S1.E6: If You Don’t Have Anything Nice To Say, Lie.


GASP! We promote lying? You Betcha! Well in truth, we encourage speaking in a way that works for you, not against you — even if that means saying something positive that you don’t entirely believe yet.

Episode 006 is all about flipping the script. Learning to recognize the things we say and thing that actually hold us back from the things we are asking for. We encourage you to turn those negative thoughts around and fake it ‘till you make it!

Episodes 001-010 are our Jump Start Module — 10 episodes designed to give you a jump start towards manifesting everything your heart desires!

Download the workbook the all 10 episodes for FREE on our website: www.AttractItWithEase.com

Podcast Music Credit to: Caleb Britton @NeonBrotherDC

006 If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say, Lie..mp3

Kayla Rain [00:00:36] Hi there, I'm Kayla Rain. 

Adria Sha [00:00:39] And I'm Adria Sha. 

Kayla Rain [00:00:41] And welcome back to attract it with ease! We're happy to be with you this week. As normal Adria, let's start out with some gratitude. Tell me what you're thankful for today and why. 

Adria Sha [00:00:54] I am grateful for delicious Mexican food, which I love. I may have said that one before. Hopefuly I haven't. 

Kayla Rain [00:01:01] I don't think so, but it's worth mentioning more than once. 

Adria Sha [00:01:07] Exactly. Yes, I had some really good food lately. I'm grateful for wool socks: It's been getting a little bit chilly here. And I just love wool socks. And I'm grateful for my job because I enjoy it. And right now I'm able to work from home, which is amazing. 

Kayla Rain [00:01:23] That is amazing. And you and I are we're on very much this the same on the same. 

Adria Sha [00:01:31] Are we on the same wavelength? 

Kayla Rain [00:01:32] We are. Because two of your three things were two of my are two of my three. 

Adria Sha [00:01:36] Are you serious? That's funny!

Kayla Rain [00:01:37] Yeah. So one of mine was food. It wasn't specifically Mexican, but I did have Mexican takeout tonight, which is one of the things I'm grateful for. I'm so grateful for takeout. 

Adria Sha [00:01:50] Me too. I've got some waiting for when we're done. 

Kayla Rain [00:01:53] You should have eaten... It's going to it's not as good when it gets cold, you better warm that up. But I'm so grateful for takeout food because I don't eat it very often. But it makes my life easier when especially when I have a full schedule. So that's something I'm for sure grateful for. And then you mentioned the wool socks, which I don't know if I have any wool socks. I have in the past. But I had warm clothes on there because it's oh, it's getting cold here too. And I get chilly at work. So I'm so grateful to have, like, cute fashion scarves and things that I can wear that help keep me warm. So we're definitely on the same page there. But you don't even know this yet. The third thing I was going to mention that I'm grateful for is we are going to be house sitting starting tomorrow for three weeks for Dan, my fiance, for his boss. And they live in this big, huge, giant home, which is completely opposite of our tiny house. And I'm going to be able to sit up in bed. I'm going to be able to take a shower without having to go into his work. I'm going to be able to just step outside and use a hot tub any time, I can do laundry without going to the laundromat. Right? So I'm going to have three weeks that will feel like an amazing, magical vacation. And I'm thankful for that, too. 

Adria Sha [00:03:11] I love it. Yeah, that does sound like a nice vacation. 

Kayla Rain [00:03:14] It should be good. So last week, do you remember what we talked about last week? 

Adria Sha [00:03:21] We talked about how to manage the number of ways that we could manifest. 

Kayla Rain [00:03:28] Yeah, exactly. We talked about getting rid of the control freak side of us and just letting go of the details. Right? Like just letting things happen naturally and trusting the universe or God or whatever it is that you believe in, to find the absolute best, easiest way to bring that about for you. And that's what we talked about this week or last week, this week, Adria. I want to kind of shift gears a little bit. And do you know the saying "If you don't have anything nice to say..." Can you finish that for me? 

