S2.E19: Who Are You Being?

You have been standing in your own way of achieving the life of your dreams! In this episode Kayla breaks down how unintentionally you have been self sabotaging, and how to stop it.

Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to Attract It with Ease. In this week's episode, I am going to get into how you have been standing in your own way of living the life of your dreams. Don't believe me, we'll just wait till you hear what I have to say. I promise by the end of the episode, you are going to agree with me. But before we get into that topic, I want to start with my gratitude. I have several things I'm grateful for this week. 

The first thing that I'm grateful for is having a creative mind. What do I mean by that? I love to create and I'm constantly inspired to create new things, and I keep getting things that just kind of come to me through resources around me, whether it's social media or books I'm reading or things I'm watching or listening to in YouTube videos and LinkedIn learnings and podcasts that make me go, I wanna do that. I wanna try that, and I do. 

I, I come up with a lot of new ideas and a lot of new things, and it doesn't mean that I am perfect at everything or that I can turn these little creative projects into money or, or a profession, but that's not really what creativity is about. Creativity is having an outlet to express yourself. And I am so grateful that I have those outlets. I have my crystal art, which I've talked about on this podcast a number of times. I sell it on Etsy. 

I've created various logos for a brand for myself and my husband, for my Etsy shop. I'm working on trying to design a logo for Attract with Ease, but I just constantly am inspired to create. And I love that and I love that I have a creative mind. A gal that I was working with just two days ago asked me, how do you come up with all of these creative ideas? Where does the inspiration come from? And I laughed because there's not really an answer for it. 

It comes from everywhere. And what I told her is, the more that you create, the more that you're inspired to create. And it's one of those things where I think every one of us is a creative person in certain ways and certain aspects, but not every person chooses to pursue that. And sometimes we actually talk ourselves out of it because we know, know that if we start or we try, we're not going to be good in the beginning. It's gonna take some time and energy to figure it out. Sometimes we're not willing to invest that time or energy, and I think that's a little bit sad. 

Nobody should be expected to be a professional out of the gate. Every single one of us is a beginner at something in the beginning. Every person who is great today, who is successful today started out as a beginner as well. And we need to remind ourselves that it's okay to be a beginner. And it's okay to make mistakes. It's okay to not be perfect. It's okay to paint something that you don't wanna hang on your wall simply because you enjoy painting. And I am just grateful that I have that creative mind and the ability and space to create. 

That's something really important to me. The second thing that I'm grateful for this week is something I've talked about a lot in relation to my gratitude, but that's just the various ways that I find inspiration. Just this morning, I went to brunch with my husband and I was talking to him about social media and how I just have this negative feeling about social media. I have been anti-Facebook for years, clear since the last election with Hillary Clinton. 

Like that was years ago. And there was just so much negativity spewed all over Facebook that I was like, I'm done and I'm not having it. I'm not doing it. And I stopped using Facebook at that time, which when you think about trying to build a brand or you think about having a business like a podcast, like attract it with these, it seems crazy to not have a Facebook page, but it's something that I really don't want. I don't wanna be that person. I don't want to put time and energy into it. But I do have Instagram and I rarely post. 

And my husband inspired me today with this conversation. He said, Kayla, I really feel like you're missing out on the ability to inspire so many others. And it wasn't about growing my brand, so to speak. It was more about touching the lives of others and impacting the world and raising the vibration of the universe. That's what I'm about. That's what I'm passionate about. That's what I'm here to do. I believe that that's one of the reasons I'm on this planet. And he said, why not consider doing a daily tip? 

Why not just do a quick recording every day? That's just your daily inspiration. And then of course, he gave me all kinds of compliments, and he said, you are inspired by so many things. You can take the everyday thing and look at it in a certain way that it inspires you. And you can twist that and reiterate it to other people in a way that they maybe wouldn't have considered or would've thought of. And he goes, and that's your gift. And you not sharing that through to the world through social media, you're missing out. And it's so funny because he shifted my mindset on something that I felt so negative about for so long, and made me realize I can touch more people. 

