S2.E45: Utilizing the Law of Attraction to Overcome Burnout

Feeling burned out and in need of a spark in your life? We've got just the remedy! In this episode, we're diving into the world of burnout and discovering how the magical Law of Attraction can help you reignite your passion, purpose, and vitality.

Join us as we uncover the common signs of burnout, explore the fascinating principles of the Law of Attraction, and reveal actionable steps that you can start using right now to banish burnout and manifest your best life.

Whether you're overwhelmed at work, feeling the weight of daily stress, or simply seeking a little extra positivity, this episode is your guide to finding balance, regaining your energy, and attracting the life you truly desire.

Tune in and start your journey to a brighter, more fulfilled you!

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to attract it with ease. In this week's episode, I wanna talk to you about a serious mental health condition. This is something that many of you have dealt with before, some of you are maybe dealing with right now. and I want to be very frank and honest with you that the big reason I want to talk about this subject today is that this is something I personally have been struggling with recently. 

And oftentimes when I record an episode, I'm recording it as much for me and my own reminders, my own wellbeing as much as I'm recording for you. So hopefully this episode will help inspire and uplift others. And if this is something that you are currently dealing with or have dealt with in the past or maybe something you deal with in the future, I hope that this information is helpful for you too. So what is the topic that I wanna discuss today? 

I want to discuss the topic of Burnout. Burnout is a real thing, In fact. There are so many studies on how Burnout can affect our health, and I'm going to get into that a little bit today. But before I get into the topic of Burnout and how we can utilize the law of Attraction to help us overcome our Burnout, I want to start this episode out with my gratitude. I do that every single week. And the big reason that I start every episode out with gratitude is that gratitude just puts us in the most amazing vibrational space where we are at a higher vibration, where we are aligned with the things that we're trying to achieve, and it just allows us to receive more. 

Gratitude is the key that unlocks the door to everything that we desire. And so no matter what we're focused on, no matter how we're feeling, if we take time daily to focus on our gratitude, we are much more likely to Attract the desires of our heart and do so in a timely fashion. So my gratitude today is number one, I've been talking about this for a couple weeks, but I recently got to spend time with my family. 

I got to go to Utah, enjoy a family reunion at Bear Lake, and it was awesome. Many of my family members I haven't seen in the last year and some of my extended family I haven't seen in several years. So it was so cool to be able to gather together, make some new memories, take some family photos, play games, laugh and it, and just enjoy each other's company. I am so grateful for my family and I am so grateful for the time that I have been able to spend with my family. 

The second thing that I'm grateful for this week is just a conversation I recently had with my husband where we got some clarity on where we're at today versus where we're headed or what we want to achieve. And what I mean by that is we've been living in the house, we're renting now for about nine months, and we love it here. And I've talked about that on various podcast episodes that we would just love to buy the house we're in. But this last week we had our road trip to Utah and we had a couple different conversations, but one in particular where the two of us really got clear on what it is that we want, where we're headed, and what we want our future to look like. 

And sure, we would love to buy the house we're in, we would love to settle down here. We can see ourselves happy here, but when we ultimately look at what does our perfect life look like, if money were not an issue, if we weren't tied down to our jobs here, where would we want to live? And that really opened the door for possibilities and discussion. And if you've listened to my podcast for a long period of time, you know that we've always had a dream of owning a large piece of land that we could create into our own homestead. 

We could build our dream, a-frame home on it, something small, something that's just custom and totally us a place where we could park our tiny house and Airbnb if we wanted to, just a place where we had some space and a place to call our own. And sure, the house we live in is nice and the area is beautiful and the views are unmatched, but when we really sit down and look at what would we rather have, would we rather stay in the area and buy the house we're in, or would we rather move to a more remote, more scenic location and buy a larger piece of property and build a custom home? 

We really got some clarity on that. and I love that we're on the same page, but we also can shift and redirect our thinking and guide our actions and our goals towards the things we really want in life. And the last thing that I'm grateful for this week is I had a doctor's appointment this morning and I'm just grateful to have a doctor who just really listens to me and caress. It's so nice to be able to go in to get my prescriptions refilled, but to talk about some of my concerns and to have a doctor who not only really listens to what I have to say but wants to help me on my journey to getting to where I want to be. 

