S2.E35: The Code of Possibilities

The topic in this episode may go against your beliefs, it’s a little bit out there… but if you can keep an open mind, it could change not only your ability to manifest your desires, but also how quickly you’re able to manifest them. Kayla presents a theory for you to try on for size and the results may surprise you. Listen in to discover more!

I'm just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If, you believe in miracles than happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you.

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to attract it with ease. In this week's episode, I have a somewhat controversial concept to discuss with you and I. Know that this conversation will go against many people's personal and religious beliefs, but I'm going to ask you to keep an open mind and bear with me and really consider the things that I have to share with you today.

Because even if it doesn't change your beliefs or shift your beliefs, it could potentially shift your ability to manifest your desires and how quickly you can manifest your desires. So before I get into all of that, I would like to start this week's episode out with sharing my gratitude. And the first thing that I'm grateful for this week is my health. you know, health is one of those things that you just kind of take for granted until you don't have it.

Thankfully, I'm actually feeling pretty good right now, but my husband has been really ill for almost a week, and he is struggling so bad. I feel so awful for him. Now, I have to say that what he's been going through, I think is stress induced. Now. The stress is not necessarily something that he's taken on intentionally, but it is induced by the stress he's been experiencing. Nonetheless, I feel so sorry for him. I've been doing everything that I can to keep my distance So I, don't catch whatever it is that he has.

But I have to say that watching him suffer has really made me grateful for my health. I am grateful for my health. I'm grateful for the things that my body does for me. and I am so grateful that right now as I'm recording, I can say I feel pretty good. The second thing that I'm grateful for today is my job. And as I took my lunch today and I was sitting at work, I really was thinking about how grateful I am. There's a lot of changes happening at work.

My boss just retired. I'm trying to work towards a promotion, not for his position, but something else. And when I think about everything that's happening, it's really easy for me to complain or get frustrated. But today I just sat there in gratitude thinking about how great my job is. I make good money. I feel welcome, I feel comfortable. I'm working towards a promotion. I'm viewed as someone that deserves a promotion.

When I really sit back and think about the place that I work, the culture that we have, I can't help but be grateful for the job that I'm in. And the third thing that I'm grateful for is the fact that I have what I consider to be an open mind and an open heart. And what I mean by that is that I'm constantly learning and growing and I seek to learn and grow. and I am one of those people who does not really stick to any type of organized religion.

I can absolutely say that there's no one idea or concept that I can really get behind as far as religion is concerned, but I do consider myself a spiritual person. and I am constantly looking for ideas and thoughts that resonate with me. And I love that people can share with me their thoughts and their beliefs. And instead of me getting defensive or argumentative, I'm open-minded and I actually try and consider where they're coming from.

And often I see their viewpoint. Doesn't mean that I jump on their train of thought or their belief, but I think just the idea that I stay open-minded and I'm constantly looking for what I consider to be the truth or thoughts that resonate with me. I think that that is a piece of my personality that I respect In fact. I know it's something that I respect and I'm grateful that that is something that I can say that is part of who I am.

I am open-minded and I have an open heart, and I'm open to learning anything new or anything someone wants to present me with to see if it resonates with me. And, that leads me into this week's episode. Like I said, what I'm going to talk about today may not resonate with you, but it's something that I've really been kind of pondering on for the last several days, if not the last week or so.

For some reason, it's a thought that I can't let go of. Now that does not mean that I have bought into this idea or this concept, it's just something that I'm pondering and considering and trying to kind of take on and see how it fits with my beliefs. and I wanna share the ideas with you so that you can try it on for size and see if it resonates with you. That thought, And, that idea that I wanna share with you today is the idea that this life is a simulation.

I know that sounds crazy. I know so many people, as soon as I say that, automatically just have the reaction. Absolutely not. It's not a simulation. But I want you to listen to this episode and consider some of my thoughts and whether or not it changes how you think or how you feel. I hope that it actually gets you thinking about some of the Possibilities in this life. Now, as I've done some research over the last few days, I came to an awareness that the whole thought process of this life being a simulation is not a new one.

