S2.E21: It Takes a Team

You're only as strong as your weakest link, so if you don't have a team surrounding you, YOU are the weakest link. In this episode Kayla talks about setting goals and how to utilize your support system to help you accomplish them. She also shares a BIG juicy idea on how to hold yourself accountable too!

I am just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. 

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to Attract It With Ease. In this week's episode, I'm going to talk about setting goals on how to actually accomplish them. I've got some tips for you on how you can utilize your support system, but I'm actually going to give you a really good resource that will help you accomplish your goals all on your own. But before I get into that topic, I wanna start out with my gratitude today. 

I'm grateful for so many things. This has been a really strange week for me. I'm actually in Portland. I live in Reno, Nevada, and I am working out here assisting a location that does business the same as the location I work for in Reno. And I have really been out of my element here. I have been stretched in so many ways I didn't even think were possible. And so the first thing I'm grateful for today is days off. 

Oh my gosh, I have been working so many hours and so many late nights, and it has just been this overwhelming and wonderful experience, and I'm grateful for the day off that I get tomorrow because I finally get to rest and relax and focus on something else, but also have some me time. I'm so grateful for that, and I was thinking about how I get it days off every single week, and I always look forward to them, but I can't remember the last time I actually expressed gratitude for them. 

So today I am just acknowledging, oh my gosh, it's so nice to be able to have a break sometimes to be able to step away from work and focus on all the other things in life that matter besides what pays your bills, right? The second thing that I'm grateful for today has to do with the challenging week that I've had, and that is that I'm grateful for constructive feedback. And it's funny because I've received lots of constructive feedback this week, and sometimes when people come and bring you information or suggestions or recommendations, especially if it's unsolicited, it's really easy for us to put our walls up and kind of just be like, what do you know? 

Or Who are you to tell me? And I've really had to put myself in check this week and recognize that these people are trying to help me grow. They're coming from a good place, and that we're all just here to support each other. And when I changed my attitude about constructive feedback this week and really paid attention to the things that people were sharing with me or telling me or recommending to me, I do see how they really have my best interests at heart and they're trying to help me. And so today, I am grateful for constructive Feed feedback. 

Excuse me. I am so, so grateful that people will take the time to tell me what they think and try and help me improve, try and help me grow. And the third thing that I'm grateful for this week is something I haven't expressed gratitude enough for, let alone on the podcast. And that's my sweet dear husband. I have the most amazing husband. We got married since I started recording the podcast. When I first was recording, we were engaged, and then we got married. And I've talked a lot about that in prior episodes. 

But I just appreciate my husband. He is the most amazing, wonderful man, and he just does so much for me, and he's been my rock and my support system while I've been here. He listens to me when I am challenged or struggling. He comes to my defense if I need him, and he just takes care of everything at home. Like literally everything. We've been getting crazy snow in Reno this year, just like massive amounts of snow. 

It's like back to back snowstorms. Not only does he shovel the driveway every time it snows, if my car needs its windshield scraped, he takes care of it. He makes me coffee in the mornings. He's just the most amazing man, and I just really feel so grateful for him and want to express gratitude for him because we're away from each other. I'm in Portland, he's in Reno. I haven't seen him in, gosh, almost two weeks. So he's just been on my mind, and I just have to put that out there. 

So that's my gratitude for this week. Let's get into this week's topic because it's one I'm really excited about. And here's actually how it came about, and I've been thinking a lot about it this week. I've been thinking about the value of teams. I've been thinking about how having a team is so much more powerful and productive than people trying to do things on their own. When we have United Power, United energy, United thought, United action, we accomplish so much more. And that's so true just in the physical aspect of this life. 

But it's also true when we're trying to manifest things, we have multiple people seeking the same thing, putting the same intensity and thoughts and energy out into the universe. It magnifies the power of just a single person and it times it by all of the people that are working towards those same things or goals as you. And so it's so, so powerful to have a team. And I haven't talked about this at all on the podcast, I don't think in any sort of way. 

