S1.E9: Are We Having Fun Yet?


Our last episode was super serious so we knew we needed to have some FUN! And that’s what episode 009 is all about: FUN!

We laugh, we tell terrible jokes, we talk about how to find your inner child, and we explain how having fun is one of the very BEST ways to attract more good things! Plus, it feels good! If you’re ready to have some fun, listen in. You may not laugh with us but we’re betting you’ll at least laugh at us!

Episodes 001-010 are our Jump Start Module — 10 episodes designed to give you a jump start towards manifesting everything your heart desires!

Download the workbook the all 10 episodes for FREE on our website: www.AttractItWithEase.com

Podcast Music Credit to: Caleb Britton @NeonBrotherDC

009 Are We Having Fun Yet_.mp3

Kayla Rain [00:00:02] Hi there, I'm your host, Kayla. 

Adria Sha [00:00:38] I am your co-host, Adria Sha. 

Kayla Rain [00:00:40] And welcome back to attract it with Ease. Adria, so good to see you! How are you? 

Adria Sha [00:00:48] I'm great, thank you. How are you? 

Kayla Rain [00:00:51] I'm really well, thank you. I'm excited for our podcast today because today's podcast is all about fun! YAY! 

Adria Sha [00:01:00] Wooo! I love to have fun! 

Kayla Rain [00:01:00] I love to have fun too. Let's start out, address our gratitude and then let's jump in and just have some fun today. So tell me what you're grateful for. 

Adria Sha [00:01:11] I was gifted early for Christmas, a weighted blanket, and I am so grateful for it. This is, I mean, it's life changing! 

Kayla Rain [00:01:20] I guess I need one! 

Adria Sha [00:01:22] It's amazing! You do! You do. It's so nice. 

Kayla Rain [00:01:26] That's awesome! 

Adria Sha [00:01:27] So that's number one on my list. And I'm grateful for clean water every day. And I can have it hot or cold, which is just an incredible blessing that I often take for granted. I'm very grateful for that. 

Kayla Rain [00:01:41] For sure. For sure. I would say clean water for drinking and for dishes and shower and all of that. What a blessing. Wow. Yeah, love! 

Adria Sha [00:01:50] Then the third one, I am grateful for whoever came up with the idea of combining mint and chocolate because they're fabulous together and it's one of my favorite flavors. 

Kayla Rain [00:02:00] I wonder if that was an accident or if it was intentional. 

Adria Sha [00:02:05] You remember that Reese's Peanut Butter commercial from a long time ago where there's two people walking along and one's holding something, some chocolate, one's holding peanut butter and they trip and fall into each other and they're like, "Wow, this is a great combination!" So it was probably something like. 

Kayla Rain [00:02:19] That's probably exactly how it happened. That's probably how Reeses came up with their commercial, because they were like, "You know, the story of how mint and chocolate came together? We should do a commercial!"

Adria Sha [00:02:30] Exactly! It's legendary! 

Kayla Rain [00:02:30] Love it. I love those flavors together, too. Now, you make me want, like, a York Peppermint Pattie or something. 

Adria Sha [00:02:37] Yes. Yes! 

Kayla Rain [00:02:38] So good. All right. Well, I am grateful today for animals. We are housesitting. I mentioned that a while back. We've been house sitting for a couple of weeks for Dan's boss, and they have four stunning horses two are Clydesdales. They have two large dogs and they have this tiny little kitty that's probably not even twelve weeks old, maybe around twelve weeks old. And she has the cutest little personality and she is so cuddly and snuggly. And I'm just loving being around animals, you know, we don't have any animals in our tiny house. And I just appreciate that animals like me and but I get to spend time with them. And then second, I am grateful for the mountains. From this stunning house, there is a whole - the whole back of the house is like windows and it faces this mountain range with a lake right in front of it. And so there's the reflection of the mountain on the lake. It is just stunning, literally stunning. And there's snow on the mountains and it's just magical. I love it. I love the mountains anyway, and I love being able to enjoy the view of the mountains from where we're staying right now. And then my third thing is the rain. Rain is my middle name. I love rain. I love the smell of the rain. And we haven't had much snow here. You've had snow in Utah. We've barely had snow, but we've had a few rain days. And I just really appreciated the rain. I love it when it rains. I love being able to sit inside, wrapped up in a blanket and just have like a warm hot chocolate or coffee and just look out the window and just appreciate how everything glows in when it rains. 