Adria Sha [00:04:04] Don't say anything at all. Yes! I Say that frequently. 

Kayla Rain [00:04:07] Think mom told us that. I don't care if you have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. That's how the phrase goes. Well, I'm going to actually change that on our listeners today. And I'm going to say that's not how the phrase should go. I'm going to switch it up and say, if you don't have anything nice to say, lie. 

Adria Sha [00:04:27] That might not be bad advise. 

Kayla Rain [00:04:28] I know that sounds ridiculous right? So first bit of advice you might not want to listen to. Right? Now let me explain it a little bit. Today, I want to talk about what many people would refer to as flipping the script. Taking the things that we say that work against us and against the things we're trying to accomplish against our goals and hold us back and turning it around, finding a way to make our words work for us instead of against us. So I want to jump into that a little bit and talk about some of the phrases or things that each of us say. And some of them might be the same. Some of them are going to be different. But I'll give you some examples of the things that I say. Even currently, even though this is something I'm constantly working on, I still OK, I'm not perfect. 

Adria Sha [00:05:24] You're not perfect? 

Kayla Rain [00:05:24] Not yet. I'm not quite there. 

Adria Sha [00:05:26] So close, though. You're so close! 

Kayla Rain [00:05:27] I'm working on it. But I still mess up and I still say things. And it's not even just what you say. It actually comes down to what you believe at your core. And that's why I say, OK, well, if you don't have anything nice to say, lie. Because it starts out with you don't have to actually believe what you're saying. But the more that you say something, the more you start to believe it. And then you'll start seeing evidence that supports the things that you say. And when you start to say it more often and then you start to see evidence of it, then you'll really start to believe it. And then it will begin to become your truth. And it will it will become a reality. So let's talk through some of these things. First of all, I think I've mentioned this before, but this is something I actually feel bad about saying because. It doesn't fit me. But it's a way that I have felt many times in my life and many times frequently. I often say that I'm the fat girl. And the reason I feel bad about that is I'm really not fat. 

Adria Sha [00:06:31] You're not. You're not! 

Kayla Rain [00:06:33] But, but I'm uncomfortable in my size. I'm about the biggest I've ever been, and for me, I feel really big, and so, yes, I'm not a fat girl. Most people would look at me and be like, "Oh, my gosh, she's crazy. I wish I looked like her." But for me, I'm I'm really uncomfortable. But my body and the way that I want to look in the way that I want to feel is definitely something that I'm working on and trying to attract. So every time I say that or even think that, I'm actually reaffirming that. I'm telling myself, like from deep within, like, "No you're fat, nothing's changing, nothing's improving, nothing's getting better. You're fat." And so it's like on the one hand, I want to be fit and lean and feel good and not be self-conscious, but here I keep putting this statement out into the universe that keeps me stuck where I am. So that's one thing. And that's something that I'm working on. And I will tell you, Dan is amazing because every time I say something along that lines, he gets upset and he corrects me and he's really good at redirecting me on that particular piece. But that is something that I put out into the universe constantly, even though I'm working on it. You know, I'll see a photo of myself and I don't like the way that I look. And even if I don't say out loud, I think in my mind, "Ugh, I look so big. Ugh I don't like the way that I look." I look at my, you know, muffin top in those genes that used to fit me or whatever. And truthfully, I should be trying to turn it around. So Adria, I'm going to put you on the spot. But can you tell me something that I could say instead of that when I start thinking or seeing those kinds of things, what could I say instead? 

Adria Sha [00:08:21] Well, let me say first that it reminds me of something I heard the other day that I loved, and that was that we shouldn't say we want to lose weight because that implies that we're going to find it again at some point. 

Kayla Rain [00:08:31] That's so true. 

Adria Sha [00:08:32] And so... 

Kayla Rain [00:08:33] And I probably will. I'm totally not manifesting that now. 

Adria Sha [00:08:39] When I heard was that a better way to the phrase that is "I'm going to release this weight, I have weight, I'm going to release." Because then you're just letting it go hopefully easily, and it's never coming back. So I, I didn't invent that, but I love it. I'm going to use it. 