I don't think I've even used the word team before on the podcast, and I really wanna get into that today. And the funny thing is, I was thinking about the show, the Weakest Link. It's a US television show. I don't even think it exists anymore. There might be reruns still around somewhere, but it was this game show, and I don't even really remember the premise, but what I remember about it is that it would be these teams of people or groups of people trying to accomplish something. And there would be these different phases or rounds and whoever was the worst or struggled the most or didn't accomplish as much, each round would get eliminated. 

And what the host would say is, you are the weakest link. Goodbye. And then the floor would literally open up underneath them and they would fall down and disappear, like slide down off the stage or something. It was just so funny because it was so like just instantaneous. They wouldn't even know who was gonna be selected. But at the end of the round, she would always say, you are the weakest link. Goodbye. And I was thinking about that this week and joking with one of the managers that I've been working with this week, and I was saying to her, you know, you're only as strong as your weakest link. 

We were talking about team and teamwork. And I said, you're only as strong as your weakest link. And she said, yes, that's why you need a team. And I said, well, yeah, because if you don't have a team, you are the weakest link. She laughed and laughed and she said, that should be a T-shirt. You don't have a team. You are the weakest link. And I just have really been thinking about that. It was so funny in the conversation, and I don't know if it's gonna come across as funny to you listening to it, but just as we were talking about that, that was so humorous to me because I'm thinking about falling through the floor. 

You are the weakest link. Goodbye. It hit home to me that you are not as strong. You are weak, you are weaker when you don't have a team, when you don't have a support system. And I talk a lot about accomplishing things. I talk a lot about trying to manifest and trying to achieve the life of your dreams. And manifesting and creating goals are not the same thing. Manifesting is essentially putting it out into the universe and allowing the universe to help you make it happen. 

When you are working on manifesting and you include the universe in it, the universe comes up with the how. The universe says, I'm gonna figure out how to do it. You just need to focus on it happening and believe it's going to happen. That's manifestation a goal. A goal is when you decide the outcome that you want and you take actionable steps to get there. Now, manifesting on goals are two different things, but they work hand in hand. 

And a lot of times when we set goals for the things that we can do to help our manifestations, and I've talked about that a lot, I've had a couple episodes that are all about what can you do right now? What can you do right now from where you are with what you have to get the momentum started? Well, that's the goal part. The goal part is what can you do to get started? How can you kick it off? How can you get some momentum before the universe steps in and takes over and finishes everything for you? 

So it's not to say we don't need goals and we can't or shouldn't do anything. We should just sit around and hope that the universe fixes all of our problems. That's not really how it works. What we do is we focus on what we want. We set a goal, we put it in motion, we get things going. And then all of the things that we don't know how to work out, the pieces that we don't have answers for, the things that we can't orchestrate on our own or we're just uncertain about. Like for example, maybe you're trying to start a business and you don't know how, how you're gonna get the funding. 

That's the part that universe works on. But it doesn't mean that you can't have goals and actionable items to get things started. So today I wanna talk about goals. I wanna talk about setting goals and actually accomplishing them. So with that being said, with my thought about teams and how you're only as strong as your weakest link if you don't have a team, meaning if you don't have people on your side working with you, working towards that same goal, you are already at a disadvantage because you are the weakest link. 

Now, I don't wanna take away at all from your personal power and your strength and what you can do on your own, but imagine a bunch of you, a bunch of people just like you, wanting the same things as you, cheerleading you on holding you accountable, striving for the same things, thinking about the same things, manifesting the same things, and all of that combined effort and energy and thought and enthusiasm and motivation, all of that working together is so much more powerful. 

So what does it mean to have a team when it comes to your personal goals? I'm not talking about, hey, start a business and hire people. That's not at all. What I mean when I'm talking about team, what I'm talking about is your own personal support system. So here's my first question for you. Who do you have in your support system? Think about it. And I know that that can be a scary question because some of you are gonna listen to this and instantly feel bad and say, I don't have anyone. 

Others of you can probably think of one or two people. You might have a best friend that you would feel is part of your support system. You may have a partner or spouse that's completely your support system the way that my husband is. Maybe you have some family members, your parents or siblings or cousins or somebody in your family. That's your support system. But I want you to think about that for a minute. Who in your life is your support system? And it could be your support system for anything. 