I can touch more lives simply by using that resource in a way that I hadn't considered. So today I posted my first daily inspirational tip on Instagram, and I'm going to continue to do that. I'm gonna keep that up. I'm gonna do that every day. So those of you that are not following me on Instagram, feel free to look me up, attract it with ease. If you would like your daily inspiration, that will be in the stories every day. That is my commitment to you, and I'd love to connect with you on social media. 

That leads me into my third piece of gratitude this week. And that is, I just love that as humans, we have the ability to grow and aspire to new just levels of success that we can achieve our goals. That is big to me. And the reason that I'm thinking about that is that this week I was doing some LinkedIn learnings. I was watching some videos on LinkedIn trying to work on my skillset, and I was watching some videos about coaching, more about coaching in the business world, not like personal coaching, but supporting your employees. 

And in this particular video, the guy was talking about how to be a good coach. You need to be aware of your employees personal goals, as well as stumbling over my words today as well as their professional goals. And that being said, he gave an example of how he had an employee that he learned, had a goal of doing a TED Talk. And it was so funny because as soon as he said that, I thought to myself, I wanna do a TED Talk. I never considered that. 

I never thought about that. And now I don't necessarily wanna do a TED Talk today. I don't feel ready to do a TED Talk this year. I feel like it's something I would have to work up to and probably need some street cred in order to have people want to listen to me. But I'm working on some things. I've got this podcast, I'm putting a book into place, and I'm, I'm working on all of these projects, and I feel like at some point I would love to give a TED Talk. And so that is a new goal of mine. And what I love is that we have the ability to reach certain levels of achievement. 

And it's not a stagnant place we have to stay at. We can create this big extreme goal and then get there and we can choose another big extreme goal and we can get there too. And that to me is one of the most special and amazing things about the human experience, is our ability to set goals, accomplish them, and continue to grow. All right, so let's get into this week's episode. 

This week's topic is who are you being? That's the title of this episode. Who are you being? Who are you being? Think about that for just a minute. What thoughts come to mind when I ask you that? Who are you being? Well, that could mean a lot of different things. Who are you being? Who are you representing? What is the person that you are putting out into the world? When somebody meets you for the first time, what are they getting back from you? What are they seeing? What are they receiving? 

What is their impression of you? Who are you being now? Who are you being means a lot of things. It could be, are you being the person that you want to be? It could be, are you being the person that you want to attract? If you're expecting something from your partner or your mate, are you providing those things in return? That's part of who are you being, but it's just the person that you are living your day-to-day, your thoughts, your conversations, the way you carry yourself, your energy. 

Who are you being? I really want you to consider that because that definitely relates to the conversation that I wanna have with you today about how you have been standing in your own way of achieving the life of your dreams. And the way that you've been doing that is by the person that you've been, by who you're being. All right? So what do I mean by all of this? What I mean is I want you to consider for just a second, what are the conversations that you have with yourself? 

What is the internal conversation that's going on through your mind all day throughout the day? And what I mean is when you pass by Amir, what do you think? What do you say when you get dressed in the morning and your clothes don't fit the way that you want them to, or they don't fit at all? What are you thinking? What are you saying? What is the internal conversation? Because we have a tendency to speak negatively to ourselves. 

I've talked about that a lot on various podcast episodes, but we have these conversations with ourselves and sometimes even with other people about things that we don't like that are going on in our life. Let me give you an example. I can look in the mirror and look at the wrinkles on my face and think about how much I'm aging, and I can go, oh, I don't like the way that I look. I'm looking so old. 

That could be a thought that I'm having. I'll tell you a thought that I think regularly is, oh, my metabolism has totally changed and it is not as easy to lose weight as it used to. Weight is one of the things that is constantly on my mind and something that I have been challenged with and a conversation that I'm constantly having with myself. I'm constantly getting dressed and looking in the the mirror and thinking about how I don't look as thin or trim as I used to or I want to. And sometimes I feel good in the morning when I get dressed and I leave the house, and then I come home at night and I look bloated, or I feel bloated, and I look in the mirror and I go, oh my gosh, I look awful. 

