S1.E21: The Things Weighing You Down

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The things you own have a physical and psychological weight on you. You don't realize how heavy that burden is until you either go to move or get rid of stuff. Holding onto things you don't need is like telling the Universe, "I don't trust you'll come through for me in my time of need." It has a negative impact on your desire to attract more!

We're two sisters who believe that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create and have fun. We believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught us that the path to getting everything we want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you.

Kayla Rain

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain.


Adria Sha

I'm your cohost Adria Sha.


Kayla Rain

And welcome back to Attract It With EASE. Hello, Adria, how are you tonight?


Adria Sha

Hi, I'm doing well Kayla. How are you?


Kayla Rain

I'm so good. So tonight's episode is something I'm really passionate about. Not like I'm not on all of the others, but I'm really excited about our topic this evening. So tell me what you're grateful for so we can jump into our content.

1m 6s

Adria Sha

Okay. Well, I too am excited about our topic this evening, so I can't wait to get to that. But the first thing I'm very grateful before I am really grateful for my job. And I don't know if you're surprised to hear me say that or not, because I don't say that often enough, but I have a job that is intellectually stimulating. It provides lots of variety. It gives me tons of flexibility. And as you know, right now we're even working from home because of COVID. But even before that, I have quite a bit of flexibility as far as when I get my work done, meaning what time I start and end, or, you know, if I need to leave early or I have an appointment in the middle of the day.

1m 52s

Adria Sha

And it pays more than pays more than any job I've had before now. So there are so many great things about my job and I'm really, really grateful for it.

2m 1s

Kayla Rain

Can I have your job?

2m 6s

Adria Sha

Clearly? I haven't vented about my job enough because there are some stressful aspects, but when I stop and think about it, my job has so many really, really positive aspects to it.

2m 17s

Kayla Rain

I love it!

2m 18s

Adria Sha

I like my job a lot. No, you may not have my job. I am really grateful that we had a yard to play in, in the summer growing up and in the winter, but I have memories of us pretending we were pioneers in the backyard, basically playing outside in the sun all day, making mud cakes, eating bark off the fence between our house and Robinson's. There was like, you could... I hope Robinson's are not listing this!

2m 52s

Kayla Rain

They're not!

2m 53s

Adria Sha

Or I hope they forgive us! But you could pull some of the wood in the fence and further inside, it was a little more tender. So you could chew on it a little bit and pretend it was pioneered chewing gum.

3m 4s

Kayla Rain

Oh my goodness.

3m 7s

Adria Sha

You know, we would get kernels of corn from the garden and leave them in the sun all day long and never once did they pop, but I was always hopeful that we could make pioneer popcorn just from the heat and the dried up corn kernels from the garden.

3m 20s


So I'm going to explain for our listeners when Adria says "we", she's not talking about she and I.

3m 26s

Adria Sha

Were you not there? Dang it!

3m 32s


No! Our next well, it's probably Marcee the next in line.

3m 37s

Adria Sha

Yeah, definitely Marcee and Chalise and I thought it was all of you guys, but maybe you were too little.

3m 43s

Kayla Rain

If I was involved, I don't remember, but I do have really fond memories of playing in the yard. That's a good one. I haven't thought about the house we grew up in many years, so thank you.

3m 57s

Adria Sha

Yeah. I know not everyone lives in a place where they have a yard with room for playing and, you know, we had grass, we had a swing set. We had a place to build snow forts. It was just, it wasn't huge by any means, but I have some really good memories as a child playing in that yard. And then the last one is I am grateful for my name and I haven't always felt that way. I have always had to spell my name from the time I was a little kid and we always had to spell her last name too, because we had a very complicated last name.

4m 27s

Kayla Rain

Don't tell what it is.

4m 31s

Adria Sha

So I have not always loved my name because usually when I tell people my name's Adria, then I have to repeat myself and you know, they think it's Andrea or Adrian or something. But the older I get, the more I like having a unique name. And when I call somebody and say, Hey, it's Adria. If it's somebody that I know, they know who I am. They're not trying to go through all the Adrias that they know to figure out who's on the phone. So I'm grateful for that as well.

4m 58s

Kayla Rain

I love it. You know, I used to have a really unique name. And then the year that my son was born, the name Kayla was the sixth, most popular name in the English, like name book, or something that year.

5m 13s

Adria Sha

Oh that's crazy!

