S1.E24: Jumpstart Your Day


Do you have a morning and or evening routine? Does your routine set you up for success? In this episode Kayla breaks down her morning and evening routine and shares thoughts on how starting your day off on the right foot can set you up for an incredible day!

Podcast Music Credit to: Caleb Britton @NeonBortherDC

We're two sisters who believe that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create and have fun. We believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught us that the path to getting everything we want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you.

Kayla Rain

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain.


Adria Sha

I am your cohost Adria Sha.


Kayla Rain

And welcome back to attract it with these. Hi, Adria. Hi, how are you?


Adria Sha

I'm great. I'm really good.


Kayla Rain

Good. You look really good, as usual! Tell me what you're grateful for today and why?


Adria Sha

Well, I am grateful for curly hair products and I can't remember if I've said this one before, but about a year and a half ago, I decided to try to really coax the natural curl out of my hair. And I will say that the products that you use make a huge difference between on me, between whether my hair is curly or not curly. So I'm really glad that such products exist and that thanks to the internet. I discovered them and it makes my task a little bit easier.

1m 23s

Kayla Rain

So the way you just worded that when you said coax the curl out of your hair, I'm just going to clarify for the listeners. You mean you want it curly? She wants to make it curly.

1m 32s

Adria Sha

Thank you. Yes. I want to coax it into curling more.

1m 35s

Kayla Rain

Okay. And I knew that's what you meant, but it sounded like you were trying to like talk it into going straight.

1m 43s

Adria Sha

And there's days I want that too. Well, I can switch products back if I wanted to encourage it that way, I guess. So maybe I love the flexibility of being able to.

1m 52s

Kayla Rain

Right? You've got natural curl. That's awesome!

1m 57s

Adria Sha

Second one. I really love my work laptop. I went, I was away from home all day. The other day, I'm working from home. And yesterday I had to be out and about all day long. And for the first time I took the laptop that my work has given me. It's not usually what I use to do my work on. And it was just really nice to have that convenience to be able to work and be at the appointments I needed to be at simultaneously. You know, I could work from the doctor's office and various other places. So technology has really come a long way.

2m 30s

Kayla Rain

Remember the computer we had growing up like a Commodore 64 or something? Can you imagine doing your work on that?

2m 36s

Adria Sha

Oh gosh, no!

2m 40s

Kayla Rain

That's a good one.

2m 42s

Adria Sha

And I am grateful for our dad. I have been spending a lot more time lately. I mean, I'm grateful for him for a million reasons, but I've been spending more time lately just getting to know him a little bit and letting him know me a little bit better. And I'm very, very grateful that he's alive and close by and that I have the opportunity to do that. And that he's such a good hearted, loving person.

3m 9s

Kayla Rain

Oh, I love that. That makes me a little bit jealous only because he's getting older and I know one day I'll wish I had to spend more time with them, but that's awesome. Well, I have a few things that I'm grateful for today, and they're all pretty much connected and you know, about all of these things, Adria, but our listeners don't. So I do you want to share it with our listeners. Over the last several weeks as we've recorded, I've alluded to a few things. And I even said on a podcast a while back, you had said something about how you were trying to be careful about how much personal stuff you shared. And I said, "Yeah, me too. Like, I'm trying to like, make sure that I don't say something that somebody is going to hear."

3m 51s

Kayla Rain

Well, listeners, I finally am in transition. And so I can talk about it a little bit here, but I have been looking for a new job for a while now. And the job that I have is decent, but there are things about my job that I don't love. And probably the biggest reason that I'm leaving is that I haven't felt valued. And it's hard for me to stay in a place where I feel like I'm not appreciated. So that was the biggest determining factor of me looking. And so I've been looking for a while. I haven't wanted to settle. As you know, we talk about jobs as a scenario in a lot of our situations, we talk about, you know, when you're trying to manifest a new job, a new relationship, losing weight, we probably talk about all these things, because these are the things that Adria and I underlying are like really working on that's our secrets.

4m 42s

Kayla Rain

But so yes, it's out there. I've been working on trying to manifest a job and I just accepted a job. I'm so excited! And so that's number one. I am so, so excited about this new job that I have accepted. It is everything that I want. Like literally we've talked about not settling and that you don't have to settle in life. You, we have a tendency to say, "Oh, well, I don't have to have everything. It's it checks four of the five boxes. So that's pretty good." This job feels like it checks all of the boxes and that's incredible. And I'm so grateful for that. So that's number one. Number two is I was really nervous to give notice at my work.

