S2.E15: Here’s Your Sign

Here's your sign to look for a sign. In this episode Kayla shares several ways the Universe communicates with us, and some of the recent signs she has received, for both guidance and direction.

I am just the girl next door who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create, and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything you want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you.

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to Attract It with Ease. I am excited to share today's topic with you, but as usual, I'd like to begin with my gratitude. And the first thing that I'm grateful for today is the fact that my husband is coming home. He's been away for 10 days at a trade show, and although we have been apart a number of times throughout our relationship, I always miss him. And this time in particular, I've really missed him because we are brand new into our home. We only had about a week here when he left, and it is quite interesting getting used to the movement of the house and the noises and the animals outside.

And I'm just really excited for him to come home and be able to experience that with me, to be able to sleep next to me, to be able to comfort me and for us to be able to enjoy our house together. He returns this afternoon and I cannot wait. The second thing that I'm grateful for today is if you've listened to my most recent episodes, I've talked a little bit about the fact that I started kind of a side gig. I was inspired to start creating some crystal art, and with that crystal art, I started at an Etsy shop.

And so I sell my artwork as well as just beautiful crystals themselves. And I've recently started making some cells and it definitely is not replacing my full-time income, but it has been nice to have a little bit of side income, and it's been fun to create and it's been fun to buy crystals, and it's just fun to be able to offer that to other people who enjoy the same things that I do. If you're interested in seeing some of my art, I do have some now listed on my website, attract it with ease.com.

You can view some of it there and you can actually link directly from there to my Etsy store if you wanna see any of the other art pieces and the crystals that I have for sill. And the third thing that I'm grateful for today is, as I mentioned, Dan and I are in a new house that we're renting, and it is amazing and it is far bigger than we need, so much bigger than the tiny house we've been living in. But my gratitude today is specifically for the fact that the house is big enough that I am able to move my art studio from the offsite location that I've been renting to one of the rooms in the house.

So now I have a separate room for my office, which is where I podcast, and I will soon have my art studio set up in the house as well. And I am so excited and grateful for that to be able to have it close to home and to be able to have my own space to be able to do that. So today I really wanna talk about something that I've mentioned on one or two other episodes, but I really have been focused on recently in my own life and have been feeling like it's something I need to share with you.

And that is that the universe is always trying to communicate with us. The universe is constantly giving us signs, it's giving us signs in the things we see online. It's giving us signs in conversations we overhear. It's giving us signs in the things we see when we're driving down the road or the advertisements that come up on our phone in the emails that we receive in our dreams.

There are so many ways that the universe communicates with us, and sometimes we're paying attention and sometimes we just completely ignore it or miss it. And when you are paying attention, you will start to see some, some things repeat themselves, some messages, some things just keep coming up for you over and over and over again. And you may think, oh my gosh, that's so weird. What a coincidence. And other times you may think that it's serendipitous, but the universe will continue to give you messages, particularly when you start paying attention.

And I wanted to talk to you today about some of the signs that I've been receiving and ways that I've been receiving signs because I think that sharing my experiences may help you realize the different ways that the universe might be trying to communicate with you so that you can try and recognize some of the signs in your life. Now, when you see a sign, it's not obvious always as to what a sign means that's open to interpretation. And honestly, that's between you and your personal spiritual relationship that you have with God or the universe or whatever it is that you believe in to determine and figure out what that sign means.

But oftentimes when you're asking for help or you're asking for inspiration, just seeing a sign can be confirmation that you're on the right track or confirmation that things are working out for you. So let me give you my first example. When Dan, my husband and I came and looked at this house, it was the very first rental property that we looked at this time around. And I say this time around because we had looked at properties about six months ago and didn't have any success because the market was so competitive.

But when we recently decided that we wanted to try and rent again, this was the very first property we looked at in person. And we did look at a couple other properties both online and in person, and even had one other property that we were seriously interested in. But this was the first one that we came to in person. And the day that we drove here, it was a little bit stormy, not crazy, but that weekend we were supposed to get a ton of snow and we did.

