S2.E22: Quiet The Noise

Just like we tend to get our best ideas in the shower, in order to listen to inspiration and be in tune with our inspiration we need to quiet the noise. Kayla talks about how to make time for quieting and the noise and the benefits of doing so.

I am just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles than happily ever after or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. 

Hi there, I'm your host, Kayla Rain and welcome back to Attract It With Ease. In this week's episode, I'm going to give you one simple thing you can do today to help you listen for inspiration and better be in tune with your inspiration. Just one simple thing. But before I get into that, I wanna start this episode out with talking about gratitude. First thing that I'm grateful for this week is really good sleep. 

You know, they say good sleep cures almost everything, and it's so true. Last week I was just struggling with some things and I was in a bad mood. I was in a bad space. And I'll tell you what, I've had a couple good nights of really good sleep and it has completely shifted my energy, shifted my emotion shifted, my mood shifted everything. I'm so grateful for good sleep. Second thing I'm grateful for this week is collaboration. I mentioned on a recent podcast episode that I have joined a podcast network. 

That network is called The Ethereal Network, and I'm gonna talk a little bit more about that later in today's podcast. But it is a group of eight or so of us and we are all individual podcasters and we are collaborating to share ideas, to share processes, to help promote each other and just really work together to help each other grow. Now we have a lot of things in common, which is why I joined the network. And like I said, I'm gonna talk about it more in a bit. 

But one of the things I really am grateful for this week is just the collaboration that I've had with these other podcasters and it has really helped me with my workflow. What I mean by that is I've had different software and processes that I've used in recording and producing my podcast, but in talking to other podcasters, I've learned about other software and other ways to edit audio and just change things up. And I'm just really grateful for their ideas and the collaboration that we've had and just that this is a new relationship, so to speak, that the universe has introduced me to. 

I'm so grateful for the collaboration with them and just collaboration in general in life. Life we're always better, always stronger when we're working together towards a common goal instead of working all on our own. The third thing that I'm grateful for this week is appreciation from others. I mentioned on a recent podcast episode that I was going to start doing daily inspiration on my Instagram stories. Well, I've been doing that for probably about two or three weeks now, and it has been awesome. It's been fun for me to try and come up with things to try and inspire and uplift others. 

It's made me feel that it's an extension of the podcast because I get to talk with you, my audience, on a daily basis, and I get to inspire and uplift my friends and family and I'm loving that too. But with that, this past week, one of the inspirational thoughts that I shared was to reach out to someone in your life that is not your significant other. Find someone that you appreciate and tell them that you appreciate them. And why We just don't do that often enough. We just don't tell people how we feel about them. 

Sometimes it seems awkward, but I'll tell you what, if that person was not around anymore for one reason or another, you would wish that you had told them how you felt about them. You would wish that you had had an opportunity to share your feelings. And so I posted this to my Instagram stories and a good friend of mine actually responded and sent me a DM on Instagram and he just thanked me. He said, I really appreciate you checking in on me when you knew that I was not doing well. 

And I thought about that and how much it meant to me to hear that from him. Not because it reinforced what I had done for him, but more that it was so good to hear what it meant to him because that's the kind of person that I wanna be. I think that's the kind of person we all wanna be. I think we all wanna inspire and uplift others and to have someone in your life tell you how much you mean to them, it's incredible. It felt so good that I inspired him to say that to me, but also just to feel like I was inspiring other people. 

It just feels so good to have appreciation from others. And I'll tell you what, this podcast was started during the pandemic. I came up with a concept during the pandemic because I just felt like the world sucks right now. We need some good things. We need some positive uplifting hope. We need something to pull us out of the negativity that we are experiencing. And that is where the idea of the podcast was founded. In any case, it was released during the pandemic because I wanted to do something to tell the world there's hope. 

There's a bright spot. You have the power, you can take control. And now that the podcast is out and now that the pandemic is over, maybe there's not as much need, but I think there is. And so it feels amazing to not only release this podcast, but now be able to have my daily inspirational ideas or thoughts shared on Instagram so that I can have that same impact so I can touch people's lives so I can give quick, easy, actionable items that people can do today to start creating or start living the life of their dreams. 

Alright, that's it for my gratitude this week. Let's get into our topic. Here's the first question that I have for you. Have you ever wondered why some of your best ideas come to you when you're in the shower? Have you ever wondered that? People say that all the time. They just say, oh, the best ideas come to me when I'm in the shower. Have you ever wondered why that's a thing? Have you ever wondered why your best ideas come to you when you're in the shower? Think about it. 

