S2.E12: What Is Your Passion?

Kayla is a finalist in the 2022 Signal Awards! Vote for Attract It With Ease Podcast to win Listener's Choice in the Religion & Spirituality Category! www.Vote.SignalAward.com - In this episode Kayla discusses pivoting from making excuses for why we can't pursue our passions, to deciding to find a HOW to make them happen.

I am just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. Hi there, I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to Attract It With Ease. It is so great to be recording this episode because it has been quite a while, but it is nice to be back and I have so many wonderful things to talk to you about today.

But before I get into today's topic, I want to share with you my gratitude. And as I started listening out what I was grateful for this morning, I found it difficult to narrow it down to three things. And I suppose that's a really good place to be since gratitude has such a big part in our ability to manifest the desires of our hearts. But the three things I wanna share with you for my gratitude today are the things that are kind of weighing heavily on me in a good way. Number one is I am so grateful for all of the adventures that I've been able to experience in the year 2022 as I kind of stepped into the year. I had no idea what was in store for me and my husband and I.

We went to Mexico and had an amazing relaxing vacation there. We celebrated our anniversary by going to the Oregon coast and spending a few days sightseeing and going to the Redwood Forest, which is one of my absolute favorite places to visit. And we're ending the year with a staycation in the Tahoe area. And I'm so blessed and grateful for that. And I just reflect back on how 2022 came together for me and also how it aligned with my theme word for the year, which I'll talk about in a future episode coming soon. But it has just been such a good year for us and not in ways that I thought it might be.

I thought maybe we would get our house this year. We didn't. But I cannot complain about the how the year came together or unfolded for me, and I am so grateful for that. Number two, I am grateful for inspiration, particularly inspiration that comes even when I'm not asking for it. Oftentimes I'll start having an idea in my head about something that I should do or create or I don't know, just, just thoughts. And often I don't even have a decision made that I'm going to do that or I'm going to try that or I even should do that. It's just that I start noticing things, I start seeing synchronicities, and then as I start thinking, goodness, I should start thinking about that.

I should try that, I should do that. It's amazing how the universe just kind of drops these little nuggets from outta nowhere and says, here's one way you could make that happen. Here's something you could do with that. Look at this invention. Look how cool this is. And I just love the way that things align for us. And I love the inspiration that I receive when I'm in alignment and the way that the universe guides me towards things that will help bring about the desires of my heart and the ways that it brings me things that were not even on my radar that I hadn't even fathom, that are resources to help me accomplish my goals.

And the third thing that I'm grateful for today is something I am so excited to share with you. My listeners, if you don't already know, I am a finalist for the Signal Awards. Now, what are the Signal Awards? Well, they're awards that are only for podcasters, and this is the inaugural year 2022, and I have been selected as a finalist in the religion and spirituality category. There are only four finalists, and right now it is listeners Choice Voting. So of those four finalists of which I am one, three of us will place in first, second, and third place, and those, that place will be invited to an awards party and ceremony in New York.

And so I have a very good chance of winning one of the awards I'm currently in first place for the voting, but it is a tight race. So number one, I am so incredibly honored to have been selected as a finalist that just entirely blows my mind. Number two, I am so grateful for the amount of people that have already voted for me, for the people that support me, for the people I have shared the podcast with, who just have been so, so open-minded and supportive of me and the things that I'm trying to do and the way that I am trying to inspire and help other people.

And so listeners, I have a call to action for you first thing in the podcast here, and I, I really want you to take this seriously. But voting goes until December 22nd when this podcast's released. There will only be nine days left of voting, but if you love this podcast, if you get anything out of the episodes, if you get anything out of this episode, I urge you to please help place a vote for me because my podcast is an indie podcast. It is small. I'm not backed by anyone. You've probably noticed I have no commercials.

I have not made a scent from this podcast. I am a little nobody in the spec of the podcasting world. And not only would it mean the world to me to win a signal award for this podcast and for the time and energy and passion and devotion that I've put into it, but it will also really help get the podcast on other people's radar. It will help get some recognition that I believe that this content and the messages that I'm delivering that I believe deserve attention. So are you listening? Here's how you vote. Go to the website vote dot signal award.com.

