S2.E6: Ask For What You Need

In today's world we value being self-sufficient so much that often times we're too proud to ask for help. In this episode Kayla reminds us that it's okay to ask for the things we need, whether that be inspiration, resources, clarity, hope or even signs that things are on track.

I'm just the girl next door, who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. 

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla rein. And welcome back to attract it with ease. You might be able to tell from my voice today, but I'm not feeling a hundred percent. I've actually come down with COVID. And so I'm on quarantine and I figured what better time to record than when you're stuck at home with nothing else to do. So I apologize about the way that my voice sounds, but hopefully you can see past it because I'm really super excited about today's episode. I think it's going to be some really good content, but to begin with as usual, I'd like to start with my gratitude. 

And the first thing that I'm grateful for is my health. I'm actually feeling quite a bit better than I was just a couple of days ago. And the, as they say, oftentimes, you take things for granted until that item is taken from you. I have so much health in other aspects. My body still works. My digestive system is working properly. And although I obviously have some unfortunate symptoms right now, I'm so grateful that my body has the ability to heal itself and I seem to be on the mend. 

So I'm definitely grateful for that today. The second thing that I'm grateful for is the time that I've been able to take off work, especially since I'm sick. I am one of the few fortunate people in the world that has an employer that does not limit my time off. And what I mean is their actual policy does not have a limit for how much sick time I can take or how much personal time I can take. It's all up to the needs of the business. And so it's so nice to be in a position where I can quarantine and not stress about using up my time off or not being able to have other time off during the year. 

And, and I'm so grateful for that. I, I really work for a good employer and I'm grateful to have the time off that I need to rest right now. And the third thing on my list today is I'm grateful for hot showers, particularly my shower. If you've listened to all of my podcast episodes, then you know that I live in a tiny house and we tend to shower in an outdoor shower. That's outside our house when the weather is nice. And I'll tell you what, when you're stuck at home with nothing to do and nowhere to go and not feeling well, it is so nice to be able to take a long, hot shower. 

And for me to be able to shower in the outdoors and just feel the sun on my skin and the wind from the trees and at night to be able to shower and see the stars. It's just an incredible experience. And it's something that I'm so grateful for today. My topic today is one that is interesting in the sense that as I started preparing what I was going to talk about, this is the first time that I can recall that I have kind of created an outline for my podcast episode. That's actually made me emotional. 

And what I mean by that is I really don't know why, but this topic today has really like teared me up. And I don't really think it's because of how I feel about the content. I do feel strongly about it. I think it's a very powerful message that I'm going to share, but there's a piece of me that feels like, and again, I'm sorry that I'm being emotional. It seems silly, but there's a piece of me that feels like there's someone or multiple someones out there praying for this episode asking for answers. 

And I don't know, there's a piece of me that feels like I'm being called to, to release this. So maybe that sounds crazy, but I'm, I'm really excited to share this information and release this episode because I do think it will touch the lives of others. And if you're the person out there that needs this, then I hope that helps you. So my topic today is ask. And when does it mean to ask, I'm not talking about asking for things we're trying to manifest. 

So to speak the way that we have talked about in the past, I'm not saying let's get clear with what we want. Today's episode is more asking for help. And what I mean by that is there's so many aspects in our life where we need help. And it could be that we're struggling with anxiety or stress or depression. It could be our mental health that we need help with. It could be that we're trying to start a business and we don't know where to begin. We don't know the resources or the people or the how, even just with my small business and the brand that I'm trying to create through, attract it with ease. 

I have so many questions about if I sell something, how do I handle taxes and how do I start a business? Do I do a sole proprietorship or an LLC or something else? And it could just be asking for answers. Sometimes it could be asking just for moral support, you know, courage asking for direction or inspiration. There's so many things in life that we can ask for. And if you're anything like me, I have a tendency not to ask. 

I have a really strong personality. I take in being able to do things myself and take care of myself. I've love strong women in the world and you know, nothing against men. I love strong men too, but I really feel good about being able to be self-sufficient. And so for me to ask for help is a big deal. And so in this episode, I don't really want to talk about asking for help necessarily from like your friends or family. What I'm saying is asking for help from the universe. 

