S1.E26: The Magic of EASE

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In this episode we discuss the number one thing that's undervalued or overlooked by Law of Attraction experts and that's the magic of EASE. The key to getting anything you want, and receiving it quickly is to be easy about it. We break it down the topic of ease like never before!

Podcast Music Credit to: Caleb Britton @NeonBrotherDC

We're two sisters who believe that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create and have fun. We believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught us that the path to getting everything we want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. 

I'm your host, Kayla Rain. I am your co-host Adria Sha, and welcome back to attract it with ease. Hey Adria, how are you? Hey, I'm great. Thanks. How are you? Good. I bet. You're great. You just had a birthday and you've got all these wonderful things going on. Tell me what you're grateful for today and why. Well, I got a new car last week, and so I am so grateful for that. It is so much fun to drive. You know, you've been talking about your car for a while as a podcast and always speak so positively about how I'm, I'm so happy that my heat is working or my air is working here. 

The bumper has a following is working that everything's working and all of a sudden you have a new car. That's so exciting. Congratulations. Thank you. It was just a mirror, a bundle of miracles that came together and I could not be more delighted. I love it. I love seeing that happen for you. Thank you. My second one, I have been able to spend a lot more time lately with my kids and it's been so nice. 

Oh, I love that. Even one of your grown children came out for your birthday, right? That's right. In fact, I had dinner with two of my grandchildren on my birthday lunch with one and dinner with the other. So it was amazing. That is so wonderful. And then the third one, I'm going to be a little mysterious, but I got some really good news today and I'm very, very grateful for that. I feel very blessed. Yay. I love good news. And hopefully it's something that you can share in the future. 

Definitely. Well, I also have some things to be grateful for. Number one, I'm so grateful for the spring weather where I'm at. It's been chilly for a while and it's finally like the last week been like temperatures where I want to just wear a t-shirt without a sweater. Finally, without a jacket, I actually unpacked my shorts and I'm transitioning my clothes from my winter clothes to my spring and summer clothes. And I am loving the sun and the warm weather. 

And I'm just so grateful for that. Number two, I am so grateful for the incredible abundance that I have in my life, and that truly covers so many aspects, but we have been talking about money and manifesting money, and I told you, I have a new job. And, and it's not just money. I really have an abundance of so many things, but even with my new job, I have been talking about living in a tiny house with one of my coworkers and he just thinks it's the coolest thing. 

And it's so fun to have someone else be so excited about something that I have because it makes me just appreciate it that much more. And I just have been in this state of feeling so blessed and recognizing how abundant my life really is. And I'm grateful for that. And then the third thing kind of ties into that. But ever since we recorded the episode about manifesting money, I have been trying to be better about not being stingy with my money. 

And one thing our listeners don't know about me is that I'm obsessed with wine. I have a glass or two of wine every night. I would say that Dan and I drink a bottle of wine pretty much every night. And because we go through a lot of wine, I've always been on a very strict wine budget. And so it's something that I am aware of and recognize. And as I'm trying to just trust that the universe will replace the money. I have spent the last several weeks buying pretty nice wines and spending a lot more on wine than I normally would justify or feel good about. 

And it is so nice. I love good wine. I love feeling like I can indulge. I love feeling like I deserve it. I love knowing that the money will be replaced and not stressing about it. And it's such a fantastic feeling to be in that space. And that's what I'm grateful for today. 

Speaker 1 (4m 56s): I love that. Thank you for sharing those 

Speaker 0 (4m 59s): Of course, Adria. What I want to talk about today is the word ease. And as you know, we named the podcast attractive with ease, and obviously that implies attracting things easily like effortlessly, but tell me what your understanding of the word ease is and why you think that was important for me. And I know, you know, a little bit, because you helped me in naming the podcast, but kind of share with our listeners a little bit about your thoughts on that word. 

Speaker 1 (5m 35s): This is something that I love when we have this conversation, because even when I am trying to manifest something, I'm usually trying to manifest it by controlling it. And you are constantly reminding me, just let it go and trust the process. And the exciting things that have been happening for me lately have happened almost without my involvement. So in some ways they've been a surprise to me and it has felt so easy. And I love that. I have you as my personal life coach, to me constantly stop talking about the universe and let things happen 

Speaker 0 (6m 14s): For sure, for sure. Well, I actually looked up the definition of the word ease this afternoon in preparation for this episode. And according to the dictionary, the word ease means absence of difficulty or effort. And I love that because that is exactly what I want to get across to our listeners. Is that the word ease is the absence of difficulty or effort, meaning you don't have to do anything. And we have talked about this in so many ways on so many episodes, but it's kind of hard to wrap your mind around because we are living in a world where we think we need to assist things. 

We need to help it along. We feel like in order to get something, you have to do something. We've talked about the whole concept of the harder you work, the better your life will be, or that you have to work hard in order to be successful. And we've talked about all of these things where we have this stigma attached to effort and that we have to control, like you said, but we've had episodes about letting go of the how, and, and just trusting the universe and how it comes about is, is not up to you. 

And we've talked through all of these things, but we haven't really focused in on ease the way that I want to and what our listeners don't know is that about three years ago, I became so passionate about the law of attraction, which I've been for much more than three years, but I decided, okay, you know what? I have so much, I want to say, I'm going to write a book. And I announced it to the sisters. I'm writing a book and I sat down and I started writing, well, that book has disappeared because I lost everything on my computer. 