5m 14s

Kayla Rain

And now there are a lot of people named Kayla. I don't know any other Adria's though. So you have a good one. I agree. All right. So here's mine. I'm grateful for the heater that we have in our tiny house. It's not a space heater. It's one of those like coil oil heaters, but it heats so well and maintains temperature really well. And we don't have the concern of leaving on when we're not home, the way that you would with a space heater. But as listeners probably know, I live in a really tiny house and it's nice in these colder months to have a heater that's reliable, that can keep our space warm because we don't have traditional HVAC here.

6m 5s

Kayla Rain

So it's pretty awesome.

6m 7s

Adria Sha

I love it.

6m 9s

Kayla Rain

A couple of weeks back, I talked about being grateful for my phone and all the apps on the phone, but there's one in particular that I'm going to point out today. I'm really grateful for the notes app in my phone, because I write down everything in there. I write down my ideas for the podcast. I write down my shopping list because if I write it on paper, it never fails. I leave it at home, but I rarely leave my phone at home. So it allows me to have it with me. I've been writing my marriage vows. Don't tell Dan, but they're saved in the notes app on my phone. We'll see if he's listening. But yeah, I love that app. I'm really appreciative of it.

6m 50s

Kayla Rain

It helps me be able to hang on to things and not have to keep track of lots of little bits of paper. Plus if you know anything about me, I am such a tree fanatic that I have a hard time like using paper if I don't need to. So I love that app. And the number three, so Reese's peanut butter cups recently came out with a new version that I'm obsessed with. It's the big cups with the pretzel in it. Have you tried it?

7m 22s

Adria Sha


7m 22s

Kayla Rain

Oh my gosh. It's not even like a full pretzel. It's pretzel bites, but it's the giant Reese's peanut butter cups. So it's like extra big and thick.

7m 31s

Adria Sha

Ooh yum!

7m 32s

Kayla Rain

And in the peanut butter is bits of pretzel pieces. And I'm not even a big pretzel fan. Like I'm not a person that will snack on pretzels normally, but these are just tiny little bits of pretzels. And then it has the salt in there and is crunchy like toffee would be on the inside, but it's got just a little bit of salt, so, so good. I'm obsessed. I have had one every night for the past few days. I can't get over it so good. So listeners, if you haven't tried that, if you're a Reese's fan, check it out. You will thank me! All right. So let's jump into this week's episode because I know both of us are excited.

8m 16s

Kayla Rain

It's something we're both very passionate about, and this is basically getting rid of stuff.

8m 29s

Adria Sha

I do love to get rid of things.

8m 32s

Kayla Rain

I'll bet most people don't love to get rid of things. I think we love to hang on to things. So I've struggled even deciding what to call this episode, because I have so many different thoughts about it. And I'm sure initially people are thinking, "Oh brother, here we go... This is a girl who lives in a tiny house. And she's going to tell me to get rid of all of my things and move tiny." And that's not at all where I'm going with this. This is about how the things we own weigh us down. And it is a physical, like emotion that we have attached to our stuff. And the funny thing is we usually don't even recognize it until one of two things happens either.

9m 13s

Kayla Rain

Number one, we do get rid of it because we feel this release when we let go. So you, until you do that, you don't really realize how much it was weighing on you until you do get rid of it. Or number two, when you move, when you move, then you know how much it weighs on you because it's so overwhelming. Every time you move, it's like, "Oh my gosh, why do I have so much stuff? Why did we carry all of this around?" We just move it from house to house, to place to place and anybody that's moved, anyone that's moved recently knows exactly what I'm talking about. Those are the two times that you realize the physical weight that your things have on you.

9m 54s

Kayla Rain

So I want to talk about that today. And I also want to talk about how that relates to the Law of Attraction, because it seems silly, but it actually does. So let's talk about it for just a second. Let's talk about how our stuff weighs us down. Adria, when I say that our stuff weighs us down, tell me what you think. I mean, by that,

10m 18s

Adria Sha

I have found that having stuff, the more, the more stuff I own, the more mental clutter I have, for some reason that I even explain. And like you said, I, I realize that most when I get rid of stuff and then suddenly I feel so much lighter and I'm like, wow, how could that have an impact on my mental health? You know

10m 41s

Kayla Rain


10m 41s

Adria Sha

It's crazy to me.