Now, probably back in early two thousands, I was in a relationship and I was hanging out with a friend of my boyfriend's at the time. And the three of us were having a conversation about the purpose of life. And we kind of came up with all of these ideas and all of these hypotheses about why we're here. and it was a very fun, playful conversation. And I remember at the time saying, maybe none of it really matters. Maybe we're literally in the middle of a video game.

And they kind of laughed and said, what do you mean by that? And what I said was, maybe there's no purpose to this life. Maybe this life is literally just a game. and I said, well then what is the point of the game? and I said, I don't know, maybe the point of the game is high score. Maybe. Maybe there's ways that you earn points and maybe we're literally in a game and when this life ends, we get our score. Maybe that's the whole point. And maybe reincarnation is actually the idea of coming back and trying another attempt at the game.

And it's completely up to you whether or not you wanna do it. And this was just a conversation that I had probably almost 20 years ago. And I haven't really put a lot of stock into that conversation or put much thought into that conversation since then because I'd never really thought that this life was a game that was more a playful kind of analogy or theory that I was throwing out in a conversation that we were having about all different kind of ideas about what the purpose of life really is.

Now, this past week, I ran across a post from someone who was claiming that this life is a simulation. Now, what I like about the idea of this life is a simulation is that I 100% do believe that everything in this life is made up. and I have episodes about it. I have an episode called It's Just Pretend. and I have talked about how everything in this life literally is made up by human beings. Our language is made up, the things that we call things is made up, our names are made up.

We determined that currency and credit and all of these things are important and of value, but they're all ideas and concepts that were made up. So because I believe that this life is pretend, it's kind of fun and playful for me to think of this life as a simulation. Now, do I believe it's a simulation? Honestly, I haven't decided that, but I wanna talk through today the Possibilities that open up with the concept or the theory that this life is a simulation.

And here's what I mean by that. If this life is a simulation, you really could compare it to a game or a video game just like what I joked about almost 20 years ago. And what I mean by that is if this life were a so-called game or a simulation, what that means is that it's a program that's been written by someone or something. And if there's a program that's written, that also means that there is in the programming predetermined outcomes.

Now, the best way that I can try and explain this to you is a video game. and I honestly don't play video games. And so I'm gonna have to really dumb this down for listeners because for me to actually even kind of comprehend what I'm going to share with you, I have to dumb it down for myself. One of the few video games that I am familiar with is Super Mario Brothers. That kinda leads you to my age. But growing up, I was young when the first Nintendo came out and I loved Super Mario Brothers.

And when I think about playing Super Mario Brothers, I think about just the concept of having a set amount of lives, trying to achieve certain levels, trying to save the princess. And most of the levels had some big major obstacle you had to overcome before you could pass on and move to the next level. But ultimately in the code or the programming, any person that played had the ability to pass off a level, move to the next one, and ultimately saved the princess.

Now does that mean that every person that played the game saved the princess? Absolutely not. Are there people who tried it and gave up? Definitely. Are there people who played it over and over and over again and never pass certain levels? Absolutely. But in the programming it was written, it still is written that any person who plays and tries hard enough can win the game, can save the princess. That's the whole goal, is to get to the last level and save the princess.

How many people have actually completed and won Super Mario Brothers? Millions of people, probably. And that's the whole kind of concept of video games is that everyone has the ability to win. Now, there are different types of video games today, and some are a lot more detailed and complicated than Super Mario Brothers. But when I think about the idea or the concept that this life could be a simulation, I think about the concept that every person has the ability to win every person.

I love that idea. I love that concept that in the programming of this life, we all have the ability to win. Think about that just for a second. Think about everything you want to Attract everything you're working to manifest everything that you desire. Is it health? Is it love? Is it possessions? Is it a lifestyle? Do you wanna be self-employed? Do you wanna be independently wealthy? Do you want to be famous?

