S2.E31: All Things Vision Boards

The title says it all. This episode is about all things Vision Boards: everything from how to get started, easy ways to get images, ideas on places to put it for maximum results, tips and tricks for updating easily, and more! This episode is an easy how-to guide with details on why you shouldn't put this off any longer.

I am just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you.

Hi there. I'm your host, Kay Lorraine, and welcome back to Attract It With Ease. In this week's podcast episode, I'm going to cover vision boards. Now, I've talked about vision boards, but not since my first season. Season one, episode four, I had a whole episode about vision boards, and I have not had an episode since it's been a couple of years, and I think it's time that we revisit the conversation. So today I'm going to get into how to easily do it, how to update it.

I'm gonna give you some tips, some tricks, and I'm also going to share with you the value of using a vision board and how you really can use it and get the most benefit from it. But before I get into all of that, this week I'd like to talk to you about my gratitude. And the first thing that I'm grateful for this week is that my in-laws are coming to visit. And some of you may say that's crazy. You're grateful that your in-laws are coming to visit, but yes, I am. I love my husband's parents, and they have not been to the house since we started renting it back in January.

So we've been in the house almost six months. They're coming to visit for the first time. We finally have the guest bedroom all set up and put together, and I'm so excited not only to spend time with them, but to be able to see our home and see how we live. I'm just really looking forward to that. The second thing that I'm grateful for this week is just the amount of abundance that I have been experiencing in my life. When I just think back to January when we moved out of our tiny house and into the home we're now living in, and I think about the fact that we sold all of our furniture and 80% of what we owned when we went tiny.

I think, oh my gosh, now I'm in this giant house and I have filled it full of things. And when I mean things, most of that is furniture. But I have decor. It's beautiful. I've got area rugs. My house feels amazing. And when I look around and I think about the fact that almost everything around me I did not own less than six months ago, it's absolutely crazy to me. But it also humbles me because I recognize how much abundance I do have in my life because I've been able to buy these things without using my credit cards to be able to pay cash for things and to be able to live in a home that feels good, decorate a home to the level of standard that I would want to decorate.

It's not hand me downs, it's not IKEA furniture. It is fine quality stuff. And when I look at my situation, I can't help to be overwhelmed with gratitude for the amount of abundance that I have and continue to receive. The third thing that I'm grateful for this week may actually be something you are not very excited about but me. I am thrilled. And that topic is ai, artificial intelligence.

It's a very controversial subject these days. So many people believe it's going to take over people's jobs and just kind of ruin life as we know it. I, on the other hand, have really been trying to get comfortable with using ai, specifically chat, G p t and plugins and different things that can really help me with my writing, help create content, help me create side income. I've talked to you about digital downloads.

It's something I've had kind of on the back of my to-do list that I've never gotten around to. But I wanna be able to just create things that I can make in digital format, sell really inexpensively online and just do the work once and get paid over and over again. And I am learning that the new technology and advancements in AI are absolutely making that a reality. And I am so grateful for that. So grateful for the technology and so grateful that right now it is free and I can access it and I can use it to improve my life.

All right, that's it for my gratitude this week. Let's talk about vision boards. So like I said, in season one, episode four, my episode was called If you Build It, they will come. And of course it's a play on the movie Field of Dreams where they say if you build it, they will come. Something like that. Essentially in the movie Field of Dreams, they just come up with the idea to build this baseball field, and they don't know how in the world it's gonna turn into anything, but they just have this disbelief that if they build the baseball diamond, if they build the baseball field, it will turn into their dreams.

And it does. That's why it's called Field of Dreams because it's built in this, this field. In any case, that is how I feel about vision boards. If you put it on your board, you will get that. Now, depending on your beliefs, depending on your vibrational alignment, depending on how big the ask certain things are gonna happen for you faster than others. But I am telling you, if you put something on your vision board, it is bound to manifest at some point in your life.

It is crazy. It is magic. It is such a fun thing to do. And I don't know why I haven't talked about it in over two years. It is time. Now, if you are a listener who did build your vision board with me, clear back a couple years ago, this episode is still relevant because if you haven't updated your vision board, well, it's time. We need to be updating our vision boards regularly. Number one, because we manifest things and once we manifest it, we can take it off the board.