When you're trying to identify who your support system is, this is the people that you can turn to when you're having a bad day. These are the people that you can turn to when you need advice, when you want someone to share your win. Maybe you just got a promotion, maybe you just got a raise. Maybe you just found out you're pregnant and you've been trying, these are the people that are your cheerleaders. And that's a clear distinction I want you to make in your mind, because there's absolutely people in our lives that know things about us and know things about our personal lives, but they are not necessarily our cheerleaders. 

Not everyone in your life is rooting for you, and that's huge. I want you to make that distinction because the people that are not rooting for you are not your support system. They are not your team. They are not your tribe. Who is your tribe? Who do you identify with? Who wants the same things that you do, who celebrates with you and is happy for you when you have success? Instead of is, is jealous or tries to take away from it or tries to compare? 

I'm sure you see that in coworkers. That's super common in coworkers. If one person has a big success or good feedback or a good review or a promotion, a lot of times the people around them struggle with that and have a hard time being their cheerleader, have a hard time feeling good for them because they're comparing you to them and they're thinking, well, maybe I deserve that. Well, maybe I want that. Well, how come I didn't get that feedback? 

Why didn't I get that raise? Why didn't I get that promotion? Why didn't I get that opportunity? So just because they're your friend does not mean they are your tribe. Does not mean that they are. Your team, does not mean that they are your support system. So I'm going to re-ask you that question. Who in your life is your support system? Name them, name them in your head, who can you count on? 

And it's so important for you to identify these people, and it doesn't have to be a huge group. It doesn't have to be 10 or 20 or 50 people. It can be two or three. But the important thing is that it's not just zero, that you're not going it alone. That you always have somebody that you can count on, that you can turn to, that's going to be your cheerleader. So if you are listening and you can't think of anyone, first of all, I'm gonna raise my hand and say, reach out to me. 

I'll be your cheerleader. I would be happy to be your cheerleader. But aside from that, I want you to think outside of the box. Because if you feel like there's nobody in your life that's rooting for you, that's on your side that you can turn to a, I want you to know things will change, things will get better. But I want you to think outside the box because there are resources, there are people, there are people that want to be there for you and people that want the same things as you. 

People who are seeking to accomplish the same things as you. And what I mean by thinking outside the box is if there's no one close to you, if you don't have friends or family or coworkers or someone close to you in your life that you feel is your cheerleader that you can turn to for support, look into Facebook groups, look into meetup, look into online forums. Find somewhere. Maybe it's Instagram, maybe there's somebody you follow on Instagram that you really admire and you look up to. I promise you, if you can make a connection, if you can reach out, if you can send a dm, if you can direct message them or send them an email or something, tell them your story. 

And if it's someone who thinks like you do and someone who has the same goals and aspirations as you do, I promise you, they're gonna wanna talk to you. They're gonna wanna meet you. They're going to want to support you in accomplishing the exact same thing. You may even find someone that would be willing to mentor you if you find someone that's accomplished the thing that you are seeking to do. So I haven't really talked about the different types of goals I'm referring to, but this could literally be anything in life. Let's say your goal is to learn to speak another language. 

How would you go about doing? Well, it's real easy. We can probably think of a bunch of apps, you know, like babble or something that you could install and use and start learning another language. But that's just how we get started. How do we actually set a goal? And then once we set that goal, how do we accomplish it? Well, that's where the team comes in. And I'm gonna get into setting goals in a minute here. I'm gonna get into that part. But once you have the goal, once you know what you're trying to achieve, that's where you need the support system because you need some accountability. 

It's really easy to wake up one day and say, I'm gonna start a new habit. I'm gonna change things. I'm gonna do better. I'm gonna eat better. I'm gonna take my vitamins. I'm gonna work out every day. I'm gonna read 10 minutes every night. I'm gonna meditate. I mean, whatever it is, it's really easy to say you're gonna do that. And sometimes it's easy to do it for a couple of days, but to actually do it long enough to create a habit and to actually do something like learn a new language and practice it frequently enough to actually pick up a language and become fluent in it, that takes some dedication. 

