S1.E20: Unintentional Resistance


In episode 020 Kayla talks about a recent ah-ha moment where she's realized she's been unintentionally creating resistance, which has actually kept her from being able to receive the things she's been working to attract. One little change and she's now back on track. Listen in! Chances are this conversation will be an ah-ha moment for you too!

Music Credit: Caleb Britton @NeonBrotherDC

Where two sisters who believe that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create and have fun. We believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught us that the path to getting everything we want begins with ease. If you believe in miracles and happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. 

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain. 

Speaker 1 (39s): I'm your co-host Adria Sha. 

Speaker 0 (41s): And welcome back to attract it with ease. Hello again, Adria. How are you? 

Speaker 1 (48s): Hi, I'm great. Kayla, how are you? 

Speaker 0 (51s): I am wonderful. I'm really looking forward to this week's episode. I have so many things playing through my mind. Let's start out with our gratitude, that what are you grateful for today and why? 

Speaker 1 (1m 3s): The first one on my list is I am grateful that we had a mom who taught us to bake bread and iron shirts 

Speaker 0 (1m 12s): Sounds like very wifely duties. Why are you grateful for that? 

Speaker 1 (1m 16s): Well, the funny thing is I haven't baked bread or iron a shirt in a really, really long time, but they are both skills that I think are better learned when they're demonstrated by someone who's really good at it. And so I think back, not only am I grateful for the skills should I ever want to use them, but I think back about just the time that mom spent with me teaching me those things. And I know she did that for all of us. So I have that as a fond memory. And I think how nice that she wanted us to find joy in little duties of serving others the way that she did. 

Speaker 0 (1m 56s): I liked that. I love good memories of mom. I have lots of good memories of mom. Awesome. 

Speaker 1 (2m 3s): Second one. I, hopefully, I haven't mentioned this before. I love my weighted blanket. 

Speaker 0 (2m 8s): It would be okay if you've mentioned it before, because I think it's okay to be grateful for things more than once, but good. Tell me about your weighted blanket. Why do you love it? 

Speaker 1 (2m 18s): I am so grateful for this. It keeps me warm and my bedroom is very, very chilly, but a weighted blanket. The way that it just distributes the weight throughout the blanket is very calming. That pressure on the body is just really relaxing and cozy comforting. So it's a great sensation and I, I use it every night. I look forward to it every night. 

Speaker 0 (2m 46s): Hmm. I'm going to have to look into that. I don't have one. 

Speaker 1 (2m 49s): Yes, definitely. And my last one is I'm grateful that we had pets when we were growing up, even though I did not at the time, always appreciate being the one when it was my turn, you know, to feed or water the dog or the cat. I'm grateful that we learned to love animals. I'm grateful that we experienced caring for someone besides ourselves at such a young age. And even that we were able to experience having a loved thing die at a young age so that we were better equipped. 

I feel like to deal with that as well. 

Speaker 0 (3m 22s): Those are really good. And now you're going to make me look bad because all of my things are kind of superficial and yours were all these heartfelt touching memories better than both of us being superficial today. All right, well, I'll jump into mine. Number one for me is my Ray Dunn collection. And listeners, you may not know this about me. You probably don't know this about me unless you know, me personally already, but I am obsessed with the artist Ray Dunn and her most popular medium is ceramics. 

So she makes dishes. That's what she's kind of become famous for, but she's branched out into other areas, but lots of home decor things, lots of things for the kitchen. And I started collecting her products before she was actually super big, like she is now. And now it seems like a super mainstream people that know her, know exactly what I'm talking about, but what I collect are white dishes with one word on them. So it'll say something like dinner or eat or cake or something like that. 

Very simple minimalist, but I love her stuff. And I just got a little container for Bobby pins and another one for my hair ties to keep in the bathroom. I was so excited and it just makes me appreciate how I have a lot in storage right now because I'm in a tiny house, but I just appreciate having something that I surround myself with that I absolutely love. So I'm in love with my radon collection and I'm grateful for that. 