There's no reason to take up that space or be focusing on things that we have already achieved. Why not focus on what's next? But in addition, sometimes the things that we want change, and I talked about this back in season one, but years ago I used to have a vision board. And the things that I wanted on it were like a big house with an amazing pool in a wraparound driveway and a fancy sports car and crystal chandeliers. And I can tell you that that is not the person I am anymore.

I love those things, don't get me wrong. And if that's what you want, more power to you. But my life, especially having spent three and a half years living in a tiny house, my desires are so much simpler, so much less materialistic and more so about experiences. So if my vision board still looked like that, it actually wouldn't really look like what I want my future to be. I want my future to be filled with love and travel and friends and family and good feelings and laughter, and that is what my vision board looks like today.

But I can tell you, even today, I'm looking at it now as I'm recording the podcast because it's on the wall across from me. And I can tell you that that board needs some updating and there's also some space to add some things. So we're gonna talk through all of that, but we're gonna take it in bite size pieces. So number one, if you've never built a vision board before, I'm gonna make this process super simple for you. There are a number of ways to do it.

There is absolutely no right or wrong way. Let me just state that right up front. There's nothing you can do in building a vision board that is wrong. So whatever works for you, just go with it. But I will tell you how I have done my vision board and I think it's a great way to keep it updated. So number one, back in the eighties, and yes, I was alive in the eighties and I probably made a vision board.

I made a vision board, but I think I called it a dream board. Now you can call it whatever you want. I personally refer to my board as a vision board because it's something that helps me visualize. And when I think of the word dream, a dream doesn't feel achievable. It doesn't seem realistic. It seems kind of ethereal and just this fancy feel good thought. So to me, a dream does not sum up what I'm trying to achieve.

You could call it a manifestation board. I call mine a vision board because it gives me visions of the things that I want in my future. It helps me with my visualization, it helps me stay focused on my goals, focused on my manifestations, and it's literally putting it out into the universe. This is the life that I want. These are the things I want to see in my future. So again, going back to the eighties, when I made one, it was on a poster and I had a bunch of magazines.

I'll tell you back then, magazines were in. It was the thing. I had magazines everywhere every teenager did, and we cut out pictures and we cut out letters, and we built words if we couldn't find the words we wanted. And that's totally one way to do it. And if that's your style and that's what you're comfortable with, 100%, that's completely okay. That's the most basic, probably easiest way to do it if you have access to magazines, because magazines are kind of harder to come by these days, and they can be expensive if you're buying them.

So here is how I think you can update that thought or idea. For 2023, literally go on the internet and search for pictures of the things you want to attract. What do you see in your future? Do you want a home? Is it a specific type of home? Does it look a certain way? Does it have a white picket fence? Does it have a big backyard? Do you have a dog? Do you want a dog? Do you want a big family?

Do you want lots of children? Are you focusing on manifesting fertility and pregnancy? That's probably something to put on your vision board if it is. Maybe you wanna travel like me, I wanna go to Iceland, I wanna go to Italy, I wanna go to Switzerland. These are places that I have pictures of on my vision board. And it is so easy when you go to Google and you click on images and you type in what it is you wanna picture of, and you will have countless images available to you.

Now, the caveat is some of those images have copyright laws. And what I'm gonna say next is you save those images and you're gonna print them. Just be aware of copyright laws. I am not trying to go out there and stay, go out and steal other people's work. But there are images that you can access for free. And I talked about AI early on. You can actually use AI to create images for you.

You can use a prompt on certain websites where you tell it exactly what you want the picture to look like and it will create that picture for you, and you can own the rights to it. So that's an option also. But the idea is sit down and think about what are the things you want most in life? What do you want? Do you want love? Do you wanna retire? Do you want financial abundance? Do you wanna get in shape?

Do you want your body to look a certain way? How do you wanna feel? Do you want time with friends? Do you want to be able to entertain friends? Are you planning a big wedding or party or sweet 16? There's probably something that you can picture in your future, whether it's a vacation or an event or a celebration that you would love to have a certain way. If money was no object, what would you want? What does your wedding dress look like? What does your 50th anniversary ring look like?