And that's all I'm really gonna say on that topic other than I'm so grateful to have that resource and support and someone that I can talk to when I need to. And I appreciate feeling like I have a friend and resource in this life when it comes to my physical health and my mental health. So that leads me into this week's topic, which I said is Burnout. I want to share with you some of the key statistics and studies related to the topic of Burnout. 

The first one is that the World Health Organization back in 2019 reported that Burnout is included in the international classification of diseases. I'm gonna say that again. According to the World Health Organization, Burnout is included in the international classification of diseases as an occupational phenomenon. Now, it's not classified as a medical condition, but it is recognized as a significant workplace issue. 

And this highlights is global recognition. Back in 2021, Gallup did a study. It was the state of the global workplace, that's the name of the report. and it found that 23% of employees worldwide reported feeling Burnout at work very often or always, and an additional 44% reported feeling Burnout sometimes. 

So 44% of the world's workers are feeling burned out some of the time, and 23% are reporting that they feel Burnout quite often or all the time. That is an astonishing number, and this is why I wanna talk about Burnout today. And like I said at the beginning of this episode, Burnout is something that I have been dealing with recently and I feel like a lot of it is self-induced. When I get real with why I'm feeling burned out, some of it is that my job has been pretty stressful for the last little bit. 

And a lot of it is that I am putting a lot on myself. I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself, is self-inflicted. I totally get that. and I Don't Know If, you are one of those people who acts like I do. But it's kind of like the more that I believe in the law of Attraction, the more that I just want to be perfect, or I set these maybe unrealistic expectations for myself on what I can achieve or the timeline that I can achieve things. And I'm not talking about trying to control how the universe brings things about. 

What I'm trying to talk about is I put myself in these situations where I'm constantly creating, I'm constantly recording podcasts, creating art, starting new businesses, promoting things online, doing a number of projects on top of a full-time, 50 hour a week job. And what I do is I just hustle like crazy. And I've been doing it so much that when things are going well at my job, it's like I'm in this routine and this kind of cadence where I, I can handle it, I can do it. 

But lately, because my job has been unusually busy and abnormally stressful, we've been down a couple of managers at work and it has just caused a lot of schedule changes for me, a lot of extra hours, less days off. It's just caused a lot of extra pressure and stress on me that when I add in all of the other things that I'm trying to accomplish, that's where I feel I'm creating this Burnout. Now, many of you probably already know what Burnout is, and you may already be familiar with the signs and symptoms, but I'm gonna go through a list of some of those signs and symptoms so that you can really evaluate where you are sitting today in relation to Burnout, but also so that you can try and keep an eye on it. 

If you're not currently experiencing Burnout, you can start to look for those signs and symptoms in the future and you can take action when you start seeing these things come up. So the first sign and symptom of Burnout that I wanna address is chronic fatigue. Now, chronic fatigue, we probably all know what that means, but it's feeling consistently drained and physically exhausted even after you've had a full night's sleep. I know you know what that feels like. I know you know what it feels like to just sleep maybe eight, nine hours, wake up and just feel just drained the next day and you're like, I don't understand it. 

I slept so well last night, but I have just no energy. Well, if you're feeling that on a consistent basis, that's called chronic fatigue And, that is a sign or symptom of Burnout. The next one is emotional exhaustion, just overwhelming feelings of sadness, anxiety, or irritability, And that can persist and even intensify over time. The next one is just reduced performance. 

Now it's interesting because this is something I've been talking about with a lot of people at work recently because I think just nationwide, if not globally, the workforce in the world today seems to just have declined in their performance, in their productivity, in their concentration, in their desire to show up and perform like they used to. and I blame C O V I D for a lot of that. I think so many people just got burned out through C Ovid 19. 

And now that we're back in the workforce, a lot of us don't have the motivation or desire to give a hundred percent like we used to. We just still feel this ongoing Burnout again that we can call reduced performance. The next is cynicism and attachment. So this would be developing a negative or cynical attitude towards work towards your colleagues or your responsibilities and withdrawing from social interactions. 

Maybe you used to be a social butterfly and now when people at work wanna get together or wanna go out for a drink or you know, go do things on time off or on the weekend, you just have no more desire and maybe you just have this cynical attitude towards those people at work or towards your job in and of itself. Well that can be a common sign or symptom of Burnout. Another one is increased physical symptoms. 

