S2.E11: The 1%

If you're wondering, "How to get your manifestations started? Where to you begin? What can you do from where you are with want you have?" Then this episode is for you! Kayla digs into the 1% improvement you can make today, to get the ball rolling towards everything you desire!

I'm just the girl next door, who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you.

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla rain, and welcome back to attract it with ease. So good to be with you this week. As usual, I'd like to start with my gratitude. And the first thing I'm grateful for today is podcast recording options. And what I mean by that is that for the first season of the podcast, I was always recording, using a standalone microphone and either garage band or zoom, and it made it so that I had to be recording from my house or over the internet in order to put an episode together, I have researched and found some other products and other options, like a handy recorder and some portable microphones.

And it makes it so much easier for me to record on the go, whether that's in my car or face to face with other people. And I am just so grateful that there are so many different options out there available to podcasters like me. The second thing I'm grateful for today is soft tissues. As you know, I recently was sick and so I was blowing my nose a lot. And if you've experienced what it feels like to blow your nose in say a paper towel versus into a tissue that's designed to blow your nose into it's night and day different.

And that being said, can I just say that when I was growing up, my mother used to carry a cloth tissues with her that were embroidered with pretty little flowers. And I remember my grandfather carrying a tissue in his pocket. And nowadays, when I think about it, that's pretty gross. Actually. It's very sustainable for the environment and I appreciate that piece of it, but I am grateful that I don't have to carry around a cloth tissue in order to be able to blow my nose.

So that's something I'm grateful for today. And the third thing on my list today is I'm grateful for my podcast reviews. And I say that because they're few and far between, they're hard to come by. I have a lot of listeners and I'm grateful for that, but it sure takes a lot to get someone to leave a review of the podcast. Even a star review is helpful, but when somebody really takes the time to write how they felt from a particular episode or how the podcast has helped them or change their lives, that really means everything to me.

And at the end of every episode, I list that you have the opportunity to be entered into a drawing weekly. If you leave a podcast review, and yet I still struggle to get reviews from my listeners. And so the few that actually leave a review just mean the world to me today. I want to talk about what you can do right now to get your manifestation started. I've had a lot of episodes this season that talk about positivity and positive thinking and not judging others.

And all of those things are huge in being able to attract our desires. But I'm sure I have listeners out there that are thinking, Kayla, I get it. I'm supposed to be positive, but how do I actually attract the things that I want your podcast is called, attract it with ease. So how do I easily attract the things that I want? And I actually addressed this question in season one in an episode called what you can do right now, but I'd like to revisit that conversation because it's a really important question to ask, how do we help our manifestations along?

How can we easily start bringing about the things that we desire? And in my podcast episode with Ty heart, we talked about chasing your dreams, following your heart. And Ty recommended that even if you can't move in the direction of your dreams in the way that he did like stepping back to part-time to pursue his passion, there's still things that we can do every day to get our manifestations started, are on the right track. So I want to talk about that in this episode today.

So no matter what it is that you desire, no matter what your manifestations are, the things that you're working towards, whether it's a new job, whether it's starting your own business or a dream house or losing a lot of weight, even though some of those things feel like big, enormous tasks or projects, or sometimes even unimaginable to accomplish, there's still things that we can do today.

Little teeny things that can move us one step closer towards that dream or goal. And you've probably heard the saying, how do you eat an elephant one bite at a time? How do you climb the mountain? You take the first step. It's one step after one step after one step. And they say, take that of faith. And the way we'll appear. So sometimes literally just by taking some form of action, we get that juice flowing.

We start the snowball down the hill. And if you picture a snowball rolling down the hill, as it begins to roll, it gets momentum. It gets momentum. It gets bigger, it gets bigger, it gets bigger and it's harder to stop. We just need to get the momentum started. So today I want to talk about some of the ways that we can do that. And it could be starting out with as little as taking that first step. Well, what is the first step? Well, depends on what your manifestation is. If you're trying to lose a hundred pounds, that thing you could do right now today, from where you are with what you have, even though you may feel like it's so overwhelming.

Well maybe today that one step is just waking up a little bit early and doing five minutes of exercise. Maybe that one little step is just choosing a better food choice or skipping dessert or ordering water instead of soda. Those are small pieces that if you do one little thing after another little thing, after another little thing, it all starts to gain momentum and gets easier.

You don't just wake up one day and say, okay, I'm going to go on this crazy crash diet. And I'm going to lose a hundred pounds and think that you're going to get there. It starts with a choice after a choice after a choice. So sure. Losing weight is a manifestation. That's easy to kind of see how you can get started and begin to get that, to gain momentum and get that to come to pass. There may be other things that you're working on that don't seem as transparent or clear as to what you can do to get started.

