S2.E2: God and the Law of Attraction

Kayla is not holding back in season 2, and this episode proves it. She addresses the question: Is manifesting a sin? She speaks candidly about her beliefs and uses scriptures to support the Law of Attraction and the idea that if there is a God, he loves us and wants us to be happy.

Kayla Rain (3s):

I'm just the girl next door, who believes that the purpose of life is to enjoy, create and have fun. I believe that as humans, we can have anything we want and things are always working out for us. Experience has taught me that the path to getting everything begins with ease. If you believe in miracles, happily ever after, or even if you just want to, then this is the podcast for you. Hi there. I'm your host, Kayla rain, and welcome back to attract it with ease. This episode is one of my surprises from season two.

Kayla Rain (45s):

I told you that I had some new, exciting things in store while this is one of them in season one, I tried to release an episode every week and in season two, I'm going to try and release two episodes every week. So one episode each week I'll be interviewing someone else. And the second episode each week will be me just talking to you about the law of attraction. So I'd like to just get started today with my gratitude. The first thing I'm grateful for today is meal delivery services. If you listen to episode one from season two, you know that my husband and I live in a very tiny space. We live in a tiny house and we don't have just a traditional kitchen.

Kayla Rain (1m 28s):

So we don't have, you know, your typical kitchen appliances. We have no microwave. We have no real range or stove, and we have to wash all of our dishes by hand. So I am so grateful that there are options and companies out there that provide healthy chef made pre-prepared meals that just have to be heated up and we can stick them in our so-called toaster oven and have dinner ready and not really have to dirty any dishes. And so it's really nice to have healthy options and the convenience available to us. Number two, this week, I am super grateful for my body and the things that it does for me. You know, as I age, I see things changing and it's really easy to focus on how much harder it is to lose weight or the weight that I may be gaining and how I look in the mirror.

Kayla Rain (2m 18s):

And I see more wrinkles and I feel like my hair is thinning and, and it's real easy to focus on those negative things, which is only going to attract more negativity. Right. But I also recognize that I can look at pictures of myself and, you know, from a couple of years ago and go, wow, I looked so good. Oh, I was so skinny. My hair was so great, man. I look so young and I recognize that the stage that I'm at in life one day, I'm going to look back on this stage and go, why did I think I was fat? Why did I think that I look terrible? You know, I recognize that my body is going to continue to change.

Kayla Rain (2m 59s):

And I am going to appreciate where I was at this stage in life. And, you know, I don't have many aches and pains. My body can still pretty much do everything that I want it to. And I'm so grateful for that. And then the third thing that I'm grateful for this week is that my thoughts about money have changed. And as I've been able to change my thoughts about money, my income has actually changed. I recently got a raise at work. My bonuses have been pretty good and I am amazed at how money just consistently flows to me. I've been able to buy some things that even just a couple of years ago, I wouldn't have thought was possible.

Kayla Rain (3m 43s):

My husband and I have started flipping cars. And so I'm amazed at how we've been able to purchase some wholesale vehicles and make some money off of that. I've received money in the mail a couple of times. And you know, I've really focused on changing my thoughts about money and not scrimping so much really just trying to live as if the money will always flow to me. And the crazy thing is that it always does. And so I'm grateful for that as well. So the topic for today is an interesting one. I have now interviewed someone from my work and you'll hear that episode in a couple of weeks.

Kayla Rain (4m 25s):

You'll, you'll hear me talking to Ty heart, which is one of my coworkers, but because we've recorded together, there's been a little bit of buzz at my work about the podcast. And it's had people asking a few questions and when people say, well, what is your podcast about? And I say, it's on the law of attraction. Typically what people say is, oh, so you just talk about manifesting. And I find it kind of funny because manifesting is a big piece of the law of attraction, but it's kind of just like a side benefit. Manifesting is not the law of attraction. It's just an aspect of it. And so I've really been thinking about what do people think the law of attraction is and what are people's thoughts about the law of attraction?

