S1.E33: How It Began


In this week's episode Kayla shares the back story behind her first experiences using the Law of Attraction to shift the outcomes of her life. It is incredible how she was able to pull herself out of some of her lowest lows to turning everything around!

I'm your host, Kayla Rain, and welcome back to attract it with ease. My sister, Adria, Sha. Who's also, my co-host is not able to join me this week. She just started a new job and she's been training and she's busy as ever. So we'll definitely miss her, but this week it's just me and you. I do want to start out by sharing some things that I'm grateful for this week. Number one, I'm so grateful for the wedding plans that I have in progress.

Those of you that have been listening all along know that I'm getting married in October, actually eloping in Yosemite. And I am so excited about it as the date draws near, I have fun little surprises that I've been planning for my groom, my fiance, Dan, and I'm just so excited for everything to come together and for the date to come, I'm also really grateful for the ebbs and flows in life.

I am pretty brutally honest on the podcast about when I'm having rough times and the last couple of weeks have been kind of rough for me just emotionally. Not because things aren't going well, life is actually really wonderful right now. And I don't have much to complain about, but whether it's hormonal or whether it's seasonal or who knows what I have definitely struggled a little bit the last couple of weeks. And I'm finally feeling like I'm coming back around and back to myself.

And I'm actually really grateful for those times because if life was good every day, I think it would be really easy to take those days and the things that are so good for granted. But when you have a rough day, every now and again, or a rough patch, it really makes you appreciate the good times. And so I've definitely been experiencing that lately. And I am so grateful for those and flows because I recognize that my life is good and I'm actually really feeling good and I hope you are too listeners.

And then the last thing that I wanted to share for gratitude this week is I actually am really grateful for you. Our listeners, you know, our podcasts downloads, they just continue to grow. We keep getting new listeners. I information about the traffic visits to our website. Sometimes it tells me the countries or the areas that the visitors are coming from. And I keep finding new listeners I've shared on previous podcasts. We have listeners from all over the world, not just the United States.

And I think that's so exciting and so fabulous. And if it wasn't for you listeners, I wouldn't be doing this podcast. And so I'm so grateful that you're out there. I'm so grateful that you're listening and thank you for being a loyal listener. I really appreciate you. And I hope that you're getting good nuggets out of the content of each podcast. So since my sister Adria, who is also my co-host is not with me this week, I thought it would be fun to do a little bit of story time.

I want to share with you what I call, how it began, essentially, how I became introduced to the law of attraction and how I learned to use it, to manifest the things that I wanted in life. And I've shared on prior podcasts, that my first introduction to the law of attraction was sometime around 2015 with the book, the secret. And if you're familiar with the book, the secret or the movie, you know, that it's really great at introducing people to the concept of the law of attraction.

And it gives basic introductory steps like how to manifest money in the mail or manifest a parking space. But what it doesn't do is really get into how to use the law of attraction to create outcomes that you want in life or manifest the big things that you want. So even though I believed in the law of attraction and had an understanding of it back in 2015, it wasn't till probably 2018 that I really started using it to create the outcomes that I wanted in life.

And so I want to share that story a little bit. Sometime around 2017, I was making the most money I've ever made in my life. I was making over six figures. I had a really good job. I was living in a big, beautiful brand new home. I was driving a brand new, beautiful sports car. My life was good. And at the time I was dating a guy that I really liked. We were falling in love. And I couldn't imagine life getting any better at that time, if you recall, at least in the United States, there was kind of a bubble burst in the economy and the housing market crashed.

And a lot of people lost their jobs. A lot of people lost their houses. It just, everything changed. So I went from making tons and tons of money and being on top of the world to finding myself in a position where the, my employer came to me and told me, look, a lot of companies are laying people off. We don't want to do that, but we can't afford to pay you what we've been paying you anymore. And they asked me to take a pay cut.