What does your home look like? What does your car look like? And I'm talking a bit about materialistic things, but it doesn't have to be materialistic. Maybe it's a concept like to me, I wanna be debt free. I have debt free on my vision board. Let's talk about that for a second. You can absolutely put words on your vision board. You can put as many words as you want. You can put quotes if you want. You can put whatever you want on your vision board. Now, I prefer, rather than actual words, I prefer graphics or pictures that represent the words I want.

So for example, if I wanted more joy in my life, I'm gonna post a picture on my vision board that represents joy and that joy could just be a picture that just when you look at it, you can tell those people are just having the time of their lives. Or even better, you can find a picture of yourself when you felt the joy you want to attract. You can probably think back to a time in your life that just felt so amazing.

And if you could go back to that moment, you would find that picture because it's what it represents to you. Put that picture on your vision board. Same thing if you're trying to lose weight. There was probably a time in your life that you were the size you're trying to achieve. See if you can find a picture of that, put that on your vision board because it represents you. Then you know what that looks like. You know what that feels like, and it helps you with the visualization. Now, if you don't have those pictures, you can't find those pictures, you can absolutely find photos of someone else or something else that represents that for you.

Again, you can put words on your board if you want them. I prefer graphics. So for example, I have debt free on my vision board, but I actually have a picture of two fists, just two fists with the word debt on one hand and free on the other hand. And that is the picture. So yes, I have the word on there, but it's not just a word. It's an image and it's a visualization that helps me think about what it looks like to be debt free.

And you know what? I would wanna fist bump you if I had all of my debt paid off, which it nearly is. But I also look at that and it's like, pow in your face debt. To me, that's more powerful than just putting the word debt free on there. Now, whatever you wanna do, there's no right or wrong. So that's where you start. You start out with coming up with a list of all the things you want in life. What does your amazing, most wonderful future, if you could just construct it and design it exactly the way that you want it.

What are all of the things you want? And this is where I say I could really update my vision board right now because it's got some good stuff on there, don't get me wrong. But when I think about the things I want most, what are my biggest goals? What am I really trying to attract right now? Guess what? Probably the top three are not even on my vision board. And when I think about that, that's just absolutely crazy to me. What is on my vision board are photos of a bunch of different places.

The A frame that my husband and I have been talking about building for years, picture of my son, because if you have followed me for any time, you know that I'm estranged from my son and I really want to connect with him again at some point in the future. There's a girl doing a yoga pose that looks so difficult to me, but I just aspire to be that girl. To be in that kind of shape, to have that kind of flexibility, to have that vitality, to be able to do that yoga pose, that's the kind of person I wanna be in my future.

There's a picture of friends sitting around a fire pit, because that's important to me. Relationships. And I love sitting in the evening around a fire, having good conversation, cocktails with friends. I have a picture that represents that I have a woman doing a book signing. I really want to write a book, but not just a book, a best seller. That's something I wanna do one day. I have that on my vision board. I have wine and cheese because those are my passions.

And I'll tell you, that one's probably an easy one. But the wine that's in that photo is a very expensive wine. And I am not at the level in my life yet where that's my norm is that I drink that type of wine. But I do get to enjoy some of those experiences and I'm grateful for that. That's what's on my vision board today. But when I really think about some of the other things I'm working on, the house we're living in right now, we love it. And if we stay in the area, which we'll know within the next probably 90 days, if we are, that's a whole other conversation.

But I'm working on a promotion at work. And if I get it, if I'm able to get that, if we're able to stay in the area, we really want to buy the house we're currently renting. So I could update my vision board to show my house that I'm in instead of the A Frame. That was our dream and goal for so long. We have just fallen in love with our neighborhood. We've fallen in love with the views at our house. We've fallen in love with the backyard. It's a wonderful space for entertaining.

We have two fire pits out there. It just has turned out to be the most incredible, amazing house. Nothing like what I thought I wanted, but now that I'm here, it has so many of the elements that I've been looking for when we've talked about buying a house. It has property, it has land, it's a half acre. There's a place for us to park our tiny house. It's a double garage. It's got space for my husband to work on his Jeep. It's got all of these awesome things.

