S1.E29: Downloads

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Downloads are much like a prayer for comfort, aid or answers for something you yourself or someone else Is going through. Using downloads is a way of asking the Universe to allow use you as a vessel to send the help and support. In this episode Kayla explains downloads and walks though an example of how to do one.


Podcast Music Credit to: Caleb Britton @NeonBrotherDC

We're two sisters who believe that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create and have fun. We believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught us that the path to getting everything we want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. 

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain. I am your co-host Adria Sha, and welcome back to attract it with ease. Hey Adria, how are you today? I am good. Thank you. How are you? Good. You sound a little hoarse. Are you coming down with something? Yeah, I think I am nuts. Well, I know. Tell me what you're grateful for today and why I am grateful for my new job, which I have not started yet, but I'm grateful for this new job, because it is pushing me to do some, it's pushing me to take some risks, do some things that scare me a little bit and maybe move on to another phase of my life. 

So I'm appreciative of that. Well, growth is always scary and hard, but it's good. So that's exciting. I am grateful for college and I might've said that before, but I'm going back to school and I'm just so excited about the opportunity to learn things I don't know, from experts in the field. And I love that such a thing exists. What are you going back to school for? What's your, I still don't know. 

I haven't quite narrowed it down. There's so many things I want to study. Well, you said experts in the field and I thought, well, watch field all the fields to be determined. That's right. The third one, I'm grateful for avocados. I love that there is such a delicious way to get healthy fats. I like avocados for the fact that they taste good. I could care less of they're healthy. I did not like them for most of my life. I've only learned to love them probably in the last five years. 

And they are one of my favorite foods now. Ah, I've been craving guacamole. I went grocery shopping yesterday and I nearly bought some, but I talked myself out of it. Now you got me thinking about it. Why did you do it? You should've seen all of the junk food in my cart. I might not. The last thing I need is another bag of chips. All right. Well, I have a few things that I'm grateful for today. The first one is I'm grateful for my neighborhood. I live across the street from a school and when I'm home during the day, now, the kids are back at school for a while during COVID, everyone was doing distanced learning, but there are definitely kids out there playing. 

And I hear the school bell and it just brings, you know, fond memories. But I also love my neighbors. We have really great guys that live next door. It's kind of like a fraternity house and they're very respectful and nice. And across the street, we have really good friends and when they barbecue, they always make us a plate and give us leftovers. And they have cameras on our vehicles outside because they're not garage to make sure that our property is safe and they just look after us. 

And it just, I love where we live and I, you know, I just, I don't think I've expressed gratitude for that recently. And I really appreciate my neighbors and my neighborhood. 

Speaker 1 (3m 43s): Those are some great neighbors. 

Speaker 0 (3m 47s): Well, the next one is I've talked a lot recently in my gratitude about how grateful I am for the abundance that I have in my life. But particularly this week, I am grateful for the financial means to be able to do some things for others and loved ones. There are some people in my life that I've really wanted to thank for things or send a little surprises too. And it's felt like a long time since I've really been able to justify doing that. And recently I've been able to do more of that and it makes me feel so good because so many people have done that for me over the last couple of years. 

And I love to be in a position that I can do that for others. 

Speaker 1 (4m 30s): That's awesome. And you know what, you've done some things for me in the last year, which were extremely thoughtful and I'm very appreciative of that. Well, don't tell anyone because someone else is 

Speaker 0 (4m 40s): Going to expect it. Just kidding. I'm so glad because you've done so much for me. The last one that I have this week is I am so grateful for in the moment, real time, evidence of the law of attraction working for me. And the one thing that I can think of that I've really focused on recently is in my job, I'm in a I'm training in a sales position. I'm not going to be a sales person, but I have to start out by training as a sales person to kind of get that base level experience before I start learning the management experience. 

And it can be really nerve wracking to have to sell something new and use verbiage and not know how it's going to be perceived or how you're going to do, you know, when you're really experienced and even doing it for a long time. He just, you know, it's second nature to talk about the product, but I'm really kind of stretched in my comfort zone right now in my new job. And so every single day I go into work and I set my intention that I am going to attract people in a good mood. 

And I will only attract people that are ready, willing, and able to purchase. I said that intention every day, ready, willing, and able to purchase because I am so freaked out that I'm going to get this really hard person. Who's going to be mean to me. And I'm not going to know what to do or what to say. And so instead of focusing on that, I just set my intention. I'm going to attract people that are ready, willing, and able to purchase. And it has been amazing. I have sold so many products in the last, probably two weeks it's to the point where people are in awe and my mentor that's training me. 