This could be frequent headaches, gastrointestinal issues and other symptoms and complaints that seem to have no underlying medical cause, meaning there's not really anything that shows up on tests, you can't really explain it, it just kind of comes on and you just have these ongoing headaches or stomach issues or digestional issues. Those can be a sign or symptom of Burnout. Another is insomnia or sleep disturbances that could be difficulty falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, or difficulty experiencing restful sleep. 

And often those reasons are due to racing thoughts and worries going on when you're trying to sleep. Another is loss of interest. This is a decreased interest in activities or hobbies that were once enjoyable coupled with a sense of detachment. So maybe there's some things that you used to do all the time you used to find interest in. It could be reading, it could be golfing, it could be creative activities, and now you really just don't have an interest in participating in those things. 

Well, that could be a sign or symptom of Burnout. Another one is neglect of self-care. Now, self-care can be a lot of things, but neglecting your personal care routines. So if you're feeling like you just don't even wanna shower or bathe or you don't wanna get out of bed, you used to be really good about getting up and exercising and now you just don't feel like you have the energy or motivation to do it anymore. You used to eat healthy, but now you just kind of binge or snack on whatever or don't seem to have the same care that you used to too. 

Neglect of self-care can definitely be a sign or symptom of Burnout. Another one is increased irritability. This is when you're becoming easily frustrated, agitated, or impatient with other people, even if it's just over something little, you're just like snappy and maybe you don't even understand why that can be a sign or symptom of Burnout. Social isolation. This is withdrawing from friends or family and not wanting to attend social activities, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation because you are withdrawn from these people. 

That can be a sign of Burnout, a sense of helplessness, feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities and believing that nothing can be done to improve your situation. Another is increased absenteeism. If, you find yourself taking more sick days or having unexplained absences from work or school. There's probably a reason for that. You're probably feeling burned out and so you don't wanna deal with it. 

This next one is one that I absolutely have recognized in myself recently, And, that is a heightened sensitivity, meaning becoming more emotionally sensitive and reactive to criticism or feedback I have, I don't know how to describe it, but I have just found myself tearing up or crying over the smallest little things and not like I am being offended or upset over things people are saying to me. But I find recently that I am emotional about everything. 

and I can tell you sometimes I'm that way when I'm experiencing p m s, but lately I have felt that way all the time. Like everything makes me cry these days. and I can tell you that I think that that is a sign or symptom of Burnout that I've been experiencing. And the last one I'm gonna list today is ineffectiveness and hopelessness, feeling that your efforts are futile and there's no hope for improvement. 

So obviously as I go through this list of signs and symptoms, you can see how unhealthy the signs and symptoms are, and not everyone experiencing Burnout is going to experience all of these things. It could be one or it could be many, but I want you to be aware of what Burnout looks like. And sometimes you'll experience these things for a long period of time before you address the issue. And other times you could just be starting to experience this. 

But that is where we need to take action. We need to understand what Burnout looks like, and then we need to take action. And I'm gonna talk about that action in just a few minutes. But before I do that, I also want to share with you some of the potential impacts of Burnout on your physical health, not just your mental health. So Burnout can cause a weakened immune system. Chronic stress associated with Burnout can weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to infections and illnesses. 

It can cause cardiovascular problems. Prolonged stress can contribute to high blood pressure, increased risk of heart disease, and a higher likelihood of experiencing heart attacks or stroke. I talked about gastrointestinal issues, but it can lead to digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, and other disorders. It can cause muscle tension and pain. Stress and tension can cause muscle stiffness, pain and tension headaches. 

We talked about sleep disturbances. Burnout can often disrupt your sleep patterns leading to insomnia, restless sleep, or overall poor sleep quality. We talked about chronic fatigue. It can interfere with your daily functioning and activities. If you're just tired all the time, it can create hormonal imbalances. Stress hormones like cortisol can become imbalanced affecting various bodily functions, including metabolism and reproductive health. 

It can cause weight gain or weight loss, and some individuals may experience changes in appetite as a result of Burnout And that can result in either gaining or losing weight. It can increase your risk of substance abuse. So in an attempt to cope with Burnout, some people may turn to alcohol, drugs, or other substances which can lead to addiction. And of course, further your health problems. It can create weakened cognitive function. 