I didn't want to, but of course I understood and I wanted my job. So I said, yes. And a couple of months later, they came to me a second time and said, Hey, we hate to do this again. We know that we've already cut your pay, but we need to cut it again. They, they got rid of a couple of employees. They were cutting back where they could. And they said, look, we we're, we're sorry we have to do this T, but we do need to cut your pay again. At that time, I didn't know how I was going to continue to make my mortgage payment pay for my car.

And I told them, look, I, I don't know that I'm going to be able to take much more of a loss. So I said, I do understand. I'm grateful that you are letting me keep my job, but I'm now taking on more responsibility because you've let go of a few other people. So I'm doing more work for less pay. Understand that if you have to come to me a third time and cut my pay, I will have to look for something else because I can't afford to survive on any less than the second pay cut.

So I kind of set that precedence. They agreed, I wasn't happy, but it was what it was not even six weeks later, they came to me a third time and told me they were going to cut my pay. And at this time I actually was pretty upset about it. Meaning like mad, angry, because I had already told them, if you cut my pay again, I'm going to have to quit. So then I felt almost like they were pushing me out the door. Like they wanted me to quit, so they wouldn't have to fire me or, or get rid of me. And, and that really upset me because I had been there for about five years at this point.

So I stood, I stood true to my word. I did quit. I had no backup plan and I just was determined. I'm going to go out and find a job that pays as much or more than the first or second pay cut that I got from them. Because here I was used to making six figures plus, well, it wasn't as easy as that, the short version of the story is I lost my house. It was foreclosed.

I lost my car. It was repossessed. And I could not find work that paid anywhere near what I had been making even after the second pay cut. So I was really feeling defeated. Like I mentioned, going into all of this, I had been dating a guy. I was so into him in the midst of some of this, he decided he was going to move to Las Vegas. He had a passion for gambling.

He thought he could be a professional gambler and make things work that way. And so he up and moved to Las Vegas, which I wasn't thrilled about, but I supported him and he got there. And was there less than six months and was struggling to make ends meet. He couldn't afford groceries. He, his cell phone got shut off. And how do you have a long distance relationship if you can't even talk to the person that you're in a relationship with? So slowly but surely I added him to my cell phone plan.

I sent him money here and there. He, he didn't ask for it, but I, I sent it to try and help him out. And it became apparent within about six months that it was not going to work for him in Las Vegas, at least not at that time. So I convinced him to move in with me. I had moved out of my house into a townhouse. So I was renting this point and I had plenty of space. So I got him to move in with me.

I took care of him. He got back on his feet, so to speak, meaning he got a job and was making some money. And so that was kind of what my relationship was going through at the time. Well, as I mentioned, I struggled finding work. And after a while, my lease came due. So it had been a year and I was not working. And I didn't know what I was going to do was looking for a new place.

I thought that the guy I was dating and I would get a new place together. We had aspirations to move downtown because we want it to be in the heart of the city where we could walk to places and have this nice lifestyle. And long story short, he found a place and he signed a lease on his own, considered a, his place. And I thought I would be moving in with him only to find out that he didn't want me to move in with him.

He essentially said when it came down to it, look, we rushed moving in together because I had no choice. And I don't know that I'm really ready for that step in our relationship. Well, how do you think that made me feel we'd already been living together? I thought we were in love and things were progressing and we were moving forward and I felt like suddenly he was pulling the rug out from underneath me. So here I'm not working. I don't know how I'm going to get by. I don't know where I'm going to go.

And the guy that I've been taking care of financially, emotionally, everything, once he gets on his feet does not want to take care of me. And I felt like didn't even want to be in a relationship with me. So the way that it worked out was because I had nowhere to go. When my lease was up, he did allow me to move in with him. Isn't that nice. So I did move in with him, but it was under the premise that it would be temporary until I could find my own place in the midst of all of this.

This is when I started having a falling out with my son. If you've listened to prior episodes, occasionally I talk about my son and how we are estranged. We've been estranged for many years at this time, my son was probably 11. And where we started having a falling out is when I moved in with my boyfriend at the time into his place, which was not my place. It was a two bedroom. My son was supposed to get the second room. And then right as we moved in, he decided he was going to rent that second bedroom to his best friend.