He just says, you are my good luck charm. How do you attract these people? Everyone is just so happy and, and yours, your transactions are so seamless. And I go, well, I'm just that good, you know, but, but honestly, I know, I know without a doubt, it's because I'm sending my attention and I'm, I'm putting that out into the universe. I want, I want to help people, but I also want easy people to help, you know, and I'm totally attracting that. And it is amazing. And I just want to take a second and acknowledge how fun it is to see the law of attraction working in real time. 

I think that's awesome. I'm going to steal that 

Speaker 2 (7m 11s): Corporate that in my job, what are you selling myself? My services. Right. 

Speaker 0 (7m 19s): I love it. Okay. So Adria today's topic is a controversial one and you and I have gone back and forth for a few weeks now about when the timing would be right to cover this, because it can be perceived as something that maybe goes against some people's religious beliefs. And so I've really taken some time to think through how do I want to present this in a way that people understand that I'm not trying to take any power away from God or the universe or source or whatever people believe in. 

I really viewed today's topic as almost a form of prayer and no matter what you believe in, even if you don't believe in God, I do think that if you really listened to what I have to say today and try and understand my intention and what I'm trying to accomplish with this topic, I think that you will find yourself open to the idea of, of what I want to present today. And so today's topic is what I'm going to refer to as downloads. 

And even the word downloads is not a word that I love, because I know in certain circles that refers to something that's not entirely what I'm talking about today. And so it can have a negative connotation attached to it. And it, Adrian, I know you have some experience with the word download that is not necessarily positive. And so we even talked about, well, what could we this? And honestly, I haven't come up with anything. So I'm just first going to put it out to our listeners. If you can come up with something to call this aside from downloads, I will completely give you credit and we can completely renamed this, but I feel like the word downloads is so suiting. 

And you're going to see why when I go through today's practice or exercise. So first of all, I want to say that this is something that I learned conceptually from my friend, Heather, and I have no idea if Heather listens to our podcast and I've never had Heather go through the process with me, she's just talked conceptually about the idea of downloading. And so I really honestly don't know if I do it the same way that she does, or if I've just made up my whole own version of this to a degree. 

I think I have made up a lot because I just kind of learned about the concept and I thought, Oh my gosh, I want to try that. Downloads to me is something that is so, so powerful. And the way that I view it is it's a way of us being an instrument in helping others. And it can even be a way of being an instrument in helping yourself. And I know that I haven't really explained what downloads is yet. So people are like, what in the world is she even talking about? 

I promise you in just a moment, I'm going to walk through the process and then I'm going to give you a demonstration. But when I first heard about downloads from my friend, Heather, she presented it to me as a way of finding peace answers, resources, solutions to whatever you may be going through by asking the universe to bring it to you. 

And so, in a way that's where it is that form of prayer, you're asking for answers. You're asking for solutions, you're asking for resources and to feel better and peace and, and all of these things. But she also explained that with downloads, the best way to do it is to not start with yourself. So I will admit that in my past, when I first started doing downloads, I've talked about this, I think on episode eight, I think it was episode eight where I really explained some of the difficult things I've gone through in my past. 

And I've had some really dark times. And there's been times when I've been, just spend, like, I don't, I don't know how to fix what I'm dealing with. I don't know how to feel better about my situation. I don't know how to change things and I just need help. I don't know what the answer is, but I need help. And so it's been in those moments that I have first kind of practice downloading because it's kind of like, if I need help, why in the world would I not try and bring it to someone else first? 

So let me kind of explain the process of downloads when you're downloading for someone else. What you do is you start out and you think about one person. And typically it's somebody that, you know, I mean, you, you truly could download for a stranger, but you may not be as helpful because you don't know what they're going through, but you probably no matter who you are listening right now, you probably know people in your life that are going through some things, maybe they are struggling with answers. 

Maybe they feel insecure. Maybe they're dealing with anxiety or depression. Maybe they have a big test coming up. Maybe they are going to take the bar exam or something. And they just, they, they need some support. But all day, every day, there's people in our lives that surround us and they're going through things. So sometimes we know what they're going through. And sometimes we have no idea what they're going through, but we can see that they're off or we can see that they're sad, or we can see that they're struggling or they're just not themselves. 