Kayla Rain [00:08:52] We're stealing that. OK, that's a good one. I've never heard that before. OK. 

Adria Sha [00:08:58] I would like to see you flip that and not think that because you're I mean, you're you're lean, but you're strong and you're powerful and your body can do so many things, you know? I don't know if you can do cartwheels and handstands, but you can definitely run up a flight of stairs. It's that too  much ask? For you to, for you to say something positive about your body instead? 

Kayla Rain [00:09:23] No, you're absolutely right. And my for everything that I could complain about in regards to my physical appearance or my body, there's probably a thousand things that I should be grateful for, whether it's, you know, just that I can, like you said, go up and down a flight of stairs, that I'm not in pain, that I have all of my teeth and all of my appendages and I have hair. And I, you know, like there's so many things. I have good skin. You know, Dad would say I have nice eyebrows. We talked about that. I have skinny ankles. We've talked about that. So you're right. It should be I should look for the positives. For example, if I see a photo of myself and I think. "Ugh I hate the way that I look!" I should actually try and move my thought from the things I'm noticing and focusing on and try and focus on something positive in the photo as well. And I think we both have had this experience, probably all of our listeners, unless you're like 18 listening to this, you probably have the experience of looking at old pictures that you maybe didn't like before and now you, like, wish that you looked like that because you're like, "Oh, my gosh! I looked so young. I was so thin. I was so I was glowing. Look how great I looked in that bathing suit back then. If only I could go back to that!" So I'm sure there will be a day. And it could just be when I'm old and wrinkled, that I look back at today and be like, "Oh my gosh, why did I not like that photo? I wish that that's what I looked like." So I appreciate that. Being grateful in the moment for what is, instead of focusing on what isn't. So that's one example. That's something I'm constantly working on, is that piece. I'm going to list some others. I think most of our listeners, and probably you will probably relate to. You probably have said it and probably still say it from time to time. So let's try another one. How about: I can't afford it? 

Adria Sha [00:11:29] Yes. 

Kayla Rain [00:11:29] So, when we say I can't afford it, you know, Dan would probably say, "Well, I can't. My bank account is X, I literally can't afford it." And that's fine. But going back to, when you don't have anything nice to say, lie. So how could we lie about not being able to afford something? 

Adria Sha [00:11:59] I'm looking forward to being able to buy that. 

Kayla Rain [00:12:02] OK, that's a start. That's that's going to be living in a positive direction. It's not very strong. 

Adria Sha [00:12:07] No, it's not. 

Kayla Rain [00:12:08] So you can flat out lie and say, "I can afford that, but I don't need that." Or "I can afford it." Or you could just say that, "I could afford it." But I don't remember where I read this, I'm almost positive I read it. Oftentimes it's not that you truly can't afford something, it's in your mind it's not budgeted in. Your money isn't allocated towards that. 

Adria Sha [00:12:33] Right. 

Kayla Rain [00:12:33] Meaning well I couldn't pay my rent if I bought that or I couldn't make my car payment if I went and did that. And so in our mind, that means we can't afford it. But truthfully, we do have the money. We just are choosing not to spend it on that. So I think even that is a positive way to look at things and say more so "I'm choosing not to spend my money that way. I'm choosing I can afford it, but I'm choosing not to." By reaffirming that you can afford things, by believing that you have the money, it helps attract more money and and it's focusing on what you have versus what you don't have. So another version of that is what I earlier said. "It's not in my budget. It's not in my budget. Sorry, it's not in my budget." How could we flip that around? 

Adria Sha [00:13:32] That's something that I can design a passion for. I don't know, I like the idea of saying if there's something I want and I feel that I can't afford it, I like the idea if I could be cognizant enough to do it, of saying, "I have everything that I need." Because it's true. I do have everything that I need. And it's these these materialistic wants that I haven't yet taken ownership of yet. 