10m 43s

Kayla Rain

So some of the ways that our stuff weighs us down, number one is we have to keep it organized. So the more things that you have, the harder it is to organize things, meaning sometimes it becomes difficult to find a place for everything or your house is messy or because you have more things. I'm sure everyone listening to this podcast probably has a junk drawer or some closet or cupboard or space in their house.

11m 7s

Adria Sha

Hey wait! I don't! I do not have a junk drawer. Or a junk closet.

11m 10s

Kayla Rain

Okay, but let me ask you, before you moved into your current place, did you have a junk drawer?

11m 15s

Adria Sha

Yes. More than one.

11m 16s

Kayla Rain

Exactly. Exactly. Adria just went through this.

11m 18s

Adria Sha

It's like a catch all place. So it's not that just that you're keeping junk. It's a place for everything that doesn't have a place, all it all gets put together.

11m 28s

Kayla Rain

Maybe you don't even call it junk. People refer to it as a junk drawer, but maybe you don't think anything in there is junk. It's just, you don't have a place to put all these things. The kinds of things that go in this drawer are post-it notes and Sharpies and business cards and menus for eating out and coins from other countries

11m 50s

Adria Sha


11m 50s

Kayla Rain

I mean, I don't even know!

11m 53s

Adria Sha

Candles and...

11m 53s

Kayla Rain


11m 54s

Adria Sha

Dental floss.

11m 57s

Kayla Rain

Yes! All the things that don't have a place. So we all, we can all relate to that piece and Adria, what she's saying, where she doesn't have one, it's not really fair because she recently, and I say recently, because it's been in the last year, she recently went through downsizing and this whole decluttering process. But I do want to talk about it because we know what it's like to feel like our place is a mess. Some of us that's rare. Some of us, that's a constant thing that weighs on us when you come home and your house feels messy, that feels yucky. And you realize that if you walk into your bedroom and you can't see the floor or there's clothes everywhere, or there's laundry in a pile, I mean, I don't know what your house looks like, and I'm not talking about you, Adria.

12m 44s

Kayla Rain

I don't know what your house looks like, Adria, but I don't know what our listener's house looks like. For real. I have no idea what your room looks like. You could be super neat, super tidy, or you could live in a disaster, but you know what I mean? When you come home and things are messy and how would that make you feel? It has this physical weight on you and it makes you feel overwhelmed. You don't want to clean, or you feel like you need to clean because you can't handle the way it feels to be in the mess. Any of those are weight on you. So there's that piece. There's also the fact that when we have stuff, it feel it physically fills the space around us.

13m 29s

Kayla Rain

And so it's literally like the walls closing in on us. You can understand what I mean when you let's say you have a walk-in closet. When you go into your walk-in closet and it's like jam packed and you don't know where something is, or you have to get something off a shelf and you have to kind of worry that things are going to fall down on you because it's piled so high or there's a stack of boxes and you have to get to the box in the middle or the box on the bottom. And you're worried the boxes are going to fall on you. Like it literally is the walls closing in on you. And I'm not trying to sell the idea of a minimalist lifestyle. I'm not trying to talk people into going tiny.

14m 10s

Kayla Rain

I'm trying to give people a sense of how our, the stuff we own is heavy and has an impact on us physically and mentally. So I think we've kind of covered that a little bit. So here's the problem. Here's the big issue that I have with stuff. Most of us hang on to stuff that we haven't used in the last 12 months. There are listeners on here who have Christmas wrapping paper in a closet somewhere that they didn't even use this last Christmas. And it's just sitting in the closet gift bags that we're planning to re-gift to somebody else, sitting in a closet.

14m 59s

Kayla Rain

Jeans that used to fit us two or three or five years ago that we're hanging on to, because we know we're going to get back down to that size and we're going to wear them again. We'll side note: they're probably not going to be in style when you do get down to that size. So you probably should get rid of them, but that's just an asterix, but we hang onto these things that we don't need for me before I went tiny. One of the things that I had an issue with was makeup samples. I had all these different lipsticks I'd never worn. I had all these different face creams and scrubs and face masks and whatever in like a bin, because I thought one day, I'm going to want to try this, or I want to use this.