Do you wanna be attractive? What is it that you want in life? What If you believed that every single person that exists has the same ability and the same power to achieve all of those things, and it's just literally written in the code and it's a matter of playing the game. Now, when I say playing the game, it's not just playing the game, but you have to have the tenacity to keep playing.

You have to level up, you have to pass levels to get there when you're playing a game. Now that being said, I'm gonna address today the idea of cheat codes as well, because we all know If, you played Super Mario Brothers, the original Super Mario Brothers, we all know that there were cheat codes. And when we learned the cheat codes, it gave you unlimited lives or it gave you extra coins or whatever the case may be. There were cheat codes that were also written into the game. But when you think about life in that sense, whether or not you've, I identify or resonate with the idea that this life is a simulation, you cannot deny that the idea that it's already written in the code, that we can all win.

We can all have everything we desire. That is a great feeling. That's an amazing concept. So why not try it on for size? When you think about the idea of life being a simulation and everything already being written in the code, now that means that we all could fail, we all could lose, we all could get to the end of the level and the monster at the end of the level that we have to defeat is too big of a monster.

And we try and we try and we try and we can't defeat it. That is absolutely a possibility as well that could be written in the code. But when you think of the way that a video game works, If, you try enough times, If, you have enough lives, If you, you your teammates to help you. You can slay the dragon, you can overcome the obstacles and you can eventually save the princess. Now, just like a video game, if this life is a simulation, that means that there are challenges automatically written into the code.

There are obstacles that are designed for us to have to overcome in order for us to so-called level up. That's something that you can understand and appreciate because we all know what it's like to face challenges and have to overcome obstacles. Think about how many times in life you probably already have leveled up the things that you've learned, the ways that you've grown, your personal experience, your personal growth are different levels that you so-called have overcome to help you get further in the game, further in life to get stronger and better and to be able to overcome bigger obstacles.

This all makes perfect sense with life being a simulation. Now I want to take a break for just a second and let the idea of life being a simulation or life being a game kind of just sit with you for a few minutes. I'm gonna take a break for our sponsors and when I come back, I wanna talk to you about if this life is a simulation or a game, what I think maybe the cheat codes could be.

and I also want to share with you my personal experience from the past week of how I used this thought process to shift my mindset towards some of the things that I am working to manifest and the almost instant manifestation experience that I have had from this mindset shift. I'm gonna share that with you. As soon as I return, I'll be right back. Welcome back to Attract It With EASE.

We have been talking about the possibility or the theory that this life is a simulation. Now, I know that sounds crazy and maybe it is a simulation, maybe it's not. None of us really know. We can decide what ideas or theories resonate with us, and maybe that goes completely against everything that you believe. But if you've been listening up to this point, you know that I, I have talked about how if this life is a simulation, what that means is that written in the code of life is the ability for every single one of us to win If.

you think of this life as a video game and I compared it to Super Mario Brothers. That means that with enough persistence, with enough leveling up, with enough beating the dragons, overcoming the obstacles, leveling up tell you get to the end, every single one of us has it written in the code that we can achieve our end result. Now in Super Mario Brothers, that end result is save the princess in real life.

That end result is everything that you desire. Health, wealth, relationship, fame, your dream home, your dream job, your dreams of travel, whatever it is that you dream of, your dream of family, everything you're seeking is written into the program already. Now, that also means that written into the program is your ability to fail. But you know from playing video games, it just takes persistence.

It just takes practice. Sometimes it's a united effort with your friends If, you play together. You can overcome those obstacles. You can win the game. If this life is a simulation, it means you can win the game. Anyone can win the game and not just anyone can win the game. It's not the first person to get there. It's all of us can win the game. It's written into the programming. Every single one of us can win the game.

Now, I said when I came back, I was gonna share with you some of my ideas as to what I think the cheat codes could be. Well, cheat codes are all of the tools for manifesting. We know that positive affirmations help get us where we want to go. We know that being in alignment for the things that we're asking for, staying in a positive mindset, gratitude. Gratitude, visualizing the end results, speaking as if it's already happened, talking as if we expect it.