But the morning that we came here, it was before I went to work, I had my husband actually take me to work. But on the way to work, we came and stopped by this property and the heat wasn't working, it was freezing cold. We did not want to spend a lot of time here because it was so cold outside and so cold inside. But we just fell in love with the property immediately. And we both said, yes, let's put in an application. Let's see if we can get this property.

And as we were leaving and my husband is taking me to work, we drive out of the driveway and the very first turn we make away from the property, my husband hits me on the leg and says, look and points straight ahead. I look up and there is a giant rainbow. Now, I think that I have shared multiple times with you why rainbows have such strong meaning for me, but they are a particularly strong representation of signs from the universe.

For me specifically because my middle name is rain, which is why I say I'm your host Kayla Rain. And because my middle name is Rain, my parents growing up called me Kayla Rainbow. So I've always just had this connection to rainbows. Well, my mother passed away in the year 2000, which I've talked about on the podcast before. And in her final moments when we were having our very last coherent conversation together, she specifically said to me, Kayla, when you see a rainbow, I want you to know that that is me sending you a sign that I am thinking about you.

I'm watching over you, and I'm just still a part of your life. And so every single time I see a rainbow, that is the first thing that pops in my head is that my mom is trying to communicate with me. She's sending me a message. She wants me to know she's still out there and she's still connected to my life. And so when I ask the universe for a sign, more often than not a rainbow is what I see. And sometimes that rainbow comes through a prism.

Sometimes it's an actual rainbow in the sky. But I see rainbows all the time when I'm asking the universe for a sign. Well, this particular day when we came and looked at the property, I wasn't asking for a sign, but we're driving away from the property. And my husband says, look, and I look up and there's this giant rainbow. And I instantly said to him, I think that's a sign. I think we're going to get the house. Well, we keep driving to work, and I realize it's not just this rainbow, it is a double rainbow, and it is bright and it is beautiful, and it is huge.

And I get to work and I'm doing things at work, and at one point, I have to go out to the front lot of the property, and it has been probably two hours since I saw the rainbow for the first time. But I'm going out and I'm doing some stuff out on the lot, and I turn and I look up and there is this huge double rainbow still sitting there. And I'm just thinking to myself, I can't believe that hours later, this rainbow is just still in the sky.

And of course, I pull out my phone and I take a photo, I took a photo when I first saw it as well. And I'm just like, wow, I love that. I can still see this rainbow. And then I come into work and multiple people when they arrive to work are saying to me, did you see the rainbow? Look at this rainbow I saw, and they're, you know, showing me pictures of this rainbow that they've captured on their phone. And of course, to myself, I'm thinking, well, that rainbow's for me. That's selfish, isn't it? But I really do. When I see a rainbow, I think, oh, that's a sign for me.

That's cool that you saw it too. But that was meant for me. And so I'm just appreciating that all these people are telling me about this rainbow that they've seen. And then it's now hours later, and it's time for me to go to lunch. And one of the guys at work leaves a little bit before me to go to his lunch, and he sends me a text and he goes, go out on the back lot. There is a giant rainbow. And he knows how much rainbows mean to me. So I get up, I go up, walk outside.

Now it's in a completely different place in the sky, but I go out onto the back lot of the property. And there again is this giant beautiful, super clear double rainbow guys. It lasted for half of the day, like probably five hours. This beautiful double rainbow was in the sky. And of course, I took another photo of it, and I just kept thinking to myself, this is a sign. The universe is giving me a sign.

My mother is giving me a sign. And I kept thinking, we're gonna get that house. And folks, here I am today recording in my new office, in the house that we are renting that we would love to purchase, may be able to purchase in the future. And I just have to tell you, I think it was a sign and it was such a blatant, incredible, emotional, wonderful experience the day that that happened that I just can't forget about it.