Well, I know why. The reason is this one of the few times in your day, maybe the few times in your life that you quiet the noise. What do I mean by that? What I mean is that we as humans in today's world tend to surround ourselves with stimulations, surround ourselves with distractions. We have noise going on all around us. And it could be true noise, like it could be music. 

We could have music playing. Think about it, when was the last time you were driving in your car and you didn't have music or a podcast playing? When was the last time? When was the last time you were alone in your car and not listening to music or a podcast? It's pretty rare, isn't it? Or that you weren't on the phone, that you're just completely quiet with yourself in your car. That's a rare thing for most people. When was the last time that you came home from work and didn't turn the television on? When was the last time you had a whole evening that you just came home and you didn't either get on the the internet or on your phone or get in front of the television? 

When was the last time? And for some of you, and I don't mean to belittle those of you that that's not your norm, but if that's not your norm, you are not the norm. The normal person comes home and either sits down and gets right on their phone or turns on the television. And for most of us, we live in a multiple screen world. And what I mean is we constantly have multiple screens going at the same time. We'll have the television on and we'll be on our iPad or on our phone, or we'll have our iPad going or our laptop going and we've got our phone and we're texting someone while we're watching something, while we're listening to something. 

We just constantly have these distractions. We constantly have this noise. We constantly have this entertainment happening and we rarely have the quiet time. We rarely have the quiet space, but when you're in the shower, it's all turned off. Now, some people listen to music in the shower, but what I'm talking about is not music you're singing along to and dancing to. I'm talking about if you have any music on, it's just background music. 

And what it does is it allows your mind to start moving. It allows the connections in your brain to start firing. And by doing that, by having that quiet time, it allows you to actually think. It allows you to organize your thoughts. It allows the universe to bring you messages. It allows you to download that information and it also allows your body to tell you how it's feeling and how things are going and to communicate with you. 

And that's where I'm talking about intuition. And here's why I'm thinking about this today. This has been on my mind because I have been traveling for the last couple of weeks. I've been away from home and it has been really hard for me. But being away from my husband and staying in a hotel room, sure I turn on the television at night, but I've had a lot of downtime. I've had a lot of quiet time while I'm getting ready, when I come home from work, I've just had quiet and it has been strange and it has been amazing. 

And what I mean by that is nothing against my husband, but what I mean is I have had all this inspiration and all of this kind of data that's been flowing around and kind of fired at me over the last few weeks suddenly makes sense and come together. And here's what I mean by that. I've had different bits of inspiration that has come at me from different places. For example, I have been doing LinkedIn learnings for my current day job. 

I am looking to promote. I'm going through some training and they have assigned me all of these videos to watch on LinkedIn. And I've been getting so much good information both from my job, but also all of these tidbits of things where I've written that down about like, oh my gosh, that's so good. I need to remember that. Things that can help me with public speaking, things that can help me with my career, things that can help me with just my podcasting. And I've just had these little notes and I've just been writing them down and filing those away, tucking them away for another time. 

Then there was another day this last week where I was watching Instagram. I've found some girl that was talking about money and finances and investing, and I was watching her reels on Instagram and just kind of getting some thoughts and information from her because she had some good ideas and I just was kind of absorbing that and saving some of that. And she had one particular post, but I just thought, oh my gosh, this is so good. And she was talking about money that she was making through her posts on social media. And I'm thinking to myself, oh, I'm terrible at that. 

I don't even like social media, but I saved the post. And it's so funny how the universe just throws little things at you, little bits of information. This is where I'm talking about things just kind of fall out of the sky for you and into your lap. It just happens. There're constantly messages coming at you in your conversations, in the books you're reading in, the things you're seeing in the ads that are thrown at you everywhere around you. The universe is communicating with you. 

And we may or may not hear it. We may or may not recognize it. I like to think that for the most part, I do see those signs. I do get that feedback. I do kind of pick up on it. But again, I'm just kind of getting these little bits and pieces and writing them down or saving them in folders on my Instagram or whatever the case may be. And this week, because I have quieted the noise this past week, suddenly all of these little tidbits of things that seemed completely unrelated started to come together into what I would call one big project. 

I have now had inspiration for this big project, and I say big because hours of time I kind of keep looking at myself like, oh my gosh, do I really have the time to take this on? Do I really have the time to do this thing? But I'm so excited about this new idea and this new thought process and I can take these things that I'm learning on LinkedIn and I can take this information that this girl's talking about with how she's doing things on social media and I can kinda merge everything that has been thrown at me over the last few weeks. 