And I have a couple of examples of ways that I have asked for help recently, and the, some of the surprising answers and waves I've received, what I've been asking for, but I want to share those stories with you, but also those concepts so that you can see that it's not something to be ashamed of to ask. And sometimes just simply asking is all it takes to get the answers or the resources or the support that you need. So the first example that I want to share with you is kind of my path to trying to figure out what I can do to either create my own business or make some money on the side. 

And this has started probably around the time of the pandemic. I mean, my whole life, I felt like, goodness, I don't want to work forever for somebody else, but I've never it where I've wanted to really be a business owner. In fact, I've worked and been the right hand, man of many other business owners. And I've always thought to myself, gosh, I never want that. I never want that stress. I never want to be responsible for other people. I never want to have my own business, but with the pandemic. 

And so many things about life changing and people losing their jobs and me included and people not being able to pay their bills and just the cost of living, just being crazy. And, and even now with inflation, with the gas prices, as high as they are in the us and with housing is expensive as it is. And all of the things that are happening in the world today and all of the unknowns it's really made me feel like I need a way to supplement my income or control my income or make more money or something along that line. 

So this is where the asking comes in because I've had no idea what I've wanted to do. Like every time I've sat down, you know, and tried to brainstorm, it's like, oh, I could do that. I don't want to do that. There's some things I'm really good at. Like, I, I believe that I'm really good at writing resumes. And so my husband and even my ex in the past has really pushed me. Like, you know, you could get on Fiverr or a place like that and just have people hire you to write or edit their resumes. 

And sure. That might be something that I could do. I have a sister who says, oh, you could do writing for blogs, or you could do, you know, content writing. And I really enjoy that too. But every time I've had a thought about how I could make some extra money or supplement my income, it's always felt like something I'm not super passionate about. And I've thought, oh my gosh, if I did that as a part-time or a full-time job, I would hate it. I wouldn't enjoy it. 

Yeah. I might be good at it, but it's not something that I want to do every day. It's not something that I'm passionate about. And so with that being said, I've spent a couple of years now trying to come up with ideas. And in my mind, there's, there's two things that I want to see happen. Number one, I want to be able to have a passive income. And what I mean is I want to be able to be anywhere, go anywhere, do anything, and still be able to make money. 

And when you're talking about editing resumes, yeah. I could probably do that from anywhere, but I physically have to be doing the work in order to be making any money. And so that type of idea doesn't really fit my mold. The second thing is that I want, I want to create residual income. And what I mean by that is I really want to find a way to do the work once and get paid for it over and over again. I mean, honestly, isn't that the dream isn't that what all of you would want anyone listening to that wouldn't you want the same things. 

Wouldn't you want to be able to make money from anywhere and also just do the work once and get paid for it over and over again. Think about an, an artist, someone who makes music and how they record an album, and then they can make money over and over again for that music. And obviously they do other things like tour and so forth. And that's kind of where I'm at. I want to come up with something where I can do something I love and I'm passionate about, but I can make the money over and over again. 

And I can do that job from anywhere. So that's kind of been my challenge in figuring out, okay, how, how do I make this happen? And like I said, these thoughts came about during the pandemic and here I am in 2022 and I haven't signed anything. So it's funny because as I started to do my research as to what feels fits into this, what's in my skillset, what could I do? There's one thing that has come to my mind over and over again. 

And that's what I call digital downloads. And what I mean by digital downloads is literally products that you can sell that people can buy and instantly download digitally. And in my mind, the way that I have thought that I would do this and any of you out there that want to make money on the side, feel free to steal my idea, because this is not one that I'm going to be using, but I still think it's a great idea. It's just not one I'm passionate about, but if you're familiar with website Etsy, there are a lot of sellers on there that have digital downloads. 

And during the pandemic, we started a family call where each of my family members, my dad, my step-mom, each of my siblings and their spouses would get together on a weekly call every Sunday, since we couldn't see each other in person, and we would play a family game and we would do little get to know you games. Well, week after week, we started running out of things to do and things to play and things that you could do over the internet. So I turned to Etsy and I found all these so-called party games. 

