S2.E37: You Need to Let Go

Are you ready to release, let go, and manifest with ease? Join your host Kayla Rain on this transformative episode of "Attract It With EASE." Discover the key element that's been missing from your manifesting process: the power of letting go. Kayla shares a personal story about a millionaire online marketer and how she overcame her scarcity mindset around money. Get ready to explore a comprehensive list of things you can release and let go of, from self-sabotaging behaviors to fear of failure, old patterns, and toxic relationships.

Kayla's light-hearted and insightful guidance will help you break free from the chains of resistance and unlock the path to your dreams. Don't miss this empowering episode that will inspire you to trust the process and attract abundance effortlessly. Plus, Kayla has a special gift for you—an exclusive set of letting go affirmation cards available for free download. It's time to shift your mindset and embrace the magic of releasing. Get ready to manifest with EASE!

I'm just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If, you believe in miracles than happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. 

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain and welcome back to attract it with ease. today we will be exploring the law of Attraction and whether or not it's real. Now I'm serious, that's what we're talking about today. I'm gonna get into two questions. Number one, What is the Law of Attraction. And number two, Is, the Law of Attraction. Real. For those of you that have been around for a while, this might seem like a very simplified episode, but I understand that there is a large portion of the world asking these questions, and for those people, I'm going to give you the answers in this podcast today. 

But before we get into all of that, I wanna start this episode out by talking about my gratitude. And the first thing that I'm grateful for this week is Vivid Dreams. I don't know If, you can remember the last time you had a vivid dream, but I had one this morning and the best thing about my vivid dream was that I was dreaming, that I had reunited with my child. Now, I don't talk about my child much on the podcast because we have been estranged for, gosh, I don't even know, 13, maybe 14 years. 

I have not spoken to my child in a very long time. It's one of the things that I regret the most. It's one of the things that I am most self-conscious about and So I don't address it a lot on this podcast. But reconnecting with my child is something that I do Desire is something I absolutely believe will happen one day and how awesome it was to have a dream that it actually was happening. Now I visualize it all the time, but I can't remember the last time I had a dream that we had reconnected. 

Now my child is in my dreams all the time, but my child is very young, typically in my dreams because my child was younger when I had most of my memories with them. And so to be able to just wake up this morning and just reflect back on what I was dreaming about and how good it felt, it was so vivid and so exciting, and it just really reignites my enthusiasm and my passion for the idea of it and the possibility that it will happen one day. 

The second thing that I'm grateful for this week is something I probably mention every single summer And. that is air conditioning. Oh my goodness, we had some crazy weather where I live this year and it felt like summer was never going to come. And then literally almost overnight, it went from Rain and chilly evenings to schooling hot temperatures. We were in the high nineties and I know there are places of the world where that does not seem like it's hot, but we have been approaching a hundred degrees. 

I know we're going to get there this summer. And I am just so grateful to have air conditioning in my car at work, in my home, to have ceiling fans, all of it. I am so grateful that there is a way to cool off from the sun. And don't get me wrong, I love the heat. I love the warm temperatures. I love the way the sun feels on my skin, but I also love when I'm sweating profusely, the ability to go indoors or sit in my car and turn on the air conditioning and just instantly feel that cooling sensation. 

I'm grateful for that today. And the third thing that I'm grateful for is all of the uses I'm finding for AI technology. I've talked about AI a few times and I'm not really gonna go off on a big tangent about that today, but I think that there are so many beneficial uses to AI technology and what I've been using it for this past week is coming up with new and interesting affirmations. Affirmations for things that I'm working to manifest and being able to say it in a way or think about it in a way that maybe I hadn't come up with. 

I kind of feel like I've been stuck in a rut with the same phrases over and over again. and I have been able to use AI technology to help me develop some new phrases and new affirmations, some of which I think are probably stronger than what I've been saying or more specific than the things I've been saying that will Attract the things that I desire into my life. Okay, that's it about my gratitude this week. Let's jump into the topic of the law of Attraction. 