Number two for me is books. And Adrian, you said this before, but I don't know that I have, I am really grateful for books and I kind of go through different periods of my life, where I read and then where I don't read it, whether or not I make time for reading lately. I've really tried to make time for reading because I probably got six new books for Christmas and they're just sitting around waiting to be read. And when I read, I always go, Oh, why don't I make more time for this? I love reading. And actually today's episode is all about something that I could have uncovered or discovered this aha moment that I had reading recently. 

So I'm really grateful for books and that they're available to us. And the number three, I have a line a day journal, and it's one of those journals where you just write one line a day and I've it for a while. But I actually finally started using it a little over a month ago and I have been perfect about it. It's the first time in my life. I've been perfect about journaling every day for an extended period of time. I go through spurts on that too, and it feels so good. I have it right by my bedside. 

So I see it every night when I go to bed, it helps me remember to write in it, but I feel good doing it because it's only one line it's like, how hard is it to write in your journal? If you only have to write one line so I can write whatever I want, I can sum up my day. I can talk about how I'm feeling, but I'm really grateful for my line of Dane line a day journal. The one that I have is fits five years in it. So I'm really excited five years from now to be able to go back and look at how my life has changed over the years. 

And I'm really grateful for that too. I love that. Well, thank you. I want to get in, like I said, into a conversation about something I've been reading about, and I'm not even sure the way to jump into this conversation other than to start with talking about the three steps to the law of attraction. And I think we've kind of mentioned this, but maybe not definitively that there's three steps to the law of attraction. 

It's pretty simple. Anyone that's familiar with the law of attraction has probably heard these three steps. They might've heard them referred to different ways, but the way I'm going to refer to them is ask, answer and allow. So step number one is to ask and that's the easiest one we're asking for things constantly. Every time we don't like something we are asking for the opposite. Every time we're uncomfortable, we're asking for something to be different. Every time we achieve something, we suddenly want something more or something better if we want to push ourselves. 

So asking, just kind of comes naturally, but that's step one. So that's our job is to ask for what we want. Step two is the answer. And that is not our job. The answer is not up to us. We've talked about the, how is not up to us. It's not up to us to figure out how something comes about or the details or when it comes about. None of that is our peace. That is the universe, the universe, or source or God, or whatever you believe in is responsible for answering us. When we ask now, the way the law of attraction works is that when we put something out into the universe, it's match is met. 

Meaning when we ask for something, it comes back to us like a boomerang. It, the universe goes to work, finds the match to what we've been asking for and brings us the answer. So number two just happens automatically. We don't have to do anything, but what we do have to do is number three, and this is the hardest part. And that is allow, we have to allow ourselves to receive the thing that we're asking for. And that sounds silly because it's like, why in the world? Wouldn't I allow it. 

If I asked for it, if I know I want it, why wouldn't I allow it? But what we don't realize is that we have to be a vibrational match to what we're asking for in order to be able to receive it. So if we ask for something that is amazing and positive and wonderful, and we're sitting around complaining and feeling sorry for ourselves or being negative, or I don't know, not matching up with the thing that we're asking for. 

It's not going to come to us. It's just going to sit out there. The universe is going to be trying to give it to us and unintentionally, we are creating resistance and not allowing ourselves to receive. So this is something that I don't think we've really broken down in these terms, but I think it's important to talk about how this process works in order to move to the piece that I want to talk about today. And the piece I want to talk about today is related to that, allowing peace. And I just said, the word resistance. 

That's what I want to talk about is resistance and how we create resistance for ourselves. And most of the time when we create it, it's unintentional. We don't even realize that we're doing it. And this is something that I've known about for probably since I first started learning about the law of attraction. I've known that you have to be a vibrational match. I've known that you have to stay positive and you have to believe, and you have to be open to receiving. But in the past week I've been reading this book and it has really brought some awareness to me that I'm actually creating resistance unintentionally. 