Adria Sha [00:04:29] It sounds amazing! 

Kayla Rain [00:04:29] So those are the things I'm grateful for today, but I'm also grateful that we get to have fun! So let's jump in and talk about fun. So the reason that fun is our episode today. In fact, this episode is called 'Are We Having Fun Yet?' Are we having fun yet? 

Adria Sha [00:04:48] We are. We are. 

Kayla Rain [00:04:51] Is because in the past we've talked about vibration. We've talked about how if we want to attract something, our energy needs to match what we're asking for. So if we want more joy in our life, we need to live a joyful life. If we want more happiness, we need to be happy. If we want more love, we need to be a loving person. We need to emit love. And so fun is a big piece of the law of attraction. Not only does it feel fabulous to have those belly aching laughs and those fun memories and those exciting times with friends and loved ones, or even just simply by ourself doing things that we absolutely enjoy. Fun is a piece that feels good, but also emits the vibration of the things we're looking to attract. So Adria, when was the last time you can think of that? You just truly had fun? 

Adria Sha [00:05:49] It was about a week ago and my kids and I had like, I don't know what to call it, wasn't a dance off because it wasn't a competition. But we cued up a whole bunch of YouTube videos with really good dance routines and we just copied them. And when you give your dance 100 percent effort and you don't care how you look, it is so much fun, especially when you're with people that think you should be embarrassed dancing like that, but you refuse to be embarrassed. It was amazing. It was the best time I've had in ages. 

Kayla Rain [00:06:25] It's like dance like no one is watching, right? 

Adria Sha [00:06:27] Yeah, exactly! 

Kayla Rain [00:06:28] But kids are watching and you just don't care. I love it. You know, that reminds me, a couple of New Years ago, we were spending New Year's with Dance Family and he has a couple of young nephews. And so it's like, how do you have an adult New Year's Eve party and keep the kids entertained, who obviously want to be involved in what's going on. And so we did a dance party. And the boys love rap music, absolutely love rap music. And a couple of them, they know this the lyrics to. And so they would request songs and we would just find it on YouTube or whatever, and we would turn on the music. And we were like having twerking competitions and the boys were getting into it. And it was hilarious! It was so funny! So, so funny! Music that I was like, oh my gosh, I can't believe a six year old listens to this! But so much fun! And we laughed our butts off!It's one of the best New Year's Eve's I've ever had because it was so just spontaneous. So dance parties? Love it. Absolutely love it! And I think I even gave you an idea for your kids with dance parties, because while we're on the topic, I remember being in Hawaii with some people I didn't know very well, trying to figure out, ?OK, what do we do? Everything's closed for the evening." We landed and went to dinner and then basically everything shut down and we were brand new in Hawaii. It was like, we want to, we want to go out! We want to see things, we want to do things! And there was nothing to do. So we literally went out on the beach and we made up kind of like the alphabet game, where if people that know the alphabet game, you know, "I'm going on a trip and I'm bringing an alligator." And then the next person needs to say something starts with a B. "I'm going on a trip and I'm bringing an alligator and a banana." And then each person has to remember what the person before said. I'm going on a trip and "I'm bringing an alligator, a banana and a cookie." So same concept. But we did dance moves. So this is taking yours, your idea. Adrià Instead of just copying what they're doing in the music videos, which I'm rather impressed that you were able to do that. Because I don't think I could dance like people music videos! But we would make up a little dance move and then the next person would have to recreate our dance move and add on to it. And so it was like this ongoing dance party. You know, one person's doing a fish thing and another person is doing the wave and then the next person's, I don't know, doing a shimmy. And you have to remember all of the, all of the dance moves. And it's hilarious, especially if you're doing it with guys and girls. It's so funny to watch men shimmy! Throw some twerking in there and you've got, you've got yourself a good time. A good time! So thank you for sharing. That's awesome! You know, I would say that I have fun a lot. I have fun a lot at work. The place I work, one of our core values is fun. And so we find ways to have fun at work all the time. And so we do have random dance parties where we just say, "Alexa, turn on party music!" And we turn it up and we jump up, and for three minutes we just jam to a song and then we could just go back to work. But I also I bought a mask, a face mask off of Etsy, that I thought was going to be phenomenal. I should have brought it home so you could see it here on this show it to you sometime. But it was it looks like an actual face with lips and beautiful red lipstick. I thought, "This is going to look super attractive and sexy!" Right? I thought, why not just put your face on? It's not like wearing makeup. So I bought this mask and it's like three times the, it's blown up three times the size of my face. The mask is big, the image is gigantic. So the image when you wear it looks like Fiona from Shrek. 

