S2.E44: When the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working

In this week's episode, we're diving deep into the nitty-gritty of why the Law of Attraction might be playing hard to get. Don't worry, it's not a conspiracy! Join me as we break it down into three simple possibilities:

The Control Freak Syndrome: Are you trying to micromanage the universe? Let's talk about why loosening that grip might be the key to success. The Belief Booster: Ever found yourself doubting whether it's really going to happen? We'll explore how to shift your mindset and speak your desires into existence with unwavering faith.Making Room for Magic: Sometimes, the universe needs a bit of space to work its magic. Discover how creating that sacred space can be your secret weapon.

Tune in for some law of attraction wisdom with a sprinkle of humor, and let's navigate those manifesting challenges together.

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to attract it with ease. In this week's episode, in this week's episode, we're gonna talk about what happens when the law of Attraction doesn't work. No, really. We're gonna talk about what happens when the law of Attraction doesn't work and I know that. That sounds crazy, but I'm gonna get into what actually causes the law of Attraction to not work for you and how to fix it. 

Yes, that's what we're gonna be talking about in this week's episode. But before I get into all of that, I wanna start out by talking about my gratitude because as we know, gratitude is the Magic key that opens the door and unlocks everything we're trying to Attract because when we focus on gratitude, not only do we shift our emotions, it's impossible to be upset or angry or sad when we're focused on all of the good things that life has to offer for us today. 

So there's three things I'm grateful for today. The first one is that I'm on vacation. Yay. I mentioned that last week. I have needed a vacation so badly. I've only taken two vacation days this entire year. It's September, and oh my goodness, I'm ready for a break from work. I have the next eight days off and I'm just so excited to be able to relax and focus on some of my side projects. 

I have a family reunion this week that I mentioned last week. I get to see all of my family, and I'm really looking forward to just having a break and being able to focus on the things that are important to me and not worrying about the stresses of work. The second thing that I'm grateful for today is modern medicine, and I've said that on prior podcasts, but today I'm particularly grateful for modern medicine because I have high blood pressure and I take a daily medicine for that, and I'm running out of medicine. 

I have a doctor's appointment coming up, but I don't have enough medication to get me through till my next doctor's appointment. And because because of that I'm starting to get migraines and thankfully I have a migraine medication. I spent the entire morning in bed doctoring my headache, trying to get rid of my migraine, and I have to say it worked. I'm so, so grateful to be feeling a hundred percent better, but also to be in the mental head space to be able to record this podcast today. 

and I owe it all to modern medicine. And the third thing that I'm grateful for this week is I'm grateful that the universe still has the ability to surprise me. I'm constantly amazed at how I can ask for something and just let it go to the universe. And the universe finds ways to not only make it happen, but makes it happen in a way that far exceeds my original expectations and just catches me by surprise. 

I love that. I love that the universe has the ability to surprise me and consistently does so. So that's it for my gratitude. This week. Let talk about what happens when the law of Attraction doesn't work. So you might be sitting there thinking, Kayla, how is it possible that the law of Attraction doesn't work? And maybe you're on the opposite of that saying, yeah, I'm excited for you to answer this question because I've been working on some things and they're not working for me. 

Well, the first thing that I wanna discuss today is the concept of the law of Attraction not working because literally that's not a thing when you say the law of Attraction is not working. What that means is that you are standing in the way of the law of Attraction working. And what I mean by that is the law of Attraction always works. All you have to do is state what you desire. All you have to do is make a request to the universe and the universe goes to work to make it happen. 

So when somebody says, the law of Attraction isn't working for me, the very first thing I think is no, it's not the law of Attraction not working for you. It's you getting in the way of the law of Attraction working for you. And the reason that I want talk about this subject today is that when you research or Google the law of Attraction, this is one of the top rated questions in relation to the law of Attraction. 

People are constantly searching for answers as to what do you do? When, the Law Of Attraction Isn isn't working, or what happens when the law of Attraction isn't working? So, I wanna say, it's not that the law of Attraction isn't working, it's that you are getting in the way of receiving the thing that you are asking for. You are causing the law of Attraction to not be able to give you what you're asking for. So again, it's not the law of Attraction not working, it's that you are standing in your own way and I wanna give you some examples of that. 