I was able to turn into virtual games. A lot of them were holiday related. So for example, over Valentine's day, there were Valentine's themed games. And the digital downloads explained the game. They had printouts. They had, you know, word searches, or I'm trying to think of like examples, but just basically fun little games. You could play with a partner. And I was able to change those games up and use them with my family. And we did them on these virtual calls. 

So over time I thought, oh my gosh, like I could come up with this stuff. I could come up with all these digital content pieces and sell them on Etsy charge, maybe five to seven or $8 per download and who wouldn't spend $5 to have a game plan for their get together or their virtual party or their whatever. And as I kind of started researching all of these different sellers on Etsy that were doing this, I found that a lot of them had downloads anywhere from maybe three to $10 and we're selling, you know, hundreds of thousands of them a year. 

So if you think about it, you sell a hundred thousand downloads and they're $3 a piece. So you just made $300,000. So this has been kind of my plan for the last year and a half is that I was going to spend some time and make this content, you know, make these PDF documents, make up these games, take some of the games that I already had purchased, but that I had kind of re transformed into virtual versions and make my own virtual versions of these games with the explanations. 

And it all sounds easy. Right? You could do that in probably as several different software programs. I don't know, but as funny as it is, as easy as it sounds, and I absolutely 100% know that I could make a ton of money on the side or even replace my full-time job with something like this. It's something I've really struggled to get myself to do. I just have had such a hard time to motivate myself to create these digital downloads. 

And I don't know why. And it comes back to the same idea as editing people's resumes. I am not passionate about making digital downloads. And so, yeah. Is it something that I probably should do? Sure. Is it something that I'm going to do? I may never get around to doing it. And so here's where the asking comes into play. I have been asking the universe to help me with inspiration. 

And the way that I ask is kind of in the form of a prayer, but I'm very careful to not say, please, I covered this in season one in an episode called ask don't plead. And just to kind of revisit that conversation. I think it's important that when you ask for something, your vibration is more of a command than a desperation. And so much of the time when we say, please, it's like a, please, please help me. 

And even though that might be how we're feeling, we want to command, we want to state it. We want to speak things into existence. So it's not a do this right now. It's a universe. Bring me the inspiration that I'm looking for. Help me find the answers. Give me the resources. Those are ways of commanding without saying, please universe, please help me figure this out. 

Please answer my prayer. Hopefully you can kind of see the difference in that. But so I've been asking for inspiration, I've been asking for just some guidance as to what can I do beyond creating digital downloads that can create a passive and residual income. And like I said, I've been working on it for two years, so I've been patient. And like I said, I had kind of settled on the idea of digital downloads. And so I'm not going to get fully into how my idea has shifted because obviously I can't give away all my secrets, but I will say that I recently pulled one of my angel cards. 

And if you're not familiar with angel cards, they're cards that are supposedly messages from your angels. I've mentioned them a few times on the podcast. Now I personally don't really believe so much in angels. And so the way that I use the cards is I believe that it's a way that the universe can communicate to me or with me. And so I'll ask a question to the universe. I'll often say something like, what message does the universe want me to know today? Or what message does the universe want me to hear today? 

And I think it's okay if you do believe in angels, I think it's okay if you don't believe in any of that. And if you totally are against the cards in general, that's okay too. But I do occasionally pull and I pulled one the other day. And the card that I received was asked, and it basically was saying, ask your angels for help. So these cards come with guidance book. 

It kind of helps you interpret the cards a little bit, even though there's a statement on the card, you can read in the book and sometimes interpret it a little bit different than what the card says. So I'm going to read you what the interpretation of this particular card is. It says this card serves as a reminder to ask your angels or the universe for help more often the angels or the universe can help with any and all areas of your life, including bringing you ideas, courage, faith, confidence, and clarity. 

They can also help with all material needs such as money, time, health, and vitality. So I thought it was really interesting when I pulled this card because I think I'm pretty good at making requests to the universe. I'm making requests all the time. But when I pulled this card, it was a reminder that like, you know what you can ask for more than you're asking, you can literally ask for resources. You can ask for answers. 