Kayla Rain (5m 10s):

You know, even my own family, I think has some judgment about whether or not the law of attraction is positive, whether it's a good thing, whether it's a sin to try and manifest. And that's kind of what I want to talk about today. First of all, I want to get into the idea of how some people tend to have just consistently bad luck. And then other people have consistently good luck. There's two people at my work I can think of. And I will be humored if people from my work, listen to this episode, because they'll know exactly who I'm talking about, but there's one person at work who constantly finds themselves in just situations that are dramatic and, and customers who just can't pull it together.

Kayla Rain (6m 3s):

And everyone just kind of teases about all that's, you know, that's that person's luck. If, if something bad is gonna happen, it's gonna happen to that person. And it's just amazing how day after day after day, we see this particular person have these just absurd scenarios come up with their customers and just difficult things that they have to overcome. And the person's really good about overcoming it. Usually they see through things and, and get the result that they want, but it always just seems to be such a challenge for this person to get there. Then on the flip side, we have another person at work who seems to just fall into luck.

Kayla Rain (6m 43s):

And people say that people talk about this person and they say, oh my gosh, that person is so lucky. You know, we work in a commission environment and some of the leads or some of the sales that come in have to be split with a call center. If the leads was generated through the call center, then ultimately that commission has to be split with them. But if a customer just walks in the door and has never worked with the call center before, well, we call that a floor lead. And there's someone at my work who consistently gets floor leads consistently gets higher commissions consistently is able to add on products and services to their transactions.

Kayla Rain (7m 29s):

And, you know, I comment on that occasionally. And the response that I get from people at work is, oh, that person's just so lucky. Yeah. I don't know what it is about that person, but they always get the, the luck and I'm humored by that. You worried by the concept that one person can always have bad luck and always be in a situation where just difficulties come their way. And then there's another person who can have the complete opposite happening for them. Always finding good leads, always having a positive result. And I wonder sometimes do people realize that this is the law of attraction at its best?

Kayla Rain (8m 12s):

And what I mean by that is I believe that the difference between those two people is not luck. It's their attitude, it's their mindset, it's their approach to each transaction. You know, if you go into a situation and you think you're going to have problems and you think is going to be difficult, it's going to feel difficult and you'll attract negativity to the situation. If you go into a situation and you believe you're going to have a positive outcome, you believe it's going to be easy. You believe you're going to have a great result. Well guess what? Whether or not things arise, you're going to feel like it was easy because you went into it that way. You know, there's a quote that says the attitude in which you take on a task, determines its outcome.

Kayla Rain (8m 56s):

And I 100% fully believe that. And again, I believe that that is what the law of attraction is. So going back to my question about is the law of attraction bad is the law of attraction a sin? Well, let me start out by saying that I was raised in a very strong, strict Christian household. And I am proud of the way that I was raised because it gave me really good values and really good work ethic. And I believe that the person that I am today is because of the way that I was raised.

Kayla Rain (9m 36s):

But that being said, I no longer practice any type of organized religion. However, I am quite open-minded. And I believe that everyone should be able to believe what they want, think what they want live as they want, do the things that make them happy. So I would never speak negatively about someone else's beliefs, even if their beliefs are not for me. So I'm going to just kind of explain a little bit about what it is that I believe, but then I'm going to take this conversation in the direction of those that believe more traditionally than I do. So through my studies of the law of attraction and through some of my reading, I've really tried to understand what it means when people say the universe, when people says, oh, the universe is on my side, or, you know, the universe is going to work for me.

Kayla Rain (10m 29s):

And, you know, a lot of people, I would say kind of use that interchangeably with other people's concept of God. When people say, God, you know, is watching over me or it is God's will that sort of thing. I think you can kind of interchangeably use the term, the universe that way. But I think when people think about God, they're thinking about a singular deity, typically a male deity, but usually people think of God as like the Supreme being that makes decisions for everyone. And if it's his will, then it will be done. Conceptually, when people are talking about the universe, I don't know that they really look at it in the same way.

Kayla Rain (11m 13s):

So as I've tried to understand what it means, when people say the universe, what I've come to decide resonates with me is the concept that all of us are the universe. And when I say all of us, I mean, every single one of us on planet earth today, every person that has come before us that has passed on and every single person that will come and then probably anyone else who maybe will never experience the human existence. And what I mean is I'm open to the concept that there's other souls. If you want to use that word, other energies that are out there somewhere, wherever there is, and that all of us combined make up the universe.