Chronic stress can impair cognitive functions affecting memory, decision making, and problem solving abilities. It can create skin conditions. It can exaggerate conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It can increase pain perception. So Burnout can heighten the perception of pain making preexisting chronic pain conditions even more difficult to manage. It can lower your libido. 

Many people that experience Burnout report having a decrease in sexual desire and performance, it can compromise your physical fitness. Burnout often leads to reduced physical activity and exercise, which can result in a decline in physical fitness and your overall health. And then ultimately, Burnout can compromise your safety because fatigue and impaired cognitive function can increase the risk of accidents and injuries both in the workplace and daily life. 

So you can see how Burnout, it sounds so simple, it sounds so basic. It's something that we all experience I think, at various times in our lives. But if left untreated, Burnout can create all kinds of mental and physical issues or problems that if we let it go long-term, can create long-term damage both with our bodies and with our lifestyle And. that is why I'm talking about Burnout today. 

So at this point, I'm gonna take a quick break for a word from our sponsors, and when I return, I wanna talk to you about what can we do about Burnout. We've talked about ways to recognize it and ways it can impact us, impact our mental health and our physical health. So now let's get into a conversation about how we can overcome Burnout and how we can actually use the law of Attraction to assist us in dealing with Burnout, all of that when we return. 

Welcome back to Attract It, With EASE. We have been talking about Burnout, and up to this point I've discussed several signs and symptoms of Burnout as well as some of the potential impacts that Burnout can have on our physical health. So now that we have an idea of how bad Burnout can be and also what a high percentage of the world's population or the world's workers deal with Burnout, let's talk about how do we address it, how do we improve it? 

And the first thing that I want to cover today is it starts with acknowledging that there's a problem, meaning identifying that you have the signs and symptoms of Burnout. And in order to improve something, in order to change something, we have to know that something needs to change. So that's the very first step, is recognizing that something needs to change. So let's say we know, okay, something's gotta change. I can't keep doing this. How do we address that from here? 

Well, the very next thing I want to recommend is If, you are feeling burned out. Seek help from a medical professional. and I don't mean that needs to be mental health. I'm not saying you necessarily have to go talk to a psychiatrist or you need to go get yourself checked out in that sense. But what I mean is there can be so many physical implications from the impact of Burnout that you want to discuss it with your doctor. 

Sometimes your doctor can give you some ideas or guidance on how to decrease the impact of Burnout, but you also can use your doctor as a trusted healthcare professional who can give you guidance and support. So please If, you do nothing else. Talk to your doctor about how you're feeling, just be real with 'em and see what they recommend. 

Now the next thing that I want to talk about in relation to Burnout is you've got to focus on self-care. And sometimes when you're feeling hopeless, when you're feeling stressed, when you're feeling overwhelmed and you don't know how to change things. And that's sometimes why you are experiencing Burnout is you just don't know how to get out of the situation that you're in. Self-care is probably the best, best thing you can focus on when you're not at work. And self-care can be different things for different people. 

Self-care can be saying no to things you would normally say yes to. Self-care could be taking a long shower or opting out of the shower and just soaking in the bath, like soak in the bath so long that the water turns cold. That can be a form of self-care. Self-care could be spending one of your days off doing nothing but laying in bed and watching television or reading a book or napping, but literally just resting. 

So much of the time, we guilt ourselves for not taking advantage of the free time that we have because we feel like we're wasting it if we're not doing anything. But honestly, If, you are feeling burned out. One of the very best things you can do for yourself is to rest. And rest can be just don't do anything. Rest could be stay in your pajamas all day. Rest could mean take a mental health day, meaning call in sick just for your mental health. 

It could be so many things, but take time and take the pressure off. Say no, put yourself first. Eat the unhealthy food for a day if it makes you feel better. And I'm not saying move into a state of depression where you don't get out of bed for days or weeks or months at a time. But what I'm saying is it's okay when you're feeling burned out and you have two days off to spend one or both of those two days off. 

Just relaxing and giving yourself a break. Give yourself permission to take a break. Self-care is one of the major most important ways that you can deal with Burnout. So those are my first two recommendations. Number one, talk to your healthcare provider about it. And number two, focus on self-care. But where I wanted to go with this podcast episode was talking about how you can utilize the law of Attraction to assist you when you're experiencing Burnout. 

