction is. The law of attraction will match your energy and bring you exactly the energy that you're putting out. So if your energy that you're putting out is stress or anxiousness, that's when the universe is going to match stress and anxiousness. 

However, if you're calm and you're relaxed and you're excited and you are just open to possibilities, that's a free flowing energy and the universe is going to bring you that free flowing energy and it's going to come to you fast, is going to come to you easily. When you think about being around people, what type of people do you want to spend your time with? The people that are stressed and anxious and intense, or the people that are just easygoing and happy and enjoying life and just going with the flow. 

Well, if you wanna be around those people, I guarantee you everything in the universe wants to be around those people. Everything positive wants to be around something positive. So you've got to release the emotion of the thing. You've got to almost not care how it works out. And it doesn't mean don't care if it works out, just believe it's going to work out and don't get attached to a certain outcome. Don't worry about is it this person that's going to buy my teardrop trailer because they're the only person that seemed very excited about it and if they don't buy it, it's never gonna sell. 

That's not the way to manifest something quickly because you're literally putting out this energy of desperation. Nobody wants to be around a desperate person. Nobody wants to buy from a desperate person. They're, you're like, why are you so desperate? What is you're raising this red flag like literally there must be something wrong because you're so desperate to sell this to me. I don't think I want it. That's not how you attract the thing you want or how you attract it quickly. You've gotta release the emotion about it. 

So you're gonna take the pressure off, you're going to release the emotion. All right, I've already kind of said this and I alluded to it when I talked about listening to Tony Robbins, but you're going to speak as if it's already happening. So you ask for what you want and then you're just gonna say, it's happening. It's happening. It's happening. When I talked about winning the signal award, I literally said to myself multiple times a day, I'm a signal Award winner. 

I had no emotion about it because honestly, I didn't know if I was gonna win. I would've been okay if I didn't win. Like who knows how many other people were nominated that I was chosen above. I have no many, no idea how many other people were in my category or who was my so-called competition. I have no idea. But in my mind, it could have been thousands, right? It could have been thousands of people. So only four people, one, only four podcasts won in my category. 

So if I wasn't one of those four, it wouldn't have been that big a deal. I could have just shrugged it off and been like, oh, well maybe when I'm bigger, maybe when I'm better. I must have had some steep competition. So there was no emotion coming from me by saying that I was a winner because it wasn't like I was scared about it. It wasn't like I was scared of losing. It was just fun and easy to think about being a winner. I'm a winner. I'm a 2022 signal award winner. And guess what? I am now a 2022 signal award winner. Like I said it, I spoke it into existence. 

I spoke as if it was happening and then it happened. It happened exactly like I said. I said, I'm a gold winner and guess what? I'm a gold winner. I'm a 2022 signal award winner. I'm a gold winner. I spoke it into existence. I spoke as if it's happening. Just like the thousand dollars example that I said, instead of saying I need a thousand dollars, how can I get a thousand dollars? I gotta figure out how to get a thousand dollars. You're saying I have a thousand dollars coming to me. Money comes to me easily, money comes to me fast. 

Money loves my company. When money comes at less, you're just thinking about the money coming to you. You're saying that it's coming to you. You're not focusing on it, not coming to you, you're not focusing on not having it. You're literally just saying it's coming. It's on its way, it's happening. It's happening now. Now you could go that extra step and say, I have a thousand dollars. I have a thousand dollars. I have a thousand dollars. 

Right? You could go that route too. You could speak as if you have it. But if that's too hard for you, if you don't believe that, if you can't attach your emotion behind it, then just say it's happening. It is happening. It's on its way to me now. It's coming. It's always coming. Money constantly flows to me from unknown sources. I am a money magnet. That is how you attract something quickly. You speak as if it's happening. It is happening now. 

It is on its way. It's in progress. It's undeniable. There's no stopping it. It is. It's happening folks. It is coming. It is in progress. It's on its way. So that's number three. Speak as if it's already happening. All right, this kind of ties into what I just said. This is number four. Number four, don't talk about the obstacles, don't talk about why you need it. 

Don't talk about why it might not come. Don't talk about why it didn't work out last time or why it's so hard or why it's impossible. Okay? So I've shared with you guys that my husband and I recently rented a house. We moved out of our tiny house. We lived in a tiny house for three years and we're now renting a house in a market that is impossible to find housing. Like it's so impossible, let alone to find affordable housing. So last year, my husband and I thought, you know what, we're kind of over the tiny life for right now. 