You can ask for clarity, you can ask for more specific things than your answer asking for. And so I thought, okay, you're telling me to ask, I'm going to ask. And I started asking more clearly I started asking more regularly. So here's the funny thing. When you ask, you need to be expecting to receive the answer. And when I say expecting like your not speaking the opposite direction, you're not asking for what you want. 

And then on the side, having conversations saying, well, I really just don't know. I don't know what I'm going to do, or you know, it just hasn't come together yet, or it hasn't worked out because when you speak like that and you're asking for something, those two vibrations don't align. And so just as I talked about in the podcast with my ex-husband, your vibration has to align with your request. So if you're asking for answers, you need to expect answers. You need to speak as if the answers are coming. 

You need to look for the answers you need to look for that, inspiration it, be expecting it, be expecting it today. Things can change on a dime. I have been having that conversation with people so much recently because your life can change on a dime and you can have instant manifestation sometimes. So that doesn't mean that your request will be answered immediately, but it could be so expect the answer. 

So here's the funny thing I've been asking and about two or three days after I pulled that card. And I might've mentioned this in an, in a podcast episode, because honestly I've had so many conversations about those recently. I can't remember what I've said on a podcast episode versus what I've just said in regular conversation. But within a couple of days of pulling that angel card, no joke. I'm driving home from work. I see a billboard it's for a bank it's for a business loan, no joke, guys, a billboard. 

When you talk about asking for a sign, a billboard is the ultimate sign. And this billboard said something that is like, so no-brainer, we all hear all the time, but the billboard said, do what you love and the money will follow. And I thought, oh my gosh, that's a sign. And I didn't even know what it meant. I didn't know what it was referring to to me in the sense of do what you love, because I hadn't identified what it was that I love, but I saw this sign after asking the universe to give me inspiration. 

And I'm like, holy cow, this is like a big gigantic in your face sign saying, do what you love and the money will follow. And it was like so silly to me because that billboard was for a business loan. But my interpretation of it was figure out what it is that you love. Stop worrying about what can make money and figure out what it is that you love, because what you is, what you love, what it is that you love can make you money. 

So I've really been thinking about it. And, you know, I haven't had these like epiphany aha moment moments in my awake time. But what I have had is kind of in my sleepy halfway dreams, state, maybe like lucid dreaming state, I have had crazy inspiration lately. And to the point where it's getting almost a little bit obnoxious because I'm having trouble falling asleep at night, because that's where I feel like the universe is like feeding me. 

That's where I'm receiving so many of my inspired thoughts. And then I feel like, oh my gosh, I've got to write this down. I won't forget this in the morning. Or I will forget this in the morning if I don't write it down. And so I see that sign, do what you love and the money will follow. And I'm laying in bed that night. And as I'm starting to fall off to sleep, I think about audio content. And I think about how much I enjoy doing the podcast. 

And maybe I'm not the most professional out there. I know I have a lot to learn, but I do enjoy giving my message. I do enjoy speaking. I like that. I can speak from the heart and it's not scripted. I feel comfortable in front of a microphone and a lot of people don't. And for a while, I've been wanting to create some guided meditations and I've thought, well, I don't even know how to sell guided meditations. Like nobody buys CDs anymore today. You know, back in the day, you probably could've made a CD and he could have sold it on Amazon. 

And sure. I could make some guidance meditations and sell them as digital downloads on an Amazon. That's that's a concept, but I've also thought, how do you promote that? How do you market that? How do you sell it? And so it's, it's kind of an idea that I've sort of just put on the back burner because it hasn't felt like something that I knew how to do anything with it, but as I'm laying in bed, I realized Kayla, you could sell audio content. And so then I started laying there thinking about all the different type of audio content that I could sell. 

And yes, it could be digital downloads exactly what I was talking about, but not necessarily on Etsy. And so I'm laying there and I'm thinking about it and I'm coming up with all these different things, all kinds of things above and beyond guided meditations, which is still something that I want to do, but I still lay there thinking, I don't know how to market it. I don't know how to sell it. And so I finally just, you know, got out my phone, opened my notes app and started recording some of my thoughts and listing out all the different types of audio content that I could sell. 