And so I want to talk about a few examples and help you, Adrian and our listeners understand what I'm talking about and how we're doing this because it's one thing to just be like, Oh, think positive and be happy and whatever. But as the other piece of it that it's like, we don't know we're doing these things, or we don't realize that when we do these things, we're actually keeping the things that we want from us. So here's an example. I really cannot wait for my next home listeners. 

I think, you know, I live in a tiny house, like a tiny, tiny, tiny house. It's like 160 square feet. And I do not intend to live in this house forever. I have dreams for a bigger, tiny house, something maybe around 1100 square feet or 1400 max, like a tiny house. I want to live small, but I live in a tiny house on wheels. And I want to live in a tiny house on a permanent foundation. I want to have land. 

I want to be able to have real plumbing. I want to be able to have a washer and dryer. I want to be able to have a dishwasher. I want to be able to shower in my house. There are so many things I don't have right now that I do want. And here's where I'm creating resistance. I'm constantly talking about how I cannot wait to have this house. So I, up until about a week ago have thought there's nothing negative and saying that there's nothing negative and saying, I can't wait for my tiny house. 

It sounds positive. How does that sound negative? But here's the thing. Anytime I say I can't wait means I'm waiting. It means it's not here. It means I don't have it. It means I'm waiting. And if I'm putting the vibration of I'm waiting out into the universe, then I'm continually waiting. I'm not receiving, I'm not getting I'm waiting. So there is a piece. And we've probably talked about this before, where it's kind of talk about it as if it's already happening. 

Talk about it when it's emotion say things like it's already happening for me, it's on its way to me. Okay. Well that helps a little bit, but here's some things that I do all the time. I hand wash dishes at the house. Every night I have to wash dishes before I make dinner. And every night I think, or I say, I can't wait to have a dishwasher, but what I'm really putting out into the universe is that I don't have a dishwasher. And so, although I feel like, Oh, I'm being positive. 

I'm thinking of the future. I'm expecting it. I'm wanting it. I'm putting it out there. It's coming to me. What I'm actually really, when you get down to the nitty-gritty, what I'm putting out there is I don't have a dishwasher. And as I continue to put out, I don't have a dishwasher. I won't have a dishwasher. And it's funny because it seems kind of like semantics, but it's really not. When we're talking vibration, we're talking about tuning our radio station. And when you're tuning your station in your car, if you're trying to tune into a certain station, just a slight change on the dial, you don't get the station that you want, or it doesn't come in clear or you get a completely different station. 

You have to be exactly on that number to get the station. You're trying to listen to you. And it's the same thing with the law of attraction. And so I've recognized I had this aha moment that, Oh my gosh, here all this time, I've been living in my tiny house for a year and a half and the whole year and a half, I've been anxiously awaiting and excited about this other house. That's coming to me that I'm working on, I'm trying to manifest. And I had this aha moment this week that I'm actually keeping the house from me because of the way that I'm thinking and feeling. 

I'm thinking about the lack I'm thinking about not being able to shower in my house. And I'm thinking about how I have to do the dishes every night before dinner. And I'm thinking about the fact that every time I need to do laundry, I have to go to a laundry mat. And even if I'm not saying those things out loud, that's the vibration that I'm putting out. And none of that is positive. So then the question becomes, okay, if I'm creating resistance, how do I do the opposite? How do I put myself in receiving mode? 

How do I allow the universe to give me those things? Well, here's the trick. It's not just saying, it's not talking as if I already have it. Oh, I have a dishwasher. I love my dishwasher. Oh, I love being able to shower in my house because guess what? I don't believe that. I know I don't have a dishwasher. I know I can't shower in my house easily because I have to empty the gray water. Every time I do it, it makes a mess. So that's not really the answer. There's not a positive emotion behind saying that because my belief doesn't match it. 