When I say that you are standing in your own way, the very first thing that I am referring to is that most people when they say the law of Attraction doesn't work, or the law of Attraction isn't working for them, or they're not able to manifest the thing that they desire, or they've been working to manifest the thing that they desire and it's not happening for them, the law of Attraction is broken or they're broken or something's broken because it's not working. 

Nine times out of 10, the reason for that comes down to EASE. Now, I have named this podcast Attract It, With EASE, because EASE is a fundamental piece of the law of Attraction. In order to manifest the things that you desire, you have to be easy about them. What do I mean about being easy? What I mean is you have to get out of your own way. What I mean by that is you have to let go of the how. 

So here's some examples. If, you are sitting there thinking, the law of Attraction doesn't work for me. The law of Attraction is broken. I'm broken, something's not working. I'm trying to manifest. I've been trying to manifest and it's not working. And you are thinking, what do I do when the law of Attraction doesn't work? What that means is you are getting in your own way. And what I mean by getting in your own way is you are expecting a particular outcome. 

You are trying to control how the universe brings you what you're asking for. So let's talk about some examples. Let's say you're trying to manifest a specific person and you're trying to get them to call you and they're not calling you and you're thinking, the law of Attraction isn't working for me because I've been focused on this person calling me and they're just not calling. Well, if you've been listening to my podcast for any period of time, then you know one of the rules with the law of Attraction is you cannot control other people. 

You cannot sit there and try and focus on someone one calling you and expect that that person's gonna pick up the phone and call you because every single one of us has the ability to choose the life we wanna lead. So you can't force a particular person to call you, but what you can ask for is you can ask for love, you can ask for a loving relationship, you can ask for happiness, you can ask for joy, you can ask for the feelings that you want from this person that you think is the person for you. 

But do you see how when you're expecting a particular person to call you, you are controlling the how? Let talk about a few other examples. Maybe you are focused on trying to earn an extra $10,000 and maybe that $10,000 is for a down payment on a house, or maybe it's to buy a car or maybe it's to pay off your credit cards, whatever the case may be. Let's say you have been focused on manifesting $10,000. Well, when you start putting that request out into the universe, the universe goes to work to bring you $10,000. 

But when you sit there and say that the law of Attraction isn't working for you, that's because you are trying to control the how. What I mean by that is you have a timeline, you have a deadline. You're saying, I need $10,000 by next month. I need $10,000 in the next 90 days. But guess what? That's not how the universe works. In fact, If, you are trying to manifest $10,000. Rarely does the universe bring you $10,000 in a one lump sum. 

Now, that's not to say it's not possible, that's not to say it never happens that way. But what generally happens is the universe brings you multiple ways of earning extra income. The universe inspires you to take inspired action to do things that will bring more income into your life, which ultimately will generate more money, which will bring you the $10,000 that you're working towards. You can't just sit on your couch and wait for the doorbell to ring with a courier bringing you a check for $10,000. 

That's not how the universe works. And yet so many people put a request for $10,000 out there and then they sit back and they say, it's not happening. It didn't come. I needed it in 90 days. It didn't happen. The law of attraction's not working. It doesn't work for me. This isn't a real thing. I don't know how to manifest. I must be broken. Or the law of Attraction must be broken or the universe doesn't like me, or whatever the case may be. There's all these things that people think and people say in relation to the law of Attraction not working for them. 

But that doesn't make it true. When I say you have to be easy, what that means is you can't control the how. You don't get to decide how it happens. You don't get to decide when it happens. You don't get to put a timeline on it when you say, I want $10,000. The universe goes to work to make that happen. But the universe might bring you $500 in the next week. It might bring you $3,000 a month or two from now. 

It might bring you several thousand dollars 12 months from now. And that's not to say you have to wait the rest of your lifetime for the things that you're trying to manifest to occur, but what it does mean is that you need to let go of how it happens and when it happens and you just have to be easy about the process. Is this making sense to you? This is big, and I've talked about being easy on multiple podcast episode, but when we are talking about how the law of Attraction works and if the law of Attraction works and what to do if we feel like it's not working, nine times out of 10, this is the key. 