Adria Sha [00:10:26] Uh huh! 

Kayla Rain [00:10:27] Like th nose is like this, you know, like giant! 

Adria Sha [00:10:30] I love it! 

Kayla Rain [00:10:30] And the mouth comes like almost to my ears. And so when you look at the mask laying flat, when you're not wearing it, you're like, "Oh, that's so pretty! That's a really attractive woman's face!" You know? And then you put it on your face and it's so huge that you look like a monster. So I brought it to work. And that is something that we use any time we need a pick me up, we just pull it out from the drawer and we put the mask on because seeing anybody wear this mask makes you want to like pee your pants. Pardon the expression. Like, I just laugh so hard! It is so funny to see people that way, but it's just a pick me up that we know any time we need a shift in energy, grab the mask, put it on. So let's talk about some other ways that we can have fun because having fun feels so good! And I want our listeners to have ideas of things that they can do that can increase their vibration, that can attract more happiness and more joy, both in the moment because you're having fun while you're experiencing it. But you're also putting that out there in the Universe is going to return more of those experiences and things to you. So Adria, can you think of anything else that you've experienced or done recently that was fun that you want to share with our listeners? 

Adria Sha [00:11:43] Well, something I haven't done for a while, but it was super fun and intimidating when I did it is it was before covid, but I went to one of those places that has the giant trampolines and the foam pits. And I had been to them before with my kids. But the last time I went, I thought, I'm just going to go all out and try and do everything my kids are doing, which was a little bit terrifying because it's been years since I've done everything. But it was actually so fun! Oh, my gosh. It was it was just.. 

Kayla Rain [00:12:11] I love that it's it's kind of stepping into the role of being a kid again and letting your guard down, losing your inhibitions and just saying, "You know what, I'm going to do it!" I think that's awesome! All right. Well, I can think of some fun that I had when you were out here. And what comes to mind is when we did our photo shoot with Matt, we... Listeners, you're going to have to go to our Instagram or our website to see some of these photos because we have the most authentic fun smiles, crazy laughter. When we got the pictures back, it was almost embarrassing how awkward they were because there were so many pictures of us caught in the middle of our head all the way back laughing so hard. Because, Adria I just decided, you know what? We're not going to take this photo shoot seriously. We're not going to pose we're not going to be awkward. We're just going to have fun. We're going to make it playful. And so the entire photo shoot, we told jokes. And they were dumb, they were stupid dad jokes, but they were so funny and our photographer Matt, Matt was awesome! He apparently carries jokes in a note on his phone, so he's prepped in any given moment. I had no idea when we were going in and we had no idea what it was like having this comedian in front of us, taking our pictures. And we laughed so flippin hard! Adria, do you want to hear a knock knock joke? 

Adria Sha [00:13:44] Yes. 

Kayla Rain [00:13:44] OK, you start. 

Adria Sha [00:13:44] Knock, knock. 

Kayla Rain [00:13:46] Who's there? 

Adria Sha [00:13:52] I don't know. 

Kayla Rain [00:13:57] i can't believe you don't remember that joke!  That's one of my favorite ones that Matt told us. I completely fell for it. And I can't tell you how many people I have told that joke since, everybody falls for it! You get them to start it and they don't know what to say! Hilarious. OK, here's another one of Mat's that I loved. 

Adria Sha [00:14:14] OK. 