And not all of the signs that I receive are so blatant and so clear, and not all of the signs that you receive will be so blatant and so clear. But I'm telling you, the universe is trying to communicate with you. And I don't know if you have special meanings with rainbows, but I'll tell you if you do, when you see one, it's not by accident. The universe is trying to communicate with you. So here's another fun sign I saw the other day just a couple of days ago, I came home from work on lunch because I work just about 10 minutes away from where we're now living, which is so nice.

So I came home because I needed to do something at the house, and I just happened to look out into the backyard, and there was this cute little baby bunny like in the backyard, this teeny tiny little wild bunny was hopping around. And I was like, what? How random? Now we do live near the mountains, like literally at the foothills of the mountains, and so there's wild horses and other things in the area, but I just haven't seen a bunny yet at let alone in my backyard, which is fenced.

I don't even know really where it came from, but this cute little bunny was just hopping around. And I thought, oh, that's so sweet. And I mentioned it to my husband and I sent him a picture, and I just thought that was cute, right? So then later I come home later from work, and it's the end of the day, and there's this stunning view out my back window. I told you we have almost floor to ceiling windows in the main area of the house. And so just this phenomenal view of the mountains. So every day I come home and I look out the window, and that happens.

I go up to the window to go look at the mountains, and once again, I see this little bunny in my yard and I'm like, oh, bunny, what are you doing? And I just thought it was the cutest little thing, and I just was like, maybe this bunny lives here. And I've never noticed it before, but it was just so random that I thought, I don't know why this bunny is in my backyard.

And I honestly guys, it, there's snow on the ground. It is winter here. It is freezing cold. So don't ask me what this bunny is doing in the backyard aside from it's gotta be a sign, right? A sign of something. So then I look up what does seeing a bunny mean? And guys, supposedly it means it's a sign of good luck If a rabbit or a bunny comes across to your path, it means that things are changing and there's good luck in your future.

And so I was like, that's awesome. I love that. And I sent that to my husband and he writes back and says, I love that you think about things that way. And later that evening, I saw the bunny one more time by accident. I went to go check on just one of the meters on the house. So I go out the sliding door to try and go outside, and I hadn't even noticed the bunny, but apparently the bunny was still there. And I scaredi scared him and he scurried off when I opened the door. And I hadn't even noticed that he was there, and I haven't seen him since.

It was just that one day I saw him three times. So I don't know if he's living in my backyard, but I do believe that the universe wanted me to see him and wanted me to know that things are always working out for me. And I do have good luck in my future, and I believe that. All right, here's one that's not gonna sound as cute and sweet. And I think I've mentioned this in prior episodes when I've talked about signs from the universe, but I frequently dream of spiders and it used to freak me out.

I don't enjoy dreaming of spiders, I don't care for spiders. I'm kind of a little bit afraid of big spiders. Actually, I'm more than a little bit, I'm really afraid of big spiders, but I don't even like little spiders. And I dream of them quite frequently. They'll show up in my dreams. And so the first time that this happened that I can recall was several years ago, and I worked at a place that sold some books, and one of the books we had was a dream book. So I looked it up and it specifically said that spiders, although they can be unsettling to see in your dreams, are actually a positive sign and that it is a sign of change coming.

And I don't remember the exact details, but there are differences between whether or not you see a spider in a web or spinning a web versus if you just see a spider and they say, don't kill the spider in your dreams, or try not to because that's you resisting the change. But I regularly see spiders, and it's funny how frequently I do see them when my life is going through big changes and I've been seeing one or two spiders in my dreams recently, and they haven't been freaky these times around.

Sometimes they're actually coming at me and I don't know, doing various things, but sometimes just kind of over to the side of whatever I'm viewing in my dream, I'll just see a spider hanging and it's just there and I have an awareness of it, and I've seen one or two little teeny spiders since I've been in the house. And normally if they're little, I would try and kill them and get rid of them, but you'd be surprised and proud of me. These few that I've seen, I've just left alone because I've thought, you know what?