That's a whole other story. That's okay. I'm totally okay with it. But the biggest reason I decided I wanted to write a book was I felt like there's these things I've learned about the law of attraction that yes, others are teaching, but they're not focusing in on that from my own personal experience in my life are like the key key points as to whether or not I'm able to attract something and how quickly I'm able to attract something. And probably the number one thing that I will say is my biggest takeaway from everything I've learned about the law of attraction that yes, others are talking about, but they're just kind of like mentioning it. 

And I feel like this is the end all be all. And that is that we have to be easy. We have to have ease. So today, Adrian, I want to talk about what it means to be easy and how we get in our own way. And I have a really fun action item for our listeners, but I kind of want to just jump into that conversation. So let's, let me put you on the spot as normal. Let's talk about ways that were not easy. 

When you said that, you know, when you try and manifest something in the past your way of doing it has been to try and control it. Can you think of any examples and you don't have to get super specific, but can you think of times in your life where you tried to force something to come about and it either took forever or you never got it? 

Speaker 1 (9m 32s): Yeah, that happens to me so often, but I'll use my new car as an example because it's pretty recent. I have been racking my brain for months and that ex you know what that expression means, but like me devoting a lot of energy and brainstorming to try to come up with a way to get a new car. And my finances were not such that I thought I could do that. So I I've been just, it's constantly been in my mind, I've been brainstorming, I've been thinking of ideas and then discarding them and feeling frustrated when I knew they wouldn't work. 

So it, it really has been an I'd been putting energy into it and that energy has been draining. Yeah. 

Speaker 0 (10m 17s): And just like you said, without going into a whole lot of specifics, you just got a new car. And from what I'm gathering from what you're saying is every effort that you kind of put into it was getting you nowhere and then suddenly kind of from out of the sky, like I say, a car, a new car fell in your lap pretty much. Yeah. Pretty much just showed up for you without any effort on your part. Correct? 

Speaker 1 (10m 41s): That is correct. It didn't come from any of the avenues that I was considering. And none of those were panning out for me, all the work I was doing in other areas, weren't getting me any closer to a new car. And so I was feeling perpetually frustrated because I felt like my car was on its last leg at any minute. Yeah. 

Speaker 0 (11m 2s): So we've like I said, we've talked about this on past episodes, but we've talked about how, when you want something, we have this tendency to want to try and figure out how to make it come about. We want to try and manipulate circumstances, get on the phone and call someone, text someone, send an email, push things forward, check on things. And I think you even said to me off air last week, you had said something about, well, Kaylee, you wouldn't place an order for something. We want to order something online and then call every day and check on it. 

You would just trust that the process is happening in that. Order's going to show up at your door and that's exactly how the universe works. But can you imagine if you did place an order online and then every day called that company to find out where your order was and why it wasn't here. First of all, those people would hate you. Yeah. I mean, think of how much work it is to get a customer service person on the phone and get them to look up your account. And honestly, if you're calling every day, they're probably notating your account. 

Nobody wants to talk to you and they're going to put you on hold. And how frustrating is that? And it does not make the order come any faster. All it does is creates additional unnecessary work that sometimes actually gets in the way of the process, but it definitely doesn't help the process. So we've also talked about how any time we have a desire, it's sends this rocket out into the universe where we say to the universe, even if it's mentally or just vibrationally, we don't even have to verbalize it. 

But anytime we have something that we want, we're vibrating at that frequency where the universe catches that and says, Oh, she wants this. He wants this, they want this. And then they go to work to find the match. And every single request matches, made every request, everything you ever asked for, you have the ability to receive. And we talk about how you can have anything you want, every request that you have, every desire that you have, the universe goes out and finds this match. And the only thing, keeping it from coming to you or for you to be able to have it is we get in our own way. 

And we've talked about that a lot recently, too. We've talked about how we have to stay in a receiving mode and we have to be a vibrational match to the things that we're asking for. And if we're complaining, we can't be receiving. And we've talked about all of these things, but moving back to the idea of ease, what we have a tendency to do is we think about the things that we want. And then we sit around and we worry and we stress and we try and figure out how to make it happen. And we wonder when it's going to happen. And when it doesn't happen right away, we wonder, is it even going to happen at all? 

And then maybe the timeline that we needed in is coming up and then we're stressing about all my gosh, I'm running out of time. I don't know what I'm going to do. And, and this is how we have a tendency to so-called manifest things. And, and we wonder, why is it so hard? Why is it so easy for some people? And the difference between whether or not it's easy and whether or not it happens is our ease about it. So going back to the definition of ease, ease is the absence of difficulty or effort zero effort. 

You don't have to do anything. So I want to talk about that a little bit. I have shared some experiences of some things that I've manifested in several different episodes. I want to roll through some today. A couple of those are repeats. So I won't go into the whole stories, but I want to talk about some things that kind of fell out of the sky for me, things that I needed or wanted, but I definitely did not have the pressure on the situation. And I'll explain that and you'll be able to see how those things resulted. 

And then we'll talk about some ways that we can actually make sure that we're being easy about the things that we want. So, as a reminder, one thing that I manifested that I talked about on the podcast on a prior episode was I had a lease that needed to be your turn, a car that was leased. And I did not have a replacement car, and I did not have a plan. And I decided that, you know what? I don't know what I'm going to do, what I'm not gonna stress about. I'm not going to worry about it. 