15m 46s

Kayla Rain

Or, and then you never do, because number one, you forget about it. But number two, it's like when you run out of something, you go buy something. You don't use the sample, that's sitting in your drawer. And so I just had all this makeup stuff. That was just stuff that was never going to be used. I convinced myself I was going to use it, but I never used it. In fact, sometimes I would re-gift it, but I wouldn't use it for me. I would have pairs of shoes that went with one thing, one, one dress, a pair of heels that matched one dress, that I would wear once every three years.

16m 26s

Kayla Rain

And yet I felt like I needed the dress and the shoes. And these are the things that we hang on to. This is my issue with stuff is we hang on to things that we're not using. And now let's talk about how this relates to the Law of Attraction. When you hang on to things that you don't need, because you think you're going to use it in the future, like those jeans that haven't fit you in three years, that you know, are going to fit you as soon as you lose the weight. Really what you're telling the Universe is that you don't trust the Universe to replace it. You are in that mode of not believing that you can receive.

17m 9s

Kayla Rain

You're in that lack mindset. And what I mean by that is, those jeans don't fit you today, so you don't need them today. And if you really 100% truly believe you're going to get into that size again, where those jeans will fit you. You're telling the Universe, "When I'm that size. I don't believe that I'll be able to afford new jeans. I don't believe that you will replace those jeans. So I better hang on to these jeans." It's like the old wrapping paper. I don't believe that in two years, when I intend to use this wrapping paper that I've been hanging onto for two years, that I will be able to afford new wrapping paper.

17m 50s

Kayla Rain

I mean, it's such a minimal thing, wrapping paper, but yet we hang on to these things because we believe we need it. We believe we're going to use it. We believe the day will come. And so we fill our lives with these things, but really just like we talked about on our last episode where we create this unintentional resistance, we're creating this resistance where we're telling the Universe, "I don't trust you. I don't trust you to take care of me. I don't trust you to replace this. And so, because of that, I have to hang on to it." It's just like squandering your money. It's like getting a paycheck and feeling like you can't spend a dime because you don't know when you're going to get any more.

18m 33s

Kayla Rain

Well, what are you telling the Universe? That you don't get money. You don't get money often. So you better hang on to it. It's the same thing, Adria pipe in here. And tell me what you think about that idea that hanging on to things actually puts us in a resistance mode.

18m 53s

Adria Sha

Yeah, I think it's super interesting. I think about the things... I don't hang on to a lot of things, because I don't have a lot of space, but I'm thinking about the things I do save and, and why. And I think that you're right. Sorry. I'm just caught up in my thoughts. Yeah. I think it's assuming, I think you're right. I think it's coming from almost a place of, it's like the opposite of abundance. Like you said, it's kind of a scarcity mindset. Like I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to replace this. And so I have to hold it right now.

19m 34s

Adria Sha

And so it's coming from a place of fear and then we're just attracting negativity. Or I'm attracting activity if I'm viewing the world that way.

19m 44s

Kayla Rain


19m 44s

Adria Sha

From a stingy, almost from a stingy mindset.

19m 47s

Kayla Rain

Exactly. And it's funny because it's these nuances that we, we don't label ourselves as being a stingy person. We don't think that we're doing anything wrong. In fact, we think that it's positive. It's like, Oh, you know, one day I'm going to need a rubber band. So I might as well hang on to this rubber band because then I don't have to go out and buy one, but we tend to just fill our space with these things and these things, like I said, weigh us down. And so not only does it put us in that negative space where we're telling the Universe, "Look, I don't believe you will replace this.

20m 32s

Kayla Rain

I don't believe that you will bring me more." It is that mindset of lack and scarcity, but it also does not create space for the things that we're asking for. That's a piece we haven't really talked about yet. We did talk on a prior episode about doing everything you can with what you have from where you're at. And we talked about things like making room in the garage for that car you're working towards. Cleaning out your garage and trying to, you know, make space for the second car.

21m 6s

Adria Sha


21m 6s

Kayla Rain

But that's the whole piece of this. Is that how in the world can we make space for more if we are cluttering up the space? Like we're not making space unless we physically are making space. It's not a mental thing. Like, Oh, I mean, it is mental too. But when we say make space, we're not just saying, you know, prepare yourself mentally. We're talking about like, make space. If you're in a relationship, how can you expect the new relationship until you get out of the relationship? If you're expecting this new car, where are you going to put it? If you don't have anywhere to park it?