Kayla Rain [00:14:15] You know, I feel really bad for parallel lines because they're perfect for each other, but they're never going to meet. I know, guys, it's really bad. This is this was the level of the jokes. But imagine, you know, an hour and a half, two hours of just back to back stupid content. We were laughing our butts off. So... 

Adria Sha [00:14:41] It was so fun! 

Kayla Rain [00:14:42] Here's something that our listeners don't know about me, Adria you might not even know this about me, but my boss knows this about me and has totally embarrassed me. I think I'm funny, I do, I think I'm funny. And I do write jokes. Adria knows that because she's heard one or two of my jokes and she thinks they're not funny. But I have written some standup routines. It's been a few years. I've not performed them. I had every intention of going to open mic night and doing it. One day maybe I'll I'll get up the courage to do it again. But I have a couple of stand up routines that I've written. And so I'm going to tell you a joke that's going to be completely out of context from from the stand up routine, because there's a whole buildup to this joke. So it's not going to be as funny. And this isn't going to be funny to our listeners either because they can't see me. But I'm going to go for it anyway, I'm going to tell you this stupid joke. So this whole stand up routine is about trees because I love trees. I'm obsessed with trees and it's something people don't talk about. So I think it's funny to talk about things people don't talk about. But so, you know the phrase you can finish it for me... "If a tree falls in the forest and no one's around to hear it..." 

Adria Sha [00:16:00] Did it make any noise? 

Kayla Rain [00:16:01] Did it make a sound right? OK, so that's a famous phrase or question. I don't even know where that's from. So that's the foundation of this joke, right? If a tree falls in the forest and no one's around to hear it, does it make a sound? So here's mine: if a tree is alone in the forest and no one is around to see it, does it put its arms down? Listeners, you can't see me, but I have my arms up in the air because that's how a tree is, right? Theri branches are sticking up. And in my in my stand up routine, I talk about how trees are probably not as nice as we think they are because they have, the can't ever put their arms down! And they're probably in a terrible mood. They're stuck with their arms up in the air all day, every day. Can you imagine walking around like this? You've seen that bucket challenge where people have to hold buckets of water, one in each arm and see how long they can hold them without having to put them down. It's terrible! Can you imagine being a tree and what a bad mood you would be in? You had your arms... You guys can't see me, Adria can see me. And I'm just sitting here this whole time with my arms in the air. It's a terrible joke. We spent way too much time on that joke. But there you go. 

Adria Sha [00:17:21] It's a valid question though. 

Kayla Rain [00:17:21] It's a valid question. I would put my arms down. If no one was watching, I would. You know, so there's... Oh, I remember something else we did during the photo shoot that was fun. This was Matt's idea, he encouraged it. Do you remember, Adria, what we did towards the end? 

Adria Sha [00:17:39] I think I know what you're going to say. Oh! 

Kayla Rain [00:17:42] What did you think I was going to say? 

Adria Sha [00:17:44] Throwing leaves. 

Kayla Rain [00:17:45] Oh we did throw leaves. I was a lot of fun! But I think that was our idea. But Matt talked us into doing a thumb war. Oh my gosh, I haven't done a thumb war since I was a kid until then. 

Adria Sha [00:17:56] Clearly, clearly! Cuz you lost badly! 

Kayla Rain [00:17:58] I did lose. I actually was not expecting to lose. I really thought that I was going to win. And to this day... 

Adria Sha [00:18:05] Overly confident? 

Kayla Rain [00:18:05] I have already rechallenged Adria because I can't really believe that she won. She was like, it's the whole expect  don't plead thing, she expected to win! She knew she was winning! 

Adria Sha [00:18:18] I knew. 

Kayla Rain [00:18:18] And she, she nailed it. She, it was rather embarrassing... But it was a lot of fun and we laughed hard and we got pictures of that. And and it's just these kinds of things that I really want to encourage our listeners to have more fun. And not just have more fun, but to plan to have more fun. That's some of the piece. I mean, it's it's we all have these moments where something turns funny and we laugh and it feels good, but especially right now we're in the middle of a pandemic and at least in the United States, you can't have gatherings of more than so many people, you're supposed to be six feet apart, were wearing these masks. And it's, it feels stressful and frustrating, and it's like, how do you take that and and build in these moments of fun? And you know what? We've had a lot of fun during the pandemic together. We've had a lot of fun with our family. I think about ways that we've done that because I live in a different state. Marcee lives in a different state. The rest of you are all in Utah. But Dad and Joanne, that's our step mom, they're, you know, elderly in the sense that they're high risk. And so we're trying to not physically be in their space. And so we have virtually found ways to have fun together. And we have a family, we call it a call, but it's usually a game. We have a family game almost every Sunday night. We do it virtually. It's hilarious. We've done all kinds of different types of games. Some of them are really stupid because I keep running out of ideas. 