Like we want some more space. We want a washer and dryer and a dishwasher and to be able to shower in our own home and not have to go somewhere to take a shower, right? So we decided we're going to manifest renting a house, and then we start looking into the rental market. And everything was so competitive and it got to the point where literally we're just saying, what's the point in in even trying? Because we put in an application, you pay an application fee and there's already five or six other people, it's so competitive, you're, you're not gonna find anything. 

And that became our language. And did we find anything? No, we gave up. We didn't. We didn't end up renting anything. We just spent some money and some time looking at houses and and applying for houses and not getting anything because the market was so competitive. And that didn't work for us because we were focused on the obstacle. And we kept talking about the obstacle and talking about how hard it was. And it was so hard. We didn't do it. It didn't come about. So we took about nine months off and then the idea came to us again and we were like, well, maybe, maybe we should rent. 

Maybe we should look at renting again. Well, the winter weather definitely helped because not as many people want to move in the winter as want to move in the spring or summer. So that definitely worked our benefit. But this time, instead of talking about how hard it was or how competitive the market was, we just said, we're gonna rent a house, we're gonna rent a house. And we started looking. And the first two properties we got really excited about that we were interested in that we looked at in person, turned out we were the very first couple, the very first person to look at either of those properties. 

That's amazing. And they hadn't been listed very long. They were like brand new listings that we were able to jump on and see. And we had our pick, we had our first choice, and it was easy and it was simple and it happened quickly. It ha like so fast. And when it comes to rentals, usually the property's ready at the time that they list it. So as soon as you say yes, you are setting a time to move in. And we went from saying, let's rent a place to actually renting a place in a matter of about probably 12 days. 

And then about 10 days after that is when our move-in date was. So within less than a month of saying, okay, we're gonna try and rent again, not only did we find a place, but we had our pick of places. We have this amazing, incredible view, guys. We're living in a house that's like a quarter of a million dollar home. It is this just amazing house. But because we're renting, we're not paying the mortgage of a quarter of a million dollar home. 

And we have all of this space, we have this beautiful fireplace, we have a gourmet kitchen kitchen with Viking and Wolf appliances, and we have our washer and dryer, and we've got this amazing bathroom in the master bathroom with a rain shower head and three different shower heads. Guys like so much more than we could imagine. And that's what I keep saying is when the universe brings you what you ask for, it is always so much better than you could have imagined. 

It's always better, it's always better. And I can't stop talking about it. I'm looking at it right now. But there is just this incredible amazing view off the back of the house. And the whole main living space is just almost floor to ceiling windows of just this stunning, incredible view. We're on a half acre, we have all this space, we have space for our tiny house. And it happened in a matter of weeks where nine or so months ago, we couldn't make it happen at all. 

Like we had just had so much pressure on it, we just gave up. But when we shifted and we took the emotion out of it and we talked about it as if it was happening and we believed and we stayed positive about it, it happened almost instantly. It's incredible, guys. I'm telling you, you have the ability to do this for yourself. So that's number four. The fourth thing is don't talk about the obstacles. Don't think about the obstacles. So I'm reviewing it again. 

Number one, take the pressure off. Number two, release the emotion. Number three, speak as if it's already happening. Number four, don't talk about the obstacles. And here's the last one. Number five, stay high vibration. High vibration does not mean that you need to be bouncing off the walls. High vibration does not mean you need to be like, oh 

Speaker 2 (48m 40s): My gosh, my life is so wonderful, everything's so happy. Oh my gosh, 

Speaker 1 (48m 45s): That is not high vibration. That's being fake. Hey, high vibration means you are happy. You are pleasant. You are enjoying life. You're living in a state of gratitude. You are going with the flow. You are aligned with your inner being. High vibration means you are positive, you are happy. You are in a space to receive. So if you're sitting around and you're complaining about your job or you're complaining about your neighbor or your boyfriend or your best friend or complaining about anything, complaining about the government, complaining about the taxes, complaining about inflation, complaining about the job market that is not being in high vibration, being in high vibration is loving life, loving your relationship, being grateful for your home, being grateful for your job, being grateful for the place that you are at in life because you will not stay in this space. 

Things will change, life will change. People will die. Things will end. This moment in time that you are in, be grateful for it. No matter what it is, it doesn't matter if things are not happening positively for you. It doesn't matter if you're sickly. It doesn't matter if you can't pay your bills. There's something to be grateful for and you can enjoy it for what it is. You can enjoy it because it makes you appreciate when you do have the things that you're missing out on, you can appreciate it because it creates more time for you to spend with your loved ones because you're unemployed. 