All of this information, all of these juicy nuggets. So the universe is saying, here, try this. Here, go with this. Here's a good idea. And I can pull it all together into one thing and wrap a bow on it. You know, the universe doesn't just drop things on your front door. You're not just gonna wake up one day and there's gonna be a Ferrari in your driveway. And if you thought, that's how manifesting worked, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news cuz that's not how it works. The universe brings us things and we then have to take action. 

I talk about that a lot. I talk about the little action steps that you can take to move in the direction of your dream. You don't have to figure out the how, but you do have to take the action. You have to get moving in the direction. You've got to take a step through that door. You've got to make that introduction. Put yourself out there, create that item, create that project that the universe is inspiring you to do in order for the next piece to fall in place. You've gotta take action. Here's the thing, if you don't taking time to quiet the noise, if you're not putting the pieces together, it's all just a lot of really good ideas. 

And it's gonna be ideas that end up in a notebook instead of ideas that come together into one big collaboration, into one big project, into something that you can do today right now to move in the direction of your dreams. So let me ask you, when was the last time that you made space or you made time to quiet the noise? When was the last time you consciously sat down on your couch with everything turned off and just holding a notebook and pen, coming up with your ideas, collecting your thoughts? 

When was the last time you asked yourself the question, is what I'm doing today moving me in the direction of my dreams? When was the last time you evaluated where you're at in life and where you wanna be going? When was the last time you made time for that? And that's the thing is we don't usually make time for that when it happens. It usually happens by accident and just like happening in the shower when you're taking a shower, that is the universe coming at you through your thoughts because it's the one time that you can, like you're conscious and you're awake, you're not sleeping and your thoughts can just assess and organize and download. 

This is also when your body can talk to you. Now intuition is a real thing and intuition is when your body tells you you need something. It could be telling you you need to slow down, you need more rest, you need to take care of yourself. You need some self-care. Intuition could be telling you you need more protein, you need more exercise, you need more salt in your diet. You could be craving something that's intuition, that's your body talking to you. 

Your body will speak to you, your body will tell you when it's full. Your body will tell you when it's tired. Your body will tell you when it needs something. But so much of the time we ignore it, we don't listen, we don't take care of ourselves. When we quiet the noise, we can hear the messages from the universe and we can hear the me messages from our bodies.  Now I wanna tell you about some inspiration that I think I've talked about in a certain sort of way on the podcast before, but it's been a while. This is a prime example of the power of quieting the noise. When my husband and I were living in Sedona, Arizona, he, he was a freelance professional photographer and I worked a full-time job. So he did not have a sp a steady paycheck. I made decent money and I for the most part made sure that all the bills got paid and he was able to work for himself. 

And we had this incredible lifestyle because he had so much freedom in his schedule that when I was off, he was able to be off and we were able to go do fun, amazing things. But we had this desire to travel. We had this desire to live the van life and do this life on the road, so to speak. But we weren't influencers for social media. We weren't these big paid people who could just go out and create content. 

And yet that was something that we aspired to. That's something that we wanted and I didn't know how to get from here to there. How do you go from having few hundred followers or maybe a thousand followers to actually being paid to produce content for brands and being able to live on the road? And you know, that desire for the van life is actually kind of what pushed us towards our tiny house lifestyle that we lived for over three years. But it was this strong burning desire that we had to be able to get out to spend more time in nature, to be able to explore, to be able to create. 

And my husband being a professional photographer, creating was his passion. It still is his passion, it's our passion. We both are very creative people, but at the time it was kind of one of those things where it's like, how do you get brands to recognize you? How do you get brands to wanna work with you when you don't have anything of value to offer them? And so what I did was I took some time, some quiet time, and actually some of that quiet time was actually in nature. 

Some of my quiet time was outdoors because I just feel like there's so much positive energy just being outdoors. And you know how much I love trees. If you've listened to this podcast at all, you know I'm a huge tree fan and I love being in the forest. I love camping, I love being in the mountains. And by being in the trees and by being in nature, I have been so inspired over the years and I received inspiration at one point in my quiet time to Kayla, send a letter to the brands you wanna work with. 