We're not talking about five minutes a day for a couple of weeks. We're talking about a lot of time and energy to really learn a new language. So that's where the support system comes in. And that's where I say they have to be your cheerleaders. They have to be someone who wants you to succeed, who buys into your dream or your vision. Because I guarantee you, there's people in life, even people you love that aren't going to get it. 

Just like when I moved into my tiny house and my dad just didn't get it, like he didn't stand in my way, but he didn't get it. He wasn't my cheerleader at that time. He didn't help me, he didn't promote me, he didn't encourage me and lift me up and keep me going. And he wasn't the person I turned to when I had challenges or struggles because he probably would've thought to himself or maybe even said, well, I told you so. Well, you should have known. That is not a support system. The support system is the person that says, you got this. 

Keep going. The support person is the person that checks in with you and says, how is your new language coming? Tell me something in Italian. Ask me where the library is. And I say that because that's about the one phrase I can say in another language. But seriously, your support system and that group of people, they're the people that are holding you accountable. They're the people you want to tell about this goal. 

You want to tell them. And you know what? Sometimes we don't wanna tell the whole world about what we're working on, especially because not everyone's gonna understand and not everyone's gonna agree with us, and not everyone's gonna be our supporter or cheerleader. We wanna tell the people that will root for us, that will focus on it, that will keep us focused, that will hold us accountable. They'll check in with us, and when we get off track, they're going to be there to lift us up. So that's where I'm saying, if you don't have someone like that in your life, find somebody. 

Find someone who's also trying to learn that language. Find someone who speaks that language that wants to speak your language, figure out a way you can tutor each other. There are so many ways that you can meet people and find people, especially with the internet these days, so many resources available to us if we just seek them out. So I've talked about teams, I've talked about your support system. Let's talk about goals. 

What is a goal? Well, I'm sure most of you know what a goal is, but a goal isn't just a dream or a thought or an idea. A goal is specific. They say it needs to be written down. I don't know that it has to be written down, but it definitely helps accomplish it if it's written down. So it has to be specific. It has to have a timeline. So when are you going to achieve this By, if you're gonna learn a new language, when are you going to have it learned? 

When will you be proficient? Or what are your milestones? Where are your check-in points? Where do you know if you've got there or if you've at attained it, it can't just be a lifelong thing you're working on. That's not a goal, that's a project. A goal is I'm going to learn to speak Italian by the end of 2024. That's a long ways away, right? When I say I'm going to learn Italian, I probably need to be more specific than that because I could probably learn a couple phrases in Italian in about an hour. 

If I'm going to learn to speak Italian fluently, I need to specify that I'm going to be fluent in Italian by December 31st, 2024. That's a goal. Now, I personally am not trying to learn Italian. I probably should. I would love to. I wanna visit Italy. That's my not my goal, but that's an example. I know there's a lot of people looking to lose weight. I know there's a lot of people who want to vacation somewhere or want to save up to buy a house, wanna fix their credit. 

I know there's tons of people who you know, wanna learn a new skill. Maybe it's that you wanna learn to crochet or knit or weld things. Maybe you wanna learn how to fix cars or change your own oil or change the brakes on your car. I don't know. There's so many things that we would all love to accomplish and do, and it's so personalized and individual. A goal doesn't have to be something gigantic, but it's just something that you're working towards, and it's the piece of what you're asking the universe for that you can put into motion. 

It's the thing you can do right now today from where you are with what you have. That is the goal portion. So what is the goal? The goal could be anything. Okay, so we have already said it needs to be specific. It needs to be written down. It needs to have a deadline. Okay, so you read a goal. Now what? Well, that's where I said the support system comes in. You've gotta tell people about it. Once you make the commitment that you're going to do it, you say, okay, I'm gonna start waking up at five 30 every morning and I'm gonna exercise for 40 minutes, and then I'm going to take a shower and get ready for my day. 

Maybe that's your goal. Well, the goal should have a specific deadline. So the deadline is not tomorrow, unless you're making the same goal every day, which I don't know if that really counts, if you're just literally making the same goal over and over every day. To me, the goal is I want to achieve a certain fitness level, X, Y, Z. Like maybe you're getting ready for a fitness competition, or maybe you want to lose 10 pounds, or maybe you want to be able to, I don't know, have a certain circumference of your biceps, I don't know. 