So the positive thing that I can do is appreciate what I have. So rather than focusing on, Oh, I've got to do the dishes before I do dinner. If I can't have a positive emotion about that, I tell you what, there are a lot of positive things I can think about living in a tiny house. I love my house. I absolutely love it. I love my comfortable bed. I love that. 

I am so close to my fiance, Dan, that we're constantly touching. It creates like a physical connection from us where when we spend more than probably 12 hours apart from each other, I'm kind of dying because I'm so used to having him right next to me constantly. I love that. I can see pretty much everything that I own. I love that I control my spending because I have nowhere to put anything. So I am way better at budgeting than I would have been. 

If I were in a bigger home, I absolutely love living in a tiny house. So the way that I attract the new home that I want is to focus on how much I love my current house. Adriana. I want to ask you, what do you think about this? And do you think I'm crazy? Do you feel like, do you feel like it's an aha moment or do you feel like it's something that anyone should have known that I was doing wrong? 

Speaker 1 (17m 30s): No, I don't think that at all. It's very, very interesting because I've been thinking of something kind of similar but different. In my case, there are all of these things I want to manifest and I can visualize that I'm going to have all of those things someday in the future. And it's always in the future for me. Like, I don't feel ready for those things. I don't feel, I, I feel like I'm working towards those things, if that makes sense. 

So I'm realizing as you're talking that I'm resisting in a similar but different way, because I'm, I wouldn't say I'm not focused on the lack necessarily, but I'm focused on the fact that someday all these things will come to me. And that someday is always like way out there, like a few years out there for almost everything that I'm trying to manifest. That's a problem. Well, you know, I, I've actually been really comfortable with it. And now we're having this conversation and I'm realizing that as time goes by my, my someday isn't getting any closer. 

It's still that far ahead of me. 

Speaker 0 (18m 40s): That's what I was going to say. That whatever that timeline is like, let's say that you see everything two or three years out time will pass and it will remain two or three years out from wherever you are in time. If you don't change that mindset. Yeah. Yeah. That's interesting timely conversation. I'm glad. I'm glad. So I kind of explained the thing that I'm doing with the house. I want to talk about another scenario that I think will help listeners relate a little bit and maybe areas that they're resisting, because this was mentioned in the book also, it was talking about focusing on the negative things about another person. 

And what I mean by that is sometimes people do things that upset you or hurt you or bother you. Sometimes people in general just rub you wrong. You don't get along with certain people. And it could be someone that you have to constantly interact with. Maybe it's somebody that you work with and you just don't care for the person, or maybe it's someone that's your boss and they're rude to you or they're mean to you, or they have favoritism with other people at work and they don't treat you the same as someone else. There's all of these situations and dynamics with people. 

And so I was reading about it and I thought, Oh my gosh, I, I really do a lot of complaining a lot more than I thought I did because I used to really work on not complaining. And now I tend to complain partially. I said this on another podcast, but because Dan and I tend to catch up with each other every day, he comes home from work. And we talk about our day and I do exactly what I recommended to our listeners that we don't do. I tell him what happens during my day. And he knows a lot of the people that I work with. 

He knows situations at work and vice versa. I know the people he works with. And so if somebody at work did something that we didn't agree with or didn't like, or treated us a certain way, we'll share it with each other. And we focus on the negative things about these people and what we're actually doing is creating more of that. And it's interesting because it's not to say that you can, you can't control what someone else does. And we've talked about that. 

That's one of the rules of the law. Love attraction is you can't control another person, but when you're focused on negative aspects of a person, your attracting more of those negative aspects from that person, meaning they can choose to treat you however they want, but they're probably not going to change on their own accord. And the more that you complain about something, the more you're likely going to receive more of that complaint. And if it's not going to be from that person, you're putting out into the universe that somebody's going to treat you the same way. 

It could be that person. It could be someone else. So this kind of ties into another piece that I've been thinking about. And it's in relation to people who maybe have struggles at work, and maybe it's related to a person maybe it's related to pieces of the job, but it comes up with the thought of should when things aren't going well at work, should you look for another job? And sure. 