So I could take down the picture of the A-Frame and I could update it with a picture of the house I'm living in because that's my dream to buy this house. You know, it's my dream to have a million podcast downloads. Not to be able to say I have a million podcast downloads, but because that represents to me that my podcast means something to people, I'm not just out there talking to myself, but that people are getting value out of my content.

That's one of my goals. I could have that on my vision board. You know that I am a 2022 gold signal award winner, but I have a goal of being a 2023 gold signal award winner. I could have that on my vision board and I don't. So hopefully you're getting some ideas about what you want to put on and what's important to you. And if you define your life into, here are the biggest things I want to manifest, here are the things that seem crazy, the things that would impact my life the most.

Here is all the stuff I want in my future. That list. Those are the pictures you wanna look for. That's your vision board. Okay, so you've found the pictures, save them to your computer, save them to your phone, save them somewhere. And then what I did, which I think is the easiest, is I just sent 'em to my local drugstore, their Photoshop. I literally digitally uploaded them to a website and they were ready in an hour.

And I went and picked them up. And some of 'em are not formatted in the right size, but I just trimmed the photo. If it's got some white on the edge, cuz it was a square photo and I printed it in a four by six. That's the size I recommend is a four by six. But again, if you're finding square photos, you can trim it once it's printed on a four by six. That's what I do. Now, you have these photos. You have all these photos, and what do you do with them? How do you create a vision board? Well, what I decided on is a pin board.

I literally have a pin board and they're pinned on there so that I can move them around. And when I achieve something or I wanna update the board, I can easily take a photo off and replace it with something else or rearrange the photo if I'm not adding anything. That to me is what works right now, I used to have a metal vision board. It was a big piece of stainless steel that I got at my hardware store. I hung it on my wall and I just used magnets and it worked very much the same way as the pin board does.

So easy to update and move around. I love that idea. But guess what, you don't even have to do that. If you've got a good sized bathroom mirror, you can tape the pictures to your mirror in your bathroom. You can use magnets and put them on your fridge wherever it makes sense to you. Maybe you want it on your desk at work. I don't care. I don't know. Another option that I have heard people recommend is to use one of those photo collages that you can print again at your drugstore.

You could literally print a photo collage like an eight by 10 or a 16 by 20, just like it's a picture, but it's all a collage of all of these different things. Now that's a little bit harder to update, but it's not really very expensive to update if you wanted to. So here are different ways that you can create a vision board, aside from just kidding, a magazine, cutting out pictures, putting in them on a poster board. Now a poster board also works. There's no size. It has to be, there's no limit of pictures.

Maybe it's only four pictures. I don't care what's most important to you. That's what should be on your vision board. All right, I'm gonna take a break for just a moment so that we can hear from our sponsors. And when I return, I'm gonna talk to you about how to use the vision board to your benefit. I'm gonna talk to you about different places that you can put it, places that will really help you see it and focus on it.

And I'm going to share some ideas with you about how you can turn this into a fun activity. So all of that when we come back. But right now I'm going to take a break for our sponsors.

Welcome back to Attract It With Ease. We have been talking about vision boards and what I've covered up to this point is how easy and fun it is to create a vision board. I've given some ideas on how you can get photos literally from the internet, literally from like a Google search and putting in exactly what you want a photo of. If you're trying to manifest a yacht, if you're trying to manifest a helicopter, if you're trying to manifest a dream honeymoon to Spain, type it in.

You'll get all kinds of photos. You can print those at your drugstore. You can put them on little individual pictures that you can post either on your refrigerator, your bathroom mirror, on a pin board, on a poster board, anywhere you want them. That's what we've been talking about up to this point. What I wanna talk about now are some of the best places to put these. Now, obviously, if it's on your refrigerator or on your bathroom mirror, you're not gonna be moving it around.

But if those are not the places you're putting this, my best recommendation is to find a place that you are going to see it often. Now, I think the bedroom near the bed is one of the most valuable spaces you can use, but maybe you don't have wall space, maybe you don't have anywhere near the bed. That's okay. But here's why I think near the bed is a good idea. If you can place it somewhere, maybe across from you towards the end of the bed or the wall on the opposite side of the room so that when you're laying in bed, you can see it.