But there needs to be an achievement. Something you attain, something you achieve. What is the end result that you are searching for? That's the goal. So maybe it's, Hey, I wanna lose 10 pounds. Okay, so my commitment is that I'm going to wake up every single day at five 30 in the morning. I'm gonna work out for 40 minutes, and then I'm going to shower. Okay? And I will lose those 10 pounds by July 31st of this year. 

Okay? That's a goal. It was very specific. It was specific in what I was going to do. I was gonna lose 10 pounds by July 31st of this year, and then I got into the details of how I was gonna get there, right? I'm gonna wake up at five 30 every day. I'm gonna work out for 40 minutes and then I'm gonna shower. That's the plan as to how you are going to accomplish this. So the workout and the shower and the time you're waking up is not really the goal. It's the plan. It's the how. It's how you're going to get there, and it's the commitment that you are making in order to make the goal happen. 

So that's how you break a goal down, is you start out with the little piece of, I'm gonna lose 10 pounds by January 31st. How am I going to do that? Well, I'm going to wake up every morning at five 30. I'm gonna work out for 40 minutes and then I'm gonna shower. Now a shower probably doesn't need to be in there, but the reason I think of that piece is oftentimes that's my stumbling block with getting up early and working out, is how am I gonna have enough time to get ready afterwards? And so it's figuring that all out as part of the the details of how I'm gonna get there. 

Okay, so now let's say I have this goal. I've got it outlined. I've got the details. This is what I'm gonna do, what I'm committing to. Well, now I've gotta tell somebody, and it's hard to wanna tell somebody because it's like, what if you don't get there? What if you don't do it? What if it doesn't happen? Now you feel silly and you feel stupid because you told everybody that I'm gonna lose 10 pounds by January 31st. Well, that's why you need the cheerleaders. That's why you need the support system, because I guarantee you, there's going to be a day. 

You don't wanna wake up at five 30. There's gonna be a day. You probably don't wake up at five 30 and then you're gonna feel bad and you're gonna be guilting yourself and you're gonna wanna just throw it out the window. Or who knows what. Sometimes we give up the minute we fail, or the minute we feel we failed. Sometimes we feel like we have to be perfect. There's no overcoming it if we screw up one time. But that's not true. If you remember the 85% rule, which I have a whole episode about, if you can just be consistent, 85% of the time, you're still gonna get there. 

And you can't expect yourself to give a hundred percent all of the time, or you're gonna gas yourself out, you're gonna wear out, you're gonna break down, you're gonna get sick, whatever. So it's unrealistic to think that every single day, between now and January 31st, you're gonna wake up at five 30 and work out for 40 minutes. It's not to say you can't do it. Some of you could and a few of you would. But my point is, you have to almost allow room for mistakes, allow room for improvement, and be willing to forgive yourself for that. 

I'm getting off track a little bit, but my point is that there will come a day when you've made this commitment. You're going to do X, Y, Z, and you're going to fail at at following through, and then you might feel bad and you might wanna give up, but that's where your support system comes in. That's where you lean on your sister, your best friend, your neighbor, whoever, whoever is your cheerleader. 

And when they check in with you, and that's a key thing, ask them to check in with you. Tell them your goal, tell them to check in with you. Tell them that you want them to check in with you. Hey, when you see me on Friday, ask me how it's going because that's gonna hold me accountable because I guarantee the days you're not gonna feel like waking up at five 30 in the morning to work out. You're gonna be more likely to do it if you know you're gonna be asked about it later that day or later that week. If someone's gonna hold you accountable, you're way more likely to get it done than if you are the only person holding you accountable. 

So that's a big piece of accomplishing your goals. Now, I have another just nugget, just juicy information that has been super impactful for me in accomplishing my goals that I wanna share with you. And I'm gonna do that after a break from our sponsors. I'll be right back. 
Welcome back. It's great to be here. I want to get back on the conversation we were just talking about, which was how can you not only set goals, but achieve them, achieve the goals that you're setting out for? And we've talked about the differences between a goal and a manifestation, and how goals are the action item that you can do to get the momentum starting on the things that you're trying to manifest. So here's the juicy nugget that I wanna share with you. 