Kayla Rain [00:13:59] Absolutely. I think I think that's great and it goes back to focusing on the positive. And I think that's a strong statement to say "I have everything I need." I think the missing piece maybe is that that's still, to me, attracts some lack in the sense of I don't need anything else and you don't need anything, but it almost is like "Universe don't bring me anything else. I'm good." 

Adria Sha [00:14:26] Yeah, okay. 

Kayla Rain [00:14:26] I'm satisfied. And I like that statement. I'm saying I'm not saying there's anything wrong with that. I love the idea of I have everything that I need. But I feel like coming up with ways to make it sound like maybe not right now, but in the future. Here's an example and I know poor Dan, I use him as my bad examples all the time and I wonder sometimes is he going to listen to these podcast episodes? I'm ever going to have to eat my words and have him go "I can't believe you said that about me!" Or is he just not even going to listen and not know? I guess we'll find out. 

Adria Sha [00:15:03] He better listen! 

Kayla Rain [00:15:05] But one thing that is a common, I would say, daily conversation that we have is every morning we wake up and he says, "Good morning! How do you sleep?" That's every morning. And then I say how I sleep, which I usually say, "Oh, I slept really well. How did you sleep?" And then guess what he says? 

Adria Sha [00:15:25] Awful. I didn't get enough sleep. 

Kayla Rain [00:15:27] Pretty much. It's some version of that, like, "Oh, I slept terrible." And then he says, "I never sleep well." That's what he reaffirms for himself. "I never sleep well. I never sleep well." So we have this reoccurring conversation where I go, "Why do you say that? Why do you put that out there like you never sleep well?" And he goes, "Because I haven't. I don't sleep well." And it's like, that's his truth. Right? But the more that he says that it will remain his truth, nothing's going to change. Sure, maybe in the past he has slept poorly, but does he want to continue to sleep poorly in the future? Does he want that to be his experience every night? That's what I ask him. And it's not what he wants. He says, "No, I would love to sleep well. I'd love to sleep like you do. I'd love to have a great night sleep!" And then I say, "Well, why don't you say that?" And, you know, sometimes he says, "Because it's a lie." And I go, well, then don't lie. Just say, "In the past, I have always slept poorly, but now I sleep better." It's just like. 

Adria Sha [00:16:30] Okay. 

Kayla Rain [00:16:30] It's acknowledging, OK, it is what it is, but beginning today, I'm changing that. You know, and it's it's whatever the words are or whatever makes sense. But it's starting even if you don't believe it is starting with things are going to be different. Things are different. Things are changing. Things are in progress. It's on its way to me. I love that idea. 

Adria Sha [00:16:55] I love that, too. Yeah. 

Kayla Rain [00:16:56] "It's on its way to me." "You know, in the past, I haven't been able to afford to do that." But like you said, "I'm looking forward to being able to do that soon!" "It's on its way to me." You know? "Maybe hasn't been in my budget in the past, but it soon will be!" "You know what? I don't feel like that's how I want to spend my money right now. But one day I will." You know? It's just little... I know that this is semantics when we when we're talking about words, because they all kind of essentially means the same thing. But it's the emotion and the thought that goes behind those things. And the more that you can reaffirm that things are positive and they're moving in a positive direction and they're going to continue to move in a positive direction, the more your mind and your body starts to believe that. And I actually posted this on our Instagram the other day, I think. But the universe does not work off of what you want and don't want. It, it doesn't differentiate between negative and positive. It just is. It just, it's always there is always going to return what you put out. And it's not sitting there thinking about it. Like, "I wonder if this is what she wants. I wonder if this is what she meant." You know, it's it's more like, "OK, well, she's putting out the negative, so that must be what she wants. I'm giving her more negative." Right? There's just no thought behind it. It's just like a magnet. It just attracts its match. It attracts, it attracts, attracts. So if we want something to change and I'll say this again and again, and I am going to give credit to my friend Heather, who is the person who says this all the time, and I stole it from her. So thank you, Heather. I will give you credit. She says nothing changes until something changes. And I say it all the time. And I'm like, "Thank you, Mr. Obvious!" Nothing changes until something changes. But it's true. And that comes down to our words. Until we start changing our words, our experience is not going to change. Even if we make a vision board and put all these pretty pictures on it and we're like, "This is what I'm attracting!" If everything that we're thinking and saying goes against that, those things are never going to come into our reality. Nothing's going to change until something changes. Let me give you a couple other ones. OK, I used to say, "I never win anything. I never win anything. I'm not lucky." I you know, and then here's another version of that: "Oh, that's just my luck."You know, people like people say, "Anything bad..." How does that saying go? Murphy's Law. That's Murphy's Law. Oh, because something can go wrong, it will. You know, we we have these phrases and these things that we say,  "Aww nuts! That's just my luck." You know? "That's that's just what I get." You know? "That's what I deserve." Whatever. "That's just how it is. That's my life." We say these things and they're not true. And I used to say, "I never win anything." I used to say that. And the funny thing is, when I was, I don't know, around 12. I don't know if you remember this, I won a bicycle from a drawing at the grocery store who just happened to enter my name in like a drawing box at the customer service desk. And they called and I won and I was shocked. And then Dad bought the bike from me because he wanted it. 

