S1.E7: Stop Saying Please!


Forget what your mother told you and stop saying, “Please”! Think we’re crazy? Well probably, but that doesn’t mean we’re wrong!

In Episode 007 we dissect the differences between EXPECTATION and DESPERATION.The emotion behind those two feelings are night and day different and they will get you night and day results!

Episodes 001-010 are our Jump Start Module — 10 episodes designed to give you a jump start towards manifesting everything your heart desires!

Download the workbook the all 10 episodes for FREE on our website: www.AttractItWithEase.com

Podcast Music Credit to: Caleb Britton @NeonBrotherDC

007 Stop Saying, "Please"!.mp3

Kayla Rain [00:00:02] Hi there, I'm your host, Kayla Rain. 

Adria Sha [00:00:39] And I'm Adria Sha. 

Kayla Rain [00:00:41] And welcome back to attract it with ease! Adria we tried to record the other day and we had some technical issues, didn't we? 

Adria Sha [00:00:50] We definitely did. We were not attracting doing our episodes that day! 

Kayla Rain [00:00:56] You know, I think it was the Universe saying, Sspend some more time figuring out your content." And I'm glad that I did because I feel a little more clear on what we're talking about today. So let's jump in and start with our gratitude. What are you grateful for Adria and why? 

Adria Sha [00:01:11] I am grateful that every day is a fresh start, whether that is my healthy eating plan or my getting more sleep plan or whatever it is I'm working on every day, I, I get to start fresh. 

Kayla Rain [00:01:25] I love that because I make so many mistakes. 

Adria Sha [00:01:28] I'm glad it's not just me. 

Kayla Rain [00:01:32] I'm already thinking about, OK, I've been a weight loss plan for 2021. That's a good one! 

Adria Sha [00:01:38] Does that mean I can put mine off until 2021? 

Kayla Rain [00:01:40] I'm totally putting mine off. until 2021 because it's the holidays so screw it. Right? Anything else you're grateful for today or. 

Adria Sha [00:01:50] OK, yeah. Well that's, I mean that's a huge one! But I'm grateful for spearmint herbal tea. I love it. And I start almost every morning with a hot cup of that. And it has been snowing a lot lately in Utah. So I'm grateful that the car heater that I had, that the heater in my car works. Very grateful for that. There's days that it works better than others. So it has been on my mind a lot. But every day it puts out at least some warm air. And I thank my car every day because I think, "What if..." Oh, I shouldn't even think that way. Right? But I do sometimes I think, "What if this is, what if it's on its final leg?" And then I thank it for always providing heat. 

Kayla Rain [00:02:28] Well, I think it's great that you recognize that it's giving to you. I would not put any energy into what day it's going to stop giving to you. But I think those are wonderful things to be grateful for. 

Adria Sha [00:02:43] What about you? 

Kayla Rain [00:02:44] You know, I have I'm so grateful for so many things. But today I'm grateful for my memories of mom. You know, it's it's the holidays. And it I realize listeners, when you're listening, it's probably not the holidays for you. But as we're recording, we're we're creating this during the holidays and Adria and I lost our mother twenty years ago. And I just am grateful for the memories that we have with her and the good holiday memories that we have and just all the fun things that she taught us, you know, like making toffee. I've made toffee twice already this season. And I just I'm so grateful for those good memories with her. I'm grateful for my ability to read and write. I've really been thinking about that. And sometimes I can't read my own handwriting, but I am grateful that I have those skills because I recognize that there are people even in the United States, adults that don't have those those skills. And of course, there are many in other countries that don't. And it's a privilege to be able to learn to read and write. And I'm so grateful for that gift. And then I'm also grateful that I have very few allergies, because just in the last couple of years, I have started having seasonal allergies, which are not fun. But it makes me so grateful that I don't have food allergies and I don't I'm not allergic to animals. And just all of these things. I just those are the things that really have been on my mind this week. So.. 

Adria Sha [00:04:19] I love it! 