This is something that I have implemented in my own life. I first learned about it probably 10 or 12 years ago, and it has been life changing for me because it has made the biggest difference in my ability to hold myself accountable to my goals. And here's how it goes. When you have a goal, when you have something you wanna attain, and I'll just use an example, we've talked about learning a new language. 

We talked about losing weight. Let's say the goal is that you want to save up a down payment to buy a house. Let's say that's your goal, okay? So we talked about how a goal has to be specific, be written down and have a deadline. And then we also talked about once you have that, you are gonna write down how you're gonna get there. So let's say the goal is you are going to save $10,000 for a down payment on a house. 

And I know honestly, $10,000 doesn't sound like a lot for a down payment, but just go with me because I'm trying to just use it as an example, okay? You wanna save $10,000 for a down payment on a house. That's the goal. But by when? When are you going to save this $10,000? Okay? Maybe it's gonna take you some time. Maybe it's gonna take you a year to save $10,000. So you're going to say one year from today, okay? And whatever that date is, whatever date you are listening to this podcast one year from today, and you think that actual date in your mind, so it's not just one year from today. 

So one year from the day you're listening to this, that's your goal, okay? I'm gonna save $10,000 for a down payment on the house by x date. Okay? We have a goal, we write it down. Now the question is how are we gonna get there? Well, this is where we have to get creative, right? So we're gonna look at our budget, we're gonna look at our spending. We're gonna look at ways that we could maybe even make additional money. Are there items in your home that you could sell? Is there something you could create and make and sell? 

Whether it's like on Etsy or a little bake shop or just some little, I don't know, craft or creation or homemade good something? Is there something that you can do to earn money on the side? What are expenses that you currently have that you could cut out? You know how you would get there? I'm just giving you some examples, but let's say that you figure out a way to put aside a hundred extra dollars a month or a thousand extra dollars a month, a hundred dollars extra a month isn't probably gonna get you there in a year, by the way, a thousand dollars a month would, but it's coming up with the how and defining that. 

So you write your goal, I'm gonna save $10,000 by this y date a year from now, and then coming up with, here's how it's gonna happen. I'm gonna stop going out to Starbucks. I'm going to refinance my car loan. I'm going to sell goodies to my neighbors. I don't know. I'm going to come up with some creation that I can sell on Etsy and put all of my earnings aside for this. Whatever it is that you come up with, that's the how, right? Okay, so now you have this goal. 

Here's the juicy part. You're going to write yourself a contract. Think about it. What is a contract? Contract is usually an agreement between two different people that is put in writing. Now, in most parts of the country, and probably most parts of the world, most of the time, if the two parties that are writing this contract are of sound mind, and they put their signature and pen to paper agreeing to something on terms that they both agree on, it is considered a legal binding agreement between the two people, right? 

So why not write a legal binding agreement with yourself? Now, I'm not suggesting that you will ever take yourself to court, but what I'm suggesting is there is power not only in putting it in writing, but there is power in signing your name to it. So you can write it as a letter or you can write it as like a formal agreement. The same way if you loaned a family member money and you were gonna write a contract as to how and when they were gonna pay you back, think about that. 

If you loaned a family member $10,000 and you expected them to pay, pay you back, you'd probably put it in writing and you would say when they owed it to you, and if they were gonna make monthly payments, you would probably put that in writing. They're gonna pay it back by paying me this amount every single month, and the loan will come due on this date. That's the same thing I'm talking about with the contract. For yourself, if you're trying to save $10,000, you're gonna write that down the same way. I'm gonna put away X amount of dollars every single month. The loan will be due. 

It won't be a loan, but the savings will be due. The total will be due. The goal will be due by X date. You're gonna put it all in writing and you're going to write it to yourself. Now, you don't need to sign it twice unless you feel like you should, but you are writing it to yourself. I am making this commitment to myself that I am. I'm gonna be diligent about my savings. I'm gonna come up with creative ways to save money, and I am focused on and committed to saving $10,000 in the next year, and you sign it. 