That is V O T e dot S I G N A L A w a r d.com. That will take you to the voting website, and you can vote for all kinds of podcasts in all kinds of categories. But my category is religion and spirituality. So if you will find that category, it's listed under general. So if you go to the website, click the general section, it will break down all of the categories. They're listed alphabetically. You'll be able to find the religion and spirituality section.

And then please cast a vote for this podcast. If you would do that for me, it would mean the world to me. And if you're listening to this podcast and the voting has ended, well, hopefully you'll be able to look it up and discover that I placed and was one of the winners, and hopefully I'll be able to continue to hold the first place spot. But that's the third piece of my gratitude today, and I'm grateful for you, my listeners and those that support me and those who really take the time to listen to the messages that I'm putting out there and to make them their own, personalize them. And I really truly hope to improve the lives of others. And I hope this podcast helps you as well.

So that leads me into today's episode. And this episode is what is your passion? I think I've talked about passion in a, in a number of ways, but I don't know that I've really had a whole episode on it up to this point. And yesterday at work, we were taking personality assessments because it was really slow. We've had some inclement weather. And so yesterday was, was quite slow. And so we all sat around and took this personality test, if you wanna take it@sixteenpersonalities.com, I don't get any money from you doing it. You don't have to sign up for anything in order to take it. But it's just kind of fun to see how your personality compares to others.

So we took this personality test and then we were sharing our results and kind of comparing ourselves to other people and determining if we thought that our assessment matched our personalities. And, and it was kind of fun, and we were joking and laughing around about it, about it. One of the other managers was reading some details about my personality, and he was reading out loud, and one of the things he said was, this says that you're a very passionate person. And then he stopped and he kind of tilted his head sideways and looked at me and tried to think about whether or not he was thought I was passionate. And then he just directly asked me, he said, would you say you're a passionate person?

And it kind of caught me off guard because absolutely, I think I'm a passionate person. And it surprised me a little bit that he questioned it. And I said, if you don't think I am passionate, you need to listen to my podcast. And he started laughing and he said, yes, I do. And so it was funny, it made me really want to talk about passion today because sometimes we have a tendency to hide our passion from others. Sometimes we have a tendency to kind of set our passions to the side because life gets in the way. And what I really wanna talk about today is not just what we're passionate about, but our tendency to find excuses to not chase our passions or not do things that we're passionate about, because it's easier to find the excuses than to find ways around them or to find ways to make it happen or ways to do it.

And today, I'm gonna give you three separate examples from my life about things I'm super passionate about and the ways that I made excuses in the beginning and kind of some of the hurdles I had to overcome, and then how I kind of pivoted and turned a corner to focus on how I could make it happen versus all the reasons why I couldn't make it happen. So the first thing I wanna share with you is actually this podcast. This is something that I am so passionate about, and I think when you listen to my episodes, my passion comes through. And I think that the listeners that I do have, listen to me because of the passion I have behind what I'm saying.

And maybe that's not the case, but I am so passionate about the law of attraction. It's absolutely something I believe in. Nobody can change my mind about it because I have so many personal experiences that show me that it works, that shows me that that's how the universe is laid out, and that we do have control in our own lives. And so when I first was kind of thinking about how I could share this passion, because it's, it's something that's really like explodes from me, but I don't want to be someone that's out there preaching to the world. And so I really have thought for years and and years, I wanna do something that is in the industry of helping others.

And I don't wanna work in the medical field. I don't want to do nonprofits. And really for a long time I thought, you know what? I'm probably gonna end up being a life coach. I'm probably gonna go into coaching. And I've worked with life coaches and I've had those experiences and they've really changed my life. Life. And you know, I've looked into it a couple of times. I even at one point made a website, it might even still be existing out there somewhere, but I decided at some point, you know what, I guess I'm being called to be a a personal coach because I have such a strong desire to help people, but I feel like I need to share my personal experiences and I need them to hear my passion.