5m 25s

Kayla Rain

I did not know how it would go over. They didn't know I was looking for a job. And so the day that I had to give notice, I set my intention before I went to work, that I would just be aligned with my inner being. The words would come out of me, the way that I wanted them to. That I, you know, would be the perfect words at the perfect time, in the perfect place with the perfect person. That's what I wanted. And I was nervous and my boss took it really well. I mean, she's disappointed. And she wishes, I would say, but when she found out the reason that I was leaving, she was actually sad and said, "I really wish I would have known that you felt that way. I wish I would have known that you didn't think you were valued."

6m 7s

Kayla Rain

And, and it's interesting because now I'm working through my last two weeks and she's going out of her way to try and make me feel valued, not to keep me there because she knows I'm not staying, but she's really going that extra mile. And it's nice that it's not awkward. It's not uncomfortable for the last two weeks. I'm able to train and help and support. And I think we both really appreciate each other. And so that's the second thing I'm grateful for is that that went well. And then the third, thank you. The third thing just happened today and listeners, you don't know this, but last year, this time, last year I was training to be a train conductor.

6m 49s

Kayla Rain

I was going to be a conductor of a train, like who does that? That's crazy! It was something that I had been working towards and I was in training and then COVID happened and I lost my job. And that was mostly because they had to shut down the training centers and then they ended up cutting back the amount of trains that were out there, long story short today, I got a call offering me my old job back. They're now going back to training. They're going back. And honestly, I don't think I'm going to take that. I've already accepted another position that, like I said, checks all the boxes. It seems perfect, but it just feels incredible to know that I have options.

7m 32s

Kayla Rain

And what I've been thinking is, you know, when you don't attach yourself to the how, and we've talked about that when you just put out, "This is what I want" to the Universe, the Universe can really bring you so many different answers, so many different options. And it's, I'm just so grateful that I have options! It's like a buffet to choose from instead of feeling desperate. And I feel like in the past, over the years, when I've looked for jobs, I've typically been in a desperate mode and you're just begging someone to hire you. And you're hoping you get an interview and it's that lack or scarcity feeling we keep talking about.

8m 13s

Kayla Rain

And this time I'm relaxed, it's been easy. The process has been awesome. And the Universe is just saying "Here, choose.What do you want? What do you want to do?" And it feels incredible. So I am grateful for that today. So Adria, this week's episode is in a whole different vein of anything we've talked about. I think up to this point, but I want to talk about today is our daily routines. And initially I thought let's just talk about our morning routine, but then I thought "Well we don't need a whole separate episode for our evening routine. Why don't we just talk about them both?" So I do think that we can set ourselves up for success by the way that we start our day and the way that we end our day.

8m 59s

Kayla Rain

So I want to talk about that today, but before I jump into what I have planned, let me ask you what kind of routines do you feel you have? And it's okay if you don't have any, but I know you probably have some, like, you probably wash your face every night and you probably brush your teeth. What are things that you do that are routine?

9m 20s

Adria Sha

You're right. I'm glad to say I do have a little bit of a routine. I do wash my face every morning and night. That's a new thing. In the last few years I brushed my teeth every night when I get out of bed, you know, I get up, I, I take a pill, I get some tea started. I have a whole list of things that I, that are on my should list a whole list of things. I feel like I should be doing every morning and night that are written down, but what I do regularly. Yeah, I do some stretches.

9m 55s

Adria Sha

Sometimes I do some reading. I definitely need this episode.

10m 2s

Kayla Rain

No, I, this is a recommendation. It's not a need. We don't need anything. It's just, I recommend having a routine. And what I want to talk about today is how, when you use intention with how you begin your day, it affects everything that goes on during your day. And then you can also use intention in going to sleep. And I will explain all of that here, but there are a couple of different resources I'm going to talk about on this episode. And the first one that I'm going to talk about is what's called Daily Magic.

10m 41s

Kayla Rain

And it's actually a program from Tony Robbins. I think I may have mentioned Tony Robbins once or twice on the podcast, but I am obsessed with Tony Robins. If you don't know who he is, look him up. Most of you know exactly who I'm talking about, but he is one of the world's most famous personal coaches. And he trains people on how to maximize every aspect of their life. And I'm just obsessed with almost everything that he teaches. And he doesn't refer to the Law of Attraction as the Law of Attraction, but he implements teachings of the Law of Attraction in a lot of what he coaches on. And so I'm a huge Tony Robbins fan, but he has a system that he calls the Daily Magic.

11m 30s

Kayla Rain

And the only place that I found this, he may have it in other places, but he has it in his Get the Edge series. And it's a bonus disc. So this tells you how old this series is from like, I don't know it was probably 20 years old, but it's a disc CD, but the bonus disc is the Magic. And years ago when I was overseeing sales in one of my jobs, I literally made my sales staff do this every morning. Like this is how we would mentally prepare for our day, because it is intended to kind of set yourself up for the day.