Send them a letter instead of waiting for them to reach out to you. Why don't you reach out to them? What's the worst thing that could happen? They could say no. So obviously my husband had a website, we had examples of his photography, he had done product photography before. But I put together this letter that my husband calls a pitch letter. I don't like the word pitch, but that's essentially what it was. Kind of like a form letter that we customized or personalized for different brands that we sent it to. 

But we just reached out to multiple brands that we wanted to work with. Now at the time, we were very outdoorsy. I still like to think that we are, although we don't spend as much time outdoors as we used to, we love to camp, we love to travel, we love nature, we love National Park. Stutts, totally our jam. We have a built out Jeep with the rooftop tent, and we just felt like we are the people that these brands that we wanna work with are trying to go after. And we can create some really cool content for them through photography, but also through our social media posts. 

And obviously we didn't have big social followings at the time, but it's funny how that inspiration of creating this kind of form letter turned into something huge and amazing for us. We created this lifestyle brand that we called where to explore Next. We still have a website, we still have an Instagram. But for several years when we were living in Sedona, we actually worked with a number of huge brands, big name brands that you would know of. 

But we got to a point where we got free product and were able to travel and create content for these brands to eventually where we were actually being paid by some of the brands. In fact, one of the brands is huge. They do portable power banks and they've just blown up. But we were their very first brand ambassadors. And not only did they give us all kinds of free product, but they paid us to travel, they paid us for our content. 

And it was just exactly a dream come true. It was this amazing lifestyle that we were able to create that we were able to construct for ourselves to. When I say that we created the life of our dreams, we really did that and we manifested that. But it never would have happened if I hadn't taken time to quiet the noise and come up with the inspiration to write this form letter. 

Now for those of you that are listening that think, I wanna do that, it's a great idea, something you can do and there's nothing stopping you. But I will have to say there's magic in the words. It's not just the letter. There's magic in the words and the words. I feel like the way that that letter is written, the way that it's put together, I feel like came from an inspired space. I feel like the universe gave me those words as if they were not mine. And that's something that I ask the universe for a lot. 

Even in recording the podcast. I say, let the words flow from me naturally. Let them come from me as if they are not even my own, as if they are being handed to me. And I feel like when I created that letter, that is the case. I feel like those words were just handed to me and they became this magic email or document or letter that we could send out. But I'll tell you, it didn't work for every brand. Of course there were lots of nos and lots of just people that ignored us, but it turned into us working for a bunch of brands. 

Brands we loved, and we got so much free product and we got to travel and we got to go to all of these cool places and create all of this cool content. And we could still do that if that was what we were seeking today. We're at another stage in our lives now. But when I look back at what my husband and I have been able to create just during our time together, we both have created some incredible, amazing things and we've manifested these incredible unheard of amazing experiences. 

And we really have constructed this life of our dreams. And as we create and as we move through the things that we want, the things that we want change. And so yeah, we've had the life of our dreams, but now what we want is different and we're creating the new life, the new picture, the new experience of what we want. And it's because I take time and I say I my husband, he doesn't focus on it so much. So I can't really speak for him. 

But this is something that I do that has helped me, that has created my manifestations, that has created the ability to listen to inspiration, to tune into my intuition. And that's quieting the noise, shutting it all off, turning it all off, asking the questions. I'm getting quiet. I am all about notes. I am a list maker. I write everything down. 

I make notes for everything. Every time I record a podcast. It's not scripted by any means. You can probably tell that, but it has an outline. I write down the things that I'm grateful for. I remind myself of some things I wanna touch on or some things that I wanna say. I write things down. And I think it's great to write things down, especially when you are inspired to just put it on paper or put it in your phone, put it somewhere so you don't forget. Because all the time I think, oh, that's such a good idea. I'll remember that is such a good idea. I won't forget. And then I forget. 

I forget if I don't write it down. So the inspiration that comes at me, I write down, and I'll tell you when I want to be inspired, when I want to organize my thoughts, I shut off the noise and I sit down with a pad and a paper and I just focus on organizing my thoughts. And it's funny how when you make that dedicated time, when you make space for it, you have your original thoughts, you're just kind of making notes, you're maybe planning, you're maybe organizing things. And as you do that, new ideas, new inspiration, new thoughts come your way. 

And for me, so much of the time I'll be thinking about one thing and I will Google it, I'll research it, I'll look it up online. And it's just like going down a rabbit hole on YouTube. You know what I'm talking about. You start watching a video about one thing and then it suggests another video and then another video and then another video. And then a couple hours later you're still watching YouTube and you're just not anywhere at all on the the liner thought process of where you started. You ended up somewhere else. That's what happens to me with inspiration. I'll write something down and I'll want to define what I'm thinking or I'll wanna figure out a how to, and I'll google it and it will bring up something related to what my search was. 