We've all experienced that at different times. And I think normally the answer would be, yes, yes, you're unhappy at work. If things aren't going to improve, you should look for now their job. Maybe you got a new boss and you can't stand the person that you work for. Maybe you got passed over for a promotion and you feel bad. What about it? Maybe there downsizing. And now you're taking on more responsibilities than he used to, but you're getting the same amount of pay. So generally speaking, when these kinds of things happen, that seems like the natural response. 

Yeah. I should look for another job. I don't like my job anymore. My job has changed. I should, I should. I should look for another job. Well, once again, in this book, it was talking about this situation and it was saying that the problem with looking for another job is that we believe that if we leave a situation that we don't like, that our life will improve. And what happens more often than not is we leave a situation that we don't like, but the story is carried forward with us. 

Meaning we have a tendency to still talk about why we left our job. What happened? Why did, why were we looking? We move into this new situation and this story comes with us and we keep talking about it. And we actually continue to attract all the negative things that we left in the last job. So now we're with new people. Now we're in a new situation, but we're still putting that same energy out into the universe. The vibration that we're putting out there is the energy that we left with. 

So nothing actually is going to improve or get better unless we improve or get better. So the question is, do you really need a new job or do you just need to focus on the positive? Do you just need to look for the positive traits or the positive aspects in the people or in the job? And like I said, you can't control another person. You can't stop how someone's going to treat you. If they're going to treat you bad, they're going to treat you bad, but you can control what you focus on. 

You can control whether or not you focus on the one time that they kind of passed you by and said something rude. Or maybe you focus on the way that they were nicer to your coworker than they were to you. But guess what? Every person on this planet has positive attributes. There are things that we could say probably about just about anyone, things that are positive. If we overlooked the negative. 

And again, I'm not trying to just focus on people, but I think people is a big piece of it because I do think that we have a tendency to get stuck on this small portions of relationships or conversations or interactions that we don't like instead of really kind of passing over that and looking at all of the things we do, like all of the things we like about a person, all of the things that we have in common with a person, all of the things that make them a good person. 

And it's the same thing for your job or a job. There's reasons you took that job in the first place. There's probably some really good aspects about that job, whether it's the pay or it's the schedule or it's that you have your own office or it's that you have lots of flexibility, or maybe you have great benefits or good time off. And there's probably people listening to this podcast saying, Kayla, I have none of that. Maybe that's true. I don't know. But if that's what you're thinking, you're focusing on the negative. 

So here's the thing. I'm realizing that in my own life, I am creating resistance that I didn't realize I was creating because here I think about I'm a positive person and I'm in a great mood most of the time. And I tend to cheer people up. I tend to be bright. I have good energy. And I just think about, I'm just putting all of this positivity out into the universe. And I believe I can have everything that I want and I just put it out there and I think it's going to happen. 

But then I sit around and I go, well, why has it taken so long? And this week I have this aha moment. Well, hello, because you are not in a receiving mode. Anytime you're complaining about someone or something, you're not in a receiving mode and maybe it's not complaining. Maybe it's like the house where I'm focused on the lack thereof. It could be relationship. Maybe you want a relationship. 

Maybe that's the lack that you're focused on the lack of not having another person in your life. Not having someone to share a moment with, or to go to a movie with, or to share a dessert with. Maybe that's the lack. And it could be that you're looking at other great relationships and you're happy for them. And so you feel like you're positive and you're putting positive things out there. But if your thoughts are really, I wish I had somebody, I can't wait until I have somebody I'm looking forward to having somebody, even though that sounds positive, the vibration that you're putting out there is actually a vibration of lack. 

And so you receive more lack. The universe can not bring you what you're asking for and tell you are a vibrational match. Adrianne, jump in on this and tell me what you think. 