Nine times outta 10, if we are thinking it's not working for us, if we're thinking something's wrong, if we're thinking we are broken or it's not real, nine times outta 10 is because we are trying to force an outcome or we are trying to force a timeline. Think about it this way. Let's say you wanna lose some weight. Let's say you have a weight goal in your mind and you're thinking, I wanna lose an extra 25 pounds. 

And so you decide that you're gonna start eating salads for lunch and dinner every day, and you start eating salads for lunch and dinner every day for an entire week. And at the end of the week you get on the scale and you've lost no weight. Or even in some cases at the end of the week, you get on the scale and you've actually gained weight. Imagine saying to yourself, it doesn't work. I can't lose weight. I've tried. 

There's something wrong with me. There's something wrong with the process. I just can't lose weight. It's not happening. It seems silly when you look at it in that sense. If you're only giving it a week or the only thing that you're changing is you're eating salads. And we all know that salads don't necessarily mean healthy because once we start adding on salad dressing and croutons and cheese and everything else that makes the salad good, we know that a salad isn't necessarily healthy. But so many times people give it a go for a short period of time and then they give up and they say, oh, not working, not working for me. 

I'm broken. Something's broken. I can't lose weight. That is what it's like when you're sitting around telling yourself, the law of Attraction doesn't work for me. Something's wrong. I don't have the ability to manifest. The universe doesn't like me. This doesn't work. The law of Attraction doesn't work. Anytime you're thinking something along those lines, what you are likely doing is standing in your own way, making unrealistic expectations of the law of Attraction and not allowing enough time for these manifestations to occur, not allowing enough time for the universe to bring it about for you, or expecting that the universe is going to bring it to you in one big easy solution that someone's gonna ring your doorbell with a check for $10,000. 

Like I said, that's not usually how it happens. The universe goes to work to find multiple ways to bring this about, and the bigger the ask, typically, the longer it takes for the manifestation to come about. And what I mean by that is oftentimes it takes multiple people, multiple scenarios, conversations, situations to open up and align themselves to bring about the very thing that you're asking for. 

Sometimes what you are asking for requires you to have a conversation with a person you've never met before or a person you've never met before has a conversation with someone you have met and they plan and they discuss and they talk about you in rooms that you can't even see, can't even imagine. and it takes time. It takes time for those doors to open. It takes time for those conversations to happen. It takes time for everything to align itself for you to receive the very thing that you're asking for. 

So timing is a big part of how and when your manifestations occur. So number one, the big reason you might be feeling like things aren't working out for you or the law of Attraction doesn't work or you are broken or manifestation is broken nine times outta 10. It's because you are putting an unrealistic timeline on the process or you're trying to control a specific outcome. 

Remember If, you release the how If you let go of how it happens. The universe has every option, every possibility, every person available as a resource. Things that you cannot see, people you do not know that it can align and put into place for you, If, you let go of the one or two ways that you think it could happen or you think it should happen. So be patient and trust the process. 

All right? The second reason that things may not be working out for you is Belief. And that's kind of this crazy catch all loophole where you say, well, If, you don't believe then it can't happen. It's this unrealistic space of saying, well, you didn't believe hard enough. and it sounds very cult-like to say, you have to believe, but here's the thing, you do have to believe, and you don't actually even really have to believe, but you have to speak as If. 

you believe you have to act as If, you believe, and the more that you talk as if it's happening, the more that you act as if it's happening, the more it's going to happen and the more your Belief will come with it. What I mean is If, you are sitting there saying, it's not happening. If you're talking about how you doubt the process, if you're speaking against it, if you're saying it's not happening, if you're focused on it not happening, it's not gonna happen. And what I mean is it doesn't mean that the universe isn't going to work for you, but what it means is you are not in alignment to receive it. 

So yeah, the universe is out there making it happen, and you're sitting at home going, yeah, that's not a thing. Yeah, I don't think so. Yeah, I'm not deserving. Yeah, I don't know. I've been waiting. I've been waiting weeks and nothing's changing, nothing's moving, I've not noticed anything. And what you're doing is you're putting yourself in a different head space. You're putting yourself in a different vibration. It's like tuning your radio to AM versus FM and thinking that you're going to get the music that you wanna listen to the pop music that's popular today. 