12m 12s

Kayla Rain

So I'm going to talk about his system and what that is. And if you're interested, I, I would recommend that you find the series, Get the Edge and find that disc. And email me if you can't find it, I'll help you out. Anyway, he has a few steps to this morning routine, and I think it's incredible. Number one, he talks about get moving. Like when you wake up, get moving, get your body moving because we all know what that is like to be sluggish in the morning to just, you know, roll out of bed and you're tired. And some people maybe you're hung over, but if you took a sleeping pill the night before NyQuil or whatever, you're groggy, and you know, if you're anything like me, you're just kind of ornery until you have your coffee.

12m 59s

Kayla Rain

And that's just how most of us go about our day. Tony Robbins is like, "No, get moving the minute that you wake up!" And he recommends the minute you wake up, when your alarm goes off, get in the habit of sitting up, putting your feet on the floor. Like if you put your feet on the floor, you get moving. So he talks about that. But in the Daily Magic he's has you literally like walking. So this is what I used to do with my sales team was we would walk in a big conference room in circles around the room, and you're just walking with intensity. So you're, you're walking at a fast pace and then he gets you breathing. And this is really interesting. And I will tell you, I don't do this series anymore, but I think is very powerful, but he talks about breathing with intensity and he has, you do an intentional breathing.

13m 49s

Kayla Rain

So you breathe in three times, you breathe out three times. And so it's like... And you can kind of tell how fast that is. So you walk in rhythm with your breathing, but it just gets your whole body engaged and moving and it wakes you up. So once you're moving and you're breathing, then you move to gratitude and he like talks you through it. And he has you in your mind while you're trying to breathe that way, you're thinking about what you're grateful for. And you're still moving. You're still walking. You could do this in the neighborhood. You could just walk around the block, like with intensity, if you have a big house, which I don't, you could walk around your house.

14m 31s

Kayla Rain

You know what I mean? Not to go outside. But he has you thinking about gratitude and he'll walk through like how grateful I am for my family, how grateful I am for my relationships, how grateful I am for my house. And I think I talked about this on the gratitude episode, where he talks about starting with yourself, what you're grateful for with your own body, and then circling out from you so that you don't run out of things to be grateful for you. Just keep thinking like outward from yourself, like, think about yourself and then think about your spouse and then thinking about your kids and then think about your family, like your siblings and your parents and your grandparents and your friends and your neighbors in there. And you're just going on and on. And it doesn't all have to be people, but he talks about focusing on gratitude.

15m 13s

Kayla Rain

And then he talks about visualization. And in his visualization, he has, you visualize your day. So the day that's coming up, what do you have on the agenda? What's on your schedule? What do you have going on? Visualize those things and visualize the outcomes that you want. So if you had a job interview coming up that day, you're walking, you're moving, you're breathing. You're thinking about the outcome that you want to have. If you have a sales appointment, you're thinking about the outcome that you want to have. If you're thinking about going to lunch with somebody and you don't know how the conversation is going to go, you're thinking about the outcome you want to have. So that's the visualization that he has you work on.

15m 57s

Kayla Rain

And then from there he moves into incantations. So incantations are his version of an affirmation. So same kind of thing. But an incantation is something that you say in rhythm. So just like you're breathing in a rhythm or in a pattern, you're doing an incantation in a rhythm or a pattern. So he gives us some examples. But if you remember, the breathing was like...

16m 23s

Adria Sha


16m 26s

Kayla Rain

So it's like to that same rhythm. One of them is "All I need is within me NOW! All I need is within me now!" And he gets you to say out loud, and he talks about how saying out loud as your body's moving, you're getting your whole body engaged in this behavior to where it's not just a mental thing. You're like actually fully engaged, fully turned on and you're setting up your day this way. And then from there, you can move into exercise if you're someone that wants to do exercise in the morning. And so he has a 15 minute version of this. He has a 30 minute version of this, a 45 minute version and a 60 minute version, depending on how long you want to spend.

17m 11s

Kayla Rain

So that's what I used to do with my sales team. I think it's an incredible, powerful way to start your day because you're starting with intensity. You're starting with intention by setting those visualizations. You're adding gratitude in there. You'd get your body breathing and moving. And you're saying positive things to yourself. And there's nothing that I can say that's negative about this. And I think it is incredible for a morning routine. So that's the first thing I want to share with our listeners. So all of that being said, that is not what I do in the mornings.

17m 49s

Kayla Rain

But there are versions of what I've learned through that Daily Magic series from Tony Robbins that I actually do implement. So I want to talk to you about my daily routine in the morning. You'll see how it compares to some of those things from the Daily Magic. And I'll talk to you about how that relates to setting up your day. So here's what I actually do. This is going to sound crazy, but I set my alarm for 30 minutes before I really have to get out of bed and it's not so I can hit the snooze, even though I'm totally that kind of person I love sleeping in. I totally would snooze. I am now in the habit of waking up 30 minutes before I actually have to get out of bed.