I look terrible. I can't believe I looked like this all day. This is not how I wanna look. I need to lose some weight. These are the conversations that I'm having with myself. And if I'm having these conversations, I promise you are having similar conversations. And it might not be about your weight. Maybe you're a person who can't gain weight. Maybe you get comments about how skinny you are and about girl, you need to eat a cheeseburger or guy. You should not skip leg day, right? Maybe there's things about yourself physically that you have a self-conscious conversation about where you're just kind of berating yourself or belittling yourself or just speaking negatively about it. 

I'll tell you, there's a group of women that I work with who have either entered the phase of menopause or are nearing the phase of menopause. And it is a somewhat regular conversation at work. And I have a tendency, even though I'm still in my forties and not at a menopausal stage, I'm definitely at a stage in my life where I am tired of that monthly visitor, like I'm so over it. So I'm constantly jumping in on the conversation with these women saying, oh, you're so lucky. 

I wish that I was there. I wish I didn't have to worry about that anymore. I wish that our bodies just knew like, you're not supposed to have kids anymore, so let's just not make that a possibility. Like this is an ongoing conversation that I am verbalizing out into the universe with other people. I am complaining about the fact that I have that monthly visitor every month, and I am not regular, and I complain about that and all that I'm doing when I'm saying these things to myself. 

When I am telling myself how fat I am, when I'm talking about how old I am, when I'm complaining about how I'm not the way that I used to be. And I think about it, think about the conversations that you have where you're just saying, gosh, I used to be able to have more than two drinks and not wake up hungover. There's people who say, I can't drink red wine because I always wake up with a headache or people who say, sorry, I can't stay out that late because if I don't get enough sleep, I'm not gonna be able to function tomorrow. 

Or people who lose some sleep who say, it takes me a week to feel like I catch up. I'm not as as young and as vibrant and have as much energy as I used to. And we make these comments. And guess what? Not only do we make these comments and do we say them, but the world backs us up. The world is constantly advertising to us and marketing to us as if this is a thing, as if it's normal. They're telling us we're old. They're telling us we need face cream. They're telling us we need a diet or exercise planner, that we need plastic surgery, and it's all over. 

There is a billion dollar industry just for aging women. There's a billion dollar eight industry for men with hair loss. There's a billion dollar industry for literally everything that we are telling ourselves. The world is supporting it and backing it up and saying, yeah, it's just a part of living. It's just a part of getting older. Better get used to it. If you wanna do something about it, here's this product for 4 99. 

You can have this treatment or you can try this thing. And, and the world is all about that. And so we are reinforcing these things. We're taking these things that we don't want. It's not the life we want. It's not the experience we want. We don't wanna get older. We don't want to look older. We don't want to be heavier. We don't want our meta metabolism to change or our level of energy to change, or the way that our body can move. And the things that we can do to change is we age. We don't want to lose the stamina and the energy and the enthusiasm and the creativity and all of the things that we talk about with little children. 

Oh, how nice it is to just have no filter, right? And yet, we talk about it as if it's not a choice. We talk about it as if, oh, that's just how life is. And every single time we do that, every single time we have one of those thoughts. Every single time we verbalize it in our mind, every single time we verbalize it in a conversation with someone else, every ad that's being thrown at us that reinforces us. We are turning this into our reality. 

We are making it our reality. We are making it our existence, even though it's not what we want. We are reinforcing it over and over and over again to the point that we now are so bought into this belief that when someone tells you you can change that, it doesn't have to be like that, you it, you can. You can turn that around. You can flip the script. We will disagree with them because we have convinced ourselves so strongly that there is no other option that that's just how life is, because we feel that we have evidence of it backing us up. 

And that's true because we have caused that to happen. We have caused the evidence to show up in our life. And when it shows up, we go see. Yep. Just like I said, I told you, I told you, I told you I'm getting fatter. I told you I'm not able to do that anymore. I told you I used to be able to touch my toes and now I can't. I've lost the flexibility. I've lost the edge. I don't have the memory I used to. My eyesight's getting worse. I used to have so much stamina. I wish I could do that. 