I think the universe is trying to tell me that something's changing. Things are changing, the wins of change are coming. And it's true. I mean, so much has been changing for me and the fact that I won a signal award that we're in the new house, that I'm going through the senior manager training program at work. There's a possibility of us relocating, but we'd like to stay in the area that we're in. There's just so many things happening right now, and all of it is positive, and I feel like the universe is trying to help me and walk me through that, trying to guide me through that process.

So if you see a spider in your dream, don't be freaked out. Know that it is a sign that change is happening or change is coming, and know that it is the universe trying to communicate with you. Okay? I've talked about this on previous podcast episodes a number of times as well, and that is my angel cards. Now, I've said that I don't really believe in angels, not in the traditional sense that I guess most Christians would. I don't believe in beings with wings and halos flying around, but I do believe that energy always exists.

And I do believe that after we die, we still exist in some way, just like I believe that my mom still exists somehow. And I don't know how she's connected to me. I don't know if she is some form of an angel as somebody might think. I don't know really what she's up to, but I do think that she is able to stay connected to me in some aspect. And sometimes when I'm doing readings with my angel cards, I like to think that my mom is part of what is communicating with me.

But again, whether or not you believe in God, whether or not you believe in angels, however you view source energy or the universe, it all kind of sums up in the same way. I believe that we are all connected and that it is because of the connection that we have with everyone who's currently living and everyone who has lived and everyone who will live. That to me, that combined energy is what I think of as the universe.

And because I believe that we're connected is why I believe that we're able to communicate with the universe and with each other in a way that we can't describe the way that I believe my mom can still, in a sense communicate with me even though she's passed on. But I also believe that because I am part of the universe and connected to everything is why I am able to ask for signs and ask for help and ask for things, and the universe will answer me.

I believe that I have that power because I am that power. I am a piece of it. I am a part of it. I am part of the energy that makes things happen. And so when I talk about an angel card reading, I do not believe that they come from a source of evil. I do not believe that Oracle cards or tarot cards come from a place of evil. And I know a lot of very religious people are opposed to the idea of Oracle cards are opposed to the idea of tarot cards.

And I completely support you in your belief and what you decide is right for you. But I hope that you will refrain from judging me in my use of them, because for me, they have strong, positive spiritual relation with me and the messages that I'm trying to receive from source or God or the universe. So I regularly use my angel cards, not on a daily basis, but anytime that I want an answer to something or anytime that I'm feeling a little out of source sorts and need some direction, I will do an angel card reading.

And what is really quite interesting to me is there are a lot of cards in that deck. If I were to guess, there's over 50 cards, I don't even know off the top of my head, but it's more than a deck of cards or around the size of a deck of cards. And there are so many cards when I shuffle and when I pull angel cards, I always pull three. I pull three cards every time. And when I pull those cards almost every single time, one of those three cards is the exact same card.

And I'm just constantly floored by how that happens because I shuffle and I reshuffle and I shuffle again, and I keep shuffling every single time I pull cards and I focus on what my question is. And then I pull the cards. And I'll tell you, usually with my angel cards, I do not pull cards just off of the top of the deck. I will spread them out and I will pull cards that I feel kind of call out to me and I'll pull the first card and then I'll pull the second card and I'll pull the third card.

But like I said, almost every single time I pull cards, I have one card that constantly shows up, and that card says Focus on service. So no matter what my question is, that is a constant message that I am receiving from the universe. And I have to say, just as a side note, do you think if you were being led by something evil, that that would be a consistent message you would be receiving focus on service?

I have a hard time wrapping my head around that idea that something evil would want me to be serving others. Anyway, off my little soapbox there. But focus on service to me is my reminder to come back to my love for podcasting and my love for the law of attraction and my desire to help others, to serve others, to change people's lives, to inspire people. That is my focus on service.