So let's say that it's your goal to be self-employed to start your own business. Well, if you already know what the idea is, and you just don't know how to get started, little things you could do today right now from where you are with what you have. How about coming up with a name for your business? Do you have a name for it? Have you decided what that name is? If you have the name, do you have a logo? You could create a logo. You could go on Fiverr.

You could find someone that you could pay a hundred dollars or $200 or $50 or $5 to create a logo for you. Maybe that's something you can do for yourself. Do you have a name? Do you have a logo? Do you have a business plan? Have you written your business plan? Do you have a mission statement? What do you want to achieve with this business? Who do you want to attract? What is your mission with starting your own business? Do you have a motto?

What is your motto? What do you stand for? What about a website? Have you created a website? Do you have a name? Have you bought the URL? Do you know that to buy your own URL is like $12. You might even be able to find a cheaper, but even if you don't have the ability to start a website or you don't even know how to start a website website, you could come up with your business name and you could purchase your own personalized URL. Do you know that?

Just putting that out there is telling the universe I intend to make this happen. I am willing to invest in myself. I am willing to invest money and it starts those juices flowing. Those are little pieces you can do to start your business. Okay? So maybe your manifestation is, you know, you want to start a business, but you don't even know what industry or what business. You just know. You don't want to work for someone else for the rest of your life. You want to be self-employed. Well, if that's the case, go back and listen to my episode called ask for what you need, because I talk about exactly that.

I talk about how to receive inspiration, how to ask for inspiration, but you know, just looking for ideas, asking for ideas, doing research, trying to decide what you're passionate about. What do you enjoy doing? What gets the juices flowing versus just the things you're good at that maybe you don't really enjoy. Maybe there's things that you're good at, that you don't want to do for the rest of your life, or wouldn't make you happy if you did them as a job or did them all day every day.

Sometimes that first single step, the 1% of what you can do, the 1% improvement, what you can do right now with what you have from where you are, is literally just doing research. Literally trying to ask yourself questions, get to know yourself well enough to determine what is my passion in life. What could I make money at? What sets me apart from somebody else? And if you don't know the answer to that, then ask for help asking for help.

Can sometimes be that first step, that first bite of eating the elephant. Okay? So maybe that's not your manifestation. Maybe that's not what you're working on. Maybe you're trying to manifest purchasing a home. What can you do right now today from where you are with what you have will have you started saving, well, you may say Kayla, I can't afford to save. Will have you saved even a dollar? What about $5? What about $10? What if you just saved your coins?

What if every time you purchased something, you came home and you put your change in a jar and you put it towards your savings. I know that that feels like that's never going to add up to buying a house and probably your personal change each day will not ultimately buy you a house. But simply the act of saying I am saving for my house or I am saving for my vacation, or I am saving for my manifestation is literally putting that energy out into the universe that you are willing to take that step forward.

You are willing to improve by 1% today in order to make it happen. And if you improve by 1% today and you improve by 1% tomorrow over time, you'll get that momentum flowing. You'll get the snowball rolling. You'll get things moving in the universe will start attracting. We'll start bringing the things that you desire closer and closer to you. And so just by putting your change in a jar and saying, I'm saving for a house is putting that out into the universe that this is a manifestation that's in progress.

Okay? So maybe you're saving, maybe you're working on your credit. Maybe you're already doing those things. Well, do you have a vision board? Have you put the things that you want on your vision board is the house that you're trying to manifest on your vision board? Do you have a picture of it? Okay. You're trying to manifest a house. What does this house look like? What does the property look like? Where do you want to live? Put it on your vision board. And you know what?

Once it's on your vision board, you can also put together a idea book. You can start collecting pictures. You can start cutting design ideas out of magazines. Maybe you don't have magazines these days. So maybe you create a Pinterest board, start saving ideas of how you want this house to look how you would decorate it. The features that you want start making that house come to live in your mind on that thought.

How about visualization? When was the last time you took 10 minutes and closed your eyes and pictured that whatever you're trying to manifest is already yours. When was the last time you sat down and imagined what it will feel like when you already have the thing that you desire? Have you done it? Have you done it more than once? Have you done it every week?

Do you do it every day? This is the 1%. This is the piece. This is how you get it started. This is how you make it happen. Now in season two, I've been talking about my giveaway for our manifestation journal. Guess what? Right in my manifestation journal, after you list what it is that you're trying to manifest, it has a spot for you to list things that you can do right now from where you are with what you have to start the momentum on getting your manifestation started.

It has a spot for you to list these things. Are you speaking into existence? Are you talking about it is if it already is happening, are you visualizing it? Are you spending time feeling what it will feel like when you have this thing, believing that it's on its way to you? Are you expressing gratitude for the fact that it is on its way to you? Are you expressing gratitude for the fact that you have it?