And you know, I thought about writing a book. I started writing a book, and I just, I just was trying to find my outlet as to how to bring this out into the world. And then it dawned on me, just like I kind of explained earlier in my gratitude, I started having little bits of just messages from the universe. I have listened to podcasts for years, but I'm not an a daily podcast listener. I'll admit to that. I kind of binge when there's something I'm interested in, but I don't listen to podcasts every day. So it wasn't something that was really on my radar to be a podcaster, but I started realizing that that was an avenue that I could use to share my passion with a large number of people, but truly the whole world.

And I do have listeners from across the world. There are so many countries, and I've shared that on previous episodes, all the different amazing countries that have listeners that listen to this podcast. And that's changing on a regular basis. But I guess my point is that when I started first having thoughts about podcasting, I realized I knew people that were podcasters. And I look at people and I go, well, if they can do it, then I can do it. Meaning there's nothing in them does any different than the skills and tools and resources that I have. So if they can do it and they can be successful, why in the world could I not be successful?

And that's where kind of the ideas started to come from. But as I started kind of explaining today's topic, it's one thing to be passionate about something, it's a whole other thing to actually do something with your passion. It's so easy to find excuses not to. And so some of the excuses that came into my mind as I started thinking about podcasting was, well, you know, I don't really wanna do it by myself. And I don't know anyone to be a co-host. I don't have a co-host. That was my original thought. And those of you that have been around long enough or listened to some of my early episodes or episodes from season one, know that eventually I asked my sister Adrian to be a co-host with me, and she was my co-host for season one.

But before I had made that decision, that was something stopping me. I thought all the best podcasts have banter, they have a second person. And there was nobody in my life at that time that I felt would be a good co-host for me, no one that I could think of. So that was stopping me. Ian wanna know another big thing that was stopping me fear, fear of rejection, fear of putting myself out there and hearing all the negative feedback about how I have a lisp and the way that I talk. And you know, obviously even fear that people would judge me for the content that I'm putting out there.

I know that there are some people that are traditional religious people who you start to talk about the law of attraction, and you talk to people about their own personal power and their ability to manifest things. And people will get upset and defensive, and people will argue with you, and people will tell you that you are trying to take power away from God and that that's evil. And that was a fear for me. I was even fearful of how my family might look at what I was putting out and might reject me. And so fear was a big reason that I didn't create a podcast right away.

Another reason was I felt I didn't have the resources, I didn't know how to do a podcast. It's kind of like, okay, yeah, people podcast on a daily basis, but how do you do it? And I am a person who learns things, who loves to learn things, who loves to prove to myself that I can do anything that anyone else can do. But it seemed like an overwhelming challenge to not just learn how to record audio, but to figure out how to edit it, how to market it, how to post it, how to get it out to the different platforms. And even as I started the process and started doing my research, I realized there were pieces that I didn't know going in that made it seem hard and difficult.

For example, when you're releasing your podcast, some of it just instantly goes out once you post. But there are several platforms that everybody wants to be on, like Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts and Spotify, that you have to, to set up an essentially release to them separately. And what I mean by that is just because you post in one place doesn't mean all these other platforms pick it up. You have to create an account, you have to submit for approval, you have to send it to them. And so even when the podcast first released, it didn't hit every platform on the same day.

And that was a learning lesson for me. But that was something that kind of stopped me from the beginning was just like, how do you do it? And how do I have the resources? I was like, I have no recording equipment. I don't have much income at the time that I decided I was going to do it. You know, I had been unemployed for part of 2020, I had just started working, but I was just getting back on my feet again. And I thought, oh my gosh, how expensive is this going to be with hosting fees and websites and recording equipment and all of these things? It's so easy to take all of that and say, it's too hard. Yeah, I'm passionate about it. Yes, it means something to me, but it's too hard.