So now my son did not have a bedroom and he was not very happy about it. We did have an office with a futon and I did not have my son often. So I felt like, well, at least my son has a place. He can sleep a place. He can call his own, but the office did not have a door on it. It was attached to the living room space and it caused some friction. And that was where things first started to kind of fall apart with my son. Of course, my son didn't know all of the backstory plus he was 11.

So, you know, you don't share with your son, the problems you're having in your relationship or your financial issues, but that started to fall apart too. So as you can kind of tell, I went from being on top of the world the year before with a beautiful home, a beautiful car. What I felt was a good relationship to feeling like every single piece of my life was falling apart. I lost my house. I lost my job. I felt like I was losing my relationship.

I felt like I was losing my relationship with my son. And I felt like I was at rock bottom and I did not know what to do. And I, I honestly, when I think back to those times, I think I honestly I'm shocked that I got through that because that was one of my lowest lows in life. And I've, I've had some pretty low lows as I've shared on other episodes, but I truly did not know how to get out of it. I thought I can't, I've been looking for work.

I've been looking for work for months. I I'm unemployed. I don't know what to do. I can't just take some job for $15 an hour because I won't be able to support myself. I won't be able to pay for a car or get my own place. And I knew that, you know, the clock was ticking on how long the guy was dating was gonna let me live with him because it was a temporary situation to start with. And so I was literally at my wit's end and what I decided to do was one day, I said, you know what?

I need to get away from all of this. I need to go for a drive up the canyon and just clear my head and figure some things out. I've shared on the podcast a few times that I am a huge Tony Robbins fan. And if you're familiar with Tony Robbins, he has a bunch of tape series or CD series from back in the day, back in the nineties and early two thousands. And so I did have one of his CD series and I, I don't remember how I played it, but I, I took it up the canyon with me.

The guy was dating, decided to come along. So we sat at a picnic table by a Creek, lit a fire turned on this Tony Robbins tape, and we did not talk. We just listened. And we listened to probably an hour of Tony Robins talking about goal setting and talking about, you know, moving your life forward. Well, if you've ever listened to Tony, Robbins is pretty impossible to not get inspired and motivated by that man, which is one of the reasons that I love him.

And so I went from feeling horrible to feeling like, okay, I got this, I can do this. I had a notepad, I got out of pen and I just started to write. And I honestly can't tell you exactly what Tony Robins said, but I imagine that the way that I wrote probably came from something he recommended, but I decided instead of sitting here feeling sorry for myself, for all of the things that aren't working, I'm going to write down what I do want everything that I want, and I'm going to write it in the present tense as if I already have it.

So I wrote down that I had a good paying job and I wrote down the amount of money I wanted to make, but I didn't say I wanted to make it. I wrote it as if I already was making it. I have a good job and I make X amount of dollars. I wrote that on my note pad, I wrote down the schedule I had, I work Monday through Friday from these hours to these hours. I am able to afford a nice lifestyle.

I have a home that I love that is decorated the way that I want. I have the ability and the resources to travel. I just went on and on. I literally just wrote out these are all of the things that I have, which was basically all the things I really didn't have, but wanted. And I wrote it as a list and there were probably, I don't know, 20 things I wrote down. It wasn't crazy detailed, but it was a lot of stuff.

The big things to me at that time where I needed a steady income, I needed it to be good money. I needed a place that was my own place, where I wasn't dependent on the person I was in a relationship with. And I could separate from that awkward situation where I felt I was unwanted. And those were the big pieces for me. I obviously wanted a good, I wanted some free income or expendable income to be able to enjoy life and not just get by, but I was very general in how I wrote it.