Kayla Rain (12m 1s):

And so when I think of the universe, I actually, 100% fully believe that we are all connected, that we all are the universe and that the universe is a combined thought. It's a combined energy, it's a union. We are all a piece of the universe. And because of that, belief is how I'm able to wrap my head around the law of attraction and how we are able to manifest things and how we are able to essentially ask for something and expect that it will happen because it's kind of like asking yourself. And I don't just mean it's just me, but I don't feel like it's wrong to want something.

Kayla Rain (12m 46s):

And if you asked yourself for permission for something you're, you probably would say yes, unless you knew it was bad for you. I guess what I'm getting at is that's kind of where my religious beliefs stand. I believe in the universe. I believe in energy. I believe that we're all connected, but I believe every single one of us is a piece of the universe. I don't believe that it's separate from us. I don't believe that it is a Supreme being that decides what's right or wrong, or it looks over us now, does that mean that there is no place for God in that? Well, in my mind, I don't believe in the traditional sense of God, like other people.

Kayla Rain (13m 28s):

However, I don't think that my concept of the universe means that God can not exist. I think that there's space for both of those concepts, if that's where you know, where your thoughts resonate. And what I mean by that is I think when you start studying religion and you start thinking about your own beliefs, you learn and you discover what resonates with you. And I think that's why there's so many religions out there. I don't know that there's really one right or wrong way of thinking. Other people might disagree with me. But I think that we all find what resonates with us. What makes sense, what feels good. And that's what we call our beliefs.

Kayla Rain (14m 11s):

So, like I said earlier, I was raised as a Christian. And so I was raised to believe in God and a Supreme being. And I was raised to believe that we, as humans were created in God's image. In fact, we talk about the fact that we are children of God, that he chose to have us as a child. He created us, he created us in his image. And, you know, although I don't fully believe in that anymore. I love that idea because of how great it feels to think of. I am a child of God I was created in God's image. So when you think of God in that sense, and you ask yourself, well, is manifesting bad or is the law of attraction bad?

Kayla Rain (14m 58s):

Is it a sin? Let's talk for just a minute about what really is the law of attraction. Well, I'm not going to have a exhausting list, meaning there's more than what I'm going to mention, but I just wrote down a couple of things. And I'm going to have you ponder on these things for just a moment. The law of attraction is focusing on gratitude, Practicing the law of attraction means living positively. It means visualizing your future in a positive light. It means doing acts of service and doing good for other people.

Kayla Rain (15m 41s):

You know, the law of attraction. When you break it down, what does it mean? Well, it means like attracts, like what you put out into the universe is what you get back. That's essentially kind of the definition of the law of attraction. So when you do service for others or you do good for others, you in turn receive good back. The law of attraction is mindfulness is being present and focusing on positive attributes. It's being in control of your emotions. That means responding. When something happens, taking thoughtful intention to respond and being in control of your response versus reacting.

Kayla Rain (16m 27s):

It means having faith that things are going to work out in your favor. So when somebody says, well, is the law of attraction bad? I have to say, well, is living positively bad is focusing on gratitude. Bad is doing good. And serving others bad is being mindful. Bad is learning to control your emotions and learning to respond versus reacting to situations that are out of your control is that bad is having faith. That things are going to work out for you bad.

Kayla Rain (17m 8s):

And so it's interesting to me that so many people who are religious or who are so-called, God-fearing find guilt in trying to live by the law of attraction or who find guilt in trying to manifest. So because of this concept, I actually tried to look up some scriptures and see, what does the Bible say about the law of attraction? Is there anything in the Bible that supports the concept that God wants us to live a life of happiness and joy? Is there anything in the scriptures that says that the law of attraction actually is true and obviously you can spin things however you want, and people could say, oh, she's misinterpreting these things, but I just want to quote a couple of scriptures that I ran across because I feel like these are really strong points that if there is a God, if there is an all-powerful Supreme being, if we were created in his image, you know, I believe that there's as a verse from the Bible, and this is not one of the ones I researched.