And I will tell you, I even convinced myself of that for quite a while. But the minute that you decide that you are no longer going to take those excuses, you're no longer going to make excuses for yourself and you are going to commit to make it happen, is the minute that everything changes. Because for every obstacle, there is a reason or a workaround. And as you can see, I have a podcast, I made it happen. And sometimes it's a miracle to me. It's like, how did I get here? How did I end up with a podcast?

How did I, little old me girl next door, who knows nothing about anything, who just has a passion she wants to share with the world? How does she get a podcast? And how did she end up as a finalist for the 2022 Signal Awards? Guys, this is why we're talking about passion today, because I know, I absolutely know that you have something you are passionate about that you could be doing more with, and you're sitting around making excuses to yourself for why it's not happening. Now, I'm not saying everybody needs to be self-employed, or everybody needs to invent something, or everyone needs to use a creative outlet.

We all have different interests, but it could be that you're passionate about, I don't know, eating healthy, or maybe you're passionate about being a vegetarian and you really would love to, but you have all these reasons why you can't. It's too hard. I have to make meals for my family. It's so expensive. I can't get enough protein. I don't know, that's just one example. But there's so many things out there that mean something to us, are meaningful to us that we feel strongly about, and yet we just set aside. We just set it to the side and we say, I can't, it's too hard.

It's too expensive. I don't have the time, I don't have the resources. I don't know how. Okay, so let me give you example number two. For me, this is something new for my listeners because this is something new in the last few months, but I may or may not have shared before on the podcast that I am obsessed, absolutely obsessed with crystals. I know this is, you know, where people start going, oh my gosh, she really is crazy. And I'm not gonna go on this whole tangent about crystals, not today anyway, but I love, absolutely love crystals. And in a previous job, I used to manage a Crystals store in Sedona, and I loved it.

And I love crystals. I love the way they look. I love them for home decor. I love surrounding myself with them, and I love getting good deals on crystals. And so for quite some time, I've kind of had this passion because crystals can be really expensive. I've had this passion to not only be able to buy crystals at a discounted rate for myself, but also make them accessible to others for reasonable prices. And I also find that sometimes I want just a pretty piece of something that I can put in my home that's decorative, that doesn't come across as witchy or metaphysical or new age or whatever you may call it.

And there's nothing wrong with any of those things. I actually enjoy all of that stuff, but sometimes I just wanna feel like I fit in and I just have something beautiful that I can enjoy that I'm not gonna be judged for. And so this crystal passion is something that I've been kind of mulling over for a while. And for a bit, I talked to my husband about maybe starting an online crystal shop, and I said, you know, there's a lot of crystal shops, but most of the crystal shops sell lots of little teeny tiny handheld stones, which are fun if you just wanna collect a bunch of different rocks, or they're fun if you're going to use them for energy work.

But for me, I think the average individual is not gonna decorate their home with lots of little teeny rocks. And so someone that's going to wanna spend money on crystals is going to want something a little bit larger or a little bit more decorative. And so I told him, if I start a crystal store, I want to make it a store that sells beautiful, one of a kind crystal pieces that are decorative, that are affordable. And so, you know, at the time I'm thinking cathedrals, you know, anything from like $50 up to a couple thousand dollars, but not the crazy thousand dollars things, right?

And so in my mind, the thing that was stopping me was, I don't have the money to buy the inventory. And if I'm paying retail for my crystals, how am I going to make any money? And so it was something that I talked about here and there and mentioned, and it was just kind of this idea I was mulling over for a while. But then I finally got this inspiration, like I've said a couple times now, that I could use crystals in a way that I hadn't considered before. And I now listeners have an Etsy store that does sell crystals. But what I'm really excited about and what I'm really passionate about is I have started creating what I call crystal art.

Now, these are art pieces. Many of them are just 12 by 12 in size, the others are 11 by 14, but they're different images, many of them mandalas that I am creating on canvas or wooden boards that I'm painting on there. And then I am creating crystal grids. So I am using small crystals. Many of them polished, some of them raw, some of them I'm wire wrapping. But if you're familiar with a crystal grid, the whole idea of a crystal grid is that when you lay the crystals out and you combine them, their energy actually works together to magnify the energy of each other.