And there's a couple ways that you can do that. And So I want to offer some actionable tips and exercises that you can implement utilizing the Law of Attraction to help combat Burnout. The first one of these tips is visualization exercises. And visualization can be a number of different things, but where I wanna go with it in relation to Burnout is literally listening to guided meditation, specifically guided meditation for stress reduction. 

And if you're not familiar with that, if you've never done that, there are so many resources. I'm sure you can find some free resources on YouTube. You can download apps like Calm. Calm is a great meditation app. You can find resources online, but look for some guided meditations that are specifically designed for stress reduction. That is one of the big ways that you can use the law of Attraction to assist you with dealing with Burnout is just stop. 

Take time to breathe. Use visualization to focus on what you want, to visualize what you want. And it's so easy to do that If, you just close your eyes and listen to a guided meditation because you don't have to control where your mind goes. You just listen and try and visualize the things that they are saying. That's the first actionable tip I have for you in utilizing the Law of Attraction to help combat Burnout. 

The next one is journaling. When you're feeling burned out, it is so helpful to journal, just to get your thoughts out on paper, to acknowledge how you're feeling, to address what maybe the underlying causes are and what you can do about it. But even If, you can't get to that point initially, just putting on paper how you feel can help release some of that stress. And as you're journaling, I recommend finding a way to incorporate gratitude journaling because like I said at the beginning of this podcast episode, when you focus on gratitude, you can't really focus on anything negative when you're thinking about all the things you have to be grateful for. 

Right here today in the now, in the present, it's next to impossible to be thinking about all the things you're lacking or how stressed you are or how overwhelmed you are, or how unhappy you are when you're focused on all of the positive things in your life. So keeping a daily gratitude journal is a great way to help combat Burnout. The next one is affirmations. Now, affirmations are often kind of just given a bad rap or underutilized because it just is kinda like, well, you know, If, you don't feel good. 

Think positive and I know how that sounds. And I'm not trying to be like, well, just get over yourself and think positive. That's not what I'm saying. But what I'm saying is when you are feeling overwhelmed, when you are feeling stressed, even If, you don't believe the words that are coming out of your mouth, try and say some affirmations. Things like things are getting better. My life is constantly improving. Things are always working out for me. 

Find things that give you hope and say those things to yourself and focus on those things. And you may not believe it as you're saying it, but the more that you say it, the more you'll start to believe it. and it is a way that you can calm your mind and you can provide that hope that you're maybe missing when you're feeling like life is hopeless. And the last thing I have on my list in relation to utilizing the law of Attraction to help combat Burnout is to create a vision board to work on your vision board. 

And you can say, well, how in the world am I going to focus on my goals and my dreams when I'm feeling this way? But you would be surprised, just like gratitude when you stop and take yourself out of the situation you are in and stop focusing on the difficulty of the situation. When you take a break from all of that overwhelming stress and you just try and think about something positive and you try and look for a hopeful future, just looking up pictures of the life that you want, just creating that vision board or doing the research and saving photographs, just thinking about the life you want in your future and how that feels, how you want to feel. 

That is very much like focusing on gratitude and can help put you in a better mental health space and can also help give you that self-care break that I was talking about earlier. So I wanna encourage you to actively participate in and try these exercises when you're feeling Burnout. That leads me into this week's action item, which is If. you are feeling Burnout. Choose any one of those four tips that I just gave you. 

Visualization exercises, meaning guided meditations that is specific for stress reduction or journaling, specifically gratitude journaling or creating and using positive affirmations to put you in a good mental health space and help raise your vibration or work on your vision board. Work on creating or updating your vision board. Pick one of those four things and make some time to do that today. 

Make some continued time to do that this week because Burnout isn't fixed overnight. Burnout doesn't just go away. It's us taking time to shift the energy, to shift our thoughts, to take some time to rest and relax. That is what is required to overcome Burnout. You've got to step back, slow down and relax, and these four actionable tips can absolutely help you do that. 

Remember to take care of yourself. Remember that you're not alone. Remember that so many other people are experiencing Burnout or have experienced Burnout and If. you just share how you're feeling with your health practitioner or your loved ones. I promise you that you will find care and support. That's it for this week. I hope this episode has been beneficial to you. I look forward to talking with you next week. Have a good one. Bye-bye. 

S2.E46: The Law of Attraction and Time Management


S2.E44: When the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working