Kayla Rain [00:04:21] Yeah, well, I want to talk about something big and small today and let me kind of explain what that means. First of all, I'm going to start with changing our listeners minds about manners. I know that sounds strange, right? But today's episode is called: Stop Saying Please. Stop Saying Please. That sounds terrible. 

Adria Sha [00:04:50] You're assuming that we have polite listeners! 

Kayla Rain [00:04:51] I don't know if it's so much polite or if it's just we find ourselves in these desperate moments and we tend to just plead with God or the Universe. "Oh, my gosh, please, please, please make this happen for me. I need this really bad!" Right? So that's what we're going to talk about today. And when I say we're going to talk about something big and something small, what I mean by that is up to this point, I think as we've discussed the Law of Attraction and manifesting things that we want, I think we've mostly been focusing on bigger things that we want to come about, whether that's a new job or a new relationship or better finances or a new car or a new house, what, you know, more travel, all these giant things that we've put on our vision board, right? But when I say we're going to talk about little things too, one thing we haven't really got into is that there's literally things all day, every day throughout our lives that we're working on manifesting things that we want. And they're just little things, little things like when you're running late to work, you're probably saying to the stoplight, "Stay green, Stay green! Stay Green!  OK, just please, please, please stay green!" Right? If somebody cuts you off your thrown off, you're up in the air. Right. Because, oh, my gosh, I'm running late. I'm trying to think of things that we think about every day. That's that's one that I think is is real common that most of our listeners would probably be able to relate to is when we're running late. But, you know, we're going through a pandemic right now. And I can relate to that feeling of trying to find toilet paper at the grocery store. Yes, I realize this is a U.S. problem, but it is a problem. It's a problem finding toilet paper. 

Adria Sha [00:06:37] It' crazy! 

Kayla Rain [00:06:37] And there's there's those moments where it's just you're just in your mind, maybe not even verbally vocalizing, but you're saying, "oh, my gosh, please let me find some toilet paper!" 

Adria Sha [00:06:48] Yes! 

Kayla Rain [00:06:50] "I'm almost out." Right? I don't know. There's just so many of those instances. And in those experiences, those are everyday, small, little things that add to the joy of our life. When things work out for us, we're happy, when they don't work out for us we're stressed, were frustrated, but they all tie into the Law of Attraction. And so I want to talk about something that relates to big things and little things and kind of just acknowledge that today that we can manifest small things as easy as we can manifest big things. In some ways it's easier because there's not as much pressure on something small as there is on something big. You know, trying to manifest a new career feels like hard work. It feels like a big deal. But trying to convince the stoplight to not turn red before you can drive through it, doesn't feel like a big deal. Right? It's just like, "Oh, please, just a couple more seconds. Let me get through!". 

Adria Sha [00:07:46] Yeah. 

Kayla Rain [00:07:47] And so but the truth is that we can we have the power to control all of these things. And I know that sounds silly that I'm saying we control can control stoplights. But what I'm actually saying is that we can manifest the small things, we can manifest the big things. The only difference is our view or our beliefs about what it is that we're asking for. And so today, I want to get into the difference between expecting something to happen versus pleading for something to happen or that feeling of being desperate. So let's just talk for a minute about expectation and what that feels like. So Adria when you walk into a room and you go to flip a light switch. What do you expect to happen? 

Adria Sha [00:08:35] It never even enters my mind to wonder whether or not the light will come. To be honest, I just like I have 100% confidence that to say that the light will come on. 

Kayla Rain [00:08:45] You don't event think abou it! All right, unless you know, you haven't paid your power bill. That's the only time you're going to stress about the light coming on. Otherwise, you don't even have a thought about it. You know that when you flip that light switch, the lights are going to turn on, correct? 

Adria Sha [00:08:56] Right. 

Kayla Rain [00:08:56] So what does it feel like if I say, what does it feel like? What does that that just feeling of expectation? What does that feel like? It's almost like there's no feeling in my mind. Right? 

Adria Sha [00:09:07] Right. Yeah. Yeah, it's so. I don't give any energy to it because I just know it's going to happen. It's like I ask and it happens. 