It literally will be the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see at night. And I think there's huge value in that because you're gonna see it multiple times a day. Now if that doesn't work for you, if you don't have the space for that or you don't like that idea, or it doesn't go with your decor or whatever, there's a number of other places you can put them. But really you want to put your vision board where you're going to see it often, because the whole idea is to get yourself in alignment with these things.

It's to get yourself visualizing these things in your future. It's to use the law of attraction. And yes, there is power in just putting it on there and saying to the universe, this is what I want. But there's also power in seeing it over and over and over again because it helps you believe that that is your future. It helps you make decisions that will move you in the directions of your dreams. It will help you stay focused on the things you're working towards.

I have mine in my office and I have it in my office because I'm in my office every single day. Now when I say my office, I'm talking my home office, it is hanging on the wall in my home office. But every morning I come in here and I do a tarot card reading. I record a podcast episode at least once a week. That's where my computer is located. So if I'm not on my phone and I'm getting online, I'm coming in the office. I have plants in my office that need to be watered weekly.

So I'm in my office on a very regular basis daily, literally. So for me, it's out of the way where it doesn't really interfere with my home decor. It's not something that every person that comes over to my house is gonna see and ask me about or think I'm crazy. They think I'm crazy anyway, by the way. But it's a space that's all my own. It's a cross from me so that when I sit at my desk, I can see it and I focus on it and think about it often.

So placement is big in helping your vision board work for you. Now, I said that I would give you some tips on how to really get the most out of your vision board. And it's exactly what I said. You wanna think about those things often. And throughout episodes that I've recorded, I've talked to you about various ways that you can attract things. But visualization is one of the most underutilized tools that we have.

It's completely free and it's fun and it's easy. Well, when you have a vision board and you're focused on it, it really helps you close your eyes and visualize a future with all of those things on your board. If you have a trip to Switzerland on your board like I do, it makes it so easy to take a couple of minutes, close your eyes and think about being in Switzerland and what that feels like and what that smells like and what it looks like and what you'll do there and what you'll wear there and the photos you'll take, and the people that you're with and the food that you'll eat and the themes that you will see and how you will be in that experience and say, photos, don't do it justice.

I don't want to leave. I don't want to go home. This is so incredible. This is so amazing. And you can literally take five minutes and put yourself in that place. And that is the power of a vision board because not only have you already told the universe this is what you want, but it reminds you that it's what you want, it helps you work towards it, and it helps you with your visualizations because you literally have a picture of what it looks like. And that helps you when you close your eyes, visualize what it looks like.

So now that you can picture what it looks like, you can see yourself there. You can feel yourself there. The feeling is the vibration, the feeling is the magnetic energy that's going to bring that into your existence. When we're talking the quantum field, the feeling is the attraction. That is the magnet. We gotta feel it. That is the power of a vision board.

Do you get me? Do you have one yet? Do you believe in it? Do you see the value? When was the last time you updated it? All right, let's talk about that. When should you update? I kind of addressed this briefly at the beginning. There's no timeline, but I can tell you if you have a vision board and you haven't updated it in a year, it's time to go back and reflect and revisit. Now, I bet when you look at that vision board, you're going to realize you've actually accomplished some of those things. And that is such a fun feeling to be able to take pictures off of the board.

Now, some of the things I've had on my vision board over the last couple of years that I've been able to remove, when I moved from Sedona to Reno, I really wanted a Jeep. I wanted a Jeep Grand Cherokee. I wanted one because I used to own one. I loved it when I had it before I missed it, I wanted an S U v. I'd been driving a sedan and I manifested that Jeep. Not only did I manifest that Jeep, but I paid cash for it. Now it was used, it was not brand new, but I manifested it.

It was affordable. I bought it. It was amazing. Now, guess what? I no longer own that Jeep, and that was just three and a half years ago. I've moved on. I now drive a Lexus that I love, absolutely love my Lexus. But it was so fun. The day I looked at my vision board and realized, which was probably a month after I had the Jeep, I just happened to be looking at my vision board and thought, I can take that photo down. I, I caught my Jeep. I accomplished it.