But if you're tuned to am you're getting talk radio that some 60 or 70 year old person is listening to, you're getting a sports station expecting to get pop music, it's not going to happen. It's not a thing. If. you are sitting there speaking against it If. you are not in alignment with the very thing you're asking for. It's not going to find you. It's not going to Attract to you. It's not going to come into your life because when it passes you by, you're not going to recognize it. 

You're not going to be open to it. One of the key things about the law of Attraction is that like attracts like, what that means is you have to be a vibrational match to the very thing you're asking for. If you're asking for something big and happy and exciting and high vibration and life changing, that is the vibration that you need to be at. You need to be happy and excited and energetic and positive and looking for it. 

You need to have the mindset that it's on its way to you. You need to be watching for it, you need to be talking about it. You need to be expecting it. You need to be looking for it. And If, you are not doing that. If you're sitting at home going, yeah, I don't know. I would love for that to happen. I feel like I deserve it, but I don't know. I just, people like me just don't get those kind of breaks. I just, I just don't see it happening for me. 

Do you see how that vibration does not match high energy, high intensity, positivity, life changing opportunities? It's like those opportunities are flying above your head and you are down sitting on the floor going woes me and I don't know how to really make that a visual for you other than high vibration, high energy, positive, exciting experiences. 

They move on a high plane, a high level, and If, you are sitting around complaining, feeling sorry for yourself, thinking that things aren't happening focused on the negative, talking about how unhappy you are. You are on a low vibration And, that vibration is close to the floor. It's no different than sitting on the floor and things literally flying over your head. You're not going to come into contact with them. 

Is this making sense to you? The third thing that can keep your manifestations from occurring for you is that you're not making space for them. and I know that. That sounds crazy. It's like, Kayla, how am I not making space? Like I'm so open, I'm so ready, I'm so ready for it to happen. I like literally focus on it and think about it on a daily basis. 

But some of the things that you're asking for, you literally have to make space. Let's talk about relationships. For example. Let's say that you are in a toxic, unhealthy relationship and all you want is to be loved and to be appreciated and to be admired and for the other person in your life to just find you attractive and make you feel wanted. And you're sitting there focused on, this is what I want, this is what I deserve. 

But you're staying in the toxic and healthy relationship that you don't want and you're sitting around waiting for this new, exciting, loving relationship. Guess what? If that person comes into your life, you're not going to be ready for them. What are you gonna do If? you are still with this other person. Are you gonna cheat on the person that you're with? How is that gonna work out? Well for you? and I know it sounds harsh, but you have got to get out of the toxic, unhappy, unhealthy relationship you are in and give yourself some space in order to make room for the healthy, loving, beautiful relationship that you're trying to Attract. 

And quite frankly, if you're in that toxic space, you probably need a little bit of downtime in between. You probably need some time to work on yourself and work on your mental head space and make sure that you are the kind of person that the person you're trying to Attract wants to be with. You wanna be healthy, you wanna be able to give and love in the way that you wanna be loved and given to. And if you're in this toxic, unhealthy space, you are not in the mental head space to give the person that you are trying to Attract what they deserve and what they desire. 

and I know that this is hard to listen to and I know that this is hard to accept. But oftentimes when you're not getting what you want, when you feel that the law of Attraction isn't working for you, it's literally that you are not making space for it. You are not creating room in your life to be able to accept this thing. Now, this doesn't have to be relationships. 

This could be the job that you desire. This could be the wealth that you desire. And you're probably sitting there thinking, Kayla, how am I not in a space to receive wealth? Like I have so much room to grow? But I have to ask you, what is your mindset around money? What are your beliefs around money? Do you feel that you're not deserving? 

Oftentimes, the way that we were raised creates our beliefs about money. And it's sad. And this is something I personally have my working on. I grew up in a very healthy household, but what I have learned in the past six months is that I was raised in a household to believe that we have to work hard for money. And the truth is, you don't have to work hard for money. 

You have to change your beliefs about money. You have to believe that money comes easily. You have to believe that you're deserving. And if money isn't coming to you, it's likely because of your beliefs about money. It's likely because you believe you have to work hard. You believe you have to be deserving. You believe all of these things that were instilled from you, from your parents and from birth. But that doesn't make it true. So much of the time when we sit back and we say, the law of Attraction doesn't work, or the law of Attraction isn't working for me, or I don't know what to do, I'm broken. 