Kayla Rain [00:09:18] Yeah, and the only way that you ask is just simply by moving your hand. Right? 

Adria Sha [00:09:21] Right. by taking the action of. 

Kayla Rain [00:09:23] It's not ,D"ear God, Dear Universe. Please turn the lights on for me." Right? OK, how about the way that it feels to expect the sun to rise or the sun to set every day? How does that feel? 

Adria Sha [00:09:38] Yeah, same thing I, I know it's going to be there so I'm looking forward to it. I mean, you know, I wake up and I know it's going to be there and I'm anxious to appreciate it as all. 

Kayla Rain [00:09:47] You just plan around it. Right? Like it's just there's no question in your mind whether or not it's going to happen. There might be a question as to whether or not you'll get to see it based off of clouds or your schedule or whatever. But whether it whether you're watching it or not watching it, you know, the sun is going to rise. The sun is going to set period. Right? We just we just know it. And so the feeling of expectation when we talk about in that sense is almost like there almost is no feeling to it. It's this, you just expect and forget about it. It's just it it just is. So when we're talking about manifesting something and we want to expect that it will come versus plead for it to come, I guess that's kind of the same emotion that we are trying to put out there is we want to kind of remove the emotion. We want to remove the thought about it. We want to place our order with the universe and then stop thinking about it and just trust it's going to come. I don't know when, I don't know how, it's it's going to come to me. We talked about, you know, letting go of the details and not stressing about when it's going to happen, how it's going to happen. It's just complete, utter faith it's going to happen. And it's almost removing the thought about it from our mind and just setting it aside because our orders been placed. 

Adria Sha [00:11:07] Yeah, yeah. 

Kayla Rain [00:11:09] But we have a tendency instead to place our order and then put pressure on it and say, "Well, when is it going to happen? Well, is it going to be this person that's going to bring it about? Will it be this opportunity that will come through for me? Why hasn't that come through for me yet?" Right? And then we start to doubt whether or not it's even working and we actually slow the process. So now let's talk, in contrast, from expectation to desperation, because to me, pleading is desperation. So let's talk about pleading for something and how that feels. How does it feel Adria when you're running late for work and you're begging the stoplight to stay green? 

Adria Sha [00:11:51] Oh my gish! It's a horrible feeling that I can feel in so many different parts of my body. If feels I would say like anxious, worry, you know, I feel it in my stomach, in my heart, in my head. 

Kayla Rain [00:12:05] It's stressful! 

Adria Sha [00:12:05] It feels a little bit like going crazy. It's very stressful. 

Kayla Rain [00:12:09] Yeah. Can you think of anything else that has that desperate feeling that happens on a recurring timeline or even something you've experienced recently that you felt desperate about? 

Adria Sha [00:12:25] Well, this is really shallow, but I have not had a scale for a very long time. But back when I used to weigh myself every single morning, and I don't necessarily think that that's a bad thing, but that could really manipulate my emotions, especially if I had eaten poorly, you know, for a few days. Getting on the scale and being like, "Please, please, please be a number that I can live with." It's the same type of feeling to me. 

Kayla Rain [00:12:52] It is the same type of feeling. And I'm so glad that you brought that example up because I hadn't even thought of that. But it is the same type of feeling. And even if you hadn't eaten unhealthy and you were just killing it at the gym and you were on point with your diet, you're still probably feeling like that every time you get on the scale because you want to see the results of what you've been doing. It's the same feeling of, "Oh, please, please, please be a number that I'm OK with. Please, please, please go down." Right? It's there's so many of these things. You know, it could be... I think a lot of times that desperation comes from me, comes into play when it's I'm on a timeline. It could be that, this is pre covid, but maybe going to a movie and then dinner's first and dinner's wonderful, you have a great experience, but then your waitress will not show up with the check. And you're sitting there dying because, you know, you're going to be late to this movie that you have tickets for or whatever. And you're sitting there like, "Oh my gosh!" And you're stressed and you're getting upset and you're anxious and then you're you're you're mad. And then you don't want to tip her. Or you don't want to tip her as well because you had to get out of there and then you're rushing and now you're, you know, pleading with the stoplights to stay green and it's that intense anxiousness that you're talking about. And it is physical. But when you talk about that emotion, first of all, I would absolutely say there's nothing about that emotion that's feels positive. There's nothing that I enjoy about feeling that way. But when you take that emotion and you put it in contrast to the emotion of flipping on a light switch. They're not even in the same ballpark, right? It's almost like one is emotionless and one is entirely negative, anxious, desperate energy. 