So once again, today I am going to answer the question, What is the Law of Attraction, as well as the question Is, the Law of Attraction Real. So let's just talk about the law of Attraction If. You are listening to this episode and you don't know if you know what the law of Attraction is or you're listening in because you want to know what the law of Attraction is to simplify the law of Attraction. It's essentially the belief that your thoughts, positive or negative, your thoughts have corresponding experiences in your life, meaning If, you have a positive thought, you will then have positive experiences, If, you have a negative thought, you will have a negative experience. 

Essentially what the law of Attraction states is like attracts like what you think or what you put out into the universe is what you get back. That is what the law of Attraction is. Now let's talk about the law of Attraction a little bit because it's becoming kind of a buzzword or more popular so to speak these days. And there's a number of reasons for it, and I'm gonna talk about that a little bit later in the episode. 

But authors have written about the law of Attraction, and the first one that I'm gonna mention is Napoleon Hill. Now, you maybe have never heard the name Napoleon Hill, but Napoleon Hill is the author of Think and Grow Rich. And I'm willing to bet that most of you have at least heard the title of that book. Think and Grow Rich. So Napoleon Hill wrote that book many years ago, In fact. I remember reading that book and first being exposed to that in the early two thousands. 

So that book has been around a very long time. But a quote from Napoleon Hill is whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe it can achieve. So this is what we're talking about with the law of Attraction. When people are talking about the law of Attraction, what they're really saying is that you can manipulate your life, you can get whatever you want. You can change the outcome or design your story or so-called manifest, make something come about in your existence just by thinking it. 

So going back to what I was saying, If, you think a positive thought, you have a positive experience, If, you think a negative thought, you can have a negative experience. This is the law of Attraction, the law of Attraction, essentially, the whole idea of it, and the reason it's so popular is that people believe in the law of Attraction and use it to their benefit because you can use it in a negative way also, meaning you can kind of destroy your experience by focusing on negative things, right? You can create negative things to occur in your life by focusing on the negative. 

But If, you choose to focus on the positive. You can have a positive life, you can manifest the things that you want by focusing on the things that you want. And Napoleon Hill says, whatever the mind of a man can conceive and believe it can achieve. And again, he is the author of Think and Grow Rich. Another really famous author that you maybe never have heard of is Rhonda Byrne. Now, Rhonda Byrne is the author of the book The Secret. 

Now you've probably heard of The Secret. The Secret is basically a collection of a bunch of different people and experts on the subject of the law of Attraction. And the book maybe wasn't as popular as the movie, but once the book was made, they made a movie and the movie If, you haven't seen it. You can go on YouTube, search it online, find it, watch it. It's awesome because what it does is it takes the whole idea of the law of Attraction, simplifies it, and then gives experts speaking to it. 

Now, Rhonda Byrne, I have a quote from her and she says, everything will change in your life when you change the inside of you. Everything will change in your life when you change the inside of you. Now, that probably just kind of seems obvious, but this is where she's talking about your thoughts, your beliefs, your feelings. When you can control that, when you can change your negative thought to a positive thought or you can change the way you feel about something to a positive emotion, to feel good or to expect it. 

When you can believe in possibility, believe in yourself, believe in the outcome, believe that it's happening. When you can do those things, when you can change what's going on inside of you, everything in your life will change. So like I said, the law of Attraction is becoming more and more popular. So let's just talk about some of the basic principles of the law of Attraction. Some of the basic principles are that there's power in our thoughts. 

What you think results in an outcome, it results in an experience. So if we're not at all controlling what we're thinking, we are not in control of our lives. We're just going through with whatever comes our way and we're feeling victimized because we're feeling like why do bad things always happen to me? And maybe that's not what you're feeling, but if you're not working to control your thoughts and not working to control your emotions, you're literally just going with the flow. 

You are not in control. You are just responding or reacting to whatever comes up in life. And If, you understand the law of Attraction and If. you believe in the law of Attraction, and in a few minutes I'm gonna cover whether or not it's real. But If, you understand the law of Attraction And, that you actually can control your thoughts, you can change your thoughts just by stopping and choosing to do it. You can change your emotions by stopping and shifting what you're thinking about. 

Sometimes you don't even have to change how you feel about something. You can just stop thinking about the thing that doesn't feel good. Why would you wanna think about something that doesn't feel good anyway? But when you can shift your thoughts, when you can shift your emotions, you can shift the outcome of what occurs in your life. You can shape your reality, you can design your future, you can have anything you want. 