21m 48s

Kayla Rain

Oh my gosh, this is, this has me thinking about garages. Oh, you know, when we moved tiny, we lived pretty tiny before moving into Hank, our tiny house, we lived in 1100 square feet with a two car garage. And our garage was very well organized, full to the brim. Like two whole walls of the garage was shelving filled with rubber bins, full of tools and decorations and camping gear and all of these things. And when we decided that we were going to transition to tiny house living, we knew we were going to have to downsize.

22m 31s

Kayla Rain

And we literally got rid of over 80% of what we owned. We still have a lot in storage, more than I would like to have in storage, but certain things like my Rae Dunn collection I talked about before, but I wasn't willing to just get rid of, because it is collectibles. But yeah, when I think about going through that stuff, I suffer from anxiety and I had multiple panic attacks, just downsizing. And it wasn't the, the stress of letting go for me. It was literally the stress of "Oh my gosh! I have to sort through all of these things.

23m 12s

Kayla Rain

I have to look at items one by one and decide what is worth keeping and what has to go." And I kept having panic attacks from it where I would just shut down. And, and I can't even explain it if you haven't experienced that and Adria I know you have, I know you've gone through that because you went through that recently, you lived in a house and now you live in essentially a one bedroom, a bedroom.

23m 40s

Adria Sha

A bedroom.

23m 42s

Kayla Rain

Right? So you got rid of a lot and you did it in a much faster timeframe than I did. So I don't know that you and maybe you did, I don't know that you literally went item by item through your house, or if you kind of categorized what you could get rid of. For me, I literally went through closets and drawers in my pantry and my cleaning supplies and my everything one by one by one, and decided what I was keeping and what I wasn't. And it was, I was already living super small way smaller than most people in the U S and I still couldn't handle all of the stuff.

24m 24s

Kayla Rain

It was, it was so overwhelming. I can't even imagine someone that lives in say a 3000 square foot home and all of the closets of stuff that they have and the excess of dishes and Tupperware and Christmas decorations. And I mean, once again, guys, I'm not judging you. I'm not saying you have to live in 160 square feet like I do. But what I am saying is I know because I, in 160 square feet have this issue, I know you're hanging on to things that you don't need. I know that there's things in your life you haven't used in the last 12 months that you're holding onto because you believe you will use it in the future.

25m 12s

Kayla Rain

So I don't know. I think the best way to talk about how this relates to the Law of Attraction is really just to circle back around to the conversation of that, that scarcity mindset is causing resistance from receiving more, but it's also affecting you on a mental level. It's affecting your happiness, your joy. Every time you have to organize something, every time you have to clean something, every time someone else in your house makes a mess and you have to see it or deal with it or walk around it, it's stressful. It affects us. It, it shifts our energy. And when we think about how the whole way that things work in life, when we're talking about the Law of Attraction, everything is energy.

26m 1s

Kayla Rain

And every vibration that we put out is met with its match. So every negative feeling, every negative thought is met with it's a match. So the more negativity that we have related to our stuff, the more negativity we're attracting, you know, Dan, my fiancé is really good about collecting things. And he is definitely one of those people that hangs on to stuff, thinking he'll use it in the future. Typically he hangs onto things for woodworking projects. So he hangs onto random pieces of wood and logs and strangeness that he thinks he'll turn into some artistic piece of something someday. But he also has a tendency to like leave piles of things in places. And he thinks if it's a pile is organized, if it's stacked, it's organized. And to me, I am a very minimalist. I feel like, Ugh, everything needs to be, have a place. It doesn't live on the countertop. It shouldn't live on the countertop. If it's not decorative, if it doesn't have a place, we shouldn't be keeping it. That's tricky in 160 square feet. But I will say that I'm pretty good about organizing my own things, but Dan owns things that I'm not going to throw out or organize for him, but I'm constantly, I'll use the word bugged by the things he leaves sitting around.

27m 36s

Kayla Rain

And so it's not even my stuff. It's his stuff that's bugging me, but it bugs me because I can see it. It bugs me because I feel like our house is messy and all of this adds negativity to my life. So I'm not saying that that's Dan's fault. That's my issue. But I am saying that I think this is a topic that our listeners can relate to. I know for certain there's things that you can get rid of. I know you can make space for things in your life. I know how freeing it feels to get rid of things. And when I say get rid, you could sell it on eBay or on Mercari or Poshmark.