Adria Sha [00:20:33] That's nice that he can just commandeer it. 

Kayla Rain [00:20:38] Yeah he gave me like 50 bucks or something for this bike. But anyway, I one day as an adult acknowledged that fact. I went from saying "I never win anything" to, "Well. I won something once." And then I would tell my story of winning a bike. And then over time I've decided I'm going to change that story. I'm going to flip that script. I'm going to turn it around and say "No, it's not that I never win anything. I am a winner! I did win something. I'm a winner! I'm a winner!" And the funny thing is that I haven't focused on this phrase much in years, but probably, I don't know, maybe seven or eight years ago when I was living in Vegas, I was super active in the Yelp community. I was a Yelp Elite, if people know what that is. And we would have these private events that were for Yelp elite and they would do all of these giveaways. And some of them were so elite and private that even not all of the Elites could go. They would pick like ten people out of the elite squad that could go. And so sometimes it would be these gifts that you could win. Sometimes it would be tickets to events. But I went through a year, maybe a year and a half where I literally won everything! To the point that the other Yelp Elites and if any of you are listening to this, you probably will be like, "Yes, she's absolutely right! And we all the everything was rigged because she won tickets to every event. She won every prize. She got every give away." And a lot of them had more than one winner. But it was just like it was a given that Kayla was going to win. And it and but here's the funny thing. When you think of the power of the mind, I'm thinking I'm going to win. I'm thinking I'm a winner. And they're all thinking I'm going to win. They're like adding this energy to like, "I don't know, shouldn't even try a Kayla is going to win it." You know, so they're working against themselves. And I wasn't necessarily feeling like, "Oh, I'm going to win this, I'm going to win this." Because obviously I can't control a particular drawing. But if I just have the attitude of "I'm a winner, I'm a winner, I'm a winner!" And I just am relaxed about it, I'm at ease. I, I let it go. I don't worry. And the rest of them are sitting around like, "Well why even bother Kayla Kayla is going to win this." It was crazy. I won so much stuff. And so it was a shift in my life of just taking that one phrase of "I never win anything." And turning it into "I'm a winner!" And even today I believe I'm a winner. I haven't entered any drawing's in the last few years. I haven't been in those kinds of situations, but I still believe that I'm a winner. Adria, tell me something you can think of that you say or even think or believe about yourself. That's a thought that holds you back. 

Adria Sha [00:23:22] I often say to you, "I'm worried about such and such.." Like, well, I don't always catch myself. Sometimes I catch myself, but you always catch me and challenge me to flip that around. 

Kayla Rain [00:23:35] So something about: "I'm worried about this happening. I'm worried that this won't work out or won't come together"? It's kind of the just the idea of worry? 