Speaker 1 (27m 43s): I'm just going over in my head. That statement that you made about anytime you're complaining, you're not in the receiving mode. And that really hit me because not, not even that I'm a big complainer, but just because I would say most, I think about through the course of my day, how often am I in how often over the course of the day am I actually in the receiving mode? And I don't know, I have a lot of work to do in that area. 

Speaker 0 (28m 11s): I have to tell you, I actually started crying when I read this because I felt so overwhelmed. I felt like, Oh my gosh, I've I really thought I was so good. I mean, so good. I did a podcast. Like I think it was so good and it's not, I don't mean it. Like, it sounds like as an ego thing, but I really have felt like that. I have had a grasp on the law of attraction and that, that I have had this snowball effect. 

And in a way I have, I attract things all the time. I do have a lot of positive things going for me, but when it comes to the really big things that I'm working on, like the house is a really big thing I recognize. And then of course kept reading and recognized relationships and all of these other pieces. But I recognized, Oh my gosh, here, I thought I was doing everything right. I was visualizing, I'm talking about receiving, I'm expecting it. I felt like everything is I'm doing everything it should be. 

And then it was like a slap in the face of, but actually you're not, you're actually resisting it because you keep talking about how you don't have it. And it's such a small thing, but it's a big thing. Because as long as I'm focused on the lack, the lack of a dishwasher, the lack of a washer and dryer, the lack of a shower, the lack of a flushing, toilet, all of those things, I'm not going to have it. 

And I'm like, I don't want to keep resisting. I don't want to keep resisting. But yeah, it was overwhelming for me to read that and realize how much work I had to do myself. And so I thought, you know what? I really need to talk about this on the podcast. And as funny as it may sound listeners, I actually go back and relisten to these episodes after they're released. And sometimes it's like giving myself advice. So even if no one else ever listens to this, hopefully it's something that I can go back and listen to and keep reminding myself to let go of the resistance, to put myself in a, in a state of allowing to be a vibrational match, to the things that I'm asking for. 

Adrian. Can you think of any specifics? You've mentioned a couple of things, but any specifics that you would want to share as to maybe how you're creating resistance in your life right now? 

Speaker 1 (30m 43s): Well, I'm trying to manifest, I mean, there, I'm saying, trying to manifest, so right there, I'm right there. I'm setting it up that it's work and it's effort and I'm, I'm working on it, but I'm not ready for it yet. What are you manifesting, Adrian? There are several things that are on my vision board. Let's put it that way. I I'm trying to figure out how personal I want to get. 

Speaker 0 (31m 11s): I know I, I'm trying to be careful about what I'm saying, because I think there's people I know that listen to this podcast and I don't want to share more than I should about someone that could potentially listen. Right, right. 

Speaker 2 (31m 32s): Yeah. 

Speaker 1 (31m 32s): I'm very, I'm very happy and comfortable where I am, but this is not my ideal living situation. I do have a roommate. I don't have a place of my own. There are things about my job that I would like to do differently in a future job. And right now I'm single and I don't want to be single forever or so those are three areas that I think about a lot. And I can think of lots of ways that I'm resisting. There's the part that I mentioned where I view everything in the future. 

There's the part of me that is comfortable where I am. And I think that, that I can't decide if that comfort is coming from acceptance and positivity, positivity, or if it's coming from a fear of, am I really going to get the things that I want in the future and you know, what do I have to do to get those things? So I don't even know at this point, if I'm answering your question, but I sometimes I feel like I'm really comfortable here and I'm okay with the path that my life is on. 

And other times I feel really stuck and like I've accepted that I'm comfortable here because I'm afraid of the next step. I don't know. 

Speaker 0 (32m 56s): Interesting. Well, I'm glad that you shared that. Thank you. And I actually, wasn't going to talk about this on today's episode, but I will because it's from the same book and it relates to what you said. This book breaks down kind of false beliefs that we have as humans. And it, it kind of addresses those beliefs. And so that's kind of how these thought processes develop is from responding to these beliefs that we have that are incorrect. 