18m 33s

Kayla Rain

So I set my alarm 30 minutes early, and I will tell you listeners, if you decide to do this set a backup alarm until you're in a habit, because you're likely to fall back asleep, especially if you know, you don't have to get up. So I set my alarm 30 minutes before I have to get up. And then when I do is I obviously turn the alarm off and I lay in bed for 30 minutes. And in those 30 minutes, I start out with gratitude. So before I go here, I want to tell you guys something we've never talked about this on the podcast before.

19m 11s

Kayla Rain

And we talk about how the Universe is always turned on. It never turns off. Whatever you're putting out is always being returned to you. Even if you're not trying, the only time in our lives that we are not attracting something is when we're sleeping. That is when the Universe is still on, it's working, it's attracting for whoever's awake. But when we're asleep, we are not vibrating in a way that we're attracting anything. So you don't have to worry about like your dreams or what's happening in your sleep. But it's important to understand this because if you know that your, your attraction point is completely shut off while you're sleeping, what that means is the second that you wake up, it comes back on, it's like a daily reset.

20m 2s

Kayla Rain

Like literally you get a fresh start every single day. It's almost like you were a new child being born again. And you're just starting from very scratch. So every day when you wake up, you have the opportunity to start over on your attraction point, no matter what happened yesterday, no matter what you were thinking about. And so that's why I feel your morning routine is so important. And that is why I start with gratitude. I want the minute that I turned my alarm off and my mind starts going, I don't want it thinking about what I have to do today. I don't want it thinking about whatever I was thinking about last night when I fell asleep, I don't want it like stressed or worried about something that might be going on or a text that came through on my phone or no, I want to like consciously focus on gratitude.

20m 51s

Kayla Rain

So I turn off my alarm. I don't look at my phone. I don't do anything on social media or check messages or whatever. Even if I've got notifications set my phone down, I work on gratitude. And when I say I work on gratitude, I do this with my eyes open and I've learned to do it with my eyes open because I will fall back asleep. I will, without a doubt, I will fall back asleep if I don't have my eyes open. So here's what I do. I'm laying in bed. I have my eyes open and I think about, "Oh, I love my bed. My bed is so comfortable. I love how am I am right now and how soft my pillow is."

21m 31s

Kayla Rain

And I literally like look around my house, which I can see literally my whole house from my bed, because I live in 160 square feet, but I look around and I think about the things I can see. And I, sometimes I can, you know, Dan, my fiancé usually gets up a little before me, so he's already up, he'll often have the curtains open. So from the bed, sometimes I can see outside. I can see the weather I might think about, "Oh, it looks so pretty out there today." Or maybe it's freezing outside and I'm thinking, "Oh, it looks so chilly outside. I'm so glad I get to stay in bed for a little bit longer." I always I'm telling you, this is one of my favorite parts of the day because I sit there and I think about how lucky I am that I don't have to get up yet.

22m 17s

Kayla Rain

I mean, it's like, I literally feel so lucky and then Dan's usually making coffee and I can smell the coffee. And I think, Oh, I love the smell of coffee. And that's my gratitude. Like I literally just try and like soak up that moment and just start my vibration at, I appreciate this, this, this, this, this, this, this, and I don't do it for like, I don't set an alarm for, "Oh, focus on gratitude for 10 minutes" or whatever. I don't do that. I just think about what I'm grateful for. And almost every day, it's a lot of the same things I always am grateful for. "Oh my gosh. I woke up, I have another day. This is exciting. Like, I'm so glad I'm still here.

22m 57s

Kayla Rain

Like I have another day!" And I do. I always think about my comfy bed. And I think about how warm I am. So that's how I start. So once I get kind of to where I feel good about my gratitude, I want to move my thoughts somewhere else. The next thing that I do is I focus on visualization and here's the thing about it. You can't do it too fast or you'll fall asleep. Because like I said, when you're focused on gratitude, you want to do it with your eyes open or you'll fall asleep. So you have to be awake enough to move into visualization.

23m 36s

Kayla Rain

And I pick different things to visualize. I'm working on a few things right now, I'm working on a perfect body. And so I right now really liked to visualize my perfect body. It's banging! It's awesome! And I think about the warmer weather coming and being in a swimsuit and how comfortable I feel and how happy I am. I've got my wedding coming up. And I think about that day and how good I look in my wedding dress and how incredible I look in the photos and I'm visualizing these things that I want. So right now I often think about my, my body, but sometimes I think about my house.