Kayla Rain (18m 18s):

I just remember off the top of my head, but I think it says something along the lines of God loves us and wants us to be happy. And I absolutely 100% believe that. I believe that if there's a God out there, if there's a Supreme being who oversees all and makes decisions on what's going to happen and what shouldn't happen and what should happen and, and kind of orchestrates our lives, I think why in the world would he not want us to be happy? So here's a couple of scriptures for you. And I realize there's different, not just interpretations of the Bible, but also different versions of the Bible.

Kayla Rain (18m 59s):

So if this isn't the exact version that you have, I apologize. I'm pulling these from the internet. The first one is Romans chapter 12, verse two, don't conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is his good pleasing and perfect. Will. I love that because it talks about transforming or being transformed by renewing your mind. Basically, when you work on your thoughts, it changes your life.

Kayla Rain (19m 45s):

You know, there's a quote that says change the way you look at things. And the things you look at will change. And to me, that's exactly the law of attraction and there's people out there who say, oh, I don't believe in the law of attraction. Well, it doesn't matter if you believe in it or you don't, it's called a law because a lot is there and happening whether or not you choose to accept it or believe in it. So there's people out there creating negative experiences because that's what they're focused on. And they can say, well, I don't believe in that. I don't believe in the law of attraction, but that doesn't mean that they're not creating or manifesting negative results because of their negative attitude, whether they choose to acknowledge their control in it, it's happening.

Kayla Rain (20m 36s):

It's the same thing. When you choose to focus on the positive, when you choose to focus on the positive, not only are you attracting more positive things and whether or not you believe it, but just by choosing positive thoughts, just by being a positive person, you're living a happier, more positive life because that's where your focus is. Even if nothing changed from your thoughts, your attitude changes. Now, obviously, as we dig deeper into the law of attraction, we know that as your thoughts change, it changes your energy. It changes your vibration. It changes your attraction point. And that's why things like attracts, like when your positive, positive positivity comes back to you.

Kayla Rain (21m 21s):

But even if none of that was true, just by thinking positively, you're going to have a more positive life. You're just, you just are, there's no way around it. And if you choose to think negatively about things, if you choose to just think, oh, you know, well, that's not going to work out well, whether or not it does, or it doesn't, you're going to have a less positive experience because you're already complaining. You're already thinking negatively about things. So it's just funny how that all kind of works. So here's another scripture for you, Proverbs chapter 23, verse seven, for, as he thinks in his heart.

Kayla Rain (22m 6s):

So he is, wow. That's exactly everything that we've been talking about. Everything that the law of attraction is what you believe to be true is true for you. If you think about positive outcomes, if you think about positive things, if you focus on gratitude, well, then that's your experience. Just like I was talking about my body. If I sit around and I think about all the things I can't control, the way that I'm aging, the way that my body's changing well, that's my experience. That's going to be my truth.

Kayla Rain (22m 47s):

But if I choose to look at the glass half full and focus on all the things that my body can do for me and all of the positive aspects of my life and my body right now, then that's my experience. And that's my truth. I think that's a great scripture. So going back to the question of does the law of attraction take power away from God? Is it evil? Is it a sin? Well, like I said, I believe that if there is a God, God loves us and he wants us to be happy. I was raised to believe that we were created in God's image, that we are children of God.

Kayla Rain (23m 29s):

And if that's the case, wouldn't that mean that we are of a Royal bloodline. Wouldn't that mean that there's a peace of God within us? Wouldn't that mean kind of essentially what I was talking about, how we're all connected, how we're all part of the wouldn't that mean that there's a peace of God within us. Maybe you don't believe that. But I think if God exists, I think that we're related. I think that some of his powers are within us. And I think that that's why we would have the ability to create outcomes, to manifest our desires.