And I didn't even really think much about it. It just felt good to put it on paper and think about it for a minute. And it felt good to step away from my situation to get in nature, to have something or someone uplift me and just take a moment to push the reset button. So, honestly, I don't remember much about the rest of that day or what occurred in the following days, but within a couple of days after that experience of the canyon, I heard from someone, I think it was a call or a text from someone that I had worked with a few years prior, who said, look, I heard that one of the top dogs at this company, you, you, you used to work for at the corporate office.

One of these top dogs at the corporate office is looking for a personal assistant. I think you would be great. And if you're still unemployed, you should reach out. And it was completely out of the blue. And I thought, oh my gosh, I don't know if I want to go back and work for that company. I actually loved the company. I, like I said, I had worked there for about five years prior, but I had worked for a franchisee. And now this was talking, working for the franchise or who was based out of Indiana. And I thought, I, I don't even know if I want to open that door, but I thought, you know what?

It doesn't hurt to ask at least find out about the position and if he would consider me and so forth. And I did have a relationship with this guy because I had been through a management training program at corporate that had taken place over a period of about two months. So he was one of the trainers and I had a really good relationship with him. He knew me by name and knew the level of my work and my experience. So I thought I'm just going to reach out. So I think I left him a voicemail or an email.

He ended up calling me a day or so later. And he kind of laughed about how we got connected, but he said, it's funny that someone told you I'm looking for a personal assistant, because number one, I don't have a personal assistant. That's not a thing, but I am looking for some, I have been looking for someone for my team, meaning a regional manager. And he said, but here's the problem. I just hired two people in the last month. So the information that I was getting was definitely delayed.

And the way that the gossip train works, the communication changes and the initial message is not always what's received. So he was not looking for a personal assistant. It turned out that the job that I had heard about was a completely different job and that job had filled, but he said, I'll tell you what. There is another department that is similar to mine that is hiring right now. I think you would be great. It would be an opportunity for you to get your foot in the door with the company.

And when I have another position, I could probably then transfer you over to my team because I'd love to have you on my team. So that's kind of how it began. I then started talking to this other person. I was offered a job and I was offered the exact dollar amount that I had written on my paper. The exact dollar amount that I had written on my paper was what I had been offered as a salary. I was offered the job in under one week of me writing this down.

Now here's the catch. It required me to move out of state. I had to be willing to accept this job. That was a regional position. And I would go through training. And at the end of training, I would get placed somewhere. And I didn't know where I was going to be placed. I had to commit to, Hey, I will go wherever there's an opening. And that freaked the crap out of me because I didn't want to move back east. I didn't want to live in the Midwest. And so I thought in my mind, well, I'd be happy anywhere in the west coast.

And they had stores all over the United States, but I just kept thinking, you know what, I'm just going to think positive thoughts. I'm going to go into this with an open mind, believe that everything is working out for me. And this is the beginning of me really having that kind of train of thought, but just trusting the universe going, this is, this is what I've been asking for. I don't know how it's going to work out. I don't know where I'm going to end up, but I'm going to take a leap of faith. I'm going to accept this job and I'm going to see where it takes me.

So I take the job. I go through the training. It's quite similar to the management training that I had had before. So I of course Excel through it because I've already essentially been through the program. So I'm at the top of my class. Things are going well. And I hear that there is a possibility of an opening coming up in California, but they kind of placed people based off of seniority. And there were other people who had been temporarily placed, but not permanently placed who had been working for the company longer than I had because I was brand new.

And basically they had seniority over me, but I didn't care. I just started the rumor. I'm going to get placed in California. I'm going to get that California location. Well, it wasn't even the location yet. It wasn't even a thing. It was just a rumor. But then I started the rumor that I was going to get it. And I started putting it out there, putting it out to everyone. I talked to putting it out to the universe, putting it in my mind because I didn't want to live anywhere else. I wanted to live in the west. And that was the only position that I had heard of or knew of that potentially could be coming open in the west region of the United States.