24m 22s

Kayla Rain

Sometimes I've thought about this job. I'm manifesting. It could be a new car. It could be anything, but I spend probably about 15 minutes visualizing. And so it could be anything. But for me, it's kind of like, just whatever I want to think about whatever sounds fun, whatever I want to focus on. And I'll tell you, when you visualize, if you're not falling asleep, it is so much fun, so much fun! And we have an episode all on visualization. So if you feel like you don't know how to do that, you're not good at it. Go back and listen to that episode because it's really not very hard. So then I do an intention for the day. So when I'm done visualizing, and again, I don't like set an alarm.

25m 7s

Kayla Rain

It's not a set amount of time. I just visualize for a bit. And then I start thinking about my day and I think, okay, what do I have going on today? What what's on my schedule? What do I need to do? And that's where I set my intention. And usually my intention is pretty simple. Like, "My intention today is to be happy, no matter what happens, I'm going to be happy." That could be my intention today. But if I've got a lot on my plate, I may think, you know, "My intention today is to just feel easy, to not be stressed, to just be easy." You know, there's so many different things you could set for your intention, but I do set an intention for the day and I really try and focus on that so that I don't want to just say something in my mind and then forget it later.

25m 53s

Kayla Rain

I want to kind of have that be my theme for the whole day so that when I start feeling stressed, I can go, "Oh wait, no, that's right. I said, I was going to be easy today. I am feeling easy. It's an easy day. This isn't so bad." So I do set my intention and then I finally get up. And when I get up, it doesn't end there. I purposely work on my thinking while I'm getting ready, because I am working on a perfect body. And because I'm working on it, it's easy for me to look in the mirror and start going, "Oh, these clothes are really tight."

26m 32s

Kayla Rain

Or, Oh, as I'm putting my makeup on, I'm looking at these wrinkles, I'm looking old. Or to be like, "Ooh, I really should have washed my hair last night, it's super greasy" or whatever. Like, it's so easy to go into that mode coming off this like, amazing start. It's so easy once you start getting ready to start that negative self-talk and it's like, you just undo everything you already did. So I make it my intention to have positive self-talk to myself while I get ready. So as I'm looking in the mirror and checking my outfit, making sure it's not super wrinkled or that you know, the shoes match or whatever. I look in the mirror and I think positive things to myself since I'm working on the perfect body, I tell myself, "Oh, I'm looking so good.

27m 18s

Kayla Rain

Look how cute you are!" And then that makes me laugh. Cause it's silly. But I'm saying those kinds of things to myself, but I do, I have positive self-talk. Thank you. And then the last piece that I was going to say is I try and listen to something uplifting while I'm getting ready and or on my drive to work. So when I talk about listening, listening to Esther Hicks, meditations, or listening to books on audible or whatever, that's when I listen to it. Dan leaves for work before I do, so it's really easy for me to just pop in my earbuds and just listen.

27m 59s

Kayla Rain

And even though it's probably only somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes every morning that I'll listen to something, I'm just setting myself up for how my day is going to go. I'm feeding, I'm putting the positive in. I'm feeding my mind with positivity, I'm listening to positive things. It could be a positive podcast. It could be, sometimes I listened to our own podcasts. Typically the day it released I'll listen to it to make sure like, is it really what I thought it was? Do I remember it right? But no, I do. I listen to audio books. I listen to meditations and I usually don't turn them off until I get to work. And I'm sitting in the parking lot. I'll turn it off, pull my airbeds out.

28m 40s

Kayla Rain

Think about my intention again, as I go in and I start my day and that's my morning routine. So Adria listening to all of that stuff, first of all, tell me your thoughts.

28m 53s

Adria Sha

Oh, I love it! It reminds me of so many goals that I've set and not been working on. I'm just thinking if I put, if I plugged those into my morning or my evening routine, then I'd be making progress and feeling pretty good about things.

29m 11s

Kayla Rain

It's not to say that I'm perfect in my routine. Meaning like it's possible while I'm visualizing, somebody calls me and it like pulls me out of what I'm doing and now I'm distracted. But for me that 30 minute time frame is just enough to get my head straight. Before I jump out of bed. I'm not checking my emails. I'm not checking social media. I'm not thinking about, you know, like WhatsApps. We use WhatsApp at work. And so a lot of times I'll get like work assignments sent in the middle of the night and I'll wake up to them. And instead of looking at that and addressing it or having that affect my feeling or emotion about the day, I'm like, "No, I'm going to take control of what I'm attracting.

29m 55s

Kayla Rain

I have a brand new, fresh start. I'm going to start out with gratitude. I'm going to set my intention. I'm going to visualize, I'm going to do all of these things." And then I make sure that when I step out of bed, it doesn't all just get flushed down the toilet. Like I continue it forward with the positive self-talk and the positive listening that I do through, you know, audio books or whatever. I think there are a lot of these pieces that are similar to Tony Robins' Daily Magic. It's not nearly as active. It's not as high energy. It's not as high intensity. I definitely feel that what Tony Robins suggests is super powerful.