And I have to tell you that the universe is consistently reminding me that I can have anything I want in life if I can help enough other people get what they want. That's a quote that I read years ago when I was reading management books. I can't remember who it's by off the top of my head. I feel like it might be Dale Carnegie. But anyway, you can have anything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.

And to me, that is service. And the universe is constantly telling me focus on service. But that is just one other way that the universe communicates with me, sends me messages when I pull cards. And it's crazy how I continue to pull one card over and over and over again, and it's a message that I need to hear. It's a reminder that I need to stay focused, and that part of my plan here on this planet is to help others.

Okay, so I've been talking about Oracle cards. I mentioned tarot cards. I actually have never been big into tarot cards. I really kind of was disinterested in them until just a couple of years ago when I finally bought my first deck. And I did one reading one time. It was a reading for the whole year, I dunno, probably two years ago. And I have not done one since until three days ago.

I bought myself a tarot card journal. And if you're not familiar with what that is, it basically is a way for you to keep track of the cards that you pull in your readings to look for consistent messages and to start to interpret the meaning behind the cards and the meaning behind the cards that are pulled for you. So I decided since I enjoy my angel cards, that I wanted to see what messages I would get from tarot.

And I actually bought a new deck. So this is my second deck, and it is stunning, gorgeous. I have it listed on the website now as well. You'll see that there's a new section under resources on my website that says Oracle cards, and I have my angel cards listed and I have my tarot cards listed and some other cards. In any case, I decided I'm going to start doing a daily three card spread of tarot and just look for the messages I'm receiving from the universe.

So I waited until we got moved into the house because I wanted a place that I could consistently do this. And so I have been doing it in the office for the past, actually, I would say four days, because the last day of December, I did a spread for the month of February and wrote down what those cards were, what they meant, and put that in my journal. And then on February 1st, I did a reading on February 2nd, I did a reading, and I am recording this on February 3rd.

So I did a reading today, and let me tell you guys, it has not been the same cards each time, but the messages keep repeating themselves, and it's kind of cool and kind of freaky. And I don't mean freaky in the sense like I'm afraid of the cards or the messages, but freaky like, how do I keep every day no matter what card I pull, get these same messages. So there's different ways to do tarot spreads and you can ask for different things.

And it's not always a three card spread. It can be a lot of different things. You can pull one card, you can do nine cards, 12 cards. You can do really anything you want with them. But the intention that I have been using in pulling my tarot cards is I have been pulling one card that I am asking to re represent me. The second card I pull represents the path that I'm on, and the third card I pull represents my potential.

And so I set an intention when I'm pulling the cards and I shuffle and tarot cards. There's something like 72, so it is a lot of cards. I actually can't even shuffle them all together, so I do it in pieces and then shuffle those. So it's quite an ordeal just to shuffle the cards. But when I shuffle, then I set the intention that I'm going to pull three consecutive cards. And in this case, I don't spread them out. I actually do pull right off the top of the deck and I say, the first card will represent me.

The second card will represent the path that I'm on. And the third card represents my potential. So here's what's weird. I have been crazy emotional the last couple of weeks. Now, part of that is hormonal, I will admit. So I'm more apt to crying right now than typical, but I've been really emotional, not like sad or depressed, but just like my emotions have been really close to the surface.

And I would say that it has been that way ever since I discovered that I was nominated for my signal award. I have just been like so humbled and overwhelmed, but so many different things unrelated to that have just made me teary-eyed or have touched me in a way that things normally don't. And I've just been super emotional. So the funny thing is, the last three days when I've pulled my cards two times, I've pulled the exact same card to represent me, and that card is the Ace of Cups, which basically says that I am emotional and I'm dealing with emotions.