Literally the very day my car was turned in the very day, the neighbor across the street, her had been put in a home. She'd been putting the, like an assisted living home a few weeks prior, but her kids came to clean out her house. And literally that day, Dan, my fiance found out that they were selling her car and they were selling it for very little money and were willing to take a couple of payments on it. So I had no savings. 

I did not, I have great credit. I did not know what I was going to do, but literally every day I needed a car, a car fell into my lap. I didn't even have to have the conversation with them. I saw the opportunity, he jumped on it and basically said, Hey, do you want the neighbor's car? It's yours, if you want it that's incredible. That was one of those ways where I just said, you know, I could have sat around and stress about, Oh my gosh, I don't have good credit. I don't have any money saved up. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't know how I'm going to get a car. I could've sat around and worried. 

And it would've done nothing for me, but I didn't do anything. I just trusted that the universe would take care of my needs. The universe knew I wanted a car. I would need a car. The universe brought me a car exactly when I needed it. So that's the one example that I've already talked about. I've also talked about finding a place to park our tiny house. That could have been a stressful situation. And in some ways it was a little worrisome, but my attitude was, I'm not going to stress about it. 

It will figure itself out. As a reminder to our listeners, I live in an army truck with a tiny house built on the back. So it's very, non-traditional. It is not something that you can just park anywhere, longterm. And we wanted hookups. We wanted power. We wanted water. We wanted internet. And we really struggled finding someplace that would approve our tiny house. And I decided I'm not going to stress about it. I'm just going to put it out to the universe. 

Look, I need a place to park my truck. And guess what? The universe gave me the inspiration to post an ad on Craigslist, which sounds crazy. Who does that? And I didn't even have to find someone. The person found me responded to my ad said, Hey, I think that my RV pad in my yard would be perfect. You should check it out. And it's turned out to be an incredible place with lots of amenities. The guys become a really good friend of ours. 

We live in a wonderful neighborhood and we love it here. And once again, I just took the pressure off. I didn't worry about it. And it pretty much came to me. So that's another example. Here's one I haven't talked about yet on the podcast a couple of years ago, Dan and I went on vacation to Southern Utah. We'd actually gone to a family reunion. And afterwards kind of on the tail end of the family reunion, went on a trip to Southern Utah. 

And during that trip, Dan proposed to me and it was incredible and it was wonderful. And we were camping. We have a rooftop tent on the Jeep and we were literally out in the middle of nowhere and we're driving through Mexican hat, Utah, where there is a tiny little town with no amenities and nothing for several hundred miles. And the Jeep breaks down, I think at the steering column or something broke, it was something where we literally could not drive. 

We had to pull over to the side of the road. We could not move the vehicle. We were on a curve where like in the dark definitely could have been hit by an oncoming car that didn't see us as a black Jeep. And we are literally stranded in the middle of nowhere. Most of our resources had already been spent because we were on the tail end of our vacation. And you know, most people you get in a car accident. You're stranded on the side of the road. 

That's a stressful situation. Most people are going to be freaking out. So we start calling, you know, AAA turns out we just happened to be in this dead zone where we were lucky. We even had cell phone reception. We just had enough to make some phone calls, but we were far enough out. We could not get anyone to come to us that day. So it was look, you're spending the night on the side of the road, literally in the middle of nowhere in this dangerous spot. 

So our, it was like, okay, what are you going to do? And I just said to Dan, I was like, well, there's nothing we can do. So we might as well have a good attitude about it. We had some wine, we popped over and a bottle of wine. We pulled out our camping chairs and we just, you know, sat and had, you know, some wine under the stars. And we were like, this is going to be a long night. Well, it turned out that there was a tree across the street. And so we had a highway patrolman pull by and ask us how he could help. 

There was nothing he could do because we could not get any assistance, but he helped us move the Jeep to the opposite side of the road by literally pushing it. And then we strung up hammocks from the tree to the Jeep and slept the night in our hammocks on the side of the road. And I just sat there thinking, this is such an adventure, like who does this, who sleeps on the side of the road in their hammocks, in the middle of nowhere. But we were able to get a tow the next morning. 

And they told us all the way back to Moab, which was several hours away. And we were able to get the Jeep repaired. Thankfully we, that was due to some money that several of my family members surprised us surprised us and Ben modus because they saw that we were stranded. And it was just all of these miracles that just came together. It wasn't even something that I was knew that I needed until that very moment when it happened and my choice was look, there's nothing I can do except choose my attitude. 

So I'm going to appreciate it for what it is and just make the most of it. And I wouldn't say it was the most fun night, but it wasn't terrible. And we were rescued and we got the Jeep fixed and we were able to get home safely. And we made it back to work on time because we had taken time off work to go do it. And, and it just was this incredible, amazing experience where I really believe if I had tried to force something, I wouldn't have been able to do anything. 

I mean, we tried to get the tow. There was nothing we could do. There were no services. Like I said, hardly any cell phone reception, there was nothing I could do except to have a good attitude. And the universe brought me all of the resources and solutions that I needed within 24 hours. I was not there for a full 24 hours. It was probably like 16 or something. It wasn't that bad. 