There is so much power in that. I'm telling you, when you do it, if you don't just like stick it in a drawer, if you put it somewhere where you'll see it like, I don't know, on your refrigerator or on your mirror or on your nightstand or inside the book you're reading or something where you're gonna run across it and remind yourself, it will hold you accountable because you're gonna feel bad and it's only you that you're letting down, but it's you that you're letting down. This is what you really want. 

You want it so bad, you put it in writing. You want it so bad, you put the words I commit to, I commit. I am committed. It's crazy. Now, here's the next golden nugget of this. When you write this contract to yourself, you're also going to write how you will reward yourself. Well, obviously the big reward is you saved $10,000. The bakery reward is that you achieved the goal, you accomplished the thing you set out for, but it takes so much willpower to work on something for a year. 

It takes so much willpower to get up at five 30 every morning and work out to lose the weight. It takes so much willpower to open the app and spend time practicing the new language you're trying to learn. It is take so much ongoing effort that if you give yourself rewards at check-in points, if you write that in your in your contract, it will give you something that is quicker and easier to obtain, that will reward you to keep going and will reward you for the hard work. 

And the reward doesn't have to have anything to do with the end goal. So the reward could be something like, I'm gonna take myself out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory if I make it two months consistent, that could be your goal. That could be your reward, and then what's the next reward, and then what's the next reward until you get there. I'm telling you, if you're trying to save $10,000, you're being super frugal with your money, like you're probably just cutting out almost all the extras. 

You're not going out and doing frivolous shopping, you're not going out to eat. You're, you're putting every little bit you can away so that you can achieve this goal. So why not have a reward in there where you can actually spend a little bit on something that gives you that reprieve and makes you not feel like you're going without, like you're withholding it from yourself, right? They say that when you're on a diet, they say you have to have cheat days, otherwise you can't be consistent. 

It's a way to reward yourself for getting to that point. It's the same thing when you are writing a contract to yourself. You need that reward. You need those check-ins, and it gives you something. When you're so close to making that next milestone, it keeps you from giving up. And so this is a lot to put in writing, but if you can do it, if you can write what the goal is, if you can write it down, be specific, have a date that you wanna accomplish it by, write down how you're going to do it, give yourself some milestones and some rewards along the way, and then here's one last little bit that will just really top it all off, if you can write it in there. 

Anything that you can perceive could be a stumbling block. What I mean is we know we're gonna make mistakes on these bigger goals. If you're trying to work on something for a whole year or more. If you're trying to work on something for six months, there's going to be days where you don't have the motivation. So what do you perceive as the roadblocks to keep you from getting there? Put that in writing too and write down, here are the things that I perceive could happen. 

Okay, well, if I'm trying to save $10,000, something that could happen is I could have an unexpected expense that could get me off track. That's one thing. What else could happen? I could get invited to go out to eat with my friends and that could get me off track because I wanna go out with my friends, so I would take some of the money I would've put aside, and maybe I'm not gonna save as much as I said I was gonna save. What are the things that might come up that could get you off track? Write those down, but don't just write them down. 

Write down. Here's how I'm going to overcome that when it comes up, when my friends invite me out to dinner and I know it's gonna get me off track, I'm going to do this. Well, there's no right or wrong answer. There's nothing to say. You can't go out to dinner with your friends, but maybe that's part of your reward. Maybe you say, when my friends ask me to go out to dinner, I'm going to decline and tell them I'm not going because I have a financial goal that I'm trying to achieve. 

Maybe that's the solution. I'm gonna overcome it by being honest with my friends that I'm trying to save money. Not just because I'm frugal, but because I have a financial goal I'm trying to achieve. I'm trying to buy a house, but then maybe the reward is once I've saved two or three months worth, I'm gonna reward myself by going out to dinner with my friends. Maybe that's the reward. You allow yourself that once every couple of months, it can be whatever. It doesn't have to be two months or three months. I'm just throwing this out there. I hope you understand that there's no rules to any of this. 