You can appreciate it because it, it makes you feel better about when you're feeling well, because you know what it's like to feel well and you're looking forward to feeling well. I don't care what's going on in your life. You can choose to be high vibration. You can choose to have positive thoughts and you can choose to live in gratitude. And when you are vibrating at this space of just flow and ease and joy and happiness, people are attracted to that and the universe is attracted to that. 

And the universe is gonna just flood you flow, throw things at you that are a match to the vibration that you are being and that folks is how you manifest quickly. So one more time, those five things, take the pressure off, release the emotion, speak as if it's already happening. Don't talk about the obstacles and stay high vibration. Be in a receiving space. 

Be a match to the thing that you're asking for so that when it comes along and when the universe is ready to give it to you, you recognize it. You see it as, oh my gosh, this is it. This is the opportunity, this is what I was asking for. And you can seize it and it will find you and you will find it. And I promise you, you can manifest things quickly and there's evidence of it just by trying to manifest a parking spot. Try that out. Try and manifest a parking spot. So that leads me into this week's action item. 

Every week I give one quick, easy thing that listeners can use to manifest the life of their dreams. So what do you think my action item is for you this week? Of course, it's to choose one thing that you're going to work on manifesting quickly. It could be anything. Maybe you do need a thousand dollars. Maybe you want a new job, maybe you want a new relationship. Maybe you want something smaller. Maybe you just wanna try it out. Maybe there's some wine you love that is really hard to find. 

Or ugh, my husband's into whiskey. He loves Blanton's whiskey and it's really hard to get your hands on. I'll tell you what though. Not only did I manifest a bottle for him, he manifested two bottles of his own. That's a whole other story. But when we felt like we couldn't find Blanton's, we manifested three bottles of Blains. Maybe it's something like that. Pick something in your life that you can get excited about that you wanna just test out. Trying to manifest quickly. It doesn't have to be a big thing, it can be a big thing. 

But sometimes when you choose a big thing to start with, you s, you have those mental stubing blocks, you have this kind of doubt as if you can make it happen. But if you pick something small that you can be emotion emotionless about something like trying to find something that's rare or or hard to get your hands on because you're not gonna feel bad if it doesn't happen because you already believe it can't happen and it doesn't happen happen, and it doesn't happen regularly. So you can let that go. But then if you believe and you say that it's happening and you stay positive and you take the pressure off and you're not having any emotion about it, and you say, I'm gonna find a bottle of Blains, I promise you you're gonna find that bottle of Blains and you're gonna find it pretty quickly and I can't wait to hear about it. 

That's one thing that I cannot stress enough. I love to hear from my listeners and you can reach out to me anytime you want on my website. hello@attractwithease.com. That's my email address. But there's a contact me on my website attractive with ease.com. If you would love to be a guest on the podcast, I would love to talk to you. I would love to interview you if you just wanna share your experience. If it's not working for you and you want some advice or some feedback, I would love for you to reach out. 

But the other thing that I would love is to hear from you in a review format. Apple Podcast is probably the easiest way to leave a review, and I've actually added to my website a link right to the ability to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. So you can just go to my website, attract it with ease.com, click on that link to leave a review and just tell me what you think. I don't even care if you're not an Apple user. I'm not an Apple user. I know I'm Android. 

Don't judge me. Leave me a review. Tell me what you think, because that's what helps the podcast grow. I'm telling you the reviews mean so much to me, not just because of the words, but that's what helps me grow. That's what inspires other people to listen. When you see high reviews, just like those Yelp reviews I was talking about, when you see a podcast with a lot of high reviews, and it doesn't have to be a high review if you're not enjoying the content, but if you're listening this far, you probably are, leave me a review, tell me what you think. 

And I do have my weekly giveaway where one person each week that leaves a review will be entered into a drawing to win a manifestation journal. One of my custom made manifestation journals, guys, you can't get these anywhere else. They're not for sale. They are limited edition. They are designed by me. They're beautiful. There's copies of them on my website, it shows some of the inside, but they're a wooden cover. They're, I'm telling you, they're stunning and they will change your life. 

They will change how you manifest because it gives you the ability to write down your manifestations, write some things you can do to help it along, but also has a place for you to celebrate when those things come about. So I promise you, this is something that you will really enjoy and if you leave a review, you'll be entered to win one of those journals. I appreciate you. Thank you for listening. I'm looking forward to talking with you next week. And good luck with manifesting quickly. 

Talk to you soon. Bye-bye. 

S2.E18: Do It For You


S2.E16: Self-Love