If, you have the belief and if your thoughts and your belief and your emotions align with the things that you want, okay? Some of the other basic principles of the law of Attraction is visualization. Visualization is something I harp on all the time, and I would like to think that my listeners have gotten really good at visualization because I harp on it all the time. I often say that visualization is probably the most underutilized aspect of manifesting what you want. 

And what I mean is it's so easy and yet taking the time to do it is something you literally have to kind of carve out in your life. It has to be an intentional action. And what is visualization? Visualization is essentially closing your eyes and intentionally imagining or visualizing that you already have the thing you want. Not that you're getting it, you're not closing your eyes and picturing receiving it because that feels good and that's fun, but that is not what manifests things in your life. 

What causes things to manifest is actually feeling what it feels like to have it feeling what it feels like to have already achieved this thing, to already own it, to already be it, to already be there in your life. If, you are working to manifest a new job. What does that feel like to have a new job? How do you feel at work? Because I can tell you, if you're unhappy with your job and you're focused on how unhappy you are, then those are the thoughts that you're putting out into the universe. 

And when we say that the law of Attraction attracts the same thing and you are thinking about how bad your work is, all you're attracting is more bad work. So visualization is us putting ourselves in the situation where we have a job we love, we already have it. How does it feel? What does it smell like? What do you wear? What is your work-life balance? What do you do when you're not at work and you close your eyes and you picture it all and you take it in? 

And what it does is it imprints a memory in your brain. Now, our bodies do not know the difference between a visualization and an actual memory. And the more that you visualize, you're creating these stamps on the brain where the brain thinks it already exists. And when the brain thinks it already exists, it continues to seek out ways to continue to have it exist. Now, it's not the brain that's just making this happen, there's science to it, and I'm gonna get into that in just a minute. 

But the law of Attraction is all of this, it starts with your thoughts and what you're thinking about creates your emotion. The way that you feel is actually your Attraction point. and I like to call it your emotional guidance system. It's like the gauge or the dashboard in your car. You can see what you're attracting or recognize what you're attracting by paying attention to your emotions. 

And how do you change your emotions? You change what you're thinking about and If, you can't change your emotion about what you're thinking about. You just change your thoughts altogether. Think about something else. Think about something that feels good. Think about pink cupcakes and unicorns and flowers and rainbows and butterflies. I don't care what it is. Change your thoughts because happy thoughts create happy experiences. Is this making sense to you? So when somebody says What is the Law of Attraction, there's so many ways to explain it, but essentially the law of Attraction says that your thoughts create your reality. 

Positive or negative. What you're thinking is what shows up in your experience. So if that is the case, If, you want a happy, positive life, If, you wanna thrive, you need to think about those things. You need to imagine thriving. You need to picture yourself thriving. You need to be happy, If, you want more happiness, you need to feel good If, you wanna continue to feel good. That is what the law of Attraction is. 

Now I'm gonna take a quick break for our sponsors, and when I come back I'm gonna answer the question Is the Law of Attraction Real. And what I'm really excited about is I'm also going to share with you 13 different famous celebrities that I am certain you have heard of who all believe in and openly speak about the law of Attraction, all of that when we return, 

Welcome back to Attract It With EASE. We have been talking about what the law of Attraction is, and I promised you that I'm going to answer the question Is the Law of Attraction Real. We were talking about the law of Attraction as the idea that your thoughts create your reality. What you put out is what you get back. If, you think something negative, you'll have a negative experience. If you're focused on the positive, you'll have a positive experience. 

That is what the law of Attraction is. And when you understand that you can create your own reality, you can choose positivity, you can choose things that feel good and you can choose to focus on the things that you would like to show up in your life. Things like wealth and happiness and love and a big house and a good job and success and all of these things. These things can show up in your life. 

If, you understand how the law of Attraction works. So let's answer this question. Is the Law of Attraction Real. Well, you tell me, is it real? Now? I'm not really trying to just put it on you, I'm going to answer that question, but I really want you to take a second before I share my evidence. and I want you to think for a second. Has there ever been something in your life that you really wanted? 