You get to write the rules, you get to write the contract, you get to decide how it goes, but if you do that, if you come up with what it is that you really want and you decide, okay, I'm committed. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna make it happen. I'm starting tomorrow or I'm starting Sunday, or I'm starting Monday, or I'm starting on the first. Whatever it is, get it in writing, write it down. Make it a contract. I commit to doing this by this date. 

I'm going to do it by doing these steps, these action items. I'm gonna wake up at five 30 every day and work out, and I know that there will be times I don't want to work out because I got to bed late the night before. So when that happens, how are you going to overcome it? Or I know there's going to be days that I don't feel well and I don't want to get up. I might be sick, so how am I going to overcome that on the days that I'm going to be sick? 

Well, maybe you just tell yourself you're not working out those days. Or maybe you say, instead of working out for 40 minutes, I will make a commitment to myself that I'll still get up and I'll still work out, but I'll only work out for 15. Maybe that's the, maybe that's the answer. I don't know what the answer is. It's your goal, it's your struggles, it's your obstacles that you're going to run into, but decide what they are in advance and then write how you're going to attack them and overcome them so that you already have a plan so that the day that you wake up and you have a sore throat and you don't really wanna work out, your alarm goes off at five 30 and you're like, I feel like crap. 

I just wanna go back to sleep. You can think to yourself, oh my gosh, if I get up, I don't have to do 40 minutes. I only have to do 15. Okay, I can do 15. I can do 15 minutes. Like I can literally just stretch for 15 minutes. Like it will get you to do it. It will get you to do it, especially if you have a reward down the road, if you keep your contract, if you keep your commitment, this I'm telling you is gold. This is how you get the manifestation started. 

This is what you can do right now with where you are, with what you have. This is how you get the momentum going, and the universe sees what you're putting out, sees the effort and energy that you're putting in, and the universe is gonna meet you halfway. The universe is gonna bring you answers. It's gonna bring you solutions. It's gonna help you get to your goal in ways you never imagined. If you start saving for your $10,000 and you're trying to come up with every single way that you can, put that money aside and you can earn extra money, I promise you, the universe is gonna start bringing you money you weren't planning on and weren't expecting. 

It's gonna start falling out of the sky because you're going to get that snowball rolling down the hill, and when you get the snowball rolling down the hill, it's hard to stop as this is just juice. I'm telling you, it just gets me going. It gets me excited talking about it, and it brings me back to you are the weakest link. So write the contract, hold yourself accountable, and then tell somebody, tell your support system. Let them be your cheerleaders. Celebrate your successes with them. 

Tell them when you hit those milestones. Let them know the good news and let them know when you need support. Let them know when you need lifting up. Let them know when you're struggling, and make sure that the people you're sharing this with are the people that are your tribe, the people that are cheering for you. That leads me into this week's action item, and it's probably obvious because I've spent half of the episode talking about it. I want you to come up with your goal, big or small. It can be anything you want. Come up with a goal and go through what I was talking about. 

Write yourself a contract, write it down, make sure it has a deadline. Make sure you know how you're gonna get there, and then try to come up with every possible obstacle that's going to come in your way, that's gonna keep you from accomplishing it, and then write down when this is happens, here's what I'm gonna do to overcome it so that you have a plan of action, you have a plan for success, and then put in those milestone achievements and rewards so that you can celebrate along the way for the success you're making, but you can also have something shorter term to look forward to. 

Can't wait to hear how this goes for you. I know you're going to love it. I promise you, it's a system that works. The hardest part is just deciding to take that leap of action, deciding to commit to doing something new, but you're just one day away from changing your entire life. That's it for this week. I just wanna remind you that I do have a weekly giveaway for those that are willing to leave a written review of my podcast on any platform. 

You can do that on Spotify. You can do that on Apple Podcasts, you can do that on Amazon Music. Leave me a review of the podcast and you'll be entered into a drawing for one of my custom made manifestation journals. You can see those journals on my website. Attract it with ease.com, and don't forget to subscribe to my monthly newsletter. You can do that also on the website. It's been fun chatting with you this week. I'd love to hear how this goes for you, and I'm looking forward to next week. 

Have a good one. Bye-bye. 

S2.E22: Quiet The Noise


S2.E20: Who Are “They”?