So I just put it out there. I'm going to get California. I'm going to get California. And everybody laughed at me and people said, no, so-and-so wants it. And there's these three other people ahead of you or whatever. But when it came down to it, that California location did become available at the end of my training. And I did get that position. So I went from manifesting this job offer to manifesting the location that I wanted to be. And that's when I felt like, oh my gosh, the law of attraction works.

And at this point I had some really good momentum. And so I thought I am going to just keep this rolling, make this work for me. And there were so many things that had to come together through this process. Other things that I manifested, I needed a vehicle. I managed, I manifested a vehicle because remember my car had been repossessed. So I didn't have a car. I was able to get a vehicle to take to California. I was in a temporary, so to speak position.

I was guaranteed six months there, but I was told you cannot sign more than a six month lease because this may be a franchise that we will sell. Meaning don't put down big routes because we may move you to another location in six months. So imagine trying to find a place where the most you can sign as a six month lease. And I only had like two weeks notice to find a place and get out there. Well, I manifested a place at the right location, the right price, everything.

I mean, it was just incredible. The things that started falling in place for me, I got into this job. I was doing it. I was doing well, but I could see from the very beginning, it wasn't something I wanted to do longterm. It did not utilize a lot of my skills. It was rather than a regional position, more so almost like a store manager position. And I felt like, ha, I have so much more experience than this. That is being wasted.

I really want to grow with this company. So within a couple of months, I had my sight set on moving into some other position and I was only guaranteed to be there for six months to start with. So I thought, okay, I'm going to start working on this next position. Well, I saw a need in the company and I've shared this on prior podcasts in a sense, but I saw a need in an area that they didn't even have a position for. I brought it to the attention of the company, started a rumor that they were going to create this position.

And I just got some buzz out about it and said, look, I think we need a position called X, Y, Z. And I think I would be really good for that position. And long story short, I convinced the company to create this position that was missing. And I got that position, which moved me from a store manager essentially to a regional manager. And it was history from there because I, I was a regional manager there.

And within a few months I was able to move into the department that I first had kind of talked about, which was under the guy that I had first reached out to about the personal assistant position. I was able to join his team. I became a regional sales and marketing manager for the company, and it was kind of history from there. So in the midst of all of this, if you think back to some of the things that I said, I wanted, I wanted a steady income.

I got it. I put down the amount of money that I was making. I got it. That exact amount of money I put down that I wanted a Monday through Friday schedule. I got it. I put that. I wanted the ability and the resources and so forth to travel. Well, once I was in a regional position, it was a traveling position. So not only was I traveling for work, but I was able to stay over the weekends when I wanted to and experience those cities and places I was visiting.

And it just turned into this incredible, incredible experience. It's something I never could have imagined working out the way that it did. When we talk about how, when the universe gives you, what you're asking for, it's almost always far better than what you have imagined and was 100% the case in this situation. But I was able to get my own place. I was able to afford the lifestyle I want. I wanted, I was able to get a car. I was able to have the schedule that I wanted.

I was able to get out from under the weight of the relationship, being in a place where I felt unwanted. I stayed with the guy we stayed together for many years. And funny enough, this ended up being the guy that I've talked about in the past, that ended up really, really bad in the long run. So I definitely had some personal things I, I probably could have worked on during that time that maybe would have caused me to not stay in an unhealthy relationship, but truthfully, I had so many fabulous things come together for me, the stars aligned.

And when I think back to what spurred this whole thing, it literally was taking the time to reset my mindset, getting in nature, listening to something positive and uplifting, and then spending time working on my goals and writing down what I wanted in the present as if I already had it. That to me was the magic that started everything. And then once things started happening for me, I acknowledged it. And we haven't talked about that much on the podcast, but acknowledging when things are going well and saying thank you and being grateful for the things that you've asked for and recognizing I've been working towards this, I've been wanting this and now I have it.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh my gosh. The law of attraction really works. And the more that you reemphasize that it's working, the more that it does work and it's this snowball effect, you know, it's like rolling a snowball down hill and it starts to get more snow and it goes faster and faster and the snowball gets bigger and it's hard to stop that snowball once it starts rolling, but it's getting the snowball rolling. That's the difficult part is getting the snowball rolling. Once it starts rolling. As long as you just keep that momentum, it will continue to move, continue to move, continue to move.