Speaker 1 (22m 40s): And what I love about this story, sorry to talk over you. I just want to say, what I love about this story is that you look back on it with a positive perspective. You're able, instead of feeling frustrated, all the things that went wrong, you're able to notice all of the things went right. Even down to being grateful for a tree that you could tie your hammock to. It's awesome. 

Speaker 0 (23m 1s): When you look at it, you would think, Oh, you could just set up your rooftop tent. But because we were literally on the side of the road, we didn't have the space for the ladder. We couldn't put the tent up. So it was, you know, where do you sleep? And I was so grateful that we didn't have to sleep sitting up in the Jeep or try and sleep in our camp chairs. We were able to hang hammocks and actually get, you know, several hours of sleep. And I'm totally grateful for that. And it is a fun experience. It definitely is a memory attached to our engagement. And I just loved that. 

It worked out so perfectly and the universe did it. It answered everything that I needed in a reasonable amount of time. Thank you for acknowledging that because I do have good memories about it. And honestly, most things in when you get through them and look back on them, it says so bad. It's just when you're going through it, that sometimes it's like, Oh my gosh, I don't know what I'm going to do. And these are some of the things when we're talking about manifesting. Yeah, we want to manifest the money in the house and the job and the car and the relationship and the perfect body and all of these things. 

But there's day to day things that happen just like I explained, where you could be running late and you need someone to let you go ahead of them in line, or you could be short, you're $5 and someone is going to pay for your coffee, or you're going to chip in. And there's all of these situations where the universe can bring you things almost instantaneously. If you can just be easy and allow those situations to occur and trust the universe, put out your requests, say in your mind, just say, this is what I want. 

This is what I need. Trust that the universe will give it to you because it will go to work to find the match for what you're asking for. All right. Here's another really fun one. Dan and I, a few years back hiked into have a super high falls. And I don't know if our listeners are familiar with Havasupai falls, but it is in Arizona. It's down near the grand Canyon and have a Supai falls is an Indian reservation. You have to have permits to visit. 

It is become really overly popular because of social media and Instagram, because it is just incredible. It is down near the grand Canyon. I don't know if I already said that, but it has these stunning, huge, gigantic waterfalls. One of the waterfalls is taller than Niagara falls and the water there is this gorgeous turquoise blue. And it turns that color from the minerals in the rocks there. 

And so it just looks like it looks fake. You look at pictures and you think it's fake. And then you see a person and you're like, Oh my gosh, it's just as gorgeous as it is in the photos. Well, it's a 10 mile hike in it's a 10 mile hike out. It's extremely difficult to get permits. They opened up the permitting on February 1st of every year. And every year the permit sell out within like less than five minutes. It is so difficult to get permits. The website crashes every single year, people try and call in it's it's. 

If you've tried to get permits, you know exactly what I'm talking about, but those of you that have never tried, just let, let me tell you that it is next to impossible to get permits, to have a super high falls. Well, I wanted to go really bad. And so for months leading up to February 1st, when the online permits were going to open up, I just put it out there. And I said, I'm going to get permits this year. And Dan kind of laughed at me and said, you know, I hope I hope you do. You know, like good luck with that. That'd be awesome if you do, you know that he didn't really care. 

He had been before. And so he, and he knew it was a really difficult hike. So he was kind of like, well, if you get them all go, but that's fine. If we don't and he just was, you know, laughed at me. And I said, no, I know I'm going to get permits. I'm going to get permits. And never once I will be completely honest, there was never a doubt in my mind that I was going to get permits. Not a single time. Did I have a doubt? But I talked to people about it. Oh, I'm going to get that. And people said, Oh yeah, I'm going to try to, I never even said I was going to try. I knew I was getting permits. 

I had a plan. I had it on my calendar. I had an alarm so that I was ready to sign in at exactly 8:00 AM when the permits went live. And I knew several other people that were trying to get permits at the same time. So the whole world, it seems like was all on the website. At the same time everybody was having problems getting in. I tried the first time, got an error, tried like refreshed, signed in no problems. 

I had done my homework ahead of time. So I knew the dates that I wanted. So I didn't have to like try and search through the calendar. I went exactly to, I had it written on a piece of paper. This is my first set of choice of dates. Second choice of dates all the way up to five choices. So that if I didn't find it right away, I could quickly move to the next dates. But I went to the first set of dates. They were available. I was like, what? So I'm scrambling trying to put in my credit card information reserve, my permits got it. Could hardly believe it. It was like, Oh my gosh, did that even really work? Was that a thing? 

And then with it, like, I just thought, wow, that was way too easy. And then I thought I should go back in and see if any of the other dates were available. Well, I could never get back into the site after that. Like it w it was crashed. It was down. Like there was so many people trying to get into the site. So long story short, none of my friends got permits. None of the other people that I knew were trying, got permits. Obviously people got permits, but nobody I knew and people thought it was so incredible. 

Everyone was like, how did you do that? And I just, you know, explained what I did. I just signed in. I went fast, but that's exactly, that's exactly it. I said from day one, I'm getting these permits. I never questioned it. I obviously, they weren't just going to show up in my lap. I had to log onto the website. I had to be prepared, but I was easy about it. I didn't stress about it. I didn't talk about it in a negative way. I didn't say, Oh, I hope I get them. 