We know that these are things that help bring our manifestations about. We have experienced that. We have witnessed that whether or not this life is a simulation, we know that those things help bring us closer to the things we desire and the things we're working to manifest. And because of that, if there is such thing as a simulation for life, I would have to say that those elements are the cheat code. The way you get there faster is you practice the things we've talked about.

You practice EASE, you let go of the how you talk expectantly, you speak positively. You live in gratitude. You express your thankfulness when you receive. These are the cheat codes to the simulation of life. Now I wanna share with you a personal experience that I had this week because this concept is something that I ran across this week and I could not help but think about the joking conversation I had almost 20 years ago about maybe this life is a game.

Because to me, the concept of this life being a simulation and the concept of this life being a game are similar in the idea that somebody programmed it, somebody wrote it. Now, I don't know if the purpose of life is high score. That was really a joke. But if this life is a simulation, if there's something else beyond this life and If, you think of the movie The Matrix and how they're hooked up to the matrix. And when you watch the movie, and I'm sorry if this is a spoiler, but it's been out so long, any one of you probably already know how the movie goes.

These people are literally hooked up to a simulation, which is the matrix. And when they're hooked up, it seems like reality. They don't realize they're in the matrix, but when they're unplugged, they have an awareness of it. What if that's what this life is? Maybe we're hooked in just like the matrix we're plugged in. We consciously chose to be here for the things that we learned, or maybe we chose to be here for the high score. I don't know, I don't even know if I believe in this concept.

But this week when I was reintroduced to the idea that this life is a simulation And that written into the code of life, every single one of us has the ability to win. When I heard that, it instantly shifted my mindset about my manifestations because I went from expecting and I went from using intention and using positive affirmations to try and Attract the things that I want to.

Literally overnight, almost instantaneously after seeing this post, something clicked. I went into a mode of realizing we all can have it all. Now, I don't know if the idea of a simulation resonates with me, I'm still working through that. But the idea that we all can have it all that does resonate, that feels like truth, that idea, that concept feels like it is true.

It feels like every single one of us has equal opportunity, equal advantage. And when I think about people in life who have accomplished crazy amazing things and overcome just unheard of obstacles, people who became millionaires out of nothing, who became rich overnight or who came from the poorest of most desolate situations and are now just unbelievably famous or wealthy or whatever.

and I think about what they have accomplished, what do they have that I don't have? I don't know other than maybe belief in themselves. And like I said, when I heard this concept this week, it resonated with me. and I shifted my thinking about my manifestations from thinking about how I was trying and so-called working on manifesting to instantly realizing there is no work.

It's already pre-programmed, it's already done. It's already there. The result is already in the program. I am a winner. I have the ability to win. I can achieve everything I want. It's written in the code, it's coded in the system. And here's where it shifted. I was driving to work. Now my drive to work is only nine minutes. It's not very long. But I was driving to work. And generally while I'm driving to work, I set my intentions for the day and I work on some of my positive affirmations and I, just kind of build myself up and get myself in the mode of approaching work and working for the day.

And this particular day I started saying or repeating some of the affirmations that I say to myself on a regular basis. and I caught myself in what I was saying. and I reworded what I was saying. And when I reworded what I was saying, I felt empowered and the intensity and the belief behind the words felt so much stronger.

Essentially what I say when I'm talking to myself and working on my intentions is I say, it is my intention. The X, Y, Z happens. For example, it is my intention to be a 2023 gold signal award winner. I say that all the time. It is my intention that work will be easy breezy today, work will feel easy breezy. Today, it is my intention to have fun today. It is my intention that every person I come into contact with today will be happy, pleasant, in a good mood and a pleasure to be around.