Maybe something that felt impossible and you didn't know how it was gonna happen, but you really wanted it and maybe you even felt like you needed it? Maybe it was money for an unexpected expense. Maybe your car broke down and you didn't know how to get it fixed. Maybe you felt brokenhearted after a breakup and you didn't know how you would ever overcome that heartbreak. Can you think of a time in your own life when there was something you wanted and somehow it showed up in your life? 

Well, If, you can think of those things. You can probably also try and think back to the thoughts and the emotions that you were having at that time because you probably were thinking about getting or achieving those things and how you could and believing that it was possible, not knowing how it would happen, but believing that it was possible. Guess what? That there is the law of Attraction working. You manifested. 

You brought it about, you got the thing you were asking for, you just didn't know you did it. You didn't know it was you, and you probably still aren't giving yourself credit for it. But let's really answer the question Is the Law of Attraction Real. And the first way that I want to address that is with quantum physics. Now you've probably heard of quantum physics or quantum mechanics, but you may not understand what that is, so I'm gonna explain it to you. 

And essentially quantum. Quantum physics is the science and quantum mechanics is the math behind the science. Okay? So according to quantum physics, atoms have energy and are drawn towards atom with similar energy composition. Okay? We're talking molecular structure, we're talking atoms. 

And what the whole science of quantum physics is, is the theory that one atom is drawn towards another atom. If they have similar energy composition, meaning that If, you put two atoms with the same or similar energy composition near each other, they're gonna go and connect. They're gonna Attract each other, they're gonna pull each other closer. That is the science of quantum physics. 

And guess what? It's been proven that is a thing. There is so much evidence, so much science and If, you wanna research it. I encourage you to do it. Now, this can really blow up and be way over your head. And I'm not trying to make you go there or asking you to watch all of these science studies, but there are resources available that can break it down into simple terms and actually show you ways that quantum physics actually is a thing that one atom is attracted to another atom. 

If they have similar energy like attracts like. And when you put those two atoms close enough to each other, they will come together. They will pull towards each other. That is quantum physics. Now, quantum mechanics is the mathematics of it. So they're basically the same thing. Quantum mechanics is a mathematical model of matter at very small skills, like I was saying. 

We're talking about atoms like smaller than you can see with the naked eye. Okay? So it is currently science is most rigorously tested theory and countless experiments, countless meaning there are just constant experiments occurring, proving over and over and over again that quantum mechanics and quantum physics that are basically the same thing, that it actually is a real thing. 

So if an atom is attracted to an atom of like matter, the theory that like attracts like is a real thing. Now getting into it a little bit deeper, there are actually scientific studies and actually evidence that our mind can move matter. So that leads us into the next part of the law of Attraction. Why does the law of Attraction work? 

Why does our mind Attract the experience because of energy? Okay, you probably already know that everything in this life, everything on the earth, everything around you, including your body, everything is made of matter. What is matter? Matter is energy matter is made up of molecules and atoms matter is energy. 

Everything is energetic. We live in an energetic world and you hear about energy, you can feel energy. Energy and I say this all the time, but you can feel when a person walks into a room and they have a chip on their shoulder or they're in a bad mood, they don't have to say a thing, but you can feel their energy. Likewise, you know what it's like to be around someone who just is, feels so loving and comforting. Someone like that can walk into a room and you can sense who they are without them saying a single word. 

They are energy. We are energy. We as humans are energy. And we live in an energetic world. We live in an energetic universe. So when we're talking about atoms being able to Attract to each other, that is energy. And guess what? We are energy. And we're not as small as a little atom. Do you know how many atoms are around you and in your body? So if one little teeny atom can Attract another little teeny atom, and you think about how much energy and what your body is made up of and the structure of your body, how many atoms are in your body, how many atoms are in the room you're sitting in. 

So the energy that you're putting out is attracting similar inner energy. It's attracting those atoms. This is why it works. This is why, yes, the law of Attraction is real. Now, not everybody believes in it, but that doesn't make it not real. That's like saying you don't believe in gravity. You can say you don't believe in gravity, and you can decide not to believe in gravity. But that doesn't take away the fact that it's law and it's there and it's happening all around you all the time. 