But one of the beliefs that it addressed that also kind of was a little bit of an epiphany for me. It talked about how we have a tendency to believe that we cannot have everything. And I don't mean everything. Like everything we want it's that when we're looking for something specific, we feel like we have to settle in one aspect, meaning it's the, you can't have it all. 

You can't have your cake and eat it too. I mean, we, life tells us that, that you have to set settle in some way. So let's say you're looking for a job and you want a certain schedule. You want certain type of pay. You want a certain commute, you want it within a certain distance from your house. You want, maybe let's say you want your own office. You want an assistant. I don't know whatever it is that you're thinking about your job. 

Let's just say you have like, all these things lined up and then you start interviewing and you realize, ah, there's not really any jobs out there that are all of these things. I could take this job that has the good schedule and my own office, but it's not quite enough pay. Or I could take this other job that is close to my house and is good pay, but I don't have my own office. And I have to do a lot of work. I don't have the assistant. 

We feel like we have to settle in some aspect and we tend to settle. And as you were just describing your situation, I thought she's settling. She's comfortable, but she's settling. And so whether it's conscious or unconscious your in your mind, not really believing that you can have more or that you can have it all or that it can be as amazing as you would want. If you really knew you could have it all. Because I guarantee in your perfect world, you don't have a roommate. 

And in your perfect world, you don't share a place with somebody in your perfect world. You do have a loving relationship and you do have this amazing job with the aspects of whatever you're dreaming of. And you do have it right now. You don't have it in the future. And so I do think that's an aspect of where your thinking is. And sometimes it's just being honest with yourself, but it was really interesting to have it like pointed out. And I say, it's funny, cause I can say it to somebody else, but it's totally different to believe it for yourself. 

I can say all the time, you can have whatever you want. In fact, there's a song that I sing all the time to Dan. Every time he likes, you know, says something like I wish, and then I sing. You can have whatever you like, because I totally believe that I will leave. You can have whatever you like, but when it comes down to it, you know, it's like, yeah, you can have a new job, but can I really have all of the aspects of the job that I'm looking for? And we have talked about the more specific you get with the things that you want. 

It can take longer to find that, but taking longer to find the perfect thing is totally different than not believing. You can have the perfect thing. So same thing with relationships probably have an episode about this at some point. But when I got out of a terrible relationship, I wrote down everything I was looking for in my next relationship. And so you start dating and you start comparing that against your list and you start feeling like, well, they check nine out of the 10 boxes. 

So that's pretty good. Right? And you feel like you're a winner, but that's once again, settling, it's believing that you can't have it all. And you can, we just are cus accustomed to thinking that we can't. And once again, that brings us back around into this resistance that we create. And it sounds like Adrian, where you're at is your staying, where it feels safe. It feels safe to appreciate what you have because you know what that feels like. 

It feels scary to put yourself out there. Expect more, want more thinking, maybe I can't have it. Maybe it's not going to be what I want. Maybe I'm going to have to settle. Maybe I should just stick with what I know, stick with what I have, because it feels pretty good. 

Speaker 1 (38m 5s): Yeah, exactly. And I think there's a part of it that even is like, future me can have all these things I want because future me will be a better version of me. But I think, I mean, I'm just kind of thinking out loud, but I think that that's part of it that I'm like, I can have what I've attracted right now, because this is what fits me. And if I want all those other things, well then a better version of me. That's going to come along and in several years we'll be able to attract all those things. 

So I'm realizing I have a lot of, a lot of work too. 

Speaker 0 (38m 40s): I'm going to say one more thing. That's a weird on this track. And I do appreciate your honesty and everything that you're sharing, but there is no better version of you. We talked about, I think in last week's episode, we talked about being aligned with your inner being and who your inner being is. And that's really who you are, is your inner being your inner being doesn't change the person that you are at your core. Doesn't change. 