And so if you have an intention that you're trying to use the crystals for, and I know this is sounding super like, ooh, you know, and I understand if you're, if you're not connecting with what I'm saying, and I'm not asking you to, I just want to explain my passion. So let's say that you want something to bring more love into your home. Well, obviously there's crystals that are known for having those metaphysical properties, rose quartz, for example. Probably almost anybody that knows anything about crystals knows that a rose quartz is supposed to bring love. Well, you could use a a rose quartz and combine it with clear quartz, which is a healing stone, and you could combine it with say, some black turine, which dispels negative energy.

And you could combine those together in a way. And those crystals, if you believe in this work, together then to magnify the properties of each other. So you could get rid of the negative energy in your home or in your relationship or your family by having this piece of art near you, you, and then by having some rose courts in it, you could help inspire love in your family and you could heal maybe some bad thoughts or, or hurt or, or fights or arguments or whatever the case may be. And this is just an example, but I have started creating these, one of a kind art pieces that I then attach the crystals to.

And I am selling on Etsy. So I am not telling you this to say, Hey guys, go buy my crystals. And if you want to, I'm sure you can find me, I'll put some information about it on my website and in the show notes if you are interested. But really this, this conversation is more about the passion, because for so long I've had this passion about crystals, but I've been in this whole, I don't know how to make it happen. I don't have the resources, I don't have the know-how, I don't know how to market it. And even as I decided to start making the art, you know, I live in a tiny house, you know, I live in 160 square feet.

And I'll tell you, after I made about three or four of these, I was running out of room for storage of these crystals, but also the frames and my art supplies and the finished pieces because they hadn't sold yet. And it's like, what do I do with all of this stuff? And, and that was a barrier for a bit. And so it's so easy to find the excuses as to why to stop, why not to keep going, why to not get started in the first place. And space is a real issue for me in my life. However, because I was committed and I decided this is something that I'm doing, I found a local art community and I now rent a, an art space.

I have my own art space, and on my days off, I go there and I work on my art, and it's a place that I can display it and I can store all of my crystals and my materials and accessories and everything. And I even have some crystals that are for sale that are not art pieces that I keep at my crystal shop, or I, I call it crystal shop, excuse me, my, my art studio that I do sell in my crystal shop on Etsy. But it's all about getting past the excuses. It's all about reigniting your passion and stop allowing yourself to put obstacles in your way and finding ways around them, finding compelling reasons to do it, finding the resources, asking for inspiration, asking the universe to help you find a way to make it work.

That's my second example. All right, so here's my third example, and this is also something I haven't shared with you listeners. I have alluded to this in some other podcasts in the past, because I am so passionate about helping others, I've tried to figure out how can I make money? How could I do it full-time? How could I turn this into a business? And I'm definitely nowhere near that right now. I have a full-time job, which I absolutely love, which I've mentioned on the podcast a number of times. And I'm not trying to leave my job, but if we're talking about goals, if we're talking about aspirations for life, if we're talking about things we're trying to manifest, would I love to be self-employed and making money doing things I'm passionate about?

100%, absolutely. Wouldn't we all? So this is something I've been throwing around for a little while, and this idea did not come up until after I had started podcasting and realized, you know what, I'm okay with public speaking and I'm okay with putting myself out there. And even though maybe I don't have the world's most amazing voice, I think that I have passion in what I'm saying, and I think people don't mind listening to me. And so I've really been thinking for a while, I need to make more audio content.

And of course, I've come up with all the excuses and reasons why. Well, why wouldn't you just put that content on your podcast? Well, how do you have the time to do anything above and beyond everything you're already trying to do? You already have a podcast, you are now creating crystal art. You know, why are you spreading yourself so thin? Why? Why would you create more audio content? Where are you gonna sell this? How are you gonna distribute it? How are you gonna market it? What are you gonna use it for? You know, there's all these obstacles, all these excuses, all of these reasons. And it's like, what? What is the point in having passion if you're not going to use it?