Now, as you know, I've had other rough patches since all of this other rough patches that I've talked to on about, on the podcast. If you don't know what I'm referring to go back and listen to episode eight, because I share more of some of my personal struggles. So yes, I've had those ebbs and flows in life. But what I can tell you is the law of attraction works. And it literally is as simple as pushing pause, it's getting to a point in life where you say, I will not tolerate this any longer.

Something has to change, and it's not sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. You have to push that pause button and stop that thinking and its track and say, okay, no more, absolutely no more. I'm doing something different. And for me, that's something different was I went into nature. I listened to Tony Robbins. I wrote down a list of things I was going to do in or had, or was going to have or whatever. I wrote it in the present. I made my list and I focused on positive things and my entire life shifted my entire life shifted.

So I really wanted to share that story because it's so fun for me to think back on, but it really is physical, tangible evidence in my life of the law of attraction working. I can pinpoint when it started. I can see how that snowball effect continued to bring positive things about for me for years to come. And I know that it can do the same thing for you. And so listeners that leads me into our action item for this week.

And what I would like you to do is come up with one thing that you would like to manifest, or you would like to change in your life. And I want you to sit down. I want you to push pause. I want you to say enough is enough. This is changing. Go somewhere, quiet by yourself. Clear your head. Get out of feeling like a victim, go somewhere, write down a list of what is different. Write it in the present, write down what you want as if you already have it, write down that you do have it.

I have this, I have this. And here's a pro tip. I didn't do this back when I did my list, but I've since learned this. And this is how I do things. Now, pro tip, when you're making that list, don't just write it that you have it right? That you're grateful that you have it, right? Thank you for it, right? How grateful you are and why you're grateful. We talk a lot about gratitude, but right. Not only that you have this thing, but you're so grateful that you have this thing. And you're so grateful that you have this thing because it does this, or it means this, or it creates this, or it stops this.

Why is it that you want the things that you want that emotion behind? What you want is what attracts what you want when you feel like you have it and you feel grateful for it. And you know why you want it so bad. You want it because you want to feel good. You want to feel less stressed. You want to have more time. You want a better relationship. You want to feel loved. You want expendable income, whatever it is that you want, those feelings are what is going to attract it when you can start feeling those feelings.

So that's your action item for this week is to press pause, make your own list in the presence of the things that you want. And let me know how it goes for you. You know, we don't hear from our listeners often when we do it makes my whole day. It makes my whole week because very few of our listeners reach out. As you know, we have a contest or a giveaway, so to speak running all of 2021.

If you leave a review of this podcast on any platform that allows you to leave a review, that could be pod chaser. That could be audible. That could be apple podcasts, wherever you're listening. If you leave us a review with words, meaning don't just give us a star rating, or we don't know who left it. But if you write something simple, just like, Hey, I loved it. Or I didn't like it. Or I tried this action item and here's my results, or here's my theme word for the year. If you just leave us a review, you'll be entered into a drawing each week to win a custom theme bracelet.

Now these are custom they're unisex. We make them by hand just for you. And you can see copies of those bracelets on our website, www.AttractItWithEase.com We have pictures of them, but you choose the word, whatever word you want to be your theme for the year. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, go back and listen to episode one. We talk all about words, but you pick your theme word for the year and we haven't had a new review for several weeks. So the chances are really good that you will win a bracelet if you leave us a review, but we would love to hear from you, leave us a review, reach out to us through the website.

You can contact us. If you've got questions, you'd like us to answer. If you want to share your experiences, if you'd like to be a guest on the podcast, whatever the case may be, reach out to us. We'd love to hear from you. I hope you guys have a great week and I look forward to talking with you soon. Thanks so much. Bye-bye


S1.E34: Remember To Say Thanks


S1.E32: Sincere Gratitude