I've been working to manifest all of these things and they're just not happening. I have to tell you, it's not that the law of Attraction doesn't work. It's not that it's not happening, it's that something isn't working with you And it's up to you to identify what it is that's not working. It's up to you to take a look inside and say, where is my Belief? Am I trying to control the outcome? Am I expecting a certain timeline? 

Am I expecting things to happen in a certain way with a specific person or a specific outcome? Am I expecting things to happen by a certain date? Am I letting go of the, how am I opening myself up to all the opportunities from the universe? Am I listening to my intuition? Am I taking inspired action? Where does my Belief stand and have I made space for this thing to occur in my life? 

So this leads me into this week's action item. If, you are one of those people sitting there thinking, what do I do when the law of Attraction doesn't work? Or I've been focused on this thing and it's just not working out for me. I don't know what to do. I am trying so hard to manifest this. I've been so focused on this. I've been talking about it, I've been thinking about it. 

I've been visualizing it. Here's what you do to fix it. My action item for this week is for you to find some time to sit down in a quiet space and journal. Journal your thoughts, and literally rate yourself in these three categories. Number one, How, are you doing in regards to being easy about the thing you're trying to manifest? Are you letting go of the how or are you trying to control a specific outcome? 

Are you putting pressure on the situation? Are you trying to force a specific person or a specific thing to happen in a specific timeline? Are you saying it has to happen by this date? Because I can tell you if that's what you're doing and that's what you're feeling, that's why it's not working for you because the universe doesn't work on your timeline. The universe is all knowing, all seeing has access to every resource. 

And when the universe is bringing you what you desire, it's gonna happen in a way far better than what you could imagine. And it's almost never in the way that you imagined it. So that's The. first thing I want you to reflect on when you're journaling is, are you being easy about your manifestation? And this isn't something you need to share with anyone. You can burn it when you're done. It doesn't matter. Just get real with yourself. 

The second thing I want you to focus on when you're journaling is your Belief. Do you believe it's possible? Are you speaking always as if it's happening, as if it's already occurred, as if it's on its way to you? Are you spending time visualizing it, imagining it? Are you focused on it happening? Or is your conversation more about how it's not happening? 

Why it's not happening? When it's gonna happen? What are you spending more time on? Are you speaking it into existence or are you getting in your own way by questioning it, doubting it, talking about, I don't know, I don't think it's gonna happen. Are you believing that you're deserving? Are you believing that it's on its way to you? Where do you stand in regards to your Belief? 

And the third and final thing that I want you to get real with yourself about when you're journaling is, are you making space for the thing that you're asking for? If it's a new job, if it's a new person, if it's a new relationship, if it's money, are you making space for this thing in your life? Are you working on your mindset? Are you getting out of the bad relationship? 

Are you willing to let go of the bad job? Are you out there taking action steps to make it happen? Are you making space for this thing in your life? Because I promise you, If, you are not experiencing the thing that you've asked for. You either haven't given it enough time or you're standing in your own way, either trying to control the how or not fully believing or not making space for it or all of the above. 

It fits into one of those three categories. And when you say, the law of Attraction isn't working for me, the way to fix it is to get real with yourself about your mindset. Get real with yourself about how you are acting, how you're behaving, how you're speaking. Are you speaking this thing into your life? Are you believing in possibilities? Are you bringing it to you? Are you making space for it and expecting it to happen? Or are you sitting around feeling sorry for yourself? 

Or are you putting a deadline on the manifestation? Or are you just expecting that this person or this money's gonna show up on your doorstep even though you're stuck in this terrible job you hate or this unhealthy relationship? Until you get real with yourself about where you stand on these three topics, your EASE, your Belief, and the space you're creating, you will not be able to manifest your desires until you can overcome those three things. 

So once again, If, you are not receiving the desires that you're working on. If your manifestations don't seem to be coming about. You need to spend time with yourself and get real and personal with where you're standing in your own way. That's it for this week. I hope this has been a valuable episode for you. There's so much you can glean from this conversation. It's been fun talking with you this week. 

I look forward to next week. Have a good one, and bye-bye. 

S2.E45: Utilizing the Law of Attraction to Overcome Burnout


S2.E43: Overcoming Fear of Failure