Adria Sha [00:23:42] Yeah. And it's not even necessarily a big worry. It's like I'm worried I'll be late to this thing or I'm worried that so-and-so is going to be upset with me about this, or I'm worried that whatever thing I'm hoping for is not going to happen. So I'm already worried about what's happening type thing. 

Kayla Rain [00:23:57] So when those things come up and I remind you that that's ridiculous, what do I say? What I tell you to say instead? 

Adria Sha [00:24:06] Flip the script. 

Kayla Rain [00:24:06] OK, and and but which is true, I say flip the script. 

Adria Sha [00:24:11] Usually you challenge me to say it differently. 

Kayla Rain [00:24:14] I do, yup. 

Adria Sha [00:24:16] And I don't always know what to say. So I generally say something like, "I don't need to worry about this because I know that he Universe is taking care of it for me.". 

Kayla Rain [00:24:26] You do! That is almost verbatim what you usually say, and then I always say, "Things are always working out for you. Things are always working out for you. Things are always working out for us! Everything is always working out for us!" I say that all the time. I'm a freakin broken record. We almost named the podcast: Things Are Always Working Out For Us, because I believe that so strongly, Adria believes that and we have found so much power in those words. And guess what, guys? It feels good. That's something we haven't even talked about yet, is that when you choose the positive thought instead of the negative thought, it feels good. Even if you're lying like it makes you laugh because you know, you're lying. You know, like I just totally said something that was not true. But it feels good. It feels good to think that to to even believe that things can be different, to believe that they can change. I'm trying to think of some other things. People maybe think like, "I'm not a good runner." "I'm not a good singer." "I, I'm not very creative." "I'm terrible at remembering names." Like, I'm trying to think of, like, just common things. "I'm too old for that." Or even, "I feel old." You know, as our as we age and our bodies start not feeling the same. Even just putting things as absolutes, so saying, "I always I always this, I always do that, I never do this, I never do that." Sometimes that could be in that positive light. But usually we use those and negatives like "I'm always running behind. I'm always 10 minutes late." Or trying to just think of some examples. But these are all phrases and things that we say that we actually usually truly believe, which is why we say it. But we need to start paying attention to when we do, say those and number one, try and turn it around in the moment, try and catch yourself. When you say or think one of these things, flip it around and think of the opposite. Try and do it right then and there if you can. But it's also having an awareness of how often we do it and how we're programed to focus on the negative instead of the positive. And there might be something where you feel like I absolutely just 100 percent can't change that belief. I promise you, you can if you work on it. But even just shifting your thinking like you were talking about, if I'm thinking I'm the fat girl and shifting my thinking not to saying that I'm the skinny girl, but shifting my thinking to "What am I grateful for in relation to my body?" You know that even there is raising my vibration and and focusing on gratitude and putting things in a positive light. So I don't know if you have any other examples that you want to share. I feel like we've kind of explained what flipping the script is. 

Adria Sha [00:27:28] Yeah. 

Kayla Rain [00:27:28] The concept of if you don't have anything nice to say, lie. It's literally fake it till you make it. That's that's the whole concept. Like, you may not be there yet, but the more that you own that lie, the more you'll start to believe it and find evidence of it. Just like me believing I never won anything. As soon as I acknowledged, well, I did win something. Now I had some evidence. And so that helped in my belief. And then by saying, "No, I am a winner!" I started winning things. And then as I win things, I start to believe, "Oh my gosh, I really am a winner! That's actually true! I totally won something!" Right? And then you just attract more and you attract more and you attract more and it can work in every aspect. I'm trying to just think of a few other examples. I've said, "My hair won't grow." I've said. I don't know. "I'm too tired." I don't know, I feel like a lot of the things I have said in my past have been in relation to my financial state. And I think most of us would love to improve our financial position in life. Like that's just almost on everybody's radar. And so why in the world, if that's our goal, is to have more money, have more expendable income, to be debt free, to have the ability to pay our bills and then some, why in the world would we say anything that would be the opposite of that or would attract the opposite of that? But yet we don't think anything of it and we just make those comments and those statements all the time. So this brings us to our action item for this week. And Adria, do you want to share what the assignment is from this episode? If you need help, I'll help you out. 