And I'm like, oh my gosh, that is so weird. And the other time that I pulled a card for me, it was in relation to love and romance and emotions. So the funny thing is, I've been working to plan my Valentine's gift for my husband. So I've been really focused on Valentine's and love and my relationship, which is also made me very emotional. So I'm like, this is crazy that these cards are actually telling me what I already know, which is I am going through an emotional time right now, and I am focused on love.

And so that's pretty amazing and impressive to me. But when I ask for cards that represent my current direction, my current plan, meaning if I continue on the path that I'm on, I found consistency in that message as well. Now, it has been three different cards, and I won't go into the details, but essentially the message across the three cards has pretty much been the same thing.

But the last one that I pull in regards to my potential. Now, this is the one to me that should be the most fascinating, the most interesting, kind of like, okay, if I wanna reach my potential, what do I need to know? Or what do I need to do? And the first day I pulled death, the death card, which is like the worst card you can pull. And I'm like, great. So I'm either gonna die or have no potential beyond what I'm already doing, right?

And that's not really how it's interpreted, but that was the first card that I pulled, which stunned me, but it basically said something in my life has got to die to reach my potential. Something has got to go. And that was a pretty loud and clear message to me receiving the death card. So then yesterday when I pulled my cards, I did not receive the death card, but I received the devil.

Now that's gotta be a little bit concerning, right? First you get death, and then you get the devil. Well, again, the message with the devil is you've got to heal. You've got to go through a healing process. You've got to release your addictions and your advices. You've got to release and let go so you can heal. So I'm getting this more clear message, okay? In order to re reach my potential, I have got to let go of something.

And it's something that feels good to me. It's something that's going to be hard for me to let go. It's one of my addictions or my vices, right? And when I pulled that card yesterday, I really struggled to figure out what that was, because I'm not an alcoholic. I don't do drugs. I can't really think of like any vices that I need to release in order to get to the next level.

And so I'm laying in bed, and it dawns on me as I'm looking at my phone and scrolling social media that maybe it's social media. And you know, as typical lately, getting emotional recording, my podcast, I don't know if that's what it is, But I have been wanting to get in better shape.

And a lot of my free time goes to just surfing things online, scrolling Instagram, looking at whatever. And that's wasted time and energy that I could be using to put into other aspects of my life, like working out, right? But the another piece about social media that I've recognized in the last couple of days is because of the advertising, literally the advertising, not even the content in my feed, the advertising makes me feel bad about myself.

And what I specifically mean is my appearance. I am 45 years old, and I am getting all kinds of ads for night creams and fixing your wrinkles and body sculpting and everything you can imagine in regards to trying to look better and trying to look younger. And honestly, those advertisements have been hitting home. And I've been thinking, should I buy that?

Should I get that? Do I need that? I am looking older. I do wanna look younger. I do wanna look better. I do wanna feel good. And it dawned on me the other night as I'm surfing through Instagram that social media is a vice that I could stand to give up. And I, what I mean is, not that it's easy, but it's probably something that would be really healthy for me to let go of. And so I exited out of Instagram as I had that thought, and I will be honest, I didn't delete it from my phone, but I have a folder on my home screen.

Now, I am an Android user, and I'm sorry to all of you Apple users out there, but I love Android for its ability to customize. So my home screen is customized, and I've had a folder on my home screen with all of my social media links. You know the apps right there. And I deleted the folder. I just deleted it. So it's no longer on my home screen. In order to access any of the apps, I have to go into all the apps and find them.

And I decided for the rest of the month of February, I'm gonna give up social media. I'm not gonna post anything. I'm not gonna log in, I'm not going to look at it, I'm not gonna post. And I don't know if that is the thing that the universe is asking me to let go of, but I can tell you if it's not, it's still definitely going to be beneficial for me. And I know that. I know that because of partially how emotional I am about the idea that this, these ads are making me feel bad about myself.