Do you believe you already have it? Do you believe that you are deserving? Put it on your vision board, wake up, think about it every day. Okay. So what if the thing that you're trying to attract is a relationship, a better relationship, a new relationship. Well, what can you do to get started with that? Well, that's pretty simple. You can start working on yourself. You can start making sure that the person that you are aligns with the person that you're wanting to attract.

Obviously if you're looking for a new relationship, you can start with just getting yourself out there. Where do you meet somebody? Are you on websites? Do you attend meetups? Are you trying to take classes or courses where you could run into someone? You could meet someone at a restaurant. Are you going out of your way to talk to strangers and help that spark happen? Talk to someone you find attractive at the grocery store. That's how I met my husband, joined some Facebook groups that are tailored around things that you have interests in.

Get online. Find people that have similar interests. That's pretty self-explanatory maybe you're saying, well, Kayla, I don't want a new relationship. I just want to improve my relationship. Okay. Well, if you want to improve your relationship, there's a couple of things you can do. Number one, work on yourself because I promise you. It's not just one sided. I promise you if things aren't fabulous between you and your significant other, there's a piece of it.

That's that you're responsible for. So figure out what you can do to improve yourself, to improve your thinking, to improve the scenario. But if you want to change the other person, literally the best thing that you can do is try to picture the positive attributes of that person. Picture the reason that you fell in love with them in the first place and spend time visualizing the relationship that you want with this person, because guess what?

You can't ask a person to change. And if you do ask a person to change, you're probably going to ruin the relationship because nobody tends to change for us. If they change at all, they tend to change for the next relationship. So if you're trying to salvage the you're in, if that's your manifestation, then spend time focused on the best parts of the person. Spend time, visualizing them acting the way that you want them to be.

Spend time visualizing and improved relationship and look for ways that you can do your part to attract that. If you want them to be more kind than loving than you be more kind and loving, even if you're already doing it, look for ways to mirror what your looking for in the other person. That's what you can do today to improve your relationship. So what if the thing that you're trying to manifest is a vacation.

What are you doing to manifest this vacation? Well, have you visualized it? Have you started planning it? Maybe you're thinking, well, Kayla, I can't plan it. I don't have the money for it yet. Well guess what? One of the things I'm manifesting is a trip to Italy. I really, really want to go to Italy. I want to see Andrea Bocelli perform in Tuscany while he's still alive and still performing. That is a dream trip of mine.

Do I have the money for it today? No, but guess what? I don't care. I have started doing my research. I found out what time of the year he performs there. I found out what city it's in. I started doing research on what flights would cost. I've started doing research on places to stay. I've started researching tour companies or areas around where he'll be performing that I might want to visit. And I've started putting together kind of my dream vacation plan, because guess what?

If you have a goal and there's no plan, the goal is never going to see itself through. You need to know how much it's going to cost. You need to know how much time you're going to need. You need to know when it needs to happen. Like Andrea Bocelli only performs in Italy once a year. It's in July. And if I plan a trip, it's gotta be in July. It's gotta be over certain days in July.

Now, if I were planning a trip to Italy, for some other reason, July is probably not the month that I would want to go. So if I don't do my research and find out when he's performing, I'm really not moving my manifestation forward at all. And if I don't know how much the flights are going to cost me or how much time I'm going to need off work, how am I ever going to get this manifestation to come about? It's always just going to be a wish, a wish or a dream. It's never going to become a reality until I start taking little tiny steps until I take that first bite to start eating the elephant, to understand what is required and how to get this going.

I don't have to worry about how I'm going to come up with the money. I just start me to start talking and acting as if it's already going to happen. And guess what? The universe will provide so many resources that I can't even fathom today. I don't know how it's going to come across. I don't know when it's going to happen. I don't know any of the details, but I can tell you, I know what the flights cost, where I'm going to stay.

The cities I'm going to visit. When I'm there, how much time I'm going to need off of work. And I know the time of year I need to be there. These are the 1%. These are the pieces. These are the small little actions that you take today to get that manifestation. Moving forward, to get that momentum started to tell the universe, this is happening. Meet me half way, murdering me the things that I need to make this happen because I'm on a train and it's moving.

It's going somewhere. So no matter what your manifestation is, no matter what it is that you're trying to work towards, there are some things that fit any manifestation. There are some things you can do right now today. No matter what your situation is, no matter where you are to start moving things forward. Some of those things are waking up with an intention, waking up and choosing to be in a positive attitude, deciding today that you are going to be in a good mood.

How does that help your manifestation? Well, when we're positive and when we focus on gratitude, we attract more positive and things to be grateful for. So that's a piece that's, that's something you can do right now today. You can visualize I've said it over and over again. On this episode already, you can take time out five minutes, 10 minutes, set a timer on your phone. You can close your eyes and picture it happening. Picture it already has happened. Picture you're in the middle of it.