I've never been a good singer. I wish I could play an instrument. I wish I had that skill. I wish. I wish I wish. This is how you have been standing in your own way of living the life of your dreams. You, you are doing it to yourself. And I have been doing it to myself. So that is the conversation that I wanna have today. Because not only do we need to recognize that we are doing this, that we are reinforcing this, that we are creating this, that the more that we say it, the more that we do it, the more that we see evidence of it, it becomes our belief, it becomes our vibration. 

It becomes who we are. Because the vibration that you're putting out, the cells of your energy responds to. So if you're telling your body, if you're believing I'm getting older, I wish it wasn't that way. I wish I could lose weight. It's so hard to lose weight. Now guess what? The cells of your body believe it too. You believe it. And the cells of your body are like, okay, well, I guess we should put on some more weight. 

I guess we should store some more fat. I guess we should give her some more wrinkles. I mean, come on. We're doing it to ourselves. We are doing it to ourselves. So I want to talk about how we can turn that off, how we can flip the script, how we can change it, how we can attract the life of our dream, the life of our dreams is out there, and we can have it and we can manifest it if we make one simple change. 

And I'm going to get into that after the break. I'll be back shortly. All right? Welcome back. I'm excited to tell you how you can manifest the life of your dreams by changing this one little thing that you've been doing. So first, it starts by recognizing these negative conversations. It's recognizing every time that we are saying something about ourselves, which is in complete contrast to what we want. 

What do I mean by that? Well, if you were to orchestrate or plan or create the perfect life, I guarantee you in your perfect life, you have loads of energy. You are fit, you are lean, you are strong, you are confident, you are smart. You can eat whatever you want. You can drink whatever you want. You never have a headache, you never feel hungover. You can stay up as late as you want. 

You can go out and party if you want. You can go to bed when you want. Maybe you go to bed early if you want, and you don't have any negative consequences. You can still wake up the next day and be just as vibrant, just as strong, just as charismatic and have no consequences on your life based off of the decisions you made the day before. And you're just living in the moment. You're just living for yourself. You're just living the life of your dreams. That is the life that you would create for yourself if you could. 

That's the life. So how do we get there? Because the world is telling us that's not a thing, right? The world is telling us you have to age. The world is telling us your body will start to fall apart as you get older. And your ability to overcome a hangover is going to change when you get older and your ability to run that marathon or lift that box or whatever the case may be, the world has convinced us that it's going to change and we believe it and we create it and we see evidence of it. 

So we need to recognize that and turn it off. Stop it, stop doing it. I know that's easier said than done. It takes practice, but it begins with recognizing when you are doing it. So that leads me into how do we flip the script? How do we turn it around? How do you create the life of your dreams? I've talked about this on several podcast episodes, but the two most powerful words in the English language are the words I am. 

Because the words that you put after that will create your life, will create your existence. I am blank. So I've talked about this in a number of ways before, but if you want to create the life of your dreams, you need to determine what it is that you want. And then you need to start saying, I am that thing. I am that thing that I want. What do I mean by that? Is you need to take what you want and instead of thinking about how much you want it or how much you don't have it, you need to start speaking as if you already have it and as if you already are it, you need to start speaking that to yourself. 

That needs to be the inner conversation. So let's take some examples. If I wanna lose weight, if I'm feeling like I'm struggling losing weight, I'm not the size that I wanna be. I wish I was a certain size, it could be a number, it could be a weight, it could be a feeling, it could be I wanna feel good in anything that I wear. I wanna make sure that I am not embarrassed to be seen in a swimsuit. I wanna be able to fit into that dress. Whatever the case may be. 

Figure out what it is that you want for me, what I want. There's a certain weight number that I want to be. And why do I wanna be that? Because I remember when I was that I was a certain weight for a large portion of my life, and I felt good in that size. I felt confident. I felt like I could wear almost anything. I felt attractive. I was not embarrassed to be seen in a swimsuit. There is a number in my head that I just keep going to. I wanna be that size, I wanna be that weight, I wanna be that number. 