And so many of the time that didn't make sense so much of the time when people are going through these things, we want to do something for them, but we really don't know what to do. We don't know how to help. We don't know how to support other than to just be there for them. And in my mind, that's the perfect time to do downloads. So conceptually you think of a person you think of their situation, you focus on, okay. Here's, here's what I know about this person and what they've shared with me. 

Here's, here's what I know they're feeling or they've told me they're experiencing or what their, you know what I imagine they're going through. It could be someone going through a divorce or a strange trauma child, or it could be really anything, but you want to focus on that person. And I didn't start out saying this, but I do think Amy time, you're doing downloads. You need to be in a quiet space with no distractions by yourself. So like go in a room, close the door, turn the lights off, turn the music off. 

When I used to do this in the early days, I would go sit on a lawn chair outside in my backyard. And so I was outside and I'll explain some of that because sometimes there would be noise outside, but you want to try and put yourself in a quiet space where you can completely focus in on what you're doing. So you're in a quiet space. You start with one person, you focus on that person. And I always do this with my eyes closed. I think about the person I think about what they're experiencing. I think about what they're going through. 

And I think about the thought that I really, really want to help this person, but I don't know how. And so that's where I would ask the, to help me help this person and what I say. And I'm going to go through a demonstration of this, but with my eyes closed, I imagine the top of my head opening, almost like a flip top lid, almost like two sides to a trap door, just opening up like Oop, on the top of my head. 

And I say to the universe, I want to help this person. Please download from the universe from every corner of the universe, download the people and the resources and the answers and the solutions and the books and the, the, just anything that I can think of download all of these things that would be helpful for this person that would bring them peace that would give them answers. That would give them solutions that would give them the resources that they need to improve their situation. 

And depending on what their situation is, I might have an idea of what they need, but I can't do it for them. They might need money. Maybe they're like really financially strapped. And I know they need money, but I don't have them money to give them. So I might know some of what they need, but in other cases, I don't know at all what they need. I just know they need something and I don't know what it is. And so I'm asking the universe, bring me all of these resources, find them from every corner of the universe, bring me anything and everything that can help this person and download it into my mind. 

And I sit there and I ask this and as I'm asking it, I then with my eyes closed, just sit in silence. And I try and picture things, just like falling into my head. I know that sounds funny, but I almost picture it as like white light, like zooming around and just like coming in, falling into my brain and just like, literally I'm picturing downloads. If you, if you tried to picture what it looks like when you download something on your computer, I mean, what, what does that look like when you're, if you could visualize what it's, what it's doing when it's downloading, like that's the image, whatever that image is, you're picturing not coming into your brain. 

And, and he just sit there and I sit there in silence and I focus on it and I try and visualize things, literally flying into my brain. And to me, the way I visualize it, as I visualize it as like white lights zooming into my, into my brain, if you want to visualize it as like physical trucks and money sounds quite heavy, but you can visualize it however you want. But I sit there in silence and I picture this for whatever period of time feels, right. 

And sometimes it's quick. And other times, if I could be sitting there for three to five minutes, just feeling like, no, I need more. There's more, I know there's more just keep bringing it, keep bringing it. And that's the one thing that I will say about downloads is for me, it is a very physical experience. And I'm already going to say that I will apologize, but I know that this episode is going to make me emotional because there has never been a time in my life that I have done a download that I have not cried because it is a physical experience for me that I go through. 

So I picture this coming into my brain. And then at some point I'll feel like I'm full, it's done. It's all there. And then I, I visualize the trapdoor flaps, closing back up on my brain. I picture them coming down in and closing up. And then I say to the universe, I acknowledge that all of the answers, all of the resources, all of the people, the places, the things that this person needs are in my mind right now, I acknowledge that I am holding all of it in my mind. 

And I don't know what it is. I don't know what's there, but I acknowledged that I have it. And it's my way of kind of saying, thank you to the universe. We're bringing me all of this. Well, now it's sitting there in my brain. So it's like, well, what do I need to, what can I do with it now? Cause I don't know what it is. I just know it's there. It's. So from there I focus on this like lump sum of information and resources that's in my mind. And I say to the universe, I want to download all of this from my mind to my heart, for this person. 

And this is where it starts to get physical. Because for me, I picture those white lights moving from my brain into my heart. And I will tell you, it is a physical feeling, excuse me, I'm already getting emotional, just thinking about it because I know what that feels like, but I feel like it just zooming, trickling from my head down, into my chest, down into my chest, into my heart. And my heart feels full and full and full. And part of that is that I really, really am thinking about this person and how much I want to help them. 