30m 34s

Kayla Rain

And I know it because I used to do it, but for me, this is a lot easier. It's a lot laid back. It's relaxing. And that's kind of more my pace. And I mean, my podcast is Attract It With EASE. I want ease. I want things to be easy. Right? But I feel like the gratitude is in both of those places, the positive self-talk is in both of those places that the visualization is in both of those places. And I feel like all of those pieces, even like you said, if you just implemented one or two of those things and did it every day, it would have a huge impact towards what you're trying to achieve.

31m 16s

Kayla Rain

Okay. So that's my morning routine. Now I want to talk about evening routine and it's not nearly as detailed because at the end of the day we're spent. But I do think there's a few things that we can do to set ourselves up for kind of ending the day and putting a positive spin on the day, no matter what happened, but also helping ourselves have a good night's sleep. So I want to talk about that briefly. So when I go to sleep and I've said this before on the podcast, that first thing I do every morning is focus on gratitude. The last thing I do at night is focus on gratitude. And I try and do that. I will admit there is on occasion sometimes where I'm like literally falling asleep, going into bed.

31m 59s

Kayla Rain

So I cannot say that I focus on gratitude if I'm like half asleep when I go to sleep. But if I'm awake and just shutting off the light and it's a normal evening as I close my eyes, I do try and think about gratitude. And I try and think about oftentimes what happened during the day. Just kind of recapping my day and trying to be grateful for what happened during the day. So this actually leads me into another resource that I want to mention. So I've talked about how I have a line of day journal that I love. And totally, that is part of my evening routine. Now I just, I actually do that way before I'm going to sleep.

32m 41s

Kayla Rain

I climb in bed to watch TV or something and while I'm watching TV, I write in that journal. But (excuse me) I also have, and I use it off and on, I'm not consistent with this, but I do have an app called The Five Minute Journal and Adria, I think you're familiar with this, but our listeners might not be. And The Five Minute Journal actually has also a physical journal that you can buy, but I love the app. So the app, I think it's $5 for the download. You just pay for it one time. But once you have the app, you can do a morning entry and an evening entry or just morning or just evening. However you want to do it.

33m 23s

Kayla Rain

But in the app, it gives you a prompt every morning that you open it, to write down three things you're grateful for in the morning. And then every evening that you open it, it prompts you to write three amazing things that happened today. So I will be honest that I'm not super consistent with it. I have been in the past, but I think it's an awesome app. And I love that you can go back and look at old entries, just like you would a real journal. It allows you to upload a picture. It lets you have a quote for the day. Like it's got a couple other features that I think are really cool, but I love that it starts your morning with the few things you're grateful for and starts the evening with here's three things that are good, that happened today.

34m 10s

Kayla Rain

So I don't always use the app, but I will say that when I'm thinking about my gratitude falling asleep, I do try and think about three good things that happened that day. Because when you think of it, in terms of three, oftentimes we can think of one or two, some days it's hard to think of anything, you had a rough day. But when you force yourself to come up with three things, even if it's literally like, "I am grateful that I get to sleep in my own bed tonight", or "I am grateful that, you know, I'm, I'm headed to bed right now". Like "I get to end the day, like the days done." You know, that could be your gratitude, but at least you're focusing on the positive.

34m 47s

Kayla Rain

And so I do try and lay in bed and focus on my gratitude. But this is a piece I actually did get from Esther Hicks. And she recommends that as you're going to sleep, because you're going to shut off your vibration for that time, you're not attracting anything. She says set an intention to sleep well. She says to put it out there, like, okay, I'm shutting it off. Like kind of telling your body, telling the Universe, "Okay, I'm shutting off my attraction point. And I intend to have a very good peaceful, relaxing, deep sleep. And I will wake up refreshed."

35m 31s

Kayla Rain

However you want to say it, whatever it is that you want. But think about how many nights we don't sleep well. Think about how many nights, like you wake up the next day and if somebody asks you, "How, how did you sleep?" If you were being completely honest, you'd be like, "I didn't really, I woke up like five times or I woke up at 3:00 AM and I couldn't go back to sleep." Like that happens to us. I will tell you I'm not perfect about setting my intention, but I will say this is kind of new for me. I've started setting my intention to sleep well. And I will tell you the very first two times I did it, I woke up and I felt like I had taken NyQuil.

36m 8s

Kayla Rain

Like I woke up from like the world's craziest deep sleep that like, it took me a couple of minutes to like actually wake myself up. And I was like, "Wow, that's amazing!"

36m 20s

Adria Sha

It works!