And I'm not gonna share what that number is because it's not gonna be your number. Your number's gonna be entirely different. But just for example, purposes, let's say that number is a hundred pounds. Now, I do not wanna be a hundred pounds. For most people, a hundred pounds is far too small. There are definitely people that are a hundred pounds and it's perfect for them. But I'm gonna use that because it's a nice round number. I'm gonna use that in my example. Let's say I wanna be a hundred pounds instead of the negative self-talk that I constantly have about how I feel bloated, or how it's so hard to lose weight. 

Instead, what I should be saying is, I am a hundred pounds. I'm a hundred pounds. I am a hundred pounds. I'm a hundred pounds. I am a hundred pounds. I am a hundred pounds. Now, it seems silly because I'm not a hundred pounds. So I do understand that when you start saying something that's completely opposite of what the reality is, that it's so hard to believe that. And I'm not expecting you to believe it in the beginning, but I promise you, the more that you say it, the more it will become natural to say it. 

The more you'll almost say it subconsciously, meaning you'll just say it without any emotion because you've just said it out of habit so many times you'll keep saying it. And once you release the emotion, once you remove the emotion, once you have no emotion about the thing that you're saying, the more that you repeat it, the more that you'll start believing it. And guess what? You're not gonna get to a hundred pounds overnight. You're not gonna get to your goal weight overnight. But eventually you'll start moving in that direction. 

And as you start moving in that direction and you start seeing evidence of it, you will start to believe that it's possible. And when you start to believe that it's possible, you're going to get excited about it. You're going to start believing it. You're going to wanna say it more. And the more that you do that, now you've got this positive energy that you're putting out into the universe and this enthusiasm for it and this belief that it is happening. And that is when your emotions will change and the vibration of your body will change. And as you start saying, I am a hundred pounds, the cells of your body will believe you. 

The cells of your body will be like, oh, okay, we're a hundred pounds. Well, we better get rid of some of this weight because we gotta get to this a hundred pound mark, right? I know it sounds crazy, but I've talked a lot about how we need to remove the emotion to manifest quickly. Well, it's the same thing for manifesting anything. You need to remove the emotion, and you can't instantly remove the emotion. But the way that you can get there is repetition. You say it enough times, you will say it out of habit. 

And when you say it out of habit, it's almost like a mindless action where the emotion starts to get removed. And when the emotion is removed, you will start seeing evidence of it. You will start seeing it happen. You will start seeing it begin to manifest in your life. And when you see the evidence, that is when the enthusiasm will come in. That is when the belief will start to come. That is when you'll want to do it more and more and more to, because you want it to happen. 

You're excited that it's happening. You can see that it's starting to happen, and that will create the vibrational match to the thing that you're asking for that will cause the cells of the universe and the cells of your body to align with the thing that you are asking for. Okay? So let's say that it is not weight. Maybe you don't care about weight. Maybe you're at your goal weight. Maybe you're just happy with how you look. What about your finances? 

What do you want your financial snapshot to look like? Do you wanna be debt free? Say it. Speak it into existence. Say it as if it is already here. Say to yourself, I am debt free. I am debt free. I am debt free. I am debt free. I am completely debt free. I have no debts. I am debt free. Now, being debt free will take some action on your part. You're gonna have to pay your bills. 

But I promise you, if you continue to say that and you continue to start paying towards your bills, you will start manifesting resources and opportunities for you to pay more towards your bills. If that becomes your goal, if that becomes your focus, if that is what you keep stating and putting out into the universe, it will start happening. And as you start to see evidence of your debt dissolving, you'll start to believe that it's possible and you will start to get excited and you will continue to say, I am debt free. 

I am debt free. I am debt free. And you'll be so enthusiastic about it that the emotion and the energy that runs through your body will put that out into the universe. And the cells of your body and the cells of the universe will align with you being debt free. And you will eventually be debt free. It will happen. All right? What if you wanna be a millionaire? And while we're on that thought, why stop at 1 million? Why not be a multimillionaire? If you wanna be a multimillionaire, state it. 