Adria Sha [00:29:31] I was going to say I hope I get it right. I think that the assignment is identify a phrase that you frequently say that's negative and come up with a list of 10 ways to turn that around. 

Kayla Rain [00:29:46] You're pretty close. 

Adria Sha [00:29:47] Don't put me in charge you of anything. 

Kayla Rain [00:29:53] You can tell the Adria is not prepped, I keep putting her on the spot. It's to come up with 10 things that you say that hold you back. 10 different things and then flip each of those around. So it could be that you say, "I can't afford it." It could be that you say, "I'm too tired." It could be that you say, "I'm not a good singer." It could be that you say, "I always have bad luck. It's just my luck." It could be that you say, "I'm too old." Or "I'm too young." Or "I don't have enough experience." Or I have to... Oh, here's one that Dan says all the time. He often says, he believes sometimes that success for a person has to happen the same way it's happened for the majority. So, for example, like with his photography career, he feels often that he has to grow his Instagram following and he has to have this in place and he has to have his website a certain way. And he has to. And I and I remind him all the time, yeah, those things have been proven to work for other people. I'm not saying that that's not the way to do it, but I am saying that's not the only way to do it. And I'm also saying that if you believe that you have to do all of these things before you are successful, then yes, that's true. If you say those things, "I have do one, two, three, four. In this order, in order to have success." Then that is your truth. But if you just believe, "No, I can I can attract it. I can bring it about in whatever way." Going back to last week, letting go the how you if you start speaking that way and just expect that result, you're going to attract that and you don't have to do it the same way everyone else does. So it's just opening your mind to the positive and turning everything around and stop saying the crap that's holding you back. Get out of your own way, people! 

Adria Sha [00:31:43] Yes, I love it. 

Kayla Rain [00:31:46] All right. So come up with 10 things that you say or think or believe. Maybe you don't verbalize these things about yourself. They'll hold you back and then write down the opposite, flip it around, flip the script, lie. Come up with your new story and then put that into action. 

Adria Sha [00:32:07] The writing it down is important, too, because that makes it a little more concrete to actually write the revised statement down. 

Kayla Rain [00:32:14] Absolutely. And the great thing is with the workbook, all of these pieces and thoughts are going to be in one place. And so it's not just the action of doing it, but now you're physically going to have something that you can refer back to and be reminded. "Oh, that's right. I was going to stop saying that I should work on that." Awesome. OK, so with that, as a reminder, you can download the workbook off of our website, www.AttractItWithEase.com, it's for the first 10 episodes. The first 10 episodes are our jumpstart module. They're designed to help you kick off manifesting all the things that you desire. They're a series to download all 10 episodes, get the workbook for free off of our website. You can just go there and download it. And Adria, why don't you tell them about our giveaway? Remind them. 

Adria Sha [00:33:03] We would encourage everyone to give us some reviews and feedback on the podcast and we are going to be drawing your name every week of people that have reviewed the podcast and sending you. My sound just changed, that's so weird. We're going to choose someone every week and send that person a custom made bracelet with their theme word of the year. So that's 52 that we'll be sending out this year. 

Kayla Rain [00:33:27] That's right. Fifty two winners. So start thinking, "I'm a winner, I'm a winner!" And maybe you'll get picked. 

Adria Sha [00:33:33] That's right be the lucky one! 

Kayla Rain [00:33:34] Leave us to review. Good or bad. We want to hear from you. You can send us podcast suggestions, questions, feedback through our website. And we look forward to talking to you next week. Have a good one. Thank you, Adria. 

Adria Sha [00:33:48] Bye bye. 

Kayla Rain [00:33:49] Bye bye. 


S1.E7: Stop Saying Please!


S1.E5: The Control Freak In You Needs To Hear This!