And so I finally was able to kind of drift off to sleep and the very next morning, you know, I was kind of hyped up on these ideas again. And I thought, you know what? I could sell some products on my podcast. I could use my podcast to sell my audio content. I could promote it. Right. And, but I don't have like a gigantic following. And not every person that listens is going to want to buy, you know, guided meditations or whatnot. But I was thinking, okay, that's, that's one avenue I haven't thought of. 

I could use the podcast to promote my own pot products. A lot of people do that. And so I woke up and I had some time before work. And so I started listening to other podcasts on how to grow your podcast. So I'm listening to several different episodes. I'm getting some really good ideas, I'm feeling inspired. And then the third episode that I listened to that morning before work, a woman was interviewed with some ideas on how to grow your podcasts. But the crazy thing about it is this woman's business, which she did not really promote on the podcast. 

I just was intrigued. So I looked it up. She was talking about growing your podcast, following her business that she owns is a website that hosts audio content, and it's predesigned to be able to market to your customers. Now I'm not going to go into a whole lot more details, but I did not look up her website prior to the podcast. 

I had never even heard of her website. This podcast episode was not even about her website, but by listening to this podcast episode, I ran across this website that is super inexpensive monthly, that can host the audio content, where people can purchase it. They can, you can create memberships, you have all kinds of different avenues and resources to be able to sell your audio content in a way that's not just me sending out newsletters like, Hey, buy my meditations. 

So this is a long roundabout way to say that as soon as I pulled that angel card and I was told to ask this idea that I'd been working on for almost two years of creating digital downloads and coming up with games, you could play over the internet and selling them for three to six or $8 a piece on Etsy. That entire idea that I was not passionate about, shifted towards something that I'm super passionate about and that's inspiring and helping others. 

And then when I felt like, I don't know how to make this happen. I don't know how to sell this product. I don't know how to market it. I stumbled across this woman's website through a podcast that was not at all related to what I ended up getting out of it. And I basically had this whole idea come together. It's now something that I'm working on. I will be excited to share with you and I have products for sale at that point. You'll understand what the website is and what I'm trying to do. 

This is going to be a work in progress because I'm already doing two weekly podcast episodes. And now I'm trying to record other audio content. So be patient with me, but I'm super excited about this idea. And I'm so, so overwhelmed and enthused about how easily those answers came, but also how uniquely the inspiration came. You know, it first came through an angel card and then I acted on that inspiration to actually ask to ask for the help that I needed. 

And then the first thing that I see after I ask is a giant billboard. Like when does that ever happen? A giant billboard with the answer to what you're asking. And then that billboard led me to my lucid dreaming, which led me to listening to some podcast episodes, which led me to the answer to how to market the product that I decided to create. I think it's incredible. That is the, the power of the universe. And that is what I'm talking about. When things literally fall out of the sky for you, meaning you could not have perceived the answer. 

You could not have perceived how it could have come about. I couldn't have dreamed that up. I couldn't have imagined that the idea that I would come up with for how to make money on the side, how to work remotely, how to be able to have residual income, do the work once and get paid for it over and over again. I would never have guessed that that's how the answers would have come to me. But that is why I'm passionate about talking to you about this topic today, because it's so important that when you need something you ask. 

So the next piece in asking that I want to talk to you about today is simply just asking for a sign, because sometimes we need things like resources, and sometimes we need some inspiration or guidance or support. Other times we just need encouragement, or we just need confirmation that things are working out for us. And I think it fits in this topic of asking because it's something that I think sometimes we don't really think to do, or maybe we're even afraid to do. 

And maybe we're not afraid, but maybe we think we're not going to get what we're asking for. Meaning we're not going to get the sign that we're asking for, but I 100% believe in asking for signs. I'm a huge fan of Joe Dispenza. If you have not looked into his work, he has so much science and evidence on the power of the mind. And he has a book called conscious acts of creation. 