I am a multimillionaire. I am a multimillionaire. I'm a multimillionaire. I'm a multimillionaire. I'm a multimillionaire. I'm a millionaire. I'm a millionaire. I'll tell you what, it is so fun to say that I, I just encourage you to try that out. It feels so fun. And you know what? It's easy to not put emotion behind that phrase, at least for me, because it feels so far from where I'm at that it just sounds fun and ridiculous and funny to say, it's like, I'm a millionaire. 

I'm a millionaire. Like it's just, it's just a fun statement. And so it's easy for me to say that it's easy to put that out there without an emotion attached to it, because it's just so, it's just a silly thing to say. It's just a silly thing. But guess what? The more that I say that, the more I'm starting to attract that. And eventually I'll see evidence of that. And the more evidence that I see, the more that I will affirm and the more that the cells of my body and the universe will align, and it will become my reality. 

I am a multimillionaire. Okay, let's talk about success. Now, there are multiple levels of success and different people want different things from life. So I'm gonna share with you some of the things that are levels of success for me. I've talked a lot about winning a signal award. That was one level of success for me. That was an achievement. But guess what? I was a 2022 Gold Signal award winner, but that was 2022. And guess what? It's 2023. 

Am I a 2023 signal Award winner? Well, that hasn't been determined by the Signal Awards yet, because they haven't even started that. We won't know that until next year. But if you ask me, are you a 2023 Signal Award winner, I'll tell you absolutely I am. Because I'm gonna start saying that. I'm saying that now I am a 2023 signal award winner. I am a two time signal award winner. 

I have won the Signal award two years in a row. I am a Gold 2023 signal award winner. Like that's just what I want. There's no question about it. I'm already manifesting it. I'm already putting it out there. There's no attachment to it. It hasn't even happened. There's no, there's no energy or or negativity or question of it right now because it's not even a thing yet. But yet I can put it out there. I can say that I can attract that, and I will attract that. 

That's a level of success for me. Guess what else is a level of success for me? I really want to impact the lives of millions of people. My aspiration and in life is to inspire and uplift others. I wanna help change other people's lives. And I feel like this podcast is one venue and one avenue for me to do that. So I want a successful podcast. Well, how do you measure podcast success? And I've talked about this briefly before on the podcast. 

You may or may not already be aware of this, but the way to measure podcast success is downloads. Meaning if people stream your podcast and they don't download the episode, you don't get credit for it. And then what I mean by credit is when you talk about the listenership or following of a podcast or how successful it is, it's always based off of how many downloads they have. Because if someone is an avid listener, they're generally downloading it to their device, usually their phone, but they're laptop, their iPad, they're whatever. 

They're downloading it so that they can listen to it at any time in any place and not have to worry about buffering, not worry about internet connection. They download it. Now, does every person that downloads every episode listen to every episode? I don't know. And they probably don't. But you're credited for the downloads, meaning that is the only format or only measurable way to say whether or not a podcast is successful. There's no way to track how many streams you have, how many people just started listening to an episode or how much of the episode they listened to if they were streaming. 

But with a download, you can see how many people downloaded to their device. And most people, unless they're a little bit crazy, are not going to download from multiple platforms. They're gonna pick their favorite platform, and if they're going to download, they're gonna down download from there. So when you're talking about downloads, you can typically expect that one download of an episode equates to one listener, because usually a listener will not download the same episode multiple times. 

So if you have a thousand downloads on an episode, then you could say you have approximately a thousand listeners of that episode. And so the more downloads you get, the more successful your podcast is considered. And then depending on all of the episodes that you have, you can also track how many lifetime downloads you have. Now, obviously, the more episodes you have, the more downloads you'll have. But as you're looking at a lifetime achievement, my goal of success or my level of success that I aspire to right now with this podcast is to achieve 1 million downloads. 

Now, that sounds crazy to me because I can tell you I am nowhere near that. I will not likely reach that in the next year. I might not likely reach that in the next five years. I have no idea. But my aspiration is 1 million downloads because to me, that represents the impact that I am having on the world and the impact that I'm having on the amount of people's lives, meaning, mm, that didn't sound really right. 