I really want to get it was no, I knew from day one, I was getting these permits and I did, and the trip was incredible. And I would love to go back and I'll tell you what, next time I decide to go back, I'm going to have the same attitude because it worked for me. And I love that story because to me, that is exactly the, of manifesting with ease because it felt so easy going through it. Like the process for me was simple where everyone else was freaking out and stressed. 

And, and I, I didn't even worry about whether or not I was getting permits. I knew I was getting them and I caught them. It was pretty awesome. All right. So I have one more example that I want to share with you. And that's just, when I moved to Sedona a few years ago, I accepted a job and I had 12 days to find someplace to move and get moved. So it was moving from Las Vegas to Sedona, Arizona. And if anybody knows anything about Sedona, Arizona, it is really expensive and hard to find anything to rent there. 

So as I was going through the hiring process and considering, okay, I may be making this move. I had been looking for things online just to kind of get a sense of the, where I might live, what the cost of living was going to be. And I will tell you the like the week, or even just a few days before I accepted the job, there was nothing that I could find available to rent. And I was planning to rent for under $4,000. And that was definitely not in my budget. 

They were these gigantic homes. And I did not need that space. So I could have freaked out and been like, Oh my gosh, there's nothing for rent. I can't even take this job. I won't be able to find anywhere to live. You know, I just was like, Oh, I just, I just trust that when the time comes, something will present itself. And I kept saying that to Dan. And he was like, well, you can't really take the job if you don't know that you can move. And I was like, I'm, I'm just going to trust something will come along. So I accepted the offer the very day. 

I looked at all of my other resources, nothing new had come up, but one new listing came up on Craigslist. Sounds like I'm a huge fan of Craig's list. I'm really not, but it's a good resource. If all else fails, one listing came up on Craigslist. It was a seller or a private party that was renting. So it was not through like a management system, but renting a house, two bedroom, two bath, two car garage with washer and dryer, fairly new in this cute little, it wasn't a senior community, but it looked like it senior community, because almost everyone that lived there with seniors. 

And so really well kept quiet little neighborhood, $900. And when everything else I'd been looking for was 4,000. So here I am in Vegas, I call the number and just talk to like the owner. And I'm like, Hey, is this really available? You know, cause it's easy to get scammed on Craigslist. Is this really available? And if so, can I come see it? When can I come see it? And he said, yes, it's available. I'm going to be showing it this weekend. 

Well, I lived five hours away and I said, my next day off is Monday. Is there any way you can hold it until Monday? I promise I'll drive out from Vegas to come look at it. And he said, if you promise, you will be here on Monday. I won't rent it to anyone else until you've been able to, until I can meet you and see you. So I did five hours out, looked at the house, applied for it and let him talk it over with his wife and got the house. 

He had shown it all weekend, had all these other people interested in it, but he held it for me and accepted it for me. And then I drove five hours back the same day. Wow. And it just was this incredible, amazing. I didn't look at any other properties. I didn't have to, it was this cute house. I lived there for almost three years. He never increased the rent. It was just so much less expensive than anything else. And it was exactly what I'm talking about, where I just trusted that when I needed it, the universe would provide, I just had zero doubts in my mind. 

It wasn't checking on my order. It wasn't freaking out. It wasn't trying to force something. It wasn't trying to make something happen. It was just saying when it is time, the universe will provide and the universe did. And I love I'm sure I could come up with hundreds of other examples. These are all from within the last five years. Everything that I've talked about is within the last five years. And I love looking back on these experiences and recognizing and acknowledging like, this is how it works. 

And like you said, Adrian, sometimes it's like, it's a surprise. Like you don't even know you had no foresight of how it was going to come about. And it is so much fun to get those surprises from the universe where the universe is like today. Because more often than not, it gives you what you want, but even better than what you imagined. Have you experienced that? Yes, definitely. Absolutely. I love it. So I love sharing some of those examples with our listeners, but I want to talk about some of the things that I'm talking about in these experiences, things that are the ease that we want to focus in on. 

Number one, it's not up to you to make something happen. When we're talking about ease, it's lack of effort. You just place your order. If you go to a restaurant and you order your food, you're not going back into the kitchen to make sure that they're making it. You just sit and you wait and you expect them to bring it to the table when it's ready. That's how you want to be seriously. That's how you want to be when you place your order with the universe next, do you want to take the pressure off of it? 

And when I say take the pressure off of it, this is something that Adriana and I talked about off air last week, but is a huge thing that Esther Hicks talks about. Just again, this is another thing she mentioned, kind of in passing. She doesn't focus in on it heavily, but that's really hit home to me recently. And that's the concept of not keeping score. Adrian. When I say don't keep score, what does that mean to you? 

Speaker 1 (36m 4s): To me, it means not making a mental tally of what I've accomplished or manifested versus all the things I'm still waiting on. 

Speaker 0 (36m 14s): Right? So here's some ways that I have been keeping score that I have had to work on recently. And these are things again that get in the way of your vibration and your ability to receive. How about weight loss. If you're trying to attract losing weight and you are literally weighing yourself every single day, you're keeping score. And it's going to go a lot slower because you're checking on your order. You're going back into the kitchen and making sure that they're making your meal. 

I mean, come on, depending on how much you're trying to lose, which most people that are working on losing weight or trying to lose a significant amount. We're not usually talking about five pounds. We're talking about more than that. So if you have a significant amount of weight, you need to understand, it's going to take some time to come off. And if you are every single day, checking in to see where you're at, it's just like telling the universe. I don't trust you. Like you don't need to keep score every day. You don't need to check every day, trust the process, trust the process. 