36m 20s

Kayla Rain

Like I can't remember the last time I slept like that! Yeah, it totally does! But you think about it. You are not your body. You are your inner being that is controlling your body. And so you control your body and if you tell your body, "No I'm going to sleep well tonight. This is my intention. I'm going to sleep well, I'm going to wake up refreshed. I'm going to have a deep sleep." Like put it out there, try it! For me the times I've done it, I have slept really well. I will admit I almost always sleep well. I don't usually struggle with my sleep, but I will say the first two times it was a noticeable difference for me when I set my intention.

37m 3s

Kayla Rain

So those are two pieces. So Adria, tell me, do you, aside from like brushing your teeth and the usual, do you have an evening routine at all?

37m 12s

Adria Sha

I do. I'm a little bit better about my, well, I shouldn't say... shouldn't maybe put a judgment on either one, cause I'm pretty consistent with my morning routine, but I'm not doing all the things you're doing that I have felt like I should be doing. I do a better job of the things that I feel I should be doing at night. I do, you know, I get ready for bed, wash my face, which is put all these things on my face, which is a process and brush my teeth and floss consistently.

37m 40s

Kayla Rain

That's impressive. I don't floss consistently.

37m 44s

Adria Sha

Well, you should!

37m 48s

Kayla Rain

If I believe that then you're right.

37m 54s

Adria Sha

Lately. I have been reading before bed, which helps me to wind down a little bit. I almost always write in my five-year journal as well. And I listened to a hypnosis thing almost every night before I go to sleep as well.

38m 11s

Kayla Rain

I like that. Why do you think it's easier for you to have an evening routine than a morning routine?

38m 19s

Adria Sha

When I, I, I think I get distracted in the morning I get up and I usually check my phone early on and then I'm doing things on my phone and it's harder for me to then bring my mind back to the things that are on my list, like visualization and stuff like that. I'm just kind like once I've checked my phone, then I, at that point I start thinking about work and various other things.

38m 42s

Kayla Rain

I think that's probably what most of us do. And I think that is the drawback to smartphones is that they take so much of our attention. And I think the not so great piece about that is that we allow everything outside of us to control how we start our day with our emotions and our thoughts. I don't know how you are and I'm actually pretty good about the kind of people that I follow on social media. I, I try and get rid of people that I feel are negative and post controversial things and stuff because it just affects my vibration. And so I attend to unfollow that, but I so many times it could be a news story. It could be just someone's post about politics or I don't know. I mean, there's so many things going on in the world right now. I feel like every day somebody is posting about a new issue. It could be, you know, right now some, I don't know, Asian women and their rights and disheartening things. There's so many things, you know, and that black lives matter. And there's, there's just so many things. And I, it's not that I don't care about those things, I do. But everything is so controversial. And everyone has such a strong opinion about things that oftentimes when we jump on our phone, like you said, you might get a work thing. And so now you're focused about work. And however you feel about that work thing, if it's extra work or something that's urgent or something that needs to be done, now that's going to add to your vibration and it's probably not going to positively impact your vibration for the day. But if it's something off social media or a news story or something, that's probably not positively impacting your day, because you're either feeling bad about the situation or you're frustrated about someone's opinion. Or, you know, we've talked about contrasts and we really should appreciate it, but more often than not, it actually like bothers us. And so that's how we are, you know, starting our day is just by letting these other things affect our vibration instead of us consciously deciding "No, you know what? This is a brand new, fresh start I'm starting right from square one. And I'm going to put myself on the path that I want to be on."

41m 1s

Kayla Rain

And I will say that I have not always had this kind of a routine that I've developed this. And I would say I've become more and more consistent in the last year or two years, but I do have a pretty consistent morning routine. And I love it. And like I said, that first 30 minutes of my day is some of my favorite 30 minutes of every day because I really do relish and how nice it is that like, I don't have to get up if I don't want to. I know I don't have to get up. I can lay here in my soft, comfy bed and think about all of the things I love and how great the day's going to go for me. And Oh, that coffee smells amazing. And you know, and it's just this it's silly, but it's just this feel good, cozy moment that I have all by myself every day. And so for me, it's been really beneficial to put myself like start the day off on the right foot. So that kind of leads us into our action item. But before I share that with our listeners, Adria, I'm just going to ask you from this conversation, what are you going to implement from what we talked about?

42m 16s

Adria Sha

I like your idea of doing gratitude morning and night. That's not something, I don't even get to my gratitude every single night. I usually do it when I'm writing in my journal, but I love the idea of kind of book ending your day with gratitude. So I'm going to implement that and also the visualization piece and the setting, your intention.

42m 40s

Kayla Rain

Wow. That's a lot. That's a lot to commit to. I'm impressed actually, but...