You already have the thing that you desire. How does it feel? What does it feel like to be there? What does it smell like? What can you see? You can start looking for resources. You can read books. You can look for someone to emulate. You can listen to podcasts or find audio recordings or websites or blogs. There are so many resources available to us today.

Find some things somewhere to start, start doing your research, make a list, make a, to do list. What are the things that you need? If you need a lot of make that list and then take that list and work on item, number one, pick the smallest littlest easiest thing on that list that you can do and start working on it. Even if that small little thing feels huge, there's got to be ways that you can break it down into pieces. There's got to be something you can do right now today, from where you are with what you have.

It doesn't start with needing a million dollars. It doesn't start with needing that new job or needing all the time in the world. It starts with taking that first little action step. It's that 1% of improvement that you can take today. What is the 1%? What can you do right now from where you are with what you have to get the momentum started? Okay. What if it's as little as being grateful?

What if it's looking at what you have right now or what you've already accomplished? What if it's just taking some time to recognize how far you've come and all of the things that you've already manifested, all of the improvements you've made to your life already. What if it's just taking time to slow down and recognize your value, recognize your ability to attract the things that you want. What if it's just taking the time to work on your belief, your belief, that it's possible, your belief that you're deserving.

What if it's as simple as just saying thank you for what you have. I'll tell you the difference between you and the person that already has the thing that you desire is consistency. And I tell myself that all the time with this podcast, because if you're inconsistent, your results will be inconsistent. Now that does not mean that you have to be perfect every day. It does not mean that you're not going to have bad days, but the more that you can be consistent, the more that you can wake up and speak things into existence, the more that you can be grateful and focus on how wonderful your life already is, the more that you spend time visualizing that you already have the things that you want.

The more you spend time creating that dream book or making lists or taking that first step or researching how to do the thing that you desire or how to achieve the thing that you desire. The more time you spend doing that. And the more consistently that you do that, the quicker and the faster, the things that you manifest will come to you. And that's the difference between the person who already has it, the person who's already achieved it and where you are today, where you are right now, you want to know what else is a part of that?

Taking that first step, the 1%, the little bit you can do right now, it's also what you can stop doing. You can stop complaining. You can stop speaking negatively about others. You can stop this negative self-talk to yourself. You can stop feeling sorry for yourself. So much of the time we're doing so many things, right?

But we don't recognize the hindrance. The things that we're doing that is stopping that manifestation, stopping that attraction right in its path. And maybe things are in momentum. Maybe they are. But when your not in alignment with the thing that you're asking for, if your energy doesn't match that thing, that thing's going to pass you by. And I don't mean that you're going to miss your opportunity, or there's only one shot at it. That's not the case at all, but I can tell you the longer that you spend complaining, the longer that you spend feeling sorry for yourself, the longer that you spend in negative, low vibration energy, the longer it's going to take for that manifestation to come to you, because you will not match the thing that you're asking for.

And so it's important that as we talk about the things we can do right now, from where we are with what we have, it's not just the action steps to move forward. It's also removing the resistance from the thing that we're asking for. The thing that we desire the most. So today's action item is one you get to make up for yourself. What is the one thing you can do right now from where you are with what you have to get your manifestation started?

How can you start the snowball rolling down hill? What can you do today? What is one itty bitty, small thing you can commit to today? Can you commit to being grateful? Can you commit to starting a vision board? Can you commit to doing some research for what it's going to take? Can you commit to putting $5 away towards savings? Can you commit to stop complaining?

What is the one thing that you can do today? What is the 1% improvement that you can have today over yesterday? That's your action item. This week, figure out what it is, commit to it and do it right now. Today. I do want to remind you about my giveaway. The giveaway is for those that are willing to leave a review for the podcast, you'll be entered into a weekly drawing for my limited edition custom made journals.

I mentioned them a little bit earlier in the podcast. There is no other way to get one of these journals. They're not for sale. There's a limited number of them, but trust me, you want one there's pictures of them on my website, AttractItWithEase.com. But if you leave a review for the podcast and tell me, tell me what you think. Tell me, are you feeling inspired? Are you enjoying the content? Is there anything you'd like me to talk about that I haven't addressed yet? Do you have questions? Leave me a review and you'll be entered into a drawing for one of my manifestation journals.

I'll be giving away one journal every single week. So if you're the only person that leaves a review that week, guess what? You're the winner. Leave a review of the podcast. Let me know what you think. Subscribe, download. I'd love to hear from you have a good week and I'll talk with you soon.


S2.E12: What Is Your Passion?


S2.E10: Positive Self Talk