It is my intention that every interaction I have today will be an enjoyable one. These are the kinds of things that I say to myself every morning on a daily basis. and I think it's so powerful to set your intention. But as I was saying these things on my drive to work, I caught myself and I stopped myself. And instead of saying, it is my intention, I said, today is a great day. I will have fun at work today.

Every person I come into contact with today will be happy, pleasant, in a good mood and a pleasure to be around. I am a 2023 gold signal award winner. Everything I touch turns to gold. And as I went through these affirmations and I took out the it is my intention, and I just stated it as if it is because it's written in the code. I actually found myself saying those words.

It is written in the code. I am a multi-millionaire. It is written in the code. and I started saying that. I kept putting that behind each of my affirmations. Instead of saying, it is my intention, almost like I'm willing it to happen, I changed it to no, it is. It's not just my intention, it is because it's written in the code. It's already a thing, it's already there. It's already in this, the space of technology.

I don't even know how to describe it, but when you think of the coding that somebody writes for a game, they write in all the Possibilities, they write in the possibility to lose, they write in the possibility to get hurt, they write in the possibility of obstacles. They write in the possibility of cheat codes. They write in the possibility to win. And when you know that those Possibilities are already written in there, then it already is. Everything else already is. Yes, but all of the things you want already is as well.

Is this making sense to you? I'm emotional as I'm talking about this. and I was emotional when I was saying it because I had this mental shift in how I worded things. I shifted from trying to make things happen, willing things to happen, visualizing things to happen, to actually believing they already happened. And that's what we talk about.

We talk about visualizing the things already happened. We talk about when you write your manifestations down, write 'em in the present tense as if they've already happened. Well, If, you believe that life is a simulation and you believe that it's already written in the code. It's absolutely already happened because it's in the code somewhere. It's in the code that has happened, it's in the code that it's a possibility. It's in the code that you win. And If, you shift your mindset to believing that it is a thing already.

Then it becomes a matter of being open to receiving. And here was my experience. I'm driving to work. It's a nine minute drive. I'm saying these things to myself. I start out with my regular. It is my intention that today is a great day. It is my intention that work will feel easy breezy. It is my intention that every person I come into contact with will be happy, pleasant, in a good mood and a pleasure to be around. I'm going through these phrases in my mind and I stop myself and I shift it and I remove my intention and I say, today is a great day.

I will have fun at work today. Work will feel easy, breezy work will be easy, breezy. Every person I come into contact with today will be happy, pleasant in a good mood and a pleasure to be around. I am a 2023 gold signal award winner. Everything I touch turns to gold. I am a multimillionaire. It is written in the code. It is written in the code.

I am a success. Everything I desire is already mine. It is written in the code. I am everything I want. I have everything I want. I possess everything I need. I am everything I need. It is written in the code. So I'm saying this to myself on my drive to work, my nine minute drive, I get to work.

I'm emotional, I wipe my tears. I go about my day. So here's what's crazy about it. I'm at work. I've been at work about three or four hours and I get an email. And this email came from my work, but it tells me I'm a winner. We had had for the month of May, a step challenge. A step challenge is try and get the most amount of steps in for the month.

And not everyone participated. It was optional, it was through our health insurance app, but you recorded your steps and you tagged friends at work that you walked with and it was just a challenge. And they have prizes and they do it every year. Last year they did it. I won nothing this year I did it and there were thousands of people. I worked for a really large corporation with over 200 locations. There are tens of thousands of employees that work for the company that I work for.

Now, not all of them participated in the step challenge, but thousands did. and I got this email at work that I had won a prize in the step challenge. Now that doesn't seem like much, but here's the crazy thing. I get tagged on a post on the social media ish site that my work uses the tagged to all of the winners.

When I go to that site, I realize that not only am I a winner of the step challenge, I am the grand prize winner. I didn't just win a prize, I won the very top biggest largest prize. Now I know that that sounds silly, but last year I participated in the Step Challenge and there were thousands of people that entered and I won nothing.