It just shows that maybe you aren't the brightest crayon in the box, right? So you can say you don't believe in the law of Attraction, but that doesn't mean it's not a real thing. Many people can say they don't believe in the law of Attraction, but that doesn't mean it's not a real thing. So let's talk about evidence. Evidence of it. Well, evidence of it is quantum physics, quantum mechanics. That's real hard evidence that's being proven as we speak today. 

It's been proven over and over and over again, and you can research that. How about some personal experiences? I have shared a lot of my own personal experiences, and I'm not gonna take the time to go into a lot of detail for these things, but I'm just gonna list off some of the incredible, amazing things that I have manifested in my own life. Most, if not all of these things I have talked about on various podcast episodes. If you're interested in any of them, you can reach out to me, I will guide you toward the episode that talks about it, or you can just binge the content if you're into this. 

But some of the things I personally have manifested, I manifested my dream vehicle. Now, it wasn't a hundred thousand dollars car. I haven't desired a hundred thousand dollars car, but I really wanted a specific vehicle for years. And not only did I manifest it, but I manifested the ability to pay cash for it. That was a big deal for me. And, that happened in the last four years. It was about four years ago that it happened. 

I manifested a job that I wanted that didn't even exist. I was working for a company. I didn't like the job I was in, and I created in my mind a job that they didn't have. and I was able to not just create it in my mind, but get them to make it a thing. And not only did they make it a thing, they then hired me for it. I completely manifested an invisible job into reality and had it be my job. 

Speaking of jobs, I was in an uncomfortable living situation. I was living with my boyfriend who did not want me living with him. That's a whole long story. I won't get into that, but I felt very unwelcome in my own home and felt like I need to get out. and I didn't have the resources. I was unemployed at the time. I was looking for work. This is not the time that I manifested the job I was talking about prior, but I needed a way out. I felt so desperate, I felt so unwelcome. 

And not only did I manifest a job, but I manifested a job that paid more than I had been making before I was unemployed. And, that job took me out of state and away from the situation I was so uncomfortable with. It gave me space. It was exactly what I needed, exactly what I wanted. And literally, I had written down on paper what it was that I was going to Attract. And within two weeks I had attracted it and had it, and it was amazing and it was incredible. 

And, that one experience is what really sh my belief in the law of Attraction and why you cannot tell me anything that will change my beliefs about the ability to Attract the desires of my heart. There's nothing you can say, nothing you can bring to the table as an argument that will change my belief because of that single experience. Other things that I've manifested, I've manifested money to pay my rent when I didn't have it. 

Guess what? Three different times, three times in my life I did not have money to cover my rent. and I manifested the money. It often happens in ways you can't imagine, and I'm too proud to ask for money. So many times in my life I've been down and out and I just go, I can't. I can't ask for help. Now, that's a whole separate conversation. But I've manifested money to cover my rent three times in my life. 

There was a time in my life where I was going through some legal proceedings and I needed to hire an attorney. I had no idea how it was gonna come up with a retainer because the retainer that I needed was $5,500. And this was almost 20 years ago. So, I can't even imagine what a retainer would be today. But I didn't have $5,500 to retain an attorney for my situation, and yet somehow I was able to manifest it in the timeframe that I needed it. 

And those legal proceedings worked out in my favor. When I think about the big, big things I've manifested in my life, I just, I can't sit here and tell you it's not real. I can't sit here and believe that it's not possible or believe that I can't impact that because I've gotten these amazing, incredible results from my life simply by using the law of Attraction. 

Another thing I manifested and I talk about this all the time on the podcast because it has to do with the podcast. I manifested winning a signal award for my podcast. Not only did I manifest a signal award, but I manifest winning a gold signal award, a gold signal award. I got gold essentially first place in the Signal Awards. I won gold. I manifested that. I'm currently manifesting winning it again this year. And the last thing I'm gonna mention about my manifestations is that I manifested my husband. 

I did. I had been in a toxic, unhealthy relationship for almost eight years. Broken down, put in a mental hospital. It was so bad. I talk about that on the podcast too. But not only did I get out of that situation, I spent some time working on myself before I got myself out there. And then I became very clear on what I wanted and the kind of relationship I was going to tolerate in the future. and I put in writing what I wanted in my future relationship, in my future boyfriend and my future husband. 

and I manifested my husband. He's everything and more that I would've asked for that I did ask for. Those are some of my personal experiences. Now, If, you still need proof that the law of Attraction is real. I'm gonna share with you 13 successful celebrities who not only believe in the law of Attraction, who used the law of Attraction in their life and in their success, but who actually openly speak about their experiences. 