And my heart just feels so full and like so much love for this person that it's like, I just feel like my chest is expanding. And then at some point I feel like it's all moved and it usually happens much quicker from my mind to my heart than it does when it's coming from all areas of the universe. But then I acknowledged to the universe that I know that I have everything this person needs right now in my heart. 

I'm holding everything that they need in my heart. And then I usually give it like just a, a quick little blessing, like a little, you know, hug for me, like add a little extra for me, for them, you know? So I say something to that effect. And then I asked the universe to send it from my heart out to them. And when I do that, I try and breathe deeply. I try and exhale like long exhales. 

And I picture it like almost like the wind, just like pulling from my chest out to this person, send it to them, let it invalidate them, let it circle them, let all of the answers and resources that they need to be like right in front of their face and ripe for the picking. I can't control whether this person receives that I can't control what they do with it, but I can send it to them. And I say, let them know how much they're loved. 

Let them feel at peace. Let them know that things will be okay, let the answers and the solutions be right in front of their face and ripe for the picking. And then I just picture it and I feel this huge like release from my body. And I picture that person just being almost in this bubble of support. And I always, I don't know if it's true, it's probably just made up, but I always picture that the person suddenly has this like instant feeling of relief and that's all that I do. 

I just sit there and I think about them for a second and then I'm done. I don't worry about whether or not they got it or if they're okay. I just that's, all I can do is I can just so-called pray for them. Send them help, send them love, send them support. And that to me is a download. So when I do downloads, I typically try and set apart time to do several. And some days I'll download just for one person, but most of the time I'll download for a couple of people. 

And then, like I said, going into this conversation, sometimes I need a download myself, meaning I don't know how to fix my situation. I don't know even what I need. I just know that I need support and love and answers or money or whatever. And personally, I haven't been in that place for a long time, thankfully, but years ago I was in that place a lot. And so by focusing on other people and helping them, then I felt like, you know what? 

I've helped several people today. It's okay to ask for some things for me. And you'll find if you download for yourself, it is so emotional and so powerful because it's the same thing. You go through the same process. You open your mind and you ask the universe, you focus on yourself and your situation and what you're going through. And you say, these are the things that I need and I don't know how to help myself. And then you ask the universe to bring you all of the answers, to all of the resources, everything, the people, the places, the, that will support you and help you feel at peace and help you feel loved and, and improve your situation and get you to the next best place. 

And you ask the universe to bring all of those things from all the corners of the universe. And as we've talked before, you know, sometimes we can think through one or two answers to something, but the universe can bring thousands, if not millions of different ways that something could, could happen for you. And you ask the universe to download all of that into your mind for yourself. And then you acknowledge that you have that in your mind and you don't know what it is, but then download it from your mind into your heart and then give it a little blessing for yourself. 

You know, thank the universe for it, hold it in your heart for a minute, give it a little blessing and then send it out to yourself and say, you know, let it in circle and envelop me, let this the, the solutions and the answers and the resources be right in front of my face and ripe for the picking. Like, let it be so easy to just reach out and grab, you know, let me be at peace. And it's amazing because it's just as physical. 

You feel it when you do it for yourself, but when you send it out to yourself, it's almost like this instant peace knowing everything will be okay because it's all just right there for me. All I have to do is reach out and the answers are there. So that's the process of downloading. I will say so many times in my life when I have done downloads for other people, with the intention of eventually doing it for me, by the time I'm done doing it for other people, I no longer feel like I need to do it for me, because sometimes just helping others is enough to improve how you feel. 

And I don't know if it really does anything for anyone else. I like to believe it does. The whole universe is an energy based universe. And I feel like all of this is energy work. It's, it's literally movement of energy. And I, I believe that that's why it feels physical. So I personally believe that it has a positive impact. The way that a lot of people feel like prayer has a positive impact. And to me, this is my version of prayer for myself or for someone else. But I don't feel like it takes away from the power of God. 

I don't feel like it goes against religious beliefs. I don't feel like it has to be a controversial topic. I feel like it's a way of being an instrument in helping other people. So Adrian, I've been talking for quite a bit. Now that you've heard me kind of go through what downloads are and how I do it. I'll still do a demonstration in a couple of minutes here, but share your thoughts on this topic. 

Speaker 1 (26m 49s): Well, I appreciate you sharing that. I think it's beautiful and I love the idea of being an instrument for good and for serving others, a small part of the bigger picture. So that's all I'll say about that. I'm thank you for sharing that. I know that I have benefited from you doing that for me in the past. I only know one time that you told me about it, but I did feel I did fill that. 