Adria Sha [00:20:03] They're honestly it's so fun! 

Kayla Rain [00:20:05] Some of them are actually fun. You know, there's if you're not familiar with the company, Jack Box TV. I'm totally going to throw that out there and promote them, not getting anything for it, but we love Jack Box. You just use your phone as your game controller and it's interactive games that you can stream. And we've done that a few times. I think, after you've done that with your kids, haven't you? 

Adria Sha [00:20:29] Yeah, yeah. It's been really fun! 

Kayla Rain [00:20:30] It's awesome. I remember sometime around April and this is how the family call even came about, Dan and I, you know, we were on lockdown. The whole country was pretty much on lockdown. And so it was like, you can't do anything. You can't see anyone. And so we did a virtual happy hour. Got the idea from The New York Times. And we just posted it on social media to anyone that wanted to join us. "Hey, we're going to throw a happy hour. You know, let us know if you want to join." We sent a link to, I think, Google Hangouts or something, and we had cocktails and everybody. It was a small turnout. There were only about five or six of us, but it was fun. And we asked some silly get to know you questions, would you rather kind of questions... And it was so much fun that I threw it to the family and said, "Hey, what do you guys think about doing something like this?" And it's turned into this ongoing family thing that we all look forward to. It's so fun! Everybody. 

Adria Sha [00:21:33] It is. 

Kayla Rain [00:21:33] You know, I was thinking about some of the things we used to do as a kid, some of our family nights that we would have. And I think of things like... And again, this is not necessarily pandemic friendly, unless you have enough people in your household right now that you could play with. But things like Freeze Tag and Red Rover and you know... I don't know, Double Dutch jump roping. I just think of some of those things and how fun it is, like you said, to go back to to the feeling of childhood and finding ways to incorporate fun into, into what we do. So we have all of these ideas. There's board games, there's Pictionary and charades and all kinds of things that you can play, whether it's virtually or in person. It doesn't even have to be a set game. It could just be something that you absolutely love to do that feels fun. Maybe you love to ski and skiing feels fun. That's, that's not the case for me. But Dan loves to ski and snowboard. And to him, that's fun. It could be that you love reading. Maybe that's fun for you. Chalise's our sister. She loves cross stitching. And I'm sure she would say that that feels fun and it's a different feeling from a bellyaching laugh. But when you're doing something that you just absolutely 100 percent completely enjoy, it feels fun. It feels fun to do that. So that brings us to our action item for this week. And Adria, I'm going to encourage our listeners: plan to have fun. And here's what I mean by that. I have in the workbook 12 months. And I thought about doing it 12 months from when I created the workbook but truthfully, I don't know when our listeners are going to be listening to this. So I just have a blank calendar. They're small, but a calendar for January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December of any year. You just fill in the numbers in that calendar. Okay? But here's what I want the listeners to do. I want them to pick at least one day out of every month for the next 12 months and schedule in fun. That could be planning a date night. You know, if you're a couple, maybe you're going to have a date night on the third Wednesday of every month, or maybe you're going to have a date night every Friday. But finding a way to have fun with your significant other, maybe it's that you really love mountain biking. So you're going to schedule in, these are the days I'm going to mountain bike. It doesn't have to be the same thing every month. It could be twelve different things you're scheduling. You could say, "I'm going to have sister time. I'm going to have family time, I'm going to have alone time, and I'm going to take a bubble bath and eat chocolate and watch my soap operas." Whatever it is that feels fun to you. Right? Schedule it in. So here's what I mean by schedule. It's the who, what, where, when. You can add how if you want. But who, what, where, when, that's the scheduling. So you're going to pick the date and the time. Who are you doing this? With and what are you going to do? And plan it out. Plan it out on the calendar and then put it in your phone, set those reminders ahead of time, not the day of. Remind yourself like two days before. Oh, by the way, you're planning to do this on Friday. Make sure you do this. And commit to doing it because it feels so good! And I think right now, because we're in a pandemic, it feels kind of like we can't have fun or it's hard to have fun. You don't want it to feel hard. Figure out ways that you can do it, virtually if you have to. But you can have fun by yourself at home doing things that you love. You can have fun out in nature. You can have fun with your family members and your loved ones. Schedule it in. Figure it out. Adria, I want you to take on this commitment to and I'll do it too. 