I'm gonna list these off. I'll bet you've heard of most if not all of them. Number one, Jim Carey. I'm sure you're familiar that Jim Carey is constantly talking about the law of Attraction. Number two is Steve Harvey. Oh my gosh, I'm a huge Steve Harvey fan. He is all about the law of Attraction. I love Steve Harvey If. you have not listened to Steve Harvey. Oh my gosh, check him out because he is inspiring, he's motivational, and he lives it. 

How about Post Malone? Did you know that Post Malone believes in the law of Attraction? I got to go to a Post Malone concert just a couple of weeks ago. It was awesome. Jennifer Lopez believes about the law of Attraction and openly talks about how it has led to some of her success. How about Jennifer Aniston? Now, I will say with Jennifer Aniston, I haven't specifically heard her say the words, the law of Attraction. 

In the interviews I've seen where she speaks about it. But she does talk about the power of the mind. She does talk about believing in it and putting it out there. She talks about all the elements of the law of Attraction. Jennifer Aniston believes in it. Denzel Washington believes in the law of Attraction and speaks about it. L M F A O, the band, L M F A O. They believe in the law of Attraction. 

They speak out on it. Will Smith speaks about the law of Attraction. I love listening to interviews and recordings of Will Smith because he is one of my favorite actors, and he absolutely believes in and lives by the law of Attraction. Lady Gaga believes in the law of Attraction. Oprah Winfrey believes in the law of Attraction. I love, love, love, love listening to Oprah Winfrey. I think she is just so authentic and so real. 

And when she talks to people, she just absolutely gets to know them and she gets to talking to them On a real level, Oprah Winfrey believes in and lives by the law of Attraction. Connor McGregor, the U F C fighter, Connor McGregor, who stole the title, Connor McGregor lives by and believes in the law of Attraction. Jay Z. The artist believes in the law of Attraction. He lives by it. 

He speaks about it. Arnold Schwartzenegger speaks about the law of Attraction. He believes in the law of Attraction. He has done so many amazing things. Not only has he been an actor, but he's been a politician. Arnold Schwarzenegger uses the law of Attraction to get the things that he wants out of life. These are all famous, successful celebrities, and every single one of them lives by the law of Attraction. So even If, you don't personally have experiences that you can say, yeah, I know I manifested this. 

Yes, I created that in my existence. Yes, I believe it to be true. Even If, you don't have those personal experiences yet. I promise you. There are so many others out there showing that it works, sharing their personal experiences that If, you just do some study and If, you just believe you have the ability to create the life of your dreams. 

So that leads me into this week's action item. I feel like I've answered the question as to What is the Law of Attraction and Is, the Law of Attraction Real. But if you're still wondering about it or you're interested in some of these interviews from the celebrities that I just listed off, I think it would be a good idea for you to do some research this week. So your action item is to take one of the 13 celebrities that I listed off. 

Do a little bit of research, look 'em up on YouTube, look 'em up on Google, whatever the case may be. Just put in their name and the Law of Attraction. See what you can find and listen to them speak about how they have used the law of Attraction, the power of the mind visualization, belief in themselves, controlling their emotions. Look into their interviews and their recordings about how the law of Attraction has worked for them. 

Because I promise you, if they can do it, you can do it. So I'm gonna list off those 13 celebrities real quickly. Again, And, that will be it for this week. Post Malone, Jennifer Lopez. Jennifer Aniston, L M F A O, will Smith, Denzel Washington, Jim Carey, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jay Z, Connor McGregor, Steve Harvey and Oprah Winfrey. 

Check out what they are saying about the LA of Attraction. That's your action item this week. I can't wait for you to see what other people, not just me, but what other people are saying about how they have manifested their dream life and continue to manifest the desires of their heart. Because if they can do it, you can do it. It has been so fun talking with you this week. 

Looking forward to next week. Have a good one. Bye-bye. 

S2.E38: Get Crystal Clear Clarity with What You Want


S2.36: What Is The Law of Attraction and Is It Real?