So thank you. Wow. 

Speaker 0 (27m 27s): I was going to say, how do you know I've downloaded for you, but I have, 

Speaker 1 (27m 34s): I need so much help. I'm just making a lot of assumptions here. 

Speaker 0 (27m 39s): I'm just teasing. All right, well, let's go through the process of actually doing a download. I will only do one instead of multiples. And the person that I will download for on this episode is someone that really could use it right now. But I don't want to share too much about the person because I don't think they would want that to be publicly shared, but just a little bit of insight. This is someone who's struggling with some things with one of their children and they they're really heartbroken. 

They're heartbroken over some of the decisions that their child is making and they're heartbroken over the fact that they, I think they feel helpless. And so without going into too much more detail, I would like to do a download for this person. Now, normally when I am doing this live, I don't speak out loud. And I, I do think about their name since this is a public podcast. I will say out loud, because obviously you won't know what I'm doing if it's just silent, but also I will choose not to say their name as I do this. 

So just listen and follow along. And I will be honest. I haven't done one of these in a long time. So hopefully I don't stumble over my words too much because I used to really have it down to a system. But here we go, 

Speaker 3 (29m 21s): Sorry. 

Speaker 0 (29m 24s): There is someone in my life that 

Speaker 3 (29m 27s): Is 

Speaker 0 (29m 31s): Really struggling right now. Someone who needs answers and peace. Honestly, I don't, I don't even know everything that they need right now, but this person is, is going through a really difficult time. And I know that this person needs joy and, and needs some relief from what they're experiencing. 

It's source. I have, I have no idea how I can help this person, but I know that they need support right now. And so I asked you to bring me all of the resources, the people, the answers, the solutions, the love, the support that this person needs right now, the source, I acknowledged that I, I don't know what it is that this person needs, but I know that you know what this person is experiencing and, and what, what will help them in this moment. 

So source I opened my mind and I ask you to bring me all of the things that this person needs, Pull everything from the far corners of the universe, bring me all of these resources and download them into my mind for this person now. And I'm going to be silent for a few minutes here because I need to visualize this. 

I really am downloading at this moment. So I apologize for the silence. Bear with me source. 

I acknowledge that I am holding all of the resources, the people, the places, the things, the love, the peace, the support that this person needs. I acknowledged that I am holding all of it in my mind right now. I don't know what it is. I don't know what this person needs, but I acknowledge that I have all of it in my mind right now. 

Thank you. 

Speaker 3 (33m 16s): And 

Speaker 0 (33m 16s): Source. I now wish to download all of the people, the places, the resources, the things, the love, the support that this person needs right now. I wish to download it from my mind into my heart for this person source. 

I acknowledged that I am holding everything. This person needs in my heart right now. And again, I acknowledge, I don't know what it is. That's in my heart. I don't know what they need, but you know what they need. And I know that you are providing all that. They need the people, the places, the resources, the love, the support, the answers, the solutions. I am holding all of that for this person in my heart right now. 

And I wrapped my arms around it and I give it a hug and a special blessing and source. Please help me send the contents of my heart out to this person. May they receive it? May they be encircled? May it surround them? May they feel loved. May they feel at peace, may all of the answers and the solutions be right in front of their face and ripe for the picking helped me send up from my heart out to this person. 

Now Maybe they receive it and know that they are loved. Okay. So that was actually fairly quick. 

Download usually takes several more minutes than that as I go through the process. I think part of that is that I am aware that I'm being recorded and it's awkward to record silence and expect you to listen. But also I have been thinking quite a bit about this person this morning and thinking about downloading for them. And so, in a sense, I already had mentally started this process for them. 

Speaker 3 (36m 10s): I feel like 

Speaker 0 (36m 13s): This is a very powerful exercise that can be so healing for ourselves because it is being present. It is focusing on positivity and love. It is choosing to do what we can for another person or for ourselves when we need it. And I, like I said, I believe very strongly in the power of energy. 

I believe that energy is constantly moving and we can manipulate it. And I believe that that is how the universe works. And so I, 100% believe that when you focus on sending positive energy to someone else that as long as they're open to receiving it, that they will feel it, they will receive it. It will in circle them. It will surround them and they will feel loved. Adrian, tell me your thoughts on, on this. 

It was emotional for me to witness it as well. And just to feel the love that you're sending out. 