Well, I'm a huge fan of his, and he has little audio experts in a song or meditation that I sometimes listen to while I'm asleep. And occasionally I've woken up while I'm sleeping and just heard little bits of what he's saying. And in one of those meditations, he actually makes a reference to how every single day he asks for a sign. He asked the universe to show him a sign that things are working out in his favor or that things are on track every single morning he gets up and he asks for a sign. 

Now, going back to what I said before, asking for a sign is please give me a signed today. Again, we don't want to say, please, we want to make a command. We want to make a request. So we say source or universe or God or whoever you're speaking to give me a sign today that blank and that blank can be anything that you want to sign for. It could be give me a sign that things are working out for me. Give me a sign that my life is on track. Give me a sign that everything's going to be okay. 

Give me a sign that anything, anything that you want to sign for. So you're going to make that request universe or source or God, give me a sign today that shows me that things are on track for what I'm asking for. And give me that sign in such a way that I will know that it could not have come from any other source than from you. 

So he has, I'm kind of paraphrasing, but he has said that in this song or meditation that I listened to sometimes while I'm sleeping and I sometimes wake up and I hear that and I'm reminded, oh, I need to ask for more signs. I need to ask for more science. And so I've been in the habit of asking for science. Now I don't do it every single day. I probably should. But the funny thing is I asked for them so frequently, I start noticing signs even when I'm not asking for them. Now, when we say, give me a sign and have it be in such a way that I know that it could not have come from any other source than from you. 

Well, what that means can be different to each person. It could be synchronicities of UC, a pattern of numbers, somewhere 7, 7, 7, 7 11 11 2 2 2 2. Something that could be your sign. Your sign could be something incredible happened. Or you got some amazing news that you weren't expecting for me. And I've may have mentioned this on previous episodes, but my sign is often rainbows, rainbows have a really special meaning to me because as you know, rain is part of my name and growing up, my parents called me Kayla rainbow, and my mother passed away in 2000. 

And in one of our final conversations, she said to me, Kayla, whenever you see a rainbow, no, that I'm looking down on you. And I'm proud of you that I'm there. That I'm part of your life, that I'm thinking of you. And so every single time I see a rainbow, I feel like it is a sign from the universe or from my mother that she's there. She's with me, things are going to be okay. So now rainbows can come in different forms. 

Sometimes this literally a giant rainbow in the sky. And obviously sometimes I see those without even to see them. And a lot of people know that rainbows are super special to me. So my dad lived in Hawaii for a year and a half. Every time he saw a rainbow, which was literally several times a week, if not every day, he would send me a picture of a rainbow. And my husband, every time he sees a rainbow, sends me a picture of a rainbow. So I get those constant reminders through them. But I often see rainbows as in prisms. 

So just like yesterday, I was in the shower, in my outdoor shower and the sun is shining through and shining through the water as I'm showering. And there's this giant rainbow prism just across the shower wall. And it's not a real rainbow, but to me, that's my sign. And to me, those are things that could only be created from source or only created from the universe. I can't create an a rainbow. 

I mean, yeah, technically I could create a rainbow, like a prism, but when they just happen for me, especially when I'm asking for a sign and I see a rainbow, that is my confirmation that I know that I received what I was asking for. So your sign could be anything and just know that the universe is always trying to communicate with you and the universe is going to use so many methods of communication. 

We just sometimes are oblivious. And sometimes even when we notice, we just chalk it up to coincidence. We don't recognize it for what it is. It's a message. It's a sign. But just like I received inspiration through a podcast, just like I saw a giant billboard, just like I receive answers frequently through my lucid dreaming. I am constantly receiving messages from the universe. I see synchronicity of numbers. 

I'm sure that you experienced some of that too. And so when I say, ask for what you need, if what you need is just confirmation that everything's going to be okay, or that everything's working out. Ask for it, ask for a sign and say today, say universe, give me a sign today that everything is on track. That things are working out for me, that everything's going to be okay. Give me that sign today and bring it to me in such a way that I will know that it could not have come from any thing else, but you, and then, like I said, expect it, look for it, watch for it. 