What I mean is the amount of people that I'm impacting is now quantified in some way. Now, 1 million downloads does not equate to 1 million listeners unless that's all on a single episode. That's not what I'm striving for today. That might be my next level of achievement. But I want 1 million downloads. So guess what I'm saying to myself on a daily basis, I have a million podcast downloads. I have a million podcast downloads, I have a million podcast downloads. 

I have 1 million podcast downloads. Now, that's not an I am statement, but guess what? It's just as powerful because I'm taking what I want and I'm speaking it into existence by stating it as if I already have it. And there is zero emotion attached to that statement. I'm not stressed about it. I'm not anxious about it. I'm not feeling like, oh my gosh, I really need this. I really need this to work out for me. That's not my emotion behind that statement. 

It's just a feel good statement. I have a million podcast downloads, I have a million podcast downloads, and I can't tell you how amazing it's going to feel when I have a million podcast downloads. But how hard is it for me to say that to myself? It's not hard in the slightest. It's just making a point to do that. So what is the level of success that you are trying to achieve? Are you wanting a promotion? Are you wanting to change careers? Are you wanting to be self-employed? 

Are you wanting your side project to turn into full time income? What is success to you? What does it mean to you? And what do you want? And if you were creating the life of your dreams, what would you put out there? Pick that, say that. Put it in present terms. Repeat it over and over and over again. So another goal of mine would be to be a full-time podcaster. I would love to have my only job be podcasting. 

I would love that. Now, listen to how I'm saying that. I'm not saying that in the present terms. So how do I turn that into that? Well, what I really want is to not podcast 40 hours a week. I don't know if I, I, I like to talk. Don't get me wrong, you guys know that about me. I like to talk, but I don't know if I could talk 40 hours a day to, I don't know, a microphone, to nobody to you. I don't want to podcast 40 hours a week. I wanna be a part-time podcaster, but I want it to equate to full-time income so that it can be my only job. 

That's the goal. I think every podcaster wants that. So I say that to myself. I say that to myself on a daily basis. What I say is I earn full-time wages, podcasting part-time. I earn full-time wages, podcasting part-time. I earn full-time wages, podcasting part-time. That's what I say to myself. And you know what? I'm not making a lot of money from my podcast, but I'm finally starting to make some money from my podcast. 

And it's just crazy. It's crazy how you can take something that you want and you can manifest it into reality. It can just be a thought or an idea, and you can turn it into a thing. That is how everything in this life is created and the fact that we can do that. We can have these thoughts that we can turn into physical things in our existence. Somebody thought up the chair you're sitting on, or the car you're sitting in and created it and turned it into a thing, a physical, tangible thing. 

You, you, you, the person I'm talking to right now, you have the ability to take your thoughts and your desires and turn them into tangible things. If you want to be a multimillionaire, you can be a multimillionaire. And there are millions of people that have done it. And if they can do it, why can't you do it? There's nothing that they have that you don't have. All you need to do is pay attention to the negative things that you're staying about yourself, the walls you're putting up, the ways that you're standing in your own way. 

Recognize it. Try and stop it. Try and control it. And flip the script. I have a whole episode on flipping the script and it's essentially on the same topic. But the idea is get out of your own way. Create the life of your dreams. And it's as simple as stating what you want as if you already have it. So that leads me into this week's action item. This week's action item is to pick five things that you want. Five it. 

If you can't think of five, that's okay. But that's what I would encourage cuz it's so easy to do. It's so easy to come up with things you want and it's so easy to do. The thing I'm gonna ask you to do, pick those five things, okay? I wanna be a millionaire. I wanna be a, well, not just a millionaire, a multi-millionaire, cuz why stop at one? I wanna be a multi-millionaire. I wanna have a million podcast downloads. I want to earn full-time wages, podcasting part-time. I wanna weigh a hundred pounds, which I don't really wanna weigh a hundred pounds. 