Speaker 3 (37m 26s): Well, 

Speaker 0 (37m 28s): I'm not sure how this episode will be received. I don't know how it will come across. I'll have to relisten to it and see if what I want to get across to our listeners comes across second hand. But my action item for our listeners this week is to try downloading for somebody else to really just take some time. And again, you don't have to do it the same way that I do. 

You can come up with your own process, but the concept of thinking of another and trying to figure out how you can help them in ways that no one else can. And I think that's one thing that I love about the concept of downloading is it's knowing that people need something that you don't know how to give them and finding a way to try and give it to them. You know, I can't say anything to anyone to give them peace. 

I can't say anything to anyone to make them feel loved. It's all on us to feel, but I can send them positive energy. I can focus on their life, improving. I can want good things for them. I can try and send them resources that will help them, whether that's finances or books or people or recordings or whatever the case may be. I would hope that they can find those things. And when I say, have it be right in front of their face and ripe for the picking, you know, that's kind of strange words and you don't even have to word it like that, but I want it to be so easy for them that it's literally just like right there, just ask for it and you'll find it, just be open to it and you will receive it. 

And that's what I want for them. I want, I want things to fall out of their lap for them. I want them to discover a quote or a book or a movie or a song or a conversation that will help them in some way. And I don't know what that is, but I want them to find that and I want to send that to them and I want them to, to just fall into it easily. And so to me, that's what downloading is. And I did say earlier, when I sit outside, sometimes there's noise. 

You know, sometimes I'll hear airplanes flying above or cars driving down the street. And I love that, especially in the part where I'm asking for the universe to download it into my brain. Because when I hear those things, it helps me visualize that that is how the universe is bringing it to me. I picture these planes like actually flying the information into my mind and these cars that are driving up and down the street, they're dropping some of it off as they pass by. And, and so to me, that actually is not a distraction. It helps me visualize, but I do think it's extremely important that you are in a quiet nondistracted place, but yes, going back to our action item, I want to encourage listeners to try this out for yourself, see how it feels. 

See if it's emotional for you. If you are completely present. And you're thinking about what you're doing, I believe it will be a physical and emotional experience for you the way that it is for me. And then if you are someone that's in a place where you need a download, where you feel like I could really use that, then I encourage you to not only do it for someone else, but then do one for you and see how that feels and see if it helps you, Adrian, what are your thoughts on our action items? 

Speaker 1 (41m 7s): I love it. I, I think it's the kind of thing that probably someone can only really feel the power of it. And once they do it themselves, 

Speaker 0 (41m 18s): Yeah. It's one thing to watch it. And it's probably like watching, I don't know someone do a say like, okay, well here's this crazy person trying to stir up powers of the universe. And I will say that when I, when I do it, I, I am accustomed to saying source. You can say, God, you can say universe. You can say whatever. You can be asking whoever or whatever. What to me, I believe that we are all a part of source energy, which is why I address source, but it's okay if that's not your belief. 

If you want to say, God, please do this for me. Or you want to say universe, if you, it, it doesn't really matter who you address. It's your intention behind what you're doing. And I, I, we've talked a lot about the power of intention, but I think that is the power in what this is, is your intention is to help someone else. So I think it's super powerful. I'd love to hear your experience with it. I hope that you'll be open-minded to this again. If you look at it as a form of prayer, I think you'll understand the intention behind it. 

And the intention is, is really just to, like I said, early on, be an instrument in helping the lives of others. So that's it for this week, Adria, I would love it. If we had an updated review that we could pull for our winner, I believe all of our reviews now have one. So anyone that wants to leave us a review, your chances of winning a bracelet. Now that's not to say that we haven't had some star reviews where we don't know who left them because we have we've. 

We actually have had some new reviews, but if we would love to hear some feedback from you, what do you think? Do you think I'm crazy? Do you think this is helping? Do you feel uplifted? Do you like the topics? Are you doing any of the exercises? Remember the first 10 episodes are our jumpstart module. They work together 10 topics to help you jumpstart the life of your dreams. There's a workbook that you can download for free. 

That goes along with those episodes, it's on our website, attract it with ease.com. Adrian, why don't you remind our listeners of our giveaway each week, we will draw the name of one person who submitted a review of our podcast. That person will receive a bracelet with their theme word of the year. That's right. So if you don't want to read a bracelet, just let us know, but we would love to have reviews. That's how we grow. And it's just been a fun week. 

I'm looking forward to next week's topic, Adrian. Thanks once again for joining me. Thank you. 

Speaker 4 (44m 9s): Bye-bye

S1.E30: Emotional Scale


S1.E28: Decision Making