I got nothing. It was just, you know, a fun little event to participate in. This year, the very same day that I shift my thinking and I shift my language about what I'm able to Attract tract from saying that it is my intention to actually saying that it is Within hours. My name was drawn as the top winner with the top.

It's a financial prize in a contest of thousands of people. Now, you could listen to this and just say that's coincidence. And maybe it is. I don't believe in coincidences. I don't believe that everything happens for a reason. But I believe that what we experience in this life is a direct relation to our thoughts, our words, our emotions, and our vibration. I know that we live in a vibrational universe and I know that what we experience in this life is created by us.

And to me, the power behind the conversation I had had with myself on my nine minute drive to work, the power in just the mind shift of that I had an intention for something to occur to it already has occurred and believing in the possibility of everything because it's already written in the code, I saw almost an instant manifestation or an instant result from that.

It has changed my belief. And like I said, I don't necessarily believe that this life is a simulation and I don't really feel like I need to believe that. But if I believe that everything I want is already mine, if I believe that we all can win and we all can have it all. And if I believe that every outcome is a possibility and I just have to focus on the Possibilities or the outcomes that I want, if I decide what I want and I state it in the present and I feel it and I own it and I focus on that result, I will get that result.

I love how this concept has shifted my energy this week. I love how it has opened my mind to Possibilities. Does it mean that this life is of gain? No. Does it mean that this life is a simulation? Absolutely not. Is it possible that both of those things could be real? Absolutely. But what I learned from my experience is there is power in expectation.

There is power in having emotion and belief behind the words you say. And there is power in not just speaking what you want, but speaking as if it already is. That leads me into this week's action item. You do not have to believe that this life is a simulation. You do not have to believe that this life is a video game. I'm never gonna ask that of you. Whatever you believe to be true is true for you, and whatever resonates with you is your truth and I would never want to take that from you.

But my action item for you this week is to just embrace the intense and infinite Possibilities that come with the idea of this life being a simulation If. you can just wrap your head around the idea that there are infinite Possibilities and If. you can just consider that all of us have the ability to win and it is already done.

It's already written in the code, it's already a thing. It's not just a possibility. It is already there. If it is a code, it's already there. It's already written in. And failure is written in too. But you don't have to own the failure. Seek the win. Own the win. Grasp the win. Sp speak the win. Go for the win. So the action item this week is to try on an affirmation that includes the words.

It is written in the code just like I did this week. Whatever it is that you're manifesting, instead of saying what you want, instead of wishing it to happen, instead of hoping it to happen, instead of willing it to happen, instead of just visualizing it will happen, focus on it has happened. Focus on it is already a thing because it's written in the code. If, you wanna be self-employed.

Find an affirmation that says, I am self-employed. It is written in the code. It already is because it's written in the code. If, you wanna be a millionaire? Speak it and say to yourself, I am a millionaire. I am a millionaire. I am a millionaire. It is already written in the code. I already am a millionaire. If. you want to be able to have children.

Speak it as if it's a thing. Don't listen to what you've been told. Don't listen to what you believe. Say I am a parent, I have a family. I have loving children. I have a family. I adore. It is mine. I have this family because it's written in the code. It's already a thing. They're already out there. They're already my children. If. you want love or health or abundance or a dream house or a dream job or a dream car or anything.

Whatever it is that you desire, speak it, say it, say it is. Say it is already yours. Say you have it and it already is because it's written in the code. That is my action item for you this week. Try it on for size. Even If, you don't believe it. Even if it feels wrong, try it and try and feel it when you say it. Try and have emotion behind it and I guarantee you and I know it seems crazy.

How can you guarantee? But I guarantee you, If, you do it. You will see results in the words you speak. You may not have an instant manifestation, but you will see shifts. You will see it change. Try that on for size this week. Let me know how it goes for you. Spend fun talking with you about The, Code of Possibilities. I can't wait to hear how it goes for you.

Have a good week. I'll talk with you next week. Bye-bye.


S2.36: What Is The Law of Attraction and Is It Real?


S2.E34: Rituals, Habits and Superstitions