That's one way that I've been keeping score. Another way is money. We've talked about this recently. We've talked a lot about money recently, but when you're constantly checking your bank account, when you're constantly trying to decide, if you can buy something by checking your bank account, like we all conceptually know about how much money we have at any given time, unless we have just so much money that we're not working on attracting money, but anyone that's living paycheck to paycheck or this just living a average lifestyle, we all know about how much we have. 

We don't need to be looking at our bank account every day. We don't need to make our purchasing decisions based off we'll wait a minute, let me get out my calculator. Can I justify that extra $37? Can I fit that in there? Because that's focusing on the lag. Don't keep score, make your decisions. Trust that the universe will replace it. Trust that you have the money don't spend money. You don't have, don't go into debt again. I'm not encouraging that, but don't keep score. 

Don't be one of those people that subsets passively checking your bank account every day. Don't be someone that's making your purchasing decisions by checking your bank account every time, do it off of how you feel, feel good about money and you'll attract more money. Here's another way I've kept score. I really want our podcast to be a success. And in so many ways it already is. And I know it's new. We've only been live and on the air for a few months, but I obsessively check to see how many downloads we have, because that's my way of keeping score. 

And I realize if I'm checking every day or in the past, it's been several times a day. I'm not trusting the universe. Those are ways that we keep score. Those are not being easy. Those are calling after I placed my order online and saying, Hey, can you give me the status on my order? And then calling it a couple hours later, Hey, can you give me the status on my order? And getting frustrated that it has not moved in the process? Like nothing has happened. It's been hours and nothing has happened. 

I know that sounds ridiculous, but that's exactly what we do in life is we keep score. So we need to be easy about it. So another thing that we have a tendency to do as humans is we tend to talk about the things that we don't want. Just like my example of the hub have a super high fall permits. Other people were saying, I hope I can get permits. I've heard it's really hard. I don't even know if we're going to be able to log in. Don't have those conversations. 

Don't engage in those conversations. Don't talk about the things you don't want. Don't and it sounds like, Oh, that's not a negative thing to say. I hope that I get them. That sounds positive. Well, it does, but it doesn't because you're focusing on the possibility of something negative happening. Don't think about those things. Don't have those things. Trust, trust that everything is always working out for you. Trust that the answer will come trust that you probably don't even know how the answer is going to come. 

You don't have to figure it out. It is so much fun to be surprised. It is so much fun when you don't know how the answers coming and you just get to wait and find out that is my favorite. So those are things that we do that create resistance. When we're talking about being easy. Here's what I mean, place your order and forget about it. Don't think about it. Don't talk about it. 

If, if you do talk about it, talk about it, expecting, expect that it's going to happen, anticipate that it's going to happen, visualize that it already has happened. That's what you do when you think about it and you focus on it. But the thing that you really want to do is spend time appreciating everything else right now. So Adriana, tell me something that I know we've talked about this before, and it can be something you've mentioned before, but tell me something you're working on. 


Speaker 1 (41m 43s): Trying to think of what I can say. That's not so personal. I don't want to, don't want to say it. Well, I am man. I am working on manifesting being at my ideal weight. So that's a good one. 

Speaker 0 (41m 56s): Okay. So if you're manifesting being at your ideal weight, you could sit and obsess about it and weigh yourself every day. You could read the labels on everything you put in your body. You could count all of the calories that you eat. You could count all of your steps and, and trust me 

Speaker 1 (42m 15s): Doing all these things you're telling me to stop. 

Speaker 0 (42m 18s): I'm not saying that that is not a way to lose weight. It is a way to lose weight, but let's talk about ease. Ease is, and we had this conversation, Adrian, our listeners don't know this, but we had this conversation. We have a sister who has always been the tiny, teeny, tiniest little thing, like maybe just over a hundred pounds, this tiny little thing. And Adrian told me a week or two ago that her secret has always been well. 

I've just always believed that I could eat whatever I want and won't gain weight. Like it's, I've never even thought about that. I've never worried about what I would eat because I've never thought that I would get, like, why would I gain weight? Like it's never been a thing. And 

Speaker 1 (43m 4s): On her radar and it's working for her. 

Speaker 0 (43m 7s): Exactly. Exactly. I'm not saying don't go to the gym. Don't do these things. What I'm saying is the more effort you put into something, the harder it becomes when we're talking about ease, okay, this is where my crazy is going to come out. And listeners are going to either say, okay, I am going to continue to listen to this girl because she's inspiring or they're going to be like, she's totally crazy. And this is the last episode I'm listening to. But I 100% believe that you can think your way into a perfect body. 

I, 100% believe that just like money, your thoughts about food and your body and weight loss is what determines your body and weight loss. So if you believe you have to count calories and you believe you have to go to the gym and you believe you have to get so many steps in and you believe that you have to read the labels of everything you eat, and you've got to track your food and you've got to do this and that and all of these things. And that's true for you. So yes, that's definitely a way to lose weight. 

And if you believe that's the way to lose weight, that is the way for you to lose weight. But I also believe if you can rewire your beliefs. And by the way, a belief is literally just a thought that's repeated over and over again. That's all a is. It's a repeated thought. So if you can change your beliefs about how you feel or what is required to lose weight, I, 100% believe that you can think your way to a perfect body. 