So number three, the thing that I'm just starting to work on, and part of why I said that I am so grateful for inspiration that I didn't even ask for, is that it's been on my to-do list for a little bit to record some guided meditations. And I think I'm going to do it completely separate from the podcast, because I don't know that everybody in the podcast will have an interest in meditations, and I don't want my podcast to turn into meditations. But to me, meditating is so helpful in getting yourself into alignment.

And if we talk about how the law of attraction works, what you put out is what you get back, right? So what you are feeling, where you're at emotionally, what's going on with you internally is your attraction point. So you can say, I want a million dollars, but if you are inside feeling fearful, feeling negative being com, a complainer, being anxious, any of those negative feelings, if that's what you're carrying around in you, you're not attracting a million dollars because that's not what a million dollars feels like. So that's where meditating comes into the law of attraction practice. But as I've thought about recording meditations and doing my own guided meditations, you know, what are the obstacles?

What are the things that stand in my way? Well, again, number one, fear. Fear that I'm not gonna know what to say, fear that it's not going to come across like a meditation. It's gonna come across preachy. Fear that I don't know how I will market it. Fear that people will reject me or make fun of me. All of the same fears that I had in in creating a podcast are the same fears that I have in creating meditations. And then there's also the, well, why would anybody think that you are an expert on this topic?

Why would anyone listen to your meditations? Who are you? You're a nobody. Well, you know that's that's real. And that may or may not be true, but those emotions, they're real, and they will stop you dead in your tracks. When we're talking about passion. You know, it's kind of like as you start looking into audio, did you know you cannot use somebody else's music without paying them for the rights? And what I mean is you can't just play someone else's song in your podcast, or they can sue you if you don't have their permission. So in creating a podcast, I had to have my own music created for the intro and the outro, which I did and I love and I'm excited about.

But when we're talking about guided meditations, if you've ever listened to a meditation, there's always background music. And so that's a big piece. It's like, how do I get my own music? How do I afford my own music? How do I create my own music? That sounds like meditation music. And that's been a big piece that's been stopping me for a while. That's something I've really been working on, trying to come up with a workaround. And then bam, just like I talked about in my gratitude, the universe is out of the blue when I'm not even focused on it, when I'm not even thinking about it. Like, here you go. Here's a way you can do it.

Here's a easy, inexpensive way that you can create your own music. And I'm not gonna share that with you, not today anyway, but it's something I am so excited about you guys. I can't even tell you how excited I am about this. So I haven't even started recording my meditations yet, but it's on my to-do list. And it's something where I'm just now at that pivot point from telling myself all the reasons that I can't do the thing I'm passionate about, to shifting and pivoting and turning the other direction and saying to myself, no, Kayla, you can 100% do this.

You can absolutely do this. There are other people out there doing this. There are people doing this, and they're successful at it, and they don't have anything else within them. They have no more resources, no more talent, no more experience than you do. And they're making it happen. And listeners, I wanna say the exact same thing to you. Whatever it is that you're passionate about, there's somebody out there doing something with their passion. They're doing the thing you want to be doing, they're successful at the thing you want to be doing, they're making money with the thing you want to be doing.

And you are sitting at home telling yourself all the reasons you can't do it. You don't have the time, you don't have the resources, you don't know how, you don't know how to market it, you don't know how to get started, you don't have the support system. All the excuses won't get you anywhere. But the minute that you resolve to pivot and change your mind, every resource the universe has available to it will come flooding to you. If you ask, if you make that commitment to just shift your thinking and decide that you are going to do it, you're no longer going to tell yourself why you can't do it, but you're going to actually do it.

You don't know when you don't know how, but you're gonna do it. The universe will be there. The universe will guide you, the universe. The universe will give you every single resource you need to make it happen. And that's my message to you today. So what is the action item for this week? It's probably pretty straightforward, but my action item for you is to decide what it is that you're passionate about. What have you been running from that you wish you could do, that you wish you could do and make money at or that you wish you had more time for? What's something you used to do?