But I also know that by giving up the time that I spend on social media, I will free up time to do other things. So now today's the third day of pulling these tarot cards. And so you're probably wondering, well, what card did I pull today in reference to my potential, especially now that I have essentially given up social media for the month of February and maybe permanently, who knows? So today the card I pulled was eight of cups.

Eight of elixirs is actually what is called in my current tarot deck. But eight of elixirs says that something comfortable has come to an end and you need to leave it behind. How weird is that? How weird is that? It is a completely different card, and it is telling me that something comfortable needs to be left behind. And so again, I have to believe that I'm onto something with giving up social media because of the recognition of how it's stealing my time, but also how it's stealing my joy.

And I'm going to bring this full circle to the fact that I believe that the universe is trying to communicate with me. And I'm not saying that you need to go out and buy a deck of tarot cards. What I'm saying is the universe is ready and willing and trying to give us answers to the things that we're asking for. And I'm asking the question, how do I reach my potential? How do I get off the path that I'm on and reach my potential?

And the universe is telling me, give up social media. And I'm sorry that I'm emotional. I'm not emotional about giving it up. Who cares about it? Like, who cares? I'm emotional about the fact that I'm asking for a sign, and the universe is not just giving it to me once every day that I ask, the universe is saying, here is what you need. And I'm telling you that the universe can do the exact same thing for you. And it doesn't have to be with tarot cards, it doesn't have to be with Oracle cards.

It can be in your dreams. It can be in the advertisements you're seeing. It can be in the conversations that you're having, the conversations you're overhearing. It could be through the people that you're meeting, the things that you see when you're driving on your commute. It can be anything. It can be a literal sign in the sky, like a rainbow. But the universe is telling you things and you just need to stop and listen.

And so that leads me into today's action item, which is to stop and listen. Take a few minutes and ask yourself for the synchronicities or the repetition that you have been receiving in your world lately, what are you seeing over and over again? What are you hearing over and over again? And what does that mean to you if you stop and think about it?

And if you don't know, Google it like I did with the little bunny. I didn't know what a bunny meant, and I didn't know what a spider in my dream meant, but when it concerned me, or when I saw it multiple times, I thought, this is a sign. What does it mean? And I looked it up. Do that. Stop and listen and hear what the universe is trying to say to you. And if you have a question like my question, my question is, what do I need to do to reach my full potential?

The universe will tell you if you ask and listen. So this is your sign to look for a sign. That's it for this week. Now, I do have a winner of one of my custom made manifestation journals. The winner this week is Leanne dot 1966. Vincent Leanne left a review on Pod Chaser.

In fact, she left multiple reviews about multiple episodes, and I really appreciate that. Leanne has been a listener since the very beginning and very supportive. And she's actually sent a number of emails directly to me to tell me how things are going in her life. And I just have to tell you how much I love and appreciate her for that. I love that she's not just listening to the podcast, but she's trying to apply the principles to improve her life. And I love getting updates, and I would love to receive updates from you.

Now, if you don't know what I'm talking about when I say she's a winner of a manifestation journal, I created these custom made manifestation journals that you guys you're going to love. And there's pictures of them on my website if you wanna know what they look like. And you too can win one. The only thing you have to do is leave me a written review of the podcast. It can be of this episode, it can be of a different episode. It can be just in general. It's even okay if you hate it and you just wanna tell me you hate it. If you wanna win a journal, leave me a written review and tell me is this beneficial for you?

Am I helping you in any way? Is there anything else you'd like me to talk about? And also, if you'd like anybody, anyone who has a question or wants to send me some feedback, you can email me directly at hello, attract it with ease.com. And Leanne, if you will send me a message to hello at attract it with ease.com, and send me your address. I will ship you one of my custom manifestation journals. That's it for this week, guys.

I am so enjoying talking with you and sharing my personal experiences with you, and I hope that you're getting something positive out of it too. I hope you have a great week. Look for your signs. Have a good one. Bye-bye.


S2.E16: Self-Love


S2.E14: Success Stories