And it all comes down to what do you believe? Because if you don't believe me and you believe I'm crazy, then that that will be your truth, that you will never lose weight with your mind. But if you really believe in the power of the mind, and we know so many stories about how a body can heal itself, you hear incredible stories about people that are diagnosed with terminal illnesses that are able to literally heal themselves. And it's just these miracles. Well, if your body has the capability to do that, and we know that we are not our body, we are the piece that controls the body. 

We've talked about what our inner being is. When you recognize you're not your body, you control your body. Then why in the world would you not be able to control your weight? Anyway, I'm going off on a tangent here, but circling back around to being easy about weight loss. If you, and this is my approach, this is what I'm doing to lose weight right now. I really, really have been trying hard to change my beliefs about my body and losing weight. And so we'll see over time, if it works and listeners, you'll just have to go to our website or our Instagram and follow pictures and see a sale. 

It looks like she gets smaller because you're never going to know otherwise. But I am focusing on changing my beliefs that I have the ability to control my body. And when I'm headed to sleep every night, I've told you, I love to visualize my perfect body and being that person and looking that way. But I also tell myself every night before I go to sleep, I set the intention that while I sleep, the weight is going to come off. That it's just going to essentially melt off while I sleep. 

And it's slow going. And I'm not, I'm not weighing myself every day. I'm not. And I've only started this in the last maybe month. So it's, it's like I said, weight loss in general is slow. If you're trying to lose lots of weight, but I really 100% fully believe that you can think your way to a perfect body. And to me, that's effortless. It's effortless to just believe it. And if I don't have to check it, honestly, at the end of the day, I don't care how much I weigh. 

I care about how my clothes fit and how I think. I look, I don't care about the number on the scale I care about. Do I feel good? Do I feel bloated? Do I feel like, Oh, my clothes are too tight. Do I feel like I've got to buy new clothes? Because my clothes don't fit anymore. Do I feel embarrassed to wear certain things because of the way my body looks, those are the things that I care about. And I truly believe I can think my way into a better feeling body. And that's what I'm working on. So no judgment to you, but talking about keeping score, you're definitely keeping score. 

If you're weighing yourself, if you're counting calories, if you're counting your steps, if you're doing all of these things and that will work for you, I know it will. And I will congratulate you when you get there. But it'll be a long, hard process because it's a lot of work. It's a lot of work. If you got to work out and you got to eat a certain way and you got to track everything you eat, that's a lot of work. It's definitely not effortless right now. That's for sure. Exactly. So Todd, moving back to the conversation of stop thinking about it. 

When you think about it, just expect it, anticipate it, visualize it. The more we talk about something, especially something we don't have. The more we tend to be vibrating at the frequency of not having it. Because when we think about the thing that we want, we often think about the fact that we don't have it. And we've talked about this in the episode about resistance. We talked a lot about this, but if we are focusing on the lack of something and that we really want something, we're actually vibrating at the lack of not having it. 

So really the best thing we can do is just place the order and forget about it. Don't even think about it. Don't even talk about it. If you do talk about it, talk about it like I did with the permits, I'm getting it. It's on its way. I'm not worried about it. It'll figure itself out. Like it's, it's fine. It's fine. I don't know how, I don't know when, but it's coming. It's, it's a thing it's it's happening. Everything's always working out for me. These are the things that we should be saying. And then what we should be doing is spending our time, appreciating everything we have now. 

And we've talked about this a lot. We talk about gratitude on every single episode, but literally focusing on what you have now, if you go back and you listen to what I said last week or two weeks ago about my new job and how in leaving my old job, I made a list of all of the positive things about my job. And I started appreciating my old job so much. I almost forgot why I was leaving because my job just became so good because I was so focused on the positives. That's the easiest best way to attract anything. 

And that is ease. That's what ease feels like because you're just in the moment, happy, appreciating, enjoying. And the truth is no matter what state you are in life, there will always come a day that you'll reflect back on where you were and say, I miss this or that about that. Maybe you miss how much free time you had, maybe you miss where you lived. Maybe you miss the people you spent time with. Maybe you miss. 

I don't know, whatever television show was on at the time. I mean, I don't, I don't know what it is, but we always reflect back on our past and have fond memories of things. So I guarantee no matter what your life looks like today, there will be a day that you look back on this period of your life and you'll miss something about it. So why not take time to soak it up and appreciate those things right now, that's the very best way that we can be easy about anything that we're asking for is just place our order. 

Forget about it. Don't worry about it, expect it, trust that it's going to happen and just focus on enjoying the present. Adrian, do you have any final thoughts before I lead into our action item? 

Speaker 1 (51m 4s): No, just as always. I'm super excited. After hearing your thoughts on these kinds of topics, they leave me excited to go out and do things too excited to go out and shift and just experience things a little bit differently. So I'm looking forward to the action item, whatever it is. 

Speaker 0 (51m 21s): Well, I kind of alluded to it in what I just barely said, which was focusing on the positive things now. So I told you, you and our listeners about how, when I was trying to manifest a new job, I decided to make a list of all of the positive things about my current job and focus on those things. And here I've landed this incredible new job, then I'm so excited about it's been my first week and it's been so great. I'm so excited, but that's actually what I want our listeners to do. 