42m 46s

Adria Sha

That's three things I can manage.

42m 48s

Kayla Rain

Okay. But wait until I give you the action item.

42m 54s

Adria Sha


42m 55s

Kayla Rain

So the action item for listeners, here's what I'm going to encourage you to do. And you're not going to love this, but I promise you, you will down the road. I'm going to encourage listeners to start setting their alarm 30 minutes early. And here's what I want you really to do today right now, listeners. I'm meaning like right now, like now.

43m 16s

Adria Sha

We'll wait while you do this.

43m 19s

Kayla Rain

Yeah. Grab your phone. You probably already have your like set alarm for tomorrow or whatever. And you know, what, if you only want to do this on the days that you work, like if you work Monday through Friday, then that's fine. If you only want to do it for Monday through Friday, I don't really care, but set a reoccurring alarm. So if you have an alarm Monday through Friday, set a recurring alarm Monday through Friday, right now for 30 minutes before you normally get up. I'm telling you to do it right now. Because if you don't do it, you're not going to do it.

43m 52s

Adria Sha

That's true.

43m 53s

Kayla Rain

And if you jut set it for one day. You'll do it for one day. So I'm saying like, put it in your phone, like set a recurring alarm that every Monday through Friday, if those are the days you work, if it's different days, set it for those days, set that alarm for 30 minutes more earlier than you normally get up. And there will probably be mornings that you wake up and you hear it. And you're like, "Oh, I don't have to get up."

44m 17s

Adria Sha

And you mention Kayla's name and you swear under your breath.

44m 20s

Kayla Rain

You might. But here's the thing. You're going to feel guilty. As you go back to sleep, you might not be guilty enough to stay awake. But if you start doing that every day, because this is a recurring alarm, like every day, eventually you're going to feel guilty enough. Be like, okay, she's right. I should at least try it. And I promise you after you've tried it a couple of times, you're going to appreciate it. You're not going to appreciate waking up 30 minutes early, unless you are a morning person, which I'm not, you're not going to appreciate that. But you are going to appreciate how great it feels to just sit there and love that you don't have to get up yet and love how warm your bed is and love how, just how much you love your house. And you love your family and you love the beautiful view outside or that you don't have to go outside or I don't care what it is. You are going to love those 30 minutes when you get in the habit of doing it. So that's the action item for our listeners. Set your alarm reoccurring for 30 minutes, do it right now.

45m 27s

Kayla Rain

And then we do have a listener for this, or not a listener. We have a listener. I hope we have multiple listeners! We have a winner. We have a winner for this week and we have not had a new review in a couple of weeks Adria. And so I hope that we have listeners that will be willing to leave us some new reviews and it's okay. We don't expect five star. You can say whatever. You don't even have to tell us who you are. Even if you win and you want us to mail you your bracelet, you still don't have to tell us who you are. You can tell us your initials, or you can tell us, you know, mail it to unknown at this address or whatever you want. I don't care. You don't have to tell us who you are. Just leave us a review. But our winner from this week is someone who actually left us a review in the first few weeks. And Adria, it is Serenity Burns. Serenity is our winner and Serenity, if you send us an email Hello@AttractItWithEase.com, tell us your theme word for the year and your address. we'll send you your custom bracelet. Adria, will you tell our listeners what I'm talking about?

46m 37s

Adria Sha

Yes. Each week we will choose a winner from the people who submit reviews of our podcast on various platforms. And the winner will let us know your theme word of the year. We'll make you a custom bracelet featuring that theme word. These bracelets are unisex and really, really cute.

46m 53s

Kayla Rain

They are. And if you don't know what you're, what we're talking about with theme words, go back, listen to episode one, we talk about selecting a theme word for the year. Episodes 001 through 010 are our jumpstart module. So if you're just listening and haven't gone and listened to the first 10, make sure you download those. You can get a free workbook from our website to go with those 10 episodes. Our website is AattractItWithEase.com, but those 10 episodes work together to help you jumpstart all of the things you're trying to manifest in life! But we would love to hear from our listeners, reach out to us. If you have questions, share your feedback. We just want to hear from you.

47m 32s

Kayla Rain

So thank you to those that have left us reviews and Adria, I'm really excited to hear your feedback on your morning and evening routines. Anything else you want to add tonight?

47m 43s

Adria Sha

No. No, I can't think of anything, but thank you for the inspiration as always. I'm, I always finish this podcast excited to go out and do something better.

47m 52s

Kayla Rain

Yay! Well, I'm glad. Thank you for being a part of it with me. And I look forward to talking with you next week.

47m 55s

Adria Sha

Have a great night.

47m 55s

Kayla Rain

You too. Bye bye.


S1.E25: To Stay or To Go?


S1.E23: Manifesting Money