Kayla Rain (24m 9s):

You know, people do amazing things every day, and there's so much science and evidence that backs up all of the amazing, wonderful things that our minds can do. And you hear over and over and over again, how we really don't even scratch the surface on the power of the mind, you know, in the Bible, it talks about moving mountains and parting the red sea and turning water into wine and all of these crazy miracles that Christ and others were able to perform raising people from the dead and whether or not you believe in those stories, or you just think that their analogies or whatever, the whole concept is essentially using the law of attraction.

Kayla Rain (24m 57s):

It's manifesting the things that you want the scriptures. Talk about that. So again, if we're created in God's image, if we are children of God, we then should have powers of God within us. So then let me ask you this. If God has given us a power, if he allowed us to come to this earth and gave us the power to manifest things, don't you think he would want us to use it? You know, we talk about our talents and how, when God gives us a gift, we should use it, that we should, you know, feel empowered.

Kayla Rain (25m 43s):

We should try and become all that we were meant to be don't. You want to be all that you can be. I think God wants that for us. And I, I think God wants us to be happy. And so when we talk about manifesting and manifesting is asking for something and expecting it to happen, I truly believe that that's God's will for us. I believe if there is a God and he gave us this gift, we are wasting it by not trying to take control of our own circumstances by not trying to create a positive, joyful experience.

Kayla Rain (26m 28s):

I think that that's part of why we're here. I think that I really believe that we are on this planet to create, to be happy, to learn and to grow and to serve others. I really believe that I talk about that in the intro to every podcast. Now, again, my beliefs about God are maybe non-traditional, but it doesn't change my belief about why we're here. And if I go back to my roots and I say, okay, well maybe there is a Supreme being who created us. Who's orchestrating all of this. Well, if that's the case, I believe, like I said that he wants us to be happy. I believe that he wants us to learn and grow.

Kayla Rain (27m 11s):

And I believe that if he gives us gifts, we should be using them. And I think it's okay to be happy. I think it's okay to, to not feel guilt about wanting more for yourself. I know that some people look at the law of attraction as being selfish, but you know what I think sometimes it's okay to be selfish. And what I mean by that is when in your life is someone going to put you first? Why is it a bad thing to put yourself first? You know, when we talk about mental health and we talk about self-improvement, isn't that essentially what that means, putting yourself first.

Kayla Rain (27m 59s):

And do you really think it's bad to put yourself first? No one else is going to do that. Don't you think we all should take care of ourselves and our mental health and our happiness before and above anything else? I don't think that's wrong in that sense. I think that it's okay to be selfish. So I have another scripture for you. This one is Matthew chapter 21, verse 22. And all things whatsoever, you shall ask in prayer, believing you shall receive.

Kayla Rain (28m 42s):

You know, why I love this scripture in relation to the law of attraction is if you hear people talk about it, you'll usually have them sum it up into three steps. The law of attraction is to ask believe, receive first, put out your request. Second, believe that it can happen in align yourself with what you're asking for. And then three, be willing to receive it. You know, it will come if you allow that resource, that option, that, that answer to come to you. If you allow yourself to receive it, you will receive it. That's how people will describe the law of attraction.

Kayla Rain (29m 22s):

Will this scripture verse essentially says that. And all things whatsoever, you shall ask in prayer, believing you shall receive. I think I'm kind of beating a dead horse at this point. I think I've kind of made my point. You're either going to buy into what I'm saying, or you're not, you're either still listening or you are so appalled and think that this conversation is sacrilegious, that you've already given up on this conversation. It's okay. It's okay. If we don't believe the same things. One thing that I promised myself with season two is that I'm not going to hold back in my conversations.

Kayla Rain (30m 7s):

I think that there are people out there who are praying for answers. I believe that there are people who believe the same things I do. I believe that as I give my messages on my podcasts, that the things that I have to say will resonate with people. And if it doesn't resonate with you, that's okay. Because at the end of the day, we are all here to do what makes us happy. We are all here to find joy and to create. And if, if this podcast doesn't do it for you, then that's all right. But I fully believe fully believe in the things that I'm saying, and I'm not going to hold back this season.