Adria Sha [00:14:41] Yeah. 

Kayla Rain [00:14:41] And we'll get into this in other episodes. We haven't talked about it a lot. But the way that the Law of Attraction works, literally is its energy. It is it works off of our frequency. And the best way that I can describe that is trying to tune into a radio station. When you turn on the radio and you turn the dial, whatever number you turn it to will give you a different result. You might get talk radio, you might get sports, you might get rap music, you might get country music. You might get Hispanic music. Who knows? Whatever you turn it to is what you're going to get returned. And the radio doesn't say, "oh, I think she wants to listen to rap because that's what she was listening to yesterday." If you turn that dial is going to give you exactly what you turn it to. And that is how the Law of Attraction works. It doesn't take into consideration what you want or your intent behind what you said. It's going to return whatever you're putting out in that moment. So if your radio is dialed into anxious, stressed, desperate emotion, what you're attracting in that moment is completely opposite of what you want. It's it it's going to attract more of that. It's the whole you know, like when you start the day out and you have a bad day and then you feel like everything starts to fall apart because you're like, "Oh, yes, that's just how the day is. That's just how it goes!" It's because we get in that mode of where something goes wrong and instead of pulling ourselves out of it, we stay in this negative space and then all kinds of things start to go wrong and we start to find evidence to support the story of we're having a bad day. It's a terrible day. And the more we find evidence, the more we are attracting all of this negative stuff. It's the same thing when we're desperate. And then we're sitting around wondering why in the world we're not getting what we want or why things aren't coming about when we asked for it, because we get in this state of desperation where now we're not we're not on the receiving end. We're not matching up with what we're asking for. We're putting out negativity, asking for something positive to come back to us. Now, when we we talk about ease, the name of the podcast is Attract It With EASE. I would say when you're when you expect something that's about as easy as it gets because it's not necessarily even focused on being happy and excited and grateful. And it's just like completely free. There's there's no emotion. There's no emotion behind turning the light on. There's no emotion behind the sun rising. You just completely let it go and just trust that it's going to happen. And to me, that's as easy as it gets. That complete trust of just not even thinking about it. It's just you just know it's going to happen. Give me your thoughts on kind of the difference between those two emotions and and and tell me how, tell me if you have any experiences with either one of those. 

Adria Sha [00:17:55] You know, I have been thinking, as you have been talking, "Why is it that I don't think about turning the light switch on, and yet we put all this energy into these other things, whether it's like getting the right parking space or getting to work on time. And I don't know if it is because I do get a guaranteed result every time when I flip the light switch. So maybe that makes it easy to not think about it because I always get the same result. Or maybe it's just because the the time between the action and the result is so small. You know, I look out the window, the sun's there. I'm not waiting months like I might be for the right job or the right amount of money or whatever. So that's just but that has just been on my mind as we've been talking, because I want everything to be as easy and as effortless as as what you're describing and maybe be more conscious of it is part of that as well. But one thing that comes to mind is you remember, it was earlier this year. I needed a large sum of money for an expense that I had coming up. 

Kayla Rain [00:19:00] Yeah. 