Your body can change. Your skill set can change. Your interests can change, but the person that you are when you're hooked up with your inner being, that doesn't change. So there, isn't a better version of you down the road. It's finding that version of you right now is being aligned with who you are. It's being that pure, positive energy. And honestly, if you're that person, it doesn't matter what you look like. 

It doesn't matter what your skill set is. If you can speak better Swedish or have more knowledge or have a degree or whatever it is that you're seeking, those are, those are physical aspects. But the person that you are is the person that you are. And there is no better version of you than the version that you are today. You've always been that person and that person's there. So you deserve all of it right now. 

Stop putting it off. 

Speaker 1 (40m 16s): So hearing you said that I'm ready like right now for all of us, can we just, we have this conversation at least twice a day, every day. So I can get to the head space that I'm at right this minute. I am God. I've inspired one person, start a podcast and inspire somebody. I'm happy. It was you. Thank you. 

Speaker 0 (40m 43s): You've got a little bit off track, but I think what we covered was really valuable and important. I hope our listeners actually enjoy this episode. I really believe that if we focus on gratitude and focus on always seeing the glass half full and seeking out the positives in every person and every situation and when the negative thoughts or the complaining start to creep in shift that and focus on a better feeling, thought, focus on looking for the positive attributes. 

Then we can be in a state of alignment. Then we can be allowing the universe to bring us these things that we want. It's probably why I'm receiving like $15 things in the mail of my millions of dollars in the mail, because I'm focusing on a lack of having a dishwasher. Things are going to like, turn it around for me quick here, because I've had this all through. 

Yes. I've had a break through you're right. You're right. All right. Well, I want to give our listeners an action item and listeners, please know that you can reach out to us with questions. If I wasn't clear on explaining this on today's episode, please reach out because I would be happy to help you understand better how you can be in a receiving mode and allow the universe to bring you what you're asking for as well. But our action item for this week is to select one person or one thing that bugs you. 

And I think we've kind of had similar things before, but this is, it could be a situation. It could be your job. It could be someone who rubs you wrong. When you talk to them, it could be the fact that you have to go to the laundry mat to do your clothes, but it is to take a situation that you complain about and look for the positives. So it's going to be focused on finding the good in that person, focus on finding the good in the job, focus on finding the good in your home or your car or your wardrobe or whatever it is. 

Find the good start saying, thank you. Start focusing on those positive things and try and steer the focus away from the things that you don't like and see how that improves your ability to receive comments. Adrian. 

Speaker 1 (43m 29s): I love it. I think it's really good. 

Speaker 0 (43m 32s): Thank you. All right. Well, we have a winner from last week. Hey, we still keep getting reviews and I love it. Thank you. Thank you. Yes. Thank you. We love getting reviews and it does help us grow. So thank you for that. This week's winner is pandemonium. It's actually X, X underscore pandemonium underscore X, X, but pandemonium left us a review on pod chaser. It was very nice. Thank you pandemonium. 

If you're listening, send us an email@helloatattractedwithease.com. Tell us your theme word for the year and give us your address. And we will send you your custom theme bracelet. Adriana. Would you like to tell our listeners of what in the world I'm talking about? Yes. If you go back, 

Speaker 1 (44m 24s): You can listen to episode one. You'll hear all about choosing your theme word for the year. And each week we are drawing a winner. Those who have 

Speaker 0 (44m 32s): Submitted reviews of our podcast and the winner will be able to choose the winner will be able to give us their theme word and we'll make them a custom bracelet with their theme word of the year. Yes. And if you want to see those bracelets, we have some examples of some of prior winners up on our website, attract it with ease.com so you can check those out. They are unisex, but we make it custom for you. We'll ship it to you anywhere you live in the world. So reach out to us, leave us a review, let us know what you think. And of course, if you have questions, you can email us right from our website. 

So that's it for this week, Adrian. Thank you. It was a fun topic and I look forward to next week. Have a good night. You too. Bye. Bye 

S1.E21: The Things Weighing You Down


S1.E19: It’s All Pretend