Adria Sha [00:25:44] I'm going to, I'll do it. But I have a question for you and I don't think we addressed this. Maybe we did and I blanked on it already. Tell me how this ties into the law of attraction. Why are we including this as an episode in our Jumpstart? 

Kayla Rain [00:25:56] Okay.We did briefly mention it, but thank you for asking again. So the reason that we're talking about having fun, there's two parts. Number one, it feels awesome. I feel so good to have fun. Why not? And number two, it's that frequency. It's tuning your radio to the station that's going to attract more of what you're asking for. And we all want more joy in our life. We all want more fun. We all want to be happy. We want to feel good. At the end of the day, the only thing we want, anything that we want is because of the way it makes us feel. The only reason we want a new car is because the the way we think it would make us feel, maybe we would feel less stressed. We're not worried about when is the heat going to stop working in my car? Maybe it's, maybe it's just that we feel like, oh, if I had this nice sports car, it would be fun to drive fast and be fun to race people, or it would be fun to, you know, get stares from people when I stop at the stoplight. Whatever the motivation is, it's all about how it will make us feel when we think about a new relationship or a new job. It's all about how we will feel when we have those things. And so this is a piece of actually feeling, the feeling that we want to have more of. And so that feeling good feeling, that peace of just literally scheduling in time to feel good not only feels good, like I said in the moment, but it attracts so much more of that same emotion! Which is really the emotion that we're looking for anyway. So that's the piece and that's the why. So thank you for clarifying that in case the listeners missed it. But it's just fun to have fun. It's fun to have this episode. So once again, the action item is to schedule out fun at least once in every month for the next 12 months. So we encourage you to do that and to stick to it. Don't just schedule it, stick to it, set yourself reminders so that you can follow through on it. And we can't wait to hear all of the fun, new memories you're going to make in the fun you're going to attract into your life. 

Adria Sha [00:27:59] That's what I was going to say. Be sure, listeners, and let us know what you've got planned, how your experiences were. We want to hear all about the fun that you're having! 

Kayla Rain [00:28:07] Absolutely. I want to hear the fun because I'm sure it will give me ideas on new things that I can try. So definitely share it with us. You can find us on Instagram, also on YouTube, or you can reach out to us through our website www.AttractItWithEase.com And once again download the workbook because all ten of the first 10 episodes are Jumpstart Module. So make sure you download all 10 episodes and then go to our website and download the workbook that goes along with them. Because every episode has a different action item. And if you do the action items in these first 10 episodes, it will help jumpstart your ability to manifest all of the things that you're trying to bring about in your life. Adria You want to tell our listeners about our giveaway? 

Adria Sha [00:28:55] Yes, we want to encourage everyone to subscribe and to leave us a review of our podcast. Each week we're going to be drawing a name of a winner from someone who submitted a review and sending that winner a custom bracelet with your theme word of the year. 

Kayla Rain [00:29:11] And if you don't know what we're talking about with a theme word, go back and listen to Episode one. Episode one is all about your theme for the year. But yes, fifty two people will be getting a bracelet from us, people that believe they're winners. Are you a winner? 

Adria Sha [00:29:24] You're all winners! 

Kayla Rain [00:29:24] No we want to hear from you. You are all winners. You're all winners. But we want to hear from you: Positive, negative. Your questions, feedback. Leave us a review, please subscribe, it helps us grow. And thank you for joining us. We look forward to next week. 


S1.E10: Not Working For You? Here’s Why.


S1.E8: Do It Because It Feels Good.