Adria Sha [00:19:00] And I had never had that much money, you know, in cash at once before. I wasn't sure how to make that happen. And you kept saying that there's a hundred ways, you know, there's infinite number of ways that the universe could give you that money. So don't worry about it. Just know that if you put it out there in the right mindset, you'll get the money. And I was not able to not think about it at all. But I will say that the money came to me in three to four different ways that I never could have imagined, and they were all somewhat effortless. So one example, part of the money came to me. We had this pandemic and I got an email that there were some different rules regarding 401k loans If we'd been affected by it, which I had. My job status had changed due to covid. And so suddenly I could tap into a portion of my 401k for some of the money that had not been accessible to me before. I had someone offer me a job that I took and loved and was a source of money, it was, as you know, a second job, but it wasn't even a job I had sought out. Like someone literally came up to me and said, "Would you like to work here?" And so I earned some of the money that way. And then I received a check in the mail that was unexpected from someone just, I think, just doing something thoughtful. They had no idea that I needed money for something but as a result of those things plus, you know, picking up extra shifts and trying to save on my own, I manifested this fairly large amount of money in a short amount of time. And in a way that was I mean, it wasn't as simple as flipping a light switch, because I did put in a little bit of effort, but it was so much easier than anything I could have come up with, which was like, "What can I sell? What you know, what other jobs can I take on?" Anyway, that's something that comes to mind for me. It was just amazing to me. And it really brought home to me what you had been saying all along about that the universe has all sorts of methods that I can't even comprehend that will never even come to mind. 

Kayla Rain [00:21:18] I'm so glad that you shared that, because, number one, I forgot about it. And so it's so fun to hear your experiences because, of course, I have my own, but it's it's incredible. And I wasn't I won't go too far into this today because I know we'll talk about it in future episodes. But I wasn't even thinking about saying this. And it's so true. And maybe I've said it before, but so many times the things that we really want, I would say more often than not, come through other people. So, you know, when we try and control things, when we try and and figure it out and make it happen, we're trying to manipulate a situation. And I know that's such a negative word to say manipulate. And people don't want to feel like they're manipulating. But that's exactly what we're doing, is trying to manipulate a situation. But so many times the way that it actually comes about is from someone or something that you never could have even imagined. And like you said, it's it's what I say to Dan, my fiance, all the time, like things fall out of the sky for him. And what I mean by that is it wasn't even on your radar. You didn't even see it. People came to you, just like you said. Someone came to you and said, "Hey, do you want a job?" Like, what? When does that happen? And yeah, that's completely effortless versus someone going out and trying to find a job. Right? 

Adria Sha [00:22:43] Right. 

Kayla Rain [00:22:43] When you when you look at that in contrast. And that's that's exactly the whole idea of just releasing the pressure, expecting. And again, with that expectation, you have to remove the timeline because so many times we feel like we need it by today or we need it by tomorrow. And that's why we put the pressure on it, because we're like, "Oh, my gosh, I don't know how this is going to come about. I really need this. I need this by Friday. I need ..." You in your situation. You had a deadline when you needed that money. Grateful, thankfully, not gratefully. I guess gratefully and thankfully, you started working on manifesting it before the deadline. So you had some time to to bring this money about. But but we have these timelines where we feel like things have to happen. And so that puts this pressure and desperate feeling on it coming about instead of just saying, "Hey, I really don't know how it's going to happen, but I trust that it's going to happen." And I will tell you that and I think I talked about this on a prior episode, but I have learned to do that because, you know, it feels so much better to just be like, "Well, it's out of my hands! I'm not, I don't know. I don't know how... It's it's so absurd and so ridiculous that I'm not even going to try and take this one on. I'm just throwing it out to the universe. Universe, I trust you." And you know what? Every time every time it comes through for me, sometimes right down to the last minute, like my story about getting the car from the neighbor across the street, it literally was the day I needed a car. But I just released it and I just said, "Look, I expect because I said that you're going to bring it to me." Instead of sitting around spending time and energy just worrying and pleading and praying and stressing about it or trying to force a situation, trying to make it happen. You know, I was thinking about my work because I've talked about work a few times on here, I haven't really said what I do, but I'm in sales with my work and my job is basically to sign new clients and with these new clients, we're talking annual contracts for services. And those contracts, I would say on average, are 25 to 30 grand. So it's a big deal to sell a contract because that's a lot of money. But that's my job is to find new business and close these clients. And I have this reputation at work for being this amazing salesperson, people to say, "Oh my gosh, I don't even know how she does it. It's just magic, you know?" And sometimes I laugh and I like... 