Like my ballroom dancing. I used to dance, I gave it up. What is it that you're passionate about that you could reignite that passion? And who knows? Maybe even turn it into a financial gain for you, but determine what that is and then sit down and write down three ways that you can either get started or make it happen. For example, if I was talking about the podcast and I was in the place of I don't know how to do it, I could sit down and I could say, I really want a podcast. And what would be the three ways that I could get it started?

Well, I could do some research. I could reach out to someone who has a podcast. Hello. Guess what? You know someone who has a podcast? Yep, it's me. Reach out to me. If that's what you're passionate about, I'll help you. But if it's not a podcast, I don't know if I'm the person you should reach out to, but write down three things. You could get a url, you could read a book, you could probably find a whole bolt load of YouTube resources you could watch that could tell you how use Google, it's your best friend. You can find anything, look it up. But just get started. You don't have to figure out all the pieces, you don't have to know how.

And we've talked about that so many times. You don't have to figure it all out. It's not up to you to figure it all out. It's up for you to decide what you want and to ask the universe for help. And then it's up to you to stay in alignment, to be in a positive space that attracts the things that you want. Stop complaining, focus on gratitude, meditate, get enough sleep, be in a good mood. Set your intention to be happy for the day. Be a positive, happy person, and the universe will flood you with the resources that you need to make it happen. This is my promise.

Take it to heart. Take my challenge. So on every episode, I remind my listeners that I have a giveaway and this year's giveaway has been for custom made manifestation journals. And if you've not listened to any other episodes or if you've forgotten, the giveaway is if you will leave a review for my podcast, a written review, not a star review, cuz a star review doesn't tell me anything. I want a written review and it can be as short as one sentence. You can say I liked it or I hated it, or you suck or You're amazing. Or if you really like it, tell me what you really think.

But leave me a review of the podcast. Do that on any platform. You can do that on Apple Podcasts, I believe you can do it on Audible, you can do it on Pod Chaser, but leave me a written review. It helps the podcast grow. And if you leave me a review, you will be entered into a weekly drawing to win one of my custom made manifestation journals. These journals are so cool, I promise you. There's pictures of them on my website. Attract it with ease.com. The cover is wood, they're made by woodchuck. S a and wood check donates or plants a tree for every item.

So your journal comes with directions to your tree that was planted, but it has space for you to manifest 50 different things, 50 things you wanna work on in your life, and I promise it'll walk you through it. But by leaving me a review, you're entered into a drawing to win one of those. This is a weekly drawing and guess what? I don't get a review every week. At least I haven't been. So there's pretty good chances that you'll win-win if you leave me a review. But guess what? I do have a winner from someone who did leave me a review. This review was left on Apple Podcasts and the user that has won one is Cam 2 5 5 5 CAM 2 5 55 left me an amazing review on Apple Podcast.

Cam says Amazing. I absolutely love this podcast. It has changed my life and how I look at things. Being in the agricultural industry, your livelihood is a gamble every day. But after putting the teachings into my life, everybody is coming to me wondering how I'm making so many good decisions. Thank you for such a wonderful podcast. I cannot tell you guys how meaningful those messages are for me. That's what inspires me to keep doing what I do. Thank you, cam. You are a winner of one of my manifestation journals. If you will send me an email to hello at attract it with ease.com, you will receive one of my custom made manifestation journals.

Just reach out to me, send me your name and address and I will send that to you. And listeners, you have the ability to win when yourself. So leave me a review and just one final reminder if you would, if you will vote for this podcast. If you enjoyed it today, go to the website, vote dot signal award.com. My podcast is listed under general and my category is Religion and Spirituality. Vote for attracted with Ease. Podcast, I appreciate you. I enjoy doing this. I hope you got something out of it.

Have a wonderful week and I promise there will be another new episode soon.


S2.E13: The Eighty-Five Percent


S2.E11: The 1%