I promise you it will come if you're looking for it. And if you want to ask for a sign every day, I love that. The last part of ask that I want to cover today is the concept of asking to be aligned with your inner being. And what I mean by that is I've talked about alignment. I have an episode in season one, all about alignment and what it means to be aligned with your inner being, but in short, to be aligned with your inner being. 

It's when you're your most true, authentic self It's when the source energy that is within you is coming through you. You're your purest most authentic form. And sometimes it can be challenging to be in alignment, but when you open yourself up and you ask, helped me be aligned with my inner being, I think it's so powerful. 

And I'll tell you every single podcast episode that I record, I ask that from the universe before I record, I ask that the words will flow from me effortlessly, that the message and the desires of my heart will come through in my words. And that I won't have to think about what I'm saying, but that it will just flow from me as if the words were not even coming from me. And I will tell you so many times I go back and I listened to podcasts episodes, and I'm like, oh my gosh, that was good. 

Wow. Where did, where did that come from? And other times I'm just amazed that the things that I wanted to say came across the way that I wanted it to come across. And I ask for that every single time I record a podcast episode, but I'll tell you, other times I've asked for that is when I've had important meanings, like job interviews. I constantly will take a moment and say a so called little prayer. And again, I don't say please, but I just ask for it. I command it. 

I say, help me be aligned with my inner being help. My true, most positive, most pure, most authentic self come through in my conversations because Esther Hicks says that the universe will not sync you up with those who are not ready for you. She also says that when you're aligned with your inner being, the words that come out of you will always be the perfect words at the perfect time in the perfect place with the perfect person. 

So why in the world would you not want to be in alignment, especially in a meaning that is meaningful. So ask for that alignment, ask that your true, authentic self would come through. If you're going to have a difficult conversation, if you are having to tell someone that you're sorry, if you're having to deal with something that you're not looking forward to as to be aligned with your inner being and then do your best to do that, try and stay in alignment. 

So that the words that come out of you are perfect. And the person across from me will understand you and we'll see your true, authentic self. And won't just listen to the words coming out of you, but they will feel the feelings of your heart. So again, I just want to put it out there that it's okay to ask. And this is your reminder to ask. And today's action item is to ask. 

And what I'm going to encourage you to do is today, if it's early in the day, and if it's not, if it's late than tomorrow, so either today or tomorrow, ask the universe for a sign, ask for a sign for anything that you want. It can be, give me a sign that things are working out. It could be give me a sign that things are on track. Give me a sign that the answers are coming, whatever it is that you want to sign for, ask the universe for a sign and give it that 24 hour period. 

Give me a sign today and then bring it to me in such a way that I will know that it could not have come from anywhere else, but you ask for that and then expect it to happen. Expect it to happen. Look for those signs and acknowledge it and give things, show gratitude. When you receive it to wrap things up this week, I just want to remind you my listeners, how important your reviews are to me and to the growth of the podcast. 

As you know, I don't make any money from the podcast, but I really want to touch as many lives as possible and reviews are what helps the podcast grow? That's what will help get me in front of more people, just like you, who could use this message? So if you got some value out of today's podcast, I ask you to please leave me a review. The most valuable review forum is apple podcasts, but a review on any forum is helpful and you can leave reviews on Spotify, Amazon, Amazon music, pod chaser, almost every platform that you listen to your podcast on, but please I ask you to help me grow. 

The podcast helped me touch the lives of others. And as a thank you for those of you that will leave a written review of the podcast and you can do that on a few platforms. Apple podcasts is one of them. If you will leave me a written review, tell me what you think you'll be entered into a weekly drawing to receive. One of my custom made manifestation journals. If you'd like to see what those look like, you can find them on my website, www dot, attract it with ease.com. I hope that this message is inspirational for you today. 

And like I said, in the beginning, I really believe that there's somebody out there who needs to hear these words. And if that's you, I hope it helps you. Thanks for joining me this week. Have a good one. And I'll talk with you soon. 

S2.E7: Expect Miracles - with Tara Calancea


S2.E5: Grace and Space - with Ty Hart