Adria Sha [00:25:32] You're killing chickens in the back room. Your secret's out now! 

Kayla Rain [00:25:37] I've made a deal with the devil. No, honestly, there's so many leads that come in. And I mean, I'm not seeing a lot of leads. I'm not trying to imply that. But there's so many leads that come in that I absolutely think this person is going to buy. This is my next sale. This is our next new client. So many times! And I can't tell you how many of those leads end up ghosting me. I'll talk to them about money in the first conversation. They're on board with the money. But then when it comes time to send them a contract and tie them down, I can't get a hold of them again. So many of these people. And if I tried to force those situations, not only would that be stressful for me, but it would put those people off where now they don't even want to do business with me if I'm chasing them down because I need another sale. And so my attitude with my job is always, "You know what? If it's not this one, it'll be another one." And so every day I come into work and I set my intention that the people that are ready for me, the people that are aligned with what we have to offer and are ready to move forward, that those people will find me, that we will find each other, that we will be attracted. I set that intention every day. And I will tell you, I had a client. I just, just what? I don't even know what day it is. This was Friday, Friday morning. It was the end of the week. I hadn't sold any new clients. I was feeling like, "Oh, my gosh, I've got all these people I've been talking to. You have got to tie it down. And so I just put it out there starting the day I'm going to attract the clients that are ready to move forward." And I had an incoming lead like within five minutes of setting that intention and getting to work. Called the guy right away, spoke to him. He signed the very same day, the very fastest client that I've signed up. And if I had spent the day worrying about all the others that I'd already talked to, that I had already sent contracts to, who hadn't signed their deals yet, I would have spent my day super stressed, annoyed that they were ghosting me, annoyed that I couldn't close these deals. Right? But instead of worrying about them, I didn't worry. It was just, "You know what? If it's not them, it's someone else." And that's the whole attitude that we need to have about all of the options that come forward to us. It's just like winning the iPhone in the raffle right? Or in the drawing. 

Adria Sha [00:28:04] I feel like this is great dating advice that you're giving to me right now, so stop worrying about the clients that won't... that have ghosted me. 

Kayla Rain [00:28:12] Yes, they goshted you! 

Adria Sha [00:28:13] And Let them go! And set the intention for ones I'm better aligned with. 

Kayla Rain [00:28:19] Yes! Yes! 100 percent, 100 percent! So Adria, I think that we've talked around the differences between expecting something versus pleading for something. That pleading emotion, that desperate emotion is like squeezing the garden hose. It's turning on the faucet and then squeezing the garden hose and trying to figure out why the water's not coming out. Right? Whereas if we just turn the faucet on and walk away, we know the water's coming out. It's it's going to come. So we've talked about the differences between those. We've talked about how pleating actually works against you, because it's tuning the radio station to the opposite of what you're asking for. So let's kind of wrap this up and give our listeners an action item for today. And I'm going to be honest, I had a hard time coming up with an action item for this topic, because not only is it so important, I'm like, "Well, how do you make an action out of this?" So here's my thoughts. You know, in the book The Secret, which was one of my first introductions to the Law of Attraction, it talks about how when you're first learning to use the Law of Attraction to your benefit, you should start out by trying to manifest small little things, things that you don't really care about, whether or not they'll work out. You just put it out there and expect it to happen and wait for it to happen. So it gives examples like manifest a front row parking spot when you go to the store. You know? You don't really care if you don't care if you're on the third row, you don't care. We get excited when we get front row. But it's not like you pull up and you're in a bad mood if you don't get a front row parking spot. But it's one of those things that because we don't care about it, it's easy to take the emotion out of it. It's easy to be easy in that request. They talk about, you know, manifest money in the mail. And I remember back in I don't know, it was probably 2005 when I first read The Secret, I think that's the year that it came out. But I remember thinking, "Money in the mail? Like that just seems silly." And then I think I wouldn't have even bought into it other than a couple of the sisters said that they had actually manifested money and they were these small little like rebate checks or like refunds. I remember somebody had a check for like three dollars and something cents and somebody got like a refund on their insurance or and I was like, "Oh, my gosh, that really works! OK, I'm going to manifest money in the mail!" And I don't really remember my experience, but I remember when I put that out there, I did get a check in the mail and it was really small. But I just remember thinking, "Oh my gosh, it actually works! It works! It works.!" Right? And over the years, I've manifested money in the mail a few times. And I will be honest that our sister Tara, she's been the one that sent me money several times. It's usually just a random twenty dollars, you know, "Hey, I'm thinking about you. Go buy yourself something nice!" But it's funny how I can be. It is nice. She's so thoughtful. Sorry if she doesn't send you money in the mail... 