Kayla Rain (30m 50s):

I'm not going to sugar coat things. I'm going to say it like it is because guess what? My life has drastically changed for the good, since I've started practicing the law of attraction. And I believe so strongly in giving back to the world and doing a service to others that I'm investing time and energy into this podcast. I haven't made a cent from this podcast and that's not the reason that I'm doing it. And I'll tell you what it actually costs me money to do the podcast between all of the recording equipment and the hosting services and the website. Like, it costs me to put this out there. And I'm not saying that to say, oh, feel bad for me. What I'm saying is I believe so strongly that my message will change the lives for others.

Kayla Rain (31m 36s):

That I am here. Preaching. I am here saying it's okay. It's okay to be selfish. It's okay to believe. It's okay to try it out and see if it works for you. It's okay to question what the world is telling you. And it's okay to get off the hamster wheel. It's okay to stop living the life that everyone else thinks you should, or everyone else is doing. And to say, you know what, that's not, for me. That's not what I want for myself. And you know what? I'm going to go out and I'm going to create the life that I want for myself. So if you're still listening, I appreciate you.

Kayla Rain (32m 18s):

And I do have an action item for you this week. And this action item is something that maybe won't apply to everyone, but this is an action item. For those of you that are kind of sitting on the fence in this conversation, someone who's still questioning, is it bad to try and manifest? Are you taking away? God's will. And here's the action item, Luke chapter two verse three, I think is what it is. I'm saying that off the top of my head. So like at this, right, says, if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God who give it to all men liberally.

Kayla Rain (32m 59s):

What I mean by that is if you're questioning it, ask, ask, and be open to receiving the answer. Ask is this wrong? Is this okay? You know, and go back and listen to my list of what the law of attraction is. The law of attraction is gratitude. The law of attraction is positivity. The law of attraction is service. The law of attraction is believing in positive outcomes. If you ask God, is there something wrong with this? And you still feel guilt in trying to manifest or trying to control the outcome of your life, trying to change the path that everyone else is on and make a better life for yourself.

Kayla Rain (33m 50s):

If you still feel that guilt, then I ask you to dig deeper. And I ask you to ask yourself, why, why do I feel that guilt? Because truthfully, maybe the underlying issue isn't whether or not manifesting is wrong, whether or not manifesting is a sin, maybe the underlying issue is that you honestly don't feel worthy. Maybe it's that you don't believe that you deserve the things you're asking for. Maybe it comes down to your core beliefs. And so my action item for you is if you're sitting on the fence about the law of attraction, ask, ask God, ask the universe, ask, ask yourself, dig deep within yourself, and really spend some time doing the work to get true with what resonates with you, what feels right and follow that.

Kayla Rain (34m 54s):

So I just want to remind you about my giveaway for season two. I have created a manifestation journal. This is something I'm super proud of. I didn't mention it on the last episode, but they are wood journals. So they are super nice. There's pictures of them on my website, attract it with ease.com. But for every person that leaves a podcast review on any platform, whether it's apple podcasts, Amazon music, audible, any of those that let you actually write a review. Meaning if you just put a star review, I'm not going to know who left that.

Kayla Rain (35m 35s):

And I won't be able to shout you out on future episode, but I will pick one winner each week from those that have left reviews and I will ship you one of these manifestation journals. And if you listened to the last episode, you know that it's not just your traditional journal. It's kind of like a scrapbook. So you start out and you write down what you want to attract. And then you later record when you actually attracted it. When you received that manifestation and you add a photo to help you remember. And I think there's so much power in this because one, it's just a fun activity. But number two, as you start to see that you are able to manifest things that you are able to put your desires out into the universe and those things eventually come about your belief in your ability to manifest in your belief, in your ability to manifest bigger and bigger things is going to continue to grow.

Kayla Rain (36m 29s):

And I think this is a powerful tool. So if you want one of these manifestations journals, there are very limited quantity. I'm not selling them. They're only available through leaving podcasts. Review is go ahead and subscribe, leave a review. Let me know what you think. It doesn't have to be a good review. If this episode upset you, then let me know and that's okay too. I'll still send you a manifestation journal if you win. So thanks for joining me. I'm looking forward to talking with you next week. Have a wonderful day.


S2.E3: Ease - with Scott McKinley


S2.E1: Detachment - with Daniel Britton