28m 17s

Kayla Rain

You could donate it. You could throw it away if it has no value, but I will caution you on one thing. Don't hang on to things thinking you're going to sell it. If you're not going to sell it, get rid of it. And if you list it for sell and it's not selling, get rid of it. Because I ran into that issue in downsizing. Also, I listed a whole bunch of stuff online. I moved it all to the spare bedroom so that it was out of the way I knew, okay, these are the things that I'm selling. And then it just sat in the spare bedroom. And so it was this room of mess that I could close the door to. That was stuff that I was hanging on to, because I was like, "Oh, it's worth money. It's going to sell." Don't put yourself in that situation. If it's not selling, it's not selling. So drop the price or get rid of it.

29m 11s

Adria Sha

You know, I used to want to recoup some money for anything that I wanted to get rid of that had some value. And over time I've, there are still some things that I sell, but I have shifted a little bit. And what I like to do now is take, and part of this comes from Marie Kondo, you know, take a minute to appreciate the thing and the joy that it brought me. But then I take a minute to imagine it blessing the life of somebody else in the way it blessed me. And I am better able to donate it at that point. When I think about the joy it's going to bring somebody else, that brings me more joy than hanging, in most cases than hanging onto something and hoping that I can get my twenty-five bucks back or whatever, because I feel like that's a toss up too.

29m 60s

Adria Sha

People are not necessarily always willing to pay what something is worth. New. Also rarely the mental energy of selling and negotiating and showing up and like with a few exceptions, it's just not worth it to me anymore. And I, I get a really good feeling out of imagining how excited somebody's going to feel about finding that thing at a thrift store. You know, lots of times I think about maybe a single mom who has to go back to work and she stumbles upon, you know, a nice handbag or a nice pair of shoes and something that she couldn't normally afford. And I like to think if she found this at the thrift store, because I donated it instead of selling it on Craigslist or whatever, just think how that would bless her life. So I am totally in the camp of not trying to sell things anymore.

30m 50s

Kayla Rain

You know, I love that positivity that you put on that. I think it's amazing because the items that you're donating probably get so much more love than they would have just sitting on a closet shelf, not being used. Even if it's something of value, especially if it's something of value, like you said, there's people out there who can't afford a name brand pair of jeans or a name brand handbag, or a name brand pair of shoes. And to be able to find it at a thrift store for pennies on the dollar, it probably would be incredible and make their day and be an item that they would absolutely love and appreciate and get compliments on.

31m 34s

Kayla Rain

And it could be life-changing for someone where, when we just hang on to it, it's just weight. It's weight on us. It's interesting because when I decided to move tiny, I had, I used to own quite a few handbags and I had downsized before several years prior, but I still had probably three or four that I was hanging on to. And I finally only kept one. I thought, okay, I only use one a day, I only need one. So I kept one. And I just recently for Christmas got a second one and I am going through this turmoil of, okay, now I'm not using the other one, but I love it. Do I get rid of it? I really don't need two handbags, but I found myself in that place again. And it's funny how, when you do get rid of things, how quickly and easily you replace them, you know, it's really easy to fill space when you make this space. But you know, that's kind of how the Universe works. When you make space, the Universe blesses you, but there's that piece too. I mean, this is not the action item, but there's the piece of get in the habit of when you buy something, throw something out, like instead of just adding to what you have, use it to replace something that you have. If you buy a new pair of shoes, get rid of a pair of shoes, trade it out, trade up.

32m 59s

Kayla Rain

So I I'm a firm believer in that, but yeah, folks, my house is so small. We literally have one cupboard. That's like, I haven't measured it, but it's probably about eight inches tall and maybe 18 inches across. And all of our dishes fit in that one, cupboard all of the cups, all of the plates, all of the bowls. And if it doesn't fit in that cabinet, there's no place for it. And so, like I said, I do have some collectible items in storage because I am working towards my next home. That's a little bit bigger, but at the end of the day, if you're not using it, you don't need it.

33m 44s

Kayla Rain

And if you don't need it and you're hanging onto it, you're creating that weight for yourself. And if the reason that you're hanging onto it is because you believe you're going to use it someday. Then you are creating the resistance, telling the Universe, "Look when the day comes that I need these things. I don't believe you that you will replace it. I don't trust you that you will replace it." And so all of that is a negative vibration. So I think we've kind of exhausted this topic. I think listeners probably get that. We're saying, Hey, declutter, make space downsize, simplify your life.