Again, please don't. Please don't get after me for that number, but I wanna be a certain goal weight, right? And I don't know, I want a vacation in Italy. Five things, five things I want. What are the five things you want? And then write out a way to make it an I am statement or state that you have it in present tense. So I am a multimillionaire. I have a million podcast downloads. 

I earn full-time wages, podcasting part-time. I am a hundred pounds. I am vacationing this year in Italy. I am, I'm vacationing in Italy, guys, it's so easy. Easy. And here's the key. You don't just say it one time, you say it to yourself every day. So how do you remember to say it to yourself every day? Well, you could write it on post-it notes and stick it on your mirror. You could set a reminder in your phone that like reminds you literally every day it goes off at a certain time and it's literally a text that says those things to you. 

You're gonna read it, you're gonna read it, and you're gonna think it. Once you start saying it to yourself once a day, you'll see that it's fun. It's fun, it's, it's like playing. Let's pretend. Let's pretend. Let's just pretend that it's like window shopping, right? Let's pretend I can afford these things. It's the same thing. It feels good to pretend you have the things you want. Why? Why not? So you start saying it once a day. It'll turn into saying it a a few times a day. When you start seeing evidence of it, you're gonna get so excited. 

You're gonna wanna say it like a number of times a day, and it will become habit, especially if it's the same five things. If you say the same five things to yourself every single day, it's gonna turn into a habit. After 21 days of doing it, you're gonna have the habit of saying those things to yourself every single day. And that's what I'm talking about. When you say those things to yourself every single day, it's gonna go into autopilot where when you say them, it's gonna be like driving your car and your mind's on something else, and you just end up where you we're headed and you get there and you're like, I don't even remember driving. 

I don't even remember how I got here. It's gonna be the same way when you're saying these things, you're just going to turn into autopilot and you're gonna say them to yourself. You're gonna say, I'm a multimillionaire. I weigh a hundred pounds. I earn in a full-time living podcasting part-time. You're gonna say these things to yourself over and over and over again. And the more that you say it, the more that you'll start to see evidence of those things, the more you'll receive the emotion and the enthusiasm and the excitement and the desire to keep saying it because you're starting to see evidence. 

And that's when your energy shifts. That's when the universe moves. That's when the cells of your body align and you will receive the things you're asking for. I promise you, I promise you. So that's your action item this week. Come up with those five things. Now, a few other things for you this week. Number one, remember about my weekly giveaway. I have a weekly giveaway for my listeners to win one of my custom limited edition manifestation journals. 

There's pictures of these on my website, attract it with ease.com. But if you leave me a written review of the podcast on any podcast platform, probably the easiest one to do that is Apple Podcasts. But Spotify and others will do it. And there's links to leave those links or links to leave those reviews right on my website. So if you don't know how to do that, just go to my website, click on the link, it will take you right there, write a review, tell me what you think, but leave a review. 

And each week, those that leave a review will be entered into a weekly drawing to win one of my manifestation journals. And I send those to you for free. It's completely free. All you have to do is leave me a review. So I will want to remind you about that. Number two, like I said, I am now doing daily inspirational messages on Instagram. So if you're not already following me on Instagram, look me up, attract it with ease. And each day in my stories, I will have one quick daily bit of inspiration. 

If you're at all interested in that at all, interested in checking that out. I'll be on video. You'll get to see with me. I'd be happy to engage with you if you want. But follow me on Instagram. I would love to to inspire you and talk to you there. And then number three, I am starting a monthly newsletter, and you can subscribe to that on my website. It's completely free. It will be once a month. I promise not to sell the list. I promise not to spam you, but once a month I will be delivering inspirational messages. 

I'll be giving you updates on the things that I'm creating and the things that I'm doing with the attractive with Ease brand. But I'll have promotions and giveaways in there too. So if you'd like to join my newsletter, go to my website, attract it with ease.com and subscribe today. It's been so much fun talking with you. Thank you for listening, and I'll talk with you next week. Bye-bye. 

S2.E20: Who Are “They”?


S2.E18: Do It For You