I want our listeners to do one of two things, either get a notebook or create a note in their phone and call it my positive life list. So that's what you're going to. If you get a notebook, just write inside at the very top, put a header on it, my positive life list. If you're doing it in your phone, because your phone tends to be with you everywhere you go open a note, title it, my positive life list. 

And what I want our listeners to do is literally make an ongoing list of all of the positive things about life, about their life. And you could focus in on different things at different times. It could be you're working on manifesting a new house. So you sit down and you spend a few minutes and you write down all the things you love about your current house. So you can just appreciate the crap out of where you are because one day you'll miss it. Maybe you'll miss your neighbors. 

Maybe you'll miss your view. Maybe you'll miss all the space you have in the closet. Maybe you'll miss. I don't know. Maybe you don't have any of those things. I guarantee there's something you will miss about your house. If you're trying to manifest a new relationship, write down all the positive things about not having a relationship or the relationship you're in all the positive about that situation. Oh, I love not having to share a bed. 

I love that I can eat in bed and not be judged for it. I love that I can watch whatever I want or I can sleep in, or I can hit the snooze button seven times, whatever the case may be. There's definitely some positives about being single, or if you're in a relationship and looking for your next relationship, there's a reason that you're with the person that you chose to be with. Find the positive attributes in that person. Write them down. They're really good friend. They're great with animals. 

They would do anything for me. They're fun to watch movies with. They make me laugh. Just find the positive things in your life and keep an ongoing list. Meaning this list doesn't end. Just any time anywhere we've talked about this, you could be standing in line at the grocery store, just killing time. Instead of scrolling social media, open up your list and write a couple things right about how grateful you are that you have time to stand in line, how grateful you are, that they were not sold out of the cheese that you wanted, or the Oreos or the who knows what you're there for. 

You know, maybe you're grateful that you got an incredible parking space or maybe you're grateful that you can walk without pain because you didn't get a great parking space. I don't know, just keep an ongoing list of all the positive things in your life. And the more that you focus on the positive and the more that you appreciate what you have now, when you send those rockets of desire for other things out to the universe, you will remain in that receiving mode. 

You will be in alignment with the things that you're asking for and you will get those things faster. If you take the pressure off, if you're easy about it, those things will come to you. And you'll in the meantime, appreciate what you have so much that you'll appreciate it that much more when you get the new thing. When you look back on this time, you'll have all these fond memories because you spent time appreciating what you currently have. That one day will just be a memory to you. Adrian, what do you think of creating a positive life list? 

Speaker 1 (55m 48s): I love this idea. I think it's really exciting. And I like what you said about just continuing to add up, to add to it as time goes on, because I'm excited to look back and see the things that, you know, two weeks into it start looking at the things that I've written already. 

Speaker 0 (56m 3s): It doesn't have to be a big project where you just like list everything. You're grateful for. Just, you know, add to a couple of things here and there just constantly look for positives, especially if you're in a situation where you would normally think of something negative, like maybe you're frustrated that you're waiting in line at the grocery store and the person in front of you is taking forever forgot something, had to run back and go grab another one or whatever. And you're sitting there like, Oh, I chose the slow line. Of course, that's an opportunity to look for something positive and write it down. And if you look at your life as a positive life, that's why I love this phrase, my positive life list. 

It's just reinforcing that you have a positive life and here's all these positive things about your life. No one else's yours. This is your life. That's how we attract with ease. So that's it for this week, we do have a bracelet winner. We do have a new review. Yay. This was a one word review, which I was humored by. It said, it said good, but I appreciated it. 

And I wondered maybe this is someone who doesn't speak a lot of English. And I just appreciated them taking the time to review us. This review was left on pod chaser and the name of the reviewer is meme chaser. So meme chaser send us an email@helloatattractitwithease.com. Give us your address and your theme word for the year. And we'll make you a custom theme bracelet and we'll mail it out to you. Even if you're not in the U S Adrian, can you remind our listeners about what I'm talking about? 

Speaker 1 (57m 46s): But I think that meme chaser should also send us a link to their favorite meme. 

Speaker 0 (57m 52s): Maybe they have a whole social media play page. We can check out, send us all the deeds we are in. We want to, we want to know more. 

Speaker 1 (57m 60s): So each week we are drawing the name from the pool of people who have submitted reviews of our podcasts, which we very much appreciate. So thank you for your reviews. And the winner will receive a custom bracelet with their theme word of the year. 

Speaker 0 (58m 15s): That's right. And if you don't know what the theme word means, go back and listen to episode one. It's all about selecting a theme for the year. You'll know what we're talking about. And I just want to add one more little piece here. And that is that our reviews have been coming in slowly recently. And I just want to say, look, it doesn't matter if you want a bracelet or you don't. We would just love to hear from you. Reviews are how we grow. It's how we get attention from other listeners. If you want to keep listening to us, let us know what you think. 

It doesn't matter what review you give us. It can be one word. You don't even have to use your real name, but we do appreciate reviews. We appreciate the feedback. And again, if you have any questions, if you try any of our action items and you have success or you struggle, we would love to hear from you. So leave us a review or reach out to us through our website, attract it with ease.com. Send us a message. We really would love to engage. And that's it for this week. Thanks for listening. Adrian was fun. 

It was great. Thanks. Have a good one. 

Speaker 1 (59m 18s): Bye bye. Bye

S1.E27: Being Present


S1.E25: To Stay or To Go?