It was such an incredible thing. Now, I am a lover of nature, and you probably know that I really wanted to get married in Yosemite. I really wanted just a specific type of photo of me and my husband getting married or right after we got married, whatever the case may be, basically in our wedding attire with just these sheer cliffs in the background and an incredible sunset or sunrise.

I really wanted a wedding like that. And we eloped and we got married in Yosemite. And I had a picture on my vision board for years, well, before I ever got engaged, probably from around the time that I met Dan, I had had this picture on my vision board of a couple getting married in Yosemite. That was just kind of a representation of what I wanted my wedding photos to look like. And I can tell you, when I gold look at my wedding photos, they look almost exactly the same.

Now, I got married in a black dress, so they're not the same because the girl in the photo on my vision board was wearing a white dress. But I love to be extra. And because it was my second marriage, I wore a black dress. And so my photos do look different in that sense. But just the setting, the feeling, the sunset, the light, the sheer cliffs in the photo, it's exactly what I got. And I felt so grateful when I realized I could take that photo off my vision board because it was something big that I wanted.

And it's what my wedding looked like. It was amazing. I'm telling you, if you put together your vision board and you find pictures that absolutely represent you and the things that you want, there will come a day that you can update that board and take that photo down and realize and express gratitude for the fact that you have received that. And it's the most amazing feeling. It really is. And I can't wait for that to happen for you.

And if you have a vision board, I encourage you to go back and look at it. See if the things that are on it still resonate with you. Are they the top things you're working towards? Are there bigger, better things you could have on there or add to it that are missing? And are there things on the vision board that you have achieved that you could remove and express gratitude for? I think I've pretty much covered the topic of vision boards. I think you get it now on my website, I do have a couple of vision boards listed there.

I do have an older version of my vision board listed there. It's the one that I had hanging when we were living in the tiny house. So it has been updated a bit since then. But if you do create a vision board and you don't mind sharing it with me, I would love to see it. And if you're willing, I will add it to my website. If you don't want it on my website, just tell me. But if you feel like sharing your vision board with me, sharing your success, sharing things you've accomplished, sharing your personal story, you can send that information to me at hello at attract it with ease.com.

And if you don't wanna post it to the website, just say that in the email. Say, please don't post this. I just wanted to share. But I would love to hear from you. I'd love to hear from you about anything that we've talked about. I'd love to hear questions that you have that you'd like me to address on the podcast. I'd love to hear how your manifestations are going. Reach out to me. Hello at attract it with ease.com. Now, I just wanna sum up this episode with this week's action item. And obviously it's going to be to create or update your vision board.

But I have one tip. I think if at all possible, you should plan a vision board, get together. You should plan a party. And it doesn't have to be with a hundred people, it doesn't have to be with five people. It can be with your best friend, it can be with your husband, it could be with your sisters, it can be with your neighbors, it can be with your coworkers. I don't care. But I can tell you, it is so much fun to focus on the things you want to visualize it, to find those pictures, to kind of put that all together.

And you can do that with the people that you enjoy. You can turn it into a social activity. You can help inspire others, show them how to do it. And you can either sit down and just collect all your pictures at the same time and talk about what you're putting on them and have, you know, appetizers and drinks or whatever. Or you can give them the how-to in the beginning. Tell them to get their photos printed and bring the photos to the party and you guys can put them together. Or you could have two parties and do one of each.

But I think a vision board party is a great way to turn this into a fun event, to get other people involved, to inspire and uplift other people. And that's my action item for you this week. I'd love for you to update or build your vision board this week, but what I'm really gonna say is do it sometime this month. Just commit to doing it. I promise you you'll enjoy it, but you'll find that it's easy and I promise you that there is power in the photographs and the images that you put on that board, it will help build your future.

That's it for this week. It's been so much fun talking with you. I'll talk with you next week. Have a good one. Bye-bye.


S2.E32: Be a Doer Not a Dreamer


S2.E30: Manifesting What You Don’t Want