It wasn't exactly my search. And then I'll get on that and then it'll take me somewhere else. And then, you know, 20 minutes, half hour later, I'm down this rabbit hole of information that never would've come at me if I hadn't made the time for it. So here's, here's my thoughts on all of this. You gotta make the time. And so much of the time we feel like we don't have time. I don't have time for that. I don't have time for quiet aside from my shower. 

I've got kids, I've got a husband, you might be going to school. I've got homework, I've got errands, I've gotta make dinner, I've gotta clean the house, I've gotta do laundry, I've gotta do all of these things. It's true you don't have time. But guess what? Here's something I learned this past week about time. It always feels like we don't have time because we're always looking at time in the near future. We're thinking about the next few days. We're thinking about the next week, we're thinking about the next couple of weeks and we're thinking about all the things on our plate and we think I don't have time for that. 

And you're right, you probably don't. You've probably filled in all the time. You've got so many things that you've piled on your plate, you don't have the time. But guess what, if you look further into the future, you have the time. What I mean is if you look at your calendar for a two month period, I guarantee you can find an hour to schedule in time to quiet the noise. Now, most of us don't even have to go out one or two months to do that. But someone who's literally hour by hour, time blocked guarantee you have time in your schedule two months out. 

Write it in your calendar, set a reminder schedule in the time you always have time. It's your perception of time or the fact that you're looking at time in a short period that you're saying, I don't have time. But if you change the timeline and you give yourself a bigger window of time to look at, that is when you will realize you do have time. Schedule it in schedule in the time. Give yourself an hour. That is this week's action item. 

Take one hour of quiet time, turn off the music, turn off the television, put away your phone. Make sure there's no outside conversations around you. I'm talking 100% literal alone time as if you were in the shower by yourself, but you can't count Shower time. I'm talking about planned, dedicated time. One hour with a notebook, with a pen. Collect your thoughts, write them down, and you will be amazed at the inspiration that comes to you. 

You will be amazed, folks, if you take this to heart and you schedule this in on a regular basis, you'll get to a point where you don't have to schedule it because you'll love it so much, you'll just start doing it. And I've said this on the podcast before, I must never turn on music in my car because I just love my quiet time when I'm alone with my thoughts is because I get so much energy and power and I get so much fulfillment and information and inspiration how to being alone with my thoughts that just make it a habit now. 

And I promise you will eventually do the same. But if you just start intentionally making time to quiet the noise, you will move mountains. Your life will drastically change. I promise you that. You can hold me to that promise. Call me on the carpet, tell me, Kayla, it didn't work for me. Try it. Do it. That's this week's action item. So before I wrap up today, I wanna talk a little bit about the Ethereal Network. 

I talked about it on a recent podcast episode, but I recently joined a network of like-minded podcasters. Our goal is to help raise the vibration of the planet. Now these are podcasters that are all in the spiritual realm. And what I mean is most of us have something to do with metaphysical ideas and concepts. And I know not everyone that believes in the law of attraction is necessarily believing in tarot cards and psychics and crystals and some of those other kind of new age concepts. 

But I can tell you that the people that I am surrounding myself with are inspired and uplifting and positive people that really just want to inform and like I said, help raise the vibration of the planet. And I'm so excited to be connected with them. And this week I want to tell you about one of those podcasts. It's called World Awakenings, the Fast Track to Enlightenment. And it's by Carl Grubber. 

I'm gonna insert a little bit of information about his podcast so that if you're interested, you can check it out. But every month I will be sharing with you one of these other podcasts just to give you some exposure, to give them some exposure because you might find something that you've been looking for. You might some find something else outside of the law of attraction that inspires and uplifts you. And I'm telling you, these are people that I would not recommend if I did not feel good about, but who seek to do the same thing. 

And don't forget that I have a weekly drawing for listeners that leave a written review of my podcast on any platform. You can do that on Spotify, apple Podcasts and some others. There are links directly from my website attracted with ease.com that will take you to those pages where you can leave a written review. If you leave a review of my podcast, you can win one of my custom made manifestation journals. There's copies of those on my website attracted with ease.com. 

And while you're there, you can subscribe to my newsletter. Look forward to talking with you next week. This has been a fun one. Take care.


S2.E23: The Purpose of Life


S2.E21: It Takes a Team