34m 25s

Kayla Rain

And whatever that means to you is what it means to you. We don't expect you to change the size of your home. Just change the weight of what you're carrying. So with that being said, that leads me to our action items. And I'm going to encourage our listeners to clean out one closet this week. It could be your bedroom closet. It could be your pantry. It could be your coat closet. It could be a closet in a child's bedroom. If it's easier to get rid of the kids' stuff and your stuff, then that's fine. But I am going to encourage you to do it this week. Don't wait.

35m 5s

Kayla Rain

It will feel amazing. It will feel incredible. You'll realize how many things you have that you don't need. And that's the funny thing about closets because we don't see the stuff. We forget what we have and it's not until you start digging it apart that you're like, Oh my gosh, I have a lot of stuff. I have a lot of stuff I forgot about! That is to me all the time, I'll buy an extra mascara or something because I got it on sale or something. So I'll put the extra mascara in a basket on top of a shelf. And then I forget that I have an extra mascara. So when I need more mascara, I go buy another mascara.

35m 46s

Kayla Rain

And then one day I pull that basket down and I'm like, Oh my gosh, I totally forgot. I just bought one of these. I had one already. I do that all the time because out of sight, out of mind. So it will feel good to go through what you have to declutter to make space, to let go, to donate, to bless somebody's life and to tell the Universe, "Look, I do trust that when I need more, you will bring it to me and you won't just replace what I have. You'll replace it with something far better." And that's the truth because the jeans will be in style when you replace them. Instead of the old style that you're hanging on to. Any additional thoughts or comments on this topic?

36m 28s

Adria Sha

The only thing I can think of is for those that adhere to the philosophy of feng shui and the way that the energy moves through your space, the less stuff you have, the more freedom the energy has to. And I'm, I'm not an expert on that topic, but it is stifling to a lot of things. So there's that way to look at things too.

36m 52s

Kayla Rain

You know, when things are behind closed doors, meaning in a cupboard or a drawer or something, I don't know that it affects you as the same way that it does when you can see your stuff. But the way that our minds work, if we have a lot of stimulation, because there's a lot of things around us, it can actually make us feel stressed. It can be hard to focus. So simply by organizing or clean off countertops and putting things away where they belong, finding a space for things that alone can be considered. Part of the decluttering can be good mentally. And I didn't say this on the action item, but I meant to.

37m 33s

Kayla Rain

So I'm going to add to the action item. Don't just clean out a closet this week, clean out a closet and get rid of anything you haven't used in the last 12 months.

37m 44s

Adria Sha

I love it.

37m 45s

Kayla Rain

If it hasn't been used in the last 12 months, you're not keeping it. You can sell it. You can donate it. You can gift it. You can throw it away, but don't hang onto it because you think you're going to use it in the future.

38m 2s

Kayla Rain

So that's this week we do have a winner. Our winner is Gummy bussin. Gummy Bussin left us a review on Apple podcasts actually a little while ago. t's been up there for awhile. Thank you Gummy Bussin! You're our winner of a custom theme bracelet. So send us an email at Hello@AtattractItWithEase.com. Tell us your theme word for the year. Give us your address. We'll make you a custom theme bracelet. Adria, why don't you share with our listeners what I'm talking about? When I say winners, bracelets, all of that.

38m 41s

Adria Sha

Yes. Every week we're going to draw a name from those people who have submitted reviews of our podcast on the various websites and the winner from the drawing gets a bracelet, a custom bracelet with their theme word of the year. We talk about these theme words in episode one.

38m 59s

Kayla Rain

So that's right. And if you're new here and you haven't listened to episode one, all 10 episodes episodes, 001 through 010 are our jumpstart module. They're designed to go together. There's a workbook that you can download for free from our website, AttractItWithEase.com and these 10 episodes are designed to help you jumpstart your ability to manifest all of your desires. So go back and download all 10 episodes, episodes 001 through 010 and download your workbook. And again, listeners, if you have questions or comments, reach out to us, we'd love to hear from you. We appreciate you! And Adria. It was fun. Thank you for another good week. I look forward to talking to you next week. It's always a pleasure.

39m 41s

Adria Sha

I had a great time.

39m 42s

Kayla Rain

Thanks. Bye-bye


S1.E22: Pivoting


S1.E20: Unintentional Resistance