Adria Sha [00:31:29] I'm going to start manifesting it! 

Kayla Rain [00:31:31] It helps when you live out of state because she sends me a little thinking of you cards. But those things happen for me all the time. So let's so let's use that today to put together our action item. So the action item from this episode for our listeners and this will be in the workbook. So you don't have to remember, you don't have to write anything down right now. But the action item is to come up with five five, just five, five small things that you don't really even care about coming about for you, but that you're going to work on manifesting. Five little things. So those could be things like I'm going to manifest a front row parking spot. I'm going to manifest money in the mail. I'm going to manifest receiving good news this week. 

Adria Sha [00:32:21] Yeah, I love it! 

Kayla Rain [00:32:23] You know, they're very they feel like small things, whereas if it doesn't happen, you're not going to be upset about it. And I'm not saying when you drive to the store, say, I'm going to get a front row parking spot today, right now, in this minute, because that's controlling the how. But just put it out there. "I get front row parking spots. That's who I am." And guess what? You'll be surprised at how quickly you manifest a front parking spot. It'll happen! 

Adria Sha [00:32:51] We have a sistet that does that almost every time. And since she mentioned this is Marcee that I'm talking about, I've kind of noticed any time I'm with her and it's generally pretty true. She gets really good parking without without verbalizing it. 

Kayla Rain [00:33:05] Yeah, she just she probably it's like turning on the lights for her right now. But come up with five things, five things that will be fun to watch come about for you. Things that will solidify the fact that the law of attraction does work for you. You have the ability to manifest things because if you can manifest the small stuff, I promise you can manifest the big stuff. You just have to apply those same principles. And it's a lot easier to not care about a front row parking spot than it is to not care about a new career or a new car or a new relationship. So that's the action item. Come up with five small things that you're going to expect to happen. Don't put a timeline on it. Just expect it and wait for it. And then when it does happen, acknowledge it, be aware of it when it happens and you can build off of it from there. Just if you want to turn that into, "I always get a front row parking spot!" Just like you said, Marcee, you know, feel free to do that. But that's that's it. Just five things, five small things. And then we would love to hear from you listeners when you start receiving your checks in the mail, or your good news you were expecting or whatever it is that you're putting out there, let us know! Send us a message. You can find us on Instagram. You can send us a message through our contact button on our website, www.AttractItWithEase.com And then, like I mentioned, you can go to our website and download the workbook because our first 10 episodes are our jumpstart module. So make sure you download all 10 episodes and go to the website, download the workbook so that you have the pages to remind you of these action items. Give you a jumpstart on manifesting all the things that you want. Adria do you want to remind our listeners about our giveaway? 

Adria Sha [00:35:02] Yes, each week we are drawing a name from someone who has submitted a review of the podcast, and that person will receive a custom bracelet with your theme Word of the year, mailed out to you. And these bracelets are super cute. 

Kayla Rain [00:35:15] They are. They're unisex, guys or girls. You guys will love them and they'll be personalized with your theme word for the year. So leave us a review. We can't wait to hear from you. Well, that's it for this week. Adria can't wait to see you next time. And thank you guys for listening. 

Adria Sha [00:35:31] Have a great night. 

Kayla Rain [00:35:32] Bye bye. 


S1.E8: Do It Because It Feels Good.


S1.E6: